attendance policy and procedure - instep

VERSION NUMBER 1 AUTHOR JKELLY PUBLICATION: JANUARY 2020 REVIEW: JANUARY 2021 1 Learner Attendance and Punctuality Policy and Procedure Director Leanne Gagic January 2020 Publication Date Board of Directors January 2020 V1 JKelly Last Review Date Board of Directors Dec 2020 Review Date Board of Directors Dec 2021

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JANUARY 2021 1

Learner Attendance and Punctuality Policy and Procedure

Director Leanne Gagic January 2020

Publication Date

Board of Directors January 2020

V1 JKelly Last Review

Date Board of Directors Dec 2020

Review Date Board of Directors Dec 2021


JANUARY 2021 2

Learner Attendance and Punctuality Policy and Procedure

Policy Statement

Instep UK Ltd recognises that full attendance and attention to punctuality is key to success with

learners following the good example set by the staff.

Attendance and punctuality are the responsibility of all but closely monitored by the Trainer and the


Where attendance and/or punctuality falls below the expectations of Instep UK, action will be taken

by the Service Improvement Team and the Employer Managers to rectify and deal with this in line

with Instep UK Learner Procedures.

Learners are required to attend all scheduled workshops and one to one meeting and to be punctual

in doing so.

This covers all sessions identified on the learner’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP), including Functional

Skills and Learning Support.

However, Instep UK Ltd also recognises that, for some of our learners, adhering to these

expectations could be too demanding; therefore absences/lateness due to illness/disability, religious

commitments and some personal circumstances will be considered on an individual basis. Return to

learning following a period of absence will be encouraged and supported.

NB: For learners who are under 18 or considered vulnerable, parents / guardians / supporters will be

kept informed

These procedures have been developed as part of our commitment to providing a supportive

learning environment enabling learners who have chosen to study at Instep UK Ltd to achieve their

full potential.

Purpose – Intent The purpose of this procedure is to recognise the investments that learners and their employers

make when a learner enrols on a training programme and ensure that appropriate procedures are in

place to monitor attendance and poor punctuality and act upon absenteeism so that learners can be

supported to attain their apprenticeship.

This procedure lays out how we will:

o promote excellent attendance.

o challenge poor attendance.


This policy applies to all learners enrolled with Instep UK, to maximise their success and progression.

However, some statements only apply to certain cohorts of learners.


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It also applies to all teaching and business support staff with a responsibility to record and monitor


Instep UK Ltd recognises that parents/carers/guardians and employers, where appropriate, can

support learners through encouraging good attendance and punctuality

Definitions Acceptable attendance is 90% or over, for all sessions with no unexplained late arrivals or early


An authorised absence is an absence which an employer would be prepared to accept or where the

absence could not have been reasonably foreseen (please see Appendix A).

Alternative Learning Activity occurs when a learner is not present for a timetabled activity, but is

involved in another activity contributing to their course (eg field trip, exam, external course).

All other absence, including sickness, is unauthorised (please see Appendix B).

Attendance is calculated using the following calculation.

Attendance Percentage

All day 100%

3 out of 4 sessions 75%

2 out of 4 sessions 50%

1 out of 4 sessions 25% Absent 0%


Employer Manager

The Employer Managers are responsible for confirming all Module Training requirements for new

learner cohort with Finance Director including where possible

• Dates

• Locations

Pre – Launch the Employer Manager(s) is responsible for providing MI Team with the following data:

• Employer Name

• Cohort Number

• Employer Single Point of Contact

Finance Director

The Finance Director is responsible for confirming dates and ensuring that there are sufficient

resources, including Trainer to accommodate the plan

Once confirmed the Module Training Plan the plan will be shared with the following

• Board

• Employer Manager


JANUARY 2021 4

• Head of MI

• Head of Quality and Safeguarding

• Operations Manager – Tutor

• Operations Manager – Trainer

MI Team

The MI Team are responsible for creating a folder in the Tutor Section on SharePoint, that can be

accessed by:

• Operations Manager – Tutor

• Operations Manager – Trainer

• Employer Manager

• Trainer

• Tutor

• Head of Quality and Safeguarding

Following enrolment the MI Team are responsible for

• communicating learner names, email addresses, programme and start dates to the Profiler team (where appropriate)

• Setting up learners on E-track

Following the Launch Session, the MI Team are responsible for ensuring that registers and created

and that the registers are made available to the above via SharePoint and contain the following data:

• Name of the Employer,

• Cohort Name/Number,

• Single-Point of Contact,

• Trainer Name and

• Learner Names.

MI Team are responsible for notifying the Operations Manager of new cohort numbers for this to be

disseminated to the Tutor(s).

