
A. BACKGROUND One sign of active learners in learning activities that always gives a good response in the opinion, rebuttal and asked both active and non discussion in forum discussions. By asking the study process, learners are able to express their thoughts and feelings intelligently in context and circumstances in which he was asked. Also possess the ability to ask critical create the next generation responsible in accordance with the context. Even with the expected asking learners are able to explore the problems that arise new ideas are more creative and innovative. Ornstein (1990:275) stated that good teaching is characterized by the use of asking good, especially for a group of children learning a large amount. Ask the good can stimulate children's curiosity, stimulate a child's imagination, and motivate children to acquire new knowledge. Questions can challenge children to think, help the child to clarify concepts and problems related to the lesson. Question has many functions. In addition, as described in the introduction to this chapter, Moedjiono, et al (1996)

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Page 1: Background


One sign of active learners in learning activities that always gives a good response in the

opinion, rebuttal and asked both active and non discussion in forum discussions. By

asking the study process, learners are able to express their thoughts and feelings

intelligently in context and circumstances in which he was asked. Also possess the ability

to ask critical create the next generation responsible in accordance with the context. Even

with the expected asking learners are able to explore the problems that arise new ideas

are more creative and innovative.

Ornstein (1990:275) stated that good teaching is characterized by the use of asking good,

especially for a group of children learning a large amount. Ask the good can stimulate

children's curiosity, stimulate a child's imagination, and motivate children to acquire new

knowledge. Questions can challenge children to think, help the child to clarify concepts

and problems related to the lesson.

Question has many functions. In addition, as described in the introduction to this chapter,

Moedjiono, et al (1996) the function of the following questions. (1). To test the students'

achievement. (2). To help the students relate experiences appropriate to the lesson. (3).

To stimulate student interest. Arouse students' curiosity and intellectual interest. (4). To

encourage good thinking because questions help students to find a good answer anyway.

(5). To develop the skills and habits of judging. (6). To ensure the understanding of the

organization and proper meteri. (7). To direct students' attention to important elements in

the lesson.

However, it must be admitted honestly, not least questioning skills among students not as

expected. This condition raises the question is it possible some students do not actively

Page 2: Background

ask due to factors caused by the lack of effective internal or external factors. It can be

virtually impossible spite of the theory of learning. Even more alarming, there are those

who dare to say that the very extreme of the contents asks nothing better to keep quiet.

In general, a student asked simply because the motivation to get the value and interest of

educators without realizing the substance of his desire to ask a question. As a result, the

questions posed are sometimes out of line problems can even be said to ask rudimentary,

important ask. Such a thing would certainly interfere with the course of the discussion, so

that the discussion should be exciting and eagerly awaited it was very tedious and

immediately wanted to end. This means that the low ability and enthusiastic learners in

asking can be a serious obstacle for students who are supposed to be intelligent, critical,

active and creative.

If such conditions it is allowed to go on, it is not impossible the ability to ask the students

will continue to be the low point. The students will continue to have difficulty in

expressing thoughts and feelings seamlessly to establish a pattern of reasoning that makes

sense, and try to explore the thoughts and desires with others in an interactive and

communicative when asked.

In such a context, the learning approach is required that can support students' ability to

ask, so the learning process can take an active, effective, and fun. Thus, in both the

discussion and the learning situation interaction with the teacher encouraged students to

learn not only about the language in a rational and cognitive, but also encouraged to learn

and practice in the context of the situation and said that in fact the atmosphere dialogical,

interactive, interesting, and fun. In this way, students will not be stuck in a learning

environment that rigid, monotonous, and boring.

Page 3: Background

This study will focus on efforts to address the internal factors are suspected to be the

cause of the low level of interest in the student asked, namely the lack of student

awareness of the importance and role of educators in asking them to create an active

atmosphere asked.

The method used to analyze the data using qualitative analysis techniques, in which one

model is an interactive analysis technique developed by Miles and Huberman (1984: 21-

23). Interactive analysis consists of three interrelated components of activities with one

another: data reduction, beberan (display) of data, and drawing conclusions. Retrieval of

data using qualitative-descriptive, survey research approach, which is a study conducted

by taking samples of the population studied, in this case the questionnaire is used as the

primary instrument of data collection study (Singarimbun, 1989:3).

Asked if the student activity in terms of cognitive learning theories, constructive,

humanistic and behavioristik expected to find reasons why students are less active in

asking when the learning takes place. By looking at the types of questions educators are

able to understand the child's thinking.

Based on the level of involvement he thought, the type of question can be divided into (1)

the type of low-level questions, and (2) high-level question type. classification based on

cognitive, types of questions can be divided into: (1) the question of knowledge, (2) the

question of understanding, (3) the application questions, (4) analysis of the question, (5)

questions synthesis, and (6) evaluation questions. Based on the type of answer that you

want, the type of question can be divided into: (1) convergent questions, and (2)

divergent questions.

Through theoretical approach of learners will be able to develop the intellectual, social,

Page 4: Background

and emotional that was in him, so that later they can be critical. In addition, they will also

be trained to express ideas and feelings are intelligent and creative, and able to find and

use analytical and imaginative skills that exist within him in the face of various problems

that arise in everyday life.

