automating drupal deployment with drush make and features

Automating Drupal deployment with drush_make, installation profiles and features Presented by: Adrian Rollett & Adam Jensen Central Web Support University of North Texas Twitter: @acrollet @jazzslider

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Page 1: Automating Drupal Deployment with Drush Make and Features

Automating Drupal deployment with drush_make,

installation profiles and features

Presented by: Adrian Rollett & Adam Jensen

Central Web SupportUniversity of North Texas

Twitter: @acrollet @jazzslider

Page 2: Automating Drupal Deployment with Drush Make and Features

Who are we, anyway?

UNT Central Web Support office handles:Systems administrationWeb application developmentHosting services

UNT recently selected Drupal as the official campus CMSHave rolled out ≈300 instances of our custom Drupal distribution

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What's in it for me?

Image by flickr user atlanticlost

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Dynamic web apps without Drupal

Functionality lives in codeContent lives in the database

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Dynamic web apps with Drupal

Functionality lives mostly in code, but what about…Content types?Views?Dependencies?

How do you…Use version control?Package it up for redistribution?Deploy it elsewhere?

One common solution: put database dumps in version control!

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Versioning database dumps is kind of like making a photocopy of a pig: messy, difficult and time-consuming

Original photos by flickr users sugarmtnfarm and binglib

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So what then?

Functionality should still live in code if possible, but why?

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Less Clicking: make your changes in code, not with a mouse

Image from

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Easy automation of deployment

Original image by flickr user jasoneppink

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The Features module (currently beta3) allows you to export sets of functionality (photo albums, blogs, calendars, etc.) as "features"Features are modules, but at a higher level of abstractionKey differences:

Code is generated, (usually) not written by handCollects functionality rather than creating itEasily enabled by lay people, and they don't have to look at the core modules page to do it

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What is a feature?

Features bring together all the little pieces that make up usable, fully-configured Drupal functionality.

Image from XKCD:

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What are the pieces?

Information about module dependenciesExported configurations for things like…

content types,views,menu items, andpretty much anything else that…

can be exported as code, andhas a machine-readable name.

Most importantly: features are modules, so all these pieces are defined in code. No database dumps to manage.

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For example…

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Making an event calendar the old way

Download calendar, cck, date, and views; enable several relevant modules from each project.Create an "Event" content type.Assign a date field to the Event content type.Clone the calendar view that comes with the calendar module.Modify the view such that it only shows Event nodes, and places them on the calendar using their date field.Go back over the end result to make sure you didn't miss a step.All told, ≈15 minutes. Not too bad, but…

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Making an event calendar with features

Do all that other stuff once.Create a new feature, making sure to specify…

The module dependenciesThe content type to exportThe view to export

Initial setup, ≈20 minutes. But then…

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Deploying a feature

Once you've built your feature, deploying to another site is simple:

Install the feature code as you would any other moduleMake sure that the dependent modules are thereVisit admin/build/features and enable it!

Time spent: ≈5 minutes, maybe less.

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Some advantages

As long as the module dependencies are there, you can now install this same feature on any site in virtually no time.Since everything is in code, it's…

versionable,packageable, anddeployable.

End users can turn it on and off without worrying about the nitty gritty configuration details.

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What it doesn't do

Some common needs that features can't handle yet on its own:

Exporting taxonomy vocabularies.

Exportables module can help with this

Exporting variables.Enabling blocks.Exporting nodes (not really within scope).Probably more things.

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How to deal with that

Features are modules. If necessary, you can add your own hook_enable() and hook_disable() code to ensure that everything is set up as it needs to be.Avoid changing any of the module.features.*.inc files. These can be overridden if you later re-export your feature, so stick to editing the .module and .info files.

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Features servers

Rather than uploading features modules to, you can set up your own server using the feature server module

Decentralized approach to distribution means you can have greater control over the processSee for more information

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What's next?

Features is great for discrete functionality, but what if you could do the same thing for your entire site?

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Drush: a quick review

Command-line interface for managing DrupalSome helpful commands:

drush dl {project}drush enable {module}drush disable {module}drush update {module}There's lots more; run drush by itself for a list of available commands

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What is drush_make?


