av3 developing handouts


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Av3 Developing Handouts


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This learning material is intended to provide students with guidelines to

the learning of vocabulary and grammar in order to best use the core

book “Developing Skills for the TOEIC TEST”, one of the most

renowned books by First News.

The material contains 3 sessions. Session 1 deals with the knowledge of

vocabulary in 14 units and the contextual examples of authentic

language given to illustrate. Session 2 gives the important grammar

practice tests related to the key grammar points so that students can

actively practise and effectively improve their skills. Session 3 gives

the answer key.

As mentioned, the material is beneficial to students. Constructive

suggestions and corrections are, therefore, highly appreciated.

English lecturers, HIAST

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First published in 2014, Ho Chi Minh. Compiled by lecturers of

English Department, HIAST.

We would like to express our many thanks for the Directing Board of

HIAST for their assistance, strong support and encouragement during the

preparation and production of this material.

We warmly express our sincere thanks for our supportive colleagues

at the English Department at HIAST for their initiation, for their long and

kind co-operation as well as for their careful proof-reading and corrections

in the making of this material.

Ho Chi Minh City, 2014English lecturersEnglish Department, HIAST

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CONTENTSESSION 1 – VOCABULARY................................................................................4

UNIT 1: GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES............................................................4

UNIT 2: AUXILIARY VERBS...........................................................................12

UNIT 3: SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT.....................................................15

UNIT 4: VERB FORM AND TENSES..............................................................18

UNIT 5: PARTICIPIAL FORMS........................................................................22

UNIT 6: COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES........................................27

UNIT 7: NEGATION..........................................................................................29

UNIT 8: PRONOUNS AND DETERMINERS..................................................46

UNIT 9: NOUNS AND ARTICLES...................................................................48

UNIT 10: RELATIVE CLAUSES......................................................................50

UNIT 11: CONJUNCTIONS AND PREPOSITIONS........................................60

UNIT 12: CONDITIONALS...............................................................................65

UNIT 13: OTHER POSSIBLE QUESTIONS.....................................................71

UNIT 14: REVIEW.............................................................................................74

PRACTICE TEST...................................................................................................77

SESSION 2 – GRAMMAR PRACTICE TESTS....................................................89

UNIT 1: GERUNDS & INFINITIES..................................................................89

UNIT 2: AUXILIARY VERBS...........................................................................93

UNIT 3: SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT.....................................................97

UNIT 4: VERB FORM AND TENSES..............................................................99

UNIT 5: PARTICIPIAL FORMS......................................................................101

UNIT 6: COMPARATIVES & SUPERLATIVES...........................................103

UNIT 7: NEGATION........................................................................................105

UNIT 8: PRONOUNS AND DETERMINERS................................................107

UNIT 9: ARTICLES..........................................................................................109

UNIT 10: RELATIVE CLAUSES....................................................................111

UNIT 11: CONJUNCTIONS & PREPOSITIONS............................................113

UNIT 12: CONDITIONALS.............................................................................117

SESSION 3 – ANSWER KEY..............................................................................119

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- Kite [kait] (n.) : a toy which consists of a light frame covered with paper or cloth = cái diều

to fly a kite : thả diều

- Break [breɪk] (v.) : to make something separate into two or more pieces = gãy, vỡ

(n.) : a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest = sư nghi, sư dưng lại

e.g.: Let's take a break.

- Fight [faɪt] (v.) : if people or animals fight, they hit, kick, or bite each other = đánh nhau

- Soundly [' saʊndli] (adv.) : if you sleep soundly, you sleep well and it is not easy to wake you = (ngủ) ngon lành

- Bartender ['bɑ:tendə(r)] (n.) : sb who serves wine and drinks in a bar or restaurant = người phục vụ ở quầy rượu

- On display [ɒn dɪ'spleɪ] (idm.) : put in a place where people can look at it = on show = được trưng bày

e.g.: A collection of photographs was on display in the hall.

- Tear [teə(r)] (v.) : to damage sth by pulling it apart or into pieces = xé

Tear – Tore [tɔ:(r)] – Torn [tɔ:n]

e.g.: He tore the letter in two.

Tear down [,teə(r) 'daʊn] (phr.v.) : to pull or knock down a building, wall, etc. = giật đỗ

e.g.: They tore down the old houses and built a shopping centre.


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- Graffiti [ɡrə'fi:ti] (n.) : drawings or writing on a wall, etc. in a public place = nghệ thuật grafito (hình vẽ, chữ viết lên tường)

e.g.: The subway was covered in graffiti.

- Destroy [dɪ'strɔɪ] (v.) : to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists, etc = phá hủy

e.g.: An earthquake destroyed the town, killing about 20,000 people.

- Construction [kən'strʌkʃn] (n.) : the process of building something large or complicated = sư xây dưng

Under construction : being built = đang được xây dưng

e.g.: Our new offices are still under construction.


- Dresser ['dresə] (n.) : a piece of furniture with cupboards at the bottom and shelves above for holding dishes, cups, etc = tủ bát đĩa


- Check out (of) (phr.v.) : to pay the bill and leave a hotel

= trả phòng khách sạn

e.g.: Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.

# Check in (at) (phr.v.) : to go to a desk in a hotel, an airport, etc. and tell an official there that you have arrived = đăng kí phòng ở khách sạn

e.g.: We've checked in at the hotel.

- Dial ['daɪəl] (v.) : to press the buttons, or to turn the dial, on a telephone in order to call someone = quay số

- Tray [treɪ] (n.) : a flat open container with raised edges used for holding papers, documents, etc = khay


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tài liệu (dùng để đựng giấy tờ trong văn phòng)

- Folder ['fəʊldə(r)] (n.) : a cardboard or plastic cover for holding loose papers, etc. = bìa đưng giấy/hồ sơ

- Original [ə'rɪdʒənl] (adj.) : new, interesting, and different from anything else = độc đáo

(n.) : a document, work of art, etc. produced for the first time, from which copies are later made = bản gốc

e.g.: Send out the photocopies and keep the original.

- Press [pres] (v.) : to push or squeeze part of a device to make it work = ấn

e.g.: to press a button/switch/key : ấn vào cái nút/công tắc/chìa khóa

- Operate ['ɒpəreɪt] (v.) : to use or control a machine or make it work = vận hành

e.g.: What skills are needed to operate this machinery?

-Load [ləʊd] (v.) : to put a large quantity of things or into sth = nhét


- Resort [rɪ'zɔ:t] (n.) : a place where a lot of people go on holiday = nơi nghi mát

- Scuba diving (n.) : the activity of swimming under water with a container of air and a tube for breathing through = việc lăn co mang bình khí ép

to go scuba-diving

- Water polo ['wɔ:tə(r) pəʊləʊ] (n.):a game played in water by two teams of seven players who get points by throwing a ball into the opponent's goal = môn bong nước

- Raft [rɑ:ft] (n.) : = cái bè


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(v.) : cross a river on a raft = sang (sông) bằng bè

River rafting : sư đi bè trên sông

- Contact ['kɒntækt] (v.) : to communicate with sb, for example by elephone or letter = liên lạc với ai

e.g.: I've been trying to contact you all day.

- Coordinator [kou'ɔ:dineitə(r)] (n.) : a person who is responsible for organizing different things or people so that they work together = điều phối viên

e.g.: The campaign needs an effective coordinator.

Coordinate [kəʊ'ɔ:dɪneɪt] (v.) :to organize the different parts of a job or plan so that the people involved work together effectively = phối hợp

e.g.: They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team.

- Scenic ['si:nik] (adj.) : providing beautiful views of nature = (thuộc) cảnh vật thiên nhiên đẹp đẽ

- Tournament ['tʊənəmənt] (n.) : a sports competition involving a number of teams or players who take part in different games and must leave the competition if they lose. The competition continues until there is only the winner left = vòng thi đấu

e.g.: a golf/tennis/chess tournament

- Sign up [,saɪn 'ʌp] (phr.v.) : join a club = tham gia

- Schedule ['ʃedju:l] (n.) : timetable = biêu thời gian

- Faculty ['fækəlti] (n.) : one department in a university, college = khoa (của trường Đại học hay Cao đẳng)

- Semester [si'mestə] (n.) : one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into = học kỳ


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- Drop by [,drɔp 'baɪ] (phr.v.) : to pay an informal visit to a person or a place= tạt vào thăm, nhân tiện ghé thăm

- Take off [,teɪk 'ɒf] (phr.v.) : (of an aircraft) to leave the ground and begin to fly = cất cánh

# Land [lænd] (v.) : hạ cánh

- Whereabouts ['weərəbaʊts] (n.): a place where sb/sth is =chỗ ở

- Infer [ɪn'fɜ:(r)] (v.) : to form an opinion or decide that sth is true from the information you have = deduce = suy ra

- Deform [di'fɔ:m] (v.) : to change shape in a way that is not attractive or good = distort = làm biến dạng, làm méo mo

e.g.: The disease had deformed his spine.

- Reform [ri'fɔ:m] (v.) : change or improve = sửa đổi, cải cách

- Mop [mɒp] (n.) : a tool for washing floors that has a long handle with a bunch of thick strings or soft material at the end = cây lau nhà

- Force [fɔ:s] (v.) : to compel = ép buộc

- Opposed [ə'pəʊzd] (adj.) : disagreeing strongly with sth and trying to stop it = phản đối

e.g.: He was bitterly opposed to the war.


- Cause [kɔ:z] (v.) : to make sth happen, especially sth bad or unpleasant = gây ra

e.g.: Do they know what caused the fire?

- Order ['ɔ:də(r)] (n.) : a request to make or supply goods = đơn đăt hàng


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e.g.: We received an order for two tons of coal.

- Process ['prəʊses] (v.) : to deal officially with a document, request = giải quyết

e.g.: It will take a week for your application to be processed.


- Lawn [lɔ:n] (n.) : an area of ground covered in short grass in a garden/yard or park = bãi cỏ

- Fertilizer ['fə:tilaizə] (n.) : a natural or chemical substance that is put on land or soil to make plants grow better = phân bon

- Root [ru:t] (n.) : the part of a plant that grows under the ground, through which the plant gets water and food = rễ cây

- Strengthen['streŋθn] (v.) : to become stronger = tăng cường

- Lead [li:d] (v.) : result in = đưa đến, dân đến

- Ideal [aɪ'di:əl] (adj.) : perfect = lý tưởng

e.g.: This beach is ideal for children.

- Shrub [∫rʌb] (n.) : a small bush = bụi rậm

- Feature ['fi:tʃə(r)] (n.) : an important part or aspect of something = điêm đăc trưng

- Adjust [ə'dʒʌst] (v.) : to change something slightly in order to make it better, or more effective = điều chinh

- Tilt [tilt] (n.) : a position in which one end or side of sth is higher than the other = độ nghiêng

(v.) : to cause to move into a sloping position = làm nghiêng

- Knob [nɒb] (n.) : a round switch on a machine = nút bấm

- Underneath [,ʌndə'ni:θ] (adv.) : under, below = ở dưới


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- Lever ['li:və(r)] (n.) : a solid bar, often made of metal, that you put under a heavy object to move it = thanh điều khiên

- Warranty ['wɒrənti] (n.) : a written agreement in which a company selling sth promises to repair or replace it if there is a problem within a particular period of time = guarantee = giấy bảo hành

- Guarantee [,ɡærən'ti:] (v.) : to give a written promise to replace or repair a product free if it goes wrong = bảo hành

e.g.: The machine is still under warranty.

- Cover ['kʌvə(r)] (v.) : include = bao gồm

- Labor ['leɪbə(r)] (n.) : work, especially physical work = lao động

- Unlikely [ʌn'laɪkli] (adj.) : not likely to happen; not probable = không chắc xảy ra

- Assembly [əs'embli] (n.) : the process of building something by putting all its parts together = sư lắp ráp

- Toll [təʊl] (n.) : the sound of a bell ringing with slow regular strokes = tiếng chuông rung

- Appliance [ə'plaɪəns] (n.) : a machine or piece of equipment in your home

= dụng cụ (trong nhà bếp)

- Thanksgiving [,θæŋks'ɡɪvɪŋ] (n.):a public holiday in the US and in Canada when families have a large meal together to celebrate and be thankful for food, health, families etc. = Ngày lễ tạ ơn Chúa (ngày thư năm cuôi cùng của tháng 11)

- Debt [det] (n.) : a sum of money that sb owes = sư nợ


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e.g.: He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.

- Familiar [fə'mɪliə(r)] (adj.) : knowing sth very well = biết rõ cái gì

# Unfamiliar

- Interest rate ['intrəst ,reit] (n.) : the percentage amount charged by a bank when you borrow money, or paid to you by a bank when you keep money in an account there = lãi suất

Interest (n.) : tiền lãi

- Citizen ['sɪtɪzn] (n.) : a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country = công dân

- Source [sɔ:s] (n.) : a thing, place, activity etc. that you get sth from or a person, book, or document that supplies you with information = nguồn (nơi mà tư đó cái gì thu đươc)

Reliable source of information : nguôn tin tưc đáng tin cây

- Recommend [,rekə'mend] (v.) : to advise someone that they should do something = khuyên bảo

- Significantly [sig'nifikəntli] (adv.) : meaningfully = đáng kê


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- Break down (v.) : stop working

- Surround [sə'raund] (v.) : to be all around someone or something on every side= bao quanh

- Logger ['lɔgə]or log-man (n.): sb whose job is to cut down trees = người đôn gô.

- Construction [kən'strʌk∫n] (n.) : the process of building things such as houses, bridges, roads, etc = sự xây dựng

- Under construction : being built = đang xây dựng

- Bench [bent∫] (n.) : a long seat for two or more people, especially outdoors = ghê dài, ghê bang


- Cordless phone ['kɔ:dlis'fəʊn] (n.) : điên thoại vô tuyên câm tay


- Stand [stænd] (n.) : a place where taxis or buses wait for customers = chô đâu xe (taxi, buýt ... để chờ khách)


- Janitor ['dʒænitə] (n.) : caretaker = người chăm sóc người khác

- Cruise [kru:z] (n.) : travel by boat as a holiday= cuôc đi chơi biển [băng tàu]

- Island ['ailənd] (n.) : a piece of land completely surrounded by water = hòn đao

- Dine [dain] (v.) : eat

- Shortly ['∫ɔ:tli] (adv.) : soon, not long = trong thời gian ngắn; không lâu; sơm

- Exotic [eg'zɔtik] (adj.) : extremely glamorous, beautiful = đep lạ ky


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- Brush up on sth (phr.v.) : to practise and improve your skills or knowledge of sth that you learned in the past = trau dôi

- Essential [i'sen∫əl] (adj.) : completely necessary= cân thiêt, thiêt yêu

- Break the ice : bắt đâu làm quen vơi nhau

- Errand ['erənd] (n.) : a short journey to take or get sth for sb, for example to buy sth from a shop = viêc vặt

run an errand : chạy viêc vặt

e.g.: He is running an errand for his mother


- Owe (v.) : mắc nơ, mang ơn

- Favor ['feivə] Or favour (n.) : sth that helps sb = thiên ý; sự quý mên


- On the go : if you have something on the go, you have started it and are busy doing it = Đang bân rôn

- Spreadsheet ['spred∫i:t] (n.) : a computer program that can show and calculate financial information = bang tính

- Coupon ['ku:pɔn] (n.) : a small piece of paper which you can use to buy goods at a lower price, or which you can collect and then exchange for goods = phiêu (mua hàng, thực phâm, vai...), phiêu thương hiên vât; phiêu dự xô sô (kem vơi hàng mua)

- Utensil [ju:'tensl] (n.) : a type of tool that is used in the home = đô dùng hàng ngày trong gia đình


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- Redeem [ri'di:m] (v.) : get money for sth = mua lại, giữ

- Tennis court ['tenis'kɔ:t] (n.) : sân quân vơt

- Facilities [fə'silitiz] (n.) : rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose = những tiên nghi

- Maintain [mein'tein] (v.) : to keep sth in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly = duy trì

- Reputation [,repju:'tei∫n] (n.) : fame = danh tiêng

- Racket ['rækit] (n.) : a piece of sports equipment that you use to hit the ball with in sports such as tennis and badminton = cái vơt

- Categorize ['kætigəraiz]

Or categorise (v.) : divide people or things into groups = Phân loại, chia loại

- Tournament ['tɔ:nəmənt] (n.) : a competition in which players compete against each other in a series of games until there is one winner = vòng thi đấu


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- Caviar ['kæviɑ:]

or caviar ['kæviɑ:] (n.) : the eggs of a large fish = trưng cá muôi

- Rack [ræk] (n.) : a piece of equipment, usually made of bars, that you can put things in or on = giá gác, giá để hành lý (trên xe lưa, bus)

- Locker room ['lɔkərum] (n.) : phòng thay quân áo

- Wipe [waip] (v.) : clean with a cloth = lau chùi, làm khô, làm sạch

- Shaving cream ['∫eiviη'kri:m] (n.): a special cream that you put on your face when you shave = kem cạo râu, bọt cạo râu

- Skyline ['skailain] (n.) : the shape that is made by tall buildings = đường chân trời, hình dáng (đôi, núi) in lên nên trời

- Wooden ['wudn] (adj.) : made of wood (băng, tư) gô

- Block [blɔk] (v.)

= Block up : to prevent anything moving through a space by seeing or placing sth across it or in = ngăn chặn

- Abandoned [ə'bændənd] (adj.) : that has been left completely alone = bi bo rơi, bi ruông bo

- Elevator ['eliveitə] (n.) : a machine that takes people and goods from one level to another in a building = thang máy = Lift (B.E)

- Escalator ['eskəleitə] (n.) : a set of moving stairs that take people to different levels in a building = thang cuôn

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- Shelf [∫elf] (n.) : Kê, ngăn, giá

- Tissue [‘ti∫u:] (n.) : khăn giấy

- Stage [steidƷ] (n.) : sân khấu


- Disaster [di’zastǝ] (n.) : Tai họa, tham họa, tai ách

- Figure out (phr.v.) : to find an answer to sth or to understand sb = tìm ra, luân ra

- Access ['ækses] (n.) : sự truy câp (tin học)


- Faithful ['feiθful] (adj.) : loyal = trung thành, chung thủy

- Quantity ['kwɔntəti] (n.) : a number or an amount of sth = lương, sô lương

- Unique [ju:'ni:k] (adj.) : the only one = đơn nhất; đôc nhất vô nhi, chi có môt

- Illustration [iləs'trei∫n] (n.) : an example that makes a point or an idea clear = sự minh hoạ hoặc đươc minh hoạ

- Struggle ['strʌgl] (v.) : to fight in order to prevent sth or to escape from sb = đấu tranh; chiên đấu


- Pumpkin [‘pʌmpkin] (n.) : qua bí ngô

- Charge [t∫a: dʒ] (n.) : tiên phai tra, tiên công, thù lao

- Napkin [‘næpkin] (n.) : khăn ăn

- Subscriber [sǝb’skraibǝ] (n.) : người đăng kí thuê bao

- Subscription [səb'skrip∫n] (n.) : an amount of money that you pay, usually once a year, to receive a newspaper or magazine regularly = sự mua báo dài hạn



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- Cartridge ['kɑ:tridʒ] (n.) : a small container or piece of equipment that you put inside sth to make it work

Toner cartridge : hôp mực in

- Dealer (n.) : trader, seller, merchant / người bán

- Accredited [ə'kreditid] (adj.) : having official approval to do sth = đươc chính thưc công nhân, chính qui

- Resumé ['rezjuːmeɪ] (n.) : a curriculum vitae [CV] = lý lich trích ngang

- Honor ['ɒnə(r)] (n.) : sth that makes you proud = danh dự

Honors degree : a British university degree that is above the basic level in one or two particular subjects

- Reference ['ref(ə)rəns] (n.) : a person who provides information about your character and abilities for a new employer = người giơi thiêu

- Candidate ['kændɪdeɪt] (n.) : sb who is being considered for a job = ưng viên


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- Plug [plʌg] (v.) : to connect a piece of quipment to an electricity supply or to another piece of equipment = kêt nôi, gắn

- Formally [ˈfɔː.mə.li] (adv.) : in a serious and correct way = trang trọng

- Fossil ['fɔsl] (n.) : an animal or plant that lived thousands of years ago which has turned into rock =hóa thạch

(adj.) : hóa thạch

e.g.: Scientist is examining the fossils.

