axedale primary school “excellence through endeavour” … · werribee zoo excursion on tuesday...

AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” High Street, Axedale 3551 Ph. (03) 5439 7232 Fax. (03) 5439 7575 Principal Corrina Hartland Email: [email protected] RESPECT, PERSONAL BEST, RESILIENCE, COOPERATION NEWSLETTER No. 14 May 9 th 2019 Important dates: May 10 th Hot Lunch Orders – Gr 3-6 14 th MARC Van 14-17 th NAPLAN Week 15 th Yr 6-7 Transition forms due May 20 th Grandparent & Special Person’s Day 10-11am 21 st Werribee Zoo Excursion 23 rd 2020 Prep Info Session – 9.30am SCHOOL VALUES AWARDS Bella For listening very attentively and always retaining eye contact with the speaker. Rowan For demonstrating genuine care and concern towards other students and showing great enthusiasm about the achievements of others. Keira For doing her personal best when completing her work and showing enthusiasm for learning. Connor For building friendships within the classroom at Axedale Primary School. Connor has adapted to our school values with ease. Paddy C For always demonstrating respect and co-operation with his classmates. Macy For being a positive role model to her peers by showing support and care to others. She constantly displays the values of our school. CLASSROOM ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Kamryn For starting to organise his reading materials in the morning and using his time more wisely during reading time. Liam For approaching learning about Time in Maths with confidence and enthusiasm and contributing his knowledge during class discussions. Spencer For helping others in the classroom, showing initiative and displaying leadership skills. Anabelle For receiving 100% on her addition post test. Anabelle has been working hard on achieving her personal best and this is shown in her results. Olly For using the internet to successfully research the life cycle of living things. Travis For his hardworking approach to the numeracy sessions. He completed additional work at home to further improve is understanding of dividing with decimal remainders. HOUSE TROPHY Congratulations to Campaspe, winners of this week’s House Award. GOLDEN BRUSH Congratulations to Grade Prep / One who won the Golden Brush this week.

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Page 1: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


“Excellence Through Endeavour”

High Street, Axedale 3551

Ph. (03) 5439 7232 Fax. (03) 5439 7575

Principal – Corrina Hartland

Email: [email protected]


NEWSLETTER No. 14 May 9th 2019

Important dates:

May 10th Hot Lunch Orders – Gr 3-6

14th MARC Van

14-17th NAPLAN Week

15th Yr 6-7 Transition forms due

May 20th Grandparent & Special Person’s Day


21st Werribee Zoo Excursion

23rd 2020 Prep Info Session – 9.30am


Bella – For listening very attentively and always

retaining eye contact with the speaker.

Rowan – For demonstrating genuine care and

concern towards other students and showing great

enthusiasm about the achievements of others.

Keira – For doing her personal best when

completing her work and showing enthusiasm for


Connor – For building friendships within the

classroom at Axedale Primary School. Connor has

adapted to our school values with ease.

Paddy C – For always demonstrating respect and

co-operation with his classmates.

Macy – For being a positive role model to her peers by showing support and care to

others. She constantly displays the values of our school.

CLASSROOM ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Kamryn – For starting to organise his

reading materials in the morning and using

his time more wisely during reading time.

Liam – For approaching learning about

Time in Maths with confidence and

enthusiasm and contributing his knowledge

during class discussions.

Spencer – For helping others in the

classroom, showing initiative and displaying

leadership skills.

Anabelle – For receiving 100% on her

addition post test. Anabelle has been

working hard on achieving her personal best

and this is shown in her results.

Olly – For using the internet to successfully research the life cycle of living things.

Travis – For his hardworking approach to the numeracy sessions. He completed

additional work at home to further improve is understanding of dividing with decimal



Congratulations to Campaspe, winners of this week’s House Award.


Congratulations to Grade Prep / One who won the Golden Brush this week.

Page 2: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


Congratulations to our students who have

achieved a Magic Word Reading Certificate

this week.


Congratulations to

Rachel on receiving her

pen licence.


The Bendigo District Cross Country

event held yesterday. Congratulations

to all students on their great behaviour

and effort.


Some thoughts from our Preps:

Brock – The thing I love most about my mum is having cuddles with her.

Abbie – The thing I love most about my mum is she sings me songs at night.

Irie – The thing I love most about my mum is she lets me garden and have a sandpit.

Madilyn – The thing I love most about my mum is she gives me nice presents.

Zac – The thing I love most about my mum is she is good at riding horses.

Charlee – The thing I love most about my mum is that she helps me with my words.

Taylah – The thing I love most about my mum is she makes my bed for me.

Bella – The thing I love most about my mum is she lets me play Minecraft.

Amy – The thing I love most about my mum is she takes me swimming and gives me lots and lots of cuddles.


We will be setting up the 2nd hand uniforms we have in stock tomorrow Friday 10th May and will be leaving

them set up through the following week. If you have any items at home you no longer need please drop them

in or maybe do a swap.


