auto clave bricks

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  • 7/27/2019 Auto Clave Bricks



    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Autoclaved Building Material

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al



    1. Lime-silica bricks

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al


    Autoclaved buildinproducts

    1. Calcium silicate

    bricks (KS


    high compressive


    water absorption

    freezing resitance

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al



    2. AAC - AeratedAutoclaved Concrete


    ,blocks with high porevolume

    low compressive strength

    unique thermal properties

    acoustic insulation

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    1866: Method to cure sand and lime under steampressure was patented by Van Derburg in England

    Calcium Silicate


    1880: Further development and patent by Dr. WilhelmMichalis. He succeeded in producing a real artificialsandstone

    1894: Start of industrial production in Germany afterintroduction of the first rotation presses (originallydevelopped for production of cattle feed)


    1924 first technical standard published in Germany(DIN 106) for dimensions and size tolerances (2 mm),compressive strength (15 N/mm2),

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Production of

    Calcium Silikate

    Bricks1. Sand

    2. Sand mixture

    3. Lime (CaO)

    4. Mixer

    5. Reactor

    6. 2nd mixer

    7. Forming

    8. Hacking

    9. Autoclave

    10. Steam production

    11. Water supply

    12. Steam

    13. Storage

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    1879: foundation of "Yxhult StenhuggeriAktiebolag" in Kumla , Sweden, for mining of vast

    Calcium Silicate

    Brickslimestone deposit situated near the city of Yxhult

    Drastic shortage of energy in the 1st world war inSweden government raised the standards forthermal insulation

    1918: Swedish researchers start developing new

    History 1

    1923: Dr. Axel Ericsson, architect and researcher atStockholm University developed a procedure formanufacturing of AAC

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    1928: Karl August Carln, majority shareholder of"Yxhult Stenhuggeri Aktiebolag realized the potential

    Calcium Silicate

    Bricksof the new building material and acquired a license formanufacturing. He invested a large part of his assets toconvert the quarry to a production facility for AAC.

    1929: Start of industrial production of "YxhultsAnghrdade Gasbetong (= hardened aerated concreteof the city of Yxhult

    History 2

    Abreviation of "Yxhults Anghrdade Gasbetong toYtong

    1940: registration of the brand name Ytong theworlds first registered brand name for a building product

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al of

    Aerated Autoclaved


    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Mineral reaction

    Quartz + Lime + Waterform new mineralphases: CSH-phases

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Mineral reaction

    Reaction artners:

    Quartz + Lime + Waterform new mineralphases: CSH-phases

    Conditions in the

    170C 8 bar

    200C 16 bar

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Sand + CaO + H2O

    Mineral reaction in reactor

    2 2

    quartz into solution Ca(OH) 2 into solutionpH increases

    semi-cr stalline CSH 11-Tobermorite

    heating upin autoclave

    C/S>1.5 C/S=0.83

    semi-crystalline CSH incr. amount of withdecreasing C/S ratio 11-Tobermorite


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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Mineral reaction

    CSH- hases

    Soluble in hot HCl: 11-Tobermorite

    Soluble in cold HCl:


    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Mineral reaction

    -phases (Tobermorite)and etched quartzcrystal

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Mineral reaction

    Ex eriment of Peters /Iberg (1978) showedthe relative mobility ofthe two reactionpartners

    Silica moves towardsthe source of calcium

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Raw material


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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al



    Pure quartz-sand vssand from fluvioglacialdeposits

    Amount of quartz isnot critical

    impure sand can beused as raw material

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Pure raw material:Sand and CaO are combined from different sources

    Al ternat ive raw


    Do rocks and other material exist that have bothreaction partners already combined?

    Research project at University of Berne 1977 1986investigating: -Molasse Basin muds from gravel washeries carbonatous mudstones microstructure of autoclaved products from thesesources

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Al ternat ive raw


    Muds from gravelwasheries

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Al ternat ive raw


    Muds from gravelwasheries

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Al ternat ive raw


    Sandy mudstone

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Al ternat ive raw


    Clay-rich mudstone

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Preliminary study

    Exam le mudstones

    Analysis ofmineralogicalcomposition of 41mudstone samples

    Selection of 8representative samplesfor specimen fabrication

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Sampling of 40 80 kg directly from Molasse BasinSample treatment

    Drying at 110 C in the laboratory oven

    Jaw crusher size reduction and grinding to grain size

    of < 1 mm in laboratory grinder

    Pelletizing (with ideal diameter of 1 3 mm)

    Analysis of mineralogical composition of untreatedsamples (XRD)

    Activation of pelletized mudstone samples (after pre-study for ideal activation conditions)

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Analysis of mineralogical composition after activation

    Grinding of activated pellets to grain size of

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al



    monitored w ith

    autoclave XRD-


    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Manufacturing of


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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Density of blocksAnalysis of


    Compressive strength

    Tensile strength


    Water absorption


    Shrinkage and swelling

    Thermal conductivity

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Optical analysis

    Cast sample

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Optical analysis

    Thin section

    Pressed sample

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    SEM analysis

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    SEM analysis

    Polished sam les

    320 x

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    SEM analysis

    1250 x

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    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    SEM analysis

    Polished sam les

    5000 x

    App lied Mineralogy an d Non -Metal lic Resou rces II Auto claved B ui ldi ng Materi al

    Calcium silicate bricks can be manufactured fromConclusion

    ,and clay minerals

    Especially sandy mudstones which have not been of

    economical significance seem to be most suited

    This increases the volume of potential raw material forbrick manufacturing

    Pressed samples manufactured of sandy mudstonescompare well with industrial calcium silicate bricks

    2 patents resulted from the research program foralternative raw material for autoclaved building material