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  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

    School of Product & Engineering Design

    BA (Hons) Product Design

    Evaluation Document

    Energy gel packaging

    Author: Adam Price

    Supervisor: Dr Stephen Thompson

    Date of Presentation: Dec 16 2011

    Word Count: 7,848

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Table of Contents

    1 Table of Contents

    Section 1: Research ______________________________________________ 2

    2 Abstract / Summary ___________________________________________ 4

    3 Introduction _________________________________________________ 5

    4 The Need for a New Design _____________________________________ 6

    5 Outline Project Brief __________________________________________ 7

    6 Market Research ______________________________________________ 8

    6.1 Secondary Research ________________________________________ 9

    6.2 Analysis of Secondary Research _____________________________ 11

    6.3 Primary Research __________________________________________ 12

    6.4 Analysis of Primary Research ________________________________ 11

    7 Project Management Plan _____________________________________ 19

    8 Section 1 Conclusions _______________________________________ 20

    9 Product Performance Specification 22

    10 Revised / Expanded Product Design Brief 23

    Section 2: Evaluation ____________________________________________ 24

    11 Design concepts ____________________________________________ 25

    12 3D Design Development ______________________________________ 28

    13 Detailed design _____________________________________________ 29

    14 Design Evaluation ___________________________________________ 29

    15 Evaluation conclusions 39

    16 References and/or Bibliography ________________________________ 46

    16.1 References _____________________________________________ 51

    16.2 Bibliography ____________________________________________ 53

    17 Appendices ________________________________________________ 55

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    Section 1: Research

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    2 Abstract/Summary

    This report is part experimental to test out the open innovation process, on a product

    problem. (Lingeraard, 2010) The report documents the research carried out and how it

    influenced the design at different stages. It explains the open innovation process

    (Lingeraard, 2010) and is structured around the parameters set out in that process.

    It sets out the important aspects to be considered in the final design: Provides an insight

    into current products, the problems faced with them, the materials they use, their

    manufacture, distribution, use, maintenance and the end of life treatment of the final design


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    3 Introduction

    This product design project aims to develop a new way to package sports energy gels.

    Structured around an open innovation process, (Lingeraard, 2010) utilising interdisciplinary

    collaboration this project is centred on the process of developing a new product alongside

    an industrial partner; Torq Fitness.

    The user feedback will be drawn from the competitive mountain biking community to tap into

    their embodied expertise from extensive use and therefore familiarity with the problems

    inherent in current energy gel packaging. The project will be orchestrated to develop a way

    in which the community can engage with these problems and with a number of parameters

    identified by myself with the intention of realising an innovative product solution, which Torq

    would like to compete with a product marketed by 'Unette' which virtually monopolises the

    market. In the process of the project Torq will also provide information on the constraints of

    their nutrition product. The role of the designer will be to understand the situation, to activate

    the intellectual insight of the user community and to resolve this in terms of a practical and

    realistic design solution with Torq.

    This report explains the open innovation process (Lingeraard, 2010) and is structured

    around the parameters set out in that process. It therefore:

    Outlines the undertaken to date, and sets out the important aspects to be considered in the

    final design:

    Provides an insight into current products, the problems faced with them, the materials they

    use, their manufacture, distribution: Sets out the parameters of use, maintenance and the

    end of life treatment of the likely design solution.

    Since this process is in part experimental, the success of the process will be measured by

    the design and success of the open innovation process itself in the project as well as by the

    resolution of the final product solution.

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    4 The Need for a New Design

    Torq fitness need to compete with a product marketed by Unette which virtually monopolises the


    Unette has been manufacturing in the same way for 40years now since they bought out the

    innovative design of the single use saran tube.During the early 1990's which has become the

    specialty platform for the company's activity and remains so today in many guises.

    Times have changed, awareness of the effects of climate change are ever more apparent. Another

    big change in the last 40years has been in the internet there are now Well over a billion people

    using the internet, which is changing peoples attitude from its not my problem to realising the global

    community. Harvard business professor estimates the internet has a $1.4trillion economic impact

    annually in the United States alone. The awareness of the global community has led to greater

    consumer intentions to buy green products. There has been a significant increase in the sales of

    green products from 2010 to 2011 alone, the market has increased massively since the 1990s and

    the market is continuing its growth.

    (Environmentalleader, 2010)

    As shown in the chart one of the largest green product markets is packaged food. The sustainable

    packaging market is growing much faster than the overall packaging industry, and is expected to

    double in size from 88 billion in 2009 to 170 billion in 2014. (Research, 2010)

    TheGrowth drivers include increased awareness of environmental hazards related to disposal

    and recycling of packaging wastes, government initiatives to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG)

    emissions, and stringent regulations.

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    Torq fitness needs to keep up with consumer demand for sustainable packaging and by doing so will

    also help compete in the market with Unette as. 42% of Executives say Green Practices help

    edge out the competitors. (OXOFilm, 2011)


    The 20th Century innovation process used by the competitor Unette isnt keeping up with the

    increase in social and sustainably innovation which has happened in the 21st Century.

    Tim Berners-Lees vision of the World Wide Web was for a tool which created and gathered

    knowledge through human interaction and collaboration. His vision has been realised. The web has

    evolved from web 1.0 to web 2.0 from focus on company to focus on community from owning

    content to sharing content from advertising to word of mouth from read only to read and write web.

    As the internet has developed there is a new interconnectedness/global community which has led to

    the re-invention of research and innovation there is now open innovation you can see the key

    differences in the image above.

    The world will not evolve past the current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the

    situation.Albert Einstein.

    To successfully cater the need for a new sustainable way to package energy gels a new way of

    innovation is needed.

    From Charles leadbeaters book We:Think and Debbie Powell illustration, show the same shift from

    pyramid to web.

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    5 Outline Project Brief

    To design a socially responsible energy gel package that pushes sustainable innovation in

    the industry and increases performance for the user.

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    6 Market Research: Open Innovation

    6.1 Secondary Research

    As mentioned in the introduction this report is structured around the open innovation

    processbut what is it?It is a way of capitalizing on the internets inherent possibilities of

    collective intelligence. Interdisciplinary collaboration and social networks provide all the

    potential benefits of millions of people sharing a virtual space. It is the process of borrowing

    all the really good parts of many different ideas and reforming them into something new.

    Open innovation is a quicker innovation process that provides competitive unpredictability

    the term itself will disappear in the future and just be innovation. (Lingeraard, 2010)

    Why is the internet important for open innovation?

    Web 2.0 with social networks, forums, and blogging are connecting us in a multitude of

    ways with almost unlimited potential connections. The webs extreme openness, has the

    capacity to generate untold possibilities for collaboration because it allows more people to

    share ideas with more people in more ways. (Leadbeater, 2008)

    A visual of the internet, captures the interconnection. (, 2003)

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    Josephine Green seminar Cardiff

    A seminar by Josephine Green in Cardiff 2010 provided the spark for this design research

    which is founded in open innovation. Green argues that in the West we are going through a

    paradigm shift from a pyramid model of market innovation towards a pancake model of

    sustainable social innovation. The differences of the two are illustrated below. The image on

    the right has a strong resemblance to thewww.pyramids2pancakes.commovement image,

    others have acknowledged the same shift rather than pancake others describe it as a mesh

    or a web.Either way they portraying the shift from a linear controlled process to a non-linear

    open process.