Nest week, commencing on Tuesday, students in grades 3 and 5 will be involved in NAPLAN testing. This

year students will complete tests on-line, with the exception of the grade 3 Writing Test. Students have spent

time in class familiarising themselves with the format of the on-line tests. Completing the test on-line allows

students to complete tests on a different day if they are absent on the timetabled test day. Included with today’s

newsletter is an information page for those parents with a student in grades 3 and 5. If you have any questions,

please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Page 3: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent home an

information / permission note. Parents were asked to return an expression of interest parent helper note if they

would like to have their name placed in a ‘hat’ and drawn out. We would like to finalise parent helper names

tomorrow so would ask that any parents who have note returned their note, please do so tomorrow morning.

To maximise our time at Werribee Zoo, we need to leave school at 7.30am and won’t return until

approximately 5pm. We understand this is an extremely long day but believe the experience is beneficial for

all students.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the excursion.


Last week, Gr. 6 parents will have received an envelope of Transition to Year 7 information. Please contact

the school if you have any queries. We require these forms to be returned to us by Wednesday 15th May


With the cooler weather, we have had an increase in our lost property. Please check that family names are on

all jumpers/jackets.


We would like to welcome Ben Connor to our team. Ben will be working Tuesdays and Wednesday in the

Prep / One room with Ms Saunders.


On Tuesday we held our Mother/Special Person’s Day High Tea. It was wonderful to see so many Mums,

Grandmothers and Special Friends in attendance. I would like to thank Ricky and Sarah for all of the work in

organising and running such as wonderful morning. Thanks also goes out to those who donated flowers,

provided table decorations, assisted in setting and packing up, helped to serve drinks and food and distribute

name tags. Thanks to Sarah for taking the photos.

I would also like to thank PVF for their work in organising the raffle.


PVF worked hard over the last few months to organise today’s

Stall. It was lovely to see students carefully taking their time to

select the ‘right’ gift for their loved ones. With the excitement

on faces, I’m not sure how many gifts will make it to Sunday



Just a reminder that we are holding our Grandparents and

Special Person’s Day on Monday 20th May for families who

need to organise visits from relatives or special people.

Visitors are encouraged to come along and spend some time

in the classroom working with their special child on an

activity. Visitors new to the school may also be given a tour

of the school with their special child.

Morning tea for adults will be provided from 11.00 onwards.


Our assembly space is a wonderful space, where many of our parents meet and catch up at the end of the

school day. While we value the opportunity for parents to meet in this space, I would like to take the

opportunity to remind parents to be mindful of the noise and conversations that are held in this space.

Classroom teachers are often in the process of finalising lessons and going through the packing up routine. At

times, it can be quite challenging for students to hear important information being shared.

The assembly space also has a number of resources that younger siblings can play with while waiting for

school to finish. It is important that these resources are tidied up at the end of the day to enable Linda to

quickly vacuum.

Page 4: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


Education Week is on in all Victorian schools from May 20th – 24th.

One of the events we will be running is our 2020 Prep Parent Information Session. This session will be on

Thursday May 23rd from 9.30am.

If you know of any parents who may be interested in coming along, or may not know about the session, please

contact them, or let us know and we can make contact.

An Information Flyer will be provided to the Axedale Pre-School and all Pre-School parents have been

provided with a booklet outlining details about all of Bendigo’s government primary schools.


We are participating in Earn & Learn this year. Ask your family and

friends to pass on their stickers to us. We have a box set up for collection

in the office area. Spare sticker sheets are available from the office.


Our school banking day is Tuesday. Interested students can apply online, at any Commonwealth Bank branch,

over the phone, or via a paper-based application available from the office.


If you haven’t already signed up to our school app we ask that you take the time to download it.

The majority of our families have now signed up for our school app and are finding it is a great way of staying

in touch with easy access to newsletters, receiving calendar updates direct to your phone and entering absence

notes. It is also the way we send our alerts and reminders.

To download the app just visit the App Store for iPhones or Google Play for Android’s.

Search for Updat-ed and from the menu select our school. We’ll receive your registration

request and will need to approve you before your app is up and running.


Fruit will be provided during lunch and afternoon recess each Friday. Thanks to our volunteers for preparing

the fruit.

Friday 10th May – Melissa McKean & Tara Coffin

Friday 17th May – Susie McGrath & Tanya Czuczman


Breakfast Club is run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. All students are welcome to come along and

share breakfast with some of their school mates from 8.30-8.50am.

Our Student Well Being Worker Ricky Cawley runs this most beneficial program.

Tuesday 14th May – Shannon R

Thursday 16th May – Hannelie S

Tuesday 21st May – Sam G

Thursday 23rd May – Liz H


Our school is a member of Parenting Ideas. Visit

This week’s attached article is “Mum’s the work”


What is black and white and red all over?

The newspaper

Thanks Olivia for this week’s joke.

