b the eastern reflector -...

rwp RRH ' WMW'Vrip' ^^|BBSa»miBy»n»ia^^ Professional Cards -- -- Accord W. SI. Eoml. •". I- n ' |(>Si>A rUCMIHOi ' ' •' l!: tboat Rofaabowa '' i-vcr MO a i ..i. to -, B ATOKXIY.-AT-T. \" . Orecnvllle. N. 0 Practice In nil the court*. i brick]. i . , ,. . . i.ii..,i, |, IIOU :: ... Fa. JAKKI . . Ai lOUNEY-Ai I. IW, 1 ' ' !• resting foots in '>;''' •' '-"-l OW :.,! 1|0W It la glanoa at the w-hite schools and tb< foil ed: 1'ractlcc ill nil ll»' >•«" > specialty. RoOsMdj tor Sn.ike Kite. " ANiKI> UIENTS. i i ill.- C|vi " Tit IP ', ',- Bl.il ill .. .1 *'» r '" •' MWI*eil ,, "' lOnUrac a. Baird .. •;. I .... ;,.. | 0( ... ,|. Battle H |»oi '', * - b.:«SS5B oaaia iiiiiU-i a log. felt aometl ... i IUM on lii hand ionnu that to I .. koaourucwa . . > u ... :. I : . . T0BN.Y8.AW w. \ . . J, ».offtoward JBU ' :;:T., ( r; GreenvilleN.C. leatores. Every; in y. i men *, onou*htoappl -NewberuJour .... .... . ' I ncd out of tbo i . •' ' ' ' formed iu Ibi '" "'• "..'' . I--I--K'. ..->,,,!. ,-. Il„ ii nlh i . lltiii r . .. .. I "iWlaWiM in, A K. n VoiUrb-oM, |i„i„ M ,-.. | advertluoeol b,,u f h:l,„„«|„„ ,,,.,,„ ;!.'""'"""• " c,i »" ' - Kb. I;!" 11 " 1,1 "!'" "I ." !, I.,,,. .'; ,' : ' **« bm ira. ... "«!-ma.: but »„ l. ( |., <11 j sr . !1 ,,,, "Waal a inau spends mnt of bis liie nesting himself to drunkenness." says I he Manayunk Philosopher, ' it if n.iiur.it ilia: he should finally hsve to In HI hiinstil lor it." Hoax—"Jiglry ia losing Us grip J"ax —"I heard lie was sick, but 1 didn't ll.ii.k il WM an bad an llial." Hoax ••Bin'? lie li.-i-J the kind ol grip that a man in glad lo lose." swift Galloway, B. ".Tyson '', ' . .•:.; . . ,, i : soowHIII, N. c. Un ay ... \. i ' •' be al GALLOWAY I TY80W. '•" ' l- Ii cai.no! bo I .,., j , .ur.iliN^-AI-l.A«. I HI* tool? tbottormi Greenville. N. I' and c-lrail . , " ' III II.: •' ' ! . . . ...'•- i Ore UTIIID, ' . I ..-.. . ... [armi 1.. M in all the l.'.lDrlt. tO till . j y 0UU g Mt.niiu ibovo us. B.D1 "AMKS ^*-S '"" ' ' , - UU1 . I .. I I . . . ,:........ :'>'•' .. . : ,. mh .\ D i'K\TI.-T i.ii I WII.I.K, x. 0. UlUoeoTor'J. «•. Cobb A N'i'.- Stoi HW,*HICKA 0 (•' ...•.I lull', K. V,!iId . -DEaLER IX- smeiiii IIoiiIIIII Tffl 1 ..IHK:—I IMV; C ' ' '. I';, t IMUMMUa PI I. I . I fa } I ; ,• Sitivt anil oi iu power i at i c .-. «1» H my duty t> THE OLD R^LiABLP. -B 81 I I.I. AT Tilt inoXT WITH A ^OMPI.KTi: LINK pO!'IVYKAI!SE M . 1:1;IEN( . K as „„„,„ mUMam *&mM cheap MMkKUM oo-.be, I-,,,,,,,, K:.,„,i., K Sm^mmtM, and every :; S£SEiUfaJ^ ' irssi==-wiii KBMaVforCon Byil . „• •. ' rt.-« lor ll. ,, v Urocertei ., l"i .i .1^ ' ''«•', » l *»p ?? »«nd. Am h ? . JOM. E. w. ,..i.:. .. r.C'.Hai tl . I: I. N'. I i.i. . %A#i)UHAl:l'.v i liiil.V : / »ch. lilnthe . ; ' •-" •" : I II? ft . ; ' '•-••' ,: -' 'i 'a*?!, ii [if Hf HI j andfo Btai . .:, bat UtllLiltU .i .... . i.. i .. . . , . .. s,i:J : -• i. ...., . ,.;;-,,; v nrr.il. rs un ; .' .-. B achU or I " ' '' . II they v...: wrHa m their ' .-.!•. I. J nOCOH, :i.C. ib Purl SL.Bew Turk. - . - l '.' ., i i »- I'll - i-... " l . . -. GREEK VILLF. I C. ... ' * ... i .v -w- ....ii'. ,,||i '' ' ' ;. . . a bat on* hall ol I he ''''''' ; the earth cub i ' , II , '• ' ' I I lilt |'0 -nl IL f\l ... i ... .. . . i.. , . An„.sM, :l :.:v, , v weie ;,-,,! , L . . , bcaih. - ' il, ..... . -if., earth, wo special atti i (riven lo Id on m-u * ,. .. _ ' idrottleiaeiilele ,.. .... »» "t clrcul.u end KtMeewni of rl iloia, I."iii.» n»:u!e on .! i : . ' , ' ii'. f i t tli il the It ia curl dllthehoUM I I II other I . "OP utlecls but l ;:. : .: , •'"'v',! 1 '?;,! 1 '"^- , ,", ' iiieotociv complete in riliAitainvri ,: ' ' ; ' »• '' : »' li!s « '•'' every department aua S . ...... M«><MA<«AS Inmn* *Ur» IM» Wliiohard, w. C The Stock complete in ] f " ° ' tat J i ,i »:i Px-J I Wopra»Tc Fttt. |< - C «;|| OPPOaiTCV.a, PATCNTOf'iCC J L SUGG [IiiFiruililfiiiiiiie. it«» U...t I \. i. •' ' .. \ St *. t :. i. " : \s i A i'"N«"; ' " •: ..... i!::...•.-,:,,,,,; evei\y department and J -'. . --..•• .: 0 Attorney* and! nuaelo 1U1 *horo I . bin i . rue, pxicesas lowas the low '. ,'• ' •;.' ';' ; ' ' . J i.iiKKNvii.ii-. \.,. •• ,v . es t, Highest market;-- ;".£{ I'raotlCM In all the Co LwoinvieAfl naid for rmilll'iV «A .»r.,,,-.,- ,. «. i lyl . , '' PI OUUCu. J pr*. .^tr.to.v,.- V i, .:.,.... 0 D c J p—^^..^.^..j.^v.^.^^^—. -iiin.ua-., i , i. m ; V'.; , : " aJfTAULKIIKH ., ; . i;., , , ••• , luain >au mu .,.. re- orerai . -:.. ffer-mly apinl Is ttn i , i - tbii i ' ... - _. ....... Execution Sale. ing . ''.•'.. W. ii - ' ;! . . out the i . I will MI M . . .,|. ' ' ' ' ' :. M . . .. [ .. r •., «>• you i : - : ' ..;..•..', : •-. II, BO," . - «' , .. I. A J inAlifci ' ' •. em 3 you ..... . : -- if 1 V JM un . IV IV : A bow i .... . : ; ' li.i Stan Moore lieir- 1 v « >^ Mi, m o liorter cuds nt- 1 / ! li.Ml.'.t.A .•..'.. GREEN VILLK N. C. UKKICK MtfAB COURTHOUSE. All kiuae ol Risks placed iu strictly FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES current ratas AM AGENT FOR FTRST-OLASS FIRE PROOF SAF Wait for the only Big Show coming to Greenville. >. - ' N ' ' " ' "". I ... drawn ,; ' .. » ; ooper ?ORK SiLlfcct-Ii.i.i.; . : <• :.'. I I . .- ' .'. j ALWAYS Al LOV,-|-i IfABKl.!' '• !:ki: --•••. .-. in A ... : and in Holi-i Uai.m lo'.« urn! I tif> :.:: I to W K MelioWall |.> K i B 111", ' ' ' ' - ' ' ;,, -^ mi. a "' '• ' Iff 1-iic Tobacco. Snurl &c , ire buy direct horn IHM " ' ,: i ;• ,-, lu \ . , | ' : .'.. ... ^- 'r I in. v < L- itock i f FURNTURE :.!.. 1 -: t.- . ...: Ivaysonliandaadaoldati ICI totuit >\: , ,- r%a.d ibe 'in- .mi- .-. areal] DOIII B*1f* C flllC mid tort •>': ivfore.hai ... - - < lilt to run tel< is close nij sin /-» . , t .- M.-I : i ..-.•!• .u.i-N. - {,111'g 4'! Liver His. Old ItMiiM line KIVER SERVICE - : v «i.-i,i„..'n,,r,.,-,.. . ' Tnrli iro louchins stall laml- ','j ' ; i «li r Uomluv. Wi id | I tifytfaebo .\ againstdi., ^ M.samcii »*. byTutt'sLiverPilb, anal o- < on-i ,....'. b **"»*»* I ^curcforsickheadachcdys ' . 'V, 'W/^RH,,;,!" 'stomach, malaria, ' ;:;;;:'. : ."-. x - ;, v ;.;-..;v ! ,'; . constipation, jaundice, bili , ' ri» "OMi>, ,,'!,„'„', uTw'wr^ "The Ply-Wbeel of LHe" \t*X«.;:.g* SSB S l^-Jutt; Your Liver Pills JJ- fg-, . the fly-wheclofLfis. I shall ever . , ,„, , , . >., __«,_ begratelullbrtneaccldentthat.' U,KKKY « A «»V . I; ]: ,. X ( _ . br o«ghtthemtomynotice.Ifccl Wo have oi t received ft new as if I had a new l-aa- ft f ;;,.. hearse and lb niccRt lino ol Cof. ,, ,, ', ' .' LSC '" ' ns and aunt*, lo wood, metal- \Lif a,rl «g'"»PlatteCannoii.C< I. j A 1 |>\!f» n A ,^ n tAJ"* 0VPr ''-'«'"'"iTutt's Liver PMs J,J " Lft ^'cH ftG 0 We MO propaidd ft N).OBbaln< I - UREEXVILLE. N. C ins iu ali ICT forBM ' _ |lK .,. Personal .tiootiou «iveu to con- j * * t0 0rec *it0r3. iloctiiiff fuuerals aad boditO on- . '. "'-''"'v yiiin. ,| i,!,,,,. ,<...., {Mil Irutod to our care *UI reoeue ffi,\SZSZ k ,f' P .'" ' fllRI ovary mark of rospoet, K ,•. ,',' ' "', " ' '' "" ''«"'• ,.' "' '• '' '• ' lien Ii) i Oarpnoaoaromoortuaa ever, .'.".'k.'i'im.',;'.'.',.',."'.'.'... .'"."''. ' ' '". '" nro do not oaol uicnopoly but lu.ito con.i>otitiub. UNr^RTAKER fuifii mm EMBALMERS. ^ : |& - <£.*' - " : - ••. ! <. ' - : : "! ! - ; a v JV3ARBLE ... , .i,,.-...„. ,,„- uayoMni v.iiiiii in-ev 1 WO can be fonnil a*, any anil all UMUMII trorn tbl.ds lhl> las will vXT^rfl and tr in l? n n n nuios in ifeo John Flaaocaa . \XV '","-'"'' wry. "•" ana iron *enc Bu W y OS'S boUdlOff. T^AN'rBAY '' 0l *"^«-*»« WOl Dflll ATlnw.TTi O r^f* ^^:.^ m " k ''!"" "• ill In the iiinl : •*"*«• I "'I IS-rniMI '.HOI; ell .1 ni iin«i Un , .I.H,. ; ,r, tllli 'H..|ir,-.i.i the Mme for naj/awnl irllliln twi v BOB GREENE & CO. in k •CO?"Y'.iGHT£0 1836. : ''V^ :--#^ ' THEUMiijn Sw.'i i-i.-iwiCc.CiNi •..-' tZ--'- A, •TnE-0NLY-B!G-5i10W-T0VISIT Ada's oi iioiiw K.ei. j prices reasonable. Wait ior the Big Show. r\ TWICE -A-- WEEE -EOR- THE EASTERN REFLECTOR Tuesday D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS : $1.00 per Year in Advance. Friday -AT- V0L XVI. GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C, TEUSDAY. OCTOBER 26, I897. NO 45 CLUBBING ANNOUNCEMENT Tbroj paper, for 01 75 The Farmer and Mechanic, tbe paper that yearn a^o, under tje euidauce of CapL I'. A- Sbotnell made Pucb au excellent r fpula rion Ihrouebout tbo Slate, bos been revived :u KMI• i_-h ns a •efkly faruj and home paper. Dcubllei-s many in this sec.mii who fo-merly toDk ibe Farmer in i Mecbauic would like lo hare it aeaio and we are prepared lo make the following extraordinary clubbing aouoonooaoal: For *l".' wo will ..mu 1'llE EASTIIIN 1'F.lXECTOIi. The North Csrciinian, of liaU ;. i,. and Tbe Farmer aud Mecbauic, ali ll.reu papers a who'e voar. Tbts hue nepers will give you Ibe home i!(»;-, tbe State aud general news and Ibe farm news, nod jrst tbink of it—all three of tbem a 4 hole year for $1-75. If yon wunt tbe Atlanta Con- stitution added to the abovo list you can get it for 75 cents more, or tbe thrice a week New York World for 75 cents. Any other piipor or BMgSXUlO wanted we cau givo you a discount ou in con- nection with Tin: EASIIILS RE- FLECTOlt. Three New Scrums, Three nolah'c medic'ne announce- ments have been made public nlino.'t sunullaneously CMCanlBg bnportani uew therapeutie RIVlCI In 'he Irent- ment if a trio ol the wars' i - .: .'- whieli iillliet Inininnity. Tli>se di*- ea*.-.' nre typhoid lever, yellow fever ard eoiiuuiption. In Ibe ease of ty- phoid lever Ihere ban been, SOSOrdhlg to the British Medieul Journal, a suc- cessful improvement ill (lie vaccination principle, eo that now there id secured the el nraclcmlic reaction cf the hluoil serum on typhoid bacilli. This may h" HCivptcl SI a proof that the suhject ol irjeciicn is rendered limnum Iroin inlixlion. Surgeon Majo- Svmple, As.-i.-tan', ProleiSOl ol I'at'-ology ul the British Army Medical School al Netlcy, is using tbe serum at Mnid- slon" with encouraging resulls. The vaccine is said to produce only some slight local soreness ami a few hours of discomfort. A eeruci lor the actual cure of con- lamption is also hera!ded ; but llii.- report is neither so ruthenlic in its •ouice nor so credible in ilsell. A New Totk physiciiMi, it ii a-ierled, has treated six tuberculosis ualients wilh l'rclrssor Maiagliano's serum with marked improvement in each cas>'. Kvcu quick eonsuinplion is said lo have been ctecked. The serum which is administered hypodernrcally in doses ol a cubic centimetre, is obtaimd fiom inoculated horse blood. As lor yellow lever, Sansrelb, the disojvercr it the yellow lever bacillus (the icteroid), is reported to hnve de> dared iLot I. has obtained a sci um which will render that terrible tropical scourge harmless. He is to publish all ibe details in a forthcoming pamuhlei; but first he is lo test his new rcrum on a fever psiienl at Kio Jr.nciro. Dr. Domingo Freire, ot Panama, is said lo, have put forward a similar claim in lo'.H l'hiladelpliia liecord. Florida iii.in,. Crop If the owners of the I-'ioiidu orangj {t'cvix had piver careful ntteniion to I heir groves immedi a'ely after the freeze, instead of j uo^ioctiog tlioni, ns a large pro. Ipi'iticn cf them did, the orin;;e crop t!tin year w>uld be KOIUO- tbiuf Ilka I.OW'.OOO box- e, instead ol 260,000. as ii in estimated il »i" be. ( | Ibis 20400° boxen about -110.1 till will JO iLinkelid outeido of me K ;at«. Within about fju; yars, if nolbii.g occuis to give the groves a setback, the orange production will be as great as it wan before tbe freeze—about 5,» 000,000 boxes. It is estimated that fully i0 l-'ii ceut of tbe groves it j mud by ibe frosi, were abandoned, but inauy new groves hive Leeu set out in that secticn of the Btato which was uot notice- ably bur: by Ihe free/a. It would not to at all Miiprisiug if tin years beuce Eloiidn should bo producing I0.o»0,00o boxes of oranges a year—Savanna Newa. A POINT TO BEREMEMBFRED. Our enterpise is conducted on sound l»usi- ncss truth principles, honoralily lullv advertised. \Ve presented and have gathered The Fores.s Should he Preserved. 0a aeetiiiiit of tlie rapid destruction ol our Ameiie.iii forest tfaels there is some likiliho'xl thai Corg.vss at its approMbing se's'ion in D.coinher will he called upon to adopt stringent manures looking toward the preven- tion cf thiii evil. Much depends up<>u the maintenance ol i ur Incest are-s. Science has lon^ since proved thai cyclones i.ie due in 'urge measure lo ihe exisLnec of vast Ii Bided tracts of land which oiler no psisiance lo the storm's career. I'n- Inulili dly it "S allO true thai the yearly ive Hows of the Mississippi river are due lo fome extent at least lo Ihe de- vastation which is steadily going on about the soi.rccs of its tnhutaiy ItretulS. Some two or three weeks igO the national irrigation Congress, which met at Lincoln, Ni'n.. adopted resolutions calling attention to the OrgeDt necl ol rtriogt&l regulations for preserving our torait tracis. In Kuropean countries liie deepest solici- tude is felt on the part of tbe govern- ment in ihu preservation of loresl lands, Severe pennltie) are inthcled upon all who arc- guilty of carelessness in ex- posing lori-st hinds to lire, and spend wa'dens arc employe 1 ty the govern- ment to sec that th-j forest law* are rigidly snforord. Somethin.; like this must be 'csortcd to in this eonnlry il our v;ist forest areas are preserved, and Ihe national calamities which lluw Irom 111 ir iMsdksi deslriiclion are averted. The niullcr is cue which dtinands Hie Bilious attention ol our law-makers Ali.mi.i Cnpslitut'on. The Smithsonian Institution isal»U| issuing a report of 750 pages, royal Ofl i.ii,, selling forth the work of the first hall icnlury cf il« existence. All the lead ii g scitntitic men of Ihe coun- try have DUO invited to prepare arti- cles lor it, setting lurth Ihe progress that has been made in their special fields during lira perlcd. A VALUABLE FBBflOBlPTIOX, Editor Mnntoi n. ol the Woithlng ton. Ind. Son writes. 