- Costume ['kɔstju:m] (n.) : a set or style of clothes worn by people in a particular country or in a particular historical period = trang phuc, quân áo

e.g.: Children are wearing Halloween costumes.

- Statue ['stætju:] (n.) : a figure of a person or animal made of stone or metal usu. put in a public place = tương

e.g.: Statue of Liberty : tương nữ thân tự do

- Charge [t∫ɑ:dʒ] (n.) : a sudden attack where sb/ sth runs straight at sb/ sth else = sự tấn công

(v.) : attack= tấn công

Charging soldier (n.) : lính đôt kích

- Barn [bɑ:n] (n.) : a large building on a farm in which crops or animals are kept = nhà kho, chuông gia súc

- Recipe ['resəpi] (n.) : the instructions for cooking or preparing sth to eat = công thưc nấu ăn


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- Favorite [ˈfeɪvə rɪt] (adj.) : best liked or most enjoyed = ưa chuông

- Weigh [weɪ] (v.) : to measure the heaviness of an object = cân

- Pound [paʊnd] (n.) : a unit for measuring weight approximately equal to 454 grams = cân Anh

- Biology [baɪˈɒlədʒi ] (n.) : the scientific study of the natural processes of living things = sinh vât học

- Cost [kɒst] (v.) : have as a price = đáng giá


- Organized ['ɔ:gənaizd] (adj.) : arranged or ordered well = có trât tự, ngăn nắp

# disorganized (adj.)

- Drawer ['drɔ:ə(r)] (n.) : a container which forms part of a piece of furniture such as a desk, that you can pull out to put things in = ngăn keo

- Locate [ləʊ'keit] (v.) : to put sth in a particular place = đinh vi, tọa lạc


- Extensive [iks'tensiv] (adj.) : expanded, large area or amount = rông, lơn

Extensively (adv.)

- On the interstate [,intə'steit] (phr.): trên đường liên bang

- Overturn [ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn] (n.): sự lât nhào

(v.) : turn upside down = lât úp

Overturned (adj.)

- Pace [peis] (n.) : speed = tiên đô

- Urge sb to do sth (phr.v.) : persuade sb to do sth= thúc giuc ai làm điêu gì

- Cautious ['kɔ:∫əs] (adj.) : careful = cân thân


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- Athlete ['æθli:t] (n.) : a person who can run, jump very well, especially one who takes part in sports competitions = vân đông viên

Athletic [æθ'letik] (adj.) : ưa thể thao

- Stranger [ˈstreɪndʒər] (n.) : someone you do not know = người lạ

- Analysis [əˈnæləsɪs] (n.) : a process of studying or examining something in detail in order to understand or explain = sự phân tích

- Describe [dɪˈskraɪb] (v.) : to say or write what someone or something is like = mô ta

- Detail [ˈdiːteɪl] (n.) : a single piece of information or fact about something = chi tiêt


- Operator ['ɔpəreitə] (n.) : a person whose job is to work a particular machine or piece of equipment = người điêu khiển thiêt bi, người điêu hành

Operation [ˌɒpə rˈeɪʃə n] (n.): the fact of operating = sự hoạt đông

Operate [ˈɒpəreɪt] (v.) : to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect = hoạt đông điêu khiển

- Handling system (n.) : hê thông giao dich

- Workshop ['wə:k∫ɔp] (n.) a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, when people share their knowledge and experience = hôi thao

- Mandatory ['mændətəri] (adj.) : compulsory = bắt buôc

- Secure [si'kjuə] (adj.) : safe = an toàn

Security (n.) : an ninh


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- Investigator [in'vestigeitə] (n.) : a person whose job is to examine a crime, problem, etc. to discover the truth = nhân viên điêu tra

Investigate (v.) : điêu tra

- Ethical ['eθikəl] (adj.) : morally correct = có đạo đưc

# Unethical

- Policy ['pɔləsi] (n.) : contract = hơp đông

Insurance policy : hơp đông bao hiểm

- Pressure ['pre∫ə(r)] (n.) : worries or difficulties that you have because you have too much to deal with = áp lực

Blood pressure : huyêt áp

- Administer [əd'ministə] (v.) : control/ manage sth = quan lý

Administration (n.) : sự quan lý

Administrator (n.) : người quan lý

- Armband ['ɑ:mbænd] (n.) : = băng tay (đo huyêt áp)

- Ultimately ['ʌltimətli] (adv.) : in the end = cuôi cùng

- Premium ['pri:miəm] (n.) : an amount of money that you pay regularly for insurance against accidents, damage = phí bao hiểm

- Commit [kə'mit] (v.) : agree or promise to do sth = cam kêt, thoa thuân

Commitment (n.) : lời cam kêt

- Annual ['ænjuəl] (adj.) : yearly = hăng năm

Annually (adv.)

- Softball ['sɔftbɔ:l] (n.) : a game similar to baseball but played on a smaller field with a slightly larger and softer ball = môn bóng mêm


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- Excite [ɪkˈsaɪt] (v.) : make someone feel happy and enthusiastic about something good that is going to happen = kích đông

- Inspect [ɪn'spekt] (v.) : examine = kiểm tra

Inspection [ɪnˈspekn] (n.) : examination = sự xem xet kỹ, sự kiểm tra

Inspector [ɪnˈspektə(r)] (n.): thanh tra viên

- Story (n.) : storey = tâng (nhà)

- Magician [məˈdʒɪ(ə)n] (n.): someone whose job is to entertain people by performing magic tricks = ao thuât gia.

- Entertain [ˌentəˈteɪn] (v.) : interest and amuse sb in order to please them = tiêp đãi


- Bi-weekly [ˌbaɪˈwi:kli] (adv.) : 2 lân 1 tuân

- Consider [kənˈsɪdə(r)] (v.) : think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision = xem xet

- Career [kəˈrɪə(r)] (n.) : a job or series of related jobs that you do = nghê nghiêp


- Extension [ɪkˈsten(ə)n] (n.) : extra telephone line connected to a central telephone = máy nhánh

- Operator [ˈɒpəˌreɪtə(r)] (n.): a person who works on the telephone switchboard of a large company or organization, especially at a telephone exchange = người trực tông đài điên thoại

- Co-worker (n.) : colleague = bạn đông nghiêp


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- Appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt] (n.): an arrangement to see someone at a particular time = cuôc hen

Make an appointment : sắp xêp môt cuôc hen

- Favor [ˈfeɪvə(r)] (n.) : approval or support for sb or sth = thiên chí, ân huê

Ask for a favor : xin môt ân huê

- Insurance [ɪnˈʊərəns] (n.) : bao hiểm


- State-of-the-art (adj.) : modern, up-to-date

- Express [ɪk'spres] (adj.) : travelling very fast; operating very quickly = nhanh

Express delivery service : dich vu giao hàng nhanh

- Courier ['kʊriə(r)] (n.) : a person or company whose job is to take packages or important papers somewhere = người, dich vu chuyển phát tin

- Caregiver [ˈkeəgɪvə(r)] (n.) : a person who takes care of sick or old person at home = người phu tá chăm sóc y tê cho người bênh

- Microbiologist [ˌmaɪkrəʊbaɪˈɒlədʒɪst] (n.) : a scientist who studies very small living things = nhà vi trùng học

Microbiology [maɪkrəʊbaɪˈɒlədʒi] (n.) : vi trùng học

- Biotech (n.) = Biotechnology [ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi] (n.) : the use of living cells and bacteria in industrial and scientific processes = công nghê sinh học

- Dentistry [ˈdentɪstri] (n.) : the medical study of the teeth and mouth = nha khoa

- Retail [ˈriteɪl] (adj.) : the selling of goods to the public, usually through shops/stores = viêc bán lẻ


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- Murder [ˈmɜ:də(r)] (n.) : crime of killing sb = vu án mạng, tôi giêt người

Murder (v.) : kill sb illegaly = giêt, tàn sát

Murderer (n.) : kẻ giêt người

- Identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] (v.) : recognize someone/sb = nhân ra, nhân dạng

- Hoarse [hɔ:s] (adj.) : khàn cô

Get hoarse

- Utterly ['ʌtəli] (adv.) : totally, completely = hoàn toàn, tuyêt đôi

- Exhaust [ɪgˈzɔ:st] (v.) : make someone extremely tired and without energy = làm kiêt sưc

- Regrettable [ri'gretəbl] (adj.) : that you should feel sorry or sad about = đáng tiêc

Regretful [ri'gretfl] (adj.) : cam thấy hôi tiêc

- Transfer ['trænsfə:] (v.) : move from one place to another = chuyển

- Transmit [trænzˈmɪt] (v.) : send out television or radio programmes, electronic signals = truyên phát [sóng, tín hiêu]

- Transparent [træns'pærənt] (adj.) : that you can see through = trong suôt

- Shine [aɪn] (v.) : polish sth; make sth smooth and bright = đánh bóng (giày)

- Criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] (v.) : say what you think is wrong or bad about something = phê bình, chi trích

- Reckless ['reklis] (adj.) : risky = liêu lĩnh, táo bạo


- Announce [əˈnaʊns] (n.) : tell people sth officially, especially about a decision, plans,etc.= thông báo, loan báo


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Announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt] (n.) :a public or official statement that gives people information about something = thông báo

Announcer [əˈnaʊnsə(r)] (n.) :a person who introduces, or gives information about, programmes on the radio or television = người giơi thiêu chương trình (truyên hình)

- Pumpkin ['pʌmpkin] (n.) : a large round vegetable with thick orange skin = bí ngô

- Complimentary [ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri] (adj.) : given free = tặng

Compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt] (v.) : tell sb that you praise or admire sth they have done = khen ngơi, chúc tung.

Compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt] (n.) : a remark that expresses praise or admiration of sth = lời khen, lời ca ngơi.

- Valve [vælv] (n.) : a device in a pipe or tube which controls the flow of air, liquid or gas, letting it move in one direction only = van

- Occur [əˈkɜː(r)] (v.) : happenespecially unexpectedly = xay ra

Occurrence [əˈkʌrəns] (n.) : sth that happens or exists = sự xay ra, chuyên xay ra

- Concur [kənˈkɜ:(r)] (v.) : agree with someone or something = cùng xay ra, trùng hơp

- Fume [fju:m] (n.) : strong-smelling gas or smoke that is unpleasant to breathe in = khói, hơi khói


- Realtor ['rɪəltə(r)] (n.) : a real estate agent = nhân viên quan lý nhà đất

- Patio ['pætiəʊ] (n.) : a flat hard area near a house, where people sit outside = sân, hiên, hành lang lô thiên


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- Cruise [kru:z] (n.) : a journey on a ship for pleasure = cuôc đi chơi biển băng tàu

- Ultimate [ˈʌltɪmət] (n.) : the best = cái tôt nhất

- Knowledgeable [ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl] (adj.) : knowing a lot about many different subjects or about one particular subject = thành thạo, am hiểu

e.g.: He is very knowledgeable about plants.

- Handicrafts [ˈhændiˌkrɑ:ft] (n.) : beautiful objects made by hands = đô thủ công

- Crafts [krɑ:ft] (n.) : an activity involving a special skill at making things with your hands = nghê thủ công

- Recreation [ˌrekriˈeɪn] (n.) : enjoyment = sự tiêu khiển.

- Consultant[kənˈsʌltənt] (n.) : an expert who gives help and advice on a particular subject = người tư vấn, cô vấn

- Procedure [prə'si:dʒə] (n.) : the correct way for doing sth = thủ tuc

- Assistance [əˈsɪst(ə)ns] (n.) : help or support = sự giúp đỡ

- Conduct [kənˈdʌkt] (v.) : organize and perform an activity = chi đạo, kiểm soát

Conduct a meeting : tiên hành cuôc họp

- Bellhop ['belhɒp] (n.) : a young man who carries bags, takes messages etc. in a hotel

- Dresser [ˈdresə(r)] (n.) : a large piece of wooden furniture with shelves in the top part and cupboards below = tủ quân áo


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- Belt [belt] (n.) : a circular band of sth such as rubber that connects or moves parts of a machine = băng chuyên

- Stack [stæk] (v.) : put sth into a tidy pile = sắp xêp

- Warehouse ['weəhaus] (n.) : a large building where goods are stored before being sent to shops = nhà kho

- Stuff ['stʌf,ɔ:] (v.) : fill sth with sth = nhôi

stuffed bear : gấu nhôi bông

Part 2

- Institute ['institju:t] (n.) : an organization that has a particular purpose = viên, học viên

Part 4

- Innovative ['inouveitiv] (adj.) : using clever new ideas and methods = có tính chất đôi mơi, sáng kiên

Innovation [,ɪnəʊ'veɪʃ(ə)n] (n.)

- Applause [ə'plɔ:z] (n.) : clap hands = vô tay

- Resident ['rezidənt] (n.) : a person who lives in a place = cư dân

- Evacuate [i'vækjueit] (v.) : move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safer = di tan, sơ tán

Part 5

- Presidential aide

[,prezɪ'denʃ(ə)l] (n.) : President’s assistant = người phu tá của Tông thông

- Utmost ['ʌtmoust] (adj.) : greatest = vô cùng, cực ky


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Part 6

- Fabric ['fæbrik] (n.) : cloth = vai

Part 7

- Registration [,redʒi'strei∫n] (n.) : putting sb/sth’s name on an official list = sự đăng ký

Register ['redʒɪstə(r)] (v.)

- Undergraduate

[,ʌndə'grædʒuət] (n.) : a university student who has not yet taken his/ her first degree = sinh viên chưa tôt nghiêp

- Comedian [kə'mi:diən] (n.) : a person whose job is to entertain people and make them laugh by telling jokes or compose the humorous plays= nhà soạn hài kich

- Ceremony ['seriməni] (n.) : a formal public or religious event = lê

- Donate [dou'neit] (v.) : contribute

- Senior citizen ['si:niə'sitizn] (n.) : sb who is over 60 or is retired = người già, người vê hưu

- Legendary ['ledʒəndəri] (adj.) : very famous and admired, mythical = thuôc vê huyên thoại

- Expertise [,ekspə'ti:z] (n.) : a high level of special knowledge or skill = sự thành thạo, tinh thông

- Genre [ʒɑ:nrə] (n.) : a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special characteristics = thể loại


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- Clothes [klouðz] (pl.n.) : things worn to cover the body and limbs = quân áo

- Pile up ['pail ʌp] (v.) : an accumulation of things = xêp đông; chất chông lên

- Behind [bi'haind] (adj.) : at the back of = phía sau; ơ đăng sau

e.g.: Don’t look behind! : Đưng nhìn lại đăng sau!

- Sale sign [seil sain] (phr.) : bang ghi giá bán

e.g. The sale sign is over there. : Bang ghi giá bán ơ đăng kia.

- Gilf shop ['gift ∫ɔp] (n.) : dealing in articles suitable for gifts = cưa hàng chuyên bán quà tặng

- Shelf [∫elf] (n.) : kê; giá (để vât nào đó)

- On the shelf (phr.) : (thông tuc) xêp xó; bo đi; không còn ích lơi (vât nào đó)

- Hang [hæη] (v.) : fasten or attach to an object above = treo lên

- Closet ['klɔzit] (n.) : a wardrobe or a small room for storing supplies or clothing = (tư Mỹ) tủ hoặc phòng nho để vât nào đó.

- Shop [∫ɔp] (v.) : to go to a shop to buy or view goods = đên cưa hàng mua hàng hoặc xem hàng

- Mall [mɔ:l] (n.) : a large shopping centre = thương xá

- Exit ['eksit] (v.) : to leave or get out of (swh) = thoát hiểm; ra khoi (nơi nào đó)

e.g.: In the event of a fire, exit the building at the rear.

= Khi xay ra vu cháy, thoát ra khoi toà nhà băng lôi thoát hiểm phía sau.


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- Buy [bai] (v.) : to get sth by paying money for it = mua

- Movie Theater ['mu:vi 'θiətə] (n.) : rạp chiêu bóng

- Window ['windəʊ] (n.) : the space or area beside or behind a window, used for displaying goods, etc. at the front of a shop = ô giông như cưa sô phía trươc quây hàng để trưng bày hàng bán hoặc cung cấp thông tin cho khách hàng

- Clean [kli:n] (v.) : to make clean = lau sạch

- Load (with sth) [loud] (v.) : to carry; to charge with a load = chất chông; nhôi nhet

- Log [lɔg] (n.) : a trunk or section of a trunk of a fallen or felled tree = khúc gô mơi đôn hạ

- Cut [kʌt] (v.) : to divide with a knife or other sharp-edged instrument into two or more pieces = cắt; chặt; đôn; chem

- Empty ['empti] (adj.) : (of a receptacle) containing nothing = rông; trông không

- Put gas (in sth) [put gæs] (phr.) : đô dâu xăng (vào vât nào đó)

- Fix (sth) [fiks] (v.) : to repair (sth) = sữa chữa (vât nào đó)

- Wash [wɔ∫] (v.) : to remove the dirt from sth

= rưa; giặt

- Broken Down [broukən daun] (adj.) : hong; hư (máy móc)

- On the side of the road (phr.) : bên lê đường

- Vending Machine ['vendiη mə'∫i:n] (n.) : máy bán hàng tự đông

- Full [ful] (adj.) : having no space empty, replete = đây ấp

- Food [fu:d] (n.) : = lương thực; thưc ăn; thực phâm


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- Stand [stænd] (n.) : a booth, stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale = sạp; quây; gian hàng

- Vegetable ['vedʒtəbl] (n.) : = rau củ qua

- Candy Bar ['kændi ba:] (phr.) : thanh keo; thoi keo

- Kind [kaind] (n.) : a class of individuals or objects distinguished by common essential characteristics = loại;

- Snack [snæk] (n.) : a sip of drink, a bite or morsel of food; a small quantity of food eaten between meals = thưc ăn nhe


- Date [deit] (n.) : the day of the month, the month, or the year of an event = ngày tháng

- Turn on [tə:n ɔ:n] (v.) : to operate (a tap, switch, etc.) = bât; vặn (thiêt bi; máy móc; …)

- Light [lait] (n.) : a source of illumination, as the sun or esp. a lighted candle = nguôn ánh sáng; đen

- Headache ['hedeik] (n.) : a continuous pain (usu. dull and deep-seated) in the head = chưng nhưc đâu

- Open ['oupən] (v.) : to make (a building, box, other enclosing object, or enclosed space) open= mơ; khai mạc;

- Work [wɜ:k] (v.) : to do; to perform; to practise (a task, deed, process) = làm viêc

- Co-Worker [kou'wə:kə] (n.) : a person who works in collaboration with another; a fellow worker = bạn đông nghiêp

- University [,ju:ni'və:səti] (n.) : trường đại học

e.g.: She hopes to go to university next year.

