aws summit paris - keynote slides

AWS Summit 2013 Navigating the Cloud

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AWS Summit 2013Navigating the Cloud

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AWS Summit, June 25th

Adam Selipsky, Vice-President, AWS

Networking Reception and Partner Expo

Breakout Tracks

9:00 - 11:00

Lunch and Partner Expo12:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 17:30

17:30 - 19:00

Bill Murray, General Manager, Security, AWS11:00 - 12:00

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Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Visit our Partner & Solution Expo

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Announcing: AWS French User Group

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Join the Conversation

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AWS Summit 2013Innovation Powered by the AWS Cloud

Adam SelipskyVice-President, AWS

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7 Years YoungAmazon S3 launched: March 14th 2006

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Broad & Deep Services to Support Virtually Any Cloud Workload

Compute NetworkingStorage &

CDNDatabase App Services Management

Amazon EC2

Amazon EMR

Amazon ELB

Amazon Route 53

Amazon VPC

AWS Direct Connect

Amazon S3

Amazon Glacier

Amazon EBS

AWS Import/Exp

Amazon RDS

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Elasticache

Amazon RedShift

Amazon CloudSearch

Amazon SWF

Amazon SQS

Amazon SNS

Amazon SES

Amazon Elastic Transcoder


Amazon CloudWatch

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Cloudformation

AWS Data Pipeline

AWS OpsWorks


AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Marketplace

AWS Premium Support

AWS Professional Services

AWS Training

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012






AWS Oregon Region

Elastic Beanstalk (Beta)

Amazon SES (Beta)

AWS CloudFormation

Amazon RDS for Oracle

AWS Direct Connect

AWS GovCloud (US)


Amazon SNS

Amazon CloudFront

Amazon Route 53

S3 Bucket Policies

RDS Multi-AZ Support

RDS Reserved Databases

AWS Import/Export


Amazon RDS

Amazon VPC

Amazon EMR

EC2 Auto Scaling


6 new Direct Connect Sites



AWS Trusted Advisor

CloudFormation in VPC

AWS Storage Gateway

Amazon Glacier

Cost Allocation Tagging

CloudFront Live Streaming

Amazon CloudSearch

AWS Marketplace

Red Hat Reserved Instances

New EC2 Instance Types

Multi-AZ Oracle RDS

RDS SQL Server

EC2 RI Marketplace

AWS Service Launches & Feature Updates

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January February March



AWS Management Console Tablet and Mobile Support

Elastic Transcoder

Price reduction for Amazon EC2, global expansion of M3 Standard

Instances, and reduced data transfer pricing.


Amazon Redshift Available to All Customers

AWS OpsWorks

IAM Role and Auto Scaling Support for Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring

Scripts for Linux

Amazon SQS and SNS Announce Lower Prices and Expanded Free Tiers - 50% price drop for SQS


New Lower Pricing for Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances

AWS Free Usage Tier Now Includes Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon DynamoDB Reduces Prices

AWS Elastic Beanstalk for Node.js

Amazon RDS now supports 3TB and 30,000 Provisioned IOPS per database


Announcing EBS-Optimized Support for Additional Instance Types

53 AWS Service Launches & Feature Updates this year

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AWS Global Infrastructure

9 regions

25 availability zones

38 edge locations

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$5.2B retail business

7,800 employees

A whole lot of servers


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Every day, AWS adds

enough server capacity to power this

$5B enterprise

$5.2B retail business

7,800 employees

A whole lot of servers


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Hundreds of Thousands of Customers in 190 Countries

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Free steak campaign

Facebook page

Mars exploration ops

Consumer social app

Ticket pricing optimization

SAP & Sharepoint

Securities Trading Data Archiving

Gene sequencing

Marketing web site

Interactive TV apps

Financial markets analytics

R&D data analysis

Consumer social app

Big data analytics

Web site & media sharing

Disaster recovery

Media streaming

Web and mobile apps

Streaming webcasts

Facebook app

Consumer social app

Every Imaginable Use Case

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Comprehensive Security Capabilities to Support Virtually Any Workload


