b2b intel

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B2B Intel


IT Industry

The sector has increased its contribution to India's GDP from 1.2% in FY1998 to 7.5% in FY2012Exports dominate the industry and constitute about 77% of the total industry revenue.The industry ofinformation technology in Indiaincludes the following services namely IT and software services, IT enabled services, hardware (engineering) services, and e-businesses/e-governance associated with government serviceThe major cities that account for about nearly 90% of the sector's exports areBangalore,Chennai,Hyderabad,Trivandrum,Delhi,MumbaiandKolkataThe "Top Five Indian IT Services Providers" areTata Consultancy Services,Infosys,Cognizant,WiproandHCL Technologies

IT Industry in IndiaIntel ( Integrated Electronics) was established in 1968, an Americanmultinationalsemiconductorchip maker corporation headquartered inSanta Clara, California.

It is theworld's largest and highest valued semiconductorchip maker, based on revenue

Though Intel was originally known primarily to engineers and technologists, its "Intel Inside" advertising campaign of the 1990s made it a household name, along with itsPentiumprocessor

Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops technologies, products, and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live.

Founded by three semiconductor pioneer - Robert Noyce - Gordon Moore - Andy Grove

About Intel

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and original design manufacturers (ODMs)

PC and network communications products users (including individuals, large and small businesses, and service providers)

Other manufacturers, including makers of a wide range of industrial and communications equipment.



Intel NUC


Solid-State Drives

Server Products

Ethernet Products


Major Competitors Products

Intel has value, legacy, transactional, mainstream performance, premium performance and extreme market segment

S - Enterprise(and end customers)T - Intel targets enterprise but indirectly pulls the end customerP - Reliable and premium microprocessorsS - 1) Huge R&D spend2) Innovation3) Market Leadership4) Global Prescence5) Strong Tie ups

W - highly confined to PC segment O - Intel has a huge opportunity in the mobile segment-Hardware as well as Software

T - Intel is lagging in the mobile and portable segment and the whole world s moving towards portable devices. Android, Apple and other devices are relying more on companies like Qualcomm than IntelIntel Segments its market in six levelsSWOT

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.Texas Instruments IncorporatedSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Intel has become one of the world's most recognizable computer brands following its long-runningIntel Insidecampaign.

The five-note jingle was introduced in 1993 and by its tenth anniversary was being heard in 130 countries around the world.

In 2008, Intel planned to shift the emphasis of its Intel Inside campaign from traditional media such as television and print to newer media such as the Internet.

Intel required that a minimum of 35% of the money it provided to the companies in its co-op program be used for online marketing.

The Intel 2010 annual financial report indicated that $1.8 billion (6% of the gross margin and nearly 16% of the total net income) was allocated to all advertising with Intel Inside being part of that.Advertising And Branding

Re-BrandingIntel Inside Leap Ahead The Intel Inside campaign focused solely on the companys microprocessors, such as its popular Pentium line of chips. But Intel has changed its focus to include entire platforms, including the microprocessor as well as other surrounding chips and chip sets, such as Centrino for laptops able to surf the Internet using Wi-Fi, and the upcoming Viiv platform for home entertainment computers. The new logo aims to reflect Intels focus on whole platforms, instead of just on its microprocessors.

The "leap ahead" campaign is a logical extension of the approach in design and marketing of its Centrino line, in which the Pentium M processor, an Intel chipset, and an Intel-wireless card were all combined in a notebook and given the name Centrino. By using a strategy of combining products in computer systems, Intel can sell more of its non-processor products by including them with Intel Processors and giving the sum of the Intel parts a marketing name, so that when users purchase a Centrino notebook, users know they will be getting specific Intel parts.

The Intel Inside campaign aimed to "educate both the retail sales associates and the consumers about the value of Intel microprocessors, and to explain to them the differences between the microprocessors" - without the technical jargon. Many consumers were uncertain about the quality and reliability of microprocessors, and Intel found a way of taking away the mystery of the product, gaining the confidence of the end consumer that "Intel Inside" represented quality and reliability.

Branding Strategy

Elements Of Marketing

Intel Core Competence analysis

Innovative Advertising

The Blue Man Group is dancing and drumming, when suddenly, one of them notices something amiss.He disappears and emerges with the missing piece and inserts it forming a perfect four."The Intel Pentium 4 Processor. The centre of your digital world."

"The power of three." Super: Intel Pentium III processor.Story Boards

Print Ads


Supply Chain Management

Just Say YES!15Intel Inside Program to promote and support e-commerce marketing activities undertaken by computer manufacturers.

Entered tie-ups for innovative web-based marketing and sales deals.

By doing so, it marketed its chips as a component brand during online PC purchases throughout the world.

Sold merchandise such as books, T-shirts, pens, etc. through its website to popularize the Intel logo

Set up the Intel Inside Online Network, a web-based tool that managed business transactions related to the companys coop advertising program.

Increasing Brand Value

PROBLEMCheap PCs grabs a large market share.AMD releases the first 1GHz processor.

GOALAddress the low-cost sector of the industry and gain back the leading position in processors.

STRATEGYProduce two chip generations in one yearAnnounce a limited production of a 1 GHz processor two days later AMDs release, and announce a 2GHz chip one year laterCommunicate through an impactful Super Bowl Ad (1997) the arrival of affordable, super-performanance processors for your PC

TAKE AWAYAs PCs became more affordable and started to enter peoples rooms, Intel followed with low-end processors and communications that would promote its values, and connect with the consumer culture, becoming a recognizable, and reliable synonym for computer performanceStaying true to its values, Intel gains back the leading position in the industry with the release of the faster PC processor


PROBLEMTechnology and pop culture is moving faster, creating needs and markets.

GOALKeep up with current changes in technology without losing the company brand image

STRATEGYRecognize the consumer needs to produce appealing products by combining marketing and research efforts with technological solutions.Align the innovative DNA of the brand with the marketing communication by creating emotional, thought-provoking, and entertaining campaigns.Address the rising mobile market by creating a template for cell phone companies.

TAKE AWAYIntel realizes that niche audience are being formed. There is a need for marketing and technical departments to merge and collaborate, in order to develop products based on peoples needs and preferences.Noticing the fast-growing mobile market, Intel expands its PC presence into computing, and partners with Microsoft to propose a template for phone manufacturers, saving money and offering cheaper, more diverse products.


Only about 9% of all companies make use of sound to make their brands more distinct, recognizable and memorable - Brand Sense by Martin Lindstorm

SmellSoundTasteTouchSightand Intel with its unique trademark sound has been doing just that for years now.INTEL