
10 SPECIALIZED DOCTORS 1. Audiologist Audiologists specialize in ear related issues, particularly with regard to hearing loss in children. These doctors work with deaf and mute children to assist in their learning to communicate. They 2. Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologists study the effects and reactions to anesthetic medicines and administer them to a variety of patients with pain-killing needs. They assess illnesses that require this type of treatment and the dosages appropriate for each specific situation. 3. Cardiologist Cardiologists specify in the study and treatment of the heart and the many diseases and issues related to it. They assess the medical and family history of patients to determine potential risk for certain cardiovascular diseases and take action to prevent them. 4. Dermatologist Dermatologists study skin and the structures, functions and diseases related to it. They examine patients to check for such risk factors as basal cell carcinoma (which signals skin cancer) and moles that may eventually cause skin disease if not treated in time. 5. Endocrinologist Endocrinologists specify in illnesses and issues related to the endocrine system and its glands. They study hormone levels in this area to determine and predict whether or not a patient will encounter an endocrine system issue in the future.

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Page 1: Audiologist


1. Audiologist

Audiologists specialize in ear related issues, particularly with regard to hearing loss in children. These doctors work with deaf and mute children to assist in their learning to communicate. They

2. Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists study the effects and reactions to anesthetic medicines and administer them to a variety of patients with pain-killing needs. They assess illnesses that require this type of treatment and the dosages appropriate for each specific situation.

3. Cardiologist

Cardiologists specify in the study and treatment of the heart and the many diseases and issues related to it. They assess the medical and family history of patients to determine potential risk for certain cardiovascular diseases and take action to prevent them.

4. Dermatologist

Dermatologists study skin and the structures, functions and diseases related to it. They examine patients to check for such risk factors as basal cell carcinoma (which signals skin cancer) and moles that may eventually cause skin disease if not treated in time.

5. Endocrinologist

Endocrinologists specify in illnesses and issues related to the endocrine system and its glands. They study hormone levels in this area to determine and predict whether or not a patient will encounter an endocrine system issue in the future.

6. Epidemiologist

Epidemiologists search for potential diseases that may crop up and cause a great deal of problems for a population and look for vaccinations for current terminal diseases, such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.

7. Immunologist

Immunologists study the immune system in a variety of organisms, including humans. They determine the weaknesses related to this system and what can be done to override these weaknesses.

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8. Infectious Disease Specialist

Infectious Disease Specialists are often found in research labs and work with viruses and bacteria that tend to cause a variety of dangerous diseases. They examine the source of these organisms and determine what can be done to prevent them from causing illnesses.

9. Neurologist

Neurologists work with the human brain to determine causes and treatments for such serious illnesses as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, and many others. In addition to research on the brain stem, neurologists also study the nervous system and diseases that affect that region.

10. Neurosurgeon

Neurosurgeons operate on the human brain and body to treat and cure diseases affecting the nervous system and brain stem. They work to alleviate symptoms from serious brain illnesses that cause patients a great deal of physical and emotional pain.

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1. Humor

Humor appeals make consumers laugh and create an emotional link with the product. A well-executed humor appeal enhances recollection, evaluation and the intent to purchase the product. Advertisers link the product with the humor. For example, a humorous insurance ad hits the mark when the humor shows the consumer why having insurance is beneficial. Using humor at the expense of one group may lead to resentment. Senior citizens may resent a product that portrays them as grumpy, while women may refuse to purchase a product that portrays them as overbearing. Humorous ads work best with established and commonly purchased products such as cellphones, fast food and alcoholic beverages.

2. Bandwagon

A bandwagon appeal makes consumers believe they are missing out by addressing the consumer’s need to belong. Food and drink ads show hip young adults enjoying a product and ignoring the individual who chooses the less popular product. Medical products show consensus by indicating the number of medical professionals who support the product. For example, a cold medicine ad may say, "Eight out of 10 doctors recommend this product" to show product effectiveness. Automobile dealers and cellphone providers give sales and user statistics to indicate why their product is the more preferred. This type of message says buy this product because everyone does. If done correctly, the consumer will purchase the product. Bandwagon appeals can backfire in that the consumer’s desire to fit in can conflict with the ability to make a rational decision.

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3. Testimonial Appeal

People relate to their favorite personalities from the glamor industry. They are ready to follow what people from the glamor world do. They want to be like the celebrity they are fans of. Testimonials make use of this human tendency. Celebrities are used as ambassadors. They are shown using the product and recommending its use. People fall for these products just because they see someone famous endorsing them.

4. Snob Appeal

Snob appeal is an exact reverse of the bandwagon technique. In this advertising appeal, people are induced to buy a certain product so that they can stand out from the crowd. It is often indicated that buying that product will make them look different from the rest. It is indicated that the product is not affordable for common people. A sense of exclusivity is attached to the products.

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5. False advertising

The use of false or misleading statements in advertising, and misrepresentation of the product at hand, which may negatively affect many stakeholders, especially consumers. As advertising has the potential to persuade people into commercial transactions that they might otherwise avoid, many governments around the world use regulations to control false, deceptive or misleading advertising. Truth refers to essentially the same concept, that customers have the right to know what they are buying, and that all necessary information should be on the label.

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Alleviates Allergies

Honey’s anti-inflammatory effects and ability to soothe coughs has led to the belief it can also reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. Although there are no clinical studies proving its efficacy, Dr. Matthew Brennecke, a board certified naturopathic doctor practicing at the Rocky Mountain Wellness Center in Fort Collins, Colo., told Medical Daily  in an email, "A common theory is that honey acts like a natural vaccine." It contains small amounts of pollen, which if the body is exposed to small amounts of it, it can trigger an immune response that produces antibodies to the pollen. "After repeated exposure, you should build up these antibodies and the body should become accustomed to their presence so that less histamine is released, resulting in a lesser allergic response."