Operations Manager Tutor

Operation Manager – Tutor is responsible for ensuring that the Tutor(s) are notified of newly

allocated learners and that the onboarding/enrolment process is followed.

During the Programme Operation Manager – Tutor are responsible for ensuring that the registers

are used to inform Employer Managers/Operation Manager - Trainer of attendance prior to the

session and during the session and E-Track is updated weekly to aid Business Operations and inform

of At-Risk Learners.

Operations Manager Trainer

Operations Manager – Trainer is responsible for reviewing anticipated attendance on e-track weekly

to evaluate viability of scheduled Workshop sessions and implementing the following: -


JANUARY 2021 5

a. Workshop Potentially Not Viable i. Operations Manager - Trainer submits report to SMT for decision

ii. SMT proceed with training (see below) iii. SMT decide to cancel training

• Operations Manager - Trainer informs Trainer

• Operations Manager - Trainer informs Client Manager in order to inform Employer in advance

• Operations Manager - Trainer informs impacted Tutor(s)

• Tutor(s) cancel Learner bookings on e-track as ‘Cancelled by Employer’ – notes updated with ‘Cancelled due to insufficient Learner Numbers’

b. Workshop Viable i. Trainer delivers Workshop and updates Register accordingly (see ‘Flow Chart

Attendance’) ii. Operations Manager - Trainer informs Tutor(s) Register updated

iii. Tutor(s) reviews Register, update learners’ Workshop attendance on e-track follow up as per Attendance Policy

Business Support Team

The Business Support Team is responsible for liaising with the appropriate Tutor/Trainer after each

session to ensure all registers are inputted accurately. This is a daily activity. Any notes left by

Trainers/Tutors are passed to the appropriate person to be actioned in a timely manner through the

identification of learners at risk and escalation to the Service Improvement Team/Operations

Manager and Employer Manager.

Employer to be sent a link to the updated register for their reference.


Tutors will add all the planned delivery modules to the E-Portfolio system for each learner as

planned visits.

Tutors will update the register weekly to include any planned cancelations by either the learner or

the employer using the codes in Appendix A

Following the module, the Tutor will access the register and update the learners’ attendance on E-

Track according to the register codes.

Tutors will openly and regularly discuss the attendance and lateness levels of a group or of individual

learners in the class. They will directly address issues of attendance and or punctuality in Individual

Progress Reviews. Targets for improvement will be set and monitored.

Tutors are also responsible for ensuring that learners are appropriately identified as At Risk and

where appropriate initiate and document any intervention strategies.


Trainers will expect learners to arrive in sessions punctually, and will therefore set an example of

their own punctual attendance by being in the session ready to commence the lesson ahead of the



JANUARY 2021 6

Trainers will always challenge latecomers. Lateness must be recorded in the register with an L and

the number of minutes late added.

The Trainer is responsible for ensuring that registers are marked in a timely and accurate manner.

Trainer are also responsible for ensuring that learners are appropriately identified as At Risk and

where appropriate initiate and document any intervention strategies.

Trainers will openly and regularly discuss the attendance and lateness levels of a group or of

individual learners in the class. They will directly address issues of attendance and or punctuality in

Individual Progress Reviews. Targets for improvement will be set and monitored.

Making contact with SPOC to report any absence and updating the register accordingly.


The learner is responsible for ensuring they have good attendance and punctuality at all sessions.

The learner is also responsible for providing accurate contact information and informing their

Trainer/Tutor of any changes to circumstances or contact details.


Where appropriate the Operations and Quality Team will also conduct quality sampling to ensure

registers and contact logs are being marked consistently and accurately.

Head of Quality

The Head of Quality is the owner of this process and is responsible to oversee that data collection is

timely, accurate and logged properly and that data is analysed in order to determine which areas

warrant corrective action.

Management of At-Risk Learners Operations/Employer Managers

Operations Managers and Employer Managers are responsible for managing the At-Risk Meeting

and processes to confirm that all intervention strategies are taking place, are effective and deliver

the required impact.

The Operations Manager(s) and Employer Manager(s) is also responsible for monitoring attendance

rates on a regular basis and ensuring provision below target is reviewed and appropriate action

plans are in place to improve the overall attendance.

The Operations Manager(s) and Employer Manager(s) will provide attendance and punctuality data

to the Board on a monthly basis at SMT Meetings.

Service Improvement

In conjunction with the Operations Managers and Employer Managers the Service Improvement

Team will monitor the attendance of all cohorts and identify all learners at risk and where necessary

implement a corrective action plan to assist in the improvement of attendance and punctuality.


