autonomic nervous system - pharmacology


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Post on 07-May-2015



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uploaded by Morteza EsmaeiliManila Central University


Page 1: Autonomic nervous system - pharmacology


Page 2: Autonomic nervous system - pharmacology

Autonomic Nervous System(Visceral Efferent Nervous SYSTEM)

Involuntary Efferent( motor fibers) Preganglionic and Postganglionic neurons Effectors: smooth muscles, cardiac muscle,


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Autonomic Nervous System

CNS Sympathetic } smooth muscle preganlionic postganglionic effector } cardiac muscle

●---------------- ●---------------------- Ο ↓ ↓ acetylcholine norepinephrine

adrenal preganglionic gland ●------------------------ Ο → epinephrine ↓ acetylcholine

Parasympathetic preganglionic postganglionic effector ●-------------------- ●---------------------- Ο ↓ ↓ acetylcholine acetylcholione

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a. Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar )-

* 1st thoracic vertebrae extending through the 2nd and 3rd


* fight and flight division

* Epinephrine and Nor epinephrine

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b. Parasympathetic (Cranio-Sacral)

* Nuclei of the 3rd, 7th, and 10th cranial

nerve and 1 to the 4th sacral spinal


* acetycholine

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Pharmacology of the parasympathetic division

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Pharmacology of the Parasympathetic Division

I. Cholinergic agonist (Parasympathomimetic)

a. Choline esters: acetylcholine chloride methacholine chloride

bethanecol chloride

carbachol chloride

b. Alkaloids: Muscarine,

Pilocarpine- miotic in glaucoma

increase salivation

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II. Cholinesterase inhibitorsa. Slowly reversible neostigmine ( drug of choice for myasthenia gravis)

physostigmine b. Rapidly reversible: Edrophonuim

c. Non Reversible: chemical warfare and insecticides

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III. Cholinergic blocking drugs (parasympathomimetic) a. Naturally occurring alkaloids: 1. Atropine * Atropine sulfate, 0.5-1mg 1-2 hours before dental procedure

* antisialogogue * mydriasis, antispasmodic, decrease gastric and

salivary flow 2. Scopolamine

* Scopolamine Hydrobromide, 0.3- 0.6mg* pre-anesthetic

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b. Synthetic anticholonergic

* propantheline bromide (Pro-Banthine)

* aid in ulcer therapy

Side effects: blurred vision, tachycardia sweating and

dry skin

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Pharmacology of the Sympathetic Division

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I. Adrenergic Agonist (Sympathomimetic)

a. Epinephrine hydrochloride

( adrenaline)• Cardiac stimulant• Alpha and beta stimulating ( vessels of skin,

mucous membrane, kidney- vasoconstriction• Smooth muscles of the bronchi- vasodilation

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* topical solution (1:1000) –gingival retraction, hemostatic agent

* drug of choice for acute anaphylaxis

and asthmatic attack

(0.2-0.5 ml: 1:100,000 aqueous solution)

* Vasoconstrictor in local anesthesia

(1: 50, 000, 1:100, 000)

* Used in caution: elderly, CV disease,

hypertension, hyperthyroidism

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b. Nor epinehrine

* alpha stimulating

* hypotension in shock

c. Isoproterenol ( Isuprel)

* beta stimulating

* cardiac stimulant

* primary used in the treatment of

asthma and heart problem

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d. Dopamine

* alpha and beta

* shock associated with sepsis and myocardial etiology

e. Ephedrine

* alpha and beta

* intranasal solution for localized decongestive effect

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Synthetic adrenergic drugs

Phenylephrine- nasal decongestant Terbutaline- bronchodilator Dextroamphetamine sulfate- narcolepsy,

attention deficient disorder

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Adrenergic Blocking drugs(sympatholytic)

a. Alpha blockers

prazosin (Minipress)

b. Beta blockers

1. selective B1 (cardioselective

i. acetabutalol ( Sectral)

ii. Atenolol ( Tenormin)

iii. Metroprolol (Lopressor)

2. non selective

i. propranolol (Inderal)

ii. timolol ( Blocadren)

iii pindolol ( Visken)

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C. Neuronal blocker

D. Ganglionic blocker

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Heterogeneous group of compound that produce various degree of stimulation depending on the compound, the dose and occasion and use

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I. Analeptics and Respiratory stimulants

a. Pentelynetetrazol (Metrazol)

b. Nikethamide( Coramine)

c. Doxapram (Dopram)

d. Picrotoxin

e. Strychine

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II. Xanthine Bases

(Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine)

pharmacologic effects:

CNS and Respiratory stimulants


cardiac stimulants


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A. Caffeine

□ most widely ingested CNS stimulants

□ insomia, nervousness, palpitation


□ Increase gastric secretion

□ habituation

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B. theophylline

+ ethylne diamide= aminophylline

severe cases of asthma

C. theobromine

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III. Sympathomimetic amide

A. Amphetamine and related drugs)

□ Wakefulness, alertness,

decrease fatigue

□ Increase ability to concentrate

□ Euphoric effect

□ Mood will be elevated

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Headache Hallucination Dysphoria Anorexia Psychotic episode

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B. Cocaine – local anesthetic

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I. hemostatics/ antihemorragic

II. Antibiotic

III. Antihistmine

IV. Analgesic, Antipyretic


V. Anesthetics

VI . Minor tranquilizer, sedative-hypnotic

sedative antihistamine




Pain, Fever Inflammation