All-Natural Energy Drink

Honey is an excellent source of all-natural energy at just 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon. This natural unprocessed sugar — fructose and glucose — directly enter the bloodstream and can deliver a quick boost of energy. The rise in blood sugar acts as a short-term energy source for your workout, especially in longer endurance exercises.

Brennecke said there is a con to adding honey to your workout. “If your goal in exercising is to increase muscle mass, working out on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is the way to go.  When your body is in starvation mode (upon waking in morning), and you start exercising, you release insulin-like growthfactor-1 (IGF-1), which will help you build bulk,” he said. Brennecke does warn this only works when blood sugars are low.

Boosts Memory

The sweet nectar is loaded in antioxidants that may help prevent cellular damage and loss within the brain. A 2011 study published in Menopause found a daily spoonful of Malaysian honey may boost postmenopausal women’s memory, which can provide an alternative therapy for the hormone-related intellectual decline. After four months of taking 20 grams of honey a day, the women were more likely to have better short-term memory than their counterparts who took hormone pills.

Honey’s ability to help the body absorb calcium, according to Brennecke, helps aid brain health. The brain needs calcium in order to process thought and make decisions. “As our populations continue to get older and older, the likelihood of dementia setting in because of poor intake of vitamins and minerals continues to get higher and higher,” he said.

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Cough Suppressant

Honey can be the all-natural cure when it comes to pesky colds. A persistent cough that won’t go away can easily be remedied with two teaspoons of honey, according to a 2012 study published in the journal Pediatrics. Children between the ages of 1 and 5 with nighttime cough due to colds coughed less frequently when they received two teaspoons of honey 30 minutes before bed.

The golden liquid’s thick consistency helps coat the throat while the sweet taste is believed to trigger nerve endings that protect the throat from incessant coughing. Honey is believed to be as effective as the common cough suppressant ingredient dextromethorphan. It can be used in treating upper respiratory tract infections.

Sleep Aid

Honey can be a health aid for sleepless nights. Similar to sugar, honey can cause a rise in insulin and release serotonin — a neurotransmitter that improves mood and happiness. “The body converts serotonin into melatonin, a chemical compound that regulates the length and the quality of sleep,” Rene Ficek, registered dietitian and lead dietitian nutritionist at Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating in Chicago, Ill., told Medical Daily in an email.

Moreover, honey also contains several amino acids, including tryptophan that is commonly associated with turkey. Honey’s steady rise in insulin, according to Brennecke, causes the tryptophan in honey to enter the brain, where it’s then converted into serotonin and then into melatonin, which is a sleep aid. This hormone is responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles.

Treats Dandruff

Honey can bring temporary relief to the scalp by targeting dandruff. A 2001 study published in the European Journal of Medical Research found applying honey diluted with 10 percent warm water to problem areas and leaving it on for three hours before rinsing led to itch relief and no scaling within a week. Skin lesions healed within two weeks and patients even showed an improvement in hair loss. The patients did not relapse even after six months of use.

Thanks to honey's antibacterial and antifungal properties, it can also treat seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, which are often caused by an overgrowth of fungus. Moreover, “honey also has anti-inflammatory properties, which address the redness and itching on the scalp,” Brennecke said.

Treats Wounds And Burns

Honey is a natural antibiotic that can act both internally and externally. It can be used as a conventional treatment for wounds and burns by disinfecting wounds and sores from major species of bacteria such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). A

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2005 study published in the British Journal of Surgery found all but one of patients who suffered from wounds and leg ulcers showed remarkable improvement after applying a topical application of honey.

Dr. Diane Radford, a breast surgical oncologist in St. Louis, Mo., told Medical Daily in an email, Manuka honey has antibacterial properties for wound healing. “The precursor for the active antibacterial agent methylglyoxal (MGO) comes from the nectar of mānuka trees. A specialized research unit at the University of Waikato is looking into the conversion to the active product,” she said.

Honey has been utilized for its medicinal properties for over 2,000 years and continues its legacy as a multipurpose health aid.


Yogurt can give you flat abs.

Eat 18 ounces a day and you can drop a jeans size. People who ate that much — in conjunction with cutting their total calories — lost 22 percent more weight and 81 percent more belly fat than dieters who skipped the snack, according to research from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. They also retained one-third more calorie-torching lean muscle mass, which can help you maintain weight loss. "Fat around your waist produces the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to accumulate even more belly flab," says nutrition professor and lead study author Michael Zemel, PhD. When you eat yogurt, the calcium signals your fat cells to pump out less cortisol, making it easier for you to drop pounds, while the amino acids help burn fat.

Yogurt may help with osteoporosis

Yogurt provides calcium to help maintain bone density and strength throughout life.

"Low fat yogurt is a great source of calcium which we need for strong bones," according to food coach and dietitian Sasha Watkins.

BDA spokesperson Rebecca Dunn says: "Adults require 700mg of calcium per day and one standard pot (150g) of yogurt will provide a third of this. Calcium is important at all ages, as it promotes healthy teeth and bones and prevents diseases such as osteoporosis."

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the bones in our body to become fragile and prone to breaking. The National Osteoporosis Society says it's important to have a well balanced calcium rich diet to provide all the nutrients your bones need, and to make sure you get enough vitamin D.

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Most brands of yogurt contain good-for-you bacteria.

The words "live and active cultures" on the container mean that your yogurt has probiotics, beneficial bugs that live in your digestive tract and help crowd out harmful microorganisms that can cause intestinal infections. (Only a very small number of companies put yogurt through a post-pasteurization process that kills off all bacteria.)

