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Atlas and Manual of Plant Pathology

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Atlas and Manual of Plant Pathology

Atlas and Manual of Plant Pathology Ervin H. Barnes late of Michigan State University

line drawings by the author

photographs by

Philip G. Coleman

with a new introduction by

Paul G. Pilley Sir Sandford Fleming College

Plenum Press · New York and London

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Barnes. Ervin H

Atlas and manual of plant pathology.

"Except for the correction of a few minor misprints. a substantially unchanged republica­tion of the edition published by Appleton-Century -Crofts in 1968."

I. Includes index. 1. Plant diseases - Atlases. 2. Plant diseases - Laboratory manuals. I. Title.

SB731.B35 632 ISBN 978-0-306-40168-8

ISBN 978-0-306-40168-8 ISBN 978-1-4684-3495-8 (eBook)

The Plenum Press edition of Atlas and Manual of Plant Pathology is. except for the correction of a few minor misprints. a substantially unchanged republication of the edition published by Appleton-Century-Crofts in 1968.

© 1968.1979 Plenum Press. New York A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street. New York. N.Y. 10011

All rights reserved


No part of this book may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical. photocopying. microfilming, recording. or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4684-3495-8

Dedicated to my lather


lor he taught me about

"such stuff as dreams are made on"


Ideally a textbook should integrate with the lectures and labs in a science course. Select­ing such a book can be an onerous (and sometimes impossible) task for the teacher. Students are wary of getting stuck with a "useless" book, i.e., one to which the instructor never refers. The reader probably has some practical appreciation of their concern. I remem­ber an instructor who not only denounced the very text he had chosen, but also informed the class that he wouldn't be using it. This was after I had already purchased a copy!

Being mindful of the foregoing, I decided to try Barnes' Atlas and Manual of Plant Pathology in 1973. Six years and 800 students later I have no regrets about my choice. As far as I am concerned it is still the finest book of its kind on this continent.

Barnes' Atlas contains an excellent blend of the diagnostic and experimental aspects of plant pathology. His treatment of each disease on an individual basis allows the instruc­tor to omit some pathogens without disturbing the book's continuity. My one-semester course in Forest Pathology is largely descriptive. Strong emphasis is placed on field recognition of symptoms and signs. This is facilitated by Barnes' technique. In a sequence of photographs, the diseased plant or part is first viewed as a whole to show the general symptoms. This is usually followed by a close-up ofthe signs (i.e., fruiting bodies), which appear as they would under a hand lens or dissecting microscope. Ultimately there is a photomicrograph and diagrammatic representation of the fruiting bodies in situ. Labels and line drawings make it easier for the student to discern host tissues and fungus struc­tures. A life cycle diagram concludes the discussion for fifteen of the pathogens. The profusely-illustrated chapter on histological interpretation clearly explains the "bits 'n pieces" and other artifacts that are evident in prepared thin sections, and which are often confusing to students.

I was dismayed to learn that Barnes' Atlas was out of print. Fortunately a book of this kind is not as quickly outdated as a general text, and thus reprinting can be justified. It should be noted, however, that the section on viruses includes diseases now attributed to mycoplasmas, e.g., aster yellows. Some of the methods of control have also changed, e.g., pressure injection of solubilized benomyl into roots and stems for control of Dutch elm disease. The absence of such advances does not diminish the pressing need or value of Barnes' work as an atlas and manual. My hope is that it will be around for some time.

Lindsay, Ontario May, 1978


PAUL G. PILLEY Sir Sandford Fleming College


This work is a result of the curiosity of my students to know more about the world in which they live. Their enthusiasm to touch and to see the world about them demands more than I can give in the classroom. Hopefully, this atlas and manual will help them in their search.

This manual is designed to provide experience in both passive observation of prepared materials and active participation in experiments with living plants and causal organisms. Photographs and line drawings are presented to guide the student in the observation of diseased specimens, infected tissues, and structures of causal organisms. Most of this can be accomplished at the student's own rate of speed, and at his own convenience during "free" or unsupervised laboratory time. This not only enables the student to see for himself, but frees fixed laboratory periods for active participation in manipulative experiments where supervision is important in the process of learning skills.

General introductory remarks about specific diseases are presented to provide a fabric into which the student can weave his observations, develop concepts, synthesize principles, and test hypotheses. He is encouraged to seek further details from general texts and references listed after the definitions and at the end of chapters. He is urged especially to browse through the Phytopathological Classics published in English by the American Phytopathological Society. They are landmarks in the literature which record the early history of man's understanding of plant diseases.

