august compass issue


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S C O T T S D A L E B I B L E Compass

remember rejoice renew

remember rejoice renew

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S C O T T S D A L E B I B L E CompassF A L L 2 0 1 2

Table of Contents ___________________________Tanzania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SOMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Darryl DelHousaye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Worship Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 AWANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Scottsdale Bible: Cactus Campus . . . . . . . 15Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Bob & Annabelle Burns Interview . . . . . . . 20Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Spiritual Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Special Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Communications Director: Nicholas PalomoEditor: Bryan McAnally Publication Design: Michael OliverosProofing: Proofing MinistryPhotography: Photography Ministry

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Your pastor and friend,

Jamie Rasmussen

Dear Friends,

Over the summer, we spent a few weeks talking about the values of the church – sharing transformational Bible teaching, offering engaging worship, providing authentic community through small groups, and empowering people to partner in service-based outreach . These four cornerstone values exist and flourish because of a fifth, “unofficial” value – generosity.

Scottsdale Bible is indeed a generous church because we appreciate how generous God has been to us . Look at just some of what God has given out of His generous Spirit: He gave His Son so that you may have salvation in His name (John 3:16); He gives His Holy Spirit to guide you through life (Acts 5:32); He gives wisdom (James 1:5), grace (Eph. 4:7), a spirit of power and love and self control (2 Tim. 1:7). Truly, generosity is the silent, “behind-the-scenes” workhorse that fuels the ministry that God has accomplished through us .

Take a moment to consider some of the results of your generosity in Tanzania:•Wehavebuiltwellsand brought drinkable water to remote locations.

• Wehavebeenmovedwithcompassiontoprovidenumerousdental andmedicalclinicsthathavegivenvitalmedicalattentiontopeopledesperatelyinneed.

• Wehavebuilttwoprimaryschoolsthatprovide735children with solid Christian education, underwritten by many of you who have “adopted”thesechildrenandgivenmonthlysupport.

• Wehavesenthundredsofpeopleonmissionsthere,bringingthe gospelandreal-worldministryinthenameofJesus.

Since becoming your pastor, I have only seen your generous hearts grow increasingly more compassionate . Just this year alone, we have also seen mission teams impact the Dominican Republic, Wales, Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, Native American reservations in Arizona, and several other countries in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe . We also helped equip church leaders in Western Europe . Our goal to launch 50 missionteams during our 50th anniversary year is being fulfilled .

God alone knows all that will flourish from the seeds of generosity that are planted today . We expect God to grow up the children in Tanzania to become godly leaders of their communities in the years ahead . We ask God to bless our efforts to do nothing less than change the world through the power of transformed lives . Galatians 6:9 exhorts us, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Great opportunities are ahead of us . A great harvest is growing . Thank you for your generosity that reflects the great generosity of our loving Father!


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Learn what God is doing in Tanzania and hear

mission trip highlights from the six teams

that visited this year . Meet your Sponsor

Advocate, who coordinates sponsors with

children . Write your child a Christmas card .

A voluntary Christmas offering will be accepted.

Suggested amount is $25/child.

More details to follow.



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Thursday, October 18

Town Center|6:30–8:30pm


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od is transforming African villages, one child at a time . He is using Scottsdale Bible to impact Tanzania through child sponsorship, working in conjunction with our other Tanzania Project initiatives . These combined strategic

efforts are bringing vast improvements to the overall development and welfare of the communities of Mairowa and Kondoa .

When you sponsor a child, you impact every aspect of that child’s life. You bless the child, his or her family, and the entire village.

Money raised through child sponsorship helps to meet your sponsored child’s most basic needs: better health, better education, and better income opportunities . God is using your faithful support to make a difference . Our schools’ children are thriving in an environment where they are not only learning, but being fed and clothed . A dental clinic has been established and staffed with trained personnel . We have also developed an audio tape library for the Kondoa community to hear the the Old Testament in their own language .Scottsdale Bible members currently sponsor more than 560 children, but there are 175 more children in the schools who need sponsors . In January, 90 more children will join the program who desperately need sponsorship . If God is leading you to make a lasting impact with one or more of these precious children, we invite you to become a sponsor today!

Turn the page to learn more about the communities we are impacting, how to sponsor a child, and what you can do to partner with us in reaching Tanzanian families.


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The Communities & SchoolsMairowa Integrity School – A light in the darkness Set in a poor village with no central power, Mairowa Integrity School is literally a light in a dark place . The school, established by Scottsdale Bible in 2005, has a solar-powered system that provides its electricity and is the only lighted facility in this community of almost 20,000 . Mairowa’s Maasai people, nomadic herders by heritage, struggle to integrate their culture into the 21st century . They are slowly learning the value of permanent housing and sustainable living through farming and livestock . The Mairowa Integrity School provides a quality education, health care, fresh water and nutritious food to hundreds of sponsored children . Spiritually, the school is also a light in the lives of these people who typically practice animistic religion and spirit worship . Scottsdale Bible is reaching these families one child at a time .

Kondoa Integrity School – Opening doors to transform hearts This agricultural community is more developed than Mairowa . The residents have built shops, streets, municipal buildings and a hospital . Scottsdale Bible was invited by the local pastors who hope to reach this 97% Muslim community with Christ’s love through quality education and teaching in English . These pastors knew that by loving and teaching the children, we could open doors to relationships with parents and have opportunities to share the gospel . By surpassing the quality of education offered by the government schools, the Kondoa Integrity School has made a significant impact . In 2007, the President of Tanzania visited the school and de-clared it to be a model of education for the country .

