athens3 full program

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  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    Discover new plays, best practices and thelatest technologies for successful explorationand development in the Circum-Mediterranean,Middle East and North Africa regions 348 Plenaries, Oral Sessions and Posters

    Sessions on Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs, Structural Geology and Heavy Oil

    Hot spots including the North Sea, Russia, the Caspian, Black Sea and West Africa

    10 Pre- and Post-Conference Short Courses and Field Trips

    Exhibition highlighting comprehensive products and services




    E THAN

    $100SEE PA

    GE 45

  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    TITANIUM ($20,000 $39,999)


    Conference Bags

    Hellenic Petroleum SAConference Bags

    Shell InternationalStudent Oral and Poster Presentations; Student Volunteers and Support

    PLATINUM ($10,000 $19,999)ExxonMobilStudents Reception; Student Volunteers and Support

    PGS- Petroleum Geo-Services ASADirectional Signs and Posters

    TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASAIcebreaker Reception

    MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas plcOrganising Committee VIP Reception

    GOLD ($6,000 $9,999)

    Melrose Resources plcMonday Morning Oral Session Halls

    BRONZE ($1,000 $3,499)

    SAGEX Petroleum ASRegistration Supplies

    Dr. David JenkinsGeneral Fund

    Concedo ASGeneral Fund

    For information about sponsorship, contact:Mark Spencer Jones, Sponsorship Chairman

    PGS Geophysical AS Phone: +47 67 51 44 83 Email: mark.spencer. [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    ContentsAAPG Associate Membership Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

    Conference Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

    Conference Hotel Accommodations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

    Conference Hotels and Guest Tours Booking Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

    Conference Hotel Descriptions and Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

    Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

    Field Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

    Guest Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

    Letter from the General Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

    Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

    Registration Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

    Schedule at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

    Short Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

    Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

    Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 2

    Technical Programme

    Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

    Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

    Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Technical Programme at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

    Technical Session Themes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

    ADVERTISEMENTSAAPG 2008 Annual Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 3

    AAPG Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

    AAPG 2008 International Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 3

    AAPG Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

    In Memoriam

    Bjrn Thorleif Gunnar Wands, 1952-2007

    Athens 2007 Technical Programme Co-Chair Just two weeks after returning home to Norway fromAthens where he guided the assembly of the confer-ences excellent technical programme, Bjrn Wandsdied while on a ski trip on 3 March. He will be pro-

    foundly missed by colleagues not only on the Organising and SteeringCommittees but throughout the geoscience community. He will beremembered for his creative thinking (which helped lead to the discov-ery of the Goliath Field offshore Norway), his keen interest in makingolder geological data available and accessible and his tireless volunteer-ing that led to the immense impact he made on the programme you willenjoy and learn from this November.



    GENERAL VICE CHAIRMAN, Gerry Lourantos




    SPONSORSHIP CHAIRMAN, Mark Spencer Jones


    SHORT COURSES CHAIRMAN, Vlastimila Dvorakova

    FIELD TRIPS CHAIRMAN, Nikolaos Roussos








    AAPG EUROPEAN REGION PRESIDENTJohn Brooks, Brookwood Petroleum Advisors

    AAPG EUROPEAN REGION PRESIDENT-ELECTIstvn Brczi, MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas plc



    MIDDLE EAST REPRESENTATIVEAbdulkader Afifi, Saudi Aramco

    NORTH AFRICA REPRESENTATIVEAhmed El-Barkooky, Cairo University and Shell Egypt

    RUSSIA REPRESENTATIVEMars Khasanov, Rosneft


    ADDITIONAL MEMBERSNikolaos Roussos, Hellenic Petroleum SA

    Nahum Schneidermann, ChevronPinar O. Yilmaz, ExxonMobil











    WEB SITE EDITOR,Janet Brister

    Non-Endorsement Policy: The American Association of PetroleumGeologists (AAPG) and the AAPG European Region do not endorse or

    recommend any products or services that may be cited, used or discussedin AAPG publications or at events associated with AAPG.