One way to study symptoms of diseases, abnormal internal structures, and charac· teristics of causal organisms is by observing prepared mounts of whole specimens and microscope slides of thin sections of diseased tissues. By following the photographs and line drawings which accompany descriptions of specific diseases, a student can help himself to understand that which he observes. Some students will be tempted to scan the illustrations and skip the observations! Such students are myopic for varia­bility from specimen to specimen exists and cannot be captured in a single photo. graph. Only a study of several views of a number of specimens will help the student to learn how little or how great the variability for each causal organism and disease may be. In addition, laboratory examinations, popularly called practicals or spot tests, can and should be given. The challenge for the students to recognize unlabelled speci­mens and microscope slides stimulates observations. During their studies, students should use a buddy system and take turns covering the labels of specimens and microscope slides and quizzing each other on their identity.

Each experiment is introduced with a few remarks to present the question or questions of inquiry. Although these remarks may repeat information recorded else· where under a specific disease in some measure, it is important in order to crystallize the purpose of the experiment.

Ideally, each student should perform the experiments. They can if classes are small. With large enrollments, however, it is economically prohibitive in supplies and preparation time to provide for each student on an individual basis. Students may be divided then, into groups of two to four students. Groups that are not larger than this


x Preface

still permit reasonably good experience for each member. Demonstrations and field trips should be included to extend the experience of the students. They are supple­ments to but not substitutes for the involvement of the student in active experimentation.

Preparation of materials for experiments may be handled by the instructor, teaching assistant, or preparator. An advanced student may select some of these experiments as individual projects and prepare the materials himself. Therefore, required materials, plants, cultures of causal organisms, and equipment are listed for each experiment. For convenience of preparation, these are divided into four groups:

Expendable Supplies X Total Number of Students or Groups. These are expend­able supplies needed by each student or group of students in the course. It is advisable to include extras to permit selection of uniform plant materials and provide for unforeseen losses. Multiply the items in this list by the number of students or groups of students in the entire enrollment.

Nonexpendable Supplies X Total Number of Students or Groups of Students Which Are Seated in a Laboratory Section. These represent items, such as ther­mometers, which each student or group of students needs but which can be used again by others in the following laboratory periods. MUltiply the items in this list by the number of students or groups of students which are seated in a laboratory section.

General Supplies X Number of Laboratory Sections. These are expendable supplies shared and used by all the students in a single laboratory section. It is con­templated that these will be exhausted and additional materials are needed in each laboratory section. Multiply the items in this list by the number of laboratory sections.

Equipment Available. These are nonexpendable items, such as a balance, which are shared by all. They are needed in the laboratory classroom during the "experiments. Multiply the items in this list by one.

For success with experiments, living plant material must be provided on a dependable basis. Seeds should be planted especially for the laboratory exercises and started in anticipation of their need. In each experiment, the average time required for growth of plant material is indicated. Unless otherwise noted, this is based on growing conditions in the greenhouse at temperatures of 72 0 _78 0 F. During summer months, the total time from seed planting until class use can be reduced about one week for all plant material because the warmer temperatures increase the rate of growth.

The rate of plant growth cannot be assured nor predicted and the laboratory must be "played by ear." Plant material must be used when ready. This requires a priority of activities in the laboratory: (1) initiation of new experiments; (2) con­tinuation of manipulations or observations of experiments started previously; and, (3) observations of prepared materials which can be made with the self-guiding illustrations another time, either in another laboratory period or during open labora­tory hours.

Diagrams accompany some experiments to help the student understand the pro­cedures involved. In addition, data collected by students in previous classes and photographs of experimental results are provided in the event the experiment is omitted or should fail. This is not cheating because these experiments do not consti­tute original research but exercises for eyes, hands, and minds.

Preface X~

Aberrant experimental data may result from unfavorable environmental condi­tions, loss of pathogenicity of the causal organism, inadequate replication, or perhaps faulty experimental design! Do not discard the opportunities presented by these occur­rences. The real-life stories of investigators include such problems and rewards. The problems arise when distinguishing typical from aberrant data in untried experiments. The rewards are the occasional observations made by the attentive eye and keen mind.

A large number of experiments are designed with the soft rot diseases. These require only supermarket carrots and potatoes, wet paper towels and plastic bags-not greenhouses nor growth chambers. The notions of the Germ Theory of Diseases, the principles of sterile techniques, the concepts of isolation, Koch's Postulates, and insights into the mechanism of pathogenesis can be demonstrated easily with these materials.

The student must realize that no oue can see or learn for him. The instructor can only challenge and guide. It is recommended that each student keep a notebook in the laboratory in which to preserve drawings of his observations and supplement the illustrations provided. He should record the details of every experiment as he per­forms it and not rely on his memory. What is done, how it is done, when it is done, and why it is done are the questions to answer in his recorded notes. Experiments overlap and without proper records only confusion can result. The participation of each student in an experiment depends on his own initiative. When there are groups of students performing tasks together, each must contribute and be alert to the con­tributions of others in order to learn.