    (Leadbeater, 2008)

    (source, 2011) (Pyramid2pancake, 2011)

    (Green, Whats it all about?, 2008)
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    Josephine highlights the differences between the two.

    The market Society

    Market innovation Social and sustainable innovation

    Technology and R &D People and communities

    Experts/professionals Partners and value network

    Hierarchical Networked

    Command Open

    Top down Bottom up

    Competition Collaboration

    Standardizing complexity Distributing complexity (Green, 2011)

    Innovation is shifting from a process we believe we can control to accepting the complexity

    of the problems facing the 21stcentury and getting everyone involved in an open innovation

    process to focus on the problems, needs and issues and working them out together.

    Moving away from innovation being secretive and kept behind locked doors to being open

    participatory and collaborative. The lone genius cant compare to the capabilities of

    collective intelligence and unlimited possibilities of interdisciplinary collaboration today.

    People are good at different things in different ways, open innovation is about getting the

    right person to work on the right job.

    Shift from Market innovation to Social and Sustainable innovation

    The main shift is away from market innovation. GDP is a measurement of the market value

    of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given period. The GDP takes only

    one measure of progress into account: activity, economic activity. But what sensible person

    would call the effects of an oil spill progress? (Cradle to Cradle , 2009)

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    As the graph GDP shows market innovation increases the Economic activity produced by

    businesses selling the function of their products and services but does not take into account

    the cost of pollution from distribution and other unsustainable costs.

    Example of distribution of a Sonicare Elite 7000 electric toothbrush

    Produced in 11 locations and in five time zones, comprised of 38 components, parts

    supplied by Japan, France, China and Malaysia, materials and production in Austria,

    Sweden, assembly in Philippines and United States, when fully assembled and packaged in

    Seattle the components have travelled a full 27,880 kilometres, two thirds of the Earth's

    circumference. (Source: SPIEGEL Magazine)

    The product ended up travelling 27,880kilometres which isnt sustainable; it is however the

    most cost effective way of producing the toothbrush. The toothbrush itself costs 15.00

    however this cost does not reflex the true environmental cost.

    The movement is therefore away from market innovation towards sustainable and social

    innovation whereThe creation of social outputs and outcomes based upon social needs

    and aspirations creating solutions that accrue to society as a whole as well as individuals.

    (Green, 2011)

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    User feedback

    For some reasonmanufacturers have had difficulty getting direct feedback from

    customers about product design. Consumer data is still in its infancy Kodak where lucky to

    get 1% of their warranty cards returned. Manufacturers are however becoming increasingly

    aware of user problems and proclivities. User feedback can drive forward innovations.

    (Gansky, 2010)

    Age of transparency

    Consumers are also becoming aware of the catch 22s; for example consumers can now find

    out the true cost of Britains clean wind power which creates disastrous pollution in China

    with toxic lakes from rare earth processing plants which process neodymium. A rare

    material found in China which is a key component of a wind turbine.(Scotland, 2011)

    (Scotland, 2011)

    The ethical consumer mays take opposing effects of products into account when purchasing

    and more than likely consider an alternative. Consumer data is increasing as we progress

    intoan age of radical transparency. The more transparent a market, economic theory

    holds, the healthier it will be.(Golman, 2009)

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    Trust is built through honesty. Brands which are honest about their manufacture and

    practises, will gain consumer trust. In the age of transparency and social intelligence

    brands will be honest as news of bad practise can spread across twitter like wild fire, ruining

    a brand reputation.

    Eco Design- Product life cycle mapping

    Life cycling thinking is an important aspect of eco design and due to the unsustainable

    nature of the packaging to develop a new way of packaging the product in a sustainable

    way an eco-design approach will be taken becauseOften the majority of the impacts of

    products are hidden from designers and users. These include impacts at the raw materials

    stage and what happens to the product after it has been disposed of.(Rafferty, 2010)

    (Rafferty, 2010)

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    Research into all 5 areas has been done to ensure the design decisions are made being

    well informed of all potential environmental impacts.

    >>>>>>> (Please refer to Appendices D-Eco design and onwards)

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    6.2 Analysis of secondary research

    The research has shown (i) the unsustainable nature of the packaging and (ii) the antisocial

    and un-ecological disposal of the packaging by mountain bikers.

    Going into this project research I was optimistic about the potential for a natural or

    biodegradable material innovation for the packaging. The quest for a magic material that is

    commercially viable which provides the required shelf life and biodegrades when told too,

    was a never ending one.

    The research revealed bio plastics are improving into the future and are set to increase in

    performance as oil for regular plastic depletes.

    As research in to current products was done a realisation of how unsustainable the

    packaging was became clear. >

    I will need to think outside of the packaging box to develop a realistic design that solves the

    litter problems. Research has shown how important behaviour change is to the project and

    that a product solution may end up being based around the incentives it provides the user to

    take their litter home.

    The research has also shown the almost unlimited potential connections in a multitude of

    ways with consumers, manufacturers, engineers, anthropologists and journalists, allowing

    for a whole host of Interdisciplinary collaboration and holistic design thinking.


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    6.3 Primary Research- Open Innovation parameters

    This report is based around the parameters of open innovationwhereWeb 2.0 is used to

    capitalize on the embodied expertise within the competitive mountain biking community

    through the use of social networks and forums a survey is shared to tap into their expertise

    that they have gained from extensive use and therefore familiarity with the problems

    inherent in current energy gel packaging.

    By doing this open innovation brings the users straight from the back end of the innovation

    process to the front end. The first step in the Open innovation design process is to gain user

    feedback by.addressing the community.

    Hey Singletrack forum,

    I was hoping to get a little bit of feedback from the wealth of knowledge that is theSingletrack forum!I'm an industrial design student from UWIC Cardiff and am starting my final yearundergraduate project which is aiming to improve energy gel packaging usability andsustainability.I'd love any feedback and have put together a quick questionnaire that I would be hugelyappreciative if everyone could click and answer a quick 10 question survey.

    Many Thanks! Feel free to pm me or message me if you have any advice.

    Accordingly the survey was posted onto

    cycling community forums on UK, American, Australian and Canadian sites. It was emailed

    directly to magazine editors and Elite athletes to fill out and posted onto cycling club pages

    on Facebook.

    The survey had a response of 100 people within the week and then grew to 200 over the

    coming month.

    >>>>> (For full survey results please refer to the online submitted report)

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    Forum links 25 posts along with over 1,297 views 74 posts & 33 voices 264 Views

    =f07c784de9e4b7601b9cc7e69fbc1796#p134354 278 Views Views no comments

    #p471618 418 Views

    Cardiff Ajax cycling club Facebook page 356 Members where Mark Alexander kindly

    tweeted it to 143 people.
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    The community know the market best so they where asked.

    Above are the brands that where not listed in the survey which users recommended taking a

    look at. The chart below shows which brands are most popular in the UK. It shows the 3

    strongest brands clearly, SIS and TORQ are two that use Unettes Saran Tube.

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    Existing Products

    >>>>> (Please refer to Appendices A for existing products reviews)

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    To test user honesty I then asked

    .this question tests the idea that users when questioned in this way will tell you what

    they think you want to hear rather than tell you there true behaviour. Some honest

    responces where displayed though with 50% of users admitting they throw gels on the

    floor. A response from 170 showed they felt reluctant to pocket a sticky gel. This

    imparticular reflects the benefit to be gained from a product which gives the user an

    incentive to not drop litter.