No less important, the students will also be able to communicate effectively and

efficiently in accordance with the applicable ethics verbal and able to appreciate other

people's thinking properly and creatively for different purposes.


1. How active students in asking when viewed from cognitive learning theory,

constructive, humanistic and behavoristik?

2. What strategies do to increase the activity of students in asking?


To identify the steps that need to be made in the terms of cognitive learning theory,

constructive, humanistic, and behavioristik as well as the ability to present results of

research activities ask students in class discussions.


Based on the purpose of writing made above, this study has several benefits, among

others are:

1. This research is expected to contribute to the educators about the image of active

learners in asking questions.

2. The results are expected to help provide information to educators in particular about

the extent of the effectiveness of the students asked, so educators can provide feed-back

in a more interactive learning environment.

Page 5: Background


Psychology of Learning Theory

The relationship between behavioral theory with psychological theory of learning.

Behavioral theory explains that a certain behavior can distinguish leaders and non-leaders

on the people. X and Y theory concepts proposed by Douglas McGregor in The Human

Side of Enterprise where managers / leaders of corporate organizations have two types of

views on the employee / employees that theory x or theory y (__; 2008)

In the X theory states that human beings are basically lazy and do not like to work and

happy to avoid work and responsibility given to him. Workers have little ambition to

achieve the company's objectives but wants remuneration and guarantee the high life. In

the work of the workers should be kept under surveillance, threatened and directed to

work in accordance with the desired company.

While in theory Y have the assumption that labor is human nature as well as other daily

activities. Workers do not need to be too strictly supervised and threatened because they

have self-control and deployment to work according to the company's goals. Workers

have the ability of creativity, imagination, intelligence and understanding of

responsibilities and accomplishments for the achievement of business goals. Workers

also do not have to exert themselves possessed of all the potential in the work.

If it is seen in the discussion of the method can distinguish the importance of the need to

ask for the mahsiswa. How the activities contained in the discussion if the discussion is

supervised by a professor or not. If the views of the implications resulting from the

Douglas theory is true that students are only active in the discussion because of the

scrutiny exercised by lecturers.

Page 6: Background

There are three components that need to be considered in the use of learning strategies,

namely media learning, learners interaction with the media, and form (structure) of

teaching and learning. Media is an intermediate that is used to convey information. A

media should provide a clue about a person, the material in question, or an event that

displays the condition in which the match study acquire the knowledge, skills, and

attitudes. That means good teachers, textbooks, and school environment is a medium.

Textbook here give a good definition of media images, electronic, visual or verbal

information (Geralch & Ely; 1980).

Learning media that can be presented divided into six types. It is important to note the

data presented. The media type other still picture (images of objects without motion),

audio recording (the result of a conversation / interview for consideration), motion

picture (moving pictures), reall things, simulation, and models (fata example, repetition

of the real situation, the model is representative of reality), programmed instruction and

computer-assited (a blend of verbal. Audio or visual) (Geralch & Ely; 1980).

So in a learning process of understanding the learners are provided with the help of the

media and also the practice of acts that can be done and should not be done. Using media

in a learning strategy. Therefore educators should be able to choose the right media and

according to the developmental level and needs of learners.

The purpose of a media is how a containing educational information to the learner is able

to be moved easily to their thinking continuation of the concept. A concept will be

becoming more convincing if supported with concrete evidence and examples so that

learners are able to optimize cognitive intelligence, emotional, and psychomotor.

A. Cognitive Theory

Page 7: Background

According to this theory, learning is a change in perception and understanding. The basic

assumption of this theory is, that everyone has had the experience and knowledge in him.

Experience and knowledge is organized in the form of cognitive structures. According to

this theory, the learning process will work well when the subject matter is new adaptable

(continuous) are fit with the cognitive structure that has been owned by the student.

During its development, there are at least three theories of learning starts from the

cognitivism theory, namely: Cognitive Information Processing Theory Robert M. Gagne,

Piaget's theory of development, and Ausubel Meaningful Theory, Discovery Learning

theory Free Burner.

a. Robert M. Gagne

One theory derived from cognitive psychologists is that information processing theory

proposed by Robert M. Gagne. According to this theory of learning is seen as a process

of information processing in the human brain. While the processing of the human brain

itself can be described as follows:

Receptor (sensory organs): receive stimuli from the environment and convert it into

neural stimulus, providing symbol information received and then forwarded on. Sensory

registers (reception sensory impressions): located on central nervous functions

accommodate sensory impressions and hold the selection to form a perceptual roundness.

Most of the information that goes into short-term memory and partly lost in the system.

Short term memory (short term memory): hold and store the results of perceptual

processing. Certain information is stored to determine its meaning. Short-term memory is

also known as working memory information, its capacity is very limited, time is also

short reception. The information in this memory can be in a transformation in the form of

Page 8: Background

codes and then referred to the long-term memory. Long Term memory (long term

memory): accommodate existing treatment outcome in short-term memory. The

information stored in the long term, lasting, and ready to wear anytime. Response

generator (creator of the response): holds information stored in long term memory and

turn it into a reaction answers.

b. Jean Piaget

Ginn (2008) says that Piaget saw cognitive growth as an extension of biological growth

and processed through the legal principles and the same. Piaget also view intellectual

development control every aspect of the development of others such as emotional, social,

and moral.