Direct connect

Dedicated instances

Identity & Access Management

S3 Encryption

Security groups for EC2 and VPC

Network ACL

Multi-Factor Authentication


RDS Oracle transparent encryption

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Certifications & Accreditations for Workloads that Matter

“Amazon Virtual Private

Cloud offers an additional

level of security and an

ability to integrate with

other aspects of our


Dr. Michael Miller, Head of HPC for R&D

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35 Price


Since 2006

The AWS Price Reduction Philosophy


Global Footprint

New Features

New ServicesInfrastructure Innovation

More AWS Usage

More Infrastructure

Economies of Scale

Lower Infrastructure


Reduced Prices

More Customers

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AWS Trusted Advisor

Cost optimizations

Security & Availability checks



329,000 recommendations

$22M in annualized savings

To: AWS Customer

From: Amazon Web Services

Subject: Potential Cost Savings

Dear Customer,We have identified $49,000 of potential savings in your current AWS deployment.

-Amazon Web Services

To: AWS Customer

From: Amazon Web Services

Subject: Potential Cost Savings

Dear Customer,We have identified $49,000 of potential savings in your current AWS deployment.

-Amazon Web Services

To: AWS Customer

From: Amazon Web Services

Subject: Potential Cost Savings

Dear Customer,We have identified $49,000 of potential savings in your current AWS deployment.

-Amazon Web Services

Obsessed with Helping Customers Save Money

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Thriving Partner Ecosystem

Consulting Partners Technology Partners

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AWS Marketplace: Buy Software Pre-Configured to Run on AWS

Growth since Jan 1, 2013

25 categories

778 product listings

Active customers

Usage per customer



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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

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1. Trade Capital Expense for Variable Expense


$0 to get started

Pay as you goSource: IDC Whitepaper, sponsored by

Amazon, “The Business Value of Amazon Web Services Accelerates Over Time.”

July 2012

Average of 400 servers replaced

per customer

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2. Lower Variable Expense Than Companies Can Do Themselves

Source: IDC Whitepaper, sponsored by Amazon, “The Business Value of Amazon Web Services Accelerates Over Time.” July 2012

70% lower 5 year TCO per app





50% reduction in analytics costs

Saved $34M on SmartHub app

$3M reduction in hosting costs

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3. You Don’t Need to Guess Capacity

Self Hosting





Actual demand

Predicted Demand


Actual demand


The Cloud

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4. Dramatically Increase Speed & Agility

Old World: Infrastructure in Weeks

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4. Dramatically Increase Speed & Agility

Add New Dev Environment

Add New Production Environment

Add New Environment in Japan

Add 1,000 Servers

Remove 1,000 servers

Number of Instances 1,000

Instance Type M3 Extra Large

Availability Zone US-West-2b


AWS: Infrastructure in MinutesOld World: Infrastructure in Weeks

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“We reduced application deployment times from 2

months to 3 days.”

“Time to deploy went from weeks to hours.”

Source: IDC Whitepaper, sponsored by Amazon, “The Business Value of Amazon Web Services Accelerates Over Time.” July 2012


















Comparison of developer efficiency with AWS and in-house alternatives

5X Faster

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Increase Innovation When Experimentation Is Fast and Low Risk

Old world: AWS:

Experiment infrequently

Failure is expensive

Less innovation

Near $0 Experiment often

Fail quickly at a low cost

More innovation

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Thierry de ValloisDirector of Technology

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Sujets de la présentation

Faciliter la connaissance par le grand public de nos projets ferroviaires grâce à la cartographie

Réaliser ponctuellement un grand nombre de calculs à un coût accessible dans un temps raisonnable

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Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

La naissancedu projet

Chapitre 1

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Une idée chemine au sein de nos équipes

Une mission de RFFnFaciliter l’accès aux propositions de tracés d’un grand projet ferroviaire aux différentes étapes de la


Une ciblenLe Grand Public

Les contributeurs internesnL’équipe métier en charge du projetnLe géomaticien régionalnL’équipe SI en charge de l’offre cartographiquenL’équipe SI en charge de l’innovation