  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    2 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    Join Us in Athens to

    Challenge Our Myths

    We invite you to join fellowcolleagues 18-21 November 2007 foran exciting scientific conference,exhibition, field trips and shortcourses. The European Region of theAmerican Association of PetroleumGeologists, in full partnership with ourparent organization, will present aprogramme sure to appeal to

    explorationists and researchgeoscientists from the Circum-Mediterranean, Middle East and NorthAfrica, as well as current hot spots inthe North Sea, Russia, the Caspian,Black Sea and West Africa.

    Technical sessions on carbonateand clastic reservoirs, structuralgeology, heavy oil and new theories onglobal geology and hydrocarbongeneration are important elements thatwill be presented. The conference topical, timely and broad in appeal

    will be held in Athens, ancient city ofculture, philosophy, science and mythictradition.

    Our goal is for you to challengeyour own myths over the course of thefour-day event and thus return to thebusiness of finding more oil and gas,willing to take risks with new thinking.Prometheus serves as our guide:stealing fire from the gods was a riskyventure, but humanity benefitedimmeasurably from his risk-taking.Consider that when the exploration

    community discovered the Goliath oilfield in the Barents Sea, several mythswere challenged: There is only gas in the Barents Sea All the oil leaked to the surface

    during the geological history ofTertiary uplift

    Oil found as shallow as +/- 1000 mdepth must be heavily biodegraded

    We proved these myths to be false,and additional myth-challenging facts

    seemed to become available with eachnew exploration well. You know manymore examples in our discipline.

    You also know that, whilechallenging myths often reaps rewards,there can also be risks as many of ushave experienced in our work in thepetroleum industry. (We must notforget Prometheus unfortunate end!)

    Risk-taking must always be temperedby practicality and pragmatism.

    Athens continues to bask in the

    afterglow of hosting the SummerOlympic Games in 2004. The newairport, hotels, public transport, streets,attractions and general atmosphere allreflect Athens newly revitalizedprominence at the worlds crossroads.You will be delighted at the citysbeauty, comfort and accessibility.

    You will find the very modernMegaron conference facilities a perfectvenue, with exhibits and posters

    convenient to the conference halls.We encourage students to apply

    for support and to participate in thefree student short course. We willdeliver a guest programme and socialevents that will make you rememberthe conference with pleasure.

    You will note that our technicalprogramme committee has put together

    an impressive array of technical papers.This could not have been accomplished

    without the work of Bjrn Wands, in

    whose memory we are dedicating thisconference.

    Regardless of whether you are aspeaker, attendee, sponsor, exhibitor orstudent, we are certain you will beprofessionally enriched by yourexperience in November. Do join us!

    Geir LundeGeneral Chairman

    The Acropolis of Athens

  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    4 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    Part of the learning process isconversing with colleagues in aninformal setting. That is why we havebuilt numerous social and networkingopportunities (including coffee breaksduring the technical sessions); many ofwhich are included in the registrationfee. You will also have the opportunityto register for optional events, such as

    the Featured Speaker Luncheon andGolf Tournament, either onlinebeginning the first week of June or byusing the form on page 45 of this FinalAnnouncement.

    Golfing GeoscientistsDate: Sunday, 18 November

    Time: 08:00 15:00

    Location: Glyfada Golf Course

    Price: US $120

    Includes: Transportation from the

    MAICC, green fees and

    refreshmentsThe AAPG European Region willhost a golf tournament at Glyfada Golf

    Club, one of Greeces premier golfcourses. Spots are limited, so registerearly. Golf club rental and wardrobefacilities are available onsite. for additionalinformation on the course.

    Opening CeremonyDate: Sunday, 18 November

    Time: 17:00 18:15Price: Included with conference


    Theres no better way to kick-offyour encounter with Athens than byattending Sundays OpeningCeremony the official start of whatis certain to be, in the spirit ofPrometheus, a memorable event.

    Everyone who registered isinvited to this colorful and importantsession. General Chairman GeirLunde will preside over a ceremony

    that will introduce our theme as wellas spark the challenge to thinkoutside the box via the meetings

    outstanding, myth-busting technicalsession.