To understand how the views of Piaget's intellectual development, the following will

explain the two categories. (1). Intellectual development stages. (2). The children learn

how to construct knowledge. It means how students learn something at the same time

experiencing something that is learned through the environment. Knowledge is not

simply a means moving verbally, but must be constructed and reconstructed even by


The ability to study the cognitive content is always associated with stages in their

intellectual development. Intellectual growth involves three fundamental processes;

assimilation, accommodation, and aquilibration (balancing). Assimilation involves the

incorporation of new knowledge with existing knowledge structures previously.

Accommodation means change the structure of existing knowledge to accommodate the

presence of new information. The unification of the two processes of assimilation and

accommodation that makes the child can form a schema. As understood in schema

Page 9: Background

theory, the term schema (singular) refers to the representation of general knowledge.

While plural schemata embedded within a component or characteristic to another

component at different abstraction levels. Relationship closer similarity in the web of the

hierarchical relationship. That is, each one connected component with other components

(SIL International, 1999).

c. Ausubel

According to Ausubel students will learn best when learning is defined the content and

then presented with a good and appropriate to the students (advanced organizer), as such

arrangements will affect the learning ability of students.

Advanced organizers are concepts or general information which contain all the content of

the lessons to be learned by students. Advanced organizer provides three benefits are: To

provide a conceptual framework for the material to be dipelajari.Berfungsi as a bridge

connecting the Learning and study that will help students to understand the learning

materials more easily.

d. Bruner

While Bruner proposed a theory called free discovery learning. This theory explains that

the learning process will go well and creatively if teachers give students the chance to

find a rule including concepts, theories, ideas, definitions and so on through the examples

that illustrate or represent a source rule. Aroused the curiosity of students so as to

motivate the students to find the answers. Raises the problem solving skills independently

and require students to analyze and manipulate information.

B. Constructive theory

Knowledge is not attained but constructed (von Glasersfeld, 1989). Formation

Page 10: Background

constructivist view of knowledge according to subjects actively creating cognitive

structures in interaction with the environment.

Nature of constructivist learning by Brooks & Brooks in Degeng say that knowledge is

non-objective, temporary, constantly changing, and uncertain. Learning is seen as the

preparation knowledge of concrete experience, collaborative activities, and reflection and

interpretation. To teach is to organize the learning environment in order to be motivated

to explore and appreciate the meaning of uncertainty. On this basis then the study would

have a different understanding of the knowledge depends on experience, and perspectives

used in interpreting them.

Constructive learning principles: 1) put the important issues related to the students, 2)

learn how to develop the concept of the surrounding environment: the nature of the

search; 3) locate and assess from the perspective of students, 4) form a curriculum that

puts students active; and 5) assessing student learning in the context of learning is based

on the fact (Brook & Brooks, 1993).

For not argued konstruktivitik aspects as follows: adaptation (adaptation), the concept of

the environment (the concept of environtment), and the production of meaning (the

construction of meaning).

Tiered level of knowledge or knowledge by the Vygotskian describes as scaffolding.

Scaffolding, meaning an individual gives to a number of great assistance during the early

stages of learning and then reduce the effort and give the child the opportunity to take

greater responsibility as soon as able to work on their own. Help learners can be given

instructions, warnings, encouragement, decompose the problem into another form that

allows students to self. Vygotsky suggested three categories of student achievement in an

Page 11: Background

attempt to solve the problems, namely (1) students with good success, (2) to help students

achieve success, (3) students failed to achieve success. Scaffolding, means the learner

attempts to guide students in the pursuit of success. Encouragement of teachers is

essential to the achievement of the students to a higher level to be optimum.

Vygotskian constructivism views that knowledge is constructed collaboratively between

the individual and the situation can be customized by each individual. Processes in

cognition directed social adaptation in the context of intellectual culture. The adjustment

process is equivalent to the intra-individual The constructed knowledge that through the

process of internal self-regulation. In this connection, the constructivist Vygotskian

emphasis on the application of techniques to exchange ideas between individuals.

Two important principles derived from Vygotsky's theory are: (1), the function and

importance of language in social communication that begins the process of pencanderaan

to sign (sign) to the exchange of information and knowledge, (2) the zone of proximal

development. Learners have a role as a mediator and bridge encourages students in their

efforts to build knowledge, understanding and competence.

Zone of Proximal Development is the area between the actual growth rate is defined as

the ability to solve problems independently and the level of potential development is

defined as the ability of problem solving under adult guidance or a more capable peers

Knowledge and understanding are constructed when a person involved in the social

dialogue and active in the experiments and experiences.