Corrina Hartland


Page 5: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


ELMORE BAKERY PIE DRIVE – Orders & payment due by Tuesday 21st May. Pies delivered on

Thursday 30th May @ 3pm

FRUIT TREE ORDERS – Order forms & payment due by Thursday 13th June.

BLANKET PERMISSION FORMS – Please return the PG rated movie permission form ASAP.



Today the Kinder students joined us for the Mother/Special Person’s Day Stall. We did some fun activities

together and shared lunch. We really enjoyed seeing our Kinder friends again.


The Prep/1 students have enjoyed making egg carton dragons. Hudson and Harry also made a zucchini



As part of our learning about Axedale the students will be going on a town walk to observe all our special

buildings and places during next week. The day we go will depend on weather and our timetable.


We hope families have enjoyed sharing their children’s learning diaries. We ask that the learning diaries are

now returned so we can start putting in this term’s work.

Page 6: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


It was a hectic term one in music, with a dose of djembe and tribal beats occupying the first half, followed by

some bucket drumming in the second half. Due to a range of reasons, most grades didn’t get to finish the

bucket drumming workshop, so for the first 3-4 weeks of term two, each grade will finish this activity off

(except grade 4-5).

Band also had a crazy start to the year. There were a range of interruptions (holidays, excursions, illnesses)

and then children trying getting back into the swing of practising at home, meant a fairly uneventful term one.

However, all children should now have 2 songs to work on and we are moving full steam ahead this term.

When the kids start to do their musical instrument sessions later this term (grade 4-5 start next week!) feel

free to follow or check out the YouTube page we will be using in class. In conjunction with Daniel Mayes of

Epsom Primary School, we have made 50+ lessons for the 5 main instruments the children learn at school

(guitar, drums, bass, keys and ukulele). Kids follow these lessons at school, but can also access them at home.

Go to YouTube, type in Daniel Mayes, and check out Mr Mayes Music Studio YouTube page.

Things to note for Band Members:

1. There is a Facebook Group created for all band members parents/guardians. This page has a range of

things that will assist your child in succeeding in band such as reminders, upcoming gigs and dates,

short video lessons on a range of instruments for each child to practise, general information, queries

answered, timetable for which band is on at what time, song lyrics and chords and also expert advice

from the specialist music teachers.

2. Books – Band members MUST bring their books to band every single week – no excuses! Please help

your child to remember this as I hand out music sheets, timetables and a range of other information

almost every week. Much of it gets left behind, unless they bring their books. It’s also used to

communicate with parents (or vice-versa), particularly if you don’t get on FB much.

3. Shed Open For Practice. A number of band kids have said they can’t practise at home due to other

commitments, busy schedules, lack of equipment etc. So, I am going to open the music shed up at

8:15am Monday mornings for any BAND kids only to come in and use my gear (or the schools gear)

to get some much needed practise in. I may not be able to give them all one-to-one time, but they will

have everything they need in the shed and my instructions.

Keep singin’, strummin’ and swingin’ those hips!!

Mr Marsh


Axedale Primary School is a keen supporter of Zoos Victoria mobile

phone recycling complain.

They're calling you aims to raise awareness of the threats gorillas face

from mining while raising money to support primate conservation and

divert phones from landfill.

All smart phones, mobile phones, tablets and accessories such as

chargers in ANY condition are accepted.

To protect data, it is recommended to conduct a factory reset before

donating your phone.

Let's support endangered species programs and donate any phones that

are hanging around your house..... they are full of heavy metals that can

be recycled!! The phone collection tub is located across from the school

office on the sports memorabilia display area.


Lydia Fehring

Environmental Science Teacher



Order forms for the Elmore Bakery Pie Drive are attached to the newsletter today. Orders and payment are

due by Tuesday 21st May with the pies being delivered on Thursday 30th May.

Page 7: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent


This year, our PVF group is again running the bare rooted FRUIT AND ORNAMEMTAL TREE DRIVE.

Families who are wishing to purchase trees can order from a wide range of options. The school will receive

$5 for every tree ordered. The trees are sourced from Valley Trees in Ardmona near Shepparton.

Order forms were attached to the newsletter last week. Please contact the school if you would like further


Orders with money need to be in at the School Office by Thursday 13th June.

Thanks for supporting the school.

ATHLETES FOOT A reminder to mention Axedale Primary School when purchasing from the Athletes Foot. They will

donate $5 for every pair of shoes purchased. We recently received a cheque for $310, in recognition

of our 2018/2017 purchases.


The PVF committee are looking for volunteers to be involved on the Trivia Night sub-committee. If you are

interested in helping out with this event please contact the school and we will put you in touch with one of

the members. Thanks for your support.

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Page 11: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent
Page 12: AXEDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL “Excellence Through Endeavour” … · WERRIBEE ZOO EXCURSION On Tuesday 21st May, we are taking the WHOLE school to the Werribee Zoo. Last week we sent