    There will be welcomes andwords from dignitaries and honoredguests, plus a look at the historic pastand sampling of exciting present-dayGreek culture.

    Icebreaker Reception

    Date: Sunday, 18 NovemberTime: 18:15 20:30

    Price: Included with conference


    Heres one tradition that doesntneed to be challenged, but enjoyed: theannual Icebreaker reception. Thiscolorful and entertaining social event,which starts immediately at the end ofthe opening ceremony, will be held inthe Megarons impressive Exhibits Hall.

    Join us, and youll be able to tourthe Exhibition, visit with exhibitors

    and enjoy time with your peers, allwhile sampling the finest of Greekfood, drink and culture.

    Dont miss the chance to start yourAthens experience off in style. ThisIcebreaker is not to be missed.

    Featured Speaker LuncheonTopic: Where was Odysseus homeland?

    The geological, geomorphological

    and geophysical evidence for

    relocating Homers Ithaca.

    Date: Monday, 19 November

    Time: 12:40 14:20Location: Hil ton Athens

    Price: US $50

    Speaker: John Underhill, Grant Institute of

    Earth Science, University of


    The geographical description ofIthaca in Homers Odyssey has longprovoked controversy and remainsvery puzzling.

    Special EventsAll events will be held at the Megaron Athens International

    Conference Centre (MAICC) unless otherwise noted.

    Glyfada Golf Course
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    18-21 November 2007 5

    Around are many islands, close toeach other, Doulichion and Same andwooded Zacynthos. Ithaca itself lies low,furthest to sea towards dusk; the rest,apart, face dawn and sun.

    Odyssey 9.19-26

    While Zacynthos continues toexist today, and almost all expertsregard Same as present-dayKefalonia, the island of Doulichionhas never been traced: it hasremained a mystery for 3000 years.The application of moderngeoscience entered the analysis in2003 in an attempt to address the all-important question: could a marinechannel, subsequently described byStrabo as a low-lying isthmus, haveseparated Paliki, the westernmost

    peninsula of Kefalonia, from the restof the island during the late BronzeAge? If it did, Paliki would then havebeen a free-standing island thatprecisely met Homers description:lies low, furthest to the sea towardsdusk.

    John has been leading thegeological, geophysical andgeomorphological tests of the theorythat the Paliki Peninsula in Western

    Kefalonia might have been a free-standing island as recently as 3,000years ago. Confirmation of thathypothesis would have dramaticramifications for our understandingof Classical Greece.

    Underhill has been an AAPG

    member since 1983, a Matson Awardrecipient and an AAPG DistinguishedLecturer and Award winner. He holdsa BSc in Geology from BristolUniversity and a PhD from theUniversity of Wales. He worked forShell International for five yearsbefore joining the University ofEdinburgh, where he holds the Chairof Stratigraphy. He has donesignificant research into the geologyand geomorphology of Greece, and inhis spare time referees football

    matches in the Scottish PremierLeague.

    Students ReceptionDate: Monday, 19 November

    Time: 19:00 20:00

    Location: Hil ton Athens

    Price: Included with conference


    All registered students and faculty areinvited to attend the Students Reception,

    to be greeted by ExxonMobil (StudentsReception sponsor) and AAPG andEuropean Region representatives. Thisis a great opportunity to join AAPGand learn about the benefits ofmembership and the Student Chapter

    program, so active in Europe.

    Exhibitor-SponsoredLuncheonDate: Tuesday, 2 0 November

    Time: 12:20 13:50

    Price: Included with conference


    The European Region wishes tothank the exhibitors for theirgenerous sponsorship of this event!Complimentary lunch for all attendeesand registered guests will be available

    throughout the Exhibition on Tuesday.Take advantage of this opportunity toconverse with exhibitors in a relaxedatmosphere, while enjoying aninformal lunch.

    Closing Ceremonyand CelebrationDate: Wednesday, 21 November

    Time: 16:30 18:00

    Price: Included with conference


    You wont want to miss this

    exciting event an official closingceremony that celebrates and givesperspective to your Athensexperience.