Based on the theory of J. Peaget and Vygotsky that has been stated above, the learning

can be designed / designed constructivist model of learning in the classroom as follows

(1). identification prior knowledge and misconceptions. Early identification of the

Page 12: Background

intuitive notion that they have on the environment captured to determine the possibility of

the emergence of misconceptions that plague the cognitive structure of students through

interviews. (2). Learning programming. Learning programs described in the form of

lesson units. (3). Orientation and elicitasi, conducive learning situation and it is exciting

to be created at the beginning of learning to arouse their interest in the topic to be

discussed. (4). Reflection. In this stage, a variety of ideas that are misconceptions that

arise in the orientation phase and elicitasi reflection with misconceptions that have been

captured in the early stages. These misconceptions are classified based on the error rate

and the level of consistency for easy restructuring. (5). Restructuring idea, (a) challenge,

(b) cognitive conflict and class discussions, (c) re-establish a conceptual framework. (7).

Application. Convince students of the benefits to switch to the conception of a scientific

conception misconceptions. (8). Review. Conducted to review the success of the learning

strategies that have been ongoing in an effort to reduce misconceptions that appeared at

the beginning of learning.

D. Humanistic theory

According to humanistic theory, learning goal is to humanize humans. The learning

process is deemed successful if the students understand their environment and

themselves. Students in the learning process should strive to lambatlaun he was able to

achieve self-actualization as well as possible. This study attempts to understand the

theory of learned behavior from the perspective of the perpetrator, not from the point of

view of the observer. View humanistic theories according to some experts:

a. Abraham Maslow

Abraham H. Maslow (Maslow written hereafter) is a prominent figure in humanistic

Page 13: Background

psychology. His work in the area of meeting the needs of all of the efforts to understand

the influence of human motivation. Most of the important theory is based on the

assumption that in man there is a positive encouragement to grow and the forces that

oppose or hinder growth (Rumini, et al. 1993). Maslow argued that humans have a

hierarchy of needs that starts from the needs of the most human-physical-up with the

needs of the highest aesthetic requirements. Next is the need to have and love, such as the

urge to have friends and family, the need to be a member of the group, and so on. If

someone has been able to meet all the needs of the lower levels earlier, the motivation

then directed to the fulfillment of self-actualization needs, namely the need to develop

talent and potential or certain tendencies.

b. Carl R. Rogers

Carl R. Rogers was a humanistic psychologist whose ideas influenced the thinking and

practice of psychology in all fields of clinical, educational, and others. More specifically

in the areas of education, Rogers opine on the principles of humanistic learning, which

includes a passion for learning, meaningful learning, learning without threats, learn on

their own initiative, and learning to change (Rumini, et al. 1993).

c. Arthur Combs

According to Combs, behavior either mistaken or not occur in the absence of a person's

willingness to do what should have been done as a result of something else, which is

more interesting or satisfying. Suppose teachers complained students are not interested in

learning, in fact it is because the students are not interested in doing what was intended

by the teacher. If only the teachers who conducted aktivitasaktivitas others, perhaps the

students will change the attitude and reaction (Rumini, et al. 1993). Indeed humanistic

Page 14: Background

psychologists see two parts of learning, ie obtaining new information and new

information personalization. It means that the farther the things that happen outside of

one's self (the world) from the central circle of self-perception cycle), the less impact on

someone. conversely, the closer things are to the center of the circle, the greater the effect

on the person's behavior. So it is clear why many things are learned by pupils soon be

forgotten, because it had little to do with him.

Flow of humanistic psychology has a view of man that has unique characteristics, which

have the potential necessary to be and have a genuine impulses coming from within him.

Human individual who has bersasal of himself (Hanurawan, 2006).

The main view of the flow of philosophical humanistic education is the educational

process centered on learners subjects. Roger in Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002) argues

optimal learning when students will engage fully and truly and responsibly participate in

the learning process. Educational process centered on learners subjects, in this case the

role of teachers as facilitators in the process of education and learning process in the

context of the discovery process is independent (Hanurawan, 2006). In keeping with the

view that the essence of a good educator is a facilitator in the cognitive, affective, and

psychomotor. For that an educator must be able to establish an atmosphere conducive to

self-learning belajaryang. The learning process should be an activity that allows to

exploit the self-development of students' active involvement subjects to acquire

knowledge and learning experiences.

D. Theory behavioristic

Behavioristic theory with stimulus-response relationship model, seated person as an

individual passive learning. Or specific behavioral responses by using training methods

Page 15: Background

or habituation alone. The emergence of behaviors will be stronger when given

reinforcement and will disappear when sentenced.

Learning is a result of the interaction between stimulus and response (Slavin, 2000:143).

A person is considered to have learned something if he can show changes in behavior.

According to this theory the important learning is in the form of inputs and outputs in the

form of stimulus response. Stimulus is whatever the teacher to learner, while the response

in the form of reaction or response to the stimulus given learner by the teacher. It focuses

on the theory of measurement, since the measurement is an important thing to see happen

or whether the behavior changes.