JANUARY 2021 7

Procedure – Implementation Setting a clear standard and expectation of attendance and punctuality continuously, throughout the

learner’s programme is extremely important to ensure a consistent message is applied and


The importance of good attendance and punctuality must be reiterated at induction irrespective of

age or level of programme.

Every enrolling learner must be made aware of their individual attendance and punctuality target.

On commencing the Apprenticeship, every learner must receive their timetable.

For those learners who are under the age of 18, they will receive a Parent Pack which includes a

letter, copy of the learner timetable, consent form and self-addressed envelope, which confirms that

the parent and or guardian is willing to receive information relating to attendance and punctuality.

Employers will receive a similar letter and consent form so that they too can be involved in the

Apprentices educational progression.

The register is the legal and auditable document used by Instep UK to record attendance and

punctuality. The accurate marking of a register is a contractual requirement for all teaching staff and

non-compliance will be subject to staff disciplinary procedures.

Registers must be completed within 10 minutes of the start of the lesson. If the activity prevents

this, a temporary paper register must be completed and the electronic register completed the next

working day. It is the responsibility of all teaching staff to ensure they are trained in the use of

electronic registers; are aware of the register marking codes and know how to access and complete

a temporary paper register, if needed. Register marks can be found in Appendix A.

All unauthorised absences will be followed up by the Trainer/Tutor by informing the Single Point of

Contact at the employers site before 12 pm on the day.

The learner’s attendance and punctuality is calculated through the use of Registers and contact logs,

therefore it is imperative that registers and contact logs are completed in an accurate and timely


Learners are also identified as At-Risk during reviews with the Tutor and employer and appropriate

targets and strategies will be individually developed and implemented to support improved


Attendance Monitoring and Action We appreciate our learners are adults and we will communicate clearly and appropriately our high

expectations for punctuality and attendance. Where this falls below an agreed level this will lead to

action, including possible disciplinary action or even removal from the apprenticeship programme.

There should be no differential between the attendance to workshop sessions, one to one and each

Functional Skills element, therefore the overall average attendance target will be 93% 2019/2020.


JANUARY 2021 8

Apprentices falling into AMBER will have a meeting with their tutor letting them know they are ‘at

risk’ of not achieving in a timely manner and an action plan will be developed to help the apprentice

improve their attendance. Contact will also be made with the employer to let them know of the risk.

Where an apprentice falls into RED the Instep UK learner discipline procedure will be instigated, and

the employer informed.

A meeting will be held between the apprentice, Tutor and employer to discuss issues and to develop

an action plan to help improve attendance. Tutors must use recent attendance rather than

cumulative to measure progress between each intervention or learner discipline.

Where an employer is responsible for keeping their apprentice at work and not allowing them to

attend off the job training, the Employer Manager will contact the employer to remind them of their

responsibilities in line with the commitment statement and this will be recorded as part of the

Employer Review.

The needs of learners with learning difficulties, medical conditions or disabilities will be taken into

consideration during any reviews or disciplinary action, with regards to attendance.

If attendance or punctuality targets are due to long-term illness/disability, a specific action plan will

be discussed with the learner and put into place by his/her Trainer/Tutor and monitored by the

Operations Manager.

Attendance and corrective action Attendance

Attendance Rag Rating 100% - 93% Green

93%- 90% Amber

<90% Red

Corrective action

Issued by Service improvement Tutor/Employer/Line Mgr.

Service improvement Tutor/Employer/Line Mgr.

Ops Mgr./Employer Mgr./Employer

Amber Red 2nd Month Red

Action First Stage + Action Plan for Improvement

Second Stage + Action Plan for Improvement

Third Stage – review of suitability for Apprenticeship

Improvement Target

1 month to improve 1 month to improve

Under 18 Parent/Carer informed of risk

Parent/Carer informed of risk

Parent/Carer informed of outcome

Monitoring - Impact The Head of Quality will quality assure the process by carrying out adhoc checks on ‘at risk’ and ‘high

risk’ learners to ensure the process has been followed. Anywhere this has not happened, the

Operations Manager will be contacted immediately to ensure actions are in place to reduce the risk.

The Operations Manager(s) will report trends and follow up actions to the SMT monthly.


JANUARY 2021 9

Appendix A - Marking of Registers The correct, accurate and timely completion of Registers is an important aspect in the process, in

addition to the Instep UK’s legal responsibility to ensure that we account for learners’ attendance

and Off the Job Hours. All Trainers must complete the register in an accurate manner whilst the

session is taking place.

The register marks to be used are as follows:

Register Mark Reason P - Present The Learner is present in the workshop

A – Authorised Absence This mark can only be applied if the learner meets the criteria in Appendix B. Notes section to be used to add comments.