= Cô ấy hy vọng sang năm vào đại học.


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- Block [blɔk] (n.) : nhà khôi (ơ giữa bôn con đường); lô đất (chính phủ cấp cho tư nhân);

- Go down this street (phr.) : đi hêt con đường này

- Take your third right (phr.) : queo ngõ thư 3 phía bên phai

- Meeting ['mi:tiη] (n.) : the action or an act of coming together, assembling, etc. = cuôc gặp gỡ; cuôc hôi họp

- Branch [brɑ:nt∫] (n.) : a part or division of a larger system = chi nhánh (ngân hàng, công ty, ...)

- Bakery ['beikəri] (n.) : a place where products such as bread, cake, and pastries are baked or sold = lò bánh mì; hiêu bánh


- Worried (about sb/sth) ['wʌrid] (adj.) : troubled, perturbed, uneasy, or distressed in mind = bôn chôn; to ra lo lắng

- Lost [lost] (v.) : (quá khư của lose) mất đi

- Credit Card ['kredit kɑ:d] (v.) : a card issued by a bank, business, etc., authorizing the acquisition of goods and services on credit = thẻ tín dung

- Check [t∫ek] (n.) : cheque; a written order to a bank to pay an amount from funds on deposit = tấm sec

(v.) : kiểm lại; xem kỹ

- Overnight [,ouvə'nait] (adv.) : for the duration of a night = qua đêm

e.g.: He stayed overnight at his friend's house last night.

= Đêm qua anh ấy ngủ nhờ qua đêm ơ nhà bạn anh ấy.

- Miss [mis] (v.) : to fail to observe intellectually = không trông thấy


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- Secretary ['sekrətri] (n.) : a person employed by an individual or a business to assist with correspondence, make appointments… = thư ký

- Suggest [sə'dʒest] (v.) : to propose (a theory, course of action, option, etc., that, doing) = đê nghi; đê xuất; gơi ý

- Reservation [,rezə'vei∫n] (n.) : an arrangement by which accommodations, seats. ect. are held for one = sự đặt chô trươc.

e.g.: I'd like to make a table reservation for two people at 7.p.m.

= Tôi muôn đặt trươc môt bàn cho hai người vào lúc 7 giờ tôi.

- Wallet ['wɔlit] (n.) : a small flat bag or case, usually of leather and freq. closed by a flap fastened with a button or clasp; esp. one for carrying banknotes, tickets = cái ví

- Draw ['drɔ:] (n.) : a drawer of a cabinet = ngăn keo

- Ready ['redi] (adj.) : with preparations complete = săn sàng

- Trip [trip] (n.) : a journey or excursion = cuôc du ngoạn; chuyên đi

- Confirm [kən'fə:m] (v.) : to make firm or firmer = xác nhân; chưng thực

- Find [faind] (v.) : to discover or obtain by searching = phát hiên; tìm thấy; tìm ra; …

e.g.: He was found wandering a mile from his home.

= Người ta phát hiên anh ta đi lang thang cách nhà môt dặm.

- Pay (sb; for sth; sth to sb/ for sth)

[pei] (v.) : give (a person) money etc. that is due for goods received, or a service done = tra; nôp; thanh toán (tiên; lương)


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- Lunch [lʌnt∫] (n.) : a meal taken around midday or early in the afternoon/ bữa trưa

- Conversation (with sb about sth)

[,kɔnvə'sei∫n] (n.) : cuôc nói chuyên; cuôc đàm uân

- Take place [teik pleis] (phr.) : diên ra

- Store [stɔ:] (n.) : a large shop dealing in a great variety of articles = cưa hàng

- Country(side) ['kʌntri] (n.) : the areas away from cities and conurbations = nông thôn

- Train station [trein 'stei∫n] (phr.) : a centre, where trains depart and arrive = nhà ga xe lưa

- Talk about (sth) [tɔ:k ə'baut] (v.) : discuss / bàn vê (điêu gì đó)

e.g.: We'll talk about that point later. = Chúng ta se bàn vê điểm đó sau.

- High [hai] (adj.) : of great or above average / cao

- Price [prais] (adj.) : the (esp. stated) sum in money or goods = giá tiên

- Deal [di:l] (n.) : a transaction; an arrangement = sự giao dich; sự thoa thuân

e.g.: We did a deal with the management on overtime.

= Chúng tôi đã thoa thuân vơi ban giám đôc vê giờ làm thêm.

- Shirt [∫ə:t] (n.) : áo sơ-mi

- Think [θiηk] (v.) : to have in mind = suy nghĩ; nghĩ

- Great [greit] (adj.) : remarable; very good = tuyêt vời

- Live [liv] (v.) : to have life = sông

e.g.: As long as we live, we will fight agaist oppression and exploitation.

= Chưng nào còn sông, chúng ta còn đấu tranh chông áp bưc và bóc lôt.

- Costly ['kɔstli] (adj.) : expensive = đắt tiên; tôn tiên

- Noisy ['nɔizi:] (adj.) : making a loud noise; = ôn ào

- Expensive [ik'spensiv] (adj.) : causing much expense; costly = (tư Mỹ) xa hoa; đắt tiên


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- Crazy ['kreizi] (adj.) : (of a person, action, etc.) insane, mad; absurd = điên dại; ngu xuân

e.g.: That noise is driving me crazy. = Tiêng ôn đó làm cho tôi phát điên.

- True [tru:] (adj.) : right, correct = thât; đúng

- Manage ['mænidʒ] (v.) : quan lý; xoay sơ

- Salary ['sæləri] (n.) : fixed regular payment made by an employer to an employee in return for work = tiên lương

- Difficult ['difikəlt] (adj.) : hard to do = khó khăn; gay go

e.g.: It is difficult to answer this question. = Câu hoi này khó tra lời.

- Save money [seiv 'mʌni] (phr.) : tiêt kiêm tiên


- Cell phone [selfəʊn] (n.) : điên thoại di đông (như cell; cellular phone)

- Organizer ['ɔ:gənaizə(r)] (n.) : a person who organizes or arranges sth systematically = người tô chưc

- Calendar ['kælində] (n.) : lich (ghi năm tháng); lich công tác

- Address [ə'dres] (n.) : đia chi

- Product ['prɒdʌkt] (n.) : a thing which is produced commercially for sale = san phâm

- Cost [kɔst] (v) : to required a specified payment = có thể mua đươc vơi giá là; yêu câu phai tra tiên là

- Camcorder ['kæmkɔ:də(r)] (n.) : a portable video camera incorporating a built-in video recorder = máy quay phim di đông

- Offer ['ɔfə] (v.) : to present for sale = đưa ra bán; chào bán

- Latest technology [leitist tek'tɔləʒi] (phr.) : công nghê mơi nhất


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- Model ['mɔdl] (n.) : the design, pattern = kiểu; mâu; mô hình

- Excellent ['eksələnt] (adj.) : xuất sắc; ưu tú

- Feature ['fi:t∫ə] (n.) : a distinctive or characteristic part of a thing = đặc trưng; tính năng đặc biêt

e.g.: Our latest model of phone has several new features.

= Kiểu điên thoại mơi nhất của chúng tôi có nhiêu tính năng mơi.

- Beside [bi'said] (prep.) : next to = bên cạnh

- Besides =In addition = ngoài ra; thêm vào

- Camera ['kæmərə] (n.) : any apparatus used for taking photographs or television pictures = máy chup anh, máy quay phim

- Organize ['ɔ:gənaiz] (v.) : to make arrangements for = tô chưc; cấu tạo; thiêt lâp

= Organise

- Allow (sb to do sth) [ə'lau] (v.) : to let (sb do sth) = cho phep (người nào đó làm điêu gì đó)

e.g.: My boss doesn't allow me to make the personal calls.

= Ông chủ tôi không cho phep tôi gọi điên thoại riêng.

- Store (up to) [stɔ:] (v.) : to collect and keep in reserve = lưu trữ; tích trữ (lên tơi)

- Mega ['megə] (prefix) : large, great = triêu; thât to lơn

- Pixel ['piks(ə)l] (n.) : điểm anh

- Capacity [kə'pæsəti] (n.) : the maximum amount or number that can be contained, etc. = dung lương

- Access ['ækses] (v.) : the action of process of obtaining stored (documents, data, …) = truy câp; sư dung thông tin

- Song [sɔη] (n.) : a brief musical composition for singing = bài hát


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- Grow [grəʊ] (v.) : to develop and reach maturity = phát triển

- Quickly ['kwikli] (adv.) : nhanh; nhanh chóng

- Bicycle ['baisikl] (n.) : a vehicle having two wheels turned by pedalling = xe đạp

- Skateboarding ['skeit,bɔ:diη] (n.): môn trươt ván

- Extinction [iks'tiηk∫n] (n.) : the state or fact of being extinct = sự hủy diêt; sự tàn lui; …

- Handball ['hændbɔ:l] (n) : A game similar to football in which the ball is thrown to get it into the opposing team's goal = môn bóng nem

- Fashion industry ['fæ∫n 'indəstri] (phr.) : ngành kinh doanh thời trang

- Important [im'pɔ:tənt] (adj.) : significant; noteworthy = quan trọng; trọng yêu; hê trọng

- Leisure ['leʒə] (n.) : free time = thời gian rôi

- Entertainment [,entə'teinmənt] (n.) : A thing which entertains or amuses sb = sự tiêu khiển; sự giai trí

- Fashion ['fæ∫n] (n.) : a particular make, shape, style of clothing = thời trang; môt

- Realize ['riəlaiz] (v.) : to comprehend completely

= nhân thưc rõ (như realise)

- Face [feis] (v.) : to meet face to face; confront = đôi mặt

- Recent ['ri:snt] (adj.) : gân đây

- Interest (in sb/ sth) ['intrəst] (n.) : (a feeling of) curiosity or concern = sự quan tâm; sự thích thú

- Popuplar ['pɔpjulə] (adj.) : commonly known; general = phô biên; đươc ưa chuông

- Accessory [ək'sesəri] (n.) : an additional or subordinate thing = đô phu tùng; vât kem theo

- Appear [ə'piə] (v.) : to become visible = xuất hiên


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- Represent [,repri'zent] (v.) : to stand for; symbolize = tương trưng cho; đóng vai trò

- Sector ['sektə] (n.) : a region or district of a larger geographical area; an area of industry or of economic activity = lĩnh vực; khu vực


- Calm [kɑ:m] (adj.) : peaceful / cool = điêm tĩnh

- Ghost [gəʊst] (n.) : the soul or spirit of a dead person = hôn ma

- Believe (in sb/ th) [bi'li:v] (v.) : trust = tin tương, tin chắc chắn

- Continue [kən'tinju:] (v.) : to go on after an interruption = tiêp tuc; làm tiêp

- Lie [lai] (n.) : an intentional false statement = sự nói dôi; sự lưa dôi

- Strongly [strɔηli] (adv.) : mạnh; rõ rang

- Criticize (sb/ sth for sth) ['kritisaiz] (v.) : to find fault, be censorious = phê bình; phê phán; chi trích

- Show up [∫ou ʌp] (v.) : to put in an appearance; be present; … = xuất hiên; có mặt

- Conference ['kɔnfərəns] (n.) : a formal (esp. annual) meeting = hôi nghi

- Expect [iks'pekt] (v.) : to look forward to the occurrence or appearance of = mong đơi

- Without [wi'ðaut] (prep.) : not having; lacking = không có

- Feel free [fi:l fri:] (phr.) : cư thoai mái; cư tự nhiên

- Ask [a:sk] (v.) : to request = yêu câu

- Complete [kəm'pli:t] (v.) : to make whole or perfect = hoàn thành; làm xong

e.g.: You have 20 minutes to complete the test.

= Bạn có 20 phút để hoàn thành bài kiểm tra.


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- Task [tɑ:sk] (n.) : a piece of work imposed on or undertaken by a person = nhiêm vu; nghĩa vu; phân sự

- Evidence ['evidəns] (n.) : sth serving as a proof; material admissible as testimony in a court of law = (pháp lý) chưng cơ; băng chưng

- Case [keis] (n.) : trường hơp; hoàn canh; tình thê

- Considered [kən'sidəd] (adj.) : reached after careful = suy xet cân thân; thân trọng

- Vision ['viʒn] (n.) : visual perception; an instance of seeing = thi lực; kha năng nhìn thấy

- Leave scarred [li:v 'ska:rd] (phr.) : để lại vêt theo; bi theo

- Accident ['æksidənt] (n.) : an unfortunate event, esp. one causing injury or damage = rủi ro; tai nạn; tai biên

- Bar [ba:] (n.) : quây rươu; tiêm rươu

- Frequently['fri:kwənt] (adv.) : thường xuyên; hay xay ra

- Drop (in/by) [drɔp] (v.) : ghe vào; tấp vào (nơi nào đó)

- Call (in/ on) [kɔ:l] (v.) : ghe thăm; tạt vào thăm

- Color-blind [kʌlə blaind] (phr.) : mù màu

- Assign [ə'sain] (v.) : to allot; to allocate = phân công; chia phân

- Assignment [ə'sainmənt] (n.) : allotment; allocation=nhiêm vu

e.g.: Your next assignment will be to find these missing persons.

= Nhiêm vu sắp tơi của anh là tìm kiêm những người mất tích đó.

- Dream (of sth) [dri:m] (v.) : mơ tương đên cái gì

- Wonderful ['wʌndəfl] (adj.) : very remarkable or admirable; extremely good; excellent = ky lạ; phi thường; ky diêu

e.g.: The child's skill is wonderful for his age.

= Tài năng của câu be thât là phi thường vào lưa tuôi câu ấy.


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- Dependent (on/ upon sb/ sth) (adj.) : determined or influenced by another = phu thuôc; dựa vào

- Mostly ['moustli] (adv.) : hâu hêt; phân lơn; thường là

e.g.: We're mostly out on Sundays. = Chúng tôi thường đi chơi các ngày chủ nhât.

- Weather ['weðə] (n.) : thời tiêt; tiêt trời

- Memo/ memorandum ['memou] (n.) : thư thông báo (nôi bô)

- Employee [,implɔi'i:] (n.) : a person who works for an employer = người làm công

- Personel [,pə:sə'nel] (n.) : An administrative division of an organization concerned with this body or persons = (tư Mỹ) phòng nhân sự (như personnel department)

- Note [nout] (v.) : to write down; to make a note = ghi chú; chú thích

- Serving uniform ['səviη 'ju:nifɔ:m] (phr.): đông phuc phuc vu

- Worn [wɔ:n] (v.) : (quá khư của wear) mặc; mang

- Serve (sb with sth) [sə:v] (v.) : phuc vu; dọn (món ăn nào đó cho ai đó)

e.g.: They served me with curried chicken.= Họ đã dọn món ca-ri gà cho tôi.

- Ordinary ['ɔ:dənri] (adj.) : commonly encountered; usual = thường; thông thường

- Circumstance ['sə:kəmstəns] (n.): one of the conditions or facts = hoàn canh; tình huông

- Professional [prə'fe∫ənl] (adj.) : chuyên nghiêp; nhà nghê

- Dress [dres] (v.) : to put clothes on = mặc quân áo vào (như clothe)

- Alike [ə'laik] (adj.) : similar = giông nhau; tương tự

- Tolerate ['tɔləreit] (v.) : to treat with forbearance = tha thư; khoan dung

- Dirty ['dɜ:ti] (adj.) : dull in color = bân thiu; dơ bân (như soiled)


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- Issue ['isju:; 'i∫u:] (v.) : to produce or provide sth official = phát hành; in ra

- Additional item [ə'di∫ənl 'aitəm] (phr.) :vât cung cấp thêm

- Inform (sb of/ about sth) [in'fɔ:m] (v.) : to impart information = thông báo (cho ai biêt vê điêu gì)

- Run [rʌn] (v.) : hoạt đông

- Soon [su:n] (adv.) : within a short time = chẳng bao lâu nữa

e.g.: We shall soon know the result. = Chúng ta se sơm biêt kêt qua.

- No longer (phr.) : không còn nữa

- Cancel ['kænsəl] (n.) : an act of cancelling = sự xoá bo; sự huy bo; sự bãi bo

(v.) : bo; xoá bo; bãi bo (hơp đông)

- Until ['ʌntil] (prep.) : trươc khi; cho đên khi (= till)

- Notice ['noutis] (v.) : to notify or inform of = nhân xet; chú ý; để ý

- Inconvenience [,inkən'vi:njəns] (v.) : to cause inconvenience to = gây phiên toái

- In fact (idom) : trong thực tê

- Step [step] (n.) : one of the stages of a process = bươc

- Cost [kɔst] (n.) : The price be paid for sth = giá phai tra; chi phí

- Route [ru:t] (n.) : = tuyên đường; lô trình

- Add [æd] (v.) : thêm vào

- Overall ['ouvərɔ:l] (adj.) : including everything = bao gôm mọi thư; toàn bô

- Offer ['ɔfə] (v.) : to provide = cung cấp

- Sadly ['sædli] (adv.) : môt cách đáng tiêc

- Hopefully ['houpfuli] (adv.) : môt cách đây hy vọng

- Remains [ri'meinz] (pl.n.) : What remains after other members or parts have gone = phân thưa; phân còn lại


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- Matter ['mætə] (n.) : the substance of a book, speech, etc.= chủ đê; nôi dung

- Contact ['kɔntækt] (v.) : to get in touch with = liên lạc

- Manager ['mænidʒə] (n.) : a person controlling the activities of a person or team in sports, entertainment, etc. = người quan lý

Part 7

- Library ['laibrəri] (n.) : = thư viên; phòng đọc sách

- Management ['mænidʒmənt] (n.): the action of managing; the administration of (a group within) an organization or commercial enterprise = sự quan lý; ban quan lý

- Elevator ['eliveitə] (n.) : a platform raised and lowered to transport freight or people = (tư Mỹ) thang máy (như lift)

- Maintenance ['meintinəns] (n.) : the action of keeping something in working order = sự bao dưỡng (máy móc)

- Stairs [steəz] (pl.n.) : a series of fixed steps leading from one level to another = câu thang

- East [i:st] (n.) : hương đông; phía đông

e.g.: The wind is blowing from the east. = Gió tư hương đông thôi tơi.

- Access (to swh) ['ækses] (v.) : come to (swh) đi vào; đi đên (nơi nào đó)

- Basement ['beismənt] (n.) : a storey of a building wholly or partially below ground level = tâng hâm

- Break Room [break ru:m](phr.) : phòng nghi giai lao

- Office supply ['ɔfis sə'plai] (phr.):văn phòng phâm

- Inventory form [in'ventri] (n.) : biểu mâu kiểm kê hàng tôn

- Responsible (for sb/ sth) [ri'spɔnsəbl] (adj.) : chiu trách nhiêm

e.g.: All pilots are responsible for their passengers' safety.


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= Mọi phi công đêu phai chiu trách nhiêm vê sự an toàn của hành khách.

