b1.1 festivals


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Ejercicios sobre festividades en España e Inglaterra para hacer en clase de Inglés


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Academia Britannia - C\ Concejal Juan Bocanegra Muñoz 11 - Local 2 (El Puerto de Santa María, 11500 , Cádiz) | TLF: 956 05 93 44 1


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Video (story of the first thanksgiving): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFDSobNnfQs

Exercise 1

Put the sentences in order so that they create the story of the first Thanksgiving. There are two extra sentences that don't have to be used.

.....Almost half of the pilgrims died due to an extremely cold winter.

..... In November, after two months of difficult weather conditions and rough sea,

pilgrims finally found the land where they settled.

...... When the spring came all pilgrims were happy because they could find a lot of

food the Indians grew.

...... A friendly Indian named Squanto taught people how to grow barley, wheat and


...1.. Around 100 people sailed on a tiny ship called the Mayflower.

......The soil in Plymouth Rock was very fruitful and crops they gathered in autumn

were more then enough for the long winter that was approaching.

..... Indians didn't come empty handed, they brought plenty of wild turkey meat.

..... Indians who came to the meal wore special outfits consisting of deer skin,fox

tails and cat fur coats.

..... Pilgrims were very thankful for the God for all the good things he had


.... Pilgrims prepared a grand thanksgiving meal that included wild geese, turkey,

duck meat plus wild deer and fish.

..... To celebrate their happiness pilgrims organised the Thanksgiving party which

Indian people also attended.

..... Before the meal commenced both nations prayed to God for all the goodness.

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Easter Trivia Quiz:Easter and Easter Traditions.

1.Easter is a celebration of... a) The Resurrection of Christ b) The crucifixion ofChrist c) the Last Supper

2.The word "Easter" comes from... a) The white Esturian Flower that blooms this timeof year b) "Ostara" the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility c) The word "East," referring to the rising sun and to spring

3.Lent, the period that comes before Easter, begins on what day? a) Shrove Tuesday b) Palm Sundayc)Ash Wednesday

4.The egg is a symbol of... a) Rebirth b) Mourning c) Fertility

5.When did the rabbit first appear as an Easter symbol? a) In 16th century Germany b) When St. Patrick drove thesnakes from Ireland c) When the 18th century rabbit population in England reached dangerous proportions

6.Where does the custom of Easter baskets originate? a) From the baskets farmers would use to collect their cropsb) From the custom of people bringing baskets of eggs to the temple of Ishtar/Estra /Oestra c) From the Catholic

custom of bringing Easter food to mass to be blessed

7.Palm Sunday, one week before Easter, celebrates... a) The edict in 325 AD by the council of Nice that Easter fall ona Sunday b) The commemoration of the Last Supper c) The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

8.Where can you find the world’s largest decorated Easter egg? a) Romania b)Ukraine c) Canada

9. What is supposed to bring people luck at Easter?a) finding a red boiled egg. b) wearing new clothesc) eating hot cross buns

10.In Cyprus they light bonfires at Easter and burn a small figure.Who does this represent ? a) Jesusb) the devil c) Judas

11.In Finnland,Sweden and Denmark children…….a) dress up as witches and go from door to door asking for sweets.b) dress up as rabbits and go from door to door giving people boiled eggs. c) dress up as rabbits and go from door todoor and ask people for boiled eggs.

12.In the Netherlands, Belgium and France bells do not ring for a few days before Easter and it is said they have goneto …… a) Heaven b) Rome c) Jerusalem

13.In the Czech Republic, on Easter Monday, in an old tradition men……. a) give women a chocolate egg b) kisswomen and dance with them c) spank women with a special whip

14.On Maunday Thursday,the Thursday before Easter , traditionally the day before Jesus celebrated Passover, thereigning English Monarch i.e Queen Elizabeth gives people ……a) money b) boiled eggs c) Bibles

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Easter Trivia Quiz:Easter and Easter Traditions.Key

1.Easter is a celebration of... a) The Resurrection of Christ b) The crucifixion of Christ c) the Last Supper

2.The word "Easter" comes from... a) The white Esturian Flower that blooms this time of yearb) "Ostara," the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility c) The word "East," referring to the rising sun and to spring

3.Lent, the period that comes before Easter, begins on what day? a) Shrove Tuesday b) Palm Sundayc)Ash Wednesday

4.The egg is a symbol of... a) Rebirth b) Mourning c) Fertility

5.When did the rabbit first appear as an Easter symbol? a) In 16th century Germany b) When St. Patrick drove thesnakes from Ireland c) When the 18th century rabbit population in England reached dangerous proportions

6.Where does the custom of Easter baskets originate? a) From the baskets farmers would use to collect their cropsb) From the custom of people bringing baskets of eggs to the temple of ishtar/Estra c) From the Catholic custom of

bringing Easter food to mass to be blessed (No one is quite certain where exactly the custom comes from but these two are the most likely options.)

