background information about our school

Neos Skopos Junior High School is located in Serres ( population: 176.430 ) a town in the north of Greece, one hour drive from Thessaloniki in a rural area. This academic year there are two classes at each level (there are 3 levels) 1 st Grade, 2nd Grade and 3d Grade of Junior High School that is, 143 students in total. Our students are aged from 12-14. There are 7 classes and 22 teachers. The students are transported to school by bus as they come from a wide range of villages (8) surrounding the village of Neos Skopos. Their families are mainly engaged in agriculture (farmers) and construction (builders). Due to the economical crisis a large number has lost their jobs especially the builders. In addition there is a considerable number of students from Albania who have difficulty attending the lessons due to huge gaps of knowledge in all subjects. The positive aspect is that they blend in nicely as they have been accepted by their peers. Our school has participated in various eco-programmes organized by the Municipality of Serres. The most important one is held annually: ''The Eco Festival'' 3d- 5th of June (World Environment Day) organized in the premises of a central park. It concerns the importance of protecting the environment & raising public awareness. Each year's celebration involves a different thematic unit. Last year's was: "Raise your voice, NOT the sea level". The festival covers a wide range of activities such as: projection of short eco-films, eco-drawing , constructions using waste materials, creations of eco- maps by students, chemistry-physics experiments concerning the environment, The National Park of Kerkini (with rare species of birds , fish), monitoring the stars in the sky, the contribution of sports in the protection of the environment, the Olive Oil museum of Serres, Horse riding club for handicapped students and many more eco activities. I represent my school in the Eco Festival presenting a wide range of activities prepared throughout the schoolyear by my colleagues & me. This role enables me to study, prepare & get involved in a wide spectrum of activities concerning the protection of our earth. Finally, the school is involved in numerous after school activities covering topics like: culture-customs,

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Background information about our school

Neos Skopos Junior High School is located in Serres ( population: 176.430 ) a town in the north of Greece, one hour drive from Thessaloniki in a rural area. This academic year there are two classes at each level (there are 3 levels) 1st Grade, 2nd Grade and 3d Grade of Junior High School that is, 143 students in total. Our students are aged from 12-14. There are 7 classes and 22 teachers. The students are transported to school by bus as they come from a wide range of villages (8) surrounding the village of Neos Skopos. Their families are mainly engaged in agriculture (farmers) and construction (builders). Due to the economical crisis a large number has lost their jobs especially the builders. In addition there is a considerable number of students from Albania who have difficulty attending the lessons due to huge gaps of knowledge in all subjects. The positive aspect is that they blend in nicely as they have been accepted by their peers.    Our school has participated in various eco-programmes organized by the Municipality of Serres. The most important one is held annually: ''The Eco Festival'' 3d-5th of June (World Environment Day) organized in the premises of a central park. It concerns the importance of protecting the environment & raising public awareness. Each year's celebration involves a different thematic unit. Last year's was: "Raise your voice, NOT the sea level". The festival covers a wide range of activities such as: projection of short eco-films, eco-drawing , constructions using waste materials, creations of eco-maps by students, chemistry-physics experiments concerning the environment, The National Park of Kerkini (with rare species of birds , fish), monitoring the stars in the sky, the contribution of sports in the protection of the environment, the Olive Oil museum of Serres, Horse riding club for handicapped students and many more eco activities. I represent my school in the Eco Festival presenting a wide range of activities prepared throughout the schoolyear by my colleagues & me. This role enables me to study, prepare & get involved in a wide spectrum of activities concerning the protection of our earth. Finally, the school is involved in numerous after school activities covering topics like: culture-customs, health-hygiene, local history, School Vocational Guidance, how to conduct a debate (Hellenic school competition) and of course our fourth etwinning project is in progress .Last year our school was awarded a Hellenic award for the photos best expressing how etwinning makes us “feel’’.