autopilot fa q

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  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    Forex Autopilot Package includes:

    1. ForexAutopilot Expert Advisor

    2. NFP Bonus Expert Advisor

    3. Ultra Trend Indicator

    . Advanced Forex Trading E!ook

    Eac" Advisor is uni#ue trading ro!ot $expert% t"at &onitors t"e

    &arket situation 2 "ours'da( and &akes trades )or (ou* +ust keep

    (our ,etatrader on all t"e ti&e even i) (ou are a-a( or asleep*

    o!ots -ill do all t"e -ork )or (ou to !ring (ou good pro)its*

    Forex ,arket is open / da(s a -eek. No trades on -eekends.

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    Eas( steps "o- to setup and run advisors


    Unzip the files from ForexAutopilot ZIP archive and place all advisors

    (files *.ex like ForexAutoPilot.ex! into 'experts folder of "our#etatrader director".

    Usuall( c:Progra&Files,etatraderexperts or

    or :Progra&FilesForexTrader.,etaExperts$he path can differ dependin% of "our &roker.

    4no-n 5uestions and Pro!le&s:

    6on7t "ave 8in9ip'ou can donload free )inZip valuation +ersion http, to extract the Zip archive or /ust use free )indos0P-+ista zip service. 'ou can also use free )inA to unzip files,http,--.rarla&.com-

    6on7t "ave ,etatrader'ou can %et free #etatrader platform on ForexTe broker websiteWe recommend ForexTe broker with MTT (50 usd sinup bonus!

    8atc" ;ideo Tutorials:"#utopilot"$ideo/


    un ,etatraderplatform and open "our 2emo or eal account. )erecommend "ou to trade on 2emo until "ou feel confident ith thes"stems.

    'ou ill see the list of ForexAutopilot advisors under Navigatormenu inthe left,

    4no-n 5uestions and Pro!le&s:

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    8"( are t"e( s"o-n in gre(xpertso&ots are shon in %re" &ecause the" don3t have open source codes. $hat3s fine. It is

    not the pro&lem at all. $he" still ork fine if the" have smilin% face on ri%ht top of attached

    %raph. $emplate free #$ experts like 4#A52 6ample7 and 4#ovin% Avera%e7 are free

    samples ith open source that3s h" the" are shon in "ello.

    I un !ut t"e( do nots"o- up on t"e =navigator= list on t"e &eta plat)or&.

    $hat could &e the pro&lem if "ou have several metatraders installed on "our P5. 5heck if "ou

    copied them to correct folder of correct #$ cop"


    5lick on 8xpert Advisors9 &utton to activate advisors in #etatrader.

    5hoose the currenc" pair "ou ant to trade and open its chart indo ithprice candles.For example "ou ant to run ForexAutoPilot for UU62 #1 5hart.

    $hen drag and drop the advisor from 8:avi%ator9 menu to the chartindo.

    4no-n 5uestions and Pro!le&s:8"at Ti&eFra&e and urrenc( s"ould I c"oose

    Please read the descriptions and parameters of each A (ro&ot! in forexautopilot;ro&ots.pdf that

    %oes in packa%e. 'ou ill find recommendations a&out hat currencies to trade on and hat lotto use and examples of strate%" tests on historical data. For example ForexAutoPilot advisor

    orks &est on uroUsd #1.

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q



    After attachin% advisor to the chart "ou ill %et the )indo ith

    Advisoross? $ake Profit and other

    parameters in 8Inputs9 menu. 'ou can also load and save presetsthere.

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    Note: For &rokers ith @ di%it price uotes

    0o&e !rokers "ave / digit price #uotes $)or exa&ple 1.123@% If "our&roker uses @di%it price uotes (like Forexte &roker! then use takeprofitBCDD? $railin% stop B @DD

    and 6lipa%e B ED. If "our &roker uses di%it price uotes (like Alpari and Inter&ankFx! then use

    default settin%s.

    $hen click G to run the advisor=

    If "ou set the advisor correctl" "ou ill see his smilin% face in the top ri%htcorner of 5hart indo. $hat means that advisor is orkin% andmonitorin% the market no.