The Urgency Currently, 735 children are enrolled in our schools . Of these students, 175 still need sponsors . In Janu-ary 2013, 90 more children are scheduled to join the schools . Without committed sponsors, some of these children will have to be turned away . The need is great . These are extremely impov-erished communities, with children whose lives could be changed by access to nutritious food, healthcare, and quality education . Entire villages are impacted when their children are loved and valued . These families need to hear the message of Christ’s love and grace . We can reach them with our love, prayer and generous commitment .



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The OpportunityHow can you help? For only $35 per month, you can sponsor a child in one of our Tanzanian schools . Your child will receive the life-changing benefits of a quality education, nutritious meals, medical and dental care, and the chance to be part of a nurturing community . Most important, your child will learn about the Bible and Jesus’ love for them . History has shown that the children you sponsor will feel immeasurable joy and hope because of your investment in them . Your sponsorship shows them that someone from another country loves them, prays for them, and cares for them . Your life will be changed, too, knowing someone across the world has a bright future because of your love and sacrifice . Your child will receive opportunities most indigent children in African countries never see . You will not just be providing education and care for a vulnerable child; you will be impacting a community for generations to come .

Where does your money go? 100% of your monthly contribution goes directly to Tanzania . A minimal portion goes to paying the teachers and staff, but the vast majority pays directly for your child’s education, school supplies, uniform, healthcare and nutrition .

What is your role as a sponsor? Your child will know your name and you will play a significant role in his or her development . You will receive regular updates and prayer calendars to help you understand your child’s culture and needs . As you learn more and become a part of your child’s life, your view of God’s kingdom will expand . In addition to your regular monthly or an-nual support, we ask that you communicate with your child through occasional letters or colorful cards . Children and families eagerly anticipate receiving your notes because it tells them you care about their lives . You may also visit your child by joining a short-term mission team, giving you an unforgettable opportunity to experience his or her life and culture in person . Through your sponsorship, you can make an eternal impact on a child and a family .




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fewweekspriortotheSummit,IrememberhearingJamiesaythatthe enrollment for the men’s retreat was about half full. He challenged any man thinking of going to hurry

andsignup.IhadthisclearsensethatIshould go. Though I didn’t know it at the time, I can now look back and know it was theHolySpiritspeakingtome.ButIwasrelatively new to Scottsdale Bible Church and mypastexperienceswithretreatsandchurchmade me a bit hesitant about going. So I did nothing.

A week before the Summit, I casually mentioned to my wife that I was thinking of going. Her reaction was utter shock. I believe Renee’sexactwordswere,“Youwanttogo?”I said I wasn’t really sure. I also didn’t know if wehadtheextramoneytospendonit,givenmyapprehensions.Shesaidshewouldchecktoseeiftherewereanyextraticketsavailable.Atfirsttheanswerwas“no,”butifanopeningbecame available, I could attend. Sure enough,thenextday,amancancelledandofferedhisspotfreetosomeonewhowantedit. Renee asked if I wanted it. My answer was “yes.”ThingsseemedtobehappeningandIjust couldn’t say no.

Before leaving on Friday, I told Renee that I may come home on Saturday if things got weird or I didn’t feel comfortable. Fortunately forme,thatneverhappened.Fromthefirstgathering on Friday night through Sunday morning, I had a terrific time. I haven’t felt this close to the Lord in a long time. I wish I couldpinpointtheoneeventortimethatwasmost meaningful, but the truth is, the whole experienceleftalastingimpressiononmyheart. I was able to connect with a few men who I didn’t know beforehand. As far as the worshipmusicwasconcerned,Icouldn’thelpbut laugh to myself, as I was one of those guyswhorarelysanginchurch.Yet,Ifoundmyself singing every song that weekend and continue to do so to this day. There wasn’t a lotofhoorahorover-the-top“groupwork”or“crazybonding,”whichmadethisweekendjust right. Through the retreat, God gave me an amazing chance to connect with Him and the other men of our church. I am so thankful I wenttothislife-changingevent.

- David Bickers

_______________________“Wondering whether

you should attend the Men’s Summit?

Join the club – that was me just last year!”



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had just moved to Phoenix and I immediately started attending Scottsdale Bible Church. I came here without friends or family but was excited for change and new beginnings . I heard about SOMA through a coworker and decided to check it out . Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with anybody until I attended their Fall Retreat at Lake Havasu . I wasn’t sure that I’d connect with anybody there either . God opened the door for me to attend and I stepped out by faith that this was His way for me to make new friends . And it was!I instantly met so many amazing people . We played games, talked, swam, wake-boarded and visited the London Bridge . I took part in Bible studies that helped me apply the Scriptures in fresh ways . It was an all-around great trip!Afterward, I began to attend SOMA regularly because I felt connected . A couple of my new friends and I also started a small group Bible study where we even grew closer together, which caused my relationship with Jesus to grow .Looking back, I never would have imagined that a simple retreat would have impacted me so much . I would have never dreamed that I would have this many great friendships in such a short amount of time . If you have the opportunity to go, take the chance to do it . You never know how God can use a simple retreat to grow your relationship with Him and others.

- Amy Farrugia


Scottsdale Bible young adults will be traveling to Lake Havasu for a timeofteaching,worship,skiing,swimming, games, and sightseeing (LondonBridge!).It’saperfectopportunitytomeetnewpeopleanddevelopChrist-centeredfriendships.

You can register at SOMA on Sunday nights at 6:30pm in the Venue or by calling 480.824.7229.

I “This was His way for me to make new friends.”

- Amy Farrugia


SOMA is the faith community for Scottsdale Bible’s single adults under the age of 30 . SOMA meets for worship on Sundays at the Venue at 6:30 pm.