    A worrying response from one user was they put the used packet into recycling the current

    products cant be recycled andwill contaminate the recyclate downcycling the plastic.

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    Identifying the Problem

    To generate innovation in this project the designer must be an active agent. The designer

    must actively seek to identify user problems and fully understand the complexity of them.

    The open innovation process recognises and acknowledges the inadequacy of a single

    designer as an agent in this process.

    The first step is to address this problematic, the open innovation process suggests that the

    social intelligence of many agents in a community are better placed to identify problems

    rather than a single designer. The designer then acts as a catalyst in that community to

    enable it to identify its own needs and problems.

    By then extracting the user feedback from the survey the project can be orchestrated to

    develop in a way in which the community can engage with the problems that have been


    Above are the top ten problems with the current energy gels as described by the embodied

    expertise within the competitive mountain biking community. Out of the 200 responces to

    this question these where calculated to be the 10 most common.

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    That then is narrowed down to 6 problems.

    Litter cased by discarded packaging.

    Packets are hard to open when cycling.

    Gells from open packets often cause messy and uncomfortable pockets.

    Energy gell packets make it difficult to extract all of their contents.

    Energy gell packets tear tab becomes serperated/lost and cause litter.

    Energy gell packets are not recyclable and produce landfill.

    Collection of user feedback.

    By extracting the user feedback drawn from the survey the project can then be orchestrated

    to develop a way in which the community can engage with the problems identified.

    The next question that engaged the 200 community members was..

    Here are the top 11 Ideas from the users.This question identified a lack of common


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    To realise an innovative product solution the parameters of the project must be identified

    and communicated to the community in a way that they can give input into the development

    of the product solution.Web 2.0 fascilitates this through the use of blogs and forums that can

    be used to create an information commons.

    > (Pleaser refer to appendices L and M for Blog and Forum information commons.) (Please refer to appendices L- Forum conversation singletrack world and onwards)

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    7 Project Management Plan

    My plan chopped and changed throughout the 12 weeks constantly setting new goals as originals were or were not reached on the

    time. But one thing didnt change the deadline. Thats why this isnt a greatly linear plan but illustrates the workflow.

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    8 Section 1 Conclusions

    The research concluded that people dont respond well

    to being told off or dictated. A product that minimises

    the litter issues needs to provide incentives to change

    peoples behaviour. Campaigns like the one on the

    right have not been successful in the past. The final

    solution must provide an extra motive/incentive for the

    user. (, 2010)

    Research also showed there are a

    lot of mountain bikers running

    around the country side Project

    Velo anticipate the market will

    crack the 3 billion mark by 2015,

    particularly due to the influence of

    the 2012 Olympics.

    (Harker, 2010)

    More and more riders are

    competing and consuming energygels and their packets are ending up in the countryside, landfill, contaminating

    recycling systems or adding to the pacific garbage patch. The Olympics is sparking

    the growth in sporting activities here in the UK and LOCOG are pushing for a

    sustainable Olympics.(LOCOG, 2011) That includes food packaging; it illustrates

    there is a good opportunity for a new design.

    Photos below are taken at British Cycling National XC round at Plymouth Newham


    The rest of the research will coincide with concept development, design detailing and

    evaluation.>>> (Please refer to appendices for further research details)

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    Revised Brief

    9 Revised and expanded brief

    This product design project aims to develop a way to tackle the problems associated

    with energy gel packaging (i) the unsustainable nature of the packaging and (ii) the

    antisocial and un-ecological disposal of the packaging by mountain bikers. The

    product will be aimed at XC mountain bike racing market. The design should be

    socially responsible and push sustainable innovation. This project should utilise

    interdisciplinary collaboration and work alongside an industrial partner; Torq Fitness.

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    10 Initial Product Design Specification


    SIS Sports in Science










    Hammer gel


    Honey Stinger






    Market constraints

    Must be a feasible price for market i.e. low cost to not increase the cost

    to race. Or increase the cost of the energy gel product which currently

    costs 1.35 per sachet.

    Must be designed for a Global market.

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    Aesthetics, appearance and finish

    The finish must have strong graphical communication of the brand and

    race event and number.

    Have a premium, natural aesthetic to represent the Torq brands current

    image of high performance, organic, natural and fair-trade product



    Easy to install


    Must be easy to extract gel.

    Must be easy to load gel wrappers, full and empty in the product.

    Must be easy to use in a rush/race situation.

    Controllable when cycling over rough terrain.

    Target Product Cost (TPC)

    Based on current competitor products it will cost between 90p-4.00


    Must be durable to sustain in all weathers. Should be chosen based on entire life cycle of the product to decipher

    the most sustainable material whether that ends up being recyclable or


    Must choose material coinciding with the design for manufacture.

    Standards, Legislation and Specifications

    MHRA assembly licence standards and hold ISO 9002 accreditation.

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    Must meet design requirements for food safety set by PAS 223:2011

    Materials criteria to meet food grade standards BS EN 15136:2006

    Should abide by and adjust to legislation and standards currently in law

    and meet future directives. The General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC)

    Awareness of the enforcers and implementers of laws and legislation



    Disposing of litter inappropriately is unacceptable. Not only is it anti-social and

    unpleasant, littering is also ILLEGAL, and those who throw down, drop, or depositand leave litter in any place, even if it is just a cigarette end or chewing gum, can be

    fined or face a court prosecution.

    Areas continually degraded by litter, or private land that frequently accumulates litter

    and refuse, can give rise to a sense of civic shame and fear of crime, and set the

    scene for other environmental crimes and anti-social behaviour such as fly-tipping

    and graffiti. Not only are there laws governing an individuals behaviour, but actioncan also be taken against businesses where their activities contribute to littering, and

    against occupiers or private landowners who frequently allow their premises to be

    defaced by litter and refuse. (, 2010)

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  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    A Mountain bike racing requirement set out by the Union Cycliste

    International (UCI)

    UCI Rules and Regulations 4.1.027 Official training is only permitted

    after licences have been checked, other registration formalities

    completed and handlebar numbers distributed

    Riders must display their handlebar numbers during training sessions

    and race.

    Patents, literature and product data

    Must not encroach on any current patents, literature or product data

    listed below.,244,467


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    Unettes Saran Tube BS888 drawing, must not be overstepped in the


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    Section 2: Evaluation

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    11 Design Concepts

    (Leadbeater, 2010)

    I set out to explore the problem of sports energy gel packaging. I had two main

    concerns (i) the unsustainable nature of the packaging and (ii) the antisocial and un-

    ecological disposal of the packaging by mountain bikers. I decided to act out some of

    the ideas I have been exploring in my dissertation regarding open innovation concept

    generation. Open innovation concept generation is a way of producing ideas throughdirected conversations. The internet has the potential as a means to generate a lot of

    ideas, by making it possible to have really big conversations or to have lots of small


    I brainstormed and developed ideas with users on forums. Through the forum I was

    able to have a conversation with 50 or more people from different disciplinces

    ranging from

    An energy gel company (Matt Hart director, and other staff, Torq Fitness Ltd)An gel packaging manufacturer (Alex Terrell, Sales Director, Unette Ltd)A distributer (Luke Humphries , partner Juice Lubes Ltd)A Packaging Engineer (John Gillespie)The online Mountain biking community(anonymous via an online survey)A race organiser (anonymous via an online survey)Bike Shed Wales staff and owners (Martin Higgins owner and Simon Lingard)Design LecturersThe Eco Design Centre (Merel Claes)Keep Wales Tidy (Olwen Mosely)An elite racing cyclist (Luke Morris)

    A endurance athlete (Martin Williams)

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    The simple question I asked was: What would you improve on the current energy gel

    packaging? This question was answered by over 200 people who engaged with an

    online survey. As part of that a more conversational open innovation section

    produced a lot of design intelligence and ideas. An example of two of these

    conversations is shown below. Refer to appendices L for entire conversation and

    questionnare results.

