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  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders 1by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    Baby Boomer Blunders

    Ten Financial Mistakes You Can Correct

    Before Its Too Late

    and retire in dignity

    2009 by Douglas R. Andrew

    E-Book Design by: Kim Reynolds

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  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders 2by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    W ay s to connect

    Tune in to Dougs weekly Radio broadcast:

    Missed Fortune:

    Isnt It Time You Became Wealthy?

    Missed Fortune 101:

    A Starter Kit to Becoming a Millionaire

    Last Chance M illionaire:

    Its Not Too Late to Become Wealthy

    Missed Fortune 101 (Spanish)

    Convertirte en Millonario

    Millionaire by Thirty:

    The Quickest Path to Early Financial

    Books by Dougl as R. And r ew

  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders 1by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    The Problem

    Overcome Baby Boomer Blunders

    If Only Baby Boomers Could See Things Differently

    Blunder #1: Using short-term investments for long range goals

    Blunder #7: IRAs and 401(k)s are the best way to save for retirement

    Blunder #10: I think of retirement as a time to coast

    Understand the Three Lodging Places for Money

    Understand the Three Marvels of Wealth Accumulation

    About The Last Chance Millionaire

    About the Author

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  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders 1by Douglas R. Andrew

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    I f w e take a la te r et i r ement and anear ly death , wel l j ust squeak by.

    THE PROBLEM? The average Baby Boomer has less than

    diminish their nest egg. The solution? Social Security isnt the




    cerned that they havent saved enoughthat they may out-

    last their retirement resources. Many have seen their retire-

    many are concerned that their nest eggs are draining faster


    layoff workers to cut costs during the recession. Still others

    Is that en rio little too close o ome t get lau h

    o tofy u?If so,youv got pl nt of comp y. hether

    e eryonewi lha eeno ghmoney to retire isaquesti n

    thatloo slargetodayf r 78m ll ion meric st eBa y

    B omer bo n b tween 1946 and 19 4. Th crisi ? Most

    B omer wil nothavee ough cc m l atedforret rement

    tomeet eirnee s,l et lonethei r ants.

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 2by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    former home. Many have witnessed that equity dimin-

    house is not nearly as marketable as it was a few years ago.




    you having to work harder for your money. It wont matter

    chance may indeed be your best chance to becoming a mil-


  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m


    blunder for some is not squirreling away enough money dur-

    bounty later on.

    As m an y as 40 per cent hav e saved al m ost

    nothing, one expert told a Congressional

    panel recently. These people wil l not have

    enough to meet their needs in their golden

    y ear s, let a l one th eir w ant s.


    retirement savings.

    to you?


    gone down in value.

    I would love a vacation condo or cabinbut I cant af-

    ford one yetIm waiting until I retire to buy it.

    I have bought and sold investments at the wrong time.

    I have not matched the right investment vehicles with

    I have tried to time the market to get ahead faster. -



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    Baby Boomer Blunders 4by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    and values.


    vels of wealth accumulation.

    all for.


    W hy Boomer s Are Laxabout Planning for Retiremen t

    RAISED AFTER W ORLD WAR II, Boomers bring to

    a nest egg away. They tend to have the attitude: If I want

    worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes. Having wit-

    This false sense of security is the reason that it comes as

    the mistakes of big business.

    in an individuals unique skills and the ability to stay mar-


    The result is that older Boomers think it might be too late to

    be enough time to save something. (In theory there is still

    life; saving is not.

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 5by Douglas R. Andrew

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    non-essentials every single day and are cautious about their

    William D. Danko documented the common money-saving


    the thermostat in the summer so the air conditioner didnt

    have to work so hard (and cost so much!).

    often have no clue where their money really goes.