    European Region PresidentIstvn Brczi and conferenceChairman Geir Lunde will offer aconcise review of the conferencessignificant moments; recognize thetop oral and poster presentations thatbest meet the spirit of challengingour myths; and offer their views onwhat this meeting means and whats

    next for the science and theprofession.

    Immediately afterwards wellstart the sundowner a joyfulcelebration offering food, drink andone last chance to visit exhibitorsand reflect on the meetingsaccomplishments and your ownpersonal experiences.

    Staying to the very end never feltso good!

    John Underhill Photo by Kate Chandler
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    6 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    The benefits of attending the AAPG and AAPG EuropeanRegion Energy Conference and Exhibition extend beyondthe great technical programme. At the comprehensiveexhibition, you are sure to pick up insights and ideas fromcompanies featuring the latest products and services to helpyou control costs and enhance your companys bottom line.Plus, daily activities scheduled in the exhibits areas ensureopportunities to network with peers and have some funwhile visiting the show:

    Icebreaker Reception and Exhibition grand opening Coffee breaks Exhibitor-Sponsored Luncheon for all attendees Closing CelebrationFrom well-logging to mapping, seismic data to GIS,

    geological to geophysical modeling and training classes toexploration software, youll find what you need to improveyour personal skills and business.

    Why You Should Attend Youll take home best practices and ideas you can

    immediately and directly apply in your job. Implementation of just one idea could save your

    company thousands, or even millions of dollars. Everything you need from start to finish. Convenient, one-stop access to the products and

    knowledge you need to make a difference. AAPG conferences and exhibitions have been

    helping petroleum-industry professionals for morethan 90 years. Attending can do the same for you.

    The Exhibition

    Exhibition Hours

    Sunday, 18 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18:15 20:30

    Monday, 19 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09:00 18:30

    Tuesday, 20 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09:00 18:30

    Wednesday, 21 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09:00 18:00

    Exhibit Space and Sponsorships AvailableWant to connect with geoscientists and explorationists from the

    Circum-Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa regions and

    around the globe? Contact Steph Benton, Exhibitions Manager, at

    +1 918 560 2696 ([email protected]) for stand availability andsponsorship details.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    18-21 November 2007 7

    Schedule at a GlanceFRIDAY, 16 NOVEMBER



    (continued from 14 November) Pre-Conference Field Trip: Structural Geology of Western Greeces Fold and Thrust Belt08:00 17:00 Pre-Conference Short Course: Pract ica l Sa lt Tectonics08:30 17:00 Pre-Conference Short Course: Modern Prospect Assessment: Risk and Uncertainty for Todays Prospect Evaluations

    08:00 17:00 Registration and Welcome Desk

    (continued from 16 November) Pre-Conference Field Trip: Structural Geology of Western Greeces Fold and Thrust Belt08:00 17:00 Pre-Conference Short Course: Pract ica l Sa lt Tectonics08:30 17:00 Pre-Conference Short Course: Modern Prospect Assessment: Risk and Uncertainty for Todays Prospect Evaluations08:00 12:00 Registration and Welcome Desk

    08:00 20:00 Registration and Welcome Desk08:00 18:00 Pre-Conference Field Trip: Geology and Ancient Culture along the Corinth Canal08:00 18:00 Pre-Conference Field Trip: The Silver Mines of Ancient Athens08:00 15:00 Golfing Geoscientists08:00 12:30 Guest Hospitality Suite08:00 16:00 Pre-Conference Short Course: Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts Applied to Genetic Basin Analysis (graduate students only)09:00 12:00 Guest Tour: Athens Through Time17:00 18:15 Opening Ceremony18:15 20:30 Icebreaker Reception18:15 20:30 Exhibition