But many varieties now also contain special strains of probiotics meant to help regulate your digestion or strengthen your immune system. The research on them isn't conclusive, however. "If you suffer from a particular health problem, like bloating or diarrhea, it's worth trying one of these products for a couple of weeks to see if it helps," says FITNESS advisory board member Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD. Otherwise, save a few dollars and stick to conventional brands.

Yogurt is loaded with vitamins.

One serving is a significant source of potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Yogurt also contains B12, which maintains red blood cells and helps keep your nervous system functioning properly. "Vitamin B12 is found mostly in animal products, such as chicken and fish, so strict vegetarians can easily fall short," says Jackie Newgent, RD, a FITNESS advisory board member and author of Big Green Cookbook. Eating more yogurt can help close the nutrient gap: An eight-ounce serving contains 1.4 micrograms of the vitamin, about 60 percent of what adult women need daily.

A cup of yogurt a day can help you recover faster after a workout.

With the right ratio of protein to carbohydrates, yogurt, particularly high-protein Greek yogurt, makes an excellent post-sweat-session snack. "The perfect time to grab a container is within 60 minutes of exercise," says Keri Gans, RD, a nutritionist in New York City. The protein provides the amino acids your muscles need to repair themselves, Gans explains, and the carbohydrates replace your muscles' energy stores, which are depleted after a hard workout. It's a bonus if you drink a bottle of water along with it: The protein in yogurt may also help increase the amount of water absorbed by the intestines, improving hydration.

Not all yogurt is equal when it comes to calcium and vitamin D.

Since it naturally contains calcium, you'd think the amount would be the same no matter which yogurt you pick. Wrong. "The levels can vary widely from brand to brand, so you really need to check the label," Newgent says. How much is in a container depends on processing. For instance, fruit yogurt tends to have less calcium than plain because the sugar and fruit take up precious space in the container. "Vitamin D isn't naturally in yogurt, but because it helps boost calcium absorption, most companies add it," Newgent explains. Reach for brands like Stonyfield Farms Fat Free Smooth and Creamy and Yoplait Light Thick & Creamy, which contain at least 20 percent of your daily value for both nutrients.

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Yogurt may prevent high blood pressure.

Every day 70 percent of us consume more than twice the recommended amount of salt; over time that can lead to hypertension and kidney and heart disease. The potassium in yogurt, almost 600 milligrams per eight ounces, may help flush some of the excess sodium out of your body. In fact, adults in a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition who ate the most low-fat dairy — two or more servings daily — were 54 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who ate the least.

A daily serving of yogurt keeps colds away.

Dig into four ounces each day and you may find yourself sniffle-free in the months ahead, according to a study at the University of Vienna. Women eating this amount had much stronger and more active T cells, which battle illness and infection, than they did before they started consuming it. "The healthy bacteria in yogurt help send signals to the immune-boosting cells in your body to power up and fight off harmful bugs," says lead study author Alexa Meyer, PhD, a nutrition researcher at the university. Allergy sufferers, who typically have low levels of certain T cells, may also find relief by adding yogurt to their diets. In a study in the Journal of Nutrition, people who ate seven ounces a day had fewer symptoms than those who opted for none at all.

Yogurt can help your smile.

Despite its sugar content, yogurt doesn't cause cavities. When scientists at Marmara University in Turkey tested low-fat, light, and fruit flavors, they found that none of them eroded tooth enamel, the main cause of decay. The lactic acid in yogurt appears to give your gums protection as well. People who eat at least two ounces a day have a 60 percent lower risk of acquiring severe periodontal disease than those who skip it.

Raw doesn't mean better.

Virtually all the yogurt in your grocery store has been pasteurized — that is, exposed to high temperatures to kill any harmful pathogens. Raw-dairy fans claim that unpasteurized milk, yogurt, and cheese are better for you because they contain more health-boosting bacteria, but pasteurization doesn't destroy beneficial probiotics, Newgent explains. Plus, studies show that those who eat raw yogurt don't have stronger immune or digestive systems than people who stick to the pasteurized stuff. And raw-dairy products carry a risk of food poisoning. "E. coli and salmonella are two of the pathogens that can lurk in these foods and end up in your body," Newgent says.

Yogurt is a high-protein food.

Yogurt can be an excellent source of protein, but "one variety may contain more than double the protein of another," Blatner says. Greek yogurt, which is strained to make it thicker, has up to 20 grams of protein per container; traditional yogurt may have as few as

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five grams. If you're eating it for the protein, look for brands that provide at least eight to 10 grams per serving.


Antioxidant Components

The leaves of a plant (Camellia sinensis) are used to make most teas, including those produced under the Lipton brand. White and green teas contain fresh, unrolled leaves, while leaves in black tea are first rolled and broken before drying. Because of this difference, compounds in white, green and black teas are also somewhat different. But all contain flavonoids, including theaflavins and catechins, which are in black and green tea, respectively. They are both potent antioxidants, according to a study published in the September 2001 issue of the "Journal of Nutrition." Antioxidants help protect your body from free radicals, unstable molecules that form in your body and, over time, can raise your risk of cancer, heart disease and other disorders.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Research suggests that consuming tea may benefit your heart and blood vessels, potentially reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. For example, a study published in the March 2013 issue of "Annals of Epidemiology" that followed almost 75,000 men and women for 10 years found that daily consumption of 4 or more cups of black tea was associated with a lower the risk of stroke. Drinking tea might also help relax blood vessels, widening them and helping reduce blood pressure, and it could also lower your risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, according to other research studies. Although research in this area is promising, large clinical trials are still needed to confirm these benefits.

