bachelor of arts in communication design

Chulalongkorn University International Programme in Communication Design Page 1 International Programme in Communication Design Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture Application for Academic Year 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design applicant's first name applicant’s family name Introduction If you wish to apply for a full-time international undergraduate course leading to an award of Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication Design at the Department of Industrial Design of Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, please fill in this application form and submit it along with all other required documents to: The International Programme in Communication Design Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, 1 st floor, Lert Urasayanant Building, Chulalongkorn University, Phayatai Rd., Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel + 66 2 218 4492 The final date for submission of applications is Friday 29 th January 2016, 4 pm. If you wish to send this application by post please send it by registered mail, postmarked by Friday 29 th January 2016 This application form has 9 pages and consists of 9 sections. Please read all of them carefully and complete every section, except for Section 9. Section 1 Document checklist Section 2 Declaration Section 3 Personal details Section 4 Examination results Section 5 Academic profile Section 6 Extracurricular experiences Section 7 Personal statement Section 8 Reference Section 9 FAQ Most relevant information about applying to this course is provided within this form. Further information can be found on Nonetheless, if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will do our best to assist you via email. All of your personal information that appears in this application form will be kept for administrative purposes of the programme, the Department of Industrial Design, the Faculty of Architecture and Chulalongkorn University. Your personal information will be protected. please stick a 1-inch Photograph of yourself in this space

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Chulalongkorn University International Programme in Communication Design Page 1

International Programme in Communication Design Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture

Application for Academic Year 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design applicant's first name applicant’s family name

Introduction If you wish to apply for a full-time international undergraduate course leading to an award of Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication Design at the Department of Industrial Design of Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, please fill in this application form and submit it along with all other required documents to: The International Programme in Communication Design Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, 1st floor, Lert Urasayanant Building, Chulalongkorn University, Phayatai Rd., Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Tel + 66 2 218 4492

The final date for submission of applications is Friday 29th January 2016, 4 pm. If you wish to send this application by post please send it by registered mail, postmarked by Friday 29th January 2016 This application form has 9 pages and consists of 9 sections. Please read all of them carefully and complete every section, except for Section 9. Section 1 Document checklist Section 2 Declaration Section 3 Personal details Section 4 Examination results Section 5 Academic profile Section 6 Extracurricular experiences Section 7 Personal statement Section 8 Reference Section 9 FAQ Most relevant information about applying to this course is provided within this form. Further information can be found on Nonetheless, if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will do our best to assist you via email.

All of your personal information that appears in this application form will be kept for administrative purposes of the programme, the Department of Industrial Design, the Faculty of Architecture and Chulalongkorn University. Your personal information will be protected.

please stick a 1-inch Photograph of yourself in this space

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Section 1 | document checklist applicant's first name applicants family name Please tick to confirm that you have attached all of the documents required for your application to this programme. We will need to look at all official documents – your passport or ID card, all test certificates and transcripts on the day of your application. All the photocopies must be signed in front of our administrative staff on the day of your application. If you are sending the application by post and are invited for an interview, you must bring the original documents with you.

1.1 high school transcript for official use only

Mattayom 4-6 Others (please specify)

Please tick as appropriate. You are required to submit at least one of the above

1.2 English



Please tick as appropriate. You are required to submit at least one of the above

1.3 Math

CU AAT SAT 1 IB (Math)

A Level NCEA

Please tick as appropriate. You are required to submit at least one of the above

1.4 Your portfolio (12 pages of your artwork in a single PDF file)

1.5 Three passport photographs of yourself (1 inch)

1.6 A photocopy of your valid Thai national ID and/or your passport

1.7 1,000 Baht (one thousand Baht) application fee (non-refundable)

Section 2 | declaration I hereby certify that the information on this application is complete, accurate, and true, Including all the works submitted as parts of my portfolio. I have read and understood the 2016 CommDe Application Announcement issued by Chulalongkorn University in relations to the programme’s regulations and tuition fees. I understand that the decision made by the BA in Communication Design Program Admission Committee and/or Chulalongkorn University for admission and/or enrollment is final. applicant's signature date

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Section 3 | personal details In this section please give us all of your relevant personal details, as well as extra information, especially any special needs or disabilities which we would need to address. As part of their duty of care to all applicants/existing students the course’s administration will also need to know if you have any relevant criminal convictions. You are asked to tick a box if you have a relevant criminal conviction. If you do not, please tick n/a. We need your email address so that, once we have processed your application, we can contact you via email. Please note that your email address will be seen by Chulalongkorn University teaching staff, so make sure that your email address does not cause offence.

3.1 your name and title Ms., Mrs., Mr. first name family name your name in Thai (for Thai citizens only)

3.2 place of birth city/ town state/ county country

3.3 nationality nationality ethnicity native language your Thai national ID number (for Thai citizens only) your passport number (for overseas applicants)

3.4 permanent address 3.5 postal address (if different from 3.4)

3.6 contact details

home telephone mobile

Fax email

3.7 next of kin (In case of emergency, we will contact your next of kin.)

name relationship with you

address tell




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3.8 Criminal convictions (if applicable)


year type of criminal conviction

year type of criminal conviction

3.9 Special needs or disabilities


yes please specify

Section 4 | examination results In this section please submit scores in all 4 categories. All scores submitted must be within 2 years from the exam date to the application deadline (January 31st, 2013).

