baby & mom care

Baby & Mom Care

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Baby & Mom Care

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Deve loped for the most de l icate sk in , Poya Baby i s focused on offe r ing premium qual i t y products that are

hypoal le rgen ic and f ree o f parabens, minera l o i l , and the synthet ic dyes and f ragrances that are typ ica l l y

found in commerc ia l baby products.

Our mi ld fo rmulat ions prov ide Baby’s tender sk in w i th the ca lming e ffects o f essent ia l o i l s that g ive o ff a

l ight and p leasant f ragrance. Our complete l ine i s scented us ing on ly L ime and Mint Essent ia l O i l s so you

can res t assured that the f ragrance of our products i s natura l and safe .

Poya Baby i s a l so dedicated to prov id ing mothers w i th the same gent le ,

h igh-qual i t y sk incare, w i th ingred ients that are natura l l y der i ved, to

de l i ver the bes t that Mother Nature has to o ffe r.

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POYA MOM CARE Mom’s S t re tch

Mark Cream

Mom’s Specia l Hand Wash

POYA BABY CAREBaby Wash D iaper CreamBaby Shampoo Baby Lot ion The Poya


Made wi th h igh-qual i t y ingred ients des igned

to be su i tab le and complete ly sa fe fo r the

most sens i t i ve and de l icate sk in .

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A gent le shampoo formulat ion that conta ins no harsh

synthet ic chemica ls o r f ragrances. Poya Baby Shampoo

soothes Baby’s de l icate sca lp wh i le gent l y c leans ing

the ha i r and sca lp. Th i s mi ld shampoo w i l l not cause

tears because we use natura l sur factants der i ved f rom

coconuts, fo r la ther that w i l l not dr y Baby’s sk in .


Made wi th natura l l y sourced ingred ients, th i s mi ld

fo rmula gent l y c leanses Baby’s de l icate sk in . L ime

Essent ia l O i l soothes wh i le Mint re f reshes. Th i s mi ld

Baby Wash won’t i r r i ta te tender sk in because we use

natura l coconut -der i ved sur factants that de l i ver a

foaming la ther w i thout s t r ipp ing natura l o i l s .

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A wholesome and benefic ia l lo t ion that nur tures Baby’s

sk in w i th sooth ing ingred ients inc lud ing A loe Vera and

Shea But te r, wh ich a l so a id in protect ing the de l icate

layers o f the sk in .


Made wi th natura l l y sourced ingred ients, th i s b lend of

Castor O i l and A loe Vera prov ides sooth ing re l ie f fo r

Baby’s dr y and sens i t i ve sk in . R ich Cocoa But te r a ids

in sooth ing and mois tur i z ing any i r r i ta ted areas. Shea

But te r, inc luded for i t s ant i - in flammator y proper t ies,

a ids in reduc ing any redness and swe l l ing.

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A b lend of natura l foaming agents and essent ia l o i l s ,

Poya Mom’s Spec ia l Hand Wash gent ly c leans and

nour i shes Mom’s caress ing hands before and af te r

handl ing Baby’s de l icate sk in . Poya uses natura l l y

der i ved sur factants f rom coconut , wh ich la ther but

w i l l not s t r ip the sur face of her sk in o f i t s natura l o i l s .


This gent le paraben- f ree cream conta ins E las tony l ,

a natura l l y der i ved act i ve that protects and

repai r s the e las t ic co l lagen fib res in the ep idermis.

Added A loe Vera and Shea But te r he lp mois tur i ze

and re l ieve taut , sens i t i ve sk in and reduce the

appearance of s t re tch marks.

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No Synthetic Fragrances: Synthet ic f ragrances can

aggravate asthma, cause headaches and tr igger

al lergic react ions. There can be as many as 200

di fferent chemicals in a s ingle f ragrance. At Poya, we

are conscious of the fact that tender sk in of enfants

cannot tolerate st rong f ragrances. So instead, we use

smal l amounts of del icate essent ial o i ls that are der ived

natural ly f rom frui ts and leaves.

Paraben-Free: Parabens are a group of chemicals

widely used as preservat ives in topical appl icat ions.

Exposure to these chemicals has been l inked to cancer.

At Poya Baby, we care for you and your baby’s health

and wel l -being. Al l our products are paraben-f ree and

we use only stable ingredients to increase shel f l i fe of

our products.

ISO 9001- 2008 Certif ication : The ISO 9001-2008

designat ion is the speci fic standard under which our

Qual i ty Management System is cer t i fied. At Poya, we

have successful ly implemented a system which is in

accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2008

Qual i ty Standards, thus ensur ing st r ingent qual i ty

control at every stage.

Not tested on Animals: None of Poya’s products are

tested on animals, and our ingredients are natural ly

der ived, del iver ing the count less benefi ts that the

botanical wor ld has to offer.

Made in Canada: You can rest assured that our

products are made safely. Some countr ies are not

regulated by st r ict manufactur ing guidel ines that

are required in Canada. Poya abides by very fi rm

envi ronmental and health laws when manufactur ing our


Strong Heritage: Our parent company, New Direct ions

Aromatics, is a leading wholesale suppl ier of 100%

pure and natural essent ial o i ls. Through bui ld ing st rong

relat ionships with leading suppl iers al l over the wor ld, we

are able to offer unbeatable wholesale pr ices. We source

al l of our ingredients di rect ly f rom the countr ies of or ig in,

guaranteeing you uncompromised and except ional

qual i ty.

Vis i t

for more information.

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Poya Marketing Ltd.6781 Columbus RoadMississauga, OntarioCanada L5T 2G9

Tel: [email protected]

Poya Marketing Ltd.PO box 15101Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 50 454 [email protected]

Poya Marketing Ltd.840 Aero DriveCheektowaga, NYUSA 14225

Tel: [email protected]