Cancer Prevention

Research also suggests that compounds in white, green or black Lipton tea might help protect you from carcinogenic chemicals and suppress or prevent the growth of cancer. Although much of this research has been done in the laboratory, several studies with human subjects produced promising results. For example, a large study published in 2002 in "Cancer Causes and Control" studied 34,000 women for 12 years. It found that those whose diet was rich in tea catechins had significantly less rectal cancer than controls, while stomach, pancreatic and blood cancers also tended to be reduced, although this wasn't statistically significant. Another study published in 2013 in "Nutrition and Cancer" found a similar association between green tea drinking and lower rates of esophageal cancer.


Memory Protection Against Alzheimer’s Disease: The powerful antioxidant resveratrol protects against cell damage and prevents age-related mental decline.

Mimics Gym Time: Resveratrol is also responsible for heart-healthy benefits, including improved physical performance and muscle strength. It also mimics cardiovascular

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enhancements similar to exercise. But the benefits are limited, so don’t always trade in your cardio for cabernet.

Cancer Treatment: Researchers aren’t exactly sure how, but another active antioxidant in red wine known as quercetin works against cancer cells, according to the American Cancer Society. It helps to induce natural cell death in certain types of cancers, most often colon cancer.

Promotes Long Life: Red wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or vodka drinkers, according to a 29-year-long study. Resveratrol is the polyphenol that could be responsible for its longevity benefits. But researchers think any diet rich in polyphenols, which are known to protect against the development of chronic diseases — they're found amply in red wine — could be why.

Lowers Risk Of Heart Disease and Stroke: Red wine tannins, which are what make red wine the color red, contain procyanidins — known for protecting against heart disease. Resveratrol also helps to remove chemicals responsible for causing blood clots, which is the primary cause of coronary disease. A daily dose of red wine cuts blood clot-related stroke rates by 50 percent.


Stevia herb parts are very low in calories. Parts by parts, its dry leaves possess roughly 40 times more sweetness than sugar. This sweetness quality in stevia is due to several glycoside compounds including stevioside, steviolbioside, rebaudiosides A-E, and dulcoside.

Stevioside is a non-carbohydrate glycoside compound. Hence, it lacks the properties that sucrose and other carbohydrates possess. Stevia extracts, like rebaudioside-A, are found to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. Besides, being a near-zero calorie food ingredient, stevia extracts have several unique properties such as long shelf life, high temperature tolerance, non-fermentative.

Further, stevia plant has many sterols and antioxidant compounds like triterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins. Some of flavonoid polyphenolic anti-oxidant phyto-chemicals present in stevia are kaempferol, quercetin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, isoquercitrin, isosteviol…etc. Studies found that kaempferol can reduce risk of pancreatic cancer by 23% (American journal of epidemiology).

Chlorgenic acid reduces enzymatic conversion of glycogen to glucose in addition to decreasing absorption of glucose in the gut. Thus, it helps reduce blood sugar levels. Lab studies also confirm a reduction in blood glucose levels and an increase in the liver concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate, and of glycogen.

Certain glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels, increase sodium excretion, and urine output. In effect, stevia, at slightly higher doses than as sweetener, can help lower blood pressure.

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Being a non-carbohydrate sweetener, stevia would not favor the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the mouth which is attributed to be a causative agent of dental caries and tooth cavities. On the other hand, certain compounds in stevia rather found to inhibit caries causing bacteria in the mouth.

In addition, being a herb, stevia contain many vitals minerals, vitamins that are selectively absent in the artificial sweeteners.


1. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth)


"Bawat Pilipino, Miyembro,

Bawat Miyembro, Protektado,

Kalusugan Natin, Segurado"


"Sulit na Benepisyo sa Bawat Miyembro,

Dekalidad na Serbisyo para sa Lahat"

Core Values


Serbisyong Dekalidad

Lubos na Integridad

Angkop na Benepisyo

Panlipunang Pagkakabuklod at

Ganap na Pagkalinga

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The National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) administered by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) was established in 1995 with the passage of Republic Act (RA) 7875. PhilHealth took over the Medicare functions previously administered by the Philippine Medical Care Commission (PMCC) since 1972.

PhilHealth’s mandate is to provide health insurance coverage to all Filipinos. In 1997, it assumed Medicare functions for government workers from the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) and a year later, for the private sector workers, which was previously administered by the Social Security System (SSS). In the same year, PhilHealth started the Indigent Program.

In partnership with Local Government Units (LGUs), PhilHealth has enrolled millions of families who otherwise have no access to health services. Since then, this program has been at the heart of PhilHealth’s program and now forms the bulk of membership

Mandatory Coverage

All citizens of the Philippines shall be covered by the National Health Insurance Program.


The process of enrollment shall include the identification of beneficiaries, issuance of appropriate documentation specifying eligibility to benefits, and indicating how membership was obtained or is being maintained.” (RA 10606)

The Corporation shall enroll beneficiaries in order for them to avail of benefits under this Act with the assistance of the financial arrangements provided by the Corporation under the following categories:

* Members in the formal economy

* Members in the informal economy

* Indigents

* Sponsored members

* Lifetime members

Health Insurance Identification (ID) Card and ID Number

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In conjunction with the enrollment provided above, the Corporation through its local office shall issue a health insurance ID with a corresponding ID number which shall be used for purposes of identification, eligibility verification, and utilization recording. The issuance of this ID card shall be accompanied by a clear explanation to the enrollee of his rights, privileges and obligations as a member. A list of health care providers accredited by the Local Health Insurance Office shall likewise be provided to the member together with the ID card.


Members and their dependents are entitled to the following minimum services, subject to the limitations specified in this Act and as may be determined by the Corporation:

Inpatient hospital care room and board services of health care professionals diagnostic, laboratory, and other medical examination services use of surgical or medical equipment and facilities prescription drugs and biologicals, subject to the limitations stated in Section 37 of

this Act inpatient education packages

Outpatient care services of health care professionals diagnostic, laboratory, and other medical examination services personal preventive services prescription drugs and biologicals, subject to the limitations described in Section 37

of this Act

Emergency and transfer services

Such other health care services that the Corporation and the DOH shall determine to be appropriate and cost-effective

2. Philippine American Life and General insurance Company (Philam Life)

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Our Vision

We are the undisputed leader in insurance and wealth management.