'You have aval mil,In prescription lu Electric Bltleis and I can cheerfully recommend it lor constipa'ion and sick hcsilscbc, and as general system tonic It baa no equal." Mis. Annie Stable, Ml Collage llron Ave, Chicigj. was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, hail a headache which never laft her aud lelt tired and wesry, but sis botllc, ol El'-clrlc Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices 60 ota snd s: per bottle at J. L. Woolen'i drug store. OVI.k I ill l.OL.MKY. Oeurge M. Pullman, the bead ol the I'uhinin ('in- Ompaiiy. di-d at his home in Chicago on Tuesday m iroiog. The jury in ill csre t I. ulg n t'.e Clne.igo saussg Duiker, elu •lib ihe murder of his w:l , have re- lumed a v I«1I.-I . i I oi guilty. ,. : . Three Cubans have rtcoully bought Irom tile OOSl aild mOSI prOinill'Mlt marKCtS \ttii, worrhol anus aud unmunitin iii St. Louis, ahick «! ' •" h. sbipped to Cuba Ibrooah a Texai |"ti; tineel lbs ageiils stud lbs Cubans would not ueeept autonomy; lie y want •! Ircedom. A iii.ui iuiin,tl C. C. John-10, "I Porumouth, Va.. has been arrested fur making bis daughter disrube, with the ••ke plio'i of on garment, and heating tier uuuereifully a*i '.< a limb from a (r.e. II- ii r ,i ii-i.-i t„ ii.„| a horse uliip to b-at her wilh, bol failing lo gvl ii be procured the limb all the new and desirahle novelties adapted to the want oi the people ot tins community This concern of attraction is Rich in Quality. Magnificent iu Style, and Lowin Price. We have erdcavorcd to meet your require- incuts for seasonable goods in every respect. We invite you to one of the best displays of up-to-date and .seasonable merchandise ever offered the people of this vicinity. Come fo the Show of Shows. Every feature of the entertainment is replete with Style, High Quality and Small Price. If you waul to sec this Show of Shows come aud sec out fine assortment of DRESSGOODS AND TRIMMINGS and Furnishing Snoes Ladies and Gents Notions Goods, Ladies, Gents and Childrens Hats, and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, inware,, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware, Har- ness, Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the largest stock of FIIIIfllE of all kinds at the lowest price ever given in this community. Come .and see how much cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who you are, where you live, how much or how little money you have got. Ihere is no Store where your dollars will do you as much good service as they will do you here. 5 Yours Truly I 8 CSI&fiiY & m Some Odd 1 net... Tin iii-: iiiiiti. Wl .|- mode l-i- the use 11 doctors lo kn p llicir lingers - : I i.i..I warm thai feel tbe p'llse 111 they niijU r. 'I i i alii tils. I full! The c aval was originally u largi shawl w-rii around Ihe neck, n-i i-.r show, but cornier!, by nation 11 Bast- em Bun |a- called Craiales or Lroatea. Boo, ihe exclamation use! tolrighl- in cbildrnr, i- a tauruplion oi lloii, ibe name ol a famous Ooibicge eral. id Icr The Democrats ol N jrtii Caro lira must be inntlu to realize that il tbi-v logo tin S*oto again nexl year aud tbe Bepobiicans carry tbo couutry again iu 1900, tltori will bo loo negro offlca h iu tin. State whore tbi ro ii BOW. i i.o negn - A North Caro- lina oast about Ibroo locrlbs cl tlm Bepnblican ro a i f ti e til t< ai.il wbateyei ifcoj may bav« doi ii heretofore, Ibey are now beginning lu pro , i v .- ' •b : i i ,v ;. and, . ii couiinoi d Bepoblican inoo I . will roaki u oi .o.!e ol ibuii ••• blto I .. Ii i.- to whieli tbe iattor will be co i- pellod to yield.—Wilmington Star. Til) administration realizing that it cannot increase the reve- nues by the Diugley tariff, is considering what can bo done I cut down expenses. That is Iho true theory of honest govoromeut regardlecss of the matter of re- sources. This plan might have had an earlier trial in Wn-hing- tor ; but it is noue too Iota to practice thrift- The Adminiatra tion yet has three years ami four months left in which to eit upon tbo brakes -Philadelphia Record. In s.mi i parts of Devonshire tbe people live lo be very old AD old man of ninety, living iinite a distance from tbe nearest town, requiring some family groceries, sent bis son, a man of seventy odd yearB of ago. When the eon failed to show iu wilh tbe pro- visions in time his grandfather, a centenaiian of 108, said peevishly I "That's what comes from sendiog a kid."—Tit Bits. BAKER & HART ^Headquarters forMga Hardware Tinware, Hani" 11 His iiecii used rs a terror wi iiiiiny ccniurii s. Watches uiluii nled nl Hi itmburg ai early as 1177. The* were ni lirtl call- ed N'ureinburg eggs whieb they i, si m- hli'lle. th iu shape an,! .is,, Xhey » rs nllen lit "i inlo Ihe tips , I wolf- ing sticks. Tin Oral use of Ni*fnra*s ) a'cr uas !..ade ill I72.*i. a primillvi I0W miil being operated. Nothing more wits lore until 1842, ub n Augi stus Porter eoneiivi<l the plan ol hydraulic eai nls, and iu 1861 Dueiflbeni Kascomnlel- ed. I.ile and Dentil. WhCB we walk near powerful ma- ch'ii'Te we know that one single mis- step and thus•• mighty noginea would tcrr us to pieces wilh iheir Hying whet Is or grind us to powder iu their ponderous jaws, So when ,ve ire Ibundering ncroea the land in a rail en-, and there is nothing hut hall ai. inch flange lo held u- upon the truck. bo when we are in a shin ni sea, ami there is nothing but Ibe Ihiukm n ul a plank heiw.-en us and etcrnily, We ilill'iiiuc lliell that we si e how dose we are to ihe edge ol this prcd* pice, lint ue do in t s e il. Whether on sea or 1 ind the pinitial Ilia' divides us from eternity is lometbing ihinner ihan un oak plank or lia'i an in, ii oi iron flange-. The iiMchiin n o lilc nml dentil is wiihiii us. Tbe tissues that hold these heating powers in their place are often ool thicker llui'i a piece ol paper mil il that thin partition were rupltiiid it would be just the sauii.' to us as ii .1 cannon hull had struck us. Death i- inseunrably h.uinl up with lit- in the v rv ilruc- tuie 11 our bodies, Hlrugglc ;i- »' will I,i wiih'ii lliis space, ii" man can t.t any time go Isrther Irom di alb tbnnll e 'l paper. Tbiis i- the sen-ou uf ibj year when people in agiicultuial dis- triolb are expected to settle nc- i-ooato. Audit behooves every one to do his best lo pay all b i acooaota us promptly as possible; fur many debts are eouictiuHS se tied by tbefirel uan'H paymi ut. A owes U aud I! owee C aud C owi U, tus. Now if A will stiujn a poiut ludny uui pay B and a'l along the linn will do likewise, tbo Hum l.'irihest off from A nil! get tbe money for whai ihe uiati Lextaboye bim cwj*, and tbop Ibe tuouec ian start back *.o A i!:-iiii;. A man is seldom laetified in carrying m^ucy iu liie pcokel Im;,- al :i litno if owe- BD« one- One paymoot maki a hundred.—8ootlond Neck Com- mouweaith. Every year commercial larhl izors take milliono ol dollars < ut oltboHtata. Itisostimati I thai Ihe latmora ol I his State bove olread i Dongbl "113,0 0 long ol utiiin " this year, agaioal ls7,0IM la-i joar, au iaoroaoe ul ii«»,*i**'» tons. At Ibe provailing orioi this will diaju tbe Slate ol font million dollars this year. Is no! Ibereeomewav of mugiog ben at bomo a (eitilicer thai will lake Ibe place of tbe ospoasive gnnno that .II ituiiurtV It ia a constant drain ou tbe termers to pay for tbo fertilizers they use-—Char- lotte Mows. Bacfclsn's Arnica Balys. 1 he hest salve In the wi rid for Cut Bruises. Bores, fleers. Ban Itlieum Fever Sores, Teller. Chapped lla- its, Chilblains, CoraS. and all BklU Erup- tions, and pnlltlvely cures Piles or on payreqiilied. It Is gauranteed I" give perfect satisfaction or money refu.-ded price 26c cuts per box. For sale hy .I'm. LWooten. B"aa,rm Iri3.-plojtxi.©r3Ltts, Spokes, liirjis, Hubs, Building Materals, Paints Oils and Stoves. Fair Dealings and Honest..Goods, at Rock Bottom Prices. Among Iho nanny needs in N\ rth Carolina for the lesaeniug of crime, is a whipping poet Cull it barbarous if you will: iml il there ware a whipping post iu every conuty in North Carolina at which proper c.iiues could be piinisiiiid with "forty laobesi save one," ("iiuiiual ccnrls would not ofteu be Beaded,—Sootlai d Neck Oommoo wealth. I'overtv is uncomfortable, aa I i-iiti testily I but uino times out ol ten Iho best thing Unit OSO bap- peii lo n youug mnu is to DO iosied oveiboard um 1 . com polled sink or swin) for hinis. if- Iu til my acquaintance I buvo ucver kuowu a man to bo drowned w'.o wna worth the saving—James A. Oarfield. Ku).t nukes th. (uoj pure, " ': . JI. dji dcliciMUb maP POWDER Absolutely puro Bo'M rj.iss. w-oniu r-.. w»- roas. The Work of tbe Railroads 'I here are some very interesting fasts shown in the annual report ol the Interstate Commerce Com- mission. We have lb this Cfijntry 182,- 77ii miles of railroad. 86,050 loco- mottves and 1,307.040 cars iu use. i .-. ware -'H,772,737 pssaoo- - •. 1 trried during the yoai, cf whom only 181 wore killed, or iiiiv one iu 2,827,471, Could figures bettor illustrate tbe extreme safety of railway 1 vel acd tbe snoeess ol Inven- tion in ovoroomiog danger' There mo WO.gflO employees in Iho service, aud thoir wages. amonat to UO per ceut of the total operating expanse. This n 1 more than half a million hoiiii s mode prooperons by this 'no iodoali v. A- for the t-flocl of railway operation IL enriching all the real of iho people, briaging to tboii d »o -tiii. prodaoLs of aeon* linet-t al iuoonsideraDle cost, and carrying their (,-r.iiu uud meat and icaniilaclnrers to the sea on Ibeir w ij tw foreign markets—all lie-.i is a beueftcenoe that eanuot bo i xpressed iu Bgares or words. [1 is a crowning glory of civilizi- tion.—New x*or» World- ll-ick.less ot II sheet MAIN Sit EGT. GREENVIUK X. ( Wares Than follow Hover Newscntiiis liom Cuuihi rial d a Bil- ly 11 an epidemic of bratorraigie lever —a most dreadlul disoaSH ihat is lind- iug uiiiny vielim- i i the swauip d'.-u i< 1 ol lie' Cape Pear, This lover, peculiar lo the sWRinp ili.-tiiet, is said In he lie- most terrible disease known 10 thai pan cl the Stale. The flumes ol death, when once stricken with it, are far greater loan hum yellow Lven in lact only a small per cent, recover. Speaking of !l, Iho Ksyetlsvills Ohser- vi r lays ii is ahnosi suicide lor one to live in or mar this swamp dUllicI, mid, nidi-.- il i- thoroughly drained and nil, I all Wells lion d, it o ill only he a slaiil time I,'lore th. suir undllig counlry lar miles will b.- a will, riu - ConrlesBroadway Boose aftir ono wick's treatmei.t by Or. |Guelpb Normani who came from India specially to core Mr. Uonts f blindness, is able I" see dimly ut a distance of Id inches. Hi Norman says his patient will road a nawipspsr within loni weeks, I'OIMITI PAHAGRAPHS. When n woman weeps scalding tears she is boiling wilh rage. An old bachelor resembles a pair of -sci-sors with only oce blade- It doesn't always logo Ihe ruffles om oCa man a tamper io ii-1111 him- Some siils get married just to kt ,,tli rs know that they can. Ii in bard ior a man to support ii sealskin wifo ou a muskrat salary. Wlieu a woman Hies in to a mis i.in us litno for her to have lie:i WingS clipped. Honesty may bo stumped on a man's fnconndyet leave a vety wide margin- Some people are so illogical Unit oven Iho climato doesn't agri a with tbem. AH ii successful writor of fiction the 111.111 who gels out tbo weath- er report easily distances all competitors. People often talk of breaking the ice but it would iiquiro a hmu 1 ful ii.: i.t of the imagination to tiii-.ik of breaking the iceman. —Chicago News, r ii overwork ' tool has lllit d 11 eonniiy wilh nervous dyspeptics am thai lakes Ihe lle-l, oil lliell bom -. '• vltallly Irom their blood, and Uiake Ill-Ill fiel.le, 1 uiaei.iteil and illl lilele.l •Ko. Ii 1- bad cocking, overeatlhg Indigestible stuff, and other bcalp staoyToR habits. I In remedy i- nn artificially digested f mil -.iii aa the Shaker |ii r . stive Cor- dial, Instead ol Irritating the u n 1 iiillaiued stomach the Cordial givosll :, 1 nance t<, rusl by iiourisblng ibe syslein it-ell ami digesting other f I taken With It. s-.i il.-li ami strength return. 1M not the idea rallflinlr lie- 1 nil, I- palatable and rollcvi - luiiiiodhi - No line..e> li-kr.l lo deCl'hlOII It' l.lll. A Hi cent trial bottle does, that. LAX OI, is the best modlclu 1 lor el.il iii-en ihKtors resomssaud it in pioee »t 1 101 Oil. Ilia) IUIWARD, 1100, The i-iah-M ot this paper will Is pleased to learn that there is at least one dreailod disease that Mleues has n able I icltro In all ii- stages null dial la catarrh, flail's Catarrh Ours II lla-oul> positlvo cure now known to tbo medical flaterally, Catarrh being a eonstltiillomd disease, requires a eon* itilutloual treatment. Uall's Catarrh Cum i- tiki 11 iiiterually. aotlug directly ui'oii the blood nml iiiiieo is Mirtaco.-io,' Ibe system, I hereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and gi'u.g- llte patient trengtli by building up ilis eonstUl'tloil and ii-si-lnig nature iu dov ng lla work. Tho proprietors have so much faith III it. curative power- Hial the) iiii-i ihie Hue,ind Hollars for any a-,- that it fail to cure. Send Ior list ii te. Mill'minis. F. J. i.UKNKY «\CO 1 Props Toledo, o Sold by druggist t/rlca '.He. Hit's t sadly 1'IIM ars the bust. ns

