bachelor in bioengineering

Faculty of Sciences Brussels School of Engineering BA-IRBI | 2020-2021 Bachelor in Bioengineering Programme mnemonic BA-IRBI Studies level Bachelor Learning language french Schedule office hours Studies categories / subcategories Sciences and technics / Agronomy and bioengineering and Sciences and technics / Sciences and technics Campus Charleroi Ville Haute, Plaine and Solbosch Programme objectives Bioengineers are engineers of living matter and the environment. They are important in today’s society to formulate and solve problems related to sustainable development, natural resources, climate change, GMOs, food security and the ethical questions all these problems raise. Bioengineers possess a large action radius in these matters. The pluridisciplinarity of bioengineering studies allows students to develop the necessary creativity and all-roundness to operate with ease in a wide variety of engineering professions – creation, conception, production, optimization – as well as in biological, agronomical and environmental research. Programme's added value At the ULB, the Interfaculty School of Bioengineering depends on both the Faculty of Sciences and the Polytechnics School of Brussels. This hybrid status guarantees a multidisciplinary teaching enabling students to get in touch with a variety of sciences in general and engineering sciences in particular. Learning by doing, through the implementation of projects in group, with coaching by a dedicated tutor, gets a lot of attention. On top of the help of professors and their assistants,each student can count on the support of a coaching teams organized per discipline. Stays abroad are offered at the Master’s level but the study programs tailored to the student’s profile at the end of the Bachelor, Bioengineers of the ULB benefit from an enabling environment that is uniquely hybrid, between sciences and engineering, within a pluridisciplinary university in the heart of the capital of Europe and close to the European institutions. The combination of teachings from the Faculty of Sciences and the Polytechnics School of Brussels gives students a headstart toward the renowned versatility of this degree. Over the course of the year students: experience team work to carry out projects with the help and advice of a tutor; get help from lecturers and teaching assistants and guidance from a special support unit specialized in a particular area. Students will be able to make use of: a specific and practical laboratory for most subjects; the different department libraries; the central university libraries and, in particular, the library of sciences and techniques computer rooms. Teaching methods From the first year on, the study program alternates between different teaching methods (from ex cathedra theoretical teaching to project development). About half of the study credits are acquired through projects, exercises, personal assignments and laboratory work and the other half consist of theory. Excursions are organized as well. Succeed in your studies ULB offers a number of activities and resources that can help you develop a successful strategy before or during your studies. You can make the transition to higher education easier by attending preparatory courses, summer classes, and information and orientation sessions, even before you start your studies at ULB. During your studies, many people at ULB are there specifically to help you succeed: support staff in each faculty, Page 1/5

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Faculty of Sciences Brussels School of Engineering

BA-IRBI | 2020-2021

B a c h e l o r i n B i o e n g i n e e r i n g

Programme mnemonicBA-IRBI

Studies levelBachelor

Learning languagefrench

Scheduleoffice hours

Studies categories / subcategoriesSciences and technics / Agronomy and bioengineering andSciences and technics / Sciences and technics

CampusCharleroi Ville Haute, Plaine and Solbosch

Programme objectivesBioengineers are engineers of living matter and the environment.They are important in today’s society to formulate and solveproblems related to sustainable development, natural resources,climate change, GMOs, food security and the ethical questions allthese problems raise. Bioengineers possess a large action radiusin these matters.The pluridisciplinarity of bioengineering studies allows studentsto develop the necessary creativity and all-roundness to operatewith ease in a wide variety of engineering professions – creation,conception, production, optimization – as well as in biological,agronomical and environmental research.

Programme's added valueAt the ULB, the Interfaculty School of Bioengineering dependson both the Faculty of Sciences and the Polytechnics Schoolof Brussels. This hybrid status guarantees a multidisciplinaryteaching enabling students to get in touch with a variety ofsciences in general and engineering sciences in particular.Learning by doing, through the implementation of projects ingroup, with coaching by a dedicated tutor, gets a lot of attention.On top of the help of professors and their assistants,each studentcan count on the support of a coaching teams organized per

discipline. Stays abroad are offered at the Master’s level but thestudy programs tailored to the student’s profile at the end of theBachelor,Bioengineers of the ULB benefit from an enabling environmentthat is uniquely hybrid, between sciences and engineering, withina pluridisciplinary university in the heart of the capital of Europeand close to the European institutions. The combination ofteachings from the Faculty of Sciences and the PolytechnicsSchool of Brussels gives students a headstart toward therenowned versatility of this degree.Over the course of the year students:

experience team work to carry out projects with the help andadvice of a tutor;

get help from lecturers and teaching assistants and guidancefrom a special support unit specialized in a particular area.