A laboratory notebook is the personal property of the student, as are his lecture notes. In general, the notebook should not be required but recommended, and not graded but corrected. It is difficult to ascertain the originality of much of the contents of notebooks and to distinguish the quality of the drawings from the quality of the observations. Achievement on the practical examinations is a better measurement of accomplishment. These examinations also help the student to know what he needs to study more.


I am indebted to the many colleagues and friends who provided specimens for the photographs-all of which are originals in order to provide exactly matching color and black-and-white photographs. Dr. John H. Hart and Dr. Nicky A. Smith deserve special recognition for their numerous contributions. Thanks are due to Dr. William B. Allington, Dr. William J. Hooker, and Dr. James E. Kuntz for their constructive suggestions for the manuscript and to Dr. William G. Fields for his suggestions for the chapters dealing with fungi. I am indebted to the gentle ways of my wife during the long hours of writing, typing, and drawing; and, to Dr. William B. Drew, "my boss," who has abetted and aided teaching whenever he could. But for his encourage­ment and support, I would probably be neither teacher nor author today.



1. Definition.

2. Interpretation oj Micro.cope Ob.ervation.

3. Principle. oj Sterile Technique

Experiment 1. Application 0/ Sterile Technique, 28

Experiment II. Media Preparation, 29




4. Bacterial Di.ea.e. 33

5. Bacterial SoJt Rot 35

Experiment Ill. The Germ Theory 0/ Disease, 39

Experiment IV. Examination 0/ Diseased Tissues, 40

Experiment V. Isolation 0/ Bacteria, 42

Experiment VI. Koch's Postulates, 44

Experiment VII. Inoculum Potential: An Epidemiological Factor, 46

Experiment VIII. Pathogenesis: Tissue Maceration, by Pectic Enzymes, 48

Experiment IX. Dispersal by Rain, 51

6. Fireblight oj Apple and Pear

7. Common Bacterial Blight oj Bean

8. Bacterial Wilt oJ Cucumber

9. Crown Gall

Experiment X. Crown Gall, 75

10. Root Nodules oj Legume.

11. Virus Disease.








xvi Contents

12. Tobacco Mosaic 98

13. Potato Latent Mosaic 99

Experiment Xl. Biological Properties of Viruses-Local and Systemic Infections, 99

Experiment XII. Biological Properties of Viruses-Synergism, 103

Experiment XIII. Physical Properties of Viruses, 105

14. Aster Yellows 1I3

15. The Fungi 1I5

16. Club Root of Cabbage 123

17. The Oomycetes 126

18. Late Blight of Potato 127

19. The Downy Mildews 131

20. White Rusts of Crucifers 138

21. The Zygomycetes 143

22. Damping-OIJ 146

Experiment XIV. Damping·Off: Inoculum Potential, 146

23. The Ascomycetes 150

24. Peach Leaf Curl 155

25. Dutch Elm Disease 159

26. Powdery Mildews 167

27. Hypoxylon Canker 176

28. Ergot of Grain 183

29. Black Leaf Spot of Elm 189

30. Sycamore Anthracnose 190

Contents xvii

31. Beech Bark Disease.Complex 193

32. Tar Spot oj Maple 197

33. Sclerotinia Diseases 200

34. Brown Rot oj Stone Fruits 202

Experiment XV.

35. Black Rot oj Grape

Brown Rot 0/ Stone Fruits: Inoculation and Isolation, 207

36. Black Knot oj Plum and Cherry

37. Apple Scab

38. The Deuteromycetes: (The Fungi ImperJecti)

39. Alternaria Diseases

40. Botrytis Diseases

41. Fusarium Diseases:

Experiment XVI. FUSARIUM Wilt 0/ Tomato: Isolation and Observation, 238








Experiment XVII. FUSARIUM Wilt 0/ Tomato: Effect on Transpiration, 240

42. Verticillium Wilt 244

43. Anthracnose 250

44. The Basidiomycetes 255

45. The Rusts 256

46. Stem Rust oj Wheat 258

47. Hollyhock Rust 266

48. Cedar.Apple Rust 269

49. White Pine Blister Rust 278

xviii Contents

50. Needle Rusts 282

51. The Smut Diseases 285

Experiment XVIII. Oat Smut: Germination, 291

52. Wood Rots 292

53. Mistletoes 305

54. Dodder (Cuscuta) 308

55. Nematodes: (Eelworms) 311

Index 317