Des échanges à l’origine d’une idéenOffrir sur le site internet du projet la possibilité

de naviguer dans nos données cartographiques

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

La déclinaison du besoin

Les données à présenternLes données décrivant l’environnement :

⎯carte de la France entière : routes et photosnLes données RFF

⎯Le réseau existant⎯Le projet : tracés, photos aériennes le long du tracé

Les fonctions à offrirnSe localiser nSe déplacer sur la cartenZoomernAfficher, masquer des données

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Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

D’une idéeà

Un service

Chapitre 2

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Une proposition d’expérimentation

L’équipe innovation SI propose l’essai du Cloud

Le service de fourniture de données d’arrière-plan

Offre de services BingMap

Le service de recherche d’une localisation Offre de services BingMap

Le service de fourniture des données RFF de type vecteur

Offre IAAS de AWS supportant une solution ARCGIS SERVER de l’éditeur ESRI

Le service de fourniture des données RFF de type image

Offre de stockage d’AWS

Le service de restitution à l’utilisateur final Solution 1 : Développement sur la base du client javascript de la société ESRI

Solution 2 (retenue): Développement sur la base du client javascript de la société Microsoft

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Convaincre en interne pour lancer le projet


Le RSSI L’architecte

Le responsable de la production

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Des exigences inhabituelles

Le publicnLes internautes et non des utilisateurs identifiés de notre SI

disponibiliténLe service fonctionne en mode 24h/24 et 7j/7nUne sensibilité très forte dans la semaine qui suit la publication de nouvelles données

La sollicitationnLa capacité à absorber de forts pics de charge sur de courtes périodes

L’ergonomienIntuitive et fluide (similaire à notre expérience sur Internet)

Le déploiementnLa capacité de déployer rapidement le service pour tous les projets RFF qui en ont besoin

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Situation deux ans après l’expérimentation

LES SITES EN PRODUCTIONnNotre site institutionnelnUn site projet

LES SITES PREVUSnMise en production d’un site projet pour juillet 2013 avec orthophotos

nDéploiement d’une carte interactive analogue sur 7 autres sites de grands projets d’ici fin 2013

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Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Développementen cours

d’un nouvelusage

Chapitre 3

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Besoins de capacités de calculs

Le problèmenEffectuer un calcul d’itinéraire sur le réseau ferré pour tous les trains prévus sur un an environ

4 fois par an

Les dimensions du problèmes nConnaître le descriptif de l’infrastructure ferroviaire et ses évolutions jour par jour sur la

période de calculnEffectuer environ 6 000 000 de calculs d’itinéraires

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/ Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

Plus vite, sans investir

Le recours au Cloud :nLa disponibilité de n serveurs pour distribuer les calculsnUn coût fonction juste du temps de calcul nPas d’investissements pour une infrastructure temporaire

Situation des résultats obtenus :n12 heures sur 10 serveurs au lieu de 4 jours sur un seulnUne facture de 100 $ pour 6 000 000 de calculs

Retour d’expérience :nAdapter non seulement sa gestion de production informatique, mais aussi ses techniques de


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Utilisations du Cloud Computing dans le cadre du Réseau Ferré National

A bientôtSur nos lignes

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/ Titre de la présentation


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5. Stop Spending Money on Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting

buy and install new hardware

set up and configure new software

build new data centers

so you don’t have to...

Data Centers









We take care of...

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6. Go Global in Minutes

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The Benefits of Cloud Computing

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Replace CapEx with


Lower Overall Costs

No More Guessing Capacity

Agility / Speed /

InnovationShift Focus to Differentiation

Go Global in Minutes

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Pierre-Alexandre StanislasChief Technology Officer

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Présenta)on  de  Millésima•Négociant  en  vin  fondé  en  1983,  basé  à  Bordeaux• 2  500  000  bouteilles  en  stock• 70  000  clients  par)culiers  livrés  dans  120  pays• CA  40  M€•Mul)canal• Panier  moyen  de  2000€• Premier  site  e-­‐commerce  en  1999

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Oops!    My  Mistake...• Lancement  d'un  site  Magento  USA  fin  2009•DIY• Trés  bon  ROI• Rm  -­‐rf  /•Get  a  team

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Let's  get  serious• Bascule  de  nos  14  sites  sous  Magento  début  2010•Hébergeur  physique  "spécialisé"• Contrat  de  3  ans• Catastrophe:  Don't  get  Married  in  Vegas!