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A Call to Honor Our Pastors

The Calling…While “Pastor Darryl” is a household name around Scottsdale Bible, many people don’t know the circumstances that God orchestrated to bring the DelHousaye family here in February, 1981 .“ I was not even looking!” Pastor Darryl said . “It was 1980, and I had been the senior pastor at First Baptist Church in San Lorenzo Valley, CA, since 1974 . The church was growing; I was content and truly blessed .”

Meanwhile, Scottsdale Bible was searching for their next senior pastor . Elders Ron Goble and Archie Wright acquired one of Pastor Darryl’s ser-mon tapes through John MacArthur’s ministry, where Darryl had served as junior high pastor for seven years . They were impressed by God to pursue this young pastor .“ Ron and Archie flew to California where we talked at length . They asked me to pray about the possibility of being Scottsdale Bible Church’s next senior pastor,” he said .

“ As a candidate, preaching my first message in the pulpit, I decided the last message in the Galatians series I was teaching at home would be beneficial . The message was over an hour long, 10 minutes into Sunday school hour . I left knowing they would never call me again . Surprisingly, they did call and even flew me back to Scottsdale . They told me my mes-sage was too long, that I was too young and asked what made me think I could be pastor of Scottsdale Bible Church! I acknowledged my message was long . As far as my age, I told them to talk to my parents about that .

“ After that interview, I told my wife, Holly, not to worry; we would never hear from them again! Why had they flown me back to Arizona just to tell me how horrible I was? That was on a Tuesday, and the next day they called to officially ask me to be Scottsdale Bible’s senior pastor .

“ Scottsdale Bible Church had remarkable, mature elders . I was 31 years old and knew I had a lot to learn . Elders Ron Goble, Archie Wright and John Peterson were committed to the Lord and His church . As I served under these trusted spiritual fathers, I learned servant leadership .”

AAswecontinueour50th Anniversary celebration, Dr. Darryl DelHousaye reflectsonhis25-yeartenureas Scottsdale Bible Church’s fourth Senior Pastor.

As Scripture calls us to remember our leaders, we honor the six senior pastors God called to faithfully teach His Word at Scottsdale Bible for the last half-century .

Throughout 2012, each publication of The Compass features an interview with one of Scottsdale Bible’s six senior pastors . As we profile the men God ordained to lead our church, we will learn about each pastor’s ten-ure; their victories, joys and challenges . We’ll look back at how God worked in the lives of these men and subsequently the church, their personal walk with the Lord, how He called them to minister, and how He led them to their present work for His Kingdom .

Over the course of the year, each pastor will return to Scottsdale Bible’s pulpit to teach on one of the seven churches from Revelation .

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith…for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.

-Hebrews 13:7, 17b

Darryl DelHousaye

remember rejoice renew

B.A., California State University NorthridgeM.Div., Talbot School of TheologyD.Min., Western Seminary Phoenix


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As Pastor Darryl led in partnership with mature elders, the congregation embraced the vision that God was giving to the church .“ From the beginning, Steve Barger reminded me that the heart of Scottsdale Bible was to be a redeeming community,” he said . “Come, Grow and Go was birthed from the idea that the church was a hospital where people came and found redemption, grew in their knowledge of God and went out to serve Him . The church is not a fortress . It is a force, constantly releasing people into ministry, and Scottsdale Bible has been blessed to have a ministry influence throughout Arizona .

“ For the church to grow, the people needed to realize that they needed to be the ones to make things happen . When God gave a member of the congregation a burden to serve and they came to me with an idea, I brought out a plastic egg from my desk drawer and said, ‘This is your egg; you hatch it!’ We equipped the people to do the ministry that God put on their heart .”

The Prayer Garden—Don’t Forget to Remember…Pastor Darryl’s long tenure reflects his deep appreciation for the many church members who generously contributed their lives’ efforts to the work of the church .“ We began the Prayer Garden and the Prayer Wall because I was so fearful we would forget all the wonderful saints in our church when they died . They were such dear fathers and mothers of the faith . The Prayer Garden was created for the purpose of remembering those who went before us .

“ While my upbeat Cajun personality allows me to laugh easily, I need to permit myself to be sober if I am going to be a good pastor . It reminds my soul of the sobriety and brevity of life . I nurture a pool of pain in my life because that pain moves me to relieve the pain of others .

“ During my first year as senior pastor, I led eight funeral services, seven for kids under 18 years old . That had a profound effect in my shepherding and on my heart . Every once in a while, I still go to Paradise Memorial where we buried a lot of those kids, and I have a good cry .”

Early is on time!As Scottsdale Bible grew in numbers, the campus offered greater op-portunities to reach more people . Greater opportunities meant more responsibility for everyone in the church . “ After we built the new worship center, we had three Sunday services . People were often late to services . Sometimes the service would begin, and only 30 people were there . I knew that at least 20 of them had to be there because they were on the payroll . I felt terrible that our wor-ship pastor, Ed Wilmington, had prepared such glorious worship, and no one was there . So I had a huge banner printed that read, ‘Early is on time!’ and hung it on the outside wall of the worship center facing the parking lot . On Sunday mornings, I went out to the parking lot five minutes before the service began, pointed to my watch and laughingly said, ‘Church starts in five minutes!’ Five minutes after the service began I’d say to those just walking in, ‘Hey, you are late!’ I truly did care about people being there in time for worship .”

Pastor Darryl DelHousaye served as senior pastor of Scottsdale Bible for 25 years before accepting his position as President of Phoenix Seminary in 2006 . He continues to lead the seminary while also enjoying preaching several times a year as our church’s Pastor Emeritus . God has used Pastor Darryl to instill within an entire generation of Scottsdale Bible families a genuine love for Jesus, a high value for God’s Word, and a sense of inclu-sion in God’s mission to the world .

