axell aem management & control solutions rev c


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Aem And RmC

© Axell Wireless Ltd

mAnAgement & ContRol solutions

Page 2: Axell AEM Management & Control Solutions Rev C






Axell Wireless supplies two powerful software tools - AEM and RMC - for the configuration and management of repeaters either singly or in networks. Both applications are Windows™ based and run on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The AEM can also be run on Windows 2003 Server.

RmC – Repeater maintenance ConsoleThe RMC is an online software program that simplifies control and installation of repeaters. It gives access to the repeaters Control Module and allows for on-line configuration of the repeaters. The RMC can be used localy on site, or remotely over a modem connection.

Aem Axell Wireless element manger The AEM is a complete operations and maintenance centre for repeater networks. The AEM takes control of the repeaters once the installation at site is completed. The repeaters are integrated into the network and controlled by the AEM. The AEM is used extensively also by Axell Wireless personnel for commissioning as well as for service and maitenance of repeater networks.

The AEM is a software application designed to supervise and control repeater networks. It is an advanced yet user-friendly application that gives easy access to all information about a network. Each repeater can be monitored separately or the whole network can be presented in one overview chart. The network elements can be assigned to geographical maps to further enhance the overview of the installation. A logical tree shows the relationship and hierarchical build-up between the network elements - this includes both base stations and repeaters. Alarm sources indicate if faults have occurred in any of the repeaters and an extensive reporting tool enable optimised planning of the network’s coverage.

efficient network supervision with many Benefits

Central Management All repeaters in a network can be managed from a central location. All repeater parameters can be read, all alarms can be monitored and the repeaters can be easily accessed for configuration changes. The repeaters are totally controlled and managed via the AEM application which can be placed in any convenient indoor facility, any distance from the network itself. The installation procedure is quick and simple and repeaters are integrated into the AEM application once they are installed on site.

Network Optimisation The AEM can be used as a tool for network operators to optimise their networks. The repeaters send traffic reports to the AEM at regular intervals. These reports are stored in a data base and can be monitored and analysed at any time. Network operators can use this information to optimise the network based on real net work utilisation. Information about where in the network, and at what times of day the traffic is high can be very helpful in deciding where extra capacity should be added.

Excellent Overview The network elements can be presented in different ways – either in logical trees or on geographical maps. In the tree structure the relationship between network elements, both base stations and repeaters, are made clear, which can be a valuable tool when it comes to network planning and trouble shooting. Geographical maps describes the network in a different but yet useful way.

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efficient Alarm management The AEM logs all alarms for the repeaters in the network. An overview screen can be designed to display the overall alarm situation for a whole network. The alarms can be structured and displayed in different manners for example according to repeater ID, repeater type, alarm type, alarm severity and time frame. In this way the AEM serves as a good tool for maintenance activities and planning.

using the AemThe Axell Wireless Element Manager is a software tool for operation and maintenance of a repeater network. It allows configuration, supervision and communication function with the repeaters within a network. The user interface allows management of users, geographical and structural overviews, repeater settings, reports, alarms and messages, etc. Alarm thresholds and traffic reports can be configured, as well as search logs for detailed information about repeater status.

user interface The AEM is a highly user-friendly application. It has a user interface similar to other Windows applications which makes it easy to use. The AEM opens up several windows depending on the activities at hand. These windows can be moved around to suit every user’s preferences.

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multi-user Functionality

The multi-user solution supports simultaneous use for up to 5 clients. Users can have different restrictions and access rights and their own passwords. The user access levels to the connected repeaters can be controlled from the AEM. All users that are logged into the AEM will receive information from the system regarding all events and changes made in the system by other users.

network Configuration A network is configured by adding repeaters to it, placing them on a geographical or logical map and also placing them structurally in the system and finally by configuring the AEM repeaters settings. These settings are phone numbers, report intervals, etc. Base stations can also be included in the network. They can be configured geographically and structurally in the AEM, but need no other configuration.

element structure The Element Explorer screen displays a tree-structure breakdown view of the network. The repeaters and the base stations in the network are called network elements. The structure shows the inter-relationships and can be divided into regions to reflect the actual layout of the network.