- Remaining [ri'meiniη] (adj.) : vân tôn tại; vân còn

- Purchase ['pə:t∫əs] (v., n.) : buy, buying = mua, sự mua

- List [list] (n.) : a printed or written series of the names of persons or things, = danh sách;bang kê khai

- Indicate ['indikeit] (v.) : to demonstrate or point out = chi đinh; cho biêt; đánh dấu

- Paper Clip ['peipə klip] (n.) : kep giấy

- Notepad [nout pæd] (n.) : tâp giấy để ghi chep

- Rubber band ['rʌbə'bænd] (n.) : dây chun

- Staple ['steipl] (n.) : = ghim giấy

- Ream [ri:m] (n.) : ram giấy (để in hoặc photo, khoang 500 tờ/ ram)

- Record ['rekɔ:d] (v.) : to set down for preservation in a record = ghi lại; ghi chep

- Several ['sevrəl] (adj.) : being of a number more than two or three, but not many = nhiêu hơn ba; vài; dăm ba

e.g.: I have read this books several times.= Tôi đã đọc quyển sách này vài lân.

- Entry ['entri] (n.) : the inclusion of a item in a record = sự ghi sô; sự ghi vào biểu mâu

- Register ['redʒistə] (v.) : to record officially = đăng ký

- Registration [,redʒi'strei∫n] (n.) : the act of a process of registering = sự đăng ký

- Course [kɔ:s] (n.) : khóa; đơt; (chương trình học)

- Recently ['ri:sntli] (adv.) : gân đây; mơi đây

- College ['kɒlidʒ] (n.) : trường cao đẳng; trường trung cấp nghê chuyên nghiêp; (tư Mỹ) trường đại học, hoặc môt bô phân của trường đại học


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- Full time staff (phr.) : nhân viên làm viêc toàn thời gian

- Interested in (sb/ sth) ['intristid] (adj.) : quan tâm đên (ai đó/ viêc nào đó, vât nào đó)

- Information [,infə'mei∫n] (n.) : facts = thông tin

- Application [,æpli'kei∫n] (n.) : a request, as for a job = đơn xin (nhâp học; viêc làm)

- Process ['prouses] (n.) : the entire course of a legal action = thủ tuc

- Assistance [ə'sistəns] (n.) : sự giúp đỡ; sự hô trơ

- Brochure [brou'∫ʊə] (n.) : a pamphlet; booklet = sách mong thông tin hoặc quang cáo

- Faculty ['fækəlti] (n.) : a division of learning at a college or university; the teachers in a college or school = khoa (của trường đại học); (tư Mỹ) toàn cán bô giang dạy của môt khoa trong trường ĐH

- Funding ['fʌndiη] (n.) : a source of supply = quỹ tài trơ; sự tài trơ vôn

- Provide [prə'vaid] (v.) : to furnish; to suppy = cung cấp; cung ưng

- Obtain [əb'tein] (v.) : to succeed in gaining = đạt đươc; có đươc; thu đươc

- Request [ri'kwest] (n.) : an act or example of asking = lời yêu câu; đê xuất

- Department secretary (phr.) : thư ký khoa, phòng, ban

- Make sure (phr.) : nắm chắc; bao đam

- Interfere (with sth) [,intə'fiə] (v.) : gây trơ ngại; can trơ

- Schedule

['∫edju:l; 'skedju:l;'skedʒʊl] (n.) : timetable = kê hoạch làm viêc

- Present [pri'zent] (v.) : hand in, give = trình; nôp (để đươc ai đó duyêt)

- Selection [si'lek∫n] (n.) : a particular choice = sự lựa chọn; sự tuyển lựa


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- Supervisor ['su:pəvaizə] (n.) : a person who supervises a person, task, etc. = người giám sát; người quan lý

- Signature ['signət∫ə] (n.) : a person's name, initials, or distinctive mark, used in signing a letter, document = chữ ký

- Payment method (phr.) : phương thưc thanh toán (lê phí)

- Department code [di'pɑ:tmənt koud] (n.): mã sô phòng ban

- Confirmation [,kɔnfə'mei∫n] (n.): the action of making firm = sự xác nhân; sự chưng thực

- Within [wi'ðin] (prep.) : insde the fixed limits of = trong giơi hạn ấn đinh (thời gian; viêc nào đó)

- Complain (about sth) [kəm'plein](v.) : to express dissatisfaction with = phàn nàn; than phiên

- Fee [fi:] (n.) : a fixed charge; a payment = phí; lê phí; tiên thù lao

- Eligiable ['elidʒəbl] (adj.) : qualified=đủ tư cách; thích hơp

e.g.: She is eligible to run for office. = Cô ấy có đủ kha năng ưng cư.

- Applicant ['æplikənt] (n.) : A person who applies or makes request, esp. formally = ưng viên; người nôp đơn

- Receive (sth from sb) [ri'si:v] (v.) : to take or to acquire sth given, or transmitted = nhân; thu

- Permission [pə'mi∫n] (n.) : the action of permitting, or giving licence to do something = sự chấp nhân; giấy phep


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- Pose [pouz] (v.) : to move into and stay in a particular position

e.g.: They are posing in front of the building.

- Lift (v.) : to move sth from a lower to a higher position

- Ski (n.) : one of a pair of long, flat narrow pieces of wood

- Dam (n.) : a wall built across a river which stops the river's flow and collects the water = đâp nươc


- Petition [pi'tiʃn] (n.) : a document signed by a large number of people demanding or requesting some action from the government or another authority = ban kiên nghi

to send the petition

Petite [pə'tiːt] (adj.) : small and thin in an attractive way = nho xinh


- Hiking (n.) : going for a long walk in the countryside


- Approachable [ə'proutʃəbl] (adj.): being able to reach or get near to

e.g: approachable manner (n.)


- Contract term (n.) : điêu khoan hơp đông

- Magnetic [mæg'netik] (adj.) : with the power of a magnet = có tư tính

e.g.: Some metals are magnetic.

- Sewage ['suːɪdʒ] (n.) : waste matter such as water


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- Dump (v.) : to get rid of sth unwanted

- Guilt (n.) : the fact of having done something wrong or committed a crime

Guilty (adj.) : responsible for breaking a law

e.g.: He was found guilty of possessing illegal drugs.

- Jovial [ˈdʒəʊviəl] (adj.) : cheerful and friendly


- Raffle ['ræf(ə)l] (n.) : a competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets and can win prizes = trò chơi xô sô

a raffle ticket : ve sô

- First-hand (adv.) : immediately

- Handicraft['hændikrɑ:ft] (n.) : an activity in which sb uses their hands in a skilful way to make things = nghê thủ công

(n.) : sth that sb has made in a skilful way using their hands = san phâm thủ công

- Inspire [in'spaiə] (v.) : encourage sb by making them feel confident and eager to do sth = truyên cam hưng

e.g.: After her trip to Venezuela, she felt inspired to learn Spanish.


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- Short-sleeved [ʃɔː(r)t sli:vd] (adj. ) : ngắn tay [áo]

e.g.: a short-sleeved shirt (n.)

- Grill [gril] (n.) : a part of a stove which produces strong heat to cook food that has been placed underneath it = vĩ nương

Grill (v.) : to cook sth by direct heat, especially under a very hot surface in a cooker

- Crawl [krɔ:l] (v.) : bò

- Occupied ['ɔkjupaid] (adj.) : fully booked

e.g.: The tables are all occupied.


- Lobby ['lɒbi] (n.) : the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel or other large building = tiên sanh; hành lang

- Toll-free (adj.) : cost-free = (đươc) miên thuê

e.g: A toll-free telephone call is free for the person making the call.


- Stapler ['steiplə] (n.) : a tool used for putting staples into paper = đô bấm giấy


- Refreshment [ri'fremənt] (n.) : food and drink

- Intermission [,intə'miʃn] (n.) : a brief period between the parts of a play, film, concert, etc.

- Auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm](n.) : a large public building such as a theatre


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- Exposition [,ekspə'ziʃn] (n.) : a show in which industrial goods, works of art, etc. are shown to the public.


- Budget ['bʌdʤit] (n.) : a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend

- Plumbing ['plʌmiɳ] (n.) : the water pipes and similar systems in a building

- Electrical wiring (n.) : the system of wires that carry electricity in a building


- Tee time (n.) : time made at least several days in advance

- Bail [beil] (n.) : a sum of money which a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial = tiên bao lãnh

- Symposium [sim'pouziəm] (n.) : an occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest = hôi nghi chuyên đê

- Second language acquisition

[,ækwi'ziʃn] (n.) : quá trình thu đắc ngôn ngữ thư hai

- Behind the scenes (adj.) : hâu trường


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- Truck [truk] (n.) : a large road vehicle used to carry goods= xe tai

- Back [bæk] (n.) : the inside or outside part of an object, building..that is furthest from the front = đăng sau

- Light [lait] (n.) : sth that produces light = đen

- Flash [flæ∫] (v.) : to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time = chiêu sáng

- Draw [drɔ:] (v.) : to make a picture with a pencil or pen = ve

- Rest [rest] (v.) : stop working for a time to relax = nghi ngơi

- Bench [bent∫] (n.) : a long seat for two or more people = ghê dài

- Garbage bag ['gɑ:bıdʒ 'bæg] (n.): a plastic bag put inside a dustbin to hold the waste and keep the container clean = túi đựng rác

- Trashcan ['træ∫kæn] (n.) : a container for waste = thùng rác

- Sail ['seiliη] (n.) : travel = (tàu) chạy

- Gather ['gæðə] (v.) : come together and form a group = tâp hơp, tu họp lại

- Stadium ['steidiəm] (n.) : a building for public events, especially sports and large concerts = sân vân đông

- Ocean ['əʊ∫n] (n.) : a very large area of sea = đại đương

- Gym [d ʒ im] (n.) : a special building or room that has equipments for doing physical exercise = phòng tâp thể duc

- to wait in line [lain] (v.) : stand one behind the other in a line, waiting their turn for something.  = đưng xêp hàng


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- Weight [wei] (n.) : any object which is heavy = cuc tạ

- Equipment [i'kwipmənt] (n.) : the tools, machines etc that you need to do a particular job or activity = thiêt bi, dung cu


- Copier ['kɒpiə] (n.) : a machine that makes exact copies of writing or pictures on paper by photographing them = máy photocopy

- Realize ['riəlaiz] (v.) : know and understand sth, or suddenly begin to understand it = hiểu rõ, nhân thưc rõ

- Degree [di'gri:] (n.) : the qualification of a study course at a university or college that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course = học vi; băng cấp

- Economy [i:'kɒnəmi] (n.) : the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used = nên kinh tê

- Statistics [stə'tistiks] (n.) : the science of collecting and examining such numbers = khoa học thông kê


- Lobby ['lɒbi] (n.) : the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel or other large building = tiên sanh; hành lang

- Inquiry [in'kwaiəri] (n.) : (the process of asking) a question = yêu câu (thông tin)

- Credit card ['kreditka:d] (n.) : a small plastic card that you use to buy goods or services and pay for them later = thẻ tín dung


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- Bank statement [bæŋk 'steɪtmənt ] (n.) : a printed record of the money put into and removed from a bank account = ban in có ghi toàn bô sô tiên nhâp và xuất ơ tài khoan của khách hàng trong môt ky hạn nhất đinh

- Balance ['bæləns] (n.) : the amount of money that you have in your bank account = sô dư trong tài khoan

- Adjustment [ə'dʒʌstmənt] (n.) : a change in sth that makes it better, more accurate and more effective = sự điêu chinh

- Interest rate ['intrəst reit] (n.) : the percentage account that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money, or the percentage it pays you when you keep money in an account = lãi suất

- Rush [r ʌ∫ ] (n.) : when a lot of people are trying to do or get something = sự đô xô vào (mua môt cái gì...)

- Sweater ['swetə] (n.) : a piece of clothing with long sleeves which is usually made from wool and worn on the upper part of the body = áo len dài tay

- Sales [seilz] (n.) : the total number of products that are sold during a particular period of time = sô hàng hoá bán đươc

- Knitted [nitid] (n.) : made by using wool or thick cotton and two long needles = đan len (sơi...)

- Goods [gudz] (n.) : things for sale, or the things that you own = hàng hóa

- Pottery ['pɔtəri] (n.) : the activity or skill of making clay objects by hand = đô gôm


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- Silverware ['silvə'weə] (n.) : objects especially knives, forks, spoons, etc., made of silver = đô làm băng bạc


- Grocery store ['grousəri stɔ:] (n.): a retail store that primarily sells food, fruits and vegetables = cưa hàng tạp hóa, cưa hàng rau qua

- Cashier [kæ'∫iə] (n.) : sb whose job is to receive or pay out money in a shop = nhân viên thu ngân

- Proud [praud] (adj.) : feeling pleased = tự hào

- Provide [prə'vaid] (v.) : give sth to sb or make it available to them = cung cấp; cung ưng

to provide sb with sth

to provide sth for sb

- Fresh [fre∫] (adj.) : not frozen or preserved = sạch, tươi

- Ingredient [in'gri:djənt] (n.) : one of the foods that you use to make a particular food or dish = thành phân

- Delicious [di'li∫əs] (adj.) : very pleasant to taste or smell = thơm, ngon

- Various ['veəriəs] (adj.) : many different types of sth = đa dạng

Variety [və'raiəti] (n.) : a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way = sự đa dạng

- Lettuce ['letis] (n.) : a round vegetable with thin green leaves eaten raw in salads = rau diêp

- Broccoli ['brɒkəli] (n.) : a green vegetable that has short branch-like stems = bông cai xanh


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- Cucumber ['kju:kʌmbə] (n.) : a long thin round vegetable with a dark green skin and a light green inside, usually eaten raw = dưa leo

- Crunchy ['krʌnt∫i] (adj.) : describes food that is firm and makes a loud noise when it is eaten = cưng và giòn

Produce ['prədju:s] (n.) : food or other things that have been grown or produces on a farm to be sold = nông san

Produce manager : giám đôc san xuất

- Recipe ['resəpi] (n.) : a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food = công thưc làm món ăn

- Boulevard ['bu:lvɑ:] (n.) : a centre wide road in a city, usually with trees on each side or along the = đại lô, đường lơn

- Freeway ['fri:wei] (n.) : a very wide road in the US, built for fast travel = đường cao tôc; xa lô

- Route [ru:t] (n.) : a particular way or direction between places = lô trình; đường đi

- Backtrack ['bæktræk] (v.) : return by the same way that you came = quay vê theo lôi cu


- Interpreter [in'tə:pritə] (n.) : sb whose job is to change spoken words from one language into another = người phiên dich

- Skill [skil] (n.) : an ability to do sth well = kỹ năng

- Well-known ['wel'noun] (adj.) : famous = nôi tiêng

- Musician [mju:'zi∫n] (n.) : somwone who is skilled in playing music, usually as their job = nhạc sĩ


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- Guess [ges] (v.) : predict, speculate = đoán, phong đoán

- Acquainted [ə'kweintid] (adj.) : know about sth, because you have seen, read and used it = quen thuôc

- Military ['militri] (adj.) : involving or relating to the army, navy or air force = thuôc vê quân đôi, quân sự

- Power ['pauə] (n.) : the ability or right to control people or events = sưc mạnh

- Regain [ri'gein] (v.) : get sth back = lấy lại

- Decline [di'klain] (v.) : become gradually worse in quality = suy tàn

- Glory ['glɔ:ri] (n.) : an important achievement which earns someone great admiration, honour and praise = sự vinh quang, vẻ vang

- Absent ['æbsənt] from (adj.) : not present = vắng mặt

- Conference ['kɔnfərəns] (n.) : a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters = hôi nghi

- Soccer game ['sɔkə geim] (n.) : football game = trân thi đấu bóng đá

- Remind [ri'maind] (v.) : make sb remember sth that they must do = nhắc nhơ

- Pull out ['pul aut] (v.) : extract; use force to take sth from the place where it is fixed = nhô ra (răng)

- Indifferent [in'difrənt] (adj.) : not at all interested in sb or sth = lãnh đạm, thờ ơ, hờ hững

indifferent to sb / sth

- Dependent [di'pendənt] (adj.) : to be directly affected or decided by sth else = phu thuôc; lê thuôc

dependent on / upon sth

# Independent [,indi'pendənt] (adj.): đôc lâp 55

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- Independence [,indi'pendəns] (n.): sự đôc lâp

- Particular [pə'tikjulə(r)] (adj.) : very careful about choosing exactly what you like and not easily satisfied = kỹ lưỡng, câu ky

to be particular about sth

- Particle ['pɑ:tikl] (adj.) : a very small piece of sth = môt mâu, manh nho (của cái gì)

- Parental [pə'rentl] (adj.) : relating to being a parent = (thuôc) cha me

Parental love : tình thương cha me

- Parallel ['pærəlel] (adj.) : a relationship between two things that exist in different places = song song

- Youth [ju:θ] (n.) : the period of time when sb is young = thời thanh niên; tuôi trẻ

- Cut down on (v.) : make sth smaller or less in size, or price = giam bơt, cắt bơt (chi tiêu...)

- Expenditure [iks'pendit∫ə] (n.) : the total amount of money that a person spends during a particular period of time = chi phí tiêu dùng


- Announce [ə'nauns] (v.) : to officially tell people about sth = thông báo

- Assistance [ə'sistəns] (n.) : help or support = sự giúp đỡ

- Toll-free [təʊl'fri:] (adj.) : a toll-free telephone call is free for the person making the call= miên phí

- Line [lain] (n.) : a telephone wire or connection = đường dây điên thoại

- Client ['klaiənt] (n.) : a customer or someone who receives services = khách hàng


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- Access ['ækses] (v.) : find information on a computer = truy câp

- Clinic ['klinik] (n.) : a place where medical treatment is given to people who do not need to stay in the hospital = phòng khám chữa bênh cho bênh nhân ngoại trú

- Location [lou'kei∫n] (n.) : a particular place = đia điểm

- Concern [kən'sə:n] (n.) : a feeling of worry about sth important = môi quan tâm, lo lắng

- Inform [in'fɔ:m] (v.) : to officially tell or give sb information = cho ai biêt vê cái gì; nói cho ai biêt

Informer [in'fɔ:mə] (n.) : sb who secretly tells the police, the army about criminal activities for money = chi điểm, mât thám

- Infer [in'fə:] (v.) : draw a conclusion = suy ra

- Official [ə'fi∫l] (n.) : sb who is in a position of authority in an organization = viên chưc, công chưc

- Expert ['ekspə:t] (n.) : sb who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject = nhà chuyên môn; chuyên gia

- Appropriate [ə'proupriət] (adj.) : correct or suitable for a particular time, situation or purpose = thích hơp

- Concentrate ['kɔnsntreit] (v.) : to give attention or efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem = tâp trung


- Audition [ɔ:'di∫n] (n.) : a short performance that an actor, musician, dancer, etc. gives in order to show their ability and suitability for a particular play, film, show, etc.