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    Professional Cards — -- --■ Accord

    W. SI. Eoml. •". I- n ' ■ ■ |(>Si>A rUCMIHOi ' ' •' l!:

    tboat Rofaabowa

    '' i-vcr MO a i ..i. to -,

    B ATOKXIY.-AT-T. \" .

    Orecnvllle. N. 0

    Practice In nil the court*.

    i brick]. i . , ,.

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    Fa. JAKKI . . Ai lOUNEY-Ai I. IW,

    1 ' ■' ■!• resting foots in • '>;''' •' '-"-l OW ■:.,! 1|0W It la

    glanoa at the w-hite schools and tb< foil ed:

    1'ractlcc ill nil ll»' >•«" > specialty.

    RoOsMdj tor Sn.ike Kite. " ANiKI> UIENTS. • i i ill.- C|vi "

    Tit IP ', ',-■   Bl.il ill .. .1 *'»r'" •' MWI*eil ,, • "' lOnUrac

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    on lii hand ionnu that to I .. koaourucwa . .■> u ... ■    :. I : . ■   .

    T0BN.Y8.AW w. \ . . J, ».offtoward JBU ' :;:T.,(r; GreenvilleN.C. leatores. Every; in y. i men *, onou*htoappl -NewberuJour

    .... .... . ■' I ncd out of tbo i . •' ' ' ' formed iu Ibi '" "'• "..''■. I--I--K'. ..->,,,!. ,-. Il„ ii nlh i ■   . ■ lltiii r . .. .. I

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    Cobb A N'i'.- Stoi

    HW,*HICKA 0 (•'■...•.I lull', K. V,!iId .

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    pO!'IVYKAI!SEM.1:1;IEN(.K„as „„„,„ mUMam*&mM cheap

    MMkKUM oo-.be, I-,,,,,,,, K:.,„,i.,K Sm^mmtM, and every :; S£SEiUfaJ^ ' irssi==-wiii KBMaVforCon Byil . „• •. ' rt.-« lor ll. ,,v Urocertei ., l"i .i .1^ ' ''«•', »

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    ....... Execution Sale.

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    if 1 V JM un . IV IV : A bow i .... . ■     : ; ' li.i Stan Moore lieir-

    1 v « >^ Mi, m o liorter cuds nt-

    1 / ! li.Ml.'.t.A .•..'..


    All kiuae ol Risks placed iu strictly

    FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES current ratas


    Wait for the only Big Show coming to Greenville.