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    Note:most of the advisors don ust

    an C. I )ollo- t"e procedure !ut it still doesnt respond6milin% Face icon means that A orks correctl". If "ou don3t see smilin% face and see /ust then

    click on 4xpert Advisors7 &utton on top of metatrader menu. 6ee the Flash video on our


    8orking Advisors

    Advisors can onl" ork hen the connection to internet (in #etatrader!is esta&lished.

    8arning*'ou must ala"s keep "our #etatrader online and orkin% to

    let the advisors trade. If "ou close #etatrader advisors cant monitor thetrades and that could cause "ou possi&le losses of deposit.A%ain? Forex #arket is open @ da"s a eek. :o trades on eekends

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    e&oving advisor

    $o remove advisor /ust ri%ht click on its name or face in ri%ht top part of

    the chart and select 8xpert Advisors emove92on

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    8"at ti&e)ra&e and currenc( s"ould (ou c"oose

    $here are not strict rules here. 'ou can run expert advisors (ro&ots! on an"currenc" and timeframe. Hut e recommend usin% shorter timeframes.

    Feel free to experiment to find the timeframe that suits "ou &etter.Also please read the descriptions and parameters of each A (ro&ot! inforexautopilot;ro&ots.pdf that %oes in packa%e. 'ou ill findrecommendations a&out hat currencies to trade on and hat lot to use.

    6ome expertsro&ots ork onl" on specific timeframes and currencies. Forexample ForexAutopilot advisor orks &est on uroUsd on 1# timeframe.

    6o (ou need to &onitor t"e trades

    If "ou are too &us" "ou can leave the advisors trade themselves for "ou.$he" ill monitor the trades and close positions if needed.If "ou are interested in tradin% and plan to ad/ust parameters of advisors"ou can atch the trades and tr" to optimize parameters.

    8"ic" advisor is t"e !est one

    $here is no clear anser to this uestion. ver" advisor uses his onuniue s"stem of tradin%? each of them has its on stron% and eak points.)e recommend to run several advisors at the same time and test them on2emo to find out hat advisor orks &est for "ou=

    Do- to &ake !acktest on "istor(

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    $o perform &acktest "ou should attach the advisor to the chart in#etatrader and then press FL (6trate%" $ester!. $hen "ou should set theparameters? currenc"? timeframe and time period and then hit 4start7.

    Backtest on "istor( is per)ect !ut -"en I run advisor in

    realti&e I get !ad results. 8"at is t"e pro!le&

    $here could &e to possi&le pro&lems,1. 'our &roker conditions are incompita&le ith current expert advisor

    (most freuent pro&lem!. #a"&e "our &roker takes "our orders tooslol"? %ives &ad uotes or too hi%h spread or slippera%e. )erecommend "ou to tr" demo account ith another &roker

    C. 'ou run several advisors at the same time &ut the" are incompita&le itheach other. $r" to run them separatel".

    ?ist o) Brokers

    We recommend ForexTe broker with MT% (50 usd sinup bonus!

    Inter&ank F0. http,--.inter&ankfx.comAlpari >td. http,

    AP0 F0 $radin% http,--.apexfxtradin%.comHull $rend Hrokera%e http,--.&ulltrend&%.comFi&oMroup http, 2evelopment >>5. http,--.euroforex.netFinancial :etork )orldide >td. http,--.forexservice.netFin#arket >td. http, Mlo&al Investment >>5 http, >td. http,

    F0Pro >td. http,--.fxpro.comI5 +ector 6ecurities >td. http,

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    Inforex Introducin% Hroker http,--.inforex.or%Inte%ral Hank http, F0 http,--.inter&ankfx.comJa%uars Investment >>5 http,--./a%uarsinvestment.comJo" Financial Mroup http,--./o"f%.comG+H Gunlun :e Zealand >imited http,--.kv&>efco Hank http,>ivin%ston Investment Inc. http,--.m"trust& Financial (6! Pte >td http, Investments Mroup >>5 http,--.mi%invest.comrion Mlo&al Financial 6ervices http,--.orion&rokers.comPerformance Forex Mm&N http,--.eforexasia.comeal $rade >td. http,