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= sự thư giọng (trươc khi nhân vào làm diên viên hát)

- Contract ['kɒntrækt] (n.) : a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself = hơp đông

- Contestant [kən'testənt] (n.) : someone who competes in a contest = người dự thi

- Participate[pɑ:'tisipeit] (v.) : join, take part in = tham gia

- Renew [ri'nju:] (v.) : increase the life of or replace something old = làm mơi, gia hạn

- Loan [loun] (n.) : a sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing = tiên cho vay

- Process ['prouses] (n.) : series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result = quá trình; quy trình

- PIN [pin] (n.) : Personal Identification Number = mã sô nhân dạng cá nhân

- Social security ['sou∫l si'kjuərəti]: welfare = phúc lơi xã hôi

- Generate ['dʒenəreit] (v.) : to cause something to exist = cấp phát, phát ra

- Establish [is'tæbli∫] (v.) : set up = thành lâp

- Estimate ['estimeit] (v.) : to guess the cost, size, etc. of something=đánh giá;ươc lương

Estimated time : thời gian ươc lương

- Politician [,pɒli'ti∫n] (n.) : a member of a government or law-making organization = nhà chính tri; chính khách

- Package ['pækidʒ] (n.) : a parcel = gói hàng, bưu kiên 58

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- Packet ['pækit] (n.) : small paper or cardboard container in which a number of small objects are sold = gói nho

- Taco shell [' tækəʊ ∫el] (n.) : a hard, folded tortilla (= thin flat bread) filled with meat, cheese, etc. and hot spicy sauce = bánh thit chiên giòn (Mê-hi-cô)

- Tortilla [tɔ:'ti:lə] (n.) : a type of thin round Mexican bread made from maize flour = bánh mì dạng det đươc làm tư bôt bắp có xuất xư tư Mexico

- Praise [preiz] (v.) : to express admiration or approval=khen ngơi; tán dương

- Ruin [ruin] (v.) : spoil or destroy severely or completely = phá hong

- Purchase ['pə:t∫əs] (n.) : the act of buying something = viêc mua hàng

- Apology [ə'pɒlədʒi] (n.) : an act of saying sorry = lời tạ lôi; lời xin lôi

- Salsa [ə'pɒlədʒi] (n.) : a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions and chillies = nươc sôt cay



- Mow [məʊ] (v.) : cut with a blade or mower = xen, cắt (băng máy xen co)

- Lawn [lɔːn] (n.) : a field of cultivated and mowed grass = bãi co

Lawn mower [l'ɔːnmoʊə] (n.) : garden tool for mowing grass on lawns = máy xen co

- Pond [pɒnd (n.) : a small lake = hô, ao


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- Brush [brʌʃ] (n.) : = bàn chai

(v.) : clean or tidy using a brush = chai

- Paint [peɪnt] (n.) : a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface = sơn

a can of paint/ paint can : hôp sơn

- Broom [bru:m] (n.) : a cleaning implement for sweeping = cái chôi


- Boarding pass ['bɔ:dɪŋ pɑ:s] (n.): a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane = thẻ lên tàu/ máy bay

- Manual ['mænjuəl] (n.) : a small handbook = sách hương dân


- Answering machine

['ɑ:nsərɪŋ mə'ʃ'i:n] (n.) : an electronic device that answers the telephone and records messages = máy tra lời tự đông

- Customer service representative

['kʌstəmə 'sɜ:vɪs reprɪz'entətɪv] (n.) :an employee giving customer care activities = nhân viên phuc vu khách hàng

- Effect [ɪˈfekt ] (n.) : result = kêt qua, hiêu qua

- Graphic ['græfɪk] (n.) : the activity of drawing or making pictures = đô họa

- Processing speed['proʊsesɪŋ spi:d] (n.): a computer's processor speed = tôc đô xư lý

- Boost [bu:st] (v.) : increase sth and make it more successful = đây mạnh, nâng lên


- Joint project [dʒɔɪnt] (n.) : a task which is shared by or belonging to two or more


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people = dự án hôn hơp (chung)

- Bump into sb [bʌmp] (v.) : meet sb unexpectedly = gặp ai môt cách tình cờ

- See sb off (v.) : go with someone to the station, airport, or port and say goodbye to them there = tiên ai

- Bright [braɪt] (adj.) : quick at learning things, clever = thông minh

- Persuade [pə'sweid] (v.) : give someone good reasons for doing something, convince = thuyêt phuc

- Submit [səb'mɪt] (v.) : present, hand over formally = trình, đê trình

- Valuables ['væljuəbəlz] (n.) : things that you own that are worth a lot of money, especially small objects such as jewellery = đô quý giá

Safe [seɪf] (adj.) : free from danger or the risk of harm = an toàn

(n.) : a strong metal cupboard with special locks, in which you keep money, jewellery, or other valuable things = ket sắt


- Subtitle ['sʌbtaɪtəl] (n.) : translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program = phu đê

- Duty ['dju:ti] (n.) : work that you are obliged to perform = trách nhiêm

- Oversee ['oʊvəsi:] (v.) : to supervise, guide = giám sát

- Must [mʌst] (n.) : necessity or essentiality = sự cân thiêt


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- Flexible ['fleksɪbəl] (adj.) : capable of being changed = linh hoạt

- Candidate ['kændɪdeɪt] (n.) : someone who is being considered for a position = ưng viên

- Worldwide ['wɜ:ldwaɪd] (adj.) : exist or happen throughout the world = trên toàn thê giơi

- Simultaneous [sɪməl'teɪniəs](adj.): happen or exist at the same time = đông thời

- Release [rɪ'li:s] (n.) : publish, prepare and issue for public distribution or sale = sự phát hành ( môt bô phim, đĩa hát, sách…)

- Expire [ɪks'paɪə] (v.) : run out, lose validity = hêt hạn, hêt hiêu lực

- Direct debit [dɪ'rekt 'debɪt] (n.) : a single order to allow a commercial, or similar entity to charge directly to one's bank for a regular payment = ghi nơ trực tiêp

- Issue ['ɪsju:] (n.) : the version of a newspaper or magazine that is published = sô báo, tạp chí

- Sort out [sɔ:t aʊt] (v.) : solve = giai quyêt (vấn đê)

- Refund [rɪ'fʌnd] (n.) : money returned to a payer = tiên đươc hoàn lại


- Residential[rezɪ'denʃəl] (adj.) : used or designed for residence = để ơ, dân cư

- Heat [h'i:t] (v.) : make hot or hotter = sươi ấm

- Thermostat ['θɜ:məstæt] (n.) : a device that switches a system or motor on or off according to the temperature = bô ôn nhiêt, bô điêu chinh nhiêt


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- Bulletin ['bʊlɪtɪn] (n.) : a short news report on the radio or television = ban tin

- Enclose [ɪnk'loʊz] (v.) : to put something in the same envelope as the letter = đính kem, gưi kem theo

- Rent [rent] (n.) : the amount of money that you pay regularly to use a house, flat, or piece of land = tiên thuê nhà

- Insurance [ɪn'ʊərəns] (n.) : an arrangement in which you pay money to a company, and they pay money to you if something unpleasant happens to you = bao hiểm

- Utilities [ju:'tɪlɪtiz] (n.) : important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone = tiên ích công công

- Deposit [dɪ'pɒzɪt] (v.) : pay a sum of money into a bank account or savings account = chi tra, gưi (tiên vào ngân hàng để lấy lãi…)

- Paycheck [peɪ'tʃek] (n.) : a check issued in payment of wages or salary = phiêu lĩnh lương

- Automated operator

['ɔ:təmeɪtɪd 'ɒpəreɪtə] (n.) : hê thông làm viêc tự đông

- Transfer (v.) : move from one place to another = chuyển

- ATM = Automated Teller Machine (n.) : máy rút tiên tự đông

- Versatile ['vɜ:sətaɪl] (adj.) : can be used for many different purposes = nhiêu tác dung, đa năng

- Cost effectiveness

[kɒst ɪ'fektɪvnɪs] (n.) : save or make a lot of money in comparison with the costs


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involved = hiêu qua vê chi phí, tiêt kiêm chi phí

- Contribution [kɒntrɪ'bju:ʃən] (n.) : a sum of money that you give in order to help pay for something = tiên đóng góp

- Stuff envelope [stʌf 'envəloʊp] (v.) : fill it with something = bo/ nhôi vào phong bì

- Create handicraft

[kri'eɪt 'hændikrɑ:ft] (v.) : produce handicrafts = chê tạo đô thủ công mỹ nghê

- Treat [tri:t] (n.) : an occurrence that causes special pleasure or delight = điêu vui sương, điêu thích thú

- Roughly ['rʌflɪ] (adv.) : approximately = ươc chưng, đại khái

- Financial commitment (n.) : an engagement by contract involving financial obligation = sự cam kêt vê tài chính

- Promote [prə'moʊt] (v.) : try to increase the sales or popularity of a product = xúc tiên, quang cáo

- Luxury ['lʌk ʃəri] (n.) : sth expensive which is pleasant to have but is not necessary = xa xi, sự xa hoa



- Grill (=broil) [gril ] (v.) : to cook something by direct heat, especially under a very hot surface = nương băng vĩ nương

- Picnic table (n.) : bàn để ngoài trời cho người đi dã ngoại


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- Break [breik] (n.) : a short period of rest = (viêc) nghi giai lao

take a break : nghi giai lao

break room : phòng nghi

- Play cards : chơi (đánh) bài

mix up the cards : xáo, trôn bài

- Bug [bʌg] (n.) : an insect or similar small creature = con bọ

- Leaf [li:f] (n.) : lá cây leaves (sô nhiêu)

- Ride a horse : cưỡi ngựa

- Stairs [sterz] (pl.n.) : a set of steps which lead from one level of a building to another = câu thang bô

- Cross [krɒs] (v.) : go across = đi ngang qua, băng qua

Cross the street. : Đi (ngang) qua đường


- Sample [’s:mpl] (n.) : (hàng) mâu

sample contract : hơp đôngmâu

- Stock [stɒk] (n.) : cô phân, kho (chưa hàng)

In stock [in stɒk] : available = có trong kho

- Section [’sekn] (n.) : part = bô phân, khu vực

- Birth certificate

[bɜ:rθ sərtɪfɪkət] (n.) : an official document which gives details of your birth = giấy khai sinh

- Issue ['ɪsju:] (n.) : make known formally or publicly = cấp

- Normal [’nɔ:məl] (adj.) : ordinary, usual = bình thường, thông thường

Normally (adv.)


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- Request [ri’kwest] (v.) : politely, officially ask for sth = yêu câu

(n.) : lời yêu câu

- Go ahead (idiom) : start to do sth = bắt đâu (làm gì)

- Proposal [prə’poʊzəl] (n.) : something proposed (such as a plan or assumption) = lời đê nghi

Propose [prə’poʊz] (v.) : to suggest a plan or course of action = đê nghi


- Recommend [rekə’mend] (v.) : - suggest, advise = đê nghi

- introduce = giơi thiêu

- Selection [si’lekən] (n.) : - choice = sự chọn lọc

- collection = bô sưu tâp

- Branch [brænt] (n) : one of the offices or groups that form part of a large business organization = chi nhánh (công ty)

- Be located [lə’keItid] : be situated = toạ lạc

- Pass [p:s] (v.) : - go past = đi ngang qua

- give sth to someone = chuyển, giao

I’ll pass the message on for you. = Tôi se chuyển tin nhắn cho anh.

- Project [’prɒdʒekt] (n.) : planned work = dự án

- Notepad [’nətpæd] (n.) : tâp giấy (để ghi chú)

- Replacement [rɪ’pleɪsmənt] (n.): the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another = sự thay thê


- Feature [’fi:tər] (v.) : khắc hoạ net đặc biêt; đê cao

(n.) : net đặc biêt, đặc điểm


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- Resident [’rezɪdənt] (n.) : someone who lives at a particular place = cư dân

- Free of charge

[fri: əv tʃ'ɑ:dʒ] (adj.) : without payment = miên phí

- Approximately

[ə'prɒksɪmətli] (adv.) : about, almost = xấp xi, khoang

- Community [kə’mju:nɪti](n.) : all the people who live in a particular area or place = công đông

- Seat belt [si:t belt] (n.) : a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident = dây an toàn

- Turbulence [’tɜ:bjʊləns] (n.) : violent and uneven movement within a particular area of air, liquid, or gas = sự nhiêu loạn


- Terminal [’tɜ:mɪnəl] (n.) : a place where vehicles, passengers, or goods begin or end a journey = ga (xe lưa, xe buýt…)

- Pass away [pɑ:s ə’weɪ] (phr.v.) : die = qua đời, chêt

- Respectfully [rɪs’pektfʊlɪ] (adv.): in a respectful manner = môt cách kính cân, tôn trọng

- Ceremony [’serɪməni] (n.) : formal event performed on a special occasion = buôi lê

- Disclose [dɪs’kloʊz] (v.) : reveal = để lô ra

- Upset [ʌp’set] (adj.) : unhappy and disappointed = thất vọng

- Dispose [dɪs’poʊz] (v.) : throw away = vưt bo

Disposal [dɪs’poʊzəl](n.) : the act of getting rid of sth that is no longer wanted or needed = hành đông vưt bo

Disposable [dɪs’poʊzəbəl] (adj.): designed to be disposed of after use = không sư dung lại đươc


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- Loyal [’lɔɪəl] (adj.) : faithful = trung thành, chung thủy

- Royal [’rɔɪəl] (adj.) : connected with a king, queen, or emperor, or their family = thuôc vê hoàng gia

- Frugal [fr'u:gəl] (adj.) : economical, avoiding waste = tiêt kiêm

- Likewise [ˈlaɪkwaɪz] (adv.) : similarly


- Committee[kə’mɪti] (n.) : a special group delegated to consider some matter = ủy ban

- Valid ['vælɪd] (adj.) : based on sensible reasoning = hơp lý, đúng đắn

- Agenda [ə’dʒendə] (n.) : a list of the items that have to be discussed at a meeting = chương trình nghi sự

- Consideration [kənsɪdə’reɪʃn] (n.) : sth that should be thought about = sự xem xet, cân nhắc

- Guideline [’gaɪdlaɪn] (n.) : a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior = nguyên tắc, quy đinh

- Assign [əs'aɪn] (v.) : select someone for a specific purpose = chi đinh, phân công

- Be/Get stuck [stʌk] : unable to change or get away from a situation = bi ket, gặp tình huông khó khan

- Starve [st:v] (v) : have nothing to eat = chêt đói

- Nutritious [nju:’trɪ ʃəs] (adj.) : of or providing nourishment, healthy to eat = bô dưỡng

- Filling [’fɪlɪŋ] (adj.) : make you feel full when you have eaten it = đây đủ, làm cho mau no

Filling (n.) : the food that you put inside a pie, sandwich = nhân bánh

- Organic vegetable 68

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[ɔ:rgænɪk ’vedʒtəbəl] (n.) : vegetable that is produced without using artificial chemicals = rau sạch (không có phân hóa học và thuôc trư sâu)


- Due to [dju:] : - owing to = là do

- đên hạn, tơi hạn (làm gì)

- Definition [defɪ’nɪən] (n.) : đinh nghĩa

- Termination [’tɜ:mɪneɪən] (n.): the act of ending something = sự chấm dưt

- Wrap [ræp] (v.) : fold paper or cloth tightly roundsth to cover it = gói

- Celebration [selɪ’breɪən](n.): a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event = lê ky niêm

- Gift-giving season : mùa tặng quà

- Announce [ə’nants] (v.) : state; make known = thông báo

- Eligible (for) ['elɪdʒɪbəl](adj.): suitable; meeting the conditions = đủ điêu kiên

- Charge [t'ɑ:dʒ] (v.) : demand payment = tính tiên

- Package [’pækɪdʒ] (n.) : a small parcel = gói, kiên hàng

- Come across [kʌm ə’krɒs] (phr.v.) : find something or someone by chance = tình cờ gặp/ thấy

- Technical support

[’teknɪkəl sə’pɔ:t] (n.) : a repair and advice service that some companies such as computer companies provide for their customers, usually by telephone, fax, or e-mail = hô trơ kỹ thuât

- Designated[‘dezɪneɪtɪd] (adj.) : set aside for a purpose = đươc chi đinh trươc

- Allotted time [ə’lɒtɪd taɪm] (n.): time allowed to have = thời gian đã đinh


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- Address (v.) : direct a question at someone = gơi (câu hoi) thẳng đên ai

- Hesitate [’hezɪteɪt] (v.) : delay doing or unwilling to do = ngân ngại, lưỡng lự

- Hang up [hæŋ ʌp] (phr.v.) : end a phone call = gác máy (điên thoại)



- Coach [kout∫] (n.) : a person who trains people to compete in certain sports = huấn luyên viên

- Referee [,refə'ri:] (n.) : the official person in sports such as football who controls the match and prevents players from breaking the rules = trọng tài


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- Load [loud] (v.) : to put a large quantity of st into a vehicle or container = chất, chơ

- Bat [bæt] (n.) : a piece of wood for hitting the ball in sports such as, cricket or baseball = gây thể thao

to hit the ball with a bat : đánh bóng băng gây

- Babysit ['beibisit] (v.) : to take care of children while their parents are away for a short time = giữ trẻ hô (trong khi bô me đi vắng)

Babysitter (n.) : người trông trẻ


- Gallon ['gælən] (n.) : a measure of liquid = Galong, đơn vi đo lường chất long


- Lecture ['lekt∫ə] (n.) : a long talk on a particular subject that someone gives to a group of people, especially to students in a university = bài nói chuyên, bài diên thuyêt

- Focus ['foukəs] (n.) : the clearness of the picture seen through an instrument such as a camera = sự rõ net

in focus : rõ net, rõ rang

- Distract [dis'trækt] (v.) : to take someone's attention away from something by making them look at or listen to something else = làm sao lãng, đãng trí

distracting elements : những yêu tô không liên quan

- Obstruct [əb'strʌkt] (v.) : to prevent someone from doing something or something from happening, by making it difficult = gây trơ ngại, can trơ

- Foreground ['fɔ:graund] (n.) : the part of the view in a picture or a photograph that is closest


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to you when you are looking at it = cân canh


- As well as (adv.) : cung như

- Senator ['senətə] (n.) : a member of a group of elected politicians (The Senate) who make laws in the government in some countries = thương nghi sĩ

- Fatal ['feitl] (adj.) : resulting in someone's death = gây chêt người

- Mourning ['mɔ:niη] (n.) : black clothes worn to show that you are very sad that someone has died = đô tang

- Suicidal [,su:i'saidl] (adj.) : wanting to kill yourself = tự tư, tự sát

- Deceased [di'si:st] (adj.) : dead


- Automotive [,ɔ:tə'moutiv] (adj.) : automatic

- Vend [vend] (v.) : sell sth


- Subway ['sʌbwei] (n.) : tube

- Depict [di'pikt] (v.) : to describe sb/ sth in words

- Judge ['dʒʌdʒ] (n.) : a person who has the ability or knowledge to give an opinion about sth = người am hiểu, người sành soi

a judge of art : người am hiểu nghê thuât

- Vote sb off [vout] (phr.v.) : elect = bo phiêu bâu cho ai

- Subscription [səb'skrip∫n] (n.) : an amount of money you pay, usually once a year, to receive copies of a newspaper or magazine = sự mua báo dài hạn


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- Archeology [ˌɑ:ki'ɒlədʒi] (n.) : the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings = nghiên cưu đia thái cô

- Geography[dʒi'ɔgrəfi] (n.) : the study of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains, cities etc of the world = đia lý học

- Anthropology [,ænθrə'pɔlədʒi] (n.) : the scientific study of people, their societies, cultures = nhân loại học



- Hood [hʊd] (n.) : a folding cover on a car which gives protection from the rain = mui xe


- Bakery [ˈbeɪkəri] (n.) : a building where bread, cakes etc. are made or sold =tiêm bánh mì