Other factors that are considered important by behavioristik flow is a factor strengthening

(reinforcement). When reinforcement was added (positive reinforcement) then the

response will be stronger. Similarly, if the response is reduced / eliminated (negative

reinforcement), the response is also getting stronger.

a. Thorndike

According to Thorndike, learning is a process of interaction between stimulus and

response. Stimulus is what stimulates the learning activities such as thoughts, feelings, or

other things that can be captured through sensory organs. While the response is a reaction

that is raised when the learners to learn, which can also be the thoughts, feelings, or

motion / action. So the change in behavior due to learning activities can be either

concrete, which is observable, or not concrete is unobservable. Although behaviorism is

prioritizing the flow measurements, but can not explain how to measure the behavior can

not be observed. Thorndike's theory is also called the theory of connectionism (Slavin,


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There are three main learning law, according to Thorndike namely (1) the effect of law,

(2) legal practice and (3) the law of readiness (Bell, Gredler, 1991). The third law

explains how certain things can amplify the response.

b. Watson

Watson defines learning as a process of interaction between stimulus and response, but

the stimulus and the response in question must be observed (observable) and can be

measured. So even though he acknowledges the mental changes in a person throughout

the learning process, but he considers such factors as need be considered because it can

not be observed.

c. Clark Hull

Clark Hull also uses a variable relationship between the stimulus and the response to their

understanding of learning. But he was very influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of

evolution. For Hull, as well as the theory of evolution, all useful functions behavior

primarily to keep the organism to survive. Therefore Hull said biological needs (drive)

and the satisfaction of biological needs (drive reduction) is important and occupies a

central position in all human activities, so the stimulus (stimulus impulse) in belajarpun

almost always associated with biological needs, although the response appears possible

can form all kinds. Strengthening behavior is also included in this theory, but also linked

to biological conditions (Bell, Gredler, 1991).

d. Edwin Guthrie

The main principle is to learn Guthrie kontiguiti law. Ie stimulus-stimulus combined with

a movement that, at the time arises again likely to be followed by the same movement

(Bell, Gredler, 1991). Guthrie also using stimulus and response relationship variables to

Page 17: Background

explain the process of learning. Guthrie also believed that the sentence (punishment)

plays an important role in the learning process. Punishment given at the right time will be

able to change a person's behavior.

e. Skinner

Concepts Skinner says learn more about the concepts surpass the previous figures. He

was able to explain concepts in a simple to learn, but more comprehensive. According to

Skinner the relationship between stimulus and response that occurs through interaction

with the environment, which then lead to changes in behavior, it is not as simple as that

put forward by prominent figures before. According to the response received by someone

not as simple as that, because the given stimuli will interact and the interaction between

the stimulus will affect the resulting response. The response has consequences.

Consequences is what will affect the appearance of behavior (Slavin, 2000).

2.2. Asked method

Asked in the learning process play an important role. Question is one to think that a good

stimulus for study students. Many education experts who recognize the importance of

asking in learning. In saying that, learning with one image, equivalent to a thousand

words, and a value equal to one question a thousand pictures.

Besides useful for stimulating thinking child, the question is also useful to assess the

effectiveness of learning and the effectiveness of the child's learning progress. Upon

inquiring, the teacher can see whether learning is doing is effective or not. Whether or not

the child's responses to the questions submitted by teachers, can be used to assess the

effectiveness of learning. Similarly, the answer to the question the teacher's child too, can

be used as a guideline to determine the index of a child's learning progress.

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By asking questions, the teacher is able to give feed back. Feedback is a correction from

the teacher to the students about what is taught and has been done by the student.

Students need certainty about what he has done, whether right or wrong? Thus, students

will gain knowledge of results (knowledge of result), which is also a reinforcement

(reinforcement) for himself. The students learn more when every step soon given

reinforcement (reinforcement) (Davies, 1987:32).

Ornstein (1990:275) stated that good teaching is characterized by the use of asking good,

especially for a group of children learning a large amount. Ask the good can stimulate

children's curiosity, stimulate a child's imagination, and motivate children to acquire new

knowledge. Questions can challenge children to think, help the child to clarify concepts

and problems related to the lesson.

Question has many functions. In addition, as described in the introduction to this chapter,

Moedjiono, et al (1996) the function of the following questions. (1). To test the students'

achievement. (2). To help the students relate experiences appropriate to the lesson. (3).

To stimulate student interest rebirth student's curiosity and intellectual interest. (4). To

encourage good thinking because questions help students to find a good answer anyway.

(5). To develop the skills and habits of judging. (6). To ensure the understanding of the

organization and proper meteri. (7). To direct students' attention to important elements in

the lesson.

A. Types of Questions

Based on the level of involvement he thought, the type of question can be divided into (1)

the type of low-level questions, and (2) high-level question type. Based on cognitive

classification, types of questions can be divided into: (1) the question of knowledge, (2)

Page 19: Background

the question of understanding, (3) the application questions, (4) the question of analysis,

(5) questions synthesis, and (6) evaluation questions. Based on the type of answer that

you want, the type of question can be divided into: (1) convergent questions, and (2)

divergent questions.

1. Type of Question Based Rate think Children

Low-level questions. Low-level questions, emphasizing the child's memory to the

information obtained. This type of question by Guilford called the question of

information, according to Jerome Bruner called concrete operational questions, being

Arthur Jensen called the first level thinking questions.

High-level questions. High-level questions require an answer to a complex level and

abstract thinking. High-level questions, is used to assess the child's ability to think that is

complex and abstract. This type of question requires children to be able to think

analytically, synthesis, and evaluative thinking, and problem solving skills.