Our Mission

We empower Filipinos to achieve financial security and prosperity.

About Philam Life

The Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company (Philam Life) is the country’s premier life insurance company. Established on June 21, 1947 by Cornelius Vander Starr with Earl Carroll as founding president, Philam Life served as a “house of savings” to help Filipinos recover from the ravages of World War II. Mr. Carroll envisioned “to have a Philam Life policy in every Filipino home,” which has become the driving force behind the dynamic growth of Philam Life.

For over 65 years, Philam Life has helped generations of Filipino families to plan, protect and prepare for life by providing solutions to various financial needs including life protection, health insurance, savings, education, retirement, investment, group and credit life insurance. Our experience has allowed us to help millions of people achieve their goals, and to be there for them in harder times.

We know that real life never stops changing, and that people need a partner who understands and supports them through life’s challenges and opportunities. We are committed to genuinely engaging with our customers through meaningful dialogue (usap tayo) because through this, we will be able to provide them with the right solutions and the right plans to turn struggles into success, fears into peace of mind and dreams into reality.

Today, we at Philam Life are proud to be part of AIA, “The Real Life Company.”


Unit-Linked Health Plans When a health concern arises, will you be financially prepared?Prepare now with Health Invest.Health Invest is a unit-linked health and life insurance plan that provides financial protection from serious sickness, accidents or loss of life. Plus, it lets you build a fund for your future health care needs. It can be payable in as short as 3, 5, 7 or 10 years.Get comprehensive health and accident coverage2

Get a lump sum cash benefit in case you get diagnosed with any of 56 covered critical illnesses before you reach age 75. You will then be exempted from future premium payments while your plan continues3.

Get additional cash benefits in case you get serious accidental injuries or disabilities.Use all these benefits to supplement your HMO coverage.Build a Health Fund for future healthcare needs

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Get access to expertly-managed investment funds so you can grow a fund for health maintenance or other costs in your retirement years.Secure your family’s needs no matter what happensLeave behind the higher of your life insurance coverage or your Health Fund to your loved ones in case the unexpected happens. Additional life insurance coverage will also be given in case of accidental loss of life.

Critical Conditional Plan You do not want treatment and medical expenses to overpower you when battling cancer.* Philam Life’s Cancer Life Shield will support you in your battle against the big C.

Immediate Financial Assistance for Your Treatment and Medication

You can receive a lump sum cash benefit depending on your policy's face amount right upon your first diagnosis of cancer depending on your chosen plan.

Renewable and Customizable Package You can renew your coverage yearly for better protection. Accident Plan

You don’t want the fear of the unknown to stop you from experiencing life’s great adventures. Philam Life’s 24-Hour Plus provides day and night coverage for accidents or serious injuries you might encounter anytime, anywhere.

Comprehensive Accident Protection

You can get as much as 100% of your face amount* in case of accidental death or disablement.

You can receive a monthly cash benefit equal to 3% of your face amount starting on the 7th month of continuous, permanent, and total disability, for 32 months. On the 33rd month, you can receive your remaining benefit equal to 4% of your principal sum.

You will receive an additional 25% of your face amount for covered accidental losses or dismemberment.

Renewable and Customizable Package

Your face amount will increase by 5% each year for the first five consecutive years.**

You can further increase your protection with the following optional benefits: o Medical Reimbursement: You can reimburse up to a maximum of P100,000

of your medical expenses incurred due to an accident.o Weekly Indemnity Benefit: You can receive as much as P2,000 weekly

income, up to a maximum of 26 weeks, in case of temporary disability.o Familia Option: You have the option to extend your accident protection

benefits to your loved ones.

Our Daily Hospital Allowance Plan

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Lifetime Comprehensive Protection

You can protect your health and well-being with the following*: o Daily Hospital Income Benefit: Get daily cash benefit for each day of

hospitalization to replace your lost income due to confinement.o Long-Term Hospitalization Benefit: Receive an additional daily cash benefit

for hospital stays over 30 days.o Intensive Care Unit Benefit: Receive an additional daily cash benefit for ICU

confinement.o Surgical Allowance Benefit: Reimburse your actual charges** for any

operation performed during confinement.o Critical Illness Hospitalization Benefit: Receive an additional daily cash

benefit if hospitalized due to Cancer***, Poliomyelitis, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Cirrhosis of the Liver.

o Outpatient Treatment Benefit: Receive a daily cash benefit for up to three (3) consultations, before or after your hospital stay.

You will also receive cash when you reach the age of 80 and the age of 100 to celebrate your long life and good health.

Guaranteed Affordable Health Plan

With its fixed premium payments, you can protect yourself from future premium increases.

You have the option to pay annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly to better suit your budget.

Health 100 is available in 3 packages:

Silver (Lifetime Amount of Coverage of P1M) Gold (Lifetime Amount of Coverage of P2M) Platinum (Lifetime Amount of Coverage of P3M)

Accident Plan

You don’t want the fear of the unknown to stop you from experiencing life’s great adventures. Philam Life’s 24-Hour Plus provides day and night coverage for accidents or serious injuries you might encounter anytime, anywhere.

Comprehensive Accident Protection

You can get as much as 100% of your face amount* in case of accidental death or disablement.

You can receive a monthly cash benefit equal to 3% of your face amount starting on the 7th month of continuous, permanent, and total disability, for 32 months. On the

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33rd month, you can receive your remaining benefit equal to 4% of your principal sum.