    The survey showed that the key problems related to energy gells are:

    1) Energy gell packets tear tabs becomes serperated/lost and cause litter.

    2)Litter cased by discarded packaging.

    3) Packets are hard to open when cycling.

    4)Gells from open packets often cause messy and uncomfortable pockets.

    5)Energy gell packets make it difficult to extract all of their contents.

    6)Energy gell packets are not recyclable and produce landfill.

    So I started out tackling each of these problems one by one. Along with the best

    suggestions/ideas from the community that took part in the survey.

    1)User 94 suggested) tear off top should be

    attached to the main body so it doesn't get

    dropped . (Oct 5, 2011 9:45 AM)


    A simple cord that connects the two

    parts together.

    Adhesive to stick string.

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    2)User 47 suggested) add a "hook" or Velcro to connect to running/cycling jersey

    (Oct 11, 2011 4:18)


    Velcro and nano hooks

    derived from seeds.

    Quick strong grip to the

    shorts and jersey.

    (biomimicry, 2008)

    3)User 170 suggested) One handed opening where the entire wrapper

    can be kept. Something that doesn't leak after you've used it. Oct 4,

    2011 12:01 PM


    This idea is based on a syringe.

    Differing from a normal syringe in that it

    can be used one handed.


    Easy to clean and re-use.

    4) User 96 Suggested) it would be better with

    one handed extraction Oct 5, 2011 9:16 AM


    Natural aesthetics of a flamingo.

    Uses a plunging mechanism similar to

    that used in oil cans.

    One handed use

    Great extraction of gel out through a


    No mess. (Oilcan, 2011) (pictures, 1997)

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    5) User 98 suggested) more tapered at mouth end Oct 5, 2011

    8:38 AM


    Injection moulded out of polypropylene which can be

    commonly recycled.

    Easy open twisting mechanism.

    Has a bit of give in it to squeeze out gel.

    Re-usable, dish washable.

    After this concept I had a Interim Viva where a group of design students along with

    input from Lecturer Dr Steve Thompson discussed the concepts so far and then

    ideated and concept sketched further together in a group.

    The discussion led to the realisation, that the main issue is behaviour change and

    can be tackled by changing the way energy gel is monetarized or encorporated into

    another product.

    Thinking along the lines of energy gel handlebar grips and deposit schemes where


    This was opened up to XCracer forum and sparked another discussion online.See


    Then realised this idea below.

    6) Gels from open packets often cause messy and uncomfortable pockets


    Easy to use.


    Quicker access to gels when cycling

    Storage for empty gels that wont end up in the

    washing machine.

    No more sticky pockets.

    No more user reluctance to litter gels.

    Doesnt put you at a competitive dissadvantage.

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    All of the above concepts where anaylised against the specification and a datum in a matrix

    evaluation below, to decide on which concept is suitable to develop.


    Matrix Evaluation Datum Leash Hook Re-usable Plunger 1Hander Litterboard

    Premium, natural


    s s - + S S

    Reduce litter s + + + + +

    Recyclable s s + + + +

    Ease to use s s + + + +

    Simple. s s - - s +

    Minimal separate


    s s + - S +

    Easy to clean

    s - + - S +Possible to use

    one handed

    S s + + + +

    Can be used with

    gloves, sweaty

    hands and in

    muddy conditions

    S s + + + S

    Can be used whilst

    cycling over rough


    s s s _ + S

    Sustainable S s + + + +

    + 1 8 7 7 8

    - 1 2 4 0 0

    Same 11 9 1 0 4 3

    Total 0 1 6 3 7 8


    + (plus): better than, faster, stronger, less prone to, cheaper etc- (minus): for worse than, slower, more expensive, prone to etc.S (same): same as the datum.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    After the matrix evaluation the litter board idea was developed further.

    This led on to the concept development of the litter board.Starting by improving how

    the board attaches to the bike, a selection of fittings where sketched.

    More sketches but with longer straps which can Velcro to the handlebar this should

    cut down on cables ties and faff.

    This concept below allows the tear tab which becomes separated to stay fixed, to the

    number board. This was inspired by the existing product called gelrilla grips. (Gelrilla,


  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Furthering the concept above to hanging the gel off the side of the board but then

    realised the potential strength issues and returned to a simple pouch.

    These concepts will be tested in 3D modelling.

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    12 3D Design Development

    The feasibility of a number board energy gel container will be tested out through 3D

    models which will be able to show what works and what doesnt.

    1)The security of the energy gel in the pouch will be tested over rough terrain along

    with the number board.

    2)Ease of attachment to the bike.

    3)Ease of use, getting the gel out and putting the empty one back in.

    4)Clear communication of the number and marketability.

    5)Aerodynamics and likelihood of causing damage to bike.

    The target market use 1 to 2 energy gels for a 2 hour

    race so it must accommodate that. This shows the

    difference between an empty and a full energy

    packet. That has to be taken into account when

    designing the pouch.

    Models will be based on

    existing number boards.

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    User proclivities found through the research where tucking gels under shorts,

    fastening them to drinks bottle and Runners safety pin gels to their shorts all three

    where tested and illustrate below.

    Number boards are normally attached by cable ties. This model tests out the use of

    adhesive Velcro. Cardboard is a good natural material with the application of natural

    mussel glue a water proof coating can be provided. (glue, 2011)

    Positives: Easy to install


    Negatives: Adhesive Velcro is expensive

    Marks the handlebars not good aesthetics

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    Another test was done on these elastic clips no extra surface was needed to be

    attached to the handlebars and the elastic can be re-used over and over and again.

    Next option pictured below was using toe straps.

    Positives: Reusable


    Negatives: Costly

    Scratch handlebars, which can cost up to 200

    (loop, 2010)

    Then based on the Cateye loop light concept, elastic was used.

    Positives: Easy to install

    Good adjustability to fit any shape or thickness of handlebar

    Fasten board smoothly and tightly to the handlebar



    Not aerodynamic.

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    This aim is to create a pouch more sustainably rather than extracting more raw

    materials, this idea uses recycled inner tubes, attached by adhesive Velcro. The

    board is clamped with a single reflector bracket.

    Positives: The gel is secure in pouch

    Ease to attach gel

    Number board is secure to bike.

    Recycled materials

    Negatives: Aesthetics are unprofessional

    Velcro isnt secure

    Slow and fiddly to fit board

    Awkward to get empty gel into pouch

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    Care was taken to ensure that the gels are clearly seen above the board providing a

    form of advertising for Torq energy. It is a key feature to ensure the marketability of

    the product.