    >. -■■■' N

    '■■' " ' "".■ 

    I ... drawn ,; ' •■•■.. • ■ ■ » ■         ■    ; ooper

    ?ORK SiLlfcct-Ii.i.i.; .■:■ 

    :.::■■■ I to W K MelioWall |.> K i B 111", ' ' ' ' - ' ' ;,, -^

    mi. a „ "'■'•■ ' Iff 1-iic Tobacco. Snurl &c , ire buy direct horn IHM „ " ' ,:

    i ■  ;• ■ ,-, lu \ . , | ' :■.'.. ...

    ■^- 'r •

    I in. v < L- itock i f

    FURNTURE ■:.!..■ 

    1 -: t.- . ...:

    ■Ivaysonliandaadaoldati ICI totuit >\: , ,- r%a.d ibe 'in- .mi- .-.■■■ areal] DOIII ■        B*1f* C flllC mid tort •>': ■   ivfore.hai ... ■  • - - ■      < lilt to run w« tel< is close nij sin ■ /-» . ,t

    .- M.-I : i ■ ..-.•!•■ .u.i-N. - {,111'g 4'!

    Liver His.

    Old ItMiiM line

    KIVER SERVICE - • : v «i.-i,i„..'n,,r,.,-,.. .

    ' Tnrli iro louchins stall laml- ','j ' ; i «li r Uomluv. Wi id |

    I tifytfaebo .\ againstdi., ■ • ^ M.samcii »*. byTutt'sLiverPilb, anal o- < on-i ,....'. b**"»*»* I ^curcforsickheadachcdys ' . 'V, 'W/^RH,,;,!"

    ■    • 'stomach, malaria, ' ;:;;;:'.:."-.x- ;,v;.;-..;v !,';■■. ■ constipation, jaundice, bili , ' ri» "OMi>, ,,'!,„'„', uTw'wr^

    "The Ply-Wbeel of LHe" \t*X«.;:.g* SSB S l^-Jutt; Your Liver Pills JJ- fg-, . the fly-wheclofLfis. I shall ever . , ,„, , , ■■           . >.,

    __«,_ begratelullbrtneaccldentthat.' U,KKKY« A«»V . I; ]:,. X ( _ . bro«ghtthemtomynotice.Ifccl Wo have oi t received ft new as if I had a new l-aa- ftf ;;,..

    hearse and lb niccRt lino ol Cof. ,,■•,• , ', ' .'LSC ™ '" ' ■ns and aunt*, lo wood, metal- \Lifa,rl«g'"»PlatteCannoii.C< I. j A 1 |>\!f» n A ,^ n tAJ"* 0VPr ''-'«'"'"iTutt's Liver PMs J,J" Lft^'cH ftG 0

    We MO propaidd ft N).OBbaln< I - UREEXVILLE. N. C ins iu ali ICT forBM ' • _ |lK.,.

    Personal .tiootiou «iveu to con- j *™* t0 0rec*it0r3. iloctiiiff fuuerals aad boditO on- . '. "'-''"'v yiiin. ,| i,!,,,,. ,otitiub.


    fuifii mm ■ EMBALMERS.

    ^ : |& -

    '. Kvcu quick eonsuinplion is said lo have been ctecked. The serum which is administered hypodernrcally in doses ol a cubic centimetre, is obtaimd fiom inoculated horse blood.

    As lor yellow lever, Sansrelb, the disojvercr it the yellow lever bacillus (the icteroid), is reported to hnve de> dared iLot I. ■ has obtained a sci um which will render that terrible tropical scourge harmless. He is to publish all ibe details in a forthcoming pamuhlei; but first he is lo test his new rcrum on a fever psiienl at Kio Jr.nciro. Dr. Domingo Freire, ot Panama, is said lo, have put forward a similar claim in lo'.H — l'hiladelpliia liecord.

    Florida iii.in,. Crop

    If the owners of the I-'ioiidu orangj {t'cvix had piver careful ntteniion to I heir groves immedi a'ely after the freeze, instead of

    j uo^ioctiog tlioni, ns a large pro. Ipi'iticn cf them did, the orin;;e crop t!tin year w>uld be KOIUO- tbiuf Ilka I.OW'.OOO box- e, instead ol 260,000. as ii in estimated il »i" be. ( | Ibis 20400° boxen about -110.1 till will JO iLinkelid outeido of me K;at«. Within about fju; yars, if nolbii.g occuis to give the groves a setback, the orange production will be as great as it wan before tbe freeze—about 5,» 000,000 boxes. It is estimated that fully i0 l-'ii ceut of tbe groves it j mud by ibe frosi, were abandoned, but inauy new groves hive Leeu set out in that secticn of the Btato which was uot notice- ably bur: by Ihe free/a. It would not to at all Miiprisiug if tin years beuce Eloiidn should bo producing I0.o»0,00o boxes of oranges a year—Savanna Newa.


    Our enterpise is conducted on sound l»usi- ncss truth

    principles, honoralily lullv advertised. \Ve

    presented and have gathered

    The Fores.s Should he Preserved.

    0a aeetiiiiit of tlie rapid destruction ol our Ameiie.iii forest tfaels there is some likiliho'xl thai Corg.vss at its approMbing se's'ion in D.coinher will he called upon to adopt stringent manures looking toward the preven- tion cf thiii evil.

    Much depends upu the maintenance ol i ur Incest are-s. Science has lon^ since proved thai cyclones i.ie due in 'urge measure lo ihe exisLnec of vast Ii Bided tracts of land which oiler no psisiance lo the storm's career. I'n- Inulili dly it "S allO true thai the yearly ive Hows of the Mississippi river are due lo fome extent at least lo Ihe de- vastation which is steadily going on about the soi.rccs of its tnhutaiy ItretulS. Some two or three weeks igO the national irrigation Congress, which met at Lincoln, Ni'n.. adopted resolutions calling attention to the OrgeDt necl ol rtriogt&l regulations for preserving our torait tracis. In Kuropean countries liie deepest solici- tude is felt on the part of tbe govern- ment in ihu preservation of loresl lands, Severe pennltie) are inthcled upon all who arc- guilty of carelessness in ex- posing lori-st hinds to lire, and spend wa'dens arc employe 1 ty the govern- ment to sec that th-j forest law* are rigidly snforord. Somethin.; like this must be 'csortcd to in this eonnlry il our v;ist forest areas are preserved, and Ihe national calamities which lluw Irom 111 ir iMsdksi deslriiclion are averted. The niullcr is cue which dtinands Hie Bilious attention ol our law-makers Ali.mi.i Cnpslitut'on.

    The Smithsonian Institution isal»U| issuing a report of 750 pages, royal Ofl i.ii,, selling forth the work of the first hall icnlury cf il« existence. All the lead ii g scitntitic men of Ihe coun- try have DUO invited to prepare arti- cles lor it, setting lurth Ihe progress that has been made in their special fields during lira perlcd.

    A VALUABLE FBBflOBlPTIOX, Editor Mnntoi n. ol the Woithlng

    ton. Ind. Son writes. 'You have aval mil,In prescription lu Electric Bltleis and I can cheerfully recommend it lor constipa'ion and sick hcsilscbc, and as ■ general system tonic It baa no equal." Mis. Annie Stable, Ml Collage llron Ave, Chicigj. was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, hail a headache which never laft her aud lelt tired and wesry, but sis botllc, ol El'-clrlc Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices 60 ota snd s: per bottle at J. L. Woolen'i drug store.

    OVI.k I ill l.OL.MKY.

    Oeurge M. Pullman, the bead ol the I'uhinin ('in- Ompaiiy. di-d at his home in Chicago on Tuesday m iroiog.

    The jury in ill • csre ■ t I. ulg n t'.e Clne.igo saussg Duiker, elu •lib ihe murder of his w:l , have re- lumed a v I«1I.-I . i I oi guilty.

    ,. : . Three Cubans have rtcoully bought Irom tile OOSl aild mOSI prOinill'Mlt marKCtS \ttii, worrhol anus aud unmunitin

    iii St. Louis, ahick «!■' •" h. sbipped to Cuba Ibrooah a Texai |"ti; tineel lbs ageiils stud lbs Cubans would not ueeept autonomy; lie y want •! Ircedom.

    A iii.ui iuiin,tl C. C. John-10, "I Porumouth, Va.. has been arrested fur making bis daughter disrube, with the ••ke plio'i of on garment, and heating tier uuuereifully a*i '.< a limb from a (r.e. II- iir,i ii-i.-i t„ ii.„| a horse uliip to b-at her wilh, bol failing lo gvl ii be procured the limb

    all the new and desirahle novelties adapted to the want oi the people ot tins community

    This concern of attraction is Rich in Quality. Magnificent iu Style, and Lowin Price.

    We have erdcavorcd to meet your require- incuts for seasonable goods in every respect.

    We invite you to one of the best displays of up-to-date and .seasonable merchandise ever offered the people of this vicinity. Come fo the Show of Shows. Every feature of the entertainment is replete with Style, High Quality and Small Price. If you waul to sec this Show of Shows come aud sec out fine assortment of


    and Furnishing Snoes

    Ladies and Gents Notions Goods, Ladies, Gents and Childrens Hats, and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, inware,, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ware, Har- ness, Breech Loading Guns, Shells, and the largest stock of

    FIIIIfllE of all kinds at the lowest price ever given in this community. Come .and see how much cannot be seen elsewhere. No matter who you are, where you live, how much or how little money you have got. Ihere is no Store where your dollars will do you as much good service as they will do you here. 5

    Yours Truly

    I 8 CSI&fiiY & m

    Some Odd 1 net... Tin iii-: iiiiiti. Wl.|-■   mode l-i- the

    use 11 doctors lo kn p llicir lingers - : I i.i..I warm thai feel tbe p'llse 111

    they niijU r. 'I i i alii tils.

    I full!

    The c aval was originally u largi shawl w-rii around Ihe neck, n-i i-.r show, but cornier!, by ■ nation 11 Bast- em Bun |a- called Craiales or Lroatea.

    Boo, ihe exclamation use! tolrighl- in cbildrnr, i- a tauruplion oi lloii, ibe

    name ol a famous Ooibicge eral. id Icr

    The Democrats ol N jrtii Caro lira must be inntlu to realize that il tbi-v logo tin S*oto again nexl year aud tbe Bepobiicans carry tbo couutry again iu 1900, tltori will bo loo negro offlca h iu tin. State whore tbi ro ii BOW. i i.o negn - A North Caro- lina oast about Ibroo locrlbs cl tlm Bepnblican ro a i f ti e til t< ai.il wbateyei ifcoj may bav« doi ii heretofore, Ibey are now beginning lu pro , i v ■ .-■' •b :i i ,v ;. and, ■. ii couiinoi d Bepoblican inoo I ■. will roaki u oi .o.!e ol ibuii ••• blto I■■■.. Ii i.- to whieli tbe iattor will be co i- pellod to yield.—Wilmington Star.

    Til) administration realizing that it cannot increase the reve- nues by the Diugley tariff, is considering what can bo done I cut down expenses. That is Iho true theory of honest govoromeut regardlecss of the matter of re- sources. This plan might have had an earlier trial in Wn-hing- tor ; but it is noue too Iota to practice thrift- The Adminiatra tion yet has three years ami four months left in which to eit upon tbo brakes -Philadelphia Record.

    In s.mi i parts of Devonshire tbe people live lo be very old AD old man of ninety, living iinite a distance from tbe nearest town, requiring some family groceries, sent bis son, a man of seventy odd yearB of ago. When the eon failed to show iu wilh tbe pro- visions in time his grandfather, a centenaiian of 108, said peevishly I "That's what comes from sendiog a kid."—Tit Bits.

    BAKER & HART ^Headquarters forMga

    Hardware Tinware,


    11 His iiecii used rs a terror wi iiiiiny ccniurii s.

    Watches uiluii nled nl Hi itmburg ai early as 1177. The* were ni lirtl call- ed N'ureinburg eggs whieb they i, si m- hli'lle. th iu shape an,! .is,, Xhey » rs nllen lit "i inlo Ihe tips , I wolf- ing sticks.