    6$6 Finance 65 http,$eletrade 2.J. International 5onsultin% >td. http,$he 5ommercial Mroup http,$ Inc. http,--.tradefxdirect.comUkrsots&ank http,--forex.ukrsots& Hrokers >td. http,--.indsor&rokers.&iz0$rade 6p. z o.o. http,--.xtrade.&izF0Hest http,--.fx&

    #anFinancial http, investment http,--.sncinvestment.comF02irect2ealer http, http, http,--.northfinance.comhttp,,,

    http,,,,--.mone",;hand&ook.htmlA> $rade Inc. http, >td. http,--.alpari.or%-AP0 F0 $radin% http,

    Asian American Asset #ana%ement Inc. http, $rade >td. Forex 2ivision? Inc.

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    http, Mlo&al Invesment >>5.2unhill 6cott Inc.merald )orldide Noldin%s? Inc.uroForex 2evelopment >>5. http, http, >td. http, H6$ http,--.fx&est.ruForex Mlo&al Invesment >>5 http, >iveForex >td. (ForexUA! http,--.forexua.comFx5ompan" http,--.fxcompan".ru-F022 http,

    F0#56 >>5.F0pert >td.F0Pro >td. http, Financial :etork #ana%ment >td. http,--.%ci& #arket Mroup >>5. http,--.%lo& 5onsultin% 5orp. http,--.inforex.comInforex Introductin% Hroker http,--.inforex.or%-Inte%ra 5apital >td. (OQR IH 5#6!

    Inte%ral Hank http, F0 http,--.inter& Investment >>5 http,--./" Financial Mroup http,--./o" Investment (Japan! Inc.G+H Gunlun :e Zealand >imited http,--.kv&>arsonSNolz I$ >td. http,--.lh&>efcoForex http,

    #acau Molden Union :etork Investment Mroup >td.http, Financial (6! Pte >td http, Investments 6A http,>BC#illennium Finance Mroup#one"ain 5orporation http,--mone" nterprises >>P http, Finance >td. http,

    :orth)est Financial Hroker http,--.n&roker.rurion Mlo&al Financial >imited http,--.orion& Forex Mm&N http,

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    Pro Finance Mroup Inc. http, Hank Financial Mroupuantum Financial >imitedeal $rade http,--.realtrade.lvevenue 6ecurities >>56pacevision 6itzerland 6A http,--.spacevisionfx.ch6tarz $radin% 5orp.6trai%hthold Investment Mroup? Inc. http,--.liteforex.or%6$6 Finance 656"stemForex http,--s"stemforex.or%$etra&ourse http,--.t&unitrade.comtisforex$ok"o xchan%e 5o.? >td

    $radeF02irect? Inc. http,$rendoks Investment #arkets Mroup >>5. http,$"coon http,--.eurusd.ruUkrsots&ank http,--forex.ukrsots& 6ecurities >td. http, Hrokers >td.http,--.indsor&rokers.&iz-e&-cms-site-ru-index.html0$rade 6p. z o.o. http,--.xtrade.&iz-

    Alpari >td. http, )orld #arket http, F0 $radin% http, $rend Hrokera%e http,--.&ulltrend& http, 2evelopment >>5. http,$eam http, :etork )orldide >td. http,

    Fin#arket >td. http, Mlo&al Investment >>5 http, >td. http, >td. http, +ector 6ecurities >td. http, Introducin% Hroker http,--.inforex.or%-Inte%ral Hank http, F0 http,--.inter&

    Ja%uars Investment >>5 http,--./" Financial Mroup http,--./o" Gunlun :e Zealand >imited http,--.kv&

  • 8/13/2019 Autopilot Fa q


    #an Financial (6! Pte >td http, Investments Mroup >>5 http, Mlo&al Financial 6ervices http,--.orion& Forex Mm&N http, $rade >td. http,$6 Finance 65 http,$eletrade 2.J. International 5onsultin% >td. http,$he 5ommercial Mroup http,$ Inc. http, http,--forex.ukrsots& Hrokers >td. http,--.indsor&rokers.&iz-0$rade 6p. z o.o. http,--.xtrade.&iz-F0Hest http,--.fx&

    #anFinancial http, investment http, Financial http,"-F02irect2ealer http, http, Finance >td http," 5apital Inc http,--.&