Students will be able to make use of:

a specific and practical laboratory for most subjects;

the different department libraries;

the central university libraries and, in particular, the library ofsciences and techniques

computer rooms.

Teaching methodsFrom the first year on, the study program alternates betweendifferent teaching methods (from ex cathedra theoretical teachingto project development). About half of the study credits areacquired through projects, exercises, personal assignments andlaboratory work and the other half consist of theory. Excursionsare organized as well.

Succeed in your studiesULB offers a number of activities and resources that can help youdevelop a successful strategy before or during your studies.You can make the transition to higher education easier byattending preparatory courses, summer classes, and informationand orientation sessions, even before you start your studies atULB.During your studies, many people at ULB are therespecifically to help you succeed: support staff in each faculty,

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Faculty of Sciences Brussels School of Engineering

(inter-)faculty guidance counsellors, tutors, and experts inacademic methodology.

International/OpennessA period of study in foreign country with a programme adapted toeach individual profile is organized during the Master.The principle of this study programme abroad is to attend thecourses abroad that are more or less identical to those notattended at the home university during the intended period.Since this exchange programme is reciprocal, foreign studentsare entitled to attend our courses as well. These exchanges areextremely beneficial for all involved students.All teaching is organized by and at the ULB

Job opportunitiesThe Bachelor of Bioengineering gives access to three distinctMasters in Bioengineering: agronomy, chemistry and bio-industry, and environmental technologies. Each one of thoseMaster’s degrees gives access to a variety of economic sectors,such as:

Industry-related: chemical, agro-food or pharmaceuticalindustries, biotechnologies, informatics

Agronomy, agriculture and agroecology

Environmental management

Public sector and international organizations and NGOs(regional, national, European, international)


Development aid

Research (universities, public and private)

Teaching (secondary and higher education)

If students wish to reorient themselves to other Masters, theBachelor of Bioengineer gives access to several alternatives.If the student prolongs the Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineeringwith a Master’s degree in Bioengineering, (s)he will thrive in avarietyof professions:

Bio-industrial engineering (research and development,production, marketing,…)

Environmental engineering (consultancy, administrations,research,…)

Agricultural engineering, soil and water management(consultancy, administrations, research, development aid(NGOs, administrations, …)


[email protected]

+32 2 650 29 03

Jury PresidentsCécile MOUCHERON (bloc 1) and Marjolein VISSER (bloc 2 & 3)

Jury SecretariesMartine VERCAUTEREN (bloc 1) and Isabelle GEORGE (bloc 2 & 3)

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Faculty of Sciences and Brussels School of Engineering

BA-IRBI | 2020-2021

B a c h e l o r i n B i o e n g i n e e r i n gThe teaching covers four areas

A general background in sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology (general, zoology and botany), informatics;

Engineering sciences: transport phenomena, applied thermodynamics, electricity and electronics, chemical engineering, modeling;

Bioengineering sciences: agronomy, biochemistry and molecular biology, earth and soil science, environmental technologies

Humanities, in particular languages and an optional course in epistemology and business economics

The courses are taught ex cathedra and through the implementation of concrete projects. About half of the teaching volume consists of projects,exercises and laboratory work. The other half consists of theoretical teaching. Excursions are organized as well.

Bloc 1 | BA-IRBI

Cours obligatoiresBING-F1001 Sciences de la terre et du bioingénieur, environnement et société | Pierre REGNIER (Coordinator), Charles DE CANNIERE, Jean-

Michel DECROLY, Christian HERMANS and Frank PATTYN 5 credits [lecture: 48h, seminars: 12h] academic year French

BIOL-F101 Biologie générale | Martine VERCAUTEREN (Coordinator) 10 credits [lecture: 60h, tutorial classes: 24h, practical work: 24h, field trips: 12h] academic year French

CHIM-F101 Chimie générale | Thierry VISART DE BOCARME (Coordinator), François RENIERS and Laurence RONGY 15 credits [lecture: 80h, tutorial classes: 48h, practical work: 52h] first and second terms French

CHIM-F102 Chimie organique 1 | Cécile MOUCHERON (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 30h, tutorial classes: 18h] second term French

MATH-F112 Mathématiques | Bruno PREMOSELLI (Coordinator), Céline AZIZIEH and Julie DE SAEDELEER 15 credits [lecture: 90h, tutorial classes: 84h] first and second terms French

PHYS-H101 Connaissances fondamentales et éléments de physique | Yves LOUIS (Coordinator) and Marc HAELTERMAN 10 credits [lecture: 68h, tutorial classes: 40h, practical work: 12h] first and second terms French

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Faculty of Sciences and Brussels School of Engineering

