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Pakistan: Socio- Political Discourse

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Post on 25-Sep-2015




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  • Pakistan: Socio-Political Discourse

  • The political set up of Pakistan is marked by mismanagement, confusion, power struggle and failed attempt at democracy Inheritance of Colonial LegacyPoor institutionalization of Muslim League Objective Resolution East-West Fall OutDisharmony between Centre and Provinces Frequent change of Prime Ministers

  • Authoritative style of governor generals and later presidents Focus on defense and bureaucratic institutions rather than social welfare One unit plan 1954-70Punjabi land lords interests Iskander Mirza imposes first martial law Ayub Khan becomes Chief Martial law Administrator

  • Ayub Khan Era Ayub Khan ousted Mirza and became the President of Pakistan Liberal outlook Very authoritative mode of ruleEmphasis on implementation rather than formulation of policies Highly critical of 56 constitution Came up with new constitution in 1962 Main features of the constitution include presidential form of government

  • All authority and power centered in the President Constitution popularly known as constitution of the president, by the president, for the president Overemphasis on bureaucracy for functioning of the governmentBasic Democrats ( BD system) Ayub Khan critical of political parties EBDO: Elective Body Disqualification Act

  • An attempt of political exclusion Repressive policies against media and academia and other social factionsStudent and labor unions were suppressedPhilosophers and intellects like Habib Jalib and Josh Malih Abadi suffered in the hands of regime In economic field his tenure in marked as the era of progress and growth First five year of his rule saw the highest growth rate in the world Second five year growth reduced but still very high

  • But the critiques of his policies believe that his policies led to differential economic growth Creating class differences Suppression of labor unions Inflation Land reforms were unable to deliverForeign policy After 1965 war economy deteriorated Ayub Khans regime became unpopular Rise of Z.A BhuttoYahya Khans Martial Law.