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    The cable ties are reusable and the location is lower down bringing the board higher

    up. A small cardboard pouch is laminated and glued with adhesive to the board.

    Positives: Easy to gets gels in and out

    Natural card

    Reusable cable ties

    Clear display of number

    Negatives: Not aerodynamic

    Litter security

    User testing- Semi Professional

    This prototype was tested out by a Scott Law Unfortunately its shallow pocket failed

    to hold the gel even along the road.

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    With the failure of not holding the gel, a bigger pouch is needed to secure the gel.

    Multiple attempts to make the pouch out of recycled material or recyclable material

    were unsuccessful. The entire board needs to be redesigned to incorporate a pouch.

    So I moved away from the boards above and on to origami based boards. I was

    avoiding using more material to make the pouch as it would not give the

    environmentally friendly message that Im trying to portray. But on the plus side

    polypropylene is commonly recycled so at the end of life it can be turned into

    something else.

    Interim Viva feedback Lecturer-Dr Steve Thompson 21stNovember

    I brought in a number board to discuss with

    Steve suitable ways to attach or include a

    pouch in the design. He took the number

    board I bought in and folded the corner

    over in a vice. This illustrated the great

    fatigue resistance of polypropylene a

    live/living hinge allows 10,000 repeated

    folds. I can create live hinges and fold the

    plastic into origami shapes. (Hinge, 2009)

    Here is the first origami shape,

    simple but functional.

    Its nothing fancy but as Victor

    Papanek onces said The only

    important thing about design is how

    it relates to people.This simplicity

    will connect with the mountain biker

    racers whos mind is focused on


  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    These are simply folded and the one below a knife was used to score the lines

    creating good living hinges.

    Positives: Secure deep pouch

    Easy to use simply line up the holes

    Attaches to bike easily

    DFD design for disassembly-vinyl removable graphics

    DFR design for recycling-Recyclable

    DFM design for manufacture-Low cost to manufacture

    Negatives: Extra material

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Final Model

    The gels fit deeply into pouch, no chance of flying out. Transparent so shows gel

    brand well. One sheet off polypropylene folds directly in half along a live hinge.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    13 Detailed design

    Manufacturing- Dependent on business scale

    1) Single Item/made by hand- aguillotine is used to cut the edges of the plastic

    cleanly and precisely before placing them into a wooden jig to accurately cut out

    the form with a Stanley knife and score the fold lines.

    Vinyl is printed at local printers. A hand drill is then used to cut precise holes.

    2) Batch production-a laser cutter to cut the sheet polypropylene to size and the

    laser scored to make the fold lines. The vinyl graphics can also be laser cut.

    3) Mass production- a large rotary die cutting machine to cut the plastic. Then

    vinyl graphic are printed by an industrial vinyl cutter.

    Material Grade

    Polypropylene Eco Facts

    It takes less energy to recycle polypropylene than paper.

    (ecofacts, 2009)

    Material type- The Homopolymer variety of polypropylene

    is a general purpose grade that can be used in a variety of

    different applications.

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    Each product will be manufactured from one sheet of polypropylene 1mm thick

    400mm wide x 318mm long.

    Costs depending on size of event

    Regional event- need 240boards = 75

    National event- 60 boards that are 200x160mm can be cut out of 2000x1000mm of


    A national round where 500riders attend, the cost will be 125.37 as 9 Sheets are

    needed. 4.00 per unit

    Mountain Mayhem event has 2700 competitors 45 sheets are needed costing

    625 2700 divided by 625 = 4.32 per unit each competitor.

    Working drawing

    Back sheet and side view of the product. This is folded in half along a living hinge.4

    more living hinges are made over into a small secure pouch for the empty and full

    energy gels. There will be hinge/score lines on the plastic clearly to allow for the

    sheet to fold into a pouch. The user simply aligns the holes off the two sheets

    together make the pouch. The holes need to be aligned for the user to attach to the

    bike handlebars with cable ties.

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    Back panel with 4 fold lines for pouch

    This shows the complete product and the front panel with side views.

    This will be manufactured from 1mm thick Polypropylene

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    Final Graphic Design

    The final design has strong graphical communication of the brand and has roomfor other sponsors and event details.

    It has a premium, natural aesthetic which represents the Torq brands current

    image of high performance, after speaking to Torq I learnt that they use black

    backing in all there packaging as this represents and is associated with a quality



  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    14 Sustainability

    When designing the product an Ecodesign approach was used, the product life cycle

    was taken into account in the design process every aspect of the product from rawmaterials, extraction, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal where considered.

    Considerations of impact

    The negative impact of the production of this product is counterbalanced by the

    environmental benefits it provides.

    The product itself prevents litter of energy gel packets, and allows the collection of

    the packets which are then sent off to a unique recycling facility Enval limited that can

    recycle laminated products.

    Collecting the packets from the races no litter directly effects the environment and

    the energy gel packets no longer end up in landfill or in the pacific garbage patch.

    The packets are recovered and sent toEngineering Site:Enval LimitedUnit 3High Town Enterprise Centre

    York StreetLutonLU2 0HAUK

    Where they are able to then recover and recycle the unsustainable products.

    100% recovery of aluminium from plastic/aluminium laminate wasteRecovered, impurity-free, aluminium ready for re-useOils and gases generated by the process suitable for heat/electricityLow cost alternative to the current methods for disposal of laminate waste

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  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    15 Design Evaluation

    I set out to tackle two main problems (i) the unsustainable nature of the packaging

    and (ii) the antisocial and un-ecological disposal of the packaging by mountain

    bikers. The design does both of those things.

    (i) By acting as a collection for empty wrappers, gel wrappers can then be

    transported to a recycling plant that can recycle laminated products. My research

    found only one recycling facility in the UK that has the technology to recycle

    laminated packaging.

    (ii) Research showed users antisocial disposal of gels packets wasprimarily due

    reluctance to put them in their pockets as they become messy and can end up in the

    washing machine along with time and effort to get them in pockets whilst cycling.

    This product makes it quicker and easier to pocket the wrapper when cycling and is

    and prevents messy pockets. These strengths make the user less reluctant to litter, it

    is so easy and hassle free to use there is no longer an excuse to litter.


    Maybe one day a magical material will be available that provides great shelf life and

    biodegrades in an instant. But until then this will have to do.

    The biggest weakness with this product is the fact it is only really used in race

    situation. It doesnt quite tackle the problems highlighted above caused from

    mountain bikers who ride at the weekend. But I would argue that rider out the

    weekend are under less time constraint and would eat an energy bar instead of a gel.

    Gels are primarily used in a race situation.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Evaluationfrom 24hour Mountain Bike racer Ranked 5thin the UK Luke Morris-

    Fact-He has consumed 23 energy gels in one race-Sponsoredby Ison distribution.

    Hi Adam

    Thanks for sending me the number board I tried it the other night.

    First impressions are all good I placed 3 gels in the board and found it very easy

    to grab them and even put the empty wrappers back into the board. This proved

    to be easier than putting them back in my pocket or shorts. As a product I think

    its a great idea and would like to see it used at races.

    All the best


  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    16 Evaluation conclusions

    I learnt so much over the course of the last 12 weeks. Ive learnt about the great

    complexities in energy gel packaging, the reality and feasibility of pushing innovation

    in this area.

    I realised how important it is to catalyse the collective intelligence inherent in the

    mountain bike community, designers and engineers.