2. Based on cognitive classification, types of questions can be divided into:

Types of questions The characteristics

Knowledge questions 1. Knowledge questions aims to

track the memory of the children

who had received the


2. Such information may include

facts, concepts, arguments,

formulas, methods and others.

3. Information (knowledge) can

Page 20: Background

be derived from the text material

as well as from teachers or other


4. use question words: who,

when, mentioned by ...., where.



1. 1. requires children to organize

information that has been in

merimanya with words sendiri,



information in sketched through

charts or curves by comparing /


Use question words: explain,

compare, what.

Application question 1. Questions that require students

to give a single answer to how

mengetrapkan knowledge,

information, rules, criteria, and

others who never received.

Analysis question 1. identify motif problem shown;

look for evidence or events that

require a conclusion or

generalization, and draw

Page 21: Background

conclusions based on existing

information or to make

generalizations based on existing


2. Motif identification, using the

question why.

3. Analyze the conclusion /

generalization. Based on the


4. Draw conclusions based on

information that ada.berdasarkan


1. Demanding no single correct

answer but more than one and

requires the student to develop the

potential and power of creation.

2. Synthesis of the question

requires students to make early

predictive / predication.

Pertanyaan Sintesis

(synthesis question)

1. identify motif problem shown;

look for evidence or events that

require a conclusion or

generalization, and draw

Page 22: Background

conclusions based on existing

information or to make

generalizations based on existing


2. Motif identification, using the

question why.

3. Analyze the conclusion /

generalization. Based on the


4. Draw conclusions based on

information that ada.berdasarkan


1. Demanding no single correct

answer but more than one and

requires the student to develop the

potential and power of creation.

2. Synthesis of the question

requires students to make early

predictive / predication.

Evaluation question 1. Such questions require

students to answer by providing

an assessment or opinion on the

issue in the show.

Page 23: Background

3. Question types based on the type of response desired

a. Convergent questions.

4. Convergent type questions similar to the narrow question, which type of question has

only one correct answer. Therefore this type of question is often considered similar to the

type of low-level questions. Convergent type questions can be associated with logic or

complex data, an abstract idea, and multi analogical relationships.

b. Divergent questions

Divergent questions are questions that are open and have a lot of different answers. This

question challenged the creativity of children by first thinking teachers provide examples

and evidence. Divergent type questions related to the high-level thinking processes

against children to think creatively and learn the process of discovery. Basic question

words to initiate divergent types of questions usually used the word how, why.

4. Basic Asking word usage

Includes basic word ask is the following words: what, how, why, who, where, when, who

where. Any use of the word has asked the basic purpose of using words to ask what basis

aimed at encouraging students to develop clarity of some object, person, situation, or

process that is being observed; see the similarities and differences with the present

observations that experience already possessed.

The use of the word asked how aims to motivate students to develop the ability to use

information that has been held in order to solve the problems faced. The use of the word

ask why aims to motivate students to think critically, using reasoning by combining what

is observed now with vocabulary knowledge already possessed.

Page 24: Background

The use of the word asked who aims to motivate students, to develop the ability to see the

relationship of objects, a situation, process, with the culprit. The use of the word ask

where aims to motivate students to develop the ability of students see the relationship of

objects, a situation, process, people with the occurrence or the venue. Use words when

asked aims to motivate students to develop the ability to see objects, a situation, process,

people with time (day, date, hour, during morning, afternoon, evening, night, and so on)

the occurrence or duration. The use of the word asked which aims to motivate students

pengembangkan ability students see similarities, differences, comparing, selecting objects

or people, or situations, or processes that can determine the attitude towards something

observed. Because learning events that teachers do in the classroom is an activity whose

purpose is clear that the acquisition of the student learning outcomes as stated in the

formulation of the use of the word GBPP asked it should be fixed in terms of the

achievement of learning objectives.


Research Design

The design of the study can be interpreted as a strategy to manage background research,

that research gets a valid basis in accordance with the characteristics and purpose of the

study variables (PPKI, 2000:13). In this paper, the authors used a qualitative approach.

While the methods to be used are the percentage and descriptive analysis method.

According to Whitney with meaningful descriptive search method with the proper

interpretation of the facts in order to make a description, picture, or painting in a

Page 25: Background

systematic, factual, accurate information on the facts, properties and relationships

between phenomena are investigated. (Nasir, 1999:63).

Population and Sample

1. population

Is the subject of the study population overall (Arikunto 1998:115). Population in this

research is? PPKn student class 2009/2010.

List of table 3.1. Number of student population PPKn academic year 2009/2010.

No Offering Number of Students Percentage

1. A 52 person 39 %

2. B 39 person 30 %

3. C 41 person 31 %

Total 132 person 100%

2. samples

Part of the sample was representative of the population studied or (Arikunto: 1998:117).

The sample in this research is 100 students majoring in force PPKn 2009/2010.

Table 3.2. The sample number of students majoring PPKn academic year 2009/2010.

No. Class Number of Students Percentage

1. A 34 person 34 %

2. C 33 person 33 %

3. B 33 person 33 %

Page 26: Background

Total 100 person 100 %

The research instrument

Research instruments are the tools used to obtain or collect data in order to solve a problem or

achieve the objectives of research studies (DMP, 2003:71). According Sugiono (2000:21) that

the independent variable is the variable that the cause of the change or the onset of the dependent

variable, while the dependent variable being caused because of the independent variables.