7.Palm Sunday, one week before Easter, celebrates... a) The edict in 325 AD by the council of Nice that Easter fall ona Sunday b) The commemoration of the Last Supper c) The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

8.Where can you find the world’s largest decorated Easter egg? a) Romania b) Ukraine c) Canada

9. What is supposed to bring people luck at Easter? a) finding a red boiled egg.b) wearing new clothes c) eating hot cross buns

10.In Cyprus they light bonfires at Easter and burn a small figure.Who does this represent ? a) Jesusb) the devil c) Judas

11.In Finnland,Sweden and Denmark children….a) dress up as witches and go from door to door asking for sweets. b)dress up as rabbits and go from door to door giving people boiled eggs. c) dress up as rabbits and go from door to door and ask people for boiled eggs.

12.In the Netherlands, Belgium and France bells do not ring for a few days before Easter and it is said they have goneto a) Heaven b) Rome c) Jerusalem

13.In the Czech Republic, on Easter Monday, in an old tradition men… a) give women a chocolate egg b) kiss womenand dance with them c) spank women with a special whip

14.On Maunday Thursday,the Thursday before Easter , traditionally the day before Jesus celebrated Passover, thereigning English Monarch i.e Queen Elizabeth gives people a) money b) boiled eggs c) Bibles

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Song for Dad by Keith Urban

Put the lines in order o When I look in the mirror he's right there in my eyeso I tap my fingers on the table to the rhythm in my soulo And I even find myself acting the very same wayo Starin' back at me and I realizeo Lately I've been noticing I say the same things he used to sayo And I jingle the car keys when I'm ready to go

Match the two parts of the lines (reconstruct ) The older I get when I have my own family How much he loved a little more of my father in me And he did the more I can see And I only hope the best that he could That everyday I see my mother, my brother and me

Choose the correct option There were times I felt/ thought he was bein' just a little bit strict/hard on me But now I see/understand he was makin' me Become the person/man he knew that I could be In everything he ever did he simply/always did with care/love And I'm proud/happy today to say I'm his son When somebody says I hope I get to know/meet your dad/father I just/only smile and say you just/already have.

Put the lines in order o And he did the best that he couldo The older I get the more I can seeo How much he loved my mother and my brother and meo And I only hope when I have my own familyo That everyday I see a little more of my father in me.

Fill in the blanks He's in my ______, my ________, my ________, my _______, my pride And when I feel ________ and I _______ I can't go on I hear him sayin' "_______ you'll be ________, Everything's gonna be ________."

Complete the beginnings ________________ I get the more I can see ________________he loved my mother and my brother and me ________________the best that he could _________________ when I have my own family __________________I see a little more of my father in me.

A little more of my father in me I hope everyday I see in me In me, in me I hope everyday I see A little more of my father in me...

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Song for Dad by Keith Urban

Lately I've been noticing I say the same things he used to say And I even find myself acting the very same way I tap my fingers on the table to the rhythm in my soul And I jingle the car keys when I'm ready to go When I look in the mirror he's right there in my eyes Starin' back at me and I realize.

Chorus: The older I get the more I can see How much he loved my mother and my brother and me And he did the best that he could And I only hope when I have my own family That everyday I see a little more of my father in me.

There were times I thought he was bein' just a little bit hard on me But now I understand he was makin' me Become the man he knew that I could be In everything he ever did he always did with love And I'm proud today to say I'm his son When somebody says I hope I get to meet your dad I just smile and say you already have.

Chorus: The older I get the more I can see How much he loved my mother and my brother and me And he did the best that he could And I only hope when I have my own family That everyday I see a little more of my father in me.

He's in my eyes, my heart, my soul, my hands, my pride And when I feel alone and I thnk I can't go on I hear him sayin' "Son you'll be alright, Everything's gonna be alright."

Chorus: The older I get the more I can see How much he loved my mother and my brother and me And he did the best that he could And I only hope when I have my own family That everyday I see a little more of my father in me.

A little more of my father in me I hope everyday I see in me In me, in me I hope everyday I see A little more of my father in me...

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April Fools Day

by Claire Powell and Dave Collett

What is April Fools Day and what are its origins? It is commonly believed that in medieval France, New Year was celebrated on 1 April. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, changing New Year to 1 January. With no modern communications, news travelled slowly and new ideas were often questioned. Many people did not hear of the change, others chose to ignore it, while some merely forgot. These people were called fools. Invitations to non-existent ‘New Year’ parties were sent and other practical jokes were played. This jesting evolved over time into a tradition of playing pranks on 1 April. The custom eventually spread to England and Scotland, and it was later transported across the Atlantic to the American colonies of the English and the French. April Fools Day has now developed into an international festival of fun, with different nationalities celebrating the day in special ways.

In France and Italy, if someone plays a trick on you, you are the ‘fish of April’. By the month of April fish have only just hatched and are therefore easy to catch. Children stick paper fish to their friends’ backs and chocolate fish are found in the shops.

In Scotland, April Fools Day lasts for two days! The second day is called ‘Taily Day’ and tricks on this day involve the bottom (or the ‘tail’ in informal speech). Often a sign saying ‘kick me’ is stuck onto someone’s back without them knowing.

In Spain and Mexico, similar celebrations take place on 28 December. The day is the Feast of the Holy Innocents. Originally, the day was a sad remembrance of the slaughter of the innocent children by Herod in his search for the baby Jesus. It eventually changed to a lighter commemoration of innocence involving pranks and trickery.

Today, Americans and the British play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on 1 April. A common trick is to point to a friend's shoe and say ‘Your shoelace is untied.’ When they look down, they are laughed at. Schoolchildren might tell a friend that school has been cancelled. A bag of flour might be balanced on the top of a door so that when the ‘victim’ opens the door, the flour empties over their head. Sometimes the media get involved. Once, a British short film was shown on

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April Fools Day about spaghetti farmers and how they harvest their crop from spaghetti trees!

Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The best trick is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke has been played.

April Fool’s Day, 1989

UFO Lands Near London

Two British policemen were sent to investigate a glowing flying saucer on 31 March, the day before April Fool’s Day. When the policemen arrived at a field in Surrey, they saw a small figure wearing a silver space suit walking out of a spacecraft. Immediately the police ran off in the opposite direction. Reports revealed that the alien was in fact a midget, and the flying saucer was a hot air balloon that had been specially built to look like a UFO by Richard Branson, the 36-year-old chairman of Virgin Records.

Branson had planned to land the balloon in London’s Hyde Park on 1 April. However, a wind change had brought him down in a Surrey field. The police were bombarded with phone calls from terrified motorists as the balloon drifted over the motorway. One lady was so shocked by the incident that she didn’t realise that she was standing naked in front of her window as she was describing the UFO to a radio station

- See more at: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine-articles/april-fools-day#sthash.742zYexO.dpuf

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"The Best Day" – by Taylor Swift

Vocabulary – Fill in the blank with these words:

near know today three

smiles smart run thirteen

drive now in trees

talk home on love

I have an excellent father His strength is making me stronger God _________ on my little brother Inside and out He's better than I am

I grew up ________ a pretty house And I had space to run And I had the best days with you

There is a video I found from back when I was __________ You set up a paint set in the kitchen And you're talking to me

It's the age of princesses and pirate ships And the seven dwarfs Daddy's __________ And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

Now I know why all the _________ change in the Fall I know you were on my side Even when I was wrong And I ______ you for giving me your eyes Staying back and watching me shine

And I didn't know if you knew So I'm taking this chance to say That I had the best day With you today

I'm five years old It's getting cold I've got my big coat on

I hear your laugh And look up smiling at you I ______ and run

Past the pumpkin patch And the tractor rides Look ________ -- the sky is gold I hug your legs and fall asleep On the way _________

I don't know why all the trees change in the Fall I _____ you're not scared of anything at all Don't know if Snow White's house is _____ or far away But I know I had the best day With you today

I'm ___________ now And don't know how my friends Could be so mean

I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys

And we drive and ________ Until we've found a town Far enough away

And we _______ and window-shop Until I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to Now at school I know I'm laughing _____ the car ride home with you Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay But I know I had the best day With you __________