Q: What were some significant milestones in your tenure?

A: We took a momentous step to build the new worship center, main offices and education building . It was the church’s first major fund raiser, and God’s people responded with enormous enthusiasm . Throughout the five years, God provided all the funds to pay off all of the buildings .

Another significant memory is the unity within our staff . We ministered to each other and it overflowed to everyone else . My focus was to help each ministry leader build a successful ministry . It was like pouring water into a glass with a ping pong ball in it . As the water poured into the glass, the ping pong ball rose to the top . Similarly, as each ministry grew, the church as a whole enjoyed success .

When I’m asked about the remarkable growth of Scottsdale Bible during that time, I reflect on advice given to me years ago to be concerned with the depth of your ministry, and let God take care of the breadth of your ministry . My focus was the health of the church because a healthy church will grow . A big church was never the goal but rather depth of ministry, shepherding and teaching . God apparently trusted us because He gave us healthy growth, and people came who wanted to serve, not just be served .

Q: How did God grow you while you were here?A: I’m a butcher’s kid! I never dreamt God could use

me to be a blessing to people, but I always believed God would use John MacArthur’s teaching in my life . What I wanted people to see through my teaching, counseling and interactions is the wisdom of God . I want to help people, through my own example, to live out James 1:25 and be doers of the Word . When people become doers of the Word, they will taste the sweetness of God’s blessing .

Q: How did God call you to Phoenix Seminary?A: In 1985, some of our local young men and women

wanted to go to seminary . Since we did not have one in Arizona, they went out of state . We soon realized that we were leaking spiritual leadership because these young people studied elsewhere and did not come back to Arizona . Several local pastors, myself included, decided to ask Dallas and Western Seminaries to bring an extension to Arizona which ultimately became Phoenix Seminary .

When Phoenix Seminary lost their president, I served as interim president while they created a presidential search team . After a three-month search, we still did not have a president . For me, Scottsdale Bible Church was like a beautiful daughter that everyone wants to marry, and Phoenix Seminary was like a pimple-faced teenage son that needed guidance and direction . I knew that God would bring someone wonderful, like Pastor Jamie Rasmussen, to pastor Scottsdale Bible, but that I needed to nurture and bring health to Phoenix Seminary .

Dr.DelHousayepastoredinCalifornia at Grace Community Church in Sun ValleyandFirstBaptistChurchinSanLorenzoValleybeforecomingtoArizonain1981.HeservedastheSeniorPastorofScottsdaleBibleChurchfor25years.Dr. DelHousaye is the author of Today for Eternity and the study notes for ActsintheNelsonNewKingJamesStudyBible.Heco-authoredAsk Pastor Darryl: Answers to 121 Frequently Asked Bible Questions, Servant Leadership: The Seven Distinctive Characteristics of a Leader, and The Personal Journal of Solomon: The Secrets of Kohelet. Darryl maintains a rigorous schedule of preachingandteachingbothlocallyandnationally.

Q & A with Darryl DelHousaye:


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n our recent mission triptoArgentina,myhomestay changed my life. After a wonderful day of ministry, my host mom and I

chatted together, using an Internet language translation service. She shared that she and my host dad were worried about their little boy having specialneeds.I shared about my family and how we dealwithspecialneeds.Iencouragedher that her child is a gift and will accomplishamazingthings,whetherhehasspecialneedsornot.I was shocked, realizing this is thereasonGodplacedmeinthisArgentinehome.Beforeourtrip,Ibelieved Satan’s lies that my testimony wasn’timpactful.Infact,Ibegantobelieve I didn’t really have a testimony. MyprayerleavingtheU.S.wasthatGod would show me that He can use me,andevenwithoutspecialneeds,thatmytestimonycanbeimpactful.My conversations with my host mom showedmeinapersonalwaythatGod can use my testimony. I now believe that I really am fearfully and wonderfully made.

—Claire Shrader


Missiontripsareamazingadventuresthatstretchandblessyou.Theyopenyoureyesto the needs of others and they give you adeeperappreciationforwhatyouhave.Theyprovideafresh,newperspectiveonyour life. Many return home with a new

realityaftertheselife-changingjourneys.Somereturntoaforeign country to serve God, while others stay right here andlovethoseGodhasputintheirlives.Iwon’tbeheadingbacktotheDominicanRepublictolive,butIwillbelivingdifferently now that I’ve returned from there.

Itoooftenliveinaworldof“doing,”findingsatisfactionin how many things I can check off my list each day. Don’t misunderstandme–productivityisimportantinallofourlives,butthereismoretoproductivitythan“doing.”Godbeganthetransformationalworkof“being”whileIwasintheDominicanRepublic.Godcallsusto“bestill”andknowHeisGod.IwenttotheDominicanRepublicto“do,”butGodbroughtmethereto“be!”Iamnowinaplaceofresting in Him, waiting on Him and just being His!

