autumn community groups... · jesus storybook bible, sally lloyd-jones, £10 jesus storybook bible...

Issue 3 Autumn 2016 COMMUNITY groups have started up again at St. Clements. In this short article I want to briefly explain why we have them, what they are and how you can get involved in one. When we become Christians Jesus Christ brings us into relationship with God. He becomes our father. We become his children. Jesus Christ also brings us into relationship with other Christians. We become part of a new Reverend's ramblings community. Growth in the Christian life can only happen as we develop encouraging relationships in this new community. The aim of community groups at St Clement’s is to build community and provide pastoral care that will help us all to grow as Christians as we serve one another with the gifts God has given us. We aim to meet once a week in groups of 5-15 people either at church or in homes. When we meet we seek to develop a community where we can experience the presence and life transforming power of Jesus Christ. This happens as we worship, pray, study the Bible, share our lives and reach out to others. My desire for us at St. Clement’s is that we would all lead full and active Christian lives by meeting with God daily, worshipping with God’s people weekly, actively participating in a community group, serving in a ministry area, offering our resources to God’s kingdom and by bringing new people into church. If you would like to join a community group please come and speak to me or you are welcome to come to mine on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm at church. INSIDE COMMUNITY GROUPS "Growth in the Christian life can only happen as we develop encouraging relationships in this new community." A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE DO you recognise where this old picture was taken? It was 1964 and the Vernons Price Down Store has since changed hands. All of the buildings to the left have been demolished, with one exception. Have you guessed it? Pic courtesy of Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council Autumn Reading Family news Romans Local news

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Page 1: Autumn COMMUNITY GROUPS... · Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, £10 Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent children’s Bible for children….and adults too! It tells the

Issue 3 Autumn 2016

COMMUNITY groups have started up again at St. Clements. In this short article I want to briefly explain why we have them, what they are and how you can get involved in one. When we become Christians Jesus Christ brings us into relationship with God. He becomes our father. We become his children. Jesus Christ also brings us into relationship with other Christians. We become part of a new

Reverend's ramblings

community. Growth in the Christian life can only happen as we develop encouraging relationships in this new community.

The aim of community groups at St Clement’s is to build community and provide pastoral care that will help us all to grow as Christians as we serve one another with the gifts God has given us. We aim to meet once a week in groups of 5-15 people either at church or in homes. When we meet we seek to develop a community where we can experience the presence and life transforming power of Jesus Christ. This happens as we worship, pray, study the Bible, share our lives and reach out to others. My desire for us at St. Clement’s is that we would all lead full and active Christian lives by meeting with God daily, worshipping with God’s people weekly, actively participating in a community group, serving in a ministry area, offering our resources to God’s kingdom and by bringing new people into church.

If you would like to join a community group please come and speak to me or you are welcome to come to mine on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm at church.




"Growth in the Christian life can only happen as we develop encouraging relationships in this new community."


DO you recognise where this old picture was taken? It was 1964 and the Vernons Price Down Store has since changed hands.

All of the buildings to the left have been demolished, with one exception. Have you guessed it?

Pic courtesy of Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council

Autumn Reading Family news Romans Local news

Page 2: Autumn COMMUNITY GROUPS... · Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, £10 Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent children’s Bible for children….and adults too! It tells the

Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, £10 Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent children’s Bible for children….and adults too! It tells the Story beneath all the stories in the Bible. At the centre of the Story is a baby, the child upon whom everything will depend. Every story whispers his name. The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to join in the greatest of all adventures, to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the centre of God’s great story of salvation – and at the centre of their Story too.

Knowing God, J. I. Packer, £7 For more than 30 years, J. I. Packer’s classic book Knowing God has revealed to well over a million readers the wonder, glory and the joy of knowing God. It continues to sell in tens of thousands to Christians around the world.

The Freedom of Self-forgetfulness, Tim Keller, £2 In this short and punchy book, best–selling author Timothy Keller, shows that gospel–humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from self–condemnation. A truly gospel–humble person is not a self–hating person or a self–loving person, but a self–forgetful person.

Recommended books



READING In each edition of Clementimes the aim is to review some books which we will sell on our church bookstall. Taking your time to slowly read a book about God over a month (or six months) is well worth it as it can really help to strengthen your faith in Him. Even if you are not much of a reader, please give it a go.


NEW homes are nearing completion at the East Avenue development that borders Ashton Old Road. And work has now started on another new housing development in the area - on Lees Street and Columbine Street. Watch this space....

Page 3: Autumn COMMUNITY GROUPS... · Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, £10 Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent children’s Bible for children….and adults too! It tells the

LOCAL pharmacist Kantilal Agravat has been crowned the best in the north of England. Known locally as Ken, the community pharmacist has been working at Pharmaco Chemists on Stanley Street for 34 years and was voted Regional Winner for Northern England in the 'I Love My Pharmacist' awards. Ken said: " I would like to thank everyone who voted for me from the bottom of my heart. My patients are my priority, and I would always urge them to come and see us, as we are always on hand to help no matter what their situation is.”

How can I trust that God is still good when bad things happen to me?

Why does God choose some people and not others? Is he unjust?

What is God’s ultimate purpose for me? Let’s pray that God uses this hugely exciting letter to transform us as a church, deepening not just our knowledge of him, but also our faith in him and love for him.


THE LETTER TO THE ROMANS THIS year in community groups we’re studying Paul’s letter to the Romans. It might seem a bit epic to spend a whole year going through one book! But listen to what Martin Luther said about it: ‘[Romans is] really the chief part of the New Testament…. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word by

heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day as the daily bread of the soul.’ There’s a challenge for us! Imagine if we’d all memorised Romans by next July! But why would this be so worthwhile? Why is it such an important book? Well, over the 16 chapters, Paul takes us through a systematic, gloriously rich defence of the gospel. He tackles questions such as:

How does Jesus’ death actually save me?

What about people who’ve never heard about Jesus?

When I sin, am I still saved?

Article by Anna Marsh

Page 4: Autumn COMMUNITY GROUPS... · Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, £10 Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent children’s Bible for children….and adults too! It tells the


St Clement’s Church Manchester, Ashton Old Road, Manchester, M11 1HF 0161 826 7587 Twitter: @stclementsMCR

FAMILY NEWS Congratulations to the newlywed Mr and Mrs Steventon! Phil and Becky got married on Saturday 20th August in Harrogate, and are now settling into life in Openshaw!

Dates for the Diary

Remembrance Sunday 10.30am, Sunday 13 November Community Carol Service 6,30pm, Sunday 11 December Commissioning Service for Shepherd Family 10.30am, Sunday 18 December Children's Nativity Service 4pm, Sunday 18 December Church weekend away 17-19 February 2017

New Baby Tabitha Shepherd was born a day early in the middle of July, weighing 7lbs 8oz. Labour was mercifully short and they just about made it to the hospital in time! Please feel free to come and have a cuddle.


Baby Godwin Munachimso was born 22 September. Congratulations to parents Godwin and Vivienne!

Wendy's award: on display in the church lounge THE church building has been receiving some TLC

recently. You may have noticed the more obvious changes such as the redeveloped church office and glass panelled entrance doors. But thanks to Keith Worsfold (known locally as 'SpiderKeith'), there have been some major painting projects taking place too - including external doors, gutters and the office to name a few. >UPDATE...... an action team involving PCC members has been set-up to look at options for refurbishing and soundproofing the upper room.

Church Property Update