You will receive an additional 25% of your face amount for covered accidental losses or dismemberment.

Renewable and Customizable Package

Your face amount will increase by 5% each year for the first five consecutive years.**

You can further increase your protection with the following optional benefits: o Medical Reimbursement: You can reimburse up to a maximum of P100,000

of your medical expenses incurred due to an accident.o Weekly Indemnity Benefit: You can receive as much as P2,000 weekly

income, up to a maximum of 26 weeks, in case of temporary disability.o Familia Option: You have the option to extend your accident protection

benefits to your loved ones.

With 24-Hour Plus, you can now have comprehensive round-the-clock worldwide accident coverage.

3. Blue Cross Insurance Incorporated

Our Vision:

To be our clients’ recommended medical and travel insurance


Our Mission:

To help our clients protect their health and financial well-being by

providing value-for-money medical and travel insurance products

We Value:

• Integrity and Honesty

• Customer Focus

• Teamwork and Task Ownership

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• Sense of Responsibility and Malasakit

• Results

Blue Cross Insurance, Inc. is a market specialist in medical, travel and accident insurance. Based in the Philippines, and with sister companies in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and other operating entities in Hong Kong, Blue Cross is part of a wider group of insurance companies operating across Asia, with a particular focus on the ASEAN region. The aim of the group is to be recognized as market leaders and Asian specialist insurers of medical and travel lines.Blue Cross, originally named State Bonding Corporation and Insurance, Co., Inc. was founded in the Philippines in 1949. In 1977, State Bonding established a medical insurance division to respond to the growing health insurance market in the Philippines. It was in 1986 that the company changed its corporate name to Blue Cross Insurance, Inc. In 1996, Blue Cross ceased writing general insurance business to concentrate on its specialized lines of medical, personal accident and travel insurance. Blue Cross is one of the most financially stable companies in the market today. We have a current premium revenue of more than Php 700 million per year, and assets amounting to more than Php 1.4 billion. Of the 71 non-life Insurance Companies in 2013, we ranked No. 11 in terms of Premiums Earned. With a steadfast commitment to growth and progress, Blue Cross aims to surpass these figures to further strengthen our position in the years to come. Blue Cross's product portfolio includes a diverse range of medical and travel insurance packages. We offer international US Dollar contracts, Euro Plans for travel, as well as local Peso policies to individuals and groups.As a specialist provider in the marketplace, our group includes a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Blue Cross Health Care, Inc. The Company offers health care coverage with a no-cash-outlay facility, as well as Third Party Agreements (TPAs). Blue Cross maintains a wide network of hospitals, clinics and medical facilities across the Philippines. We have also established partnerships with numerous doctors, dentists and medical specialists nationwide.We reach our clients through a variety of distribution channels. Along with a solid base of in-house and direct Sales Account Executives, Blue Cross also maintains relationships with over a thousand medical and travel agencies, brokers and intermediaries.To ensure that we are able to adequately care for our clients at all times, we have partnered with companies for International Emergency Assistance, and for other technology solutions for efficient hospital administration and claims payment. We have also directed our efforts to harness the power of information technology to ensure that our products are accessible to our clients and intermediaries.Blue Cross is committed to constantly provide value and needs-based insurance products coupled with fair claims processing. Blue Cross, as a major brand in the industry for medical and travel insurance, understands that health and financial security are among the most urgent and pressing concerns of people today. As a company, Blue Cross seeks to address these concerns by offering products and services designed to respond to our customers' needs and the changing times.


Medical Plans for Individuals and Families

Dollar Plans

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Blue Royale

A worldwide dollar plan that gives you complete freedom of choice for the best medical care. Maximum aggregate limit per year is up to US$2,000,000.

Critical Cover Extra

A rider to our Blue Royale Medical Plan, this product helps address your fears and anxieties about the future by providing a lump sum cash benefit for critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Blue Royale Premier

A worldwide dollar plan, specifically designed for senior citizens, that offers complete freedom of choice for the best medical care. Maximum coverage limit per year is up to US$250,000.

Blue Royale DuoProtect

International Group Medical and Travel Plan especially designed for the Overseas Filipino Worker. Maximum medical coverage of US$50,000.

Peso Plans

Select Standard

A peso plan that allows you to choose from your own medical provider and reimburse medical benefits up to P3,000,000 for each disability per lifetime.

Select Plus

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A peso plan that provides you an aggregate limit per year of up to P3,000,000 while using your own doctor and hospital.

Enhance Your Select Coverage with our Access Facility!

Get no-cash-outlay in-patient medical treatment through our accredited network.

A medical plan designed for the young age market (age 21 to 40), with coverage up to PhP500,000 for accident related expenses and selected Principal Illnesses (e.g. Dengue, Appendicitis, Pneumonia, etc.). Also Offers Personal Accident and Out-Patient Benefits (including Dermatologic services), plus a Blue Cross-Enjoy VIP Kit!


A peso medical plan for the senior citizens that offers a maximum coverage of up to P1,500,000.

Medical Plans for Groups

Blue Cross Flexi for Groups of At Least 50 Members

Group medical plans that can be tailor fitted to suit clients needs. Open to group of at least 20 to 50 members, or to groups of at least 50 members. Available under reimbursement and no-cash-outlay plans.

Blue Cross Flexi Baby Group (20 to 49 Members)

A group medical plan for groups with 20 to 49 employees. We can tailor-fit healthcare benefits to suit clients' needs. Available under reimbursement only.

Healthline TPA

A Third Party Administration Agreement. Which allows the client to finance their own health plan

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via a revolving fund, using the Blue Cross network of accredited medical provides for the no-cash-outlay facility.