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Efficiency•Hébergeur  de  renommée  interna)onale• Trés  gros  Hardware  &  equipes  qualifiées• Tenta)ve  de  Hack  et  choix  Cornélien!• Toujours  pas  adapté  à  nos  besoins

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Test  and  Learn•Début  2012  le  web  fait  60%  du  CA  et  80%  des  nouveaux  clients• Et  le  Cloud?  Pourquoi  pas  mes  lequel?• Test  de  2  "grands"  Cloud• Test  de  l'infogérance•And  the  Winners  are...

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AWS  +  eNovance• Scalabilité  :  Hardware  à  la  demande• Préproduc)on  ===  Produc)on• Facture  plus  légère• Support  devops  24/7  en  Français• Plus  de  sueurs  froide  aux  annonces  du  Marke)ng  •Don’t  Worry  be  Happy!

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AWS Adoption in the Enterprise

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Enterprises are Adopting AWS to Achieve the Benefits of the Cloud

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Replace CapEx with


Lower Overall Costs

No More Guessing Capacity

Agility / Speed /

InnovationShift Focus to Differentiation

Go Global in Minutes

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The Benefits Of The Cloud Are Only Possible IN THE CLOUD

“Private” Cloud x x x xx x

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Replace CapEx with


Lower Overall Costs

No More Guessing Capacity

Agility / Speed /

InnovationShift Focus to Differentiation

Go Global in Minutes

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Forrester Foresights Survey Data , Q3 2012

Self-service Portals


Resource Automation


Resource Tracking


Cost Chargeback


Customers are Struggling to Deliver on Promises of the “Private Cloud” Vendors

Have you implemented these cloud features?

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Many Enterprises Worry that These are the Only Two Choices

Build a “private” cloud

Rip and replace with AWS

#1 #2

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The Good News is that the Cloud isn’t an ‘All or Nothing’ Choice


Data Centers

On-Premises Resources

Cloud Resources

Seamless Integration

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Active Directory

Network Configuration


Back-up Appliances

Users & Access Rules

Your Private Network

HSM Appliance

Cloud back-ups

AWS Direct Connect

Your On-

Premise AppsYour Cloud


Integrating AWS with Your Existing On-Premises Infrastructure

Corporate Data Centers

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Schneider Electric Delivers Apps Globally with AWS

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Our Ecosystem Allows You to Use Your Existing Management Tools

Single Pane of Glass

On-Premises Datacenters

Management Tool Partners

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How Enterprises Are Using AWS

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Strategy 1: Cloud for Development & Test Environments


Reduced deployment time from weeks to days

Oracle Enterprise Applications

Reduced dev & test environment costs


70% reduction in operational costs

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Strategy 2: Build New Apps for the Cloud

Faster to build

Facebook App

Global Web Sites

Mobile Streaming

Social Games

Consumer apps

Genetic Sequencing

Marketing Campaigns

Less expensive to run

Distributed architectures for high availability

Easier to manage

Financial record archiving

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Canal+ Runs Key Customer Apps on AWS

Le Grand Journal iPad App

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Storage Gateway

Elastic Map Reduce


Amazon S3

Strategy 3: Use Cloud to Make Existing On-Premises Apps Better


Corporate Data Centers

App 1

App 2

App N

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Strategy 4: New Apps Powered by Both Cloud & On-Premises Resources

AWS serves up application content

& data

Integration back to Samsung data

centers for financial transactions

Corporate Data Centers

Hybrid App

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Le Figaro Powers its iOS & Android Apps with AWS

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Strategy 5: Migrate Existing Enterprise Apps to the Cloud