Variables examined in this study consisted of:

1. Variables

The independent variable in this study is the effectiveness of asking.

2. Dependent variable

The dependent variable in this study is the discussion class.

Data Collection

As for the source of the data, the authors refer to Suharsimi Arikunto who argued that the

reference to the data source is "the subject of where the data obtained" to facilitate further

identify the source of the data, identifies Suharsimi into three parts:

1. Person, the data sources that can provide data in the form of verbal answers through interviews

or written responses.

2. Place, the data sources that give the appearance of being still and moving.

3. Paper, which presents the data source data in the form of letters, numbers, images, or other

symbols (Arikunto, 2002:114).

Page 27: Background

In this study, the group using the techniques of data collection using questionnaires and

observation and documentation. Questionnaire (question = question of the word) is a list that

contains a series of questions about something in a field (koenjaraningrat, 1980:215).

Observation as the data collection techniques in different research dengaqn dalama observations

made daily life in terms of the demands of accuracy and clarity of the results obtained are

adopted procedures (DMP, 2003:71). The documentation is divided into two, namely the

documentation in the narrow sense and in a broad sense. Documentation in the narrow sense can

be either verbal data, while photograph, video tape, disk, artifact, and the monument is a sense of

documents in a broad sense (DMP, 2003:71). Our group uses images and video recordings as

documentation work.

Data Analysis Techniques

Percentage of analytical techniques used to analyze the data so as to obtain conclusions for each

veriabel research include the relationship between students' attention to the value of the results

PPKn subjects. The percentage used is as follows:

P =

P = Percentage sought

F = Frequency document

N = Number of subjects


A. presentation of Data

Page 28: Background

Class discussions will be interesting if there is enthusiasm participants in developing the material

being discussed through the questions. Therefore the parameters used is a factor of our group

wishes to discuss, the time used for discussion, an interesting material for discussion, and media

used in the discussion.

Table 1. Enthusiasm Students In Event Discussion

PARAMETERS Sub Parameters Percentage of

Total (%)

wishes to


happy 60

indifferent 32

not happy 4

Did not answer 4

Time 15" 12

Page 29: Background

30" 42

45" 17

60" 26

Did not answer 3


Human Rights 41



Did not answer 5





LCD 49

OHP 10

Did not answer 4

Desire to discuss students are in grades 60% means they like to do things the discussion.

Time required to conduct discussions for 30 minutes (42%). Interesting material for

discussion is about politics (46%). And media of interest to be used in describing the

results of the group discussions are presented with soft data via LCD (49%).

Table 2. Liveliness Students In Asking





Page 30: Background

Asked frequency

often 23

rarely 62

never 12

not Answering 3


less clear 76

value 15

support friend


wants to exist 5

not Answering 4

The word usage


What 12

When 2

Why 56

How 24

not Answering 6

Diagram 1. Liveliness Students In Asking

Page 31: Background

The active participation of students in asking can be seen from the frequency of asking.

Students are rarely asked in class discussions are in the highest percentage of 62%. They

ask questions because less obvious is the highest percentage of 76% compared to other

motivations. By using the word ever wondered why it is 56%.

Diagram 2. Percentage Reasons Not Want to Ask

Page 32: Background

Table 3. View Lecturers Friend And Role In Discussion

some examples of student opinion in the poll numbers 9 and 10.

The views of students on a friend who likes to ask:

".... Because of questions from friends will appear an answer, and I will sift the answer, so if I do

not understand can understand from a ersebut answer ...."

The views of students to ask a friend who is not happy:

Page 33: Background

"...... Too attention seeking, when the material is easy to understand discussion ....."

"....... because sometimes the questions are intended not to ask but only to drop just friends

(retests) ... "

The role of faculty in discussions by students should be required:

"....... because the role of the faculty in a discussion that is needed and as a complement to the

answer to that discussed if less obvious or less understand ... "

Discussions were held on 20 October 2009. Done in the classroom with a capacity of 52

students. Six people as presenters. One person as a reporter, as a reader three papers, and one

person as the moderator. Discussion starts at 10:30 and finishes at 11:45 pm. Presenters read out

papers for 30 minutes. The next open question and answer session. Two people asking questions.

One person was denied. Only two active speaker replied. Conditions without the lecturer. The

atmosphere was not conducive. It can be seen from the activity diagram in the discussion.

Classroom observations in class discussion topics "Hedonism Among Teens Seen From the

values of Pancasila"

Page 34: Background


1. Data Analysis

Cognitive Learning Theory

Piaget saw cognitive growth as an extension of biological growth and processed through the

legal principles and the same. Described two categories. (1). Intellectual development stages. (2).

The children learn how to construct knowledge. It means how students learn something at the

same time experiencing something that is learned through the environment.

Cognitive learning theory we apply the questions in the questionnaire number 3 and 7. From the

data available on question number 3 majority of respondents chose political issues. This is

Page 35: Background

because the samples were taken as respondents were students PPKn. Most of the material

covered in the lecture is a political issue both domestically and abroad.