BA-IRBI | 2020-2021

B a c h e l o r i n B i o e n g i n e e r i n g

Bloc 2 | BA-IRBI

Cours obligatoiresBING-F202 Agro-écosystèmes et systèmes agraires | Marjolein VISSER (Coordinator)

5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 12h] second term French

BIOL-F2001 Eléments de botanique et de zoologie | Jean-François FLOT (Coordinator), Jean-Christophe DE BISEAU D'HAUTEVILLE andPierre Jacques MEERTS 15 credits [lecture: 90h, practical work: 90h] first and second terms French

CHIM-F201 Chimie analytique 1 | Thomas DONEUX (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, practical work: 36h] first term French

CHIM-F202 Biochimie métabolique et structurale | Véronique KRUYS (Coordinator) and Vincent RAUSSENS 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first term French

ELEC-H201 Electricité et électronique | Frédéric ROBERT (Coordinator) and Johan GYSELINCK 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h, practical work: 24h] second term French

GEOL-F2001 Introduction à la minéralogie et à la pédologie | Steeve BONNEVILLE (Coordinator) and Thomas DROUET DE LA THIBAUDERIE 5 credits [lecture: 28h, practical work: 12h, field trips: 12h] first term French

INFO-F206 Informatique | Gwenaël JORET (Coordinator) and Vandy BERTEN 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 12h] first term French

LANG-F201 Anglais scientifique I | Gillian Lucy (Coordinator) 5 credits [tutorial classes: 48h] second term French

MATH-F215 Mécanique | Simone GUTT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 30h, tutorial classes: 30h] second term French

MECA-H301 Thermodynamique appliquée | Axel Coussement (Coordinator) and Alessandro PARENTE 5 credits [lecture: 30h, tutorial classes: 14h, practical work: 16h] academic year French

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Faculty of Sciences and Brussels School of Engineering

BA-IRBI | 2020-2021

B a c h e l o r i n B i o e n g i n e e r i n g

Bloc 3 | BA-IRBI

Cours obligatoiresBING-F3004 Anglais scientifique et épistémologie des sciences | Céline KERMISCH (Coordinator) and Gillian Lucy

5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 24h] first and second terms French

BING-F301 Microbiologie générale et environnementale | Isabelle GEORGE (Coordinator) and Sigrid FLAHAUT 5 credits [lecture: 36h, practical work: 24h] second term French

BING-F406 Gestion de projet et projet de recherche | Christian HERMANS (Coordinator), Dimitri GILIS, Pierre SERVAIS and Patrick SIMON 5 credits [lecture: 24h, project: 36h] academic year French

BIOL-F3001 Biologie et génétique moléculaire | Cyril GUEYDAN (Coordinator) and Bruno ANDRE 5 credits [lecture: 60h] first and second terms French

BIOL-F301 Physiologie végétale | Nathalie VERBRUGGEN (Coordinator) and Patrick DU JARDIN 5 credits [lecture: 36h, practical work: 24h] second term French

BIOL-F309 Ecologie générale | Pierre Jacques MEERTS (Coordinator) and Isabelle GEORGE 5 credits [lecture: 30h, practical work: 30h] first term French

CHIM-H302 Pollution du milieu physique | Michel VERBANCK (Coordinator) and Gilles BRUYLANTS 5 credits [lecture: 40h, tutorial classes: 8h, practical work: 12h] second term French

CHIM-H314 Introduction au génie des procédés | Benoît HAUT (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 24h, practical work: 12h] second term French

MATH-F315 Probabilités et statistiques | Thomas VERDEBOUT (Coordinator) and Maarten JANSEN 5 credits [lecture: 30h, tutorial classes: 30h] first term French

MATH-H302 Introduction à l’analyse complexe et au calcul numérique | Artem NAPOV (Coordinator), Michel KINNAERT and JérémieROLAND 5 credits [lecture: 24h, tutorial classes: 30h] first term French

MECA-H3001 Fluid mechanics and transfer processes | Alessandro PARENTE (Coordinator), Frédéric DEBASTE and Jenny Kappel 5 credits [lecture: 30h, tutorial classes: 30h] first term English

A total of five credits chosen from the following

BING-F305 Agro-écologie | Marjolein VISSER (Coordinator) 5 credits [lecture: 30h, field trips: 12h] first term French

BING-F306 Travaux pratiques en Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire | Guillaume OLDENHOVE (Coordinator) and David PEREZ-MORGA 5 credits [practical work: 48h] second term French

ENVI-F454 Energie: Société et environnement | Michel HUART (Coordinator) and Nadine MATTIELLI 5 credits [lecture: 36h, practical work: 12h] first term French

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