avatar & imperialism essay by ms. costa your task: you are to write an essay (3 paragraphs)...

Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Avatar & Imperialism


By Ms. Costa

Page 2: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Your Task: • You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs)

explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and the Age of Imperialism. Be sure to explain the Age of Imperialism and cite specific examples from the movie that emulate similar actions. Consider motives, actions and outcomes.

Page 3: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Avatar Essay Checklist:

Completed graphic organizer with name Rubric Attached A 3-Paragraph “essay”

Size 12 pt. Font Times New Roman Double Spaced

paragraphs at least 5 sentences longAn intro with a thesis & although statement body paragraphs with supporting examplesEach body paragraph with a topic sentence and clincher

Page 4: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Avatar Suggested Outline

• Intro: General Statement, transition statement(s), and thesis (although statement) • Body Paragraph 1: Motives & Actions of Europeans and humans in Avatar

• 2nd Body Paragraph: Outcomes of European actions and actions of humans in Avatar

Page 5: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

A Topic Sentence and Clincher

• T.S.: Motives “One of the first noticeable parallels between the motion picture and imperialism is the invaders’ motive for attempting to colonize foreign lands.”

• Clincher: Outcomes “The colonies of Europe following their independence movements are often still developing today, and the European nations stayed the developed superpowers they are today.

Page 6: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

The 1st Body Paragraph:

Motives & Actions European Motives: • Desire for Natural Resources:

– Europeans want oil, rubber, diamonds (Africa) and cotton (India)

– The British East India dominated India politically, economically and culturally (beneficial to large Empire and feed industrial markets)

• Cultural Superiority – Eurocentricism -Belief that European

culture is superior to others – White Mans Burden by Rudyard

Kipling– Use religion as a mask for underlying

motive – build religious schools convert natives to Christianity

Motives in Avatar • Desire for Natural Resources:

– Humans want to obtain Unobtanium from moon of Pandora to save Earth from energy crisis

– The Resources Development Administration dominated Pandora and the Na’vi

• Cultural Superiority – Parker and the military are

completely dismissive of Na’vi culture

– Examples: there are millions of trees they can move – it’s a tree

– “These people have to learn we don’t stop”

Page 7: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Actions/ process in Imperialism

• Fear of the Unknown– Europeans called Africa “Dark

Continent” and carved it up for themselves after exploring it and taking over “Scramble for Africa”

• Use of Technology/ Weaponry – Europeans use canons, muskets,

and heavy artillery to take over less technologically advanced natives

– Indigenous people no defense against their weaponry

Actions/ process in Avatar • Fear of the Unknown

– While exploring Na’vi territory, Jake/ outsiders 1st instinct is to shoot

• Use of Technology/ Weaponry – The RDA and military used

gunships, tanks, guns to kill and destroy Natives Hometree & Tree of Souls when negotiations failed

– Bows and Arrows vs. Advanced Weapons

The 1st Body Paragraph:

Motives & Actions

Page 8: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Outcomes Age of Imperialism • Conflict:

– Natives in Asia, Americas, and Africa resent foreign rule

– Rebellion & war – The Sepoy Mutiny in India– Boxer Rebellion China– Colonies take decades to gain

independence -following WWII indep. movements

– 1950s last to gain indep. from European countries

Outcomes Avatar • Conflict:

– Na’vi rebel and fight for homeland and sacred sites

– Jake unties warring tribes – Na’vi are successfully able to

overthrow colonizers – Humans leave/ Na’vi are


2nd Body Paragraph: Outcomes

Page 9: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

• Turn in essay on time- for every day late 2 points off

• A point will be taken off for every time “I, you, me, or my” is used in addition to “This is what I will cover in my essay”

• Must follow structure: Although statement, topic sentences, and clincher

• Back up all examples/ explain • Connect ideas

Tips to Consider…

Page 10: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and

Good Luck- Help Session Monday after

school 3:05-3:30

Page 11: Avatar & Imperialism Essay By Ms. Costa Your Task: You are to write an essay (3 Paragraphs) explaining the similarities between the movie Avatar and


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