UA – Unauthorised Absence

This mark to be used for all other absences.

C – Contact Mark When applied to the register it means that the learner has not attended as required. The C mark will inform the Trainer that contact must be made with the Single Point of Contact to confirm that the learner has not attended. The mark should be followed by either L, UA in the appropriate session.

E – Employer This mark to be used when the employer has requested that the learner does not attend due to work commitments.

AL – Alternative Learning This mark to be used if a learner is attending alternative learning that contributes to the apprenticeship standard.

L – Late The learner has attended but is late. Notes section to be used to add the time of arrival.

D – Left Early The learner attended the session but left early Notes section to be used to add the time the learner left the session.

Z – Session Cancelled The session is cancelled by Instep UK for one of the following reasons:

• Staff absence

• Unexpected business closure

Appendix B – Authorised Absence

The following reasons for absence are acceptable

1. Driving tests (not lessons) 2. Stay in Hospital 3. Emergency Doctor or Dental Appointments 4. Funeral of a close relative 5. Religious holidays and festivals (where the

learner practises the religion/faith) 6. A medical appointment which cannot be

re-arranged 7. A visit to University either to attend an

open day or for interview; or a career related interview

8. Attendance at a probation meeting or court appearance

9. Jury Service 10. Severe disruption to learner’s mode of

transport 11. Attending a job interview 12. Pregnancy related sickness 13. Pre and Post Natal appointments 14. Moving house 15. Care of a relative or person, where the

learner is a registered carer (including children under 18)


JANUARY 2021 10

Flow Chart Attendance Procedure

Employer Client Manager confirms training requirements for new learner cohort with Finance


Finance Director confirms Training Schedule for all module training sessions with ALL


MI upload learner populated Registers for each scheduled training session onto SharePoint

MI confirm Booking details with Ops Managers who inform Tutors/Trainers as part of new

learner allocation process

Tutor(s) add Workshop Event to e-track for their Learners

Tutor(s) update e-track with any learner cancellations pre and post Workshop Events

(See Below Workshop Viability)


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Flow Chart - Workshop Viability

Workshop Planned

Is the Workshop Viable

Yes No

Trainers Manager submits report to SMT for decision

Proceed with training as originally agreed

SMT Decision to cancel



Trainer informs Trainer and Ops Managers

Trainer informs Client Manager in order to inform Employer in advance

Operations Manager informs impacted Tutor(s)

Tutor(s) cancel Learner bookings on e-track as ‘Cancelled by Employer’ – notes updated with ‘Cancelled due to insufficient Learner Numbers’


Flow Chart Attendance – to be completed at Start/Break/Lunch/Break of each Session

Start of Session

Learner Attends

Session on time

Learner is marked

as attending “P”



Learner is

marked as “C”

Learner Attends

Session Late

Learner is

marked as

attending “L”

Trainer to contact

SPOC At First

Break to Ascertain


Learner is absent

from work for

reason in

Appendix A

Learner is

marked as

attending “A”

Trainer to contact

SPOC At First

Break to Ascertain


Learner is absent

from work



Learner is

marked as

attending “AL”

Trainer to

contact SPOC At

First Break to

Ascertain Reason

Learner is absent

from work for

work reasons

Learner is

marked as

attending “E”

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Trainer to Add Comments, including amount of time missed, time and method of contact and reason for

absenteeism against each learner

Learner Leaves

Session early

Learner is marked

as attending “D”

Trainer to

contact SPOC At

First Break to

Ascertain Reason

Learner is absent

from work for

any other


Learner is

marked as

attending “UA”



Trainer to Add “Z” to all learners and update comments to indicate the date the session will be repeated




JANUARY 2021 13

Learners Attending not on register Instep recognise that some learners may attend the session that are not already enrolled for that

cohort. This may be for the following reasons:

• They are a private learner

• They cannot attend their schedule training event

• They have not fully completed their enrolment.

In the event that a learner attends the session who is not on the pre-populated register, the training

must complete all sections of the Paper Copy Register sent in the Pack Up by Business Support,

highlighting that the learner is a guest.

If the Trainer knows from which other cohort the learner is from, this information must be


The paper register must be returned with the feedback forms to the Business Support Team within

48 hours.

Business Support Team will be responsible for looking up the learner and completing the

appropriate register for the correct cohort to demonstrate attendance, adding the actual attendance

date to the notes section.

For any learner who is identified as not being allocated to a cohort Business Support Team must

inform MI of the learner name. [email protected]

MI will check for learner enrolment and follow the onboarding process.