Provides the equivalent of a make script for Drupal, using Drush.

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From the readme file:

Drush_make is an extension to drush that can create a ready-to-use drupal site, pulling sources from various locations.

It does this by parsing a flat text file (similar to a drupal .info file) and downloading the sources it describes.

In practical terms, this means that it is possible to distribute a complicated Drupal distribution (such as Development Seed's Managing News) as a single text file.

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What can drush_make do?

Download Drupal core, as well as contrib modules from themes and installation profiles.Check code out from CVS, SVN, git and bzr repositories.Download plain .tar.(gz) and .zip files (particularly useful for libraries that can not be distributed directly with drupal core or modules).Fetch and apply patches.

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What does a makefile look like?

It can be as simple as this:

$ sudo cat distro.buildcore = 6.xprojects[] = drupalprojects[cws_d6][type] = "profile"projects[cws_d6][download][type] = "svn"projects[cws_d6][download][url] = "file:///export/web/svn/drupal_install_profiles/trunk/cws_d6"projects[cws_d6][download][branch] = "trunk"

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$ drush make newProject information for drupal retrieved. drupal downloaded from downloaded from file:///export/web/svn/drupal_install_profiles/trunk/cws_d6.Project information for admin_menu retrieved. Project information for cck retrieved. Project information for cws_event_calendar retrieved. adminrole downloaded from patched with adminrole_exceptions.patch.cws_event_calendar downloaded from[...]/cws_event_calendar-6.x-1.0-beta4.tar.northtexas downloaded from file:///export/web/svn/cws/northtexas_theme.tinymce downloaded from[...]/

Here it is in action (truncated output):

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Wait a minute, how did drush_make know to grab all those other items?

If the installation profile you specify includes a make file, drush_make will automatically parse it.

That's the beauty of recursion!

Original photo by flickr user frangipani_photograph

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What can't drush_make do?

Configure the database settings and install drupal itself. (an installcore command has been added to drush, but works only with Drupal 7)Make changes to an existing drupal installation.Configure or enable modules, set variables, etc.drush make coffee not implemented at this time

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Can't I do the same stuff with a shell script?

Yes, but there are several advantages:A drush_make make file is simply descriptive; tell it what dependencies your site needs, and it handles the process of retrieving themMake files are sharable, distributable, and guaranteed to work on any system that runs DrupalMake files also tend to be more succinct and human-readable than shell scripts (no need to know bash/python/ruby/etc.)It's a standard, public, open source tool instead of a custom solution

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Custom Drupal to Go: tying it all together with installation profiles

Original photo by flickr user dsnet

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If features provide all needed functionality, what use are installation profiles?

Original photos by flickr users albaum and texasrobo

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Installation profiles are the glue between drush_make and features

Installation profiles

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drush_make + features will give you this out of the box:


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What you see after logging in to an Open Atrium site for the first time

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Wait, aren't installation profiles bad???

The main problem holding back the full potential of installation profiles is the lack of a packaging tool for contributed modules.

-- Greg Knaddison (greggles)

Installation profiles have had a bad rap for some amount of time. Probably the chief complaint is the following:

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drush_make solves that problem!

Original image by flickr user dbgg1979

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Other drawbacks of installation profiles

You must know PHP and the Drupal APIsIf you're a developer, hopefully this doesn't scare you!the installation_profile_api module helps somewhat

They can be somewhat finicky to buildThey can only be run at install time.

anything you want to be able to enable and disable should be contained in a feature (or module update)

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What are installation profiles good for in the context of this presentation?

Enabling a custom themeDoing one-time setup tasks like

enable modules and featuresdownload and install translationsdisable unnecessary default functionality

Anything! *

* (perhaps not anything)

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Tips for building Installation Profiles

Start with the default profile, and modify it to your purposesThe open atrium installation profile is a nice exampleAlways look for an install_profile_api helper function firstThe name of your profile and the directory it's in should be the sameWhen debugging an install profile, you'll want php debug output to be onClear *all* caches at the end of your profile

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Thank you!

Adam Jensen @jazzslider

Adrian Rollett @acrollet

UNT Central Web Support