Data Question 7 discussed the question what the word used in asking questions. From the data

above is known that 56% said wondering why it is used in asking questions.

Question analysis (analysis question) The question that requires students to find the answers by

the way: identifying motif problem shown; seek proofs or events that require any conclusions or

generalizations, and draw conclusions based on existing information or to make generalizations

based on existing information. (1). Identification of motif Example: Why is a raven beak and the

robin is not the same shape? (2). Analyze the conclusion / generalization. Example: Juvenile

delinquency in major cities increased, could you show the evidence? (3). Draw conclusions

based on information that is there. Example: Once we learn war Diponegoro, Padri and

Trunojoyo, then what conclusions can we draw about the background, motives and causes of


Constructive learning theory

Vygotskian constructivism views that knowledge is constructed collaboratively between the

individual and the situation can be customized by each individual. Above theory can be

correlated with the questionnaire question number 5. In question number five asked how

frequently in class discussions 62% of respondents rarely asked. Learning is seen as the

preparation knowledge of concrete experience, collaborative activities, and reflection and

interpretation. To teach is to organize the learning environment in order to be motivated to

explore and appreciate the meaning of uncertainty. On this basis then the study would have a

different understanding of the knowledge depends on experience, and perspectives used in

interpreting them.

Page 36: Background

If the observed frequency of the causal relationship, it can be concluded that the students are not

able to create an experience in asking to gain knowledge from concrete experience, collaborative

activities and reflection and interpretation.

Humanistic learning theory

Flow of humanistic psychology has a view of man that has unique characteristics, which have the

potential necessary to be and have a genuine impulses coming from within him. Human

individual who has from of himself (Hanurawan, 2006). According to the above theory can be

correlated with the questionnaire question number 1, 2, 6, and 8.

Of question number 1 approximately 60% of respondents believe that they are happy with the

learning using discussion. This is because that the learning using more interesting discussion.

Of question number 2 who questioned the effectiveness of the time required to conduct

discussions, approximately 42% of respondents said that 30 minutes is the time it was quite

effective. This is because thirty minutes is felt not too long and not too short.

Of question number 6 is questioned about what prompted you to ask, and approximately 76% of

respondents answered less clear because the delivery of material which raised questions -

questions within them.

Of question # 8 is ask about the reasons why someone would not want to ask in a discussion

forum, which is about 30% of respondents answered lazily.

Learning theory behavioristic

Behavioristic theory with stimulus-response relationship model, seated person as an individual

passive learning. Or specific behavioral responses by using training methods or habituation

alone. The emergence of behaviors will be stronger when given reinforcement and will disappear

when sentenced.

Page 37: Background

4 number of questions about what the media is more interesting in the delivery of materials, 49%

of respondents said that using LCD media more attractive. This is because by using the LCD the

participants were able to see for themselves what material is being conveyed.

When viewed using the theory of X where the results showed the activity data in the discussion

without more faculty dominated with chat activity by 44%, 35% idle, 13% play HP, and only 8%

are active in the discussion. It is, as human beings rather than the supervised free, responsible

reluctant, lazy and just want to be safe, the main motivation to obtain the value.

Therefore try to summarize the more specific group of deficiencies found after doing research on

the above. Group that suspect there is a relationship of mutual influence between educators,

students and the media to get maximum results discussion. Inter-relationship between these three

components we call a triple coherence.

Triple coherence is a triangle that illustrates the interplay of relationships between educators,

students and media were used in presenting the results of the data to a group of students to

another. Said to affect each other because the three components are interdependent situation in a

maximum way. Learners play a role here as the subject and object of a method of learning

through discussion. Subjects means students presented the results of focus group discussions

with the audience a clear and attractive so that the presenter is able to dominate the discussions

so there is no vacuum.

Attractive here means the group is given the opportunity to explore the ability to use electronic,

or other materials in the present paper exposure to creatively as possible. It is able to optimize

the performance and psychomotor cognitifistik learners. As has been described above that the

media used may include images, video, audio, audio-visual, and simulation models.

So expect learning to walk as enjoyable as possible both for the group and for the audience.

Page 38: Background

The role of an educator here is very important. Teachers serve as supervisors and motivators.

Supervisory here is a figure respected by the students in carrying out discussions. There is a

natural self control contained in each individual so supervised and felt reluctant to perform

actions that disrupt the discussion. Educators are able to be a motivator if the educator is able to

appreciate the value of the building in accordance with objective reality discussion.

Therefore the triple coherence created in each of the components should be based on the learning

that is cognitivistik tori, humanistic, constuktivistik, and behavioristic.

Diagram 3. Draft triple coherence.

Page 39: Background


Exposure based on the above data it can be concluded:

1. Students are not able to create an experience in asking to gain knowledge from concrete

experience, collaborative activities and reflection and interpretation. That's because the

presentation is less clear in the media that it takes an interesting, attractive and representative in

describing the data.

2. Discussions that are not conducive to keep discussions unattractive and not optimal. That's

because the discussions were conducted in the absence of lecturers so that they feel no one is



a. Should in any learning activities of students mentored, given the opportunity to ask questions

and were given the freedom to optimize the use of media.

b. Necessary time allocation and effectiveness in every discussion that the discussion is