–Carol Hubner, Senior Coordinator, Student Ministry

“ ”

Claire Shrader

Carol Hubner


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raise God for the 185 students in grades 4-12 who attended our annual SALT Camp in June . Campers sang, played instruments, acted, created art, took photos and a host of other activities as everyone learned to glorify God with their gifts and talents . A special thank you to the 33 leaders who

staffed our camp with joy and faithfulness .Paydon McCormick, wrote this about his camp experience:

“ Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him withjoyfulsongs.” -Psalm 100:1-2

These verses sum up SALT Camp for me . I play the piano and love music and decided to attend SALT Camp last summer . I wasn’t sure what to expect, but SALT Camp gave me the opportunity to play with different instruments instead of just playing piano by myself . We were organized into different bands of 8-10 musicians . We worked hard learning our music and by the end of the week we were making music together . During SALT camp I also had the opportunity to be taught by several of the worship leaders at Scottsdale Bible . Joe Bubar and Lucas Cooper had a huge impact on my life . They encouraged me to do my best for the Lord and helped me to see how I could use my gift to serve God and minister to others . Since SALT camp, I have had the opportunity to play for the Venue services . It was a great experience and I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow in my faith and my music .

he Worship Arts Ministry welcomes Gerald Fercho as the Worship Pastor for the 5pm service . Born and raised in Canada, Gerald moved to Los Angeles for graduate work

and there he met his wife, Twila . After completing Doctoral Studies in Music at the University of Southern California, they moved to the Valley and have been actively involved in ministry since . Currently, he is also a full time Adjunct Professor at Arizona Christian University teaching Praise Bands, Music and Worship Ministry classes, and Guitar . Gerald and Twila enjoy reading, traveling,

hiking, and playing music together on worship teams (Twila is a talented musician in her own right) . Gerald has a passion for worship, music, recording/producing local artists, and mentoring . Staying fresh and forward-thinking in worship and artistic expression is a fundamental motivation for Gerald’s approach to life: “God is a creative God and we should indulge in His example .”

Gerald and Twila are on “an excellent adventure discovering what it means to live in the Kingdom of God, now .” Their testimony is that of God’s love and grace abounding to them and those they serve . It is their desire to lead God’s people in authentic heartfelt worship and they look forward to serving at Scottsdale Bible Church .

Celebrate Summer Arts Camp




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ust as with schoolwork, dedicating study time totheBibleeachweekisanimportantpartofhelpingchildrenknowandloveJesusbetter.AWANAhelpschildrenlearnandmemorizekeyBible verses, while integrating fun games and large groupactivities.AWANA’snameisanacronymof

2 Timothy 2:15,“ApprovedWorkmenAreNotAshamed.”

AWANAclubrunsonWednesdaynights during the school year. Our volunteer Commanders, Rick and Sue Krauser, have been involvedwithAWANAsincetheythemselveswerechildren.Thehigh-energygametimeandcreativeandinsightfulweeklylargegroupsessionbringexcitementtoeachclubnight.Therealjoy,however, comes from the children’s enthusiasm as they recite the versesthey’velearnedoverthepastweektotheirtableleader!

AWANAisagreatoutreachopportunitytobring other children, likeneighborsorfriends,tolearnmoreaboutJesus.Formanykids,AWANAistheonly“church”theyhaveeverknown.Encourageyour children to bring their friends, classmates, and teammates to AWANAthisyear.Theimpactmayjustbelife-changing!

Register at or at the patio table on Sunday.

Nearly 100 volunteers are needed each week, including classroom leaders,tableleaders,andhelpers.Joinourteamandimpactchildren’slivesthroughmentorship,teachingandencouragement.WeneedmenandwomentoshowthesechildrentheloveofJesus!Whetheryou’reincollegeorretired,haveachildintheprogram,are a single adult or are just looking to make a difference, there is a spotforyouinchildren’sministry!PleasestopbythepatiotableonSunday or email Sue Krauser at [email protected]

Please contact Renee Bickers (480.824.7220) with any questions.

Club begins Wednesday, September 12 at 6:30 pm

Helping Kids

Grow Closer

to God!

Important Dates:August 29 . . . . . . . . .Volunteer TrainingSeptember5 . . . . . . .OpenHouseSeptember12 . . . . . .First Club Night


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Scottsdale BibleC A C T U S C A M P U S

The Cactus Campus is forging ahead to its Fall 2012 grand opening.

rive by our Cactus Campus and you are sure to see a buzz of activity . The campus is being transformed to be a place where we will continue pursuing our mission to “Win, Build, Send” while combining a “small church appeal” with all the advantages of the “big church .” The number one reason people mention when signing up to be a part of this new campus is that they love everything about Scottsdale Bible, and they are excited to see us offering something smaller and more intimate . If you find yourself thinking the same thing, the Cactus Campus may be a good fit for you .

The campus is made up of three buildings and plenty of open space . The first building is the Worship Center which some have described as having a “Santa Barbara Mission” feel . It has open beams, vaulted ceilings and a welcoming lobby with a fireplace . The second building is called the Family Life Center. It will consist of six rooms, an administrative office and a “Great Room .” Our chil-dren’s ministry in the Family Life Center will serve nursery to fourth grade . The Great Room space is multi-functional and can be used for everything from large classrooms for teaching, to fellowship and entertaining . With access to a covered patio through two roll-up doors, this open area will make you feel at home . The third building is our Youth Center, (aka “the bunker”) a former World War II military barracks; this space is being converted into a dynamic place to meet our youth’s spiritual needs .

We continue to build community through the many events and activities we are hosting . The best place to keep up with our activities is the church website at Hundreds of volunteers have been working hard over the past few weeks to prepare our new home . There are still plenty of opportunities to get involved in this new campus . Join us in August for our 30 days of community outreach. This will be our time to introduce the Cactus Campus to our friends and neighbors in North Phoenix before our grand opening . You can join in a variety of activities from landscaping, painting, carnivals, and movie nights—all designed to introduce Christ to this neighborhood .

-Rick Holman, CampusPastor

Please continue to pray for the final details of our remodel, the uniting of the launch team and staff and most importantly, that the community would see the light and love of Christ in us, and in all that we are doing. D For more information,



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Get ready to celebrate as we kick off our ministry year together in the Town Center! Margi Galloway, our Minister to Women, will share the opportunities for women this year . This is a great way to connect with other women and learn how to get involved in Scottsdale Bible’s Women’s Groups .