1/3 of servers migrated to AWS

Customer payments, content delivery & web sites

1 - 1.5M GBP saved in last 2 years

Expects to save additional 3M GBP in the next 3 years as they move to 75% AWS


Corporate Data Centers

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Sean BurkeChief Technology Officer

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Profile 2012

World leader in building materials

Major player in the cement, aggregates and concrete industries

We contribute to the construction of cities throughout the world with innovative solutions, providing cities with more housing, and make them more compact, more durable, more beautiful and better connected

Operating in 64 countries

65,000 employees

€15.8 billion of annual sales

1,570 production sites

Listed on the Paris Stock Exchange


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Presentation name or chapter Date |

A well-balanced geographical portfolio


North America

€3,375m 8,821

Latin America

€961m 2,609

Middle East and Africa

€4,283m 19,644

Western Europe

€3,181m 11,448

Central and Eastern Europe

€1,270m 7,041


€2,746m 14,774

Annual sales Employees

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|Building Better Cities| |May 2013|

Our markets





On all these markets, we provide innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions.

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§The State of Global Economy§Long Term Stagnation in the Developed World§Rapid Growth in the Developing World (BRICs, etc)

§Lafarge’s Financial Position§High Level of Indebtedness post ORASCOM in 2008 ( €17 bn in 2008) §Share Price Collapse and down grading to “Junk” status

Economic Context

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Architectural Context

Technology Debt§Hardware…..Long term under-investment§Software….Too many legacy versions in production

Lack of consistent architecture§Data Centres…. Too many§Software…. Too much

Lack of business confidence §Failure of services during critical business periods

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Strategic Directions

§Consolidate and decommission where we can ( Create critical mass )

§Lease don’t buy (CAPEX to OPEX)

§Move to the cloud ( Pay for use )

§Partner ( Share risk )


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CTO Vision Simplified

Physical Infrastructure (Data Centres, Networks)

Logical Infrastructure (Middleware, Identity and Access Management, DB’s)

Application Bricks



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CTO Vision



Physical Infrastructure

Middleware ( OS’s, DB’s, etc)

Identity Management and Access Rights Management Service ( Employee Provisioning )

Employee ID

In House DC Public Cloud Private

( On / Off Premise)

ERP (Test)

ERP (Dev)

ERP (Prod)


Email Social Net-


Content Manage-


CRM Internet,

Intranet (Portals,


Consistent Management Tools

Consistent User Experience

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Lafarge’s AWS Experience§ Initiative driven by:§ stability problems created by ageing hardware platforms § lack of bandwidth during the DC consolidation

§Group Institutional Sites migrated during 2010 and 2011§ ROI under 3 months§ Mirroring in place for key sites

§Group Internet Sites migrated during 2012§ ROI under 12 months§ Permanent VPN in place betz

§Circa 50 VMs in production

§Key Success Factors § Partnership and technical support from Edifixio§ Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities

§Future Plans§ Platform modernisation with migration from Websphere to Drupal


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Thank You!


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Strategy 6: All-in

10,000s of EC2 instances in multiple regions & zones

100s of middle tier services & applications

~70 billion events per day

At peak consumes 1/3 of US Internet bandwidth

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What have we been working on?

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Compute Services

Amazon EC2

Auto Scaling

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing





Hi I/O instances

Reserved Instance


Next gen standard







EC2 CElastic load


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Total Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) Clusters Launched by Customers
































5.5 M clusters launched since May 2010

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Amazon VPC



Amazon Route 53

Availability Zone B

Availability Zone A

AWS Direct Connect

Los AngelesSingapore


Sao PaoloNew YorkSydney

AWS Networking Services

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Amazon S3 AWS Storage Gateway Amazon EBS






Your datacenter



Provisioned IOPS




Amazon Glacier

Storage Services

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Easily archive files from on-premises or directly from Amazon S3