- Deli [ˈdeli] (n.) : a shop that sells food such as cooked meat, cheese, and food


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from other countries = tiêm bán thưc ăn ngon

- Awful [ˈɔ:fl] (adj.) : used for emphasizing how unpleasant someone or something is = dơ quá, ơn quá

- Delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] (adj.) : with a very pleasant taste or smell = ngon

- Subway [ˈsʌbweɪ] (n.) : a railway that goes under the ground = đường xe điên ngâm

- Basement [ˈbeɪsmənt] (n.) : the part of a building that is partly or completely below the level of the ground = tâng hâm


- Drama [ˈdrɑ:mə] (n.) : a play for the theatre, television, or radio = vơ kich

- Suspense [səˈspens] (n.) : excitement or worry that you feel when you are waiting to find out what has happened or what will happen = tình trạng hôi hôp

- Romance [rəʊˈmæns] (n.) : an exciting and usually short romantic relationship = truyên lãng mạn

- Channel [ˈtʃænl] (n.) : a television station and the programmes that it broadcasts = kênh truyên hình

- Weeknight [ˈwi:knaɪt] (n.) : the evening or night of any day except Saturday or Sunday = đêm của bất cư ngày nào trư Thư bay hay Chủ nhât


- Apologize [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz](v.) : to tell someone that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem = xin lôi


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- Contact [ˈkɒntækt] (v.) : to write to someone or talk to them on the telephone = liên lạc

- Semester [sɪˈmestə(r)] (n.) : one of the two periods of about 18 weeks that the school year is divided into = học ky

- Solution [səˈlu:ʃn] (n.) : a way to solve a problem or to deal with a bad situation = giai pháp

- Confirm [kənˈfɜ:m] (v.) : to tell someone, usually by writing or telephoning, that something will definitely happen at the time or in the way that has been arranged = xác nhân

- Dress [dress] (v.) : to put your clothes on = mặc đô


- Savings [ˈseɪvɪŋz] (n.) : money that you have saved in a bank or invested so that you can use it later = tiên tiêt kiêm

- Discount [dɪsˈkaʊnt] (v.) : to reduce the price of something = giam giá

- Cheddar cheese [ˈtʃedə tʃi:z] (n.): a type of hard yellow cheese = pho-mát vàng cưng

- Bargain [ˈbɑ:gən] (v.) : to try to persuade someone to give you a better price or make an agreement that suits you better = tra giá

- Spruce up [spru:s ˈʌp] (phr.v.) : to make oneself/ sb tidy and clean and smart = làm cho ai gọn gàng sạch se

- DIY [ˌdi: aɪ ˈwaɪ] (n.) : do-it-yourself: the activity of making or repairing things for your home instead of paying someone to do them for you = viêc tự làm lấy



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- Demonstrate [ˈdemənˌstreɪt] (v.): to show clearly that something is true or that it exists = chưng minh, giai thích

- Consider [kənˈsɪdə(r)] (v.) : to think about something carefully before making a decision or developing an opinion = xem xet

- Accelerate [əkˈselərɪt] (v.) : to increase speed rapidly = tăng tôc đô

- Toaster [ˈtəʊstə(r)] (n.) : an electrical device for making toast = thiêt bi làm bánh mì nương

- Refreshments [reˈfre∫mənts] (n.): small quantities of food and drink = những phân đô ăn thưc uông nho

- Popcorn ['pɔpkɔ:n] (n.) : seeds of maize that have been heated so that they burst and form light whitish balls = bắp nô

- Talent [ˈtælənt] (n.) : a natural skill or ability = tài năng

- Recognize [ˈrekəgnɑɪz] (v.) : to know again sb/ sth that you have seen or heard before = nhân ra


- Gate [geit] (n.) : công

wooden/ iron gate

- Fence [fens] (n.) : hàng rào

- Railing ['reiliη] (n.) : rào chắn (băng sắt hoặc gô)

- Illegally [i'li:gəli] (adv.) : bất hơp pháp, trái pháp luât

- Tow [tou] (n.) : sơi lanh, sơi gai thô (dùng để làm dây thưng…), sự dắt, sự lai, sự keo (tàu thuyên, đoàn toa móc)


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(v.) : dắt, lai, keo theo (tàu, thuyên) băng dây thưng, xích.

- Browse [brauz] (n.) : đọc lươt qua, xem lươt qua, đọc bo quãng (môt cuôn sách)

- Cart [kɑ:t] (n.) : xe bò, xe ngựa (hai bánh để chơ hàng)

- Slam [slæm] (n.) : tiêng cưa đóng sâm, sự ăn hâu hêt, sự ăn hêt (quân bài đôi phương), lời phê bình gay gắt, lời đa kích đao to búa lơn

(v.) : đóng sâm (cưa)

- Puncture ['pʌηkt∫ə] (n.) : sự đâm, sự châm, sự chích; lô đâm, lô châm, lô chích, lô thủng, (điên học) sự đánh thủng

electric puncture : sự đánh thủng điên

(v.) : đâm thủng, châm thủng, chích thủng, (nghĩa bóng) làm cho xì hơi, làm cho tit ngòi


- Obsolete ['ɒbsəli:t] (adj.) : cô xưa, quá hạn, đã lôi thời

(n.) : người cô vât cô

- Complex ['kɔmpleks] (adj.) : phưc tạp, rắc rôi

- Complicated ['kɔmplikeitid] (adj.) : phưc tạp, rắc rôi

- Operation [,ɔpə'rei∫n] (n.) : sự hoạt đông; cách hoạt đông; quá trình hoạt đông

operation on sb for sth

operation to do sth : sự mô xẻ; ca mô

- Recovery [ri'kʌvəri] (n.) : sự lấy lại đươc, sự tìm lại đươc (vât đã mất...); vât lấy lại đươc, vât tìm lại đươc sự đòi lại đươc (món nơ...), sự bình phuc, sự khoi bênh

- Wealthy ['welθi] (adj.) : giàu sang; giàu có


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(n.) : (the wealthy) những người giàu có

- Staple ['steipl] (n.) : ghim dâp (kep giấy); đinh kep, ghim dâp (hình chữ U); dây thep râp sách

- Ingredient [in'gri:djənt] (n.) : phân hơp thành, thành phân

- Sales tax : thuê doanh thu

- Item ['aitəm] (n.) : khoan (ghi sô...), món (ghi trong đơn hàng...); tiêt muc

- Duty ['dju:ti] (n.) : bôn phân, nhiêm vu, trách nhiêm

- Domestically [də'mestikəli] (adv.) : trong nươc, nôi đia

- Adjust [ə'dʒʌst] (v.) : đặt lại cho đúng vi trí hoặc trât tự; điêu chinh

- Break-in ['breikin] (n.) : cuôc tấn công vào ngân hàng

- Invoice ['invɔis] (n.) : (thương nghiêp) hoá đơn, (tư hiêm, nghĩa hiêm) chuyên hàng gưi

(v.) : lâp hoá đơn (hàng gưi...), gưi hoá đơn cho...

- Belabor [bi'leibə] (v.) : đánh như tư, nên môt trân nên thân

- Point [pɔint] (n.) : đâu nhọn hoặc tù của cái gì; đâu; mui (hình học) điểm, dấu chấm dùng khi viêt hoặc in (dấu chấm cao, dấu thâp phân...)

- Snack [snæk] (n.) : bữa ăn vôi vàng, bữa ăn qua loa; bữa quà; chút thưc ăn, chút rươu

- Tip (n.) : đâu, mút, đinh, chóp

The tips of the fingers : đâu ngón tay, lời khuyên, lời mách nươc (đánh cá ngựa), meo, mánh lơi, mánh khoe


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- Customary ['kʌstəməri] (adj.) : theo phong tuc thông thường

- Fare [feə] (n.) : tiên xe, tiên đò, tiên phà; tiên ve (tàu, máy bay...)

- Stain [stein] (n.) : sự biên màu; vêt bân, vêt màu khó sạch, vêt nhơ, vêt đen, điêu làm ô nhuc (thanh danh…); sự nhơ nhuôc vê đạo đưc

- Spill [spil] (v.) : spilled, spilt – làm tràn, làm đô, đánh đô (nươc...), làm ngã ngựa, làm rơt xuông

- Extensive [iks'tensiv] (adj.) : rông vê diên tích; keo dài ra xa

- Hammer ['hæmə] (n.) : búa


- Loan [loun] (n.) : tiên cho vay; vât cho mươn

- Honest ['ɔnist] (adj.) : thât thà, lương thiên, thành thât, chân thât

- Relief [ri'li:f] (n.) : sự giam nhe, sự khuây khoa

a relief driver, crew : người lái xe, đôi thay phiên

- Faulty ['fɔ:lti] (adj.) : có môt hoặc nhiêu khuyêt điểm, lôi lâm; không hoàn hao; hong

- Alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv](adj.) : có thể chọn để thay cho môt vât khác; khác

(n.) : lựa chọn giữa hai hoặc nhiêu kha năng


- Hasty ['heisti] (adj.) : vôi, vôi vàng, vôi vã; nhanh chóng, gấp rút, mau, hấp tấp, khinh suất, thiêu suy nghĩ nóng tính, nóng nay, dê nôi nóng

- Mayor ['meiə] (n.) : thi trương

- Honorable ['ɔnərəbl] (adj.) : xưng đáng, mang đên hoặc thể hiên danh dự, danh giá

- Proposal [prə'pouzl] (n.) : sự đê nghi, sự đê xuất


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- Open a floor [flɔ:] : quyên phát biểu ý kiên (ơ hôi nghi)

to give somebody the floor : để cho ai phát biểu ý kiên

- Comment ['kɔment] (n.) : lời bình luân

- Meager ['mi: gə]

or Meagre ['mi:gə] (adj.) : gây còm, gây gò, khẳng khiu, hom hem ngheo nàn, xoàng, sơ sài, đạm bạc

- Confines ['kənfainz] (n.) : biên giơi; ranh giơi

- Blizzard ['blizəd] (n.) : trân bão tuyêt

- Alert (n.) : báo đông phòng không; thời gian báo đông phòng không

(v.) : báo cho; phai đê phòngnguy hiểm và săn sàng hành đông

- Prime [praim] (adj.) : có phâm chất tôt nhất; xuất sắc; hoàn hao; ưu tú, chủ yêu, quan trọng nhất, hàng đâu, căn ban

- Concern [kən'sə:n] (n.) : lơi lôc; cô phân; lo lắng; sự lo âu, môi quan tâm

e.g: There is no cause for concern.

e.g: What are your main concerns as a writer?

- Cease [si:s] (v.) : dưng, ngưng, ngơt, thôi, hêt, tạnh

- Passable ['pɑ:səbl] (adj.) : có thể qua lại đươc

- Bright [brait] (adj.) : sáng, sáng chói; lanh lơi, hoạt bát, nhanh nhen

- Changeover ['t∫eindʒ,ouvə] (n.) : sự thay đôi thiêt bi; sự thay đôi nhân viên; sự thay đôi hê thông làm viêc

- Subsequence ['sʌbsikwəns] (n.) : sự đên sau, sự xay ra sau

- Auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm](n.) : phòng dành cho thính gia, thính phòng

- Skip [skip] (n.) : sự nhay dây; khi đọc, anh ấy bo quãng; nhay lơp


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Skip off (phr.v.) : chuôn, lủi, đi mất

- Cite [sait] (v.) : (pháp lý) gọi ra hâu toà

to cite someone before a court : đòi ai ra trươc toà

- Ongoing ['ɔn,gouiηz] (n.) : những viêc đang xay ra (lạ lùng, chương tai gai mắt...)

- Disputes [dis'pju:t] (n.) : cuôc bàn cãi, cuôc tranh luân

- Corporate tax

= Corporation tax (n.) : thuê đánh vào lơi tưc của công ty kinh doanh

- Closure ['klouʒə] (n.) : sự đóng kín

(v.) : kêt thúc (cuôc thao luân) băng cách cho biểu quyêt

- React [ri:'ækt] (v.) : tác đông trơ lại, anh hương trơ lại, phan ưng lại; phan công, đánh tra lại (tài chính) sut, hạ (giá ca)

- Dismay [dis'mei] (n.) : sự mất tinh thân; sự mất hêt can đam

(v.) : làm mất tinh thân; làm mất hêt can đam

- Option ['ɔp∫n] (n.) : sự chọn lựa, quyên lựa chọn

- Basket ['bɑ:skit] (n.) : cái rô, cái gio, cái thúng

- Salmon ['sæmən] (n.) : cá hôi; thit cá hôi

- Alcoholic [ælkə'hɔlik] (adj.) : thuôc vê hoặc chưa đựng côn; gây nên bơi rươu

Alcoholic drinks : đô uông có côn

- Beverage ['bevəridʒ] (n.) : đô uông, thưc uông (sữa, trà, rươu, bia)

- Demonstrate ['demənstreit] (v.) : chưng minh, giai thích, là điển hình của cái gì; chưng to

- Willingness ['wiliηnis] (n.) : sự băng lòng, sự vui lòng; sự săn sàng, sự sôt sắng; sự tự nguyên


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- Expose [iks'pouz] (v.) : phơi ra; phơi bày ra, phô ra; bóc trân, phơi trân, vạch trân, bôc lô

- Capital (n.) : thủ đô; thủ phủ, chữ viêt hoa; vôn; tư ban

- Risk [risk] (n.) : sự liêu, sự mạo hiểm

- Exist [ig'zist] (v.) : nôi đông tư: là có thât hoặc thực sự; đã sông; tôn tại

- Subsidies ['sʌbsidiz] (n.) : tiên trơ cấp

- Payroll ['peiroul] (n.) : (như) pay-sheet: tông sô tiên phai tra cho nhân viên (trong công ty)

- Exceed [ik'si:d] (v.) : vươt quá


- Nonetheless [nɔnđə'les] (adv.) : tuy nhiên, dù sao

- Despite [dis'pait] (prep.) : dù, mặc dù, không kể, bất chấp

- Hint [hint] (n.) : cách đê nghi gián tiêp; lời gơi ý

- Religious belief [ri'lidʒəs] : tín ngưỡng tôn giáo

- Futile ['fju:tail] (adv.) : vô ích, không có hiêu qua

- Razor ['reizə] (n.) : dao cạo

- Disposable [dis'pouzəbl] (adj.) : làm ra để vưt đi sau khi dùng; dùng môt lân

- Suspect [sə'spekt] (v.) : nghi; nghi ngờ; hoài nghi; ngờ vực

- Accusation [ækju:'zei∫n] (n.) : sự kêt tôi; sự buôc tôi

- Deny [di'nai] (v.) : nói răng (điêu gì) không có thât; phủ nhân

- Exclaim [iks'kleim] (v.) : kêu lên, la lên

- Unclaimed [,ʌn'kleimd] (adj.) : không bi đòi hoi; không bi yêu sách

- Inability [,inə'biliti] (n.) : sự không có kha năng, sự bất lực, sự bất tài


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- Hardship ['hɑ:d∫ip] (n.) : sự gian khô, sự thư thách gay go

- Caricature ['kærikətjuə] (n.) : tranh biêm hoạ

- Precisely [pri'saisli] (adv.) : đúng, chính xác; môt cách chính xác, cân thân

- Reverend ['revərənd] (adj.) : đáng tôn kính; đáng kính trọng, đáng tôn sùng, đáng sùng kính

- Eloquent ['eləkwənt] (adj.) : hùng biên, có kha năng hùng biên

- Observe [ə'bzə:v] (v.) : quan sát, theo dõi

- Needless ['ni:dlis] (adj.) : không cân thiêt, thưa, vô ích

- Clan [klæn] (n.) : thi tôc be đang, phe cánh

- Alienate ['eiljəneit] (v.) : làm cho trơ nên không thân thiên hoặc thờ ơ; làm cho xa lánh ai

- Succumb [sə'kʌm] (v.) : ngưng kháng cự, ngưng chông lại (sự cám dô, bênh tât, cuôc tiên công…); thua, không chiu nôi, không chông nôi; chêt

- Merger ['mə:dʒə] (n.) : (thương nghiêp) sự liên doanh liên kêt

- Injury ['indʒəri] (n.) : tôn thương thực thể cho môt sinh vât

- Attributable [ə'tribjutəbl](adj.) : có thể quy cho

- Fatigue [fə'ti:g] (n.) : sự mêt moi, sự mêt nhọc

- Laudatory ['lɔ:dətəri] (adj.) : tán dương, ca ngơi, khen; hay tán dương, hay khen

- Exemplary [ig'zempləri] (adj.) : gương mâu, mâu mực

- Disciplinary ['disiplinəri] (adj.) : (thuôc) ky luât; để đưa vào ky luât

- Absenteeism [æbsən'ti:izm] (n.) : sự hay vắng mặt, sự vắng mặt không có lý do chính đáng (ơ công sơ, ơ xí nghiêp...)

- Overhear [ouvə'hiə(r)] (v.) : tình cờ nghe đươc điêu gì; nghe lom


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- Reject ['ri:dʒekt] (n.) : vât bi loại, vât bo đi, vât không đươc chọn, chôi không tiêp (ai)


- Tenant ['tenənt] (n.) : người thuê, người mươn

- Condominium ['kɔndə'miniəm] (n.) : chê đô quan lý chung, chê đô công quan, nươc công quan

- Term [tə:m] (n.) : giơi hạn

- Hygiene ['haidʒi: n] (n.) : vê sinh

- Shift [∫ift] (n.) : ca, kíp

to work in shifts : làm viêc theo ca

- Trim [trim] (n.) : sự cắt tia (tóc…)

- Adhere [əd'hiə] (v.) : dính chặt vào, bám chặt vào

- Internal [in'tə:nl] (adj.) : ơ trong, bên trong, nôi bô, nôi đia

- Recipient [ri'sipiənt] (adj.) : dê tiêp thu, dê lĩnh hôi

(n.) : người nhân (tiên, quà biêu...); nươc nhân (viên trơ...)

- Contemporary [kən'tempərəri] (n.) : thuôc vê thời gian hoặc thời ky đang nói tơi; thuôc cùng môt thời; đương thời; hiên đại

- Range [reindʒ] (n.) : dãy, hàng (núi, đôi…)

- Proof [pru:f] (n.) : chưng cơ; băng chưng


- Scratch [skræt∫] (n.) : sự trây da; vêt xây sát, vêt xươc; vêt thương nhe

- Tear [tiə] (n.) : giọt (nhựa...), chô hong, chô rách, miêng xe (do xe gây ra)

- Defect [di'fekt] (n.) : khuyêt điểm; nhươc điểm

- Prerequisite [pri:'rekwizit] (adj.) : đươc đòi hoi như môt điêu kiên cho cái gì; tiên quyêt

(n.) : điêu kiên quyêt đinh trươc hêt; điêu kiên tiên quyêt


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= Precondition

- Accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] (v.) : đi cùng vơi ai như là môt người bạn đường hoặc người giúp đỡ, người hô tông

- Hospitalization or Hospitalisation

[hɔspitəlai'zei∫n] (n.) : sự đưa vào bênh viên

- Fall [fɔ:l] (n.) : sự rơi, sự ngã; sự rung xuông (lá); sự ru xuông; sự hạ

- Alliance [ə'laiəns] (n.) : sự liên minh, khôi liên minh, khôi đông minh

- Fatalities [fə'tæliti] (n.) : đinh mênh, vân mênh, sô mênh, điêu không thể tránh đươc, sự bất hạnh, sự rủi ro, tai ương

- Preventable [pri'ventəbl] (adj.) : có thể ngăn chặn đươc, có thể ngăn ngưa đươc

- Dizzy ['dizi] (adj.) : hoa mắt, choáng váng, chóng mặt; làm hoa mắt, làm choáng váng, làm chóng mặt

- Cordially ['kɔ:djəli] (adv.) : thân ái, thân mât; chân thành

- Tuck [tʌk] (n.) : nêp gấp (ơ quân áo, để trang trí, để làm cho nó nho hơn.)