At this event you can register for a fall Bible Study, meet your teacher and get your Bible study books . Tickets can be purchased at the Women’s Ministry patio table on Sundays, in the Women’s Ministry office throughout the week, or at the door of the event!

Dessert will be served.

W O M E NAug. 27, 7–9 pm Town CenterFall Kick-Off

$5 TI



Tuesdays & WednesdaysSept.11–Nov.14 | 9-11:30am & 6:30-8:30 pm


Scottsdale Bible

With sixteen wonderful opportunities to study God’s Word, be ready for a great season of Women’s Bible Studies! Registration is available at For additional information, call 480.824.7241

Tuesday Morning Classes• Be Ready!

Living in Light of Christ’s Return • HavingaMarySpirit•ExperiencingGod •MovingOnAfterMovingIn•TheLifeandTimesofJesustheMessiah•BelievingGod! Experiencing a Fresh

Explosion of Faith (Beth Moore Study) •SongofSolomon•WhereAreYouGoing? PreparedToMeetYourGod?


Mom’s Classes• Girlfriends and Mean Girls

Following the Examples of Women in the Bible or Not!

• ExploringtheFruitoftheSpirit

Tuesday Evening Classes•MovingOnAfterMovingIn•TenThingsGodWantsYoutoRemember•David – A Heart like His

(Beth Moore Study)• Revelation, Part 3: The Sign of His

Coming and the End of the Age?

Wednesday Evening Class • Mom’s On the Go: Growing in Wisdom

and Faith, A study of James


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Sometimes in life, a person can be fortunate enough to stop in the middle of an opportunity and realize, “Right now, at this moment, I am doing what I have been dreaming, praying, and planning about for years!” This was my experience after I arrived in Antalya, Turkey, with my U .S . ministry team

in May, 2012 . We were getting ready to launch our first Global Training Institute for Women in the Arab world .Twenty women from five different Arab countries attended our first meeting . They came from Egypt, Iraq, Israel, the West Bank and Jordan . We even had one woman from Sweden . After abandoning her Muslim faith to become a Christian, she was forced to leave Israel for personal safety reasons . Each woman had set aside a week, at great personal cost, to attend this time of training and relationship building .

This three-year leadership training program is designed to equip women with the truths of their biblical identity, value and kingdom purpose—all in the context of relationship . God met us there in a mighty way . Prayers were answered tenfold as I saw women open their hearts to the love and wisdom of God . They were so thankful to us (and to those who prayed and provided resources) that they were often moved to tears . I continue to receive notes of gratitude .Going forward, we will travel to Turkey twice a year for three years to meet with this group of women, who are excited about continuing . The program is taught in English, and although the women speak Arabic, they can read and write in English . We plan to repeat this training again in three years with 20 new women whom God has prepared .

Here are just a few comments from some of the women who attended:Amal (Egypt)- When I first came I was just fearful . Everyone was hugging and kissing and I thought you all knew each other . Then I realized you didn’t know everyone, you were just being welcoming! I am still fearful and amazed by what you did {we held a foot washing ceremony} . I don’t know if I can do it too . But with God’s strength I can . I also learned how to listen and encourage . I have so much love from everyone; I don’t know what to do with it!Mira (Sweden)- I was really dry and empty before coming . I now feel my emptiness is gone . I have felt loved and cared for .Inas(Jerusalem)- On my way here I thought I wouldn’t come back or understand . {She is just learning English} . On the first night I understood everything . Each hug from everyone was from God .Magda(Egypt)- The only thing that I am sure about is that I’m not here by accident .Salma (Egypt)- I didn’t want to just come for fun, I really wanted to come to learn . I am going to talk a lot about this conference and teach it to others .Adele (Jordan)- I knew that they knew our weaknesses, but they only looked at our strengths . I learned one thing from the Lord–not to condemn someone else for their weakness .Seven women joined me on the American team, helping me with logistics, teaching, worship and prayer . And a wonderful team it was: Mary Malouf, Deb Pirtle, Nancy Hann, Simone Lake, Janelle Wood, Stephanie Myers and a new friend, Majda Ayoub, a Jordanian living in Peoria, AZ . Five local Arizona churches are represented in this team . And we are all ready to go back, as God provides .

Your prayers and support in fulfilling this God-sized undertaking are deeply appreciated! I wish I could have taken every one of you with me on this ministry trip. And I can’t wait to go back and be with my new sisters!

-Dr. Kristin Beasley, Executive Director Global Training Institute for Women

“L I V I N G the Dream”

We are excited to kick off our second year of the MOPS program starting Thursday, September 6. MOPS groups are Christ-centered communities that strive to meet the needs of every mom with children from birth through kindergarten . MOPS is about meeting the needs of moms by providing Biblically-sound resources, encouragement and friendship . MOPPETS is a special program designed for your children while you enjoy time with other women .


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Receiving their name from the caring lay person in Acts 6, Stephen Ministers provide one-on-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties . Stephen Ministers, who are trained and supervised, are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept and pray for and with care receivers who are working through a crisis or a tough time . Stephen Minister training will take place on Monday evenings beginning October 15, 6:30–9pm, and continue through mid-March . If you have a heart to help people and the Lord is calling you to serve in this ministry, please complete an application form which can be downloaded and submitted to the Counseling Office . After receipt of the application, an interview with David Walther, Pastor of Counseling, will be scheduled . Stephen Ministers make a two-year commitment to train and serve .

one-on-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties.

S U P P O R T G R O U P S Beginning in SeptemberNewsupportgroupsbegininSeptember. Mostgroupshavea$10-15feeformaterials, withscholarshipsavailable.