    Tin Oral use of Ni*fnra*s )■ a'cr uas !..ade ill I72.*i. a primillvi I0W miil being operated. Nothing more wits ■lore until 1842, ub n Augi stus Porter eoneiivi

  • ""« iii^'wi«mpwjl' ' vpjwaf ■»twwM9wmmm&w.fvmm

    THk REFLECTOR Greenville; N. C.

    .... ! IOI


    I I

    lilBflttHLSiiffisdtal i ■■ 

    i»UU,l>Al. OB6EKVATIOSB.

    1 ■   . b) tlw i

    -- i ...v.

    I ■■ 


    ■ ■ 

    Baton ! ■-.: llmIWIMnflro si On >. «.'., u-sccoijdcLi.iiIi.aHii:

    Ti BW1 OcfOBBB MI WW. ■ 

    I Ifl I.I ol Ibat ;'

    .' '

    Tlie Salisbury Bnn Mf* IW ' Miss fcUaie Owen,«.vac;; lady I of, toad town, ra*eWeil i I


    frcro an ok! lady I" OaM •■ ■     • i l • ' Isforning her tbettbalattei bad

    to lb. amcno! «f 0,000 , t ■ cause. I Into gift in her will » ■    _ . ..; tli&t while both cf .hew, ,i... : atrtBgwa lo eeck ether, were ' ■» •■ Washington City ia K02, Miss many!) i die ad OmMM^sdlba old lady's lito « - b. •

    by eettii"-' uv ■•■■■•• Oil • I • fl »u app ; i '■• iron! are ran o«r bar. They in.;. ■ -.- : ai imafrlondJ ace, .;-..■: ■ ; I , . . , , ., [BiuSl 'I:. : II Del

    in "

    i .,' ' no and i Fair Bai agers bai i a ■ 

    ■ ■    . •' i '


    ii \>)

    l all ,. :i ■::,:. I. know 1

    ■    ' II .

    . l!.in.

    I : I -SlU, ,, a anii are Ix i liuft II : • -■■ il ■   IrfniB IBg

    I :,., U I 'I al m i] litn often ibwy n wflh

    ■ • ancybi lloi a.

    • :




    . ir ■> : i: : i nlj .: :...-■-.

    . I . '

    - I be I iu ilrii ••

    tending invitatlone to aow In .

    — ItUfti bla peraoBagee teat Ibeli proa , ... i

    euce uuv uiuko B yood ,:' ;- card for a oroird, or ayan iu >-■ ' |n< iavitatl . Iln. i> ■    • • -,,..,,, rl Ibe fair t*ttu aj( lut o| .. lyei Ian . Tbo Bla'.o fair Secretary sent sacb an 1st Ion to Preaidenl

    . . •-. ;!, Win ■  o ; • I'air Aeei lath p I *■    at an in-'.< titation io New i'ork lo M ■ fi I mil 6tratii n < I b< abla Ii

    ■    :,■;.■ mi thing Ioi ■. Ibrongh i n>< rort of ai h ■ -- •.a ionoi agwi inai t, will ' i- i ,-jil..i" when tba atlemp to in

    D , .. I s trot ion Bnom I I ii.n ngi the fiacole iai lh «inter, ii rei ■■• 10 : I •cnetb" ''•'il' T0" ''' ' ' Nun. ol theae men ■: • Their Btlitnde lowi til II miniittation Bnanoial bill 11 probal Ij depend largi y B| OI whether Bai aloi iVoh il bean fined of bl iah • •■ btmatalliau baJlueiuation i by tbi lubuii given bia 11 t Ihe adminiitratiou get tin bo vetea but it rnnal gel iboaa oi the > old Demooraia —i•i.ifi-iy, Gray, Lindaajr an l Bmilb—i aod then get the bill tc a yote iu the taiute, iu order to pJts it. Ami, as tbongh tbia outloc!; was nol a looroa ol i iilil- oitut wony to Mr. UoEioley, Osar lieed'b Irlendi art dropping nyatenoai biuts that ho DM BOI tUeui it wibo to allow Ihu Booae to pn»h any tiuautiul legislation al tho coming tisaiou of COB« gtfjaa.

    A'itli all its uumeioii!. raanlia EUKIIUHI aeyei hull lo ioe thai tbo iBlereati ol Ibe banbh t Eiifi'isbmun Bfe iirclootoil in ll"p inoHt remote portion ol tb>- world Knowing this, there is nuek in- terest hit in WaaBbagton io g n necuou wall what Itogland will flj alont lltut coiroooouilcul vi U London papvr wno »t*i rod lo

    • k .. I l .

    ...... (in .. I


    I • :

    ' ■  - i.'. I.

    || II


    ... r....

    . I'ouc— I .

    .11 : ; , . u II. ' N£ - ;V I :.. i n Q'lllll Tsb

    M., AM II I 111* IB '.'i I II I

    i v< iv liiii« ol our physical ami intellectual life in do I it tier by you than anybody else. Com- petition Is keen, vigilent ami strong. We re- cognizo the strength oi' Burrounding dealers. The knowledge anus us for stupendous en- il ftvor. Disinterested critics toll us that wo have won and ore keeping the lead. Have you bought the Fall Hut yet ? Ii not, con- sult us.

    H. M. HARDEE,

    M. H. QUiNERLY, u (two i» Bflb-IHEAVY AMD FANCY GROCERIES, IIAVI! ■ II. i •.,::.'.■ 

    ... I . |.l I.'i i . '■ •

    i ii ., - i i i■ !ii. i . UMII i In . . i . . .■! '•■' iivllle

    lullgil K lg i ' i' . i ■■■ !■ ■ ; " . ;I; \. bill 'I" 10

    I'.,.- Iiirll I I :...i.. ■ or -iil- ili.- -


    -... i. . . i: UH'X'I I ■■ 

    . . I

    : I-I i ' . .

    I '. . •

    .' .. . . . .1

    I'n. hi .

    I. .,. .. i . i . . ..',[■ i ... . . .', ..I i! tin Julia A :

    Ii i . i . .i II •• i

    latin pliii-' lay.

    A ..i- ' i i " i- ■ • ; :

    ,...;! .-. .'. . • . ; . uf 1 | |u . nl • n ■■       '.

    bu i i

    nnil i i I | II . . ...\. il' . .

    Al Ii ...Ii- l"arl . .1 illet, III., lui

    l'i :. ... II ck billion, I '

    i .i . • i.. i I lo ■'■ i ■   nil ' i I; low ' ,:!...

    1,1 ,li :i'i , I III ..'.'.

    All mi . n'i' ■   11 II -1 I.IUI i »ii . ., I . mi , .... i

    IKon.il I.i, i.i.n. i , ; i.|>* Ol I'ouriu ibi. I.-, iniciul u

    loltiy for mo«>-' who o*c uaj

    .... '1 ••'■:■. ... I'm a |

    . .. ... • |. | i

    li: , . . . . | ||| . i.:l -- II III I,

    ..I..i Itia wi . I I i. .i II i.. ■ 

    . : . I, ,i • in. r I die | ■ 

    | . . :, .... I | ip| || |

    . . . | | . .- ; --A. ,

    ... . Ii, ."

    •■ I ■     , . ' II111 : . ., .

    man, III n.. inic I Iu ,.,!.. I ! ■  I. '

    lu IIU i. "llulli ■,' I : ■  !. ••... ». i , ..ul.l ,-j.!. |a -.,\,

    i. r 11 ."

    Ho -. "l'i • .ii.: |si i'...' I . -V., i .! ||'| \ ' II . ■       .-\ .

    ; . . I ■ u i . nl i. .'.

    i Idlt U !'■•;■'■ 

    Iim »] in.!1 ' i •-. Ill II. . Ill .. . II | , !,'.

    'I ' ' I

    THAT BOOK ol I-., i .•• i i3 mi

    .— i mot (h i toi . -. |hr«e

    i ■     rivy are i' ■ .-. -iii,

    ■   CO i • ....... II) 'i

    ■   • . ■ '.,- ■       a

    in and I irn tl c . . ihloni, Otl


    . ■ 

    £ f I - ■    11 I | ■ ■ . - r » ,.; v ... I ..'/ .. 1:/ WinUf S.U or i , , ;,?.'.mc! ? |et Uio rlghl iii, the right workm -1 ■ - * -.: p and Ihe rijlit a quality at the r! ;Ut prtie. js

    —I a IBVO have in stoek a lull lino oi—


    (ilil'.l'.NVlLlJ:. N. c. I will cairy tho best Roods obtainaole and

    will sell them at the lowest prico possible. I will do all i canto obtain and hold your pat- ronage. Come and eeeme.

    M. H. QUINERLY, ir lo (iiifliu tiio Jeweler. THE LIVE GROCERY

    S E PENDER&CO- •c-. •—— "■—■■■■■■r

    Tinners, Slove Dealrs, Tobacco Flue MakcM

    and Bioyole Dealers and ltepaircis.

    Bi ■peotfnlly Ofbt their MrThM to uublic Wo aro takinir orders fo

    Tobacco Flues and aaaare you we win «» berotefore make thai boHtof Tobaooo Fine or tho least prlMi All our wuik U guaranteed and we are ready t op ait anylbing in our lino iron aoookatore to a bioycle. We wi lit nl; yiin to CUUIK ami HCO UH. KoHpectlullv,

    S. E. PEHDER 8 CO. I. t

    Eag le Brand Fine Shoes (! 11 i I see

    in) ..(nek mill hem.AII aro invited to Inspect inn tlif low prices.

    i S. T. WHITE.



    * M

    ■  at

    < w a


    a, O


    « -



    All Take Sunu AISMg Wliciillicy Travel.

    HOT OR COLD i» attic: «t*

    We open Autumn activities this week in earnest. The stock is in ideal readiness. Every department responds io the present and future need oi men and boys dress. Uoolci days are not far oil. The wise will anticipate this. Intelligent and unpreju liced criticism places our assortment oi

    ivjiESixr nd Boys %j

    at the top. Ii) on keep in touch with our do- ings, you know that experience,study, thought skill, capital and care control!' thoroughly inspect quality of fabrics, colors, patterns, styles, tailoring, lit. Prices correct.


    Dress Goods, Shoes,



    Gents Furnishings is superb and your inspection is invited.


    THE REFLECTOR Local Reflections

    TIIL'llsl.A V, OUT. 21.

    Tares weldings In lbs naxl few W, I'KH.

    Ii. v. LO, Wyobeliholding a pio- lrmti.1 ai.-Hinil al Aiilm Miiliu'll*' Clllllrll.

    i niuA», ooToaau, •-'-'•

    l'liir ttuillur sgsla.

    Beaky Mount liiir begta! tli« fib.

    ii icoi* like iim wtatbar i» geln| '" turn coiilvr.

    Bepaln liav» Bed* lana awln nreei uh watki ranch beftWi

    A law nl lbs ilaiiH's arapai are hen y,.,t bin il»y won't last BiBek leagar.

    The Ban's Hera iar.ely rejaarki' ••l'ut iim aleksd lo othce, anatkedsnl will IUIO lbs loan."

    An aln .ml lianaaai haw beea wry Dlaatilal on iln- aiarkal ta Iko iasi law day* ami ll.c lain r .old ohtspsr llian lliry lui\e Uc" known lii'io,

    The young BMfck Ulldnall « K""1

    tiliiu ul Iks nni.uiil bull 11 UM ti'luu:- biun Club on Nsv. 3rd. Tares liun- dnd iiiiilntion. luivc been NBt out.

    Furtnisn f. M. Hodge', ol Ho(.S Fire Uiiunmiy, Il Mill infcnil| »iili hia foot Ibal a wbeil ol llio lire engine tun oh more than a week ago. lie now gel* amend on areuhsji

    J. 1, Slnrkey Is eOBJ didnling Ids iwa ■torea, llie itock in llio Uialio bu'iiling being moved dunn lo lie- UiwU builj.

    To TIIK l.AiiiKS—1 pel in new Millinery j:ooda oneu u », i k uuil Wil lend in low pikes lldn FalL II y"" wlsb lo avne money eome lo

    Mua. 1.. UuiniN.

    *AiTiH'.vv, OOTOBIB 23.