    07:00 18:30 Registration and Welcome Desk07:15 08:15 Speakers and Poster Presenters Breakfast09:00 18:45 Guest Tour: Mycenae, Nafplion and Epidaurus09:00 18:30 Exhibition08:00 12:30 Guest Hospitality Suite08:25 12:20 Oral Sessions08:25 12:20 Poster Sessions10:30 11:00 Morning Coffee Break12:20 14:20 Lunch Break12:40 14:20 Featured Speaker Luncheon15:55 16:20 Afternoon Coffee Break14:30 17:20 Oral Sessions14:30 17:00 Poster Sessions19:00 20:00 Students Reception


    07:00 18:30 Registration and Welcome Desk

    07:15 08:15 Speakers and Poster Presenters Breakfast08:25 12:20 Oral Sessions08:00 12:30 Guest Hospitality Suite09:00 18:30 Exhibition09:00 18:45 Guest Tour: Delphi08:25 12:20 Poster Sessions10:30 11:00 Morning Coffee Break12:20 13:50 Lunch Break12:20 13:50 Exhibitor-Sponsored Luncheon13:55 17:20 Oral Sessions13:55 17:00 Poster Sessions15:20 16:00 Afternoon Coffee Break


    07:00 14:30 Registration07:00 18:30 Welcome Desk07:15 08:15 Speakers and Poster Presenters Breakfast08:25 12:20 Oral Sessions08:00 14:30 Guest Hospitality Suite

    09:00 18:00 Exhibition09:00 12:00 Guest Tour: Byzantine Monasteries08:25 12:20 Poster Sessions12:20 13:50 Lunch Break13:55 16:20 Oral Sessions13:55 16:00 Poster Sessions14:30 18:30 Guest Tour: Cape Sounio16:30 18:00 Closing Ceremony and Celebration18:30* Post-Conference Field Trip: The Corinth Rift and Its Giant Gilbert Deltas


    *(continued from 21 November) Post-Conference Field Trip: The Corinth Rift and Its Giant Gilbert Deltas (continues through 23 November)(22 November 24 November) Post-Conference Field Trip: Carbonate Reservoir Types and Evaporite Exposures on Zante Island, Ionian Sea(22 November 23 November) Post-Conference Short Course: Reconsideration of Fundamental Concepts in Geology and Geophysics Practical Implications(22 November 23 November) Post-Conference Short Course: Basin Modeling Integrated with Geochemistry as an Aid to Predict Petroleum Systems Efficiency and to Reduce Exploration Risk
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    8 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    Technical Sessionthemes

    The conference theme ChallengeOur Myths is apparent throughout thetechnical programme, both in ourregional and technical sessions. Thecombination of recent high oil pricesand an ever more competitiveexploration scene has led to industrygeoscientists continually beingchallenged to revisit long-held

    paradigms concerning the ultimatevalue of oil and gas assets and theprospectivity of lightly exploredregions. Session topics will explorehow these challenges are being met insome of the most active regions andchallenging environments in the world,from the Arctic to the Sahara. Newsubjects of great industry interest,

    including unconventional resourcesand CO2 management, should generateinterest with geoscientists of alldisciplines.

    Check (clickon Technical Sessions) for the mostup-to-date list of paper titles andauthors.

    Theme 1: Regional New and Emerging Plays from the Circum Mediterranean Region

    Regional Controls and Future Potential of the North African Petroleum Systems Petroleum Geology and Future Developments in Libya The Caspian Sea - Exploration, Development and Challenges in a Major Petroleum Province

    Developing and Exploring Iraqs Petroleum Potential Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes and Future Potential of Egypt

    Russia: Exploration Challenges in Increasingly Mature Basins and Frontiers E&P Challenges: The Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Northwest Russian and Norwegian Barents Sea

    E&P Challenges: The Paleozoic Carbonates of the Arctic of Northern Europe North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf - Challenge Our Myths Within Exploration and Production

    Breakthrough in West Africa Deep Water Exploration and Gas Development Middle East: Hydrocarbon Systems Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes and Future Potential in Algeria

    International Hot Spots - The Black Sea

    Theme 2: Technical Carbonate Reservoirs - Unlocking the Potential from Established and New Plays

    Unconventional Heavy Oil Resources - Advances, Challenges and Case Studies Reserves and Resources Assessment for Global Studies, Resources Management and

    Financial Reporting Untraditional Theories and Ideas in Global and Large Scale Geology

    Regional Structural Geology: Challenges from the North Sea to the Middle East/Inversion of

    Faults and its Influence on Fault Seals Unconventional Resources - The Modern Theory of Abiotic Genesis of Hydrocarbons: Challengeor Myth?

