automatic aeration system specification writing tool

wn Diffused Aeration Specifications with SSI free SpecGen™ web tool

Upload: tomfrankel

Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

Write your own Diffused Aeration Specifications with SSI free SpecGen™ web tool in 5 minutes.Let’s learn how

Page 2: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

Do you struggle writing aeration system specs? Do you contact a vendor to request a design, and then approach the blower vendor for their proposal? If you like to work faster, we have a free tool for you.

SpecGen™ – your new automated aeration system specification tool available on the SSI Technology Portal at

Instructional VideoTime: 5 minutes

Page 3: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

1. Select units – US or Metric.

2. Click NEXT*note future additions will include retrievable designs and other tank types but for now the application is limited to aeration tanks and fixed grid systems.

Page 4: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

1. Select diffuser and perforation pattern.

2. Continue with support, anchorage, pipe, monitoring, and purge options.

3. Click NEXT

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1. Add additional named suppliers, if desired.

2. Choose a quality system, startup services, and warranty requirements.

3. Click NEXT

Page 6: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

1. Default spec section numbers are per CSI MasterFormat – 2016. You can change them if you like.

2. Add any additional related sections at the bottom. If you need more , you can type them onto the output document at the end.

3. Click NEXT

Page 7: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

1. Choose your tank shape, and continue to enter ambient temperature and wastewater temperature ranges. These values will be used to calculate submerged air temperatures.

2. One tank at a time, enter the number of zones. Input boxes will open in columns for each zone. Start entering dimensions. You will have an opportunity to add additional tanks when we scroll down.

3. In order to proceed, you need to fill in dimensions for each zone.

4. This page is continued so don’t click NEXT yet!

Page 8: Automatic Aeration System Specification Writing Tool

1. Once you enter SOR per zone, the green shaded cells will auto-populate with SSI design data. SSI CurveGen™ SOTE algorithms power this section.

2. In the “CONSTRAINTS” section below, adjust the airflow rates per diffuser and it will adjust the rest of the cells. We changed average airflow rate per diffuser to 1.0 in Zone3.

3. You may see red or yellow cells. This is the validation system at work. Pay attention to the warnings.

4. Click the red X to delete a zone. To delete a tank click Delete Tank. You can add a zone or a new tank as well.

5. Click NEXT

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1. Now you will see a summary. You can choose to receive your output as a Google Doc, or as a .DOCX file for Microsoft Word.

2. Once you make this selection, you will be asked to name your proposal and for an email address where to send a copy.


4. If you selected the .DOCX file, it will also download automatically and should be immediately available to open.

5. Open the file, do your final edits, contact SSI for review if you like, and you are ready to go to bid.

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