    If Only Boomer s Could SeeThings Differently


    Have you known someone who reacted to downsizing by



    tribute during their golden years. If they only knew how to

    Those with determination and resilience are sometimes

    that was a member of the Fortune 1000. Then came shrunk-

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 6by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    but he walked around angry at the world. His marriage fell

    him three years to come to the realization that he had not-

    sess had become obsolete.

    Anyone faced with such a situation can get frustrated.


    Blunder #1: Using short-term investmen ts for

    long-range goals; and long-term investments

    This may be the biggest mistake I come across in well-inten-tioned families.


    is not a great idea for your retirement nest egg.

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 7by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    investments. It seemed to make sense because returns were

    them for 2.9 years.

    money out of what is really a long-term investment to buy a

    Everybody commits this blunder at one time or another. Ill

    show you that neither this blunder nor these other common



    teen or twenty years after r etirem ent.

    The fastest growing new segment of American society today

    than they thought they would.


    cy for someone already age 65 was about another 12 years.


    might think: Ill be dead by then.

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 8by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    even though they assured me they would be dead by now.And these are not even Baby Boomers!





    assumed that rarely would anybody live beyond age 95. As a


    already talk of increasing it to 140!

    The problem wi th underest imat ing your own l i fe expectancy is you often underesti-

    mate the amount o f re t i rement funds you

    wi l l need to last the rest of your l i fe. The

    r ea l i t y is, y ou w i l l l i kely need m ore m oney

    than you th ink .

    Blunder #3: I believe paying off m y house w ill

    give m e peace of m ind.

    when loans and mortgages were called due even though they


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    Baby Boomer Blunders 9by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m


    able income if you are not writing a check each month to thebank. But theres a hitch. Uncle Sam offers that deduction


    Those w ho pay of f their m or tgage begin to

    r ea l ize w i th i n a y ear o r tw o tha t they cou ld

    use a new ta x br eak . They a lso di scover th at

    by handi ng over a l l t hat m oney t o the bank,

    th er es a l ot of l azy , idl e cash stashed aw ay

    in th at pa id-of f house.


    down in value.

    -self so that you dont

    in mind that the money

    you use for home mort-


    But what about leaving

    the house to the kids?

    you ask. Isnt that our

    money. Those kids concerned about getting the house after

  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders 10by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    Blun der #4: My $100,000 -$300,000 nes t

    egg is going to be enou gh at retirem ent.

    nothing. I have clients who start out thinking: Were set




    Consider this. Even though half a million dollars may seem


    than by the golden goose.

    Blunder #5: Ill be in a lower tax bracke t

    wh en I retire.


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    Baby Boomer Blunders 11by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m


    in deductions that you used to get. So you remain in the


    is less.

    Blunder #6: Deferring taxes on retirement

    funds saves me taxes.


    run out of money!

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 12by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m



    Are you p lann i ng your r et i r ement

    or Un cle Sam s?

    Now what if you could set aside 100-cent dollars on the front

    end and take out 100-cent dollars on the back end? Your

    strategies wherein you can create a retirement fund using


    diebased on the same income distributions.

    Are you p lann i ng your r et i r ement

  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    Phases of Retirement Planning

    Contribution Accumulation Distribution Transfer

    Taxed-As-Earned Investments

    After Tax Taxed Gain Taxed Taxed

    Non Qualified Tax-Deferred Investments

    After Tax Tax Favored Gain Taxed Taxed

    Traditional IRAs and 401(k)s

    Tax Favored Tax Favored Taxed Taxed

    Non-Qualified Alternative

    After Tax Tax Favored Tax Favored Tax Favored

    Home Equity Retirement Planning

    Tax Favored Tax Favored Tax Favored Tax Favored

    Blunder #7: IRAs and 401(k)s are the bestway to save for retirem ent.