    CO2 Management

    Gas Infrastructure: To Make Deliverable What is Available Clastic Reservoirs - Flow Unit Definition for Optimal Recovery

    Management Forum Energy Supply and Demand Perspective on Current Dynamics


    Simply clickJoin and Save


    Join AAPG

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  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    18-21 November 2007 9

    Monday Morning Oral New and Emerging Plays from the

    Circum-Mediterranean Region I Middle East: Hydrocarbon Systems I North Sea and Norwegian Continental

    Shelf - Challenge Our Myths withinExploration and Production I

    Russia: Exploration Challenges inIncreasingly Mature Basins and Frontiers

    Breakthrough in West Africa Deep WaterExploration and Gas Development I

    Management Forum: Energy

    Supply and Demand Perspectiveon Current Dynamics

    Gas Infra Structure: To Make DeliverableWhat is Available

    Monday Afternoon Oral New and Emerging Plays from the

    Circum-Mediterranean Region II Middle East: Hydrocarbon Systems II Regional Controls and Future Potential of

    the North African Petroleum Systems North Sea and Norwegian Continental

    Shelf - Challenge Our Myths withinExploration and Production II

    Breakthrough in West Africa Deep WaterExploration and Gas Development II

    CO2 Management

    Monday Poster Carbonate Reservoirs - Unlocking the

    Potential from Established and New Plays International Hot Spots - The Black Sea E&P Challenges: The Paleozoic

    Carbonates of the Arctic of NorthernEurope

    E&P Challenges: The Mesozoic andCenozoic of the Northwest Russian andNorwegian Barents Sea

    Petroleum Geology, Exploration

    Successes and Future Potential in Algeria Petroleum Geology and Future

    Developments in Libya The Caspian Sea - Exploration,

    Development and Challenges in a MajorPetroleum Province

    Unconventional Resources - TheModern Theory of Abiotic Genesis ofHydrocarbons: Challenge or Myth?

    Tuesday Morning Oral The Caspian Sea - Exploration,

    Development and Challenges in a MajorPetroleum Province I

    Petroleum Geology, ExplorationSuccesses and Future Potential in Algeria

    Regional Structural Geology: Challengesfrom the North Sea to the MiddleEast/Inversion of Faults and its Influenceon Fault Seals I

    Clastic Reservoirs - Flow Unit Definitionfor Optimal Recovery

    E&P Challenges: The PaleozoicCarbonates of the Arctic of NorthernEurope

    E&P Challenges: The Mesozoic andCenozoic of the Northwest Russian andNorwegian Barents Sea

    Tuesday Afternoon Oral The Caspian Sea - Exploration,

    Development and Challenges in a MajorPetroleum Province II

    Petroleum Geology and FutureDevelopments in Libya

    Regional Structural Geology: Challengesfrom the North Sea to the MiddleEast/Inversion of Faults and its Influenceon Fault Seals II

    Unconventional Heavy Oil Resources -Advances, Challenges and Case Studies

    Unconventional Resources - TheModern Theory of Abiotic Genesis ofHydrocarbons: Challenge or Myth?