Complete Repeater management A repeater can be fully monitored and controlled via the AEM. In the status window parameters such as channel numbers, uplink and downlink peak power, status of different repeater parameters, external alarms, etc. are displayed. Other windows display hardware configuration, alarm log, sent messages log, traffic and heartbeat log.

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The AEM has an advanced feature for handling geographic maps. The maps can show a part of a region, a whole region or a country. They can be organised so that the users can zoom down from the top level to an infinite number of sub-maps where the network elements are displayed.

The repeaters’ geographical positions on the maps are defined by GPS co-ordinates. The element is displayed on all maps covering this specific location. The maps are added as pictures, and may be in jpg- or bmp-format.

When the cursor is moved over a network element on a map an information box with data about the repeater or base station is displayed. By clicking on the network symbol the Repeater/Base station Information function is activated and access is given to more detailed information.

Alarms and heartbeatsAll repeaters in a network send heartbeats to the AEM at regular intervals. They also send alarms to the AEM in case of a failure. The cause of the alarm is clearly indicated. The Alarm Log function displays information about all alarms that have been sent to the AEM from a selected repeater, the severity of the alarm and whether it has been acknowledged or not. There is also a full alarm search function available. User-friendly alarm reports can be generated and printed. Alarms can also be forwarded to other systems via files, TCP/IP or SNMP traps.

Traffic Monitoring Depending on type of repeater the traffic through the repeater can be monitored. All traffic data is collected in a traffic log where the data can be displayed in numbers or in a graphical from. Each traffic log contains 96 inter vals of 15 minutes.

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system oveRvieWThe AEM consists of three applications. One is a Windows based user application with a graphical interface for configuration and supervision of a repeater network. The second is a Message Server, taking care of all messages between the AEM and the repeaters, including alarms. The third is a modem pool, managing the communication between the repeaters and the AEM.

The database that is used is an InterBase® Relational Database. In this database all the repeater parameters, traffic log and alarm logs are stored. During integration of a repeater into the AEM, all parameters are retrieved from the repeater and stored in this database. Every change in a repeater updates the database. When someone logs in to a repeater and changes one or more parameters, an alarm will be sent to the AEM, indicating that changes have been made.

Inprise InterBase Database Engine

Modem 1

Modem 2

Modem ...

Modem NTransceiver

Message Server

Element Manager Client User Interface

TCP/IP network ODBC interface

External Alarm Forwarding InterfaceDatabase Backup Utility


Emergency Restore

AEM Relay Interface

Network Management System

ODBC equipped computer

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RmC RepeAteR mAintenAnCe ConsoleThe RMC is a software tool designed to support on-line communication with repeaters. The tool is used primarily at commissioning of repeaters on site, but also as a tool for on-line monitoring and trouble shooting of repeaters.

All repeater parameters can be displayed and all settings in the repeater can be made via the RMC. Dynamic information, such as traffic utilization, input and output power levels are updated continuously which makes the RMC an excellent help for example at antenna installations and other adjustments in the system.

The RMC communicates with one repeater at a time, either via a RS232 interface directly into the repeater or via remote access via modem.

The RMC has a user-friendly graphical interface that simplifies the communication with the repeater. No commands and attributes need to be used, but all settings are made through clicking, data input and pull down menus.

The same RMC can be used for all repeater types. At login the RMC detects the repeater type and adjusts the user interface to fit the current type.


User friendly Windows based interface

Provides an online status report of the repeater configurations

Excellent for troubleshooting applications

Configurations can be adjusted on a site-by-site basis.

Traffic monitoring via the RMC, the repeater firmware is automatically updated to the latest version in use.

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