$0.01 per GB per month

Designed for 11 9s of durability, just like Amazon S3Amazon Glacier






Amazon Glacier

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Q4 2006

Q1 2007

Q2 2007

Q3 2007

Q4 2007

Q1 2008

Q2 2008

Q3 2008

Q4 2008

Q1 2009

Q2 2009

Q3 2009

Q4 2009

Q1 2010

Q2 2010

Q3 2010

Q4 2010

Q1 2011

Q2 2011

Q3 2011

Q4 2011

Q1 2012

Q2 2012

Q3 2012

Q4 2012

Q1 2013

1,100,000 Million peak requests/sec

Amazon S3: Over 2 Trillion Total Objects

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Database Services

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon RDS

AWS ElastiCache




MS SQL Server

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

IOPS0 0 0 0 0 0 0


EC2web server

memcached cluster


Amazon RedShift

BI Tools





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Data warehouse as a service

Scale from hundreds of gigabytes to a petabyte or more

Use your existing SQL-based tools

Pay as you go


10GigE (HPC)

Amazon S3

Ingestion Backup Restore

Node Node



Standard BI Tools


Amazon RedShift

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Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudSearch

Amazon SES

Amazon Simple Workflow

Amazon SQS

Amazon SNS





Amazon Elastic MapReduce

AWS Application Services

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AWS Management Console

Amazon CloudWatch







AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS CloudFormation






Web App



Deployment & Administration

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Integrated application management solution for ops-minded developers and IT admins

Model, control and automate applications of nearly any scale and complexity

Management Console, SDKs, or CLI

No additional cost

AWS OpsWorks

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Dedicated access to HSM appliances managed & monitored by AWS, but you control the keys

Increase performance for applications that use HSMs for key storage or encryption

Comply with stringent regulatory and contractual requirements for key protection

EC2 Instance



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How to choose a cloud vendor

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Thank You!

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Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Visit our Partner & Solution Expo

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AWS Summit 2013Innovation Powered by the AWS Cloud

Bill MurrayGeneral Manager, Security, AWS

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Cloud Security is:







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Universal Cloud Security

Every Customer Has Access to the Same Security Capabilities, and

Gets to Choose What’s Right for Their Business


•Financial Sector




•Social Media

•Home Users

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AWS allows you to see your entire infrastructure at the click of a mouse. Can you map your current network?

Visible Cloud Security



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Auditable Cloud Security

How do you know AWS is right for your business?

3rd Party Audits•Independent auditors

Artifacts•Plans, Policies and Procedures


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Transparent Cloud Security

Choose the audit/certification that’s right for you:


•SOC-1, SOC-2



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Control Objective 1: Security Organization

•Who we are

•Proper control & access within the organization

Control Objective 2: Amazon User Access

•How we vet our staff

•Minimization of access

Security & Compliance Control Objectives

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Control Objective 3: Logical Security

•Our staff start with no systems access

•Need-based access grants

•Rigorous systems separation

•Systems access grants regularly re-evaluated & automatically revoked

Security & Compliance Control Objectives

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Control Objective 4: Secure Data Handling

•Storage media destroyed before being permitted outside our datacenters

•Media destruction consistent with US Dept. of Defense Directive 5220.22

Control Objective 5: Physical Security and Environmental Safeguards

•Keeping our facilities safe

•Maintaining the physical operating parameters of our datacenters

Security & Compliance Control Objectives

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Control Objective 6: Change Management

•Continuous Operation

Control Objective 7: Data Integrity, Availability and Redundancy

•Ensuring your data remains safe, intact & available

Control Objective 8: Incident Handling

•Processes & procedures for mitigating and managing potential issues

Security & Compliance Control Objectives

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•Let AWS do the heavy lifting

•This is what we do – and we do it all the time

•As the AWS customer you can focus on your business and not be distracted by the muck

Shared Responsibility



•Physical Security

•Physical Infrastructure

•Network Infrastructure

•Virtualization Infrastructure


•Choice of Guest OS

•Application Configuration Options

•Account Management flexibility

•Security Groups

•Network ACLs

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•Large non-descript facilities