    New Qooni—Fresfc Batter and Jiiuiai.ii Orangps al S. M. Soliulu,

    Tbe eonwmlon ol ttn Cbrlsttan eburcli m-'n ncxl week it I'aulsgo.

    tkcra IV.II.II lurgu erawd i« town today mid ike laerekaati were basy.

    The Ueglstei oi Deeds Issued lour luuniiigi' I'esns a tl»:a week, only one lor wklte.

    T'be Kdeign papsniiy ptokaoalMl got tn I0TBS l tin ir work among Hie lui l erowd.

    Doa'l poll down your gun lor na- olker «>ik. Vou eaii bunt birila wben N'oveiubii- eaaiss in.

    mi l -i AI . '•■ rib.

    C. T. Cordor. ol Wnsliingi'in. aji.-n I. i-l ni,.|il lure and P liuiK-d borne tl.i iiioruing.

    laey \\illiiims,n rasas in lum Sul- !oik, WediKsi'ny evening. t» \ irit friends.

    John WiltkUM. 1*0 In.- DCSB (J.Hid- ing iuin; days will, Ins molliei return.i to Bui. i^h loC.iy.

    niniAv, ooToaaa, -'. U. I.. Starter van! to Norfolk


    .1. 11.« berry, Jr. weal .o Washing* Ion today.

    C. I I. A. Su.g »• ni io bv.lni today on 1 -g;il business.

    J. A liinily rctanwd Tfco iday ere- nlpg IV..in Wilmiagt.B.

    Mr.. J. 11. Cl-eiry returnul B0BM Tbeia'ay evsi ing ' m l':iiiiinu.-e.

    Clmrbs .Skim.,' Mt Tbundsi ere* ning on e (rip to Km-ion .md Goids- horo.

    Mi.-s Alice Staled Mi ibis raoriiiog I ir llamplcn, \-. lo lisit bar b ,.ibir, Hev. R, W. S'l.i.ed.

    ttev. X. M. Wuiaon anil io Aydeu Tborsdey , vening io i «!*! in u uioi i- Ing in lie Melln 'ii-'- ebutidi Mien-.

    IATBBI AriOcronBB 23,

    W.T. IliiiLM and Mia w«nl l" Weidou today.

    Ckas.Skimei ..luriid Ikk rooraiag •loin Klastoa.

    Rev. N. M. Watst-n returned Irom Ay den lliis inorniog.

    II. A. While retamed Friday even- eg from Qmnakore.

    Mis. J. J. Liiugliinglmuse, of Griraes- lund, |l \isiluig ker lnllier, Dr. C. J- O'Hsgsa.

    \V. 0. I.lllle eulne iu Irom Danville* » lew day a ago, lo visit Ins parents in ibis ennnty.

    The l'ciiiuit Crop. A ... I.

    I . ( Corloll

    \ . . I,. : ..


    ■ ■.'.■ 

    b-ougbt* ^ e . . -,u . pan l

    Mk4d.errtre.oa so, «r- ., . r«p«riy 'bey • ..,,,...,. . : . .

    I Let I - • :

    ■ -11 ' ■   ■ 

    I .. • .'• • ■ 

    I.1..11.1: RBBI !'.'■  ' -' many, n IJ s I i ] ■■ •, -:

    nl... il.. ii I- „\i!'-.- Mid... i

    i-: ■ i - A gnal i■■■•■'.•■' ■- ' .'-: ;-'" no . bar, b i ■ ■ Id u. - - '. owe srko r I-', cbi.iiel aMMfagn epon !■> ir boaselwld lumhare aod sar ii I

    an all usoorte of froi.i SOi - i -1 mid |i. A ■ area ibi ■'■-' la* '• "■• I Gfscarille .'.*■* not I - - ot i.nj ,,ne eondaetii - - . ' - n- •■• Manv Degrees are e rapl ini .■  inai tli-v bate beea dnp>d, aru !..■■ all sn nr. :i d ,• Ueetin| i«r lb« La remi ibey

    . . irdd. Can soeae one tell wbo il Oreen-

    ii;i .M.dieine C'oinpui-'areand wb re il, v i are i.. i. j!.". •; : ' ':

    - netting i.i be L aeii'ut I -i..: .- il I. .■ J ".-. .:• -.11. :ii\'.-

    l*-.-i mi n.

    The most complete stock at


    A bank i.i Louisbnrgbas lolled.

    A-li • We kas .-■ i.-..!i-ii-.-. Uwyerr. Wdiniiiitiou is i-.i. sul-ri'ti lbs ratt-

    ler nl a paid lire departa* m

    Kinatoa and Newbtrn acb have a lank operated by colors 1 prop's


    Two public ■chool leacbar* ii' Me k lenborg county, one wbite and iu* ■ lb- er oolorad, ha.e been debarred '>■ fuse •: mi- learned thai ihay areinlHl 1 •

    J. It. BarnaSi who 1*0 wi >■■■ ego lii.-.l In euinmil a e.iuiiiii'l aasanll on a Mis. VarborO) near Bosky Usuat, Las been alfen a pv. liinir.a'y bearirg and placed andi r a 13^00 bond lor bi. np- rearauos at ceutt.

    DevtooaDeflnttiuni I'. S— Tin- bu-ii.s- ead w who leols duly bound to brink his rceord. bis bieyele or his iiee*—Okicagu News.

    A Gold Mine ;.. . '• Kereliant. An exebarg. ... , i -

    i . ; :. ,- CT which CXI

    i i..■  i.. i

    : : .. : . :

    ,..., . i • I •'.ecu-din«

    I,,, ltd rShould pi) Swill Rtlell-

    li .-• lo lb I an . - i.; ':

    l!., , :,. i. . I

    tir< re nl i:. -. | IU i- ' : ; '*"

    much mon w i^.. ' • "•-' re ..'■:■- lie I II lb ■   ■• - i.i ii . ni ilium 11 ., : i ■ .-. -' ':

    A Cyclmic 1 hat SuitMllod.

    >o:,t.- i.ews| S] ■ r ::. are i, rrible

    Iirr... In wriiii - ol n eyeion. ran \V, si

    ,,-.„• 11 IIU 11 >••!: i'. turned :, well wn ag

    il., ul, u i-.l i •: • n, in i

  • wm

    Professional Cards

    W. M. Bond. J. I. i In Ins


    l-iei'iiul'... N. 1'

    i m ttce la »ii use enuit*.

    F. i;. JAKES. ATIOKNEV-VM.A". l.teCtlV.i.o. ^ . I PlMtta in all iho courts. CoUectloM

    a specially.

    U.rrv skinner. "• W. « SKINXF.R .v niiri>i'i:F.

    •taccesaoratolslliaiu •Mclulu-r, A.TTtfBMiyS-AT-LAW,

    l.n.uynii'. X. C

    SUBSTANCE OR SHAOSW. Jl •... tO l'l The State Gantrd.

    kll 'i, , > . .! viitcs Flu v. (! .. | I.;, v, , .f;,.r Progress-, ....

    lelphia—aa : • ■'..- spirit in i, i ;iii , [ .;... ' ' I I ' ■ S ' • • ■•••:•! I UM ■ 'i. 'If ' Sll.tc

    ... - i !' ■'• i ■

    detamla Ibyf ■   Icantesti ty after an experience I bail not

    GRCVF ''" "' I id. -i 111- i gbl . i eon '■ ■ ■ I i: ai an arm «I

    BwlftGallowar. B.F. Tyson,

    CO.l.i'WAY 8 I J BOX, *'' ATTOBS»V^T-jAW

    Qrscnvll o, X. * Practice in ii" the Ooarta.

    rsi; H.L. ."AMI:-

    '.iKXT'sT r, a ... ILIH iLa ■■; on i I

    ,11 Ml N i ; . ' ■ ' I I 1

    ■   . '. le ol ..;...... :' .... n ian was ; . . - . '. ,■ •. iliff i

    '« and of a> mi ,.-..,■ , ., :i:i.u. , vtbicr ho bad saved.::. . , ..- .

    • . ., , . i '. : i • i • • : ....:.: \ . . .'.:..... . -i'.". ... Intbi ...- . and " '

    when I mentioned it to my] ndrj ma ibo I kcdi . i ..-.'..-".. ked a

    iv and inki. Ti... Meat-eager ha . fun urges! thai it ah io'd be i .is. .i lo 9,00 ', tta | ii -int

    :h ta about 1.8U0, p> rbap* oi a 'Itlle n.. re.

    There oi rht to b n ...... i ne of Ilio !hl .. I. i I ■    ' : .- . I .: a L. i and i ulrlt' .-H...I.I i ■     ii .1 .! v in a M'lim plac . A : nu . f ii I. kind ia

    '■  ' ' ■■■ 'u':i ■' ! i rih . i.::m .: I tifrada in iin

    VKKK 1'ILI.S. Band Mai addtaai to H. K. nnoklvn

    \ < .... ('lili-.ij-n. an.I p.t ■ IITI- Kamjilr |l,.\pf l»r. King. Mew Lie* rnu. A lll»l \ii,I roiiviin'0 you ot Hi Ir rui'illK. 11 ■ i'i ■» are aear in ncil.m au-l arc

    ■ ..iii.iiiiiiii in"i.,-iivf In tae eara >>l Mipatton and %| u.-mu, d.. par

    I Malaria awl Liver traabkH iln-v Imve Itren run.ii InvahuWe. Tkaj ait-

    leed to be |M-If.-.-tly h«e In.in .\.i\ .1.1, W'.i.m- sni. niiOi' anil lo IK*

    leaetahle. Thejr do aea weaken by lli.lr ni'tlmi. In: l.y flelai loin- lo - ooMeh end kewata RiiMUy raetcorate ill.- .i.li'iii. lirgnlar M/. L'V. |...|'lio*. Hold I" Mm I.. Weaken, draftiM,

    ILEBS i*^+r

    s. . J.-.,.. 1". Woodard. •■. ri nigln and •!■        ■   • " If ih . I.., ml. "'.: i .i r... •' ' s year I indi li I larmcra ' III • aim -. .1. Mltule . nditii i. ■ I i ■     loi Piepatoli.

    n us .! i. I l - r iai-.,! itllinn 15; ill« .i'i i .- . ■• : evi i iv- ai ;.i ii.- :....

    .... . :.. thoocli i. '-.'.'- ■ li i. father - i I . I raak* - >•■ i ft .. I i r ■   •> >■ i.i. : i: had II y I v* * I!I o r. and 1. • i..i- i. ■ '• ■. dro|> ■ i i. ii -!.■ 

    ■ , m at wo bndeb. land . , . ^,W ,.„ thoeaee. . . ,,.,,.,, H » l.. ., I, I He pride ol tb

    , | . .. lBrJ , people to help maintain thia Bne "Pur aide did not bn> • • ..■.,,-: i. ,i K onion bf li ■ ■' S >' eitiaeu aotdierr- li

    nntaii ' ..I...- :.. . . .! .:...i cun »oold be e moaraliTalT « email • -' :';"':: ; I that on •..•:. the fontli. to ,. . And vot Inliuiealike llww

    pcdinl ... ' ,, ■ len : ' ■ •cU.o'tcandcncarlaii. a-bal In which, the tbefn coi ...:.. , •> *• i'.l prevail ' '',: of eafely oomaa oot from thinkii ; it was a room •■ i. I ,; ■ ■   - In

    :. ■ . :'■:■•■. way j H ' led to 11 . I.. : •;....

    t tlted ■'...-. .-. al . ■ . . : ii..' room. The i w-naol i • ■ ■ : i . i ii- IJ dar ...'.:■;'■■. luitv : and I i • - . : ' . • .:....

    mirror be bud i ■ ■ 

    I' ■ • ,...• >

    ' Childhood fci..' V

    ■ ' k ■ : . ■ 13 i mo ; .-•••.;

    D, there. I Bold .... n ..i I ......

    I no .... ) . i . : \ tl..it her. lad of I ■". t ■ 

    i. re ..f iLu iiial. ''■■■■ ' ■.•■'■•' i liai I litre is n . •: I tail of which I i, ,i. . t diilled i-cluum read* re

    ! '■■' "< ••"", "' ' .; . crvlce and m ' 'am order in I ;|,i i ■ . I. ii1 .... ,

    . i, „ |.,i 11,,:,! j New »■«•■ oil) txi-enda niort nl :; , \. ipa on ouo of lls ■ omi iiuit!'