    Tuesday Poster New and Emerging Plays from the

    Circum-Mediterranean Region Regional Controls and Future Potential of

    the North African Petroleum Systems Petroleum Geology, Exploration

    Successes and Future Potential of Egypt Un-Traditional Theories and Ideas in

    Global and Large Scale Geology Developing and Exploring Iraqs

    Petroleum Potential North Sea and Norwegian Continental

    Shelf - Challenge Our Myths withinExploration and Production

    Wednesday Morning Oral Carbonate Reservoirs - Unlocking the

    Potential from Established and NewPlays I

    Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successand Future Potential of Egypt

    Developing and Exploring IraqsPetroleum Potential I

    Un-Traditional Theories and Ideas inGlobal and Large Scale Geology I

    International Hot Spots - The Black Sea I Reserves and Resources Assessment for

    Global Studies, Resources Managementand Financial Reporting

    Wednesday Afternoon Oral Carbonate Reservoirs - Unlocking the

    Potential from Established and NewPlays II

    Developing and Exploring Iraq'sPetroleum Potential II

    Un-Traditional Theories and Ideas inGlobal and Large Scale Geology II

    International Hot Spots - The Black Sea II

    Wednesday Poster Regional Structural Geology: Challenges

    from the North Sea to the MiddleEast/Inversion of Faults and its Influenceon Fault Seals

    Clastic Reservoirs - Flow Unit Definitionfor Optimal Recovery

    Russia: Exploration Challenges inIncreasingly Mature Basins and Frontiers

    Middle East: Hydrocarbon Systems Unconventional Heavy Oil Resources -

    Advances, Challenges and Case Studies

    Technical Programmeat a glance
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    10 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    Technical Programme

    Monday Morning Oral Sessions

    New and Emerging Plays from the

    Circum-Mediterranean Region I

    Co-Chairs: J. R. Mascle, F. Wehr, and F. Bockelie

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 N. Rigakis, K. A. Nicolaou, N. Roussos, F. Marnelis:

    The Petroleum Generation Potential of Greece

    08:50 A. Mavromatidis, V. C. Kelessidis, D. Monopolis:Causes of High Formation Pressures in DeepDrilling in Western Greece

    09:10 M. Patsoules: Reservoir Types and Characterizationof the Pre-Apulian Zone in Ionian Islands

    09:30 M. Kapnistos, E. Kamperis, F. Marnelis,K. Nicolaou: Hydrocarbon Exploration in WesternGreece

    09:50 S. Xenopoulos, N. Roussos: Status of Existing andPossible New Production in Greece

    10:10 S. D. Harker, A. J. Burrows: The Structural andSedimentological Evolution of the Prinos Basin,Greece

    10:30 Break11:00 S. Rohais, F. Guillocheau, R. Eschard, M. Ford:Alluvial Fan to Gilbert-type Fan Delta Dynamics ofthe Corinth Rift (Greece): Field Studies andNumerical Modeling

    11:20 D. D. Tufekcic: Permo-Triassic Evaporates ofSoutheastern Europe-the Search for Their BasinSetting

    11:40 H. Matias, F. Sandnes, C. Da Silva, L. Matias,F. Santos: Analysis of the Petroleum System in the

    Western Gulf of Cadiz: Offshore Algarve Basin12:00 J. Zweigel, R. S. Ianev, A. Tmmers, M. Inthorn,

    N. Bordas-Le Floch: Exploration in the Rhone-

    Maritime Licence (French Mediterranean): Part I Seismic Interpretation and Salt Reconstruction

    Middle East: Hydrocarbon Systems I

    Co-Chairs: S. Al-Hajri, G. Bloch, and R. Wheeler

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 S. Carruba, C. Perotti, G. Bertozzi, G. Bolis,

    T. Lakew, M. Naini: Salt Tectonics and CentralPersian Gulf Petroleum Plays

    08:50 M. Ayoub, M. T. Ribeiro, J. Bahamaish: TheHydrocarbon Habitat in Abu Dhabi Onshore Area

    09:10 G. Bloch: Onshore Abu Dhabi Upper Jurassic andLower Cretaceous Hydrocarbon System: AComplex Interplay between Source Rock Maturity,Edge of the Hith Anhydrite and Structural Tilting

    09:30 E. A. Abd El-Gawad, O. A. Osman, M. A. Lotfy,W. Hashim, M. M. Abu Saima: Basin Analysis ofthe Late Cretaceous Sediments in UAE