• Sunday, September 9, 3:30-5pm DivorceCare, a 13-week class for those dealing with separation or divorce . E210. DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K), a 13-week class for children ages 5-12, designed to work in conjunction with DivorceCare . E212. registration is required.

• Tuesday,September11,7-8:30 pm GriefShare, a 13-week class for those grieving the loss of a loved one through death . Chapel,Room2,7901E.Shea.

• Tuesday,September18, 6:30-8:30 pm LeanNotonYourOwnUnderstanding, for women interested in working on difficult relationship issues . E212.

• Mid-September for 10 weeks: Images of His Beauty (IOHB), a support group for women who have struggled with self-defeating thoughts about their body image or have eating disorder tendencies .

• Continuing on Wednesdays,9-11am LeanNotonYourOwnUnderstanding. E214.









For more information, call 480.824.7239 or visit

STEPHEN M I N I S T R Y T R A I N I N G Beginning October 15

“WhatablessingtheStephenMinistryprogramhasbeenforme.Whileourgoalistohelppeopleintheirlives,thisministryhaschangedmine.Whatanhonorto serve the Lord in this way. It satisfies my soul bringingthewordofGodtothosewhodesperatelyneedit.”

-Phil Mullard, current Stephen Minister .


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OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE:Scottsdale Bible Church Date Night – An opportunity for the two of you to enjoy a special evening out . Coming September 21st .

Preparing For Marriage – a four week (11 session) class for those thinking of marriage or already engaged .

First5 – an Enrichment class for those in their first 5 years of marriage .

GYM small group studies – 12 topical studies to Grow Your Marriage (GYM) . Pre-register online for the classes that interest you most .

Marriage Proactive – an online relation-ship inventory that will help you evaluate and improve your marriage .

Find out more on our website,, or call the Marriage Ministry office at 480.824.7238.

ne man, one woman, one flesh . Marriage is the pre-miere relationship God gave humanity in the Garden of Eden . Today, marriage is in jeopardy . Research shows one in three people (Chris-tian or non-Christian) will go

through a divorce . Many young couples are avoiding marriage altogether or enter-ing it with low expectations . According to the Barna Research Group, “Interviews with young adults suggest that they want their initial marriage to last, but are not particularly optimistic about that possibil-ity . Many young people are moving toward embracing the idea of serial marriage, in which a person gets married two or three times, seeking a different partner for each phase of their adult life .”

God’s plan for marriage is just the oppo-site . His desire is for couples to experience true oneness, intimacy and trust that only comes through unconditional love and commitment . Despite good intentions, many couples take their marriage relation-

ship for granted and drift apart, forgetting what brought them together in the first place . Falling in love is easy, but building a marriage and keeping it strong takes intentional effort . Couples who want to stay together need to pursue each other as they did when dating and spend quality time working on their relationship . But most important, each individual must pur-sue holiness through faith in Jesus Christ .

To build strength into your marriage, let Christ reign in your personal life . Ask Him to stir in you the desire for godliness . The result will be a marriage that mirrors His character and brings glory to Him .

Scottsdale Bible is here to help you build the Christ-centered marriage God in-tended for you—one that brings oneness, peace and contentment . We offer classes for couples in all stages of marriage and a Marriage Proactive program to help you identify the strengths and potential growth areas in your relationship . Become more intentional in pursuing God’s plan for your marriage, and He will reward your efforts with joy that blesses all your relationships .


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s Bob and Annabelle Burns posed for their formal portrait, Annabelle sternly warned, “Make sure you don’t use the really mushy photos!” Bob grabbed her and pretended to plant a big sloppy kiss on her cheek . She squealed as the two laughed together at his outburst of affection . After 62 years of marriage, they still bring joy to one an-other . Bob wants you to know that the laughter is evidence of a marriage filled with love, fun and games .

With a twinkle in his eye, Bob said, “We only have issues when we’re not playing the same game .”

The parents of four daughters, and grandpar-ents to dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren started their story at Oberlin College in Ohio .

Bob, a three-sport athlete majoring in Chemistry, and an equally sporty Annabelle majoring in Physical Education sat together occasionally at lunch . They would talk on their way from a meal to the library where Bob would escort Annabelle to study . Annabelle chuckles, “Bob might have had higher grades if he had stayed at the library with me instead of going to play bridge!”

One night Annabelle came to a basketball game with Bob’s close friend and that friend’s girlfriend . Bob, who was on the court, noticed she was there and after the game asked Annabelle if she

wanted to go out with them to have a chocolate sundae . Both agree that was their first real “date .” Later that night, Bob went back to the dorm and told his roommate he was going to marry Annabelle . The next day, he asked her, “What are you doing this weekend?” When she replied, “What night?” he answered, “The whole weekend .”

Bob grinned broadly as he finished the story . Annabelle took more convincing and a few more chocolate sundaes, but it is with that same determination they have intentionally pursued each other over the course of their marriage .

The Scottsdale Bible Marriage Ministry has been built by couples such as the Burns . As we celebrate the church’s 50th anniversary, step into the Marriage Ministry and you will see it looks more like a construction site and less like a hospital . Don Farr, Marriage Pastor, wants couples to understand that the more time they spend with God individually and as a couple building their foundation, the less time they’ll need in an infirmary . Just spending time with other couples in a small group is a great way to start .

Bob and Annabelle agree . “We do everything together .” said Bob . From tent camping with the family to playing doubles tennis, they have a love for athletics and activities . Annabelle described one of their favorite activities: “We had a tandem bicycle we rode together for years and it’s kind of a symbol for our marriage . There is so much required in working together while riding a tandem .” In their circle of friends, others have taken the cue and started giving younger couples tandem bicycles as wedding gifts .