    I found that matching expectations is the stepping stone to exceeding peoples

    expectations. This happens best when every discipline has access to a transparent

    information commons. Also the development of ideas through open conversations on

    forums in person and on blogs gave the ability to find out what ideas had legs and

    what didnta lot quicker than usual.

    Next time around I would manage my time better, and record every step I made in

    more detail. I learnt the importance of documenting the thought process going along,

    as major steps in the project in my head didnt reflect what was on paper. I would

    make more time, create extra financial backing and get a team behind the project.

    USP-Key product strengths

    Product shifts responsibility away from packaging engineers to users

    Simple design solutions to a complex problem

    Its realistic, functional, manufacturability

    Commercially viable Priceless PR conveying the Torq brand to environmental stewardship

    Brands honesty gains consumer trust.

    It is a UCI requirement to have a number board so being responsible does not

    put the rider at a competitive disadvantage by the added weight of the

    product, which competitor products do.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    17 References and/or Bibliography

    bicyclenews, 07. Gelbot. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 29th October 2011 ].

    biomimicry, 2008. conversationreport. [Online]

    Available at: https://reader010.{domain}/reader010/html5/0610/5b1c4ee17f4ca/5b1c4f021c25a.jpg

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    Available at:


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    Available at:


    [Accessed 3rd November 2011 ].

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    [Accessed 2 12 2011].

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    sustainable-packaging-market-to-reach-nearly-142b-by-2015/. [Online]

    [Accessed 24th October 2011 ].

    Gansky, L., 2010. The Mesh. In: The Mesh . United State of America : Penguin Books , p.


    Gelrilla, 2008.gelrilla gelrilla. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 2 11 2011].

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    glue, M., 2011.Natural glue. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 2011 12 12].

    Golman, D., 2009. green. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 6th November 2011]., 2011 .publications. [Online]

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    [Accessed 27th 10 2011 ].

    Green, J., 2008. Whats it all about?, London: Phillips Design .

    Green, J., 2011.futures. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 7th november 2011].

    Harker, J., 2010. market to smash 2 billion. [Online]

    Available at:


    [Accessed 2011 12 1].

    Heller, L., 2010. nutraingredients. [Online]

    Available at:


    [Accessed 23 10 2011 ].

    Hinge, 2009.plastic_design. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 2 12 2012].

    Kelly, E., 2006 . Powerful Times. In:Powerful times . Pennsylvania : Wharton School

    Publishing , p. 264.

    lcacalculator, 2010. lca calculator. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 04 12 2011].

    Leadbeater, C., 2008. WE-Think. In: We-Think Mass innovation, not mass production .

    London:, p. 242.

    Leadbeater, C., 2010. [Online]Available at: Animated by Tim Cowie and animation by Debbie

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    Available at:

    [Accessed 29 10 2011].

    Limited, E., 2011. aboutus. [Online]

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    [Accessed 25th 10 2011 ].

    Lingeraard, S., 2010. Making open innovation work. In:Making open innovation work .

    Copenhagen: North Charleston , p. 89.

    LOCOG, 2011.sustainability. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 1 12 2011].

    loop, C., 2010. rear loop lights. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 2011 11 3].

    McDonough, M. B. a. W., 2002. Cradle to Cradle . In: Cradle to Cradle . Hannover: Vintage

    Books london, p. 186.

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    UK london random house: vintage books , p. 186.

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    Pyramid2pancake, 2011. [Online]

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    Rafferty, S. O., 2010. mapping product life cycle. [Online]

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    Wales, 2011. recycling zero waste environment countryside. [Online]

    Available at:

    [Accessed 27th October 2011 ].

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    1 Appendices

    Appendices A - Existing energy products.

    Appendices B- Existing products Alternative solutions to packaging that solve

    litter and user problems

    Appendices C-Existing products in other areas

    Appendices D-Eco design

    Appendices E - Raw Materials(Extract ion and processing )

    Appendices F - Manufacture Components and assembly.

    Appendices G-Distribution/Retails and packaging transport

    Appendices H- Use and Maintenance Energy/consumables

    Appendices I-End of Life

    Appendices J - History and context of energy gels/Ergogenic Aid.

    AppendicesK - Sustainable Olympics

    Appendices L- Forum conversation single-track world

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Appendices A- Existing energy products.

    I saw a number of brands that sell gel bottles and a 700g refill

    such brands as Bike food, Squeezy and Agisko

    Positives- Buy in bulk, Re usable bottle,Controllable gel

    intake, Re-sealable lid, No-messy pockets, Ergonomic 125ml


    Negatives-Expensive initial cost 19.99 over 1.00,

    Inconvenient to fill up bottle, Very hard to get gel

    out when bottle starts to empty-Bulky.

    Hammer geldo a very similar product but also

    provide a syringe to extract the gel with.

    Vooma Gelis produced by ultimate nutrition a South African

    Brand and they supply the equivalent of 3 gels in single toothpaste

    tubes. Toothpaste is manufactured in huge quantities so USN can

    provide great value as the cost is relatively low.


    Gu Energy gel-Are the founder of the


    Gel and produce their own packaging in house which means

    they have excellent quality control and because they

    manufacture the packaging specifically for energy gels

    alone, compared to some contract packaging manufactures

    that produce laminated tubes for the cosmetic and

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    lubrication industries. The Gu gel actually tears open a lot easier than other brands,

    because they can control the thickness of material around the tab. They can ensure it

    open reliably.


    TORQ Energy

    Lucozade Sport


    Mule Bar

    Science in sport


    CNP (British cycling team sponsor)

    All 7 of the above nutrition brands are manufactured by

    Unette these are the biggest brands in the UK industry. You can see Unette has a

    strong monopoly in the industry there are no real packaging competitors for the

    brands to consider.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    These are laminated flexible packages that Torq energy are looking to get away

    from. User friendly sustainable packaging would make a brand like Torq energy

    stand out from its competitors.

    Here is a collection of brands that all use very similar packaging

    indeed. All laminated with 2 types of plastic and an Aluminium foil. A variety of

    tear tab forms.


    The litter leash prevents litter. 32g rather than 45g serving small packet.


    Extra material for litter leash

    Patented litter leash prevents more brands using the idea.

    These three brands have a re-

    sealable lid, which is easy to

    open and close when you are

    not cycling when cycling this is

    time consuming and not suitable

    for fast racing. But slower

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    touring and Ultra long distance these are good. No sharp edges on the mouth piece


    Appendices B- Existing products Alternative solutions to packaging that

    solve litter and user problems

    This cycling jersey has a specific pocket for empty gel wrappers.

    Its a practical solution to the

    problem of sticky wrappers.

    Races often take place in scenic

    areas and we shouldnt see 150

    riders littering national parks and

    open country. But put the empty

    packaging back into your rear

    pockets and it can stick to unused

    things meaning its hard to tell

    whats useful when you next dip your hand back in.

    (rubbishjersey, 2011)

    Gel-Bot Bike BottleA revolutionary water bottle design that

    allows both gel and water (or energy drink) to be dispensed from

    the same bottle. With the cap valve pressed in, squeeze the bottle

    and gel is released. Pull out the cap valve, squeeze, and you get water (or energy

    drink). The Gel-Bot holds up to 24 ounces of liquid and 3.2 ounces of gel.

