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Author: Kat Trimarco Category: Self-Help Print ISBN: 978-1-77302-563-6 Publisher: Tellwell Author Bio Book Bio Testimonials Target Audience Book Excerpt Interview Questions Story Ideas for Reporters Contact Author Media Kit

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Post on 07-Jun-2018




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A u t h o r : K a t T r i m a r c o C a t e g o r y : S e l f - H e l p Print ISBN: 978-1-77302-563-6 Publisher: Tellwell

Author Bio Book Bio Testimonials Target Audience Book Excerpt Interview Questions Story Ideas for Reporters Contact Author

Media Kit

Author Bio Kat Trimarco is an Inner Beauty Stylist who helps women accept, love, and express who they truly are. She helps them return home to their truth, radiance, and deepest hearts desires. Her path was forged from the experiences and circumstances of her personal journey, which continues to refine and expand as she grows deeper into herself. Kat is a Life Coach and Sex Coach who conducts private one-on-one coaching, hosts group workshops, writes blogs, films video blogs, and presents motivational talks from the platform. She currently resides in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with her little Yorkie and best bud, Milo, where she continues to further her education and understanding of fulfilled and authentic living.

Kat Trimarco

Self ApprovedTM: A guide to accepting, loving, and expressing the person you truly are, is an inspirational memoir and self-help book in which author, Kat Trimarco, takes the reader on a revelatory journey through her childhood and teenage years rippled with emotional abuse, self-sabotage, and unworthiness. This leads her down the path of her adult life, mirroring the lack of self-love and acceptance through co-dependent relationships, drug and alcohol abuse. These experiences left her stripped of all remnants of self-esteem, deeply wounding her sensitive spirit. This is the story of a seeker whose greatest gift in life’s dark moments is her quiet intelligence and her willingness to embody truth through rigorous self-examination. For it is in deconstructing her negative patterns that she rescues herself and triumphs by owning her truth. Stepping into a career as a Life Coach, Sex Coach and motivational speaker, Kat guides readers with a quiet authority and wisdom to unlock her Be Yourself BlueprintTM – seven processes to help you discover your true state of “Is-ness”. In doing so, you will be able to finally remove the layers and masks that have hindered you from expressing your most authentic self and move towards outwardly living who and what you feel like on the inside.

Book Bio

A u t h o r : K a t T r i m a r c o C a t e g o r y : S e l f - H e l p Print ISBN: 978-1-77302-563-6 Publisher: Tellwell


“As women we should feel the way we want to without any limiting beliefs holding us back. Working with Kat has enabled me to tap into this mindset and change my approach to how I want to live a life that feels as authentic to me in every way possible.”

- Jinnan

“Kat has helped me reconnect with my true self in a life situation that could have easily pulled me down stream. She truly inspires me to be more like ME and more like the authentic version of me. It’s so wonderful to be able to witness someone being brave enough to share their rawness and beauty with the world and it empowers me to be that beautiful version of myself.”

- Lena

“My self-esteem has improved greatly and I have found a stronger voice and advocate within myself as a result. My greater sense of empowerment feels wonderful and I can’t thank Kat enough!”

- Sonja


• those looking to improve their lives

• those wanting to be more self-confident

• those struggling with self-identity

• those who have a hard time fitting into

the traditional system of living

• those seeking deeper meaning in their lives

Target Audience


• learn self-acceptance

• learn to reframe life’s challenges/difficulties

into empowered meanings

• increase confidence

• increase feelings of peace

• learn self-expression

• learn how to following intuition and internal


From the Introduction

There’s a profound truth within you and it’s the only one you need to acknowledge… the truth of your authentic self, which is invariably hidden behind all the masks you’ve put on to protect yourself against this world. To be responsible to yourself and to acquire happiness you need to disassemble the ideas of who you thought you should become and to reveal who you really are and who you long to be. I believe we build identities and personas, based on the notions of what society, our families and friends expect us to be. They can be nice… they can make life more comfortable, but they aren’t real. No matter how much you convinced yourself, they don’t represent who we truly are. Most of us approach our lives in a counter-intuitive way. We build up our hopes and expectations of arriving at some final destination of fulfillment, happiness, success, love, and connection, but sometimes the path we take to get there is difficult and occasionally treacherous and exhausting. This is because we attempt to follow in the footsteps of others rather than forging our own specific and unique pathway towards our goals, desires, and dreams.


I wrote this book to help you, the seeker, to create and live a more fulfilled life that’s true to yourself, even if those around you think your dreams are crazy or unachievable. I assure it’s quite the opposite. I wrote this book to help you move beyond your current circumstances and personal behaviors that are inhibiting your growth and evolution. I wrote this book to help you live the life you want to live and are meant to live—the life you have the potential to live, but aren’t currently living. To help you return home to yourself no matter how many years or decades you may have been wandering. In this book you’ll learn how to reconnect yourself with Source, create a life that’s reflective of who you are, and be introduced to practical tools to implement into your life.

Book Excerpt

What makes your book different from other self-help books on the market today?


What inspired you to write Self ApprovedTM?


Who would benefit from reading Self ApprovedTM?


What does living a self-approved life mean?


Why is self-love so important?


What are people’s superpowers?


How does someone live authentically?


Why is “positive thinking” not the answer?


What are your thoughts on addictive behaviors?


Do you think fulfillment is possible for everyone?












Why is self-improvement a dying movement?

Why “Self ApprovedTM”?

What is the Be Yourself BlueprintTM?

How can people start to make a change in their life today?

Why is relationship with self so important?

How will self-approved living affect a person’s relationships?

What direction do you see the world moving towards?

What if I’ve never done any self-help work?

What if I’m not spiritual?

What are my next steps after reading the book?

Interview Questions

1. Flaws turned superpowers: What if everything you thought was wrong with you was actually what’s right with you? 2. Tired of “positive thinking”: Why caring about how you feel is more important than monitoring your thoughts. 3. Self-acceptance > Self-improvement: The self-improvement movement has people running in circles chasing an image that doesn’t exist. 4. Create your own definition of success: Why living a life that expresses your truest and most authentic self is the path to success. 5. Stop “shoulding” all over yourself: Who you “should” be vs. who you really are. 6. Self-love as a foundation: Self-love is the foundation on which every other relationship is built on. Without an understanding of one’s own identity, relationships can’t reach their full potential at best and suffer at their worst. 7. Is depression even real?: Or is it a byproduct of trying to fit into a mold of a life that doesn’t work for you? 8. The root of self-sabotage: When who you feel like on the inside doesn’t match who you feel like you should be on the outside. 9. The way of the new world: How to actually create a life of happiness and fulfillment. The old model just isn’t working anymore. 10. Internal living vs. External living: How to have the courage to follow the internal voice within.


Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-405-9212 Website: Facebook:

Instagram: @kat_trimarco

Connect with Kat Trimarco