4. Intellicare


We are the country's PREEMINENT HMO, committed to lead, innovate, and trailblaze a holistic approach to healthcare management.

As the HMO of FIRST CHOICE, all our endeavors and aspirations shall constantly adhere to the highest level of ethical and performance standards, guided by our company's long-standing

principles of integrity, fairness, honesty, hard work, and an enduring sense of humanity.

The end in view of this commitment is and shall always be the upholding of the right of each individual to health by making quality healthcare efficient, accessible, affordable, and compassionate.

Asalus Corporation was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in November 1995 primarily as a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) engaged in the delivery of managed healthcare services via comprehensive, systematic, and prevention-oriented health maintenance programs or plans. Only six years thereafter, Asalus broke into the top five industry ranking to emerge as the country's fastest growing HMO in terms of market share. This phenomenal growth (a 7-year revenue CAGR of over 60% p.a.) has remained unparalleled to further catapult Asalus, three years after, among the top three HMOs in the Philippines. With these milestone achievements, Asalus has now secured the top two spot after barely a decade and a half of operation and is now poised to contend for industry leadership.

Asalus Corporation is now popularly known as Intellicare, the brand name of its HMO business. Its mission is to lead, innovate, and trailblaze a holistic approach to healthcare management by consistently providing top-quality, highly-personalized healthcare services that are easily available, accessible, and affordable. Its brand of service excellence goes beyond the usual norm of patient care by adding to its multi-faceted dimensions Intellicare's compassion for member-patients.

Intellicare's promise of service excellence has been fulfilled not by accident but by conscious design, given form and substance by a well-fortified, countrywide infrastructure for an effective and efficient healthcare delivery system. Specifically, strategic alliances have been forged with a nationwide network of more than 1,000 reputable hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, and other first-class medical institutions that are manned by an affiliated pool of almost 15,000 of the country's well-known, highly-regarded physicians and medical specialists. Uninterrupted delivery of top-grade service is assured through a 24/7 call center and onsite Patient Relations Officers in each accredited tertiary hospital.

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Under Intellicare’s HMO Program, corporate clients gain access to Intellicare’s nationwide network of medical providers based on a fixed and periodic payment agreed upon by both companies. Clients under the HMO Program have dedicated Account Officers who handle all queries and concerns raised by the members, as well as Wellness Programs catered to their current health-related needs and wants.

Who is eligible to enroll?

Single Proprietor/Partnership/Corporation duly registered with DTI or SEC to conduct business in the Philippines.

Minimum of 10 regular employees.

Membership Eligibility

Principal members – eligible employees (as determined by the enrolling company) aged 18 and not more than 65 years old


For married principals:

Legal spouse, not more than 65 years oldChildren – legitimate, legally adopted or legitimated; unmarried, unemployed,

wholly dependent financially on the Principal member; not more than 21 years old

For single/unmarried principals:Biological children – unmarried, unemployed, not more than 21 years oldParents – not more than 65 years oldSiblings – unmarried, unemployed, wholly dependent financially on the Principal

member; not more than 21 years old


Intellicare members have the privilege to avail of the following services at any accredited hospitals and clinics nationwide.

ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMComplete blood countPhysical examinationUrinalysisFecalysisChest x-rayElectrocardiogram (for members age thirty-five (35) years and above, or if

indicated/prescribed)Pap smear (for female members age thirty-five (35) years and above, or if

indicated/prescribed)PREVENTIVE CARE

Periodic medical check-upManagement of health problemsCounseling on health habits (e.g. family planning, diet prescriptions)

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Record keeping of medical historyRoutine Immunization (except cost of vaccines)

OUT-PATIENTMedical consultation during regular clinic hours, excluding prescribed medicinesEmergency room careReferral to affiliated specialist/sEye, ear, nose, and throat consultationsTreatment of minor injuries and/or illnessesLaboratory tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic exams prescribed by the Intellicare

physicianMinor surgery not requiring confinementSpeech and physical therapyPre-natal and post-natal consultations

IN-PATIENT CONFINEMENTNo deposit upon admissionRoom and board benefits specified in contractUse of operating room and recovery room facilitiesStandard admission kit (e.g. ID bracelet, thermometer)Professional services of all attending affiliated specialists and/or

anesthesiologistsAnesthesia and medicationsBlood transfusions and intravenous fluidsLaboratory tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic examinationsAdministered medicinesDressings, plaster casts, sutures, and other items directly related to the medical

management of the patientICU confinement/dialysisCT scan and ultrasound (except for maternity cases)Ambulance serviceAll other hospital charges deemed necessary by the Intellicare-affiliated physician

in the treatment of the patientEMERGENCY CARE

IN ACCREDITED HOSPITALSDoctor’s servicesMedicines usedOxygen and intravenous fluidsDressings, casts, and suturesLaboratory, x-ray, and other diagnostic examinations directly related to

the emergency management of the patientIN NON-ACCREDITED HOSPITALS

Intellicare agrees to reimburse up to eighty percent (80%) of the total hospital bills including professional fees using the Intellicare Relative Values Scale (RVS) but not to exceed Php 30,000.00.

IN FOREIGN COUNTRIESConfinement in foreign territory shall be treated as if the member had

been confined in a non-accredited hospital facility using the Intellicare Relative Values Scale (RVS) but not to exceed Php 30,000.00.

