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Post on 13-Apr-2017



Presentations & Public Speaking

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HOW DO YOU CONSUME MUSIC? When? I listen to music to music when going on long journeys or if I have to

walk to places that are far away as it relaxes me and puts me in a joyful mood. In the evening I listen to deep house music as its very soothing and fits the pace of the time of day.

Where? I consume my music in any place suitable. The most common place where I listen to it is in the car. The radio is how I listen to music in the car and I especially enjoy Kiss FM and Kisstory as they play old school classics most of the time, which I enjoy listening to the most.

Who with? My music tends to be a solo experience as I listen to a lot of my music with my headphones in. However when I’m in the car it tends to be a joint experience as we listen to it on the radio.

Why? I listen to music to either calm me down if I have been in a stressful situation or if I need to get in the mood for a sporting situation. I also listen to music whenever I go on long journeys as it helps pass the time.