    . cual'y than N. rtl Caroliua , \"i nds . n t!.•• • nlirc Slate i'i ..I I ( ). .. 'f i ., alllH I'i > ii.

    r .' iiiy i ■'. n ra ibarj North '.' : Mo ; ■ . I.I . ipi nil i" .'■ 

    • n body id t I licry.. W iluii .:. n .V • ten- Si r.


    Liu III . . . ■    •• i .:.'.. ill nrvii do I i

    Hi I 11 '. -' : . . v

    . ■   ; i'i- .'.; (J -

    ! FTABMSill

    SAM, M. NHLfl i'i.UK aUl)£8&8B(miDEB

    An diff« .. t from A\\ other metUcli. . K.nil pcrforma

    « ip«dfie dutv, ihiu doing -i-n.i\ with drutk pori iilvoi tad enHog l'y the

    Mild Power Theory. ORi' Wok I'i!! louc liver, re-

    */*%i t I

    " 'hi I :. . . .' :.-..: : -.' '.■■.' ■ . : ' : ■ 

    In ■ i • 1 ' ' ■   1 ■ , looked win* and rel I I tonthOj Ithal 1

    , . ■ i


    1 .

    .. . iv' • 1 ...

    . , ' : 1

    I . . . . ' I ,' I di- ll .... 1 I II 1

    . 1 ll ■■ |l v. . . .. I • i.i .11 Ii id 1 vi. Alll • ••..■1 lo leai a i..: a 1 in ... . ii ;;- 11 1 .. 1 i- 1: ..1

    1 . ; . I .1 ii'.iii':. illy -.-Id .'.. t ||0| Hi .1. ■   .'. |,t ( J, In;'

    Ii 111 ''■: ' ' i K.1.1111 P«| - ■ 1 • III r,.i •• " |i., and iuai i„.

    I, .1 .


    1 •. bf 1 u 1 :

    liot nuleou to? -

    I I ' . i I I'l.ll.O

    .. . li. ■ ! . .• on ... I ' l'l ■     \: I ■  '. -

    mff in nn


    • ■ . .. I

    ■   ■ . i ■■...

    • i

    n v. o( CO

    in \ ' .;-■; ! • :. ■. . ■   ■•.

    I C MrMaalftwTiiK

    aajlll ~i ll . ^- .n^Nditi


    ■ itli mai 1 ii with1

    iin no! al v.- . ,\ >> a ■/. ■ and appreciate a 1 liiu 1. iu 11 u.' aignifieaooe until itci el cli ae h line to them, i'i > y have ran 1 in the newai ip< i • I»I "in ■.. men bi ii ■,' ain ' il L» negro oonal iblei aud tried I ■ f ire neffro nnci.-ir.te-. and .1 li.is Las bi ■'. doui n N 1. . 1 ar- oUna—aye, and iu a neiuhboru R conuty—still It did not hato the sane efleot perbap 1 as if ih • oarenoa hud b eu more in the natura of a pi rsonal u elosei iioiuj tn th

    ilv.t Ibis c.iri DO 1 :1 if I 6 plcni!«il in exteonatl iu f uto raoee or mdifiorence to the aitna- tiou tiai ooofr. HI. an A practi - oal oij. ol lesson ban 1., i n um n UH ricrbt In in at borne, but week a white niau Darned Finch

    d not seen tho ] aertaki .■' .• paint* il, '1'Oi.in norbadli ■;■-;. ■ \\\, ■   , .„; j ,..|, eratall, It v h.-r •-i'i: D . . ! '

    I then, ol . • v • '' .--'.'. i .:,•'.,: •hobad . ! •, ! iw f-a 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ■, i,J rak-»i lie.

    ■ iv.i a I risfhl

    1 that iii .1 ..,);. c-" '«"' :'

    Wire andiron Fencin ol .••'.;. ass work

    prices reasonable.

    are h ,1 lln ■'•

    . •: -.'. of

    llr.vn ireti V' .. fin ,-111.

    . i. - it . , wbo I y ■ il:l, j,.,,,. ,:..t -,...\ Jl

    And Bumdi rs went to J I I taven days.—tH, Jamei U

    their votes holpid ti> bring thin sort of lliiup upon us lo t-ny T An Vit/g satisfied with (be con- dition of sflaira which faeoi us in lliia Slato today I

    (•I pitv ilio inau whoso laoh 1 f nil 11 ■ 1 ' I ami HUM prido aro such il.nl ho eau look DJInpla- cently upon the •lloatlOD withonl a Liusii ef shams or a shndder ol ii.'ir 1 as ho eoDtemplates the dtil- NBW PDoaiEBaHPEOIcJiTl iousntau, constipation and kin-1 ...A:1 M«gj. °* j'"." """-, *2! , , .. ' i\\" IHO >-killeil labor anil Rood arcijtbstaSCB, an absolute cure material aad am preparod to ail TUTT'S Liver PILLS mnMHonvo*.

    Schedule In Kfleet Ans HHIi.Sli-, S, OrraitntM frots w halagtsa.

    NOIiTllllOlND PAILT Mo48- r.i.-i n■_■,- 1 in, vre.

    'i. 18 11. in. nolla 10..W ani.Waraaw 11.10 a in. tif.M.loro 11.88 aei.Wll .on 12.4:1 p m. Rnrkr Meml l.'-n n 111. Tartmro Ml p in, iieidnii :I,:I 1 p m. PstensMra Mi p in, 'iii'liiii,111,1 (1.80 BSS, Xnrfn k S.H p in. Wsshhuh ton 11.1(1 |i r. Ralilmnre U.8S » 111, l'hr»il,l|>iila 141 a m, Sew Tork H.8.1 a in, llonton .00 p in.

    SIIIAH.Y Xn to raa*eanr—Daellag 7 u |i in. noihi R.n 11 ia. ifarmw 9.10

    |. m. linldolKiro lain p ni WUaon li Oil 1. ai. Turhnro H.I8 n 111. Ilocky Mount 11 »7 |i in, M'eldon 1.41 a m, Nor- folk 10, 0 a m, IVtorahiirg • 14 a m. Klclininnd 4JD ,, ,„, VTukinirton '..It nin. Balll, ntore fceS . m. I'lillmlrliihla M..8 a in. New York J.ol p m. 11. .inn S..10 n in

    SOIMHBOIINH. DAILY NO U-Patstiwer' Due Lake • 10 |i in. n arcainaw 4 88 n n>, Chad.

    bourn B.IO \< in Marlen «tsp in, Florence 7.1J p m, rtiirn- 10: H.42 p m. ('n'muM-i 10.08 •n, 1 'i'i niaik r,,20a m, AiiKimt leMOa in, Mncon 11..i.i am, Atlanta 12.16 p m. Cliarlra- lon lo.JO |> 111. Sivannah :!.4n >i in. .lackwnvllle S.ro a m, Ml. Aiiffinilne III :in am,Turn pa C.40 pui.


    HAII.Y Xo. 40. -FasssnMr— Beaten ".18 P.M. l.o:l [in. New York ti.lio pro.

    I'lillailclplila 1J.II8 sin, Ralll. more MO sm, vv,i-iiiui;i m 4 ..I'i am. I'lrlimnnd O.IU am, Psterabnra 10.00 „,„. Nor- Weldon 11.80 am. Tarhore l.'.l- in. Uotiky Mount IMS inn. WUaon S-hj pm. Oolda- boro.1.10 pm, Wsr-.nv 4.02. pin, M.iKMnlla 4.10 pni,

    IIA1LT Xo. 41.—l'aaacnger—I.fave 8.S0A.M. noalna li.OO nlslit, Nrw

    York U.SO am, l'hlbnlelpliia 1100 pm, l!altlmiir..a.2Jpni, waaldngton a.46 pm, Moa innnil T.JO pm, I'cteratmrg ■.llpat, Norfolk 5.20 pm, Weldon 9.43 pm. Tarboro 0.»1 pin. llrcky Mount Ml •m. Leave Wilton 0.20 am. Iloldabnro 7-01 um, Warsaw 7.8.1 am ■SgDOHS 8.06 am.

    DAII.y No. ill — l-awaRci---Leava x eejH New IVrn 0.111 am, Jsckaon- 11 1 day villein 42 am. Thla train

    •. 111. Refumlnu, leaves Klnsten 7.60 ». a., Ortenvllle 8.82 %. m. Arrlvlns Hall' sat 11:20a. m., W»!4on 11.40 sm dally aasspt Sundae.

    1'iHlnann Hailinlftton Bramb leav •Va.lilngion H.2'i a. m., and 1.00 p . m

    rive. I'm in,-1,. 9.10 a. m.. and 3.40 u ..Tarboro 9.46a. m., returnlngleavea

    rarbore MO p. m., Parsasls to.20 a, m. ■ml 6.20 p. m„ nrrlv.ii Washington

    40 a.m., and 7.20 p. m. Dally ax- it Sunday. OoaasslS with trains on ...iiliiiul Neok Uranch. Tram leaves larooro, W V, via Albe-

    nsrlo * Halobrli H. R. dallyexoeptHun- lay. ai 6 60 p. m., Sunday 4 06 p. si; tnlve Plymouth 7.40 P.M., 6.00 pm Returaliig- leaves Plymouth dally exoept lunOsy, 7.60 a. m., Sunday 9.00 a m,, wrlvo Tarboro 10.14 a.m and 11. 46

    Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves Uoldlboro dally, except Sunday, 1.06 a oa. arrlvlns Sialthfleld 7-30 a. «. R«. lurulnx loavua Smlthlleld 8,00 a, m , ar- rives at Qolihibora 9.80 a, m.

    Trams on Lan a branch, riorenoe R JL leave I.aiia 6.40 p m, airlve Dunbar i'* ?.."'•-V"° 8,(* p "■ Seturnln. leave OlloW.10 am. Dnubar 6,80 a m trrlve LatU 7.60 a iu. dally szospt Sun-

    Train oiiClluton Branch leaves Vfai- saw lor Clinton cally, exoept Suudav •000 a m.snd 8,60 p, ivTLJtaralai *»veiClnlonat7.U0a. m. anoS.fJOnn.

    Train No. 7R makes eloae connection .6 Weldon lorall points dally, all rail via dlelimrine. a!« at Riaky Mount *S Norfolk and Carolina K ft lor No,ml. ni all pilots North via Norfolk.



    FURNITURE alwai or I ui.l and sold al pneestoault ll >• Iliac. Oui Eoods ai. :.d I ougbl ami •.-.I.I for('A£U ll eleloli'. liSVlllS lit I isk 1.. um ae 111' 'HI less n irglu.

    S M. M VI l.'ig. or 1 » , , j;.

    A Great Land Sale. One ot the lli-i Parma In I'ln County

    iu ba -ola ui Public >»!e On amber Old IM'.IT.

    li., vlnue ot tke power vested . m. by tae decieea •'! IMi Buperlor Conn a,a.1,. ni June term 1891, one In las i a-.- ni Job 1 T. Bruce sgalns' I. A. snggand wife Mini, K. Basg and the ••tlii A. I. Iniiecft Co, u«alii»l I A. siin; unit wife Mlttle K. Sugg, I will .-.■ii I.I public -all-10 Hi., hbthetl bidder mi Wo.ldsj tne nli da| "' Dee, 18K that valual le Karm lyli.u on leuth ^1.1. oi Xar Itlycr about two and a bait mllaa West ol Ureenvllle known ai the i hsrle* itountrea lands ami eoniaiuiii|{ snout live hundred and seventy serai more or ii*.

    A iteiieral dlacrlptlon ( ihe Isad ■-an hi- innnil in ins two ile. reea soovs r©tarred to but a spscUle dUeiipilou will te given of the lands to be sold on the cay ■ I tale or esn ba had infer., iii- sale by application i> in «t ui) 1 Dice.