4.1 cumulative GPA

from grade 10-12 or from Mattayom 4-6 on 4.0 or equivalent scales Please note that if your educational system does not have GPA, put your grading system or indicate your ranking in your class.

top 10% top 20% Other or n/a

4.2 English proficiency (please tick as appropriate)

type of test score date taken CU-AAT (verbal)


SAT (verbal)



4.3 Standard Test Score in Mathematics (please tick as appropriate)

type of test score date taken CU-AAT (math)

SAT (math)



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Section 5 | academic profile In this section please clarify your current academic status. Please tick and fill in information as appropriate.

5.1 Your high-school education

5.1.1 you are currently studying in a higher-education institution starting date

institution/ country

school/ faculty

department/ program year

5.1.2 you left higher education before completion dates attended

institution/ country

school/ faculty

department/ program year

5.1.3 you are currently studying in a high school completion date

school/ country your grade/ year

5.1.4 you have completed high school education completion date

school/ country

5.1.5 you left high-school education before completion final date of high school education

your last education level

you are submitting … … as your high-school completion

date taken

5.2 Type(s) of your school(s) (please tick as appropriate)

International school Thai school

British curriculum Thai program

American curriculum English/Bi-lingual program

IB Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

5.3 Your educational history Please provide us with a list of schools/institutions you have been through prior to the above (most recent first)

school/ country dates attended level curriculum type







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Section 6 | extra-curricular experiences In this section please list all of your significant extra-curricular experiences so that we will be able to evaluate your potential in a broader sense. Please provide us with the evidence that could verify your listed experiences. For example, photocopies of certificates, images of throphies/awards, photographs of you at the events and activities listed. All evidence may be organized and presented in an attached booklet or folder, separated from your portfolio.

6.1 Academic awards, achievement, or scholarships

award/ achievement granting awarding body date for official use only

6.2 Other academic and/or extracurricular school activities For example, being a school/class representative, club president, student committee, or partaking in academic competitions, camps, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, as well as voluntary/charity groups.

role/ responsibility place/ event date

6.3 Sport, music, art, dance, performance or other cultural awards

award/ achievement granting awarding body date

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6.4 Other experiences not listed above

role/ responsibility place/ event date

6.6 Your experiences living or traveling in countries other than Thailand

country/ continent purpose date/ duration

Section 7 | personal statements This section is your opportunity to ‘communicate’ with us why you are a suitable candidate for our Program in Communication Design and why you should be selected for an interview. Your personal statement, which should be written as an essay, will be considered thoroughly, along with other information you submitted. Type your personal statement on no more than two A4 pages. Type your name on top of every page of your personal statement. Use only one side of the paper. Attach your personal statement to the last page of this application form. Make sure that your personal statement is your own work. We will subject applications to plagiarized texts. Do not be tempted to copy another person's application materials, or download your personal statement off the web. There could be serious consequences to using other people's work.

Please type your personal statement on your own paper and attach it to the last page of this application form. Do not write or type your personal statement on this page. Do not forget to type your name on the top right corner of your paper.

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Section 8 | reference References should be written by someone who knows you academically, preferably your head teacher, principal, appropriate teacher, or academic advisor. If you cannot obtain an academic reference, you should ask a responsible person who knows you to provide your reference. For example, your employer, training officer, careers adviser, a teacher on a recent relevant further education course, or a senior colleague in employment or voluntary work. We will not accept references from family, other relatives, friends or tutors from cram schools.

full title and name of referee

post/ occupation Relationship



telephone fax email

referee's signature date

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Section 9 | FAQ About the Programme What is the title of the international programme offered by the Department of Industrial Design? Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design ศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิต สาขาวชิาการออกแบบนิเทศศิลป How long is the programme? 4 years, full time How many students will be admitted each year? 50 students What are the tuition fee and other expenses? 70,000 Bt. per semester for normal semester and 35,000 Bt. per semester for summer semester (Thai student) 100,000 Bt. per semester for normal semester and 50,000 Bt. per semester for summer semester (non-Thai student) The programme operates on a bi-semesters system with one summer semester (between Year 2 and 3).

Entry Requirements What are the entry requirements? 1. Application Form 2. English: TOEFL min 550 or CU-TEP min 80 or IELTS min 6 or SAT 1/ CU-AAT min 400 3. Math: SAT 1/ CU-AAT min 450, IB min 5 or A Level min B or NCEA min ‘Achieved’ 5. Portfolio 6. Interview

What is a portfolio? A portfolio, consisting of images of your own creative, design, and/or art works, submitted in the format outlined below: - This portfolio must be submitted in a SINGLE PDF file, on a DVD. On this DVD, the applicant’s first name and surname must be written or typed clearly in Roman characters - The PDF file must contain exactly 12 pages - The size of every page on this PDF file is 1280x720 pixels - At the right bottom of each page, include your first name and surname (in Roman characters), set in Helvetica 16 pt only - Failing to comply with the format specified above may result in your portfolio being rejected from this admission procedure They could be parts of your school projects or self-initiated. You should also include the works that show your thinking process, i.e. how the finished pieces come to be. We would advise that you submit your best, most recent pieces, especially pieces that you truly enjoy. Your portfolio can show a narrowly focused body of work or a wide range of media. We are not expecting to see professional works, but evidence of certain qualities that which suggest to us CommDe is the programme for you - qualities like creativity, imagination, inquisitiveness, motivation, drive, dedication and enthusiasm.

What is a personal statement? This section is your “opportunity” to communicate with us why you are a suitable candidate for our International Bachelor Degree in Communication Design and why you should be selected for an interview. Your personal statement, which should be written as an essay, will be considered thoroughly, along with other information you submit to us. Make sure your personal statement is your own work. We will subject your application to plagiarism. Do not be tempted to copy another person’s application materials, or download your personal statement off the Internet. There could be serious consequences to using other people’s work.