    09:50 D. A. Lawrence, M. J. Jasser, M. A. Zuraiqi,S. Elsembawy, M. A. Al-Shemsi, Y. J. Al-Mansoori,A. El-Baradi, E. Mirto: Data Acquisition andSynthesis in Challenging Wells to ResolveReservoir Management Issues and Uncertainties:Case Study from a Super-giant Carbonate Oil Fieldin the Middle East (Abu Dhabi, U.A.E)

    10:10 A. Koopman, M. Van den Berg, K. Romine,J. Teasdale: Late Proterozoic to Cambrian Plate-Tectonics and its Control on the StructuralEvolution of the Ara Salt-Basin in Oman

    10:30 Break11:00 H. J. Droste: The Myth of the Flat and

    Monotonous Mesozoic Epeiric Carbonate Platformsin the Middle East11:20 O. Aksu, J. D. Pigott, A. Alahdal: Yemen Red Sea

    Subsalt Tectonics/Petroleum System Analysis fromSeismic Stratigraphy-Basin Modeling

    11:40 A. Al-Mansoori, J. C. Mitchell, C. J. Strohmenger:Sub-Regional High-Resolution Sequence-Stratigraphic Correlation of Upper Thamama(Lower Cretaceous) Reservoir and Non-ReservoirZones, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

    12:00 M. Rademakers, K. Shokair: Geology of the GotniaBasin Shelf

    North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf - Challenge OurMyths within Exploration and Production I

    Co-Chairs: T. Sullivan and C. Flavell

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 J. Seldal, J. Leutscher: The Barents Sea Goliath


    All events will be held at the Megaron Athens International

    Conference Centre (MAICC) unless otherwise noted.

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    18-21 November 2007 11

    08:50 A. Ryseth, K. M. Edin, B. Moltu, S. Hansen,J. O. Hansen, L. D. Christensen, P. Ulvedal,S. Rogde: Morvin Hydrocarbon Discovery OffshoreMid-Norway: Exploration And Field Developmentin a High Pressure High Temperature Realm

    09:10 T. Kristing, E. S. Andersen: Exploring the

    Norwegian Channel The Peon Discovery09:30 D. Helland Hansen, E. Siggerud*, B. Bell, J. Benn,C. Dennehy, O. Herman: Rosebank: Oil FieldAppraisal/Development in the Volcanic Province ofthe North West Atlantic Margin

    09:50 G. Dam, M. Larsen, T. Ottesen, N. Westphal:Frontier Sub-basalt Exploration in the NorthAtlantic

    10:10 S. Corbin: The Babbage Gas Field UK SouthernNorth Sea There is a Future for Low PermeabilityLeman Sandstone Reservoirs

    10:30 Break11:00 E. Ferguson, S. Rooksby, R. Todd: Abandoned but

    Not Forgotten Dumbarton, A Brownfield Re-Development11:20 N. Loizou: The Metamorphosis of West of Shetland

    Exploration from Myth to Reality11:40 V. M. Tjensvoll, K. Lokna, J. B. Kristensen,

    M. K. M. Skaten, L. B. Aasum, H. S. Blaasternes,M. Pichard, R. Lindgren, S. Aarnaes: Explorationin the Norwegian Sea Deepwater FutureChallenges

    12:00 I. L. Ferriday, M. Bjory, P. B. Hall: Evaluation ofSource Rocks in the Mid-Norway Area

    Russia: Exploration Challenges in Increasingly

    Mature Basins and FrontiersCo-Chairs: G. F. Ulmishek, K. Kleshchev, and G. Thomas

    08:45 Introductory Remarks08:50 M. A. Sullivan, S. Creaney, B. J. Ferderer,

    N. McAllister, E. Fjellanger, H. Van Gorsel,B. C. South: Hydrocarbon System Framework ofRussia: Pre-Cambrian to Present-Day

    09:10 A. A. Golov, M. I. Lodzhevskaya, B. A. Solovyev:Potential For Replacement of Oil and Gas Reservesin the European Part of Russia

    09:30 S. A. Barboza, L. Burshtein, E. Fjellanger*,