atmospheric heating


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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Atmospheric Heating. Jeopardy!. Atmospheric Heating. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. FINAL. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Atmospheric HeatingJeopardy!

CCRYour feet burn when you walk out onto a black road on a hot summer day. What is conduction?

CCRThe reason the blacktop gets hot on a sunny day.What is radiation?

Labs: S. Angle/E. Materials The reason the equatorial region (tropics) are warmer than the polar region?What is solar angle?

Labs: S. Angle/E. Materials This earth material was quickest to heat and quickest to cool.What is air?

CCRThe reason that the best place to put a space heater is at floor level. What is convection?

CCRWater molecules circulate while boiling in a pot.What is convection?

CCRA burger is frying on one side in a pan.What is conduction?

DAILY DOUBLE Labs!A cool and fresh breeze that blows in from the sea while you tan on a hot beach.What is a sea breeze?

Labs: S. Angle/E. Materials This earth material was slowest to heat and slowest to cool.What is water?

Atmospheric Heating100200100200300400500300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500Atmospheric HeatingHeat TransferClimate ChangeLabs: S. Angle/E. Materials CCRFINAL

Climate ChangeThese atmospheric gases trap enough heat for life on Earth.What are greenhouse gases?

Climate ChangeThe ratio of energy coming into the atmosphere vs. the energy going out of the atmosphere. What is the radiation balance?

Climate Changea gradual increase in average global temperature thought to be caused by deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and industrial pollution.What is climate change or global warming?

Climate ChangeScientists use these arctic samples to study the atmosphere from the past What are ice core samples?

Climate ChangeThis expression describes how radiation transfers to thermal energy in the atmosphere and on Earth, then is trapped by gases in the atmosphere.What is the greenhouse effect?

Atmospheric HeatingOf the amount of the energy that reaches earth, this percentage is absorbed by earths surfaceWhat is 50%?

Atmospheric HeatingThe total amount of the Suns released energy that reaches our planet.What is about 2 billionths?

Atmospheric HeatingThe energy from this drives the weather cycle. What is the Sun?

Atmospheric HeatingVirtually all of the energy that reaches our planet comes from hereWhat is the Sun?

Atmospheric HeatingRadiation that reaches Earth does either this or thatWhat are absorption and reflection?

Heating TransferThis type of heat transfer moves in circles through air and waterWhat is convection?

Heat TransferEnergy as heat passes through a materialWhat is thermal conduction?

Heat Transfer When energy is transferred through electromagnetic wavesWhat is radiation?

Heat TransferThis transfer heats air directly next to the earths surface.What is thermal conduction?

Heat TransferCurrents created in air are caused by rising warm air and sinking cool airWhat is convection?