•Robust perimeter controls

•2 factor authentication for entry

•Controlled, need-based access for AWS employees

•All access is logged and reviewed

Physical Security

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Physical Security

Distributed Regions – Multiple Availability Zones

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Network Security

•DDoS attacks defended at the border

•Man in the Middle attacks

•SSL endpoints

•IP Spoofing prohibited

•Port scanning prohibited

•Packet Sniffing prevented

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Amazon EC2 Security

Host operating system•Individual SSH keyed logins via bastion host for AWS admins•All accesses logged and audited

Guest operating system•Customer controlled at root level•AWS admins cannot log in•Customer-generated keypairs

Stateful firewall•Mandatory inbound firewall, default deny mode

Signed API calls•Require X.509 certificate or customer’s secret AWS key

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Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

•Create a logically isolated environment in Amazon’s highly scalable infrastructure

•Specify your private IP address range into one or more public or private subnets

•Control inbound and outbound access to and from individual subnets using

stateless Network Access Control Lists

•Protect your Instances with stateful filters for inbound and outbound traffic using

Security Groups

•Bridge your VPC and your onsite IT infrastructure with an industry standard

encrypted VPN connection and/or AWS Direct Connect

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Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)






Amazon VPC Architecture





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Amazon VPC - Dedicated Instances

•Option to ensure physical hosts are not shared with other customers

•$10/hr flat fee per Region + small hourly charge

•Can identify specific Instances as dedicated

•Optionally configure entire VPC as dedicated

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Customers have requirements that require them to use specific encryption key management procedures not previously possible on AWS

•Requirements are based on contractual or regulatory mandates for keeping encryption keys stored in a specific manner or with specific access controls

•Good key management is critical

Customers want to run applications and store data in AWS but previously had to retain keys in HSMs in on-premises datacenters

•Applications may slow down due to network latency

•Requires several DCs to provide high availability, disaster recovery and durability of keys

Customer Challenge: Encryption

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•AWS offers several data protection mechanisms including access control,

encryption, etc.

•AWS CloudHSM complements existing AWS data protection and encryption


•With AWS CloudHSM customers can:

•Encrypt data inside AWS

•Store keys in AWS within a Hardware Security Module

•Decide how to encrypt data – the AWS CloudHSM implements cryptographic functions

and key storage for customer applications

•Use third party validated hardware for key storage

AWS Data Protection Solutions

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What is AWS CloudHSM?

•Customers receive dedicated access to HSM appliances

•HSMs are physically located in AWS datacenters – in close network

proximity to Amazon EC2 instances

•Physically managed and monitored by AWS, but customers control their

own keys

•HSMs are inside customer’s VPC – dedicated to the customer and isolated

from the rest of the network


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AWS CloudHSM Service Highlights

•Secure Key Storage – customers retain control of their own keys and

cryptographic operations on the HSM

•Contractual and Regulatory Compliance – helps customers comply with the

most stringent regulatory and contractual requirements for key protection

•Reliable and Durable Key Storage – AWS CloudHSMs are located in multiple

Availability Zones and Regions to help customers build highly available

applications that require secure key storage

•Simple and Secure Connectivity – AWS CloudHSMs are in the customer’s VPC

•Better Application Performance – reduce network latency and increase the

performance of AWS applications that use HSMs

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AWS Deployment Models

Logical Server and Application Isolation

Granular Information Access Policy

Logical Network Isolation

Physical server Isolation

Government Only Physical Network and Facility Isolation

ITAR Compliant(US Persons Only)

Sample Workloads

Commercial Cloud ü ü Public facing apps. Web sites, Dev test etc.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

ü ü ü ü Data Center extension, TIC environment, email, FISMA low and Moderate

AWS GovCloud (US) ü ü ü ü ü ü US Persons Compliant and Government Specific Apps.

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Everything You Do Now Can Be Done in the Cloud

•Intrusion Detection

•Intrusion Prevention

•Packet Capture


•Access Control Lists

•Multi-Factor Authentication

•Identity and Access Management

Familiar Cloud Security

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AWS Security Resources


•Security Whitepaper

•Risk and Compliance Whitepaper

•Regularly Updated

•Feedback is welcome

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Thank You!

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