IN AREAS WITHOUT ACCREDITED HOSPITALSIntellicare agrees to reimburse up to one hundred percent (100%) of the

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total hospital bills including professional fees using the Intellicare Relative Values Scale (RVS) but not to exceed Php 30,000.00.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE INCLUDING ACCIDENTIAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT (for principal members only)♦  Natural death Php 10,000.00

♦  Accidental death Php 20,000.00

♦  Loss of both hands Php 10,000.00

♦  Loss of both feet Php 10,000.00

♦  Loss of sight of both eyes Php 10,000.00

♦  Loss of one hand and one foot Php 10,000.00

♦  Loss of one hand and sight of one eye

Php 10,000.00

♦  Loss of one foot and sight of one eye Php 10,000.00

♦  Loss of one hand or one foot Php 5,000.00

♦  Loss of sight of one eye Php 5,000.00

OPTIONAL BENEFIT (Dental Services)Dental examinationAnnual oral prophylaxisOral health education through chairside instructionOrthodontic consultation (braces and malposition of teeth)Pre-natal check of teeth and gumsTemporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) consultation (clicking of jaws)Conduct activities on dental health education (e.g. regarding AIDS)Emergency dental treatment for the relief of painGum treatment for cases like inflammation or bleedingTemporary fillingsSimple extraction of unsavable tooth

Recementation of fixed bridges, crowns, jackets, inlays/outlays

5. Philippine Prudential Life Insurance Company Incorporated


Industry leader in innovation and growth. We are passionate, enthusiastic and committed as your partner for life.


We are a reputable Filipino financial services company committed to providing products to our valued clients through our multiple and accessible distribution channels.

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About Philippine Prudential:

The Philippine Prudential Life Insurance Company, Inc. (Philippine Prudential) is a leader in innovation and growth in the life insurance industry in the country.  Founded on February 18, 1963 by the late businessman and philanthropist, Daniel L. Mercado, Sr., the Company is now run by his grandson, Gregorio D. Mercado, as its President and Chief Executive Officer.  Also known in the industry as “George,”, Mr. Mercado has been an active member of the Philippine Life Insurance Association (PLIA) since 1999, and has served as Past President (2008 & 2012), Vice President (2011) and Director (2013).  He was also the Vice Chairman (2013) of the Insurance Institute for Asia and the Pacific (IIAP), Director of the Pacific Insurance Conference (2013) and Chief Delegate of the East Asian Insurance Congress (2008 to 2010). The Chairmanship of Philippine Prudential is now held by the founder’s son and former Company President, Daniel M. Mercado, Jr.

 Philippine Prudential is a reputable 100% Filipino-owned financial services company committed to providing the best financial advice and diversified and affordable products — such as endowment plans, whole life plans, group and permanent plans, healthcare coverage, education and pension policies and Credit Life Insurance — to its valued clients through its multiple and accessible distribution channels.

 Now celebrating 52 years of sterling, trustworthy and continuous service, Philippine Prudential continues to serve the best interests of its Policyholders and their families.  The Company is now in the Top 15 among all Life Insurance Companies in the country, and in the Top 5 among all Filipino-owned Life Insurance Companies.

 As of December 31, 2014, the Company’s Total Assets is at Php 999,339,876 Million, Total amount of Claims paid are at over Php 245 Million while the Total Investments amount to Php 428,531,070 Million.  The Total Equity by the end of 2014 is Php 415.3 Million and its Total Premium Income in 2014 is recorded at Php 963,082,632 Million.

 Distribution remains to be among its core strength, as the Company constantly invests in its marketing force, now numbering over 1,200, and in putting up sales offices to extend services in key cities nationwide.  Its seven Distribution Channels — Group Marketing, Direct Marketing, Retail Marketing, Telemarketing, Alternative Marketing, Agency Marketing and Medical Insurance — are fully committed and dedicated to helping Filipinos everywhere live a more secured life.

 As an industry innovator, Philippine Prudential was a pioneer in Mortgage Redemption Insurance, which later evolved into Credit Life Insurance, where the face amount matches the loan balance of a bank borrower at any given time and is designed so that the loan will be paid off in full in the event of death of the Insured/Borrower.  It also pioneered in organizing groups of life insurance companies as a pool to handle a program of protection for select customers.


Philippine Prudential has been awarded the prestigious Superbrands status, making it the only life insurance company to be given this distinction for four consecutive years: for the 2009-2010 and the 2011-2012, 2013- 2014 awarding periods and, presently, for the 2015-2016 awarding period.  In addition, the Company has received a special recognition from the Insurance Commission for its valuable contributions and efforts in the field of Microinsurance during its “Gabi ng Parangal at Pasasalamat sa mga Tagapagtaguyod ng Microinsurance.”

In its bid to support Miss World Philippines Organization’s motto “Beauty in Giving,” Philippine

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Prudential has been named The Official Life Insurer of the Miss World Philippine Pageant for four years, in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, insuring each candidate with Life Insurance protection worth Php 1,000.000 for a certain period.

As a responsible Corporate Citizen, Philippine Prudential continues to be actively involved in worthwhile advocacy programs, such as Gawad Kalinga, through the Company’s GK Village in Camarin, Caloocan City.


Double Security Plus Plan is a very affordable and comprehensive 3-in-1 insurance program that adjusts to your various needs, covering you with extra cash when hospitalized plus lump sum cash for your loved ones if an untoward incident happens that would take your life. For as low as P4.50 a day, you can be protected from life’s hazards and be at peace knowing that your family is secured.

Life Insurance Benefit

Pays your loved ones up to P300,000.00 life insurance.

 Hospital Income Benefit

Pays you as much as *P3,000.00 a day if confined in the hospital due to sickness or injury. This cash can be used in any way you wish – pay hospital bills, medicines, check-ups, food or even cover household expenses. This benefit is also very useful during your recovery.

 Burial Expense Assistance

Plan ahead…we don’t know when the inevitable will happen. This cash benefit pays your loved ones up to *P30,000.00 cash that will relieve them of having to make important decisions during a period of great stress and grief.

 Guaranteed Acceptance and Easy Enrollment

-          No medical examination!

-          No health questions to answer!

-          Very simple and easy enrollment!