Bob & Annabelle Burns


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-Pictures by David Lin

Bob and Annabelle celebrate being happilymarriedfor more than 60 years.

Even when Bob’s sales job took him away from the family for long periods of travel, he looked forward to coming home and taking the whole family out for dinner as a celebration . With many sales professionals, a promotion often leads to a move . The family became used to moving every couple of years . With no extended family surrounding them, they learned to cling to each other and their girls saw what commitment really looked like . “We had no one else but each other!” Bob said with a smile .

“ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh .” -Eph 5:31

Annabelle decided to adopt a good attitude about each move and looked forward to new adventures .

The Burns landed at Scottsdale Bible in 1980 and found them-selves becoming the original wedding coordinators . Their third daughter wanted to get married at Scottsdale Bible Church and the family asked to speak to the wedding coordinator . When they discovered there wasn’t one, Bob and Annabelle took the

job together, each passionate about wanting couples to start their marriages well . They were instrumental in the architecture and building of the chapel and supported Pastor Darryl Del-Housaye who officiated a majority of the weddings at that time .

“We’re just normal people,”

Annabelle said . That’s how God works . He takes “normal” people and does extraordinary things through them to reveal His Glory and encourage others in their faith . It is the Burns’ faith in Christ and quiet support of one another that are the foundation of their ministry . They never think about “things not working out” and they choose each other over anyone else . As Annabelle said, “We try to focus on being a blessing to the other person every day .”

They have since retired as the church’s wedding coordina-tors, but you’ll still see Annabelle and Bob working behind the scenes every week at the Christian Family Care Agency thrift store . While you browse the antiques, be on the lookout for a bicycle built for two .

-Interview by Sara Lin


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FITNESS & BALANCEClasses to help you keep feeling and looking good are held every Monday, 10:30–11:30 am in the Chapel .

Join us on the last Saturday of each month as we serve the local community surrounding Scottsdale Bible . We have partnered with the City of Scottsdale’s “Operation Fix-it Program” to help elderly, disabled and economically distressed residents maintain their properties . The work projects can include yard clean-up, minor home repairs, painting, etc . We also have a group that visits nursing homes and elder care facilities . These visits mean so much to the residents and staff and we often hear that the residents are eagerly waiting for us to visit! Service Saturday

is a great opportunity for families of all ages, home fellowship groups, enrichment classes and individuals to serve together . Don’t miss this opportunity to let your light shine and to let our community know that Scottsdale Bible cares .

The next Service Saturdays are August 25 and September 29.

For more information contact [email protected] or 480.824.7243.



ENCORE CHOIR For those who enjoy serving the community through song, the Encore Choir begins rehearsals Tuesday, September 11, 5:30-6:30pm in the Adult Choir Room (enter through the Music Office) . Please RSVP to Bob Cain at [email protected] or 480 .824 .7248 so we can have your music ready and waiting!

HEARTYSOULS This group for active seniors resumes weekly fellowship, food, and study on Wednesday, October 3rd, in the Chapel at 9:30am .

VETERANS & ALL PATRIOTS Mark your calendars for a gala Veterans Day Banquet here at Scottsdale Bible Church on Friday, November 9th . Take note of the pictorial mounted in the church foyer of servicemen and women from Scottsdale Bible who have served “In Harm’s Way .” Also, you are invited to join us between the morning services every Sunday to pray for Scottsdale Bible families and their loved ones deployed around the world .


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serving our local community


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Ahoy, Matey! Wewillhavesomefuninsearchof some loot withatruetreasuremap—God’sWord.

“ For where your treasure is, there your heart is also”

– Matthew 6:21

Join us as we head up to Whispering Hope Ranch in Payson for a cool, fun weekend together . We wel-come back campers from past years and new stu-dents . We also encourage everyone to bring their friends . All ages are welcome . SuperKids (grade school–middle school students) must have a parent attend . WeleaveFridayat1pmfromtheJr.HighBuilding.TurninormailyourCamperRegistrationformbySeptember10th to the church office.

We need volunteers 18 years or older, especially males . If you would like to volunteer at camp, please complete a Volunteer Registration form .

AllcampformscanbepickedupinE102orfound on There is a small fee for volunteers this year. Plan to at-tend the required volunteer training meeting on Sunday,September16that1:30pm in E102.










Are you looking to connect into a small group? Come to our Connecting Event on September 9 at 6:30 pm in the Town Center and find the group that’s right for you! We have a variety of groups for couples, singles, men and women of all ages and life stages as well as support groups for life issues . This will be an exciting evening, giving you the chance to meet the leaders, ask questions, and join the group of your choice, whether it’s a group in your zip code, your demographic or on a specific topic .



Spiritual Formation Classes- Baptism Class: We’ll be celebrating Baptism on Sunday, October 21. To prepare for baptism, attend one of our classes on Sunday,September23or30,11:15am in E201.

- Baptism Class for Children: (age K5 thru 4th grade) September23or30,11:15aminE203.

- Membership Class: To become a member of Scottsdale Bible Church please attend a special one hour class on Sunday,November4,11:15am, in E201.

Register at

Financial Classes- Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University: This nine-week class is offered on Sundays, 11:15am-1:15pm,beginningSeptember9and Wednesdays,6:15–8:15pm,beginningSeptember12.

Register at

- $tart Up Class for Young Adults: (age 18-30) . This six-week course is designed to provide Young Adults with a Financial Foundation for Life . ThenextclassbeginsSeptember20,6:30pm,inE203.

Register at

Special Ministries Camp ’12

September 21-23


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