(v.) : keo, gấp, lôn mep, viên (quân áo... cho ngắn bơt, để trang trí...)

- Grab bar (n.) : thanh vin (khoi te)

- Tub [tʌb] (n.) : (thông tuc) bôn tắm, nhà tắm, châu tắm; nươc tắm

= Bath

- Trip [trip] (n.) : cuôc dạo chơi, cuôc du ngoạn, sự vấp, sự bi ngáng, sự ngã, sự sây chân

- Likelihood ['laiklihud]

Or likeliness ['laiklinis] (n.) : sự có thể đúng, sự có thể thât, sự có kha năng xay ra


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- Donation [dou'nei∫n] (n.) : vât tặng; vât cúng

- Upkeep ['ʌpki:p] (n.) : sự bao dưỡng, sự sưa sang, sự bao quan chi phí bao dưỡng, chi phí sưa sang, chi phí bao quan

- Seek [si:k] (v.) : tìm, tìm kiêm; cô tìm cho đươc, cô kiêm cho đươc

Seek – sought – sought

- Formalize ['fɔ:məlaiz] (v.) : nghi thưc hoá, trang trọng hoá

- Desire [di'zaiə] (n.) : sự them muôn; sự mong muôn, sự ao ươc, sự khát khao, sự mơ ươc, lòng them muôn, lòng khát khao

- Treat [tri:t] (n.) : sự thêt đãi; tiêc, buôi chiêu đãi

- Impeccable [im'pekəbl] (adj.) : hoàn hao, không chê vào đâu đươc, không có chô xấu, không ty vêt (đô vât...), không thể phạm tôi lôi, không thể phạm sai lâm, không thể mắc khuyêt điểm (người)

- Establishment [is'tæbli∫mənt] (n.) : cơ sơ (kinh doanh)

- Praise [preiz] (n.) : sự tán dương; sự ca ngơi; lời ca ngơi; lời tán dương

- Portable ['pɔ: təbl] (adj.) : có thể mang theo, xách tay

- Generator ['dʒenəreitə] (n.) : máy để san xuất điên năng; máy phát điên

- Vital ['vaitl] (adj.) : (thuôc) sự sông; cân cho sự sông

- Mere [miə] (adj.) : chi là, vât nho nhất; vât chẳng đáng kể chút nào

- Outage [autidʒ] (n.) : sự ngưng chạy (máy; vì thiêu điên, thiêu chất đôt)

- Fuel [fjuəl] (v.) : cung cấp chất đôt

to fuel a ship

- Cord [kɔ:d] (n.) : dây


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- Myth [miθ] (n.) : thân thoại

- Fraud [frɔ:d] (n.) : sự gian lân; sự gian trá; sự lưa lọc; sự lưa gạt

- Scam [skæm] (n.) : (tư Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) mưu đô bất lương

- Mediation [,mi:di'ei∫ən] (n.) : sự điêu đình, sự hoà giai, sự dàn xêp

- Arbitration [ɑ:bi'trei∫n] (n.) : sự phân xư, sự làm trọng tài phân xư

- Dispute [dis'pju:t] (n.) : cuôc bàn cãi, cuôc tranh luân

- Arise [ə'raiz] (v.) : xuất hiên, nay sinh ra, xay ra

arise – arose – arisen

- Tracking ['trækiη] (n.) : sự theo dõi sự đặt đường ray (vô tuyên), sự tự hiêu chinh

- Charge [t∫ɑ:dʒ] (n.) : tiên phai tra, giá tiên, tiên công, tiên thù lao

- Monitor ['mɔnitə] (n.) : trương lơp, cán bô lơp (ơ trường học)

(v.) : giám sát

- Parameter [pə'ræmitə(r)] (n.) : (toán học) thông sô, (toán học) tham sô, ham biên giơi hạn

- Input ['input'sə:kit] (n.) : mạch điên kiểm tra viêc nhâp liêu

- Markedly ['ma:kidli] (adv.) : rõ ràng; rõ rêt

- Acquisition [,ækwi'zi∫n] (n.) : sự đươc, sự giành đươc, sự thu đươc, sự đạt đươc, sự kiêm đươc

- Enact [i'nækt] (v.) : ban hành (đạo luât); đóng, diên (vai kich... trên (sân khấu), trong đời sông)

- Balance ['bæləns] (n.) : sai ngạch; sô còn lại, sô dư

- Due [dju:] (n.) : quyên đươc hương; cái đươc hương, đên ky đòi, đên ky, đên hạn, phai tra (nơ...)


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to be due to sb (adj.) : mắc nơ hoặc có nghĩa vu đôi vơi ai, mang ơn

- Municipal [mju:'nisipəl] (adj.) : (thuôc) thành phô; (thuôc) đô thi; (thuôc) thi xã

- Citation [sai'tei∫n] (n.) : (pháp lý) trát đòi hâu toà

- Cite [sait] (v.) : gọi ra hâu toà

- Plead [pli:d] (v.) : (pháp lý) bào chữa, biên hô, cãi

to plead for sb

- Guilty ['gilti] (adj.) : đã làm điêu sai trái, đáng khiển trách

- Foresee [ fɔ:'si:] (v.) : nhìn thấy trươc; đoán trươc; biêt trươc

foresee – foresaw – foreseen

- Insufficien [insə'fi∫ənt] (adj.) : không đủ, thiêu

- Excessive [ik'sesiv] (adj.) : quá mưc, thưa quá thể, quá đáng



Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. The police … … … ... the area near company headquarters.

A. to patrol B. patrolling

C. patrols D. patrol

2. The accountant demands that his clerks … … … ... their work

carefully before submitting it.

A. check B. will check

C. to check D. checking


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3. The hotel needs … … … ... better training for its front desk staff.

A. provides B. will provide

C. to provide D. provide

4. Because traffic is heavy, I suggest … … … ... for the airport early.

A. leaving B. to leave

C. will leave D. am going to leave

5. Most of the time in Indonesia was spent … … … ... relatives.

A. to visit B. visiting

C. going visiting D. go to visit

6. My broker advised me to invest in secured bonds before … … … ...

in the stock market.

A. invested B. investing

C. investment D. I will invest

7. It goes without … … … ... that you’ll be paid for all this extra time you’re spending on the project.

A. telling B. saying

C. repeating D. regarding

8. Travel agents advise … … … ... early, in order to avoid disappointment.

A. buying B. postponing C. booking D. canceling

9. We have decided to … … … ... your income with a monthly bonus.

A. implement B. compliment

C. supplement D. compartment

10. By … … … ... what the public liked and didn’t like, we were able

to fine-tune our ads.

A. sighting B. focusing

C. predicting D. pinpointing

11. Can you … … … ... the telephone?

A. answered B. answering

C. to answer D. answer


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12. We are restocking the warehouse now that the transport strike is over … … … ... that customers get what they need right away.

A. to ensure B. ensured

C. for ensuring D. ensure

13. … … … ... spending is probably going to maintain this upward trend throughout the year.

A. Consume B. Consumer

C. Consuming D. Consumed

14. The professor praised him for his … … … the class when she was sick.

A. assist B. to assist

C. assisting D. assisted

15. Since most of the business meetings were at night, we were able to spend the day … … … ....

A. to sightsee B. to enjoy sightseeing

C. going to sightsee D. sightseeing

16. The doctor advised her … … … ... more often.

A. swimming B. swam

C. to swim D. to have swum

17. We found them … … … ... down at the beach.

A. playing B. to go play

C. play D. to play

18. The alarm system of a car must … … … ... reliably.

A. function B. to function

C. functioned D. functioning

19. Limited space forced the writer … … … ... his article shorter.

A. making B. make

C. makes D. to make

20. Only doctors and nurses can … … … ... this door.

A. using B. used

C. use D. to use

21. Put out your cigarette. You are not allowed … … … ... here.


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A. to smoke B. smoke

C. smoking D. to smoking

22. Last night my parents let me … … … ... out with him.

A. to go B. go

C. going D. went

23. That film made her … … … ....

A. sad B. cry

C. to cry D. A and B are correct

24. They are busy … … … ... their homework now.

A. doing B. do C. to do D. is doing

25. She can’t stand … … … ... at her children in danger.

A. looked B. to looking C. look D. looking

26. It is no use … … … ... this work.

A. doing B. do C. did D. to do

27. Have you finished … … … ... your report yet?

A. to type B. type C. typed D. typing

28. We suggest he … … … ... here at 8:00 am tomorrow.

A. be B. is C. to be D. has been

29. She is looking forward … … … ... from you soon.

A. to hear B. to hearing C. hearing D. heard

30. Now I am used … … … ... alone here.

A. to living B. live

C. to live D. living

31. He loves … … … ... romantic novels.

A. read B. reads

C. to reading D. reading

32. Would you mind … … … ... the windows? It is very hot in here.

A. opening B. open

C. to open D. to opening

33. Mary, I’d like you … … … ... Mr.Peter, my new assistant.


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A. to meet B. meeting

C. meet D. met

34. We wish you … … … ... A Happy New Year.

A. have B. having

C. to have D. all are wrong

35. He stops … … … ... a cup of coffee. He feels sleepy.

A. having B. to have C. have D. has

36. They don’t want … … … ... that book.

A. reading B. read C. to reading D. to read

37. Please … … … ... it to her. Thanks a lot.

A. gives B. to give C. give D. giving

38. This book is worth … … … ...

A. to read B. reading

C. reads D. to be read

39. I am sure she will … … … ... what I have said to her.

A. understands B.understand

C. understood D. to understand

40. We are grateful to you … … … ... us.

A. for helping B. to help

C. helped D. helpingUNIT 2: AUXILIARY VERBS

Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. If we had seen the demand in advance, we surely … … … ... on

the cookbook.

A. would stock up B. have stocked up

C. had stocked up D. would have stocked up

2. We … … … ... the money to your money market account within

three working days.

A. have been transferred B. will transfer

C. transferring D. will be transferred


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3. We are sending you what we have now and … … … ... the remainder

as soon as it arrives.

A. will have shipped B. will ship

C. shipped D. shipping

4. School will … … … ... in three weeks.

A. done B. completion

C. over D. finish

5. According to the Financial Times, the prime rate … … … ... up

slightly even without the housing boom.

A. would have gone B. will have gone

C. were to go D. was going

6. She will neither … … … ... the terms nor give in to your badgering.

A. acceptable B. accepts

C. accepting D. accept

7. We were told we … … … ... be able to reserve a seat on the mailboat

that passes through the Arctic Circle.

A. might B. must C. can D. could

8. If the receptionist is unable to answer your question, Ms.Takai … … …

... help you.

A. can B. did C. could not D. would not

9. Mrs. Gonzalez … … … ... one of the best workers we have.

A. always has considered been

B. has been always considered

C. has been considered always

D. has always been considered

10. This year the company has … … … ... heavily in research

and development.

A. was invested B. invest

C. investing D. invested

11. The negotiations cannot be … … … ... because of the disagreements.


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A. concurred B. continued C. contoured D. confounded

12. He wasn’t able to … … … ... my point of view.

A. think B. mind C. see D. reckon

13. The tax authorities will soon … … … ... new guidelines.

A. having issued B. issuing

C. to issue D. be issuing

14. The alarm system of a car must … … … ... reliably.

A. function B. to function

C. functioned D. functioning

15. Several crops … … … ... by the government.

A. will have been subsidizing

B. being subsidized

C. are subsidizing

D. are being subsidized

16. Another four inches of snow will … … … ... overnight.

A. heighten B. accumulate

C. develop D. raise

17. Nothing the workers did was able to … … … ... the new foreman.

A. satisfactorily B. satisfaction

C. satisfy D. satisfies

18. We are hoping that the communities will … … … ... in the

waterfront clean-up efforts.

A. involve B. associate C. concern D. participate

19. Being fluent in German, he realized that he might be called upon to

act as a translator for the group … … … ... the need arises.

A. could B. would C. if D. should

20. The product was … … … ... by the manufacturer because of a

faulty closing mechanism.

A. rehired B. released C. resent D. recalled

21. John is a hard student. He usually … … . his homework until midnight.


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A. is doing B. did C. does D. has done

22. She … … … ... me to do my work when we were at university.

A. used to help B. is used to helping

C. uses D. was helped

23. The sun … … … ... in the east and … … … ... in the west.

A. rises / setting B.rose / set

C. rises / sets D. is rising / sets

24. He … … … ... his report before he went home.

A. had finished B. has finished

C. was finishing D. was finished

25. When I came to the station, the train … … … ...

A. has gone B. had gone C. is going D. goes

26. Did you see Peter when you … … … ... on the way to work?

A. were B. are C. have been D. will be

27. When I met her, she … … … ... to her boyfriend.

A. is talking B.talks C. talked D. was talking

28. At this time tomorrow, we … … … ... our test.

A. will be doing B. will do

C. are doing D. have done

29. I will phone you as soon as I … … … ... at the airport.

A. will arrive B. have arrived

C. are arriving D. arrive

30. She … … … ... her exercises at the moment.

A. is doing B. does C. did D.will do

31. I have lived here since I … … … ...

A. am born B. born C. was born D. will be born

32. I don’t understand what he … … … ...

A. has just said B. is said

C. will be said D. say


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33. Don’t worry! I … … … ... this for you.

A. will do B. am done C. was doing D. do.

34. You … … … ... meet him now. He is working.

A. couldn’t B. will not C. can’t D. ought

35. If it rained now, I … … … ... here.

A. would stay B.will stay C. stayed D. were staying

36. We must have bought that house if we … … … ... enough money

last year.

A. had had B. would have C. had D. have had

37. Thank you for what you … … … ... so far.

A. have done B. did C. are doing D. was doing

38. Did you … … … ... in this company?

A. used to work B. worked

C. use to work D. use to working

39. They … … … ... with their classmates. Maybe they will come back

here at 3:00.

A. have just gone B. had gone

C. were going D. had been going

40. She never … … … ... coffee in the evening.

A. drinks B. is drinking C. will drink D. was drinkingUNIT 3: SUBJECT – VERB AGREEMENT

Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. We need to … … … ... the language in this report.

A. simplify B. simple

C. simply D. simplistic

2. In my opinion, her leaving early was very … … … ... thing to do.

A. children B. childish

C. childishly D. child

3. We could call the TV stations and … … … the opening of our new store.

A. publicity B. public


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C. publicize D. publisher

4. I like my work because I have the … … … ... to make my own decisions.

A. freed B. freely

C. freedom D. free

5. Our company believes it is the best … … … ... to handle the account.

A. organizing B. organization

C. organizational D. organize

6. Most meetings are not as … … … ... as this one was.

A. Interested B. Interestingly

C. Interest D. Interesting

7. A doctor’s … … … ... manner makes patients feel comfortable.

A. friendship B. friend

C. friendly D. friendliness

8. It was very … … … ... of the boss to buy us those nice gifts.

A. thoughtless B. thoughtful

C. thought D. thoughtfully

9. One of your duties will be something … … … ... typing.

A. light B. lightened

C. lighten D. lightness

10. She would like a … … … ... raise, not just a few dollars.

A. really B. realist

C. real D. reality

11. Your signature below will represent your … … … ... of this contract.

A. accepted B. acceptance

C. accept D. acceptable

12. The … … … . on who could be hire for that position did not seem legal.

A. restrictions B. restricted

C. restricting D. restricted

13. Employee … … … in this company will prove beneficial for everyone.


Page 100: Av3 Developing Handouts

A. invest B. invested

C. investment D. Investor

14. The contract call for a $1,000 ….. for every day we go over the deadline.

A. penalize B. penalty

C. penal D. penalization

15. The manager’s … … … ... for next year’s profit is very optimistic.

A. projection B. projector C. project D. projected

16. We have no other … … … ... if we want to expand the company safely.

A. optimal B. optimum C. opt D. option

17. I missed breakfast and lunch, so my….. right now is getting

something to eat.

A. priority B. prior C. Prioritize D. priors

18. The restaurant is due for an … … by the Health Department next week.

A inspection B. inspector C. inspect D. inspected

19. Our success is based completely on the … … … ... of our products.

A. rely B. reliable C. reliant D. Reliability

20. The low profits we’ve had over the last two quarters are due to the

bad … … … ...

A. economics B. economize

C. economic D. economy


Page 101: Av3 Developing Handouts


Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. If you cannot … … … . those accusations I want to hear no more about it.

A. substantial B. substance

C. substantiate D. substantially

2. Government experts … … … ...he stock market to do better in

the coming months.

A. expectable B. expect

C. expectation D. expectant

3. Do you… to increase employee benefits during the next open enrollment?

A. intend B. intent

C. intention D. intently

4. Whenever out-of-town clients visit us, we do our best to … … …. them.

A. entertainment B. entertaining

C. entertainer D. entertain

5. The auditors … … … ... that the bookkeepers send them figures

every two weeks.

A. preference B. preferable

C. preferential D. prefer

6. My boss’s wife loves to … … … ... antique bottles and jars.

A. collection B. collect

C. collectible D. collector

7. I dislike radios playing in the office because they … … … ... me while

I try to work.

A distraction B. distracter C. distract D. distracting

8. We would like to … … … that these bonuses are a one-time only thing.

A. emphasize B. emphatic C. emphasis D. emphatically

9. Management likes employees who … …. to participate in company event.

A. voluntary B. volunteerism

C. volunteer D. voluntarily


Page 102: Av3 Developing Handouts

10. By law, we must … … … ... how much federal income tax to

deduct from your pay.

A. calculable B. calculation

C. calculate D. calculator

11. When the messenger … … … ..., will you please give him this package?

A. will arrive B. arrives

C. arriving D. would arrive

12. The assistant to Ms. Brigham … …. more responsible in the last year.

A. is becoming B. has been becoming

C. has become D. becomes

13. The Paris branch of our bank … … … ... five years ago today.

A. opens B. has opened

C. opened D. was opening

14. The consultant … … … ... the results of his recommendations by the end of the month.

A. knows B. does know C. has known D. will know

15. My supervisor promises that I … … … ... a raise next year.

A. would get B. should get C will get D. get

16. After you … … … ... enough practice, it will be easy for you to do.

A. have had B. will have C. had D. are having

17. The boss … … … ... for those reports all morning.

A. is waiting B. waits

C. has been waiting D. will waiting

18. I … … … ... something very strange, like burning wires.

A. am smelling B. smell

C. smelling D. had smelled

19. You can take those files to the records room unless Kim …… it first.

A. does B. will do C. is doing D. had done

20. We … … … ... at that restaurant in a few months.

A. don’t eat B. won’t eat C. haven’t eaten D. didn’t eat


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Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. The plant … … … ... the window needs water.