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    Baby Boomer Blunders 14by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    their contributions to IRAs and 401(k)s. When they start to

    Uncle Sam now offers you another choiceRoth IRAs and

    still too many strings attached.


    about IRAs and 401(k)s than you have received from your

    K eep Your M i nd Open To The Possi bi l i ty

    That Ther e M ight Be Sm ar ter Al ter nat i ves

    Blunder #8: If I reach the a ge of 59 or 70and don t need m y IRA and 401(k) mon ey, Ill

    just let it sit ther e.

    have much more money if they let most of their money stay

    there rather than transferring it out somewhere else. Post-

    is the deadline before Uncle Sam starts charging you a big

    until age 70 is a bad idea. Its like refusing to change the


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    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m


    Most advisors also dont understand that you can strategi-


    strategic rollout. (For more information on strategic roll-

    Missed Fortune 101.)

    Blunder #9: I view retirement as a time for

    of retirement. Wouldnt it be better to do the things you


    conservative attitude when they retire. They are afraid they

    but have lost their good health and cant do the things they

    you may lose the energy or the desire to go globetrotting and

    to smell the roses along the way.

    Blunde r #10: I think of retirem ent as a time

    to coast.

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    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m



    chises located all over the world.

    celebrating our wedding anniversary every February in


    and today tens of thousands of gallons are made monthly

    but his ice cream legacy lives on and is managed by his son


    assembling widgets. Start now to discover your marketabil-

    a market for their hard-earned wisdom. I have a friend who



    being useful.

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    Baby Boomer Blunders 17by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    or even a simmering talent for music or art that has been

    on the back burnerthis is the time to share what you have

    service for your church or a charitable foundation such as a

    Uh-oh. I ve Done Ever y th i ng W r ong!

    I W ont Be Able t o Cat ch U p.

    that its not too late to learn how to make course corrections

    and start navigating in the right direction. You can over-


    1. Understand the Three Lodging Places for Money


    their risk tolerance:

    Low riskthe safest and most conservative and includes money


    Moderate risk

    real estateboth residential and commercial. Most real

    High riskand would include investments like growth mutual

    funds. This category is generally viewed as having the

    greatest risk.


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    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    market conditions.

    and earning an attractive rate of return.


    it wont matter. You can make money when your house goes

    what your house once gained) if it goes down in value.

    market. Your cash can be invested safely in conservative


    ment. You can have the best of both worlds: take advantage

    When I invest my serious cash that is earmarked for my


    structures that house stocks (houses made of straw) and real


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    Baby Boomer Blunders 19by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    without my money actually lodged there.

    How can this be accomplished?

    I also sock away money earmarked for retirement savings

    into the same insurance contracts rather than into tradition-

    al retirement savings accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s. In-

    when the market goes down) by having my returns linked to


    York Times best-seller the week after it was released. To take

    2. Understand the Three Marvels of Wealth Accum ulation



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    Baby Boomer Blunders 20by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    The keys are:








    more quickly than you may think. You can become your own

    banker by doing what banks and credit unions do to amass

    wealthborrow money at a lower rate and invest it at a

    higher rate.

    thrust force must be greater than or equal to the drag force.




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    same retirement income stream.

    Drag is the force of resistance caused by the body of the


    as a loan or a mortgage from a bank. To make your wealth

    to wealth accumulation. If you read The Last Chance Mil-

    H ow The Last Chance M i l l i onai r e W i l l H elp

    in Your Ret i r em ent Planni ng

    I know many of you are feeling the darkness of night as

    to reveal the brightness of dayyour brilliant futurefull

  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders 22by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    The Last Chance Millionaire will give you new direction. It



    do it now!

    Aut hor Note:

    some money accumulated in IRAs and 401(k)s and some

    discretionary income each month to set aside for retire-

    retirement income within ten years. Through case studies


    monthly cash outlay. The Last Chance Millionaire can give

    income that can last as long as you do.


  • 8/6/2019 Baby Boomer eBook


    Baby Boomer Blunders by Douglas R. Andrew

    w w w . b a b y b o o m e r b l u n d e r s . c o m

    About t he Aut hor-





    Wealth on the family balance sheet.