    (bicyclenews, 07)

    The Gelrilla Grip- is an alternative solution

    which, makes it easier to open your gel on the

    move and holds onto the tab which is prone to be


    Windose-This is another good example of

    using old technology and applying it to a

    different use. Here a syringe is a single serving

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    gel. This allows easier extraction of entire gel contents and provideseasier one

    handed use. If anything it is a bit to heavy and sharp edges when in pocket.

    Appendices C-Existing products in other areas

    This is manufactured in Llantrisant at an injection moulding plastic manufascturing

    company. They have used PET a commonly recycled plastic which has a reasonable

    amount of squeeze ability to control and get out more honey.

    The seal at the top prevents any honey coming out in less it squeezed out. This

    applied to an energy gel would be good at preventing messy pockets. The lid can be

    open and closed on the move one handed and this allows the user to reseal the


    This product is a design from Brazil used to open up sauce sachets easily and it

    keeps hold of the torn off bits. It works like a sharpener.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Here is some organic puree which is a lamination that seals around a re-sealable lid.

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    Appendices D-Eco design

    As identified in the introduction it is important in an eco-design to identify the need for

    design in every aspect of the product life cycle from raw materials

    (extraction/processing), Manufacture (components/assembly), Distribution/Retail

    (packaging/transport), Use and Maintenance (energy/consumables) and the end of


  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Appendices E - Raw Materials.(Extract ion and pro cessing)

    The three materials used in the current energy gel are Aluminium foil, Polyethylene

    Terephthalate and Low Density Polyethylene laminated together and then heat


    PET/Alu/PE. This typical triplex structure incorporates Aluminium foil for improved

    oxygen and light barrier performance for food.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    The main barrier properties that have to be addressed moisture, gas, and light

    (some foods are moisture sensitive, some are sensitive to gases like oxygen or

    nitrogen, others are sensitive to exposure to light).

    OTR = oxygen transmission rate

    WVTR = water vapor transmission rate

    MVTR = moisture vapour transmission rate

    This chart shows the oxygen and moisture vapour transmission rates for all the

    materials used in current products and more.

    Biodegradable materials

    Plastics take 500years to decompose in a landfill. By adding starch to poly it will

    begin to decompose in months. But its uses are limited for food packaging since poly

    isnt a good barrier and it is designed to decompose when exposed to heat, moisture

    and light (UV).

    All of these exist in a landfill, but also, in the supply path.

    Scientists have discovered that by adding starch to Poly it will begin to

    decompose in months. While this sounds great, its uses are limited for food

    packaging since Poly isnt a very good barrier and this film is designed to

    decompose when exposed to heat, moisture and light (UV). All of these exist in

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    a landfill, but also, to some degree, in the supply path. Florescent lights on the

    store shelf and heat and humidity in shipping and warehousing all have to be

    controlled to maintain the integrity of the package.

    The most commercially advanced and available biodegradable, renewable

    resource-based film on the market continues to be PLA [polylactic acid]. It has good

    clarity, sealability, and deadfold, and all commercially available films meet the ASTM

    D6400 compostability requirements.

    The barrier maps compare the barrier properties of the plain 80-g PLA film to the

    SiOx-coated or metallized PLA, and then the coated PLA laminated to another 80-g

    PLA layer. These properties are overlayed on a barrier map showing the barrier

    requirements of typical food packaging applications.

    We have shown that it is now possible to achieve truly high barrier all-PLA package

    with a two-ply structure of reverse-printed Ceramis coating PLA laminated to a

    metallized Enviromet PLA.

    Figure 1: CERAMIS PLA Barrier Properties

    Figure 2: Enviromet PLA Barrier Properties

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    DematerialisationIs the absolute or relative reduction in quantity of materials used

    and/or the quantity of waste generated in the production of a product. A common

    indicator is the intensity of material use per unit of economic output.

    Addit ives and Coat ings

    What is Ceramis?Ceramis is a technology by which a SiOx coating is applied to

    various types of substrates. This technology is used for demanding applications in

    both packaging and technical markets. (limited, 2011)

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Appendices-F - Manufacture Components and assembly.

    The way the packets are manufactured dictates what materials can be used and how

    tightly the packet is sealed shut, which affects how easy it is to open. The packages

    are designed to be opened at the top end and this region will often become

    separated from the main body.

    Print: 70 x 122.7666mm Issued: 12/11/09 Print: 70 x 80.43mm Issued: 23/11/09

    Unette Corporation, the originator of single-use tubes, has been producing

    tubes since 1955 and continues to increase its production capabilities.

    Unette are a contract packaging / manufacturing company of over 40 years

    standing with facilities in Lancashire and Cheshire in the UK, and in New

    Jersey in the USA. Our core business is liquid filling.

    Currently Unette has a monopoly on flexible packaging for energy gels. They

    manufacture flexible packages for Lucozade, Torq energy, CNP, Maxifuel,

    Mule bar the top high leading brands in the nutrition industry.

  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    Flexible packaging has since come to be the hottest marketing trend because

    of its acceptance by consumers as being convenient.

    In the world of flexible packaging, Laminates are combinations of different or

    similar films designed to optimise the mechanical and functional properties of

    each single film which when glued together with an adhesive, act to multiply

    the performance of the individual films. Adhesives are typically solvent free

    systems but can be solvent, water, UV, extrusion or hot melt systems.

    Unettes Foil Laminates can be hot stampedup to your custom artwork. Unette can

    reproduce sophisticated, high resolution, 7 colour process or spot colour graphics on

    our foil laminates.

    Primary research

    I spoke to Alex Terrell Assistant at Unette UK up in there Crew office.

    This is main selling points of flexible packaging. They are being pushed as

    Sustainable in the sensethat they are using less plastic, weight reduction improve

    distribution costs, use less space and most importantly cost less to the business.

    So when I asked him if they had looked into designing a new tab for their single use

    tube which prevented the littering of the tab by ensuring the tube and tab stayed

    together when it was openedhis response was.

    We have got a design which does this but it is not going into tooling. Our customers

    are not demanding it and the design involves adding more material to the design.

    The leash has not gone into development very much like gu who believe that the

    excess material is not worth it. It also hasnt been properly tested so the designer is

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    not sure whether or not it has sharp edges. As there are already complaints in my

    survey of people cutting mouth and gums its probably safe not to bring that into


    The current packaging uses less material so why change it?

    I then followed that question up with this..Why do you not use biodegradable


    The bio plastics are out there but they are too flimsy for the current manufacturing

    process. compared to foil laminates consisting of Polyethylene and Aluminium mix

    which is more rigid to handle than bio plastics.

    I kept pressing him on this question and he kept responding you cant achieve

    everything you have to compromise somewhere.

    I believes it is not an issue. The flexible packaging industry is sustainable because it

    uses less raw material. Still uses a hell of a lot of raw material though. A lot more

    than if it was flexible.

    Appendices G-Distribution/Retails and packaging transport

    I spoke to Duncan Mellor who works in the packaging

    industry, particularly manufacturing the type of films used for

    gels, bars etc. Shed some real light on the issue.

    There is still not a real solution for packaging bars and gels

    in bio-degradable film as these

    products have a very long shelf life due to the relatively slow

    sales and usage pattern.