A. by the time B. by

C. is by D. is

2. The people … … … ... next door aren’t very friendly.

A. are living B. live

C. living D. is living

3. Most of the programs … … … ... on TV aren’t very interesting.

A. show B. shows

C. shown D. are showing

4. The people … … … ... in this office are very helpful.

A. working B. is working

C. works D. work

5. The house … … … ... yesterday is extremely beautiful.

A. sells B. selling

C. sell D. sold

6. Neil Armstrong was the first person … … … ... on the moon.

A. has walked B. to walk

C. walks D. walks to

7. The fruit … … … ... in this area is really delicious.

A. grows B. grown C. is growing D. grow

8. That girl … … … ... in the corner looks lonely.

A. is sitting B. sat C. sitting D. sits

9. Ivan was the last person … … … ... at the party.

A. to arrive B. arrived C. arrives D. was arriving

10. With prices … … … at such a rapid rate, buyers should compare prices.

A. increase B. increases C. to increase D. increasing

11. Have you read the article … … … ... in The Women’s World yesterday?

A. print B. printing C. printed D. prints


Page 104: Av3 Developing Handouts

12. My assistant wasn’t able to get his check … … … ... because the

bank was closed.

A. cash B. cashed

C. cashing D. cashes

13. Our company wants its customers … … … ...

A. satisfies B. satisfying

C. satisfied D. satisfy

14. Before the prime minister arrived, the police ordered the area … … ...

A. clear B. cleared

C. clearing D. be clear

15. With some effort, Ms. Manson got her schedule … … … ...

A. to change B. change

C. changed D. changing

16. The architects want all the hallways … … … ...

A. widen B. widening

C. to widen D. widened

17. Mr. Hao was able to get the envelopes … … … ... before the

mail carrier arrived.

A. were addressed B. addressed

C. were addressing D. being addressed

18. No … … than three banks were forced to close their doors this last year.

A. fewer B. lesser

C. less D. lower

19. It is better to change the benefits program … … … ... last month.

A. was proposed B. being proposed

C. proposing D. proposed

20. The … … … ... report will be published next Monday.

A. selling B. sell

C. sales D. sold


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Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. The wildlife preservation is … … … ... tourist attraction in the city.

A. as popular as B. more popular than

C. most popular D. the most popular

2. The final report on the project needs to be completed … … … ... possible.

A. as quickly as B. quickly as

C. quickly than D. more quickly

3. Television advertising costs … … … ... print advertising.

A. most than B. as much

C. more as D. more than

4. The new design failed because it was not … … … ... the original one.

A. as convenient as B. more convenient

C. convenient than D. most convenient

5. The copy machine was reduced to even … … … ... the sale price.

A. less than B. more than

C. as much as D. least as

6. Brenda is … … … ... her mother.

A. as tall as B. taller C. the tallest D. tall

7. Although most people are ….. than I am, they are not as healthy or wise.

A. wealth B. wealthy C. wealthily D. wealthier

8. Mrs. Choor has managed the department so well that she’ll be up for

a … … … ... promotion than she expected.

A. big B. bigger C. more D. most

9. An ounce is smaller … … … ... a pound.

A. these B. than C. that D. the

10. Electrical services will be restored more … … … ... if we call in

some of the part-timers.

A. quicker B. quickly C. quickest D. quick

11. Whereas the language barrier, in … … … ... times, was once an


Page 106: Av3 Developing Handouts

obstacle to trade, that is no longer the case.

A. earliness B. earlier

C. early on D. early to

12. The telephone lines of the United States are … … … ... than those

of any country in the world.

A. longer B. longest

C. long D. longs

13. The color illustrations included in the new edition of the book made

it … … … ... attractive

A. much more B. many more

C. that more D. the more

14. Had we monitored the profit trends, we could have predicted this

drop well … … … ...

A. sooner B. faster

C. in advance D. previous

15. … … . first-aid training is precautionary, often going unused in real life.

A. Less B. Many C. Few D. Much

16. We should have been at the office several hours … … … ...

A. earliest B. previous C. sooner D. past

17. The diamond is … … … ... durable than crystal.

A. most B. more C. many D. much

18. No … … than three banks were forced to close their doors this last year.

A. fewer B. lesser C. less D. lower

19. It is better to hold the vote … … … ... than later.

A. sooner B. soonest C. soon D. some soon

20. Rewiring the office to accommodate the new air conditioning units

was … … … ... as expensive as the units themselves.

A. just B. quite C. moreover D. same


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Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. Nobody … … … ... hungry.

A. are B. aren't C. isn't D. is

2. No matter … … … ..., you must keep trying.

A. how difficult does it seem

B. however seems it difficult

C. how difficult it seems

D. however it seems difficult

3. The policeman warned the photographer ……. too near.

A. shouldn't come B. doesn't come

C. not to come D. don't come

4. "How many eggs have we got?" "… … … …"

A. There aren't some. B. Not too much.

C. They're no in the fridge. D. Not too many.

5. … … … … have the employees complained so much about

working conditions in the factory.

A. never B. ever C. soon D. forever

6. What's wrong with John? He … … … … use to be so sad.

A. never B. didn’t C. wasn’t D. isn’t

7. Unfortunately, neither Mr.Sachs … … … … Ms. Flynn will be able

to attend the awards anquet this evening.

A. but B. and C. nor D. either

8. To travel from England to Scotland you … … … … a passport.

A. mustn't have B. haven't got

C. needn't D. don't need

9. … … … … two people have the same fingerprints.

A. no B. none

C. not D. nothing


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10. The athelet accepted … … … … of the offers.

A. none B. never C. nobody D. nothing

11. I hope you know that you … … … come with me if you don't want to.

A. don't have to B. don't need

C. mustn't D. can't

12. Ever since they’ve discovered that little resort off the coast of Spain,

they … … … … anywhere else for vacation.

A. didn’t go B. weren’t going

C. went D. haven’t gone

13. There were … … advantage in stopping distribution of thhis product.

A. non B. neither C. not D. no

14. I don't like tea. Can I have … … … …?

A. anything other B. something other

C. something else D. other thing

15. Excuse me! Can't you see the doctor's notice? Do you mind not … …?

A. to smoke B. smoking

C. smoke D. be smoking

16. It's not raining … … … ….

A. some more B. no more C. more D. any more

17. When John arrived at the airport, he went right to the gate because

he did not have … … … … luggage to check.

A. any B. some C. nothing D. no

18. There was … … … … I could say.

A. any B. nothing C. everything D. anything

19. … … … … he leaves or I leave.

A. neither B. only C. unless D. either

20. Please … … … … photocopies of documents.

A. not to submit B. do not submit

C. no submit D. not submit


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Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. The reporter asked the old lady if she had spent … … … … on toys.

A. few money B. some moneys

C. any moneys D. any money

2. He can't go to see her tonight. He hasn't got … … … … time.

A. many B. a

C. some D. much

3. I brought my umbrella, but she forgot … … … ….

A. her B. hers

C. her's D. herself

4. She loves … … … … Hungarian music.

A. --- B. some of

C. the D. a

5. They never do … … … … homework.

A. there B. they're

C. they D. their

6. … … … … wanted to see you yesterday.

A. A friend of mine B. One of my friend

C. One my friend D. A friend of me

7. She will have … … … … free time from now on.

A. lot of B. no C. few D. many

8. It was past midnight, so there were … … … … people in the street.

A. few B. any C. a few D. less

9. This young man can get along not only with girls, but also with … …

… … parents.

A. they're B. their C. theirs D. their's

10. … … … … is often made of wood.

A. Items of furniture B. Furniture

C. A piece of furnitures D. Furnitures


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11. By using the new safety equipment, … … … … industrial accidents

can be prevented.

A. many B. much C. a lot D. every

12. Among the Iroquois, everyone prepared … … … … carefully for

the gathering ceremonies.

A. herself B. themselves

C. ourselves D. himself

13. I still have … … … … time to spare.

A. much B. a bit C. some D. any

14. Human beings, as distinct from … … … … animals, can think

for themselves.

A. another B. other C. others D. the others

15. The travel agent gave me … … … … useful information.

A. a B. one C. the D. some

16. Our host family always invites my roommate and … … … … to

their house on Sundays.

A. me B. my C. I D. Mine

17. I am glad so many people have passed the test. In fact, there were … …

… … who haven't.

A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

18. It was raining … … … … so we couldn't go out

A. every days B. all day

C. all the day D. all days

19. "There are … … … … leftovers for you in the fridge", she cried out.

A. few B. a few

C. little D. a little

20. That decision of … … … … to repaint the house now was a very

smart one.

A. your B. you

C. yourself D. yours


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Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. This book is … … … … accurate guide to popular parks on … … …

west coast.

A. a, an B. a, the C. an, the D. an, ---

2. The contractor will give us … … … … estimate of … … … … cost

of renovating our house.

A. an, --- B. an, the C. an, a D. a, an

3. I'd like to buy … … … … book for my aunt because she likes … …

… … reading.

A. a, --- B. a, an C. a, the D. ---, the

4. Mr. Ho is … … manager of Sunrise Foods, … …...big company.

A. a, the B. ---, a C. the, the D. the, a

5. I play … … … … piano and enjoy listening to … … … … music.

A. a, an B. an, the C. the, --- D. the, the

6. This is … … … … lovely car but it is also … … … … most

expensive one on sale.

A. a, the B. a, an C. the, the D. ---, the

7. My sister and I love … … … … Western food but my brother

prefers local food.

A. a B. an C. the D. ---

8. Braille is … … … … alphabet for blind people consisting of … … … …

arrangement of raised dots.

A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a

9. … … … … oldest child in that family is … … … … talented musician.

A. An, a B. The, the C. The, a D. A, a

10. Neil Amrstrong was … … … … first man to step on … … … … moon.

A. a, --- B. the, --- C. a, the D. the, the

11. Several … … … … were injured in the accident.

A. man B. person C. crew D. people


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12. I left a few pieces of … … … … in my aunt's house after the holidays.

A. cloth B. cloths

C. clothes D. clothing

13. The … … … … served at the hospital was so terrible that the

patient refused it.

A. meals B. food

C. cakes D. dishes

14. I carried a small bag on board the plane as the rest of the … … … …

was checked in before the flight.

A. bag B. bags

C. luggage D. suitcases

15. When a stone hit the hive, a … … … … of bees flew out.

A. swarm B. group

C. cluster D. crowd

16. A … … … … of sheep grazed on the hillside.

A. herd B. flock

C. shoal D. troop

17. The pilot informed us that the … … … … would take an hour.

A. flight B. journey

C. trip D. voyage

18. Peter bought a bouquet of … … … … for my mother.

A. candy B. chocolates

C. flowers D. fruits

19. Salim was late for work because his car had a … … … …

A. break away B. break out

C. breakdown D. break-in

20. Abdullah received some unpleasant … … … … yesterday; his car

had been stolen.

A. news B. report

C. information D. knowledge


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Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. Sam is the boy … … … … shaved his head. He is completely bald now.

A. whose B. that

C. which D. O

2. The food … … … … she is buying looks healthy.

A. who B. whose

C. which D. where

3. A dishwasher is a machine … … … … washes dishes.

A. who B. whom

C. which D. O

4. The bat is the only mammal … … … … can fly.

A. who B. that

C. where D. O

5. Look! That's the singer … … … … mother is from my hometown.

A. whose B. who

C. that D. who’s

6. I don't like dogs … … … … jump on me.

A. whose B. that

C. whom D. O

7. I felt bad for the guy … … … … failed the exam. 

A. that B. which

C. whom D. O

8. Jasmine is a flower … … … … is white and very fragrent.

A. which B. who

C. whose D. O

9. They are filming the girl … … … … birthday is today.

A. whose B. that

C. who D. O


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10. There's the couple … … … … dancing you liked so much.

A. whose B. that

C. who D. O

11. I ate all the cake … … … … you gave me.

A. what B. that

C. when D. whom

12. My brother Tom … … … … hates fishing, will stay at home.

A. who B. whom

C. that D. which

13. A man … … … … name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday.

A. whom B. which

C. whose D. what

14. I put everything in my suitcase, … … … … is under my bed.

A. what B. who

C. that D. which

15. The teacher, … … … … every student is afraid of, is really very nice.

A. whose B. which

C. that D. whom

16. This is the town … … … … I was born.

A. that B. which

C. where D. when

17. Children … … … … eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth.

A. which B. what C. who D. whom

18. The girl … … … … pen you borrowed neds it not.

A. whose B. which C. that D. whom

19. Go and find the guests … … … … arrived here yesterday.

A. who B. whom C. which D. what

20. Look at the horses … … … … are drinking in the river.

A. who B. whom C. which D. what


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A – Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. "Are they good pianists?"

“Malee's a good pianist, … … … …”.

A. but Somsri isn't either B. and Somsri is either

C. but Somsri isn't too D. and Somsri is too

2. I'm going to the market but I can't think of … … … … to buy for dinner.

A. what B. where

C. which D. that

3. We both decided to do different things: he wrote a letter … … … … I listened to the radio.

A. because B. if

C. since D. while

4. Tom left his spectacles behind because he was … … … …

A. hurriedly B. hurry

C. to be hurried D. in a hurry

5. Chote isn't going to go, and Prasit isn't … … … …

A. either B. too C. as well D. also

6. Can you explain the difference … … … … these two words?

A. of B. from C. between D. to

7. She hasn’t arrived … … … …

A. only B. yet C. still D. soon

8. They studied in California … … … … six months.

A. on B. at C. for D. with

9. Let’s meet on the corner … … … … Gate Street and Charles Way.

A. of B. for C. over D. from

10. I can buy a new car now … … … … I have enough money.

A. but B. because C. before D. between

11. Write your name … … … … this paper.

A. at B. on


Page 116: Av3 Developing Handouts

C. over D. between

12. Melody … … … … reads three or more books a week.

A. yet B. ever

C. often D. until

13. The … … … … train to the airport leaves in seven minutes.

A. next B. after

C. soon D. near

14. You can swim, fish, … … … … camp at the park.

A. but B. neither

C. and D. either

15. Please put those boxes … … … … the bed.

A. down B. under

C. low D. fall

16. A pound … … … … meat is equal to 2.2 kilos.

A. of B. with

C. for D. on

17. Eat three servings of fruits and vegetables … … … … day.

A. every B. no

C. only D. several

18. We … … … … need $25.

A. yet B. still

C. ever D. while

19. It hasn’t stopped raining … … … … three weeks.

A. for B. with

C. on D. under

20. Biology is a common subject for students …… want to study medicine.

A. whose B. who

C. when D. where

B – Incomplete sentences

Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences


Page 117: Av3 Developing Handouts

1. The flight was delayed … … … … bad weather.

A. respond to B. about

C. because of D. due

2. Guests may select a single room ….. a suite with a bedroom and office.

A. but B. and

C. or D. nor

3. Ms. Quistorf felt hungry … … … … there was nothing at the snack

bar she wanted to eat.

A. only B. or

C. nor D. but

4. … … … … her vacation she toured every museum in the city.

A. During B. While

C. Because D. Although

5. … … … … I am tired, I will work late tonight.

A. Or B. Even though

C. Because D. So that

6. You’ll find the papers … … … … the file cabinet on the left.

A. at B. of C. out D. in

7. The radio advertisement will start airing … … … … Friday.

A. of B. in C. on D. at

8. A subsidiary has entered … … … … a partnership arrangement

with another company.

A. in B. to C. into D. for

9. The flight arrives … … … … Rome in two hours.

A. at B. to C. for D. in

10. The air-conditioning systems need to be serviced … … … …

A. annually B. rarely

C. usually D. seldom

11. The secretary typed up the monthly report, but it … … isn’t correct.

A. still B. anymore


Page 118: Av3 Developing Handouts

C. already D. yet

12. E-mail cannot be sent … … … … the network is operational.

A. since B. until

C. when D. that

13. I’ve got a meeting … … … … Thursday afternoon.

A. at B. in

C. on D. to

14. We’ve lived in this flat … … … … five years.

A. ago B. already

C. for D. since

15. You can see the details … … … … the computer screen.

A. at B. by

C. in D. on

16. We are travelling overnight … .we want to get there early tomorrow.

A. because B. but

C. and D. though

17. The weather report predicts that it will rain … … … become colder.

A. neither B. nor

C. and D. either

18. Several trees fell down last night … … … … the strong wind.

A. because B. because of

C. since D. so

19. When the weather is good, more people will travel … … … … bike.

A. by B. in

C. on D. at

20. At this time tomorrow … … … … over the Atlantic.

A. we flying B. we’ll be flying

C. we’ll fly D. we to fly


Page 119: Av3 Developing Handouts


Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentences

1. "John, do you have a passport?" – "No, but I wish I … … … … one."

A. can have B. had C. have D. having

2. "Did you enjoy the show last night?" – "Yes, but I wish I … … a cold."

A. hadn't had B. wouldn't have

C. didn't have D. hadn't

3. … … … … you agree, nothing can be arranged.

A. Because B. Lest

C. Without D. Unless

4. If he had not given me advice, I … … … … again.

A. wouldn't fail B. would have failed

C. would be failed D. would fail

5. She wants to know if we have … … … … extra copies.

A. a few B. the few

C. not many D. a little

6. You ought to be insured now … … … … you’re married.

A. unless B. that

C. because of D. though

7. Tom left his spectacles behind because he was … … … …

A. hurriedly B. hurry

C. to be hurried D. in a hurry

8. If Mr. Hu does not arrive soon, we … … … … without him.

A. left B. is leaving C. will leave D. had left

9. I’ll be home for dinner unless the boss … … me to work overtime.

A. will ask B. is asking C. asks D. asked

10. Their marriage wouldn’t be so good if they … … … … so well

with each other.

A. communicated B. didn’t communicate

C. don’t communicate D. communicate


Page 120: Av3 Developing Handouts

11. If … … … … my passport, I’ll be in trouble.

A. I lose B. I’ll lose C. I lost D. I would lose

12. … … … … is the biggest city in Brazil, it is not the capital.

A. Although Saõo Paolo B. If Saõo Paolo

C. Saõo Paolo, which D. Saõo Paolo

13. I wish I … … … … the answer to your question.

A. would know B. knew

C. know D. have known

14. … … … … the plumber could repair the toilet, he still would not do it.

A. Therefore B. However

C. So D. Even if

15. … … … … his joining the group late, his manager is confident that

he will fit right in.

A. Even though B. Despite

C. If D. However

16. I filed my report last week, but now I wish I … … … …

A. have waited B. waited

C. had waited D. wait

17. The doctors will go home after they … … … … their rounds.

A. will finish B. will have finished

C. are finishing D. finish

18. If Fujikin, Inc., … … … … more available capital, they‘d have

expanded their European operations.

A. has B. had had C. were having D. has had

19. … … … … the patient's condition get worse, the nurse will call

in an internist.

A. Might B. Unless C. Should D. As if

20. If Dr. Puri did not like jazz, he … … … … to it so much.

A. would not have listened B. would listen

C. would not listen D. would be listening


Page 121: Av3 Developing Handouts

SESSION 3 – ANSWER KEYUNIT 11. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C11. D 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. C21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. A31. D 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. B 40. A

UNIT 21. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. D21. C 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. A31. C 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. A 36. A 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. A

UNIT 31. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. C11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. D

UNIT 41. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C

UNIT 51. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C

UNIT 61. D 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. A

UNIT 71. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. A11. A 12. D 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. B

UNIT 81. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. D

UNIT 91. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A


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UNIT 101. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C

UNIT 11A –1. D 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. BB –1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A11. A 12. B 13. C 14.C 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. B

UNIT 121. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. C11. A 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. C

--- The End ---