
Quando si usa Esempio To do significa fare in generale, senza specificare esattamente di che cosa si tratta. What are you doing tonight? (Che cosa fai questa sera?) Si usa to do quando si parla del lavoro, degli studi, di un compito specifico che si svolge. What do you do? (Che lavoro fai?) I'm doing a research on this subject. (Sto facendo una ricerca su questo argomento.) I must do the ironing. (Devo stirare.) Si usa to do per gli sport praticati senza l’uso della palla, espressi da un sostantivo. I do aerobics. (Faccio/ pratico l’aerobica.) Si usa to do nelle seguenti espressioni: To do an exercise: fare un esercizio To do someone a favour: fare un favore a qualcuno To do one's best: fare del proprio meglio To do the shopping: fare la spesa To do the homework: fare i compiti To do the washing up: lavare i piatti To do the cleaning: fare le pulizie Could you do me a favour? (Potresti farmi un favore?) You should do your best. (Dovresti fare del tuo meglio.) I have a lot of homework to do. (Ho molti compiti da fare.) Can you do the washing up? (Puoi lavare i piatti?) Si usa do/does/did come ausiliare delle forme interrogative e negative dei verbi non ausiliari al Simple Present, al Simple Past e all'Imperativo. Do you like dancing? (Ti piace ballare?) I don't like dancing. (Non mi piace ballare) I didn't go to the party last

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Quando si usa Esempio

To do significa fare in generale, senza specificare esattamente di che cosa si tratta.

What are you doing tonight? (Che cosa fai questa sera?)

Si usa to do quando si parla del lavoro, degli studi, di un compito specifico che si svolge.

What do you do? (Che lavoro fai?)

I'm doing a research on this subject. (Sto facendo una ricerca su questo argomento.)

I must do the ironing. (Devo stirare.)

Si usa to do per gli sport praticati senza l’uso della palla, espressi da un sostantivo.

I do aerobics. (Faccio/ pratico l’aerobica.)

Si usa to do nelle seguenti espressioni:

To do an exercise: fare un esercizio To do someone a favour: fare un favore a qualcuno To do one's best: fare del proprio meglio To do the shopping: fare la spesa To do the homework: fare i compiti

To do the washing up: lavare i piatti To do the cleaning: fare le pulizie

Could you do me a favour? (Potresti farmi un favore?)

You should do your best. (Dovresti fare del tuo meglio.)

I have a lot of homework to do. (Ho molti compiti da fare.)

Can you do the washing up?

(Puoi lavare i piatti?)

Si usa do/does/did come ausiliare delle forme interrogative e negative dei verbi non ausiliari al Simple Present, al Simple Past e all'Imperativo.

Do you like dancing? (Ti piace ballare?)

I don't like dancing. (Non mi piace ballare)

I didn't go to the party last

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Lo si può usare anche in frasi affermative, in questo caso ha lo scopo di enfatizzare ciò che si sta dicendo.

night. (Non sono andato alla festa ieri sera.)

You don't speak German, do you? (Non parli tedesco, vero?)

Yes, I do speak German! (Ma si, parlo tedesco! Do usato come ausiliare in frase affermativa rafforza ciò che si sta dicendo.)

When 'do' or 'make' are used as main verbs it can be confusing to ESL learners. The verb

'make' goes with some words and the verb 'do' with other words.


We use the verb 'do' when someone performs an action, activity or task.

do a crossword

do the ironing

do the laundry

do the washing

do the washing up

'Do' is often used when referring to work of any kind.

do your work

do homework

do housework

do your job

!Note - these activities do not usually produce a physical object.

'Do' for General Ideas

Use the verb 'do' when speaking about things in general. In other words, to describe an action without

saying exactly what the action is. This form is often used with the words 'something, nothing, anything,

everything, etc.'

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I'm not doing anything today.

He does everything for his mother.

She's doing nothing.

Important Expressions with 'Do'

There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'do'. The best solution is to try to learn


do badly

do business

do the dishes

do a favour

do good

do harm

do time - (to go to prison)

do well

do your best

do your hair

do your nails

do your worst


We use the verb 'make' for constructing, building or creating

make a dress

make food

make a cup of tea / coffee

'Make' is often used when referring to preparing food of any kind.

make a meal - breakfast / lunch / dinner

!Note - these activities usually create something that you can touch.

Important Expressions with 'Make'

There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'make'. The best solution is to try to

learn them.

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make amends

make arrangements

make believe - (to pretend)

make a choice

make a comment

make a decision

make a difference

make an effort

make an enquiry

make an excuse

make a fool of yourself

make a fortune

make friends

make a fuss

make a journey

make love

make a mess

make a mistake

make money

make a move

make a noise

make a payment

make a phone call

make a plan

make a point

make a profit

make a promise

make a remark

make a sound

make a speech

make a suggestion

make time

make a visit

make your bed - (to prepare the bed for sleeping in)

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DO AND MAKE a good job it yourself

a course a suggestion

a subject the dusting

the bed well / badly

sense wonders

a noise up your mind

the honours an appointment

a favour your duty

an offer a phone call

a journey a cake

a fortune fun of someone

an effort a sum

the ironing the shopping

the washing up studies

money room

a scene a speech

sure/certain progressss

plans the most of

a promise a complaint

a compliment war / love

harm light of

a guess a decision

friends amends


some more exercises

1.-I hate the housework every day.

2.-She had to repeat the composition because she had a lot of spelling mistakes.

3.-Be serious ,Why are you always fun of everything?

4.-They were so much noise that someone phoned the police

5.-I always the ironing and

she the washing up

6.-The bestman has to a speech

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7.-Could you -----me a favour?

8.-I was the shopping when I met Rosemary

9.-I have an appointment with the dentist

10.-She always a delicious cake for my birthday

11.-The children always their homework before watching tv

12.-My company a lot of money last year.

13.-She. a great effort and improved a lot

14.-I can´t exercise everyday but at least I walk an hour a day

15.-If you wear this hat everybody will -------fun of you

16. She an excellent suggestion bur nobody answered

17.-She is Law at Oxford University

18.-This a difficult decision to. but I thing it is necessary

19.-she a fortune by selling dolls

20.-I´ll sure he has understood