    Also the nature of the product requires good pack integrity

    hence heat sealing which makes them difficult to get into

    compared with chocolate or crips which use cold seal


    Most gels sold are low in preservatives so the film in which they are packed needs a

    good oxygen barrier and is a laminate of PET and LDPE to give the good seal, some

    have foil layers or metallised film.

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    Easy open tears and tags to retain the torn off portion is not new technology , this is

    usually done by the filling machine and since these products are contract packed, it is

    down to investment by the packer. The only real solution is not to dispose of the

    wrappers irresponsibly, buying gels or bars in paper bags or corn starch based films

    is not practical given the other performance requirements of these packs.

    Appendices H- Use and Maintenance Energy/consumables

    Users are purchasing them in single serving sachets for convenient use. It is possible

    to make your energy gel at home but it takes time and effort which is why flexible

    packaging is a good option.

    The problem from users feedback is the difficulty of getting all the gel content out of

    the packet when they want to quickly use half a single serving, which when pocketed

    leaks and manages to spread sticky mess everywhere.

    The tabs are hard to tear off particularly when cycling along one handed, with

    sweaty hands, and when competing in a race fatiguing and a heart rate going

    through the roof. The tab of the gel is not easy to grip due to the PET outer coating,

    which is hard to grip. The aluminium middle laminate, which is a good barrier of

    oxygen also provides good integrity but when torn can leave a sharp edge which cuts

    the user.

    Simon Mustill gives an insight in to a user experience.

    Top tip, do not try to rip the top off the sachet with your teeth whilst cycling and

    grasping said sachet quite firmly and competing in your first triathlon! Half the gelwent in my ear, the other half hit the guy I was overtaking straight between the eyes!

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    Eco Design Key Facts and conversations.

    Food packaging

    Food shelf life depends on packaging barrier properties ability to preventing the foods

    exposure to moisture, gas and light which would make the food go off.


    Gels have a long shelf life due to the relatively slow sales and usage pattern. No

    retailer will invest in stock if it bio degrades in 6months and therefore they dont sell

    the all the stock they bought they make a loss.

    Client Matt Hart director of Torq energy interview.

    Matt explained to increase his sales the packaging should aim to ensure the gel shelf

    life is 3 years, if retailers can invest in stock in confidence that they can sell all of

    what they buy more retailers will buy the product and with more stock comes shop

    presence so they will sell more aswell. There are a lot of small bike shops in Britain

    that make small sales over longer periods unlike the big online shops etc that can

    churn out more stocks. So if small retailers are confident they will eventually be able

    to sell the product they will buy it. This will increase the amount of bike shops that

    Torq energy is sold in.


    Due to the nature of the product, it requires integrity to withstand being squeezed in

    running belts,pockets and as stated the long shelf life needed. This is why the current

    gels packets are heat sealed to give a strong oxygen barrier no moisture is getting

    through a heat seal.But the heat seal is also tough to tear open.Melted plastic seals it

    shut the user has to tear through 2 types of plastic melted to alluminium foil. When

    the athelete is tired even the simplest of tasks is difficult and tearing a tough gel one

    handed over bumpy terrain is a challenge.

    Packaging engineer John Gillespie

    The performance of biodegradble films doesnt provide equivalent barrierproperties(moisture,gas and light) compared to non-biodegradble.

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    But can increase sustainability in other ways by downgauging and downsizing. Using

    less material and creating a package that is reusable.( which would help with litter


    EU biopackaging will remain niche despite massive growth.

    In the UK total plastic consumption is 2,414 tones of which 60% is packaging

    discarded as soon as it is open. Many of these end up in landfill, where they stay for


    The price of non renewable plastic is set to increase drastically, while the price of

    renewable polymers is expected to decrease. Price stabilization of bioplastics is

    expected in 2015.

    How hard the product is to open comes down to the expected shelf life of the product

    as retailers expect/hope the shelf life to be 2years this way they have more time and

    chance to sell the product. Energy gels arent a product commonly bought regularly,

    people will buy them for races ad

    The market wants performance and its all about competition people will pay 1000s of

    pounds for a product which saves a gram or 2 as dragging an extra gram around for

    2hours adds up to minutes of time. So racers are reluctant to add weight of an

    alternative product if it would be a competitive disadantage. If everyone is in the

    same boat is doesnt matter because the best man will win.

    Thats why the number board thing works because everyone has the extra material

    no single person is at a disadvantage. But they have a choice to put there empty gels

    in the number board or on the floor and hopefully more people will go for the later


    If an incentive was put in place either financially or a deposit scheme then people are

    more likely to aspect.

    After talking to a trustee of Keep Wales Tidy (Olwen Moseley) I became aware that

    people dont like being told or forced to do something or told off they need a motiveor incentive

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    The primary research undertaken identifies the needs for less litter one of the

    community members gave the current product (Unette Saran tube) a new name of

    landfill tube.

    Litter Problem-Energy gels come in a small package and one associated problem is

    litter. Unfortunately, many end up being thrown onto the trails or roads as cycling

    athletes dont have enough hands to deal with the trash as it is time consuming and

    the torn-off package tops can be misplaced or otherwise lost therefore creating a

    litter problem.

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    Appendices I-End of Life

    Once the user has managed to separate the upper tab off using teeth or hand while

    cycling along will often misplace or loose the now separated packet which therefore

    creates a litter problem.

    The questionnaire showed the large majority of people attempt to take them home by

    stuffing them up there shorts or jersey pocket, but admitted they dont always make it

    home with them.

    George Budd filled out my survey and responded with this

    If the idea of this is to make biodegradable gel packaging with the ideathat we can

    just throw them on the floor, I'm not sure I like the idea. It will just look awfully messy

    and sheep and turtles etc will still choke on them until they have degraded.

    He is very true about the implications of biodegradable packets it will in fact promotelitter, motivating more people to stop taking their packets home with them.

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    A packaged dropped could find its way into the pacific garbage patch and end up


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    Dont worry Envalwill recycle it!

    Enval can help; by implementing our process, 100% of the aluminium from

    plastic/aluminium laminate waste can be extracted and the plastic converted into

    useable oils and gases.

    With waste volumes constantly increasing, and composition becoming more complex,

    there is a need for new technologies and processes to help recycle this new

    packaging. The Enval process can treat wastes which are difficult to recycle with

    conventional recycling processes. (Limited, 2011)

    WRAP aims to improve market knowledge and transparency within the recycling


    WRAP aims to be a leading, respected and authoritative provider of information

    about the industry to help inform business decisions.

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    Closed loop

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  • 8/10/2019 Ba Product Design Final report


    A company based in Berkeley, California called GU Energy in 1991 invented the first

    energy gels. (GU Energy) PowerBars were invented in 1986 and PowerGel came out

    in 1996. (PowerBar).

    Before energy gels, bars and beverages became readily available in the 1990s,

    American endurance athletes used easy-to digest and relatively inexpensive natural

    foods and beverages to maintain their energy levels from word of mouth and trial-



    An anthropological look at energy gels for endurance athletes

    An energy gel is semi-liquid or pudding-like, sweet and easily digestible source of 25-

    30 grams of complex carbohydrates that are sold usually in single-serving disposable

    sachets containing about 2 Tablespoons (36 grams) of gel. The purpose of energy

    gels is to supply energy to an endurance athlete. Endurance athletes ingest energy

    gels in order to replace depleted liver and muscle glycogen stores used up while

    racing or t