    ■  .'.xi lie .u;i vis. fh tcirn* of sale In said decrees b (.nlidrran :-,..•. ;. ilctlvl '■',l'''''' "'''' purchamr i» not prenae

    Wsr," |utl imtl li. 1. ii.ii.ni- null 'dto nay all eaah aud »j"i auDcient ii.. i.xlGIn ii ..1.:.-■..1 1,lo., large ""•, '"' '••". " no desires, make ar- llalll. ..11- I.i..., -. M ii.'li,, '"o" : I" l'«) i'lirt casl gt.air-i rml . 1 , Wsi link itci "."' ■•'•pee by giving hi. note pey- ••I.I-I.I,. II.,I ilwiidv .a •• lliai il. ca able, wili simple Interest, in annual Ju slice 10 tin cun.. i-i'm tolitlci .1i,iii„.";»i;''io;'i.t»-i.

    ,ii'cliija foorUtafe on iin- lanj

    1 hi- f..i.:i 1. valuaW 1. 'II,hi loi 1 i in, lei

    1 l. . . ;. 1. • w I till 1 l, :-,V.l.i-l|. In tell ilo- 11.1. on . nl 11 w and 1 Ml |'.in Mai-> ,||i.. lad) aid gentlemen iij; ids ui 0 an 1, aklug f • it, |U .1 lo .•- 1.1 nionili. Veiersna, 8011a and Dsugl'ters

    • f V.ici 11 . ,..1 1 ilaI- ii 1 ui-ii-.i sre nl tn 1, ml in, a I cantllul «p .11,1: nl In-i nil in, a Iwanlllu] llius

    UI I ii.-ii.l ,. -1 rlpllvi elrriilsi Ireel and Al terms to a/ Addreis, t'ourler- IIL Journal Job Ptlnilual '. ".. Loulsvll'e,

    f..i ilie culiiva llonof eottoii, corn or tuba.-ei, mid I Mill .iipplii il with lub.itcn barm, pack I -. •. Ac.

    'Jhoae wbklng 10 buy a One farm 1 ■ iu i. nu will iin MI-II in issmlna • oil,..

    Any desired InlermatsMi can he lad li ii|i| liiii|{ in I,.- mi-ii i-ijjii. il.

    Ion nlllle, N.C , OCI ISlh I8..7. T. J. JAItVlS,




    bent la Sbsap popiv TlABSIXPKBnscghM iiuiKiii mstbstthsU

    I'hilni'i'■,"..'" •,,','Vl,r''^,K,,,,■ill'''•',ll''1'll",',',■ '"""•I"■• ranateg ImntesMnU, and eve 1 1 lV, ' i'i »»lV,'l*

    Jerh«,"c' "'"' »»usrsl house 'pur, | a. well ' 7, \' , "'"', ' ' ' '"""'• ' have slwayaon L.,.i. Ambss piirters fur linn, ,„.. ,,,,,1 obblnfagsnt for Clark's 0. N.

    i""1 '•"'I" on. snd attonilvrcl'rki, T Spi


    J I, SUGG i

    ii GREEN VlLLil, N. C.

    orvioit N1; \U COUNT HOUSE. All kinds ol KIBUS placed 'nutriutlj

    FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES C'lrrout ratoa


    ill DBS 1 EMBALMERS.

    We bav. i t reoelved u now hearse and (hi uice»t line of Oof- Gna aud Cassi Is. in wood, metal- lic and clotL ever brought to (irennxilb.

    We am propsu^d I io Ambsloj. ing in al, its forms.

    Persons! attention pivcu lo oon- daetinf f,i..oralo and bodiee oo- tii-.ited to on care will reoeive everv mark of roepco'

    Our prices are lower inau eve'.

    A.• do not wtLl rrrnopoly but i..\ilo comiii'titiob.

    Wo can be found n*. any and all times iu tbo John l'lanarat BtUuTJ Co's buildinK.


    Atlantic Coast Line





    Tuesday "^and^^





    Ti r ■ i papers for 81 TO

    The Farmer and Meebanic, Ihe paper that years ago, under tae guidance of Cspt- R- A- Slum ol! male nuoh au excellent r ...in nun throughout tbe State, Las been revived at Raleigh nn a weikly farm and borne paper. Doubllei-a many in tbia nec'iiou who (omerly tojk the Fanner and Mi rliiinir would like lo have it again and we are prepared lo make tbe following extraordinary elnbbiug annooncement:

    For $1 !■' we will aend I'lle: EASTHIN HEFLECTOII, Tue North Caroliuiuu. ol Raleisb, and The Farmer and Mechanic, all tl.ree papers a whole voar- Ihes hie napeis will give you I be home new*, tho State an 1 general neaa and tbe farm news, and j rat think of il—all three of Ihem a whole year lor I1-7&

    If yon want Ihe Atlanta Con- stitution added to Ihe above lint you cau get it for 75 cenla more, or the thrice a week Now York World (or 70 cent?. Any other papor or magasine wanted we cau give you a diaconnt on in con- nection with THP. L:AST*KN RE-


    For Men Only,

    Ladies pl«a«e akip this naia- graph. It got into our "olumna by roiatako and we have naked tbe printers to set it npside down i

    •xjr—piiai| JW| ui SUn|6 o| prit .II|SJI MOUMUOXI )1 Mi p|[|ilM nui nous BAV

    »pil.U Ct.i: • l|u fit.) .iq< .,.1." id Sl'1,1. swnoe " oi Hiu-u net J »"„.a (Msa -»°.\i Mini- « |0 plllS 1«HJ| l>!|| 6|al -••[« ||

    aura MM ino |i piuj Up* »'l« 1*1 80X |n|| a>ou» oi lou |i|Snj .iqs 3iniii.Mii.,, s,,| in-iiin\ n -unii HI "uiipXuu "i .IJII|I I]

    N.ihlc (HJ XcRrt-.~ RcncoihccJ.

    An I.I infill of in ijiiith' jut roacs Was carried away (r on a i! n i-:'s one day l-i-t week in tLe carnage of a giando damo whoso name evervb. dy :.

    Tin-li i-.r mil- i. .i will rasaa, w: a j- ■ -it .1. •. irs .■. r HftaiBiiasjl

    T.i. ■ :.i-i" k.-- ar i-.-i asksw Ami i :ii- .i nu.1. loss niilivia

    A* Ions at yasiea Tl-il BCttnn i- 1 :.a..:i- ll I..1J.

    Ana "ti- n . n. bami hi- seul to yon Do ..li.n i.:i BSSI I-, ii. ill,- lam clad.

    TIi:.l nil In. Oaya nu, bs ot i-aco AD.1 U.I( nn k..ur ot la. U,- M love y,.u limy,

    Ttie hour will eosae, Ike hour wiU .\inis, Sli.-n y..u -luill niourn o'er lifvlist dayl ^

    Tk. n .hull | ..ii km. 1 d. » n l.y the sravo And hid.- your Mil uii.l i< ..r atalDaS eyvs -

    Thai ue'er uKnlit .Uull ...- ihe f.i. * Thai "neull, ike .kureliyanl v< rdure ties.

    And cry : oil. Ink lr.ni li- av. t, OS aio si,o trass la BDSIOW bats i- low!

    Forclv" lliat I was •■'> r unkind. O liod. I did not in.nn It no!

    ■ssaaeot sss aor aear war c ine To m.s-l ),,ii|. cbul sSBStSSS, Ah, nnl

    Tlie mouth thai ki—ed you of I tfeyt not. Lovo. I tOrsSRSI you loiiii n«ol

    He did forgive you. hill IU. tear* Fell oTI t.-"iu».- of words you said.

    But BOW li- well, lie calm, for li.' 1. NUSberSd With Ihc h:i|-|.y dead.

    Oh, lovo a. Ions as lavs you eau. An.l love as tans SS 1-v. yon may.

    The h .ur will .-..ui.-. the hour will come. ffhSB you shall mourn ,.'. r liM,-.i,elay t

    —I.. H. PslhlBS ai IV i.liluglou Mlar.

    Tlic Only Ti «rl Fana 1., Hie World.

    Tliero is said to bo only one pearl farm in tho world, but that paya its proprietor bnndsomely. This farm is In th- Tones strait, ;it the north- ei'ii extrontlty of Australia, nnd bo- longs to.laiiu-i larkof Quecaabind. sir. (link, wh • i- known us "the Is in; -. ..I tin i...;'. fishers," original- ly stocked ii with l-"" ,000 pearl oys- ters. Nov. l,.'..ii(i iiii-ii. '.no of whom tire divers, and 250 vessels are em. ployed in harvesting tbe crop. "1

    Feb. -ju. nnd therefore had enjoyed bare been 15 yours engaged in pearl only two birthdays in till her 111 fishing," Mr. (lark told a (one years. The poet sympathized not] a]..uuleni ol the MolbourUO Ago. only iu eonilortiiig words, but ulsoi "My experienco has list me to the in action. He meditated a few mo- belief that, with proper intelligence

    Ko>al makes tbe lies] pore. w holctusic sad delicious.

    &AK.K0 POWDER sXbtolMtely Pure

    Rnvu iw.iw, pe,-T'« rn.. Nfw V

    Ilii-niesH 1 uiltii'es.

    The meroartfla ageaclM report SOS Lii-ir.. -- i.iiimi* ibroagbonl the Dnited Sun. * hei w- k, BgaillM 196 the pre- eed'iig week: L".'^' iii ihe week a yeur :ie,-; 2AU IWO years ago: '.'21 in lltc^like svekol 1894, sad .120 in the Ibird week ol October, 1898. There are 27 business Isilurca reported from the l)o- iiiuiii-n ,,l Canada last smag, a total considerably smaller than that .of ihe

    neck before, or m the third week cf October in ihe ih*ee pweeilng your*.

    Stepped Out Of Her t.oflln

    Mahomet, 111., Oct. 2? Mrs. A. 1. Hannah, wife of a farmer living near him. was res ii stated today, 21 hours slier havh . been pronounced dead- When arrangements lor ihe luuerul ncre t.r ndva< ci d, she rose iu her eof- tin and naked lor a drink rd water. She .* now improving uud will recover.

    JUttT POR PCM.

    Oinnal wsalber,

    A hieycle meet—a cnlli-ion.

    Always up In dnte—the calendar,

    ments, then went to her writing desk and drew up tho following ttoc- iiinent: "I, Robert Louis Stevenson, in u Bound stale of mind and body, having arrived at that ago when 1 no longer havo any nso for birth- days, do give uud be(|lie;ilh my birtbday, Ihe 13th of November, to Mi.ss Adelaide Ide, to bo hers from this year us long aa she wishes it. Robert Loiiisj-tovonson." Tim little girl's delight at this rnio aud moat wclcoiuo gift bus shown itself regu- liilry once a year for several years past, nnd since Ihe novelist's death| that amount." tlio anniversary is doubly treasured. —Chicago Chronicle.

    in the selection of a pla..-. ouo can raise pearls and pouri shells aa east- ly n.s i.ne eau raise ovati is. 1 start- ed my farm tbreo yours ago and havo stocked it with abvlls which 1 obtained In many instances far out at sea. My pearl ahcll form coven 500 snunro miles, Overmoatofil the water is shallow. In shallow water shell., attain Iho largest size. I ship my ponrls to Londoninrny own vessels, Tho catch each year runs, roughly speaking, from 4140,- 000 worth op to almost live times

    Toeket Nutmeg Orator*.

    Tho Rev. Alexander Dyce, iu bis "Olossury to tlio Works of Shakes- Mare," says a gilt nutmeg was formerly n common gift at Christ- mas nnd ou other occasions of fes- tivity:

    A. The armlpol' nl Mam. of aHBM Iho Al- mighty, Hove. Hivtor . gift.

    P. A Kill miliiiei: -"I..ao'a baaOUta Ixat."

    9o ill Uarnlicld's "AU'ectiona'.e Shepherd," 1594: Asatnat my lilrthday Ihoil shall I..' my g-ucat.

    Wcele lUVSB grcvnc-cl>e.Mc-. un.l lliu. allly- luil.*:

    And thou shall h,» Iho eha-fo of atl my fenat: And I will Bluii Ihss (wo Sue i»rell