australia 1900-1914

AUSTRALIA 1900-1914

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Australia 1900-1914CARLO MANALANG


Page 1: Australia 1900-1914



Page 2: Australia 1900-1914

It was cold, my hands shaking, a quick shiver passed down through the back of my spine. I ran as fast as I could to get to get to my Grandfather’s cozy cottage. Only a few steps away.

“Cya Benjamin!" Shouted Mum as she drove off with Dad in the sedan. “Bye Mummy, and Daddy”. I said, as waved to them goodbye.

“Oh hello there young lad !” Grandfather! I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. “There, there young lad, ouch! Me back is hurting again son.” “Take your old man in shall we?” whispering in a painful tone. Oh yes, yes Grandfather.

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“You want a cuppa young lad?” Ah, um, no thanks Grandfather. I turned on the tele, the reception wasn’t as good because the TV was an old television from back in the day.

“Oh bloody hell, that television” Grandfather said in an angry manner. “Why not instead story time?”

“Oh definitely Grandfather”, I replied. “Oh this will be a good one young lad, back in day in Australia, early 1900’s.” I sat back comfortably on the couch. Gulp, Gulp Grandfather took his last sips of cuppa. And from there he told me the story..

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“Well you know young lad, it all started in 1901”

“It was January 1st, when the six British colonies in Australia were officially declared a federation.” “Oh those good memories, the bands marching up Sydney’s street, with packs of people gathering in Sydney’s Centennial Park to witness the Earl of hope.”

“Which back in the day young lad, was Australia’s first Governor- General to take an oath to Federal Government.” “And most importantly, the first prime minister in Australia, Edward Barton.

Wow! That’s very fascinating grandfather tell me more! I shouted in excite.

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“You know what?” “Your very lucky to be living in this time of generation” whispered Grandfather.“Why is that?”

“Living conditions in Australia back in the 1900’s was bloody atrocious, streets were always filled with horse manure, mud, and dust.” “After a long period of time the filth on the street would form to worse, and come to an extent where plague and disease occurred.”“Yuck that makes me sick, why horse manure?”

“Well you see young lad, during that time cars weren't made yet, mainly only horses and electric trams were used.” “ But the thing is, horses were only used by the filthy rich, people.” “That’s the thing I hated the most.” “Walking everyday made me sick!”

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Hey ! Hey ! Stop there Grandfather, I need to go to the toilet. I quickly ran to the toilet and rushed urinating.“Wow, slow down there young lad, no need to run fella”

“Ah! Now I’ve refreshed my memory, the toilets reminded me of so much memories too!“HAHAHA really grandfather?” I was giggling non-stop.

“Yes, yes it has, I remember we didn't have proper toilets like we did back then, basically our toilet was lets not say installed but rather, find a damn hole, dig it up, and do your business.”

“Oh really?” “ That’s revolting, ewww!” “ So wait, what happened after you finished your business?”“Oh yeah, this is the really gross part, you simply dig dirt over again with dirt.”“Lets change the topic please?” “I think I’m going to vomit!”

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“Did you know young fella back in the day there was no what so ever washing machines?”“Its that so Grandfather?” “how would you expect to wash your clothes?”

“Well lets start from the beginning, first of all women during that time would always stay home, look after the children and continue doing the everyday household chores.” “ I remember, back in the day your beautiful grandmother would always care for your Mother.” “Washing, was her main chore in the household.

“Oh yes my Mother” I was still confused so I asked my Grandfather. “What was the method in washing clothes?”

“Ah he said yes the method!” “ Well basically your Grandmother would wash the clothes in a ‘copper’, which was heated over a warm fire to kill the bacteria.” “ Wooden sticks were used to stir it, and remove it from boiling water.

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“You know what young fella, just because you lived in Australia it didn't mean everyone had an average income or was wealthy. In the early 1900’s it all depended on the social class.

“ There were 3 main basic classes of European Australians.” “ Upper class, which obviously was the wealthy people, they owned businesses and large amounts of land.”

“Middle class, which are those who earned an income that was not very high but average (shop owners, self-employed with jobs)”

“And last of all the working class, which were people with very little money and not employed to a job.”

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“Every Sunday I remember we would always attended the Sabbath. Each store and factory in town would always be closed, because Sunday was the time we rested and went to Church.”

“Entertainment was very well known throughout that time, there would be live theatre productions, musical performances, live circuses and best of all dancing, the dancing was probably the best because I got to met the opposite sex, and have a good time.”

“ I had a big smile on my face, my Grandfather telling me about his early childhood experiences but not only that, but when Australia in the 1900’s ran.

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“Here, see that boy there, that’s me at the age of 8.” “I started major work when I was 9, because my Dad was a heavy drinker, every night he would come home drunk and have a long hang over, it put his job in risk and eventually got sacked.” “So most of the time I was out working, and replacing my income with my Dads. “ But unfortunately that was never the case, I didn't even earn a quarter of what my father earned.”

“Why at such a young age did they employ you for the job?” I asked.

“Well you see young lad, children were often used because of cheap labour, the owners would rather pay a small amount of money than a average adult wage.”

“You with me fella?”“ Yes I am, tell me more grandfather!”

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DING! DONG!The door bell rang continuously.

“Oh there young lad, nice timing, next time I shall continue more of the story eh?”“Ngaw..” I said as I ran to get the door.

It was Mum.She gave Grandfather a hug and kiss on the cheek.“Thank you very much Dad for looking after him” said Kate.“Oh ! Its getting late lets shift off shall we Benjamin?”“But mum !” “Grandfather was about to finish his story.”

“Next time sweetie we have to go, you have school tomorrow” Mum said in a high tone.“Ok then” I replied.“Bye Grandfather!”“Bye now young lad.”I gave him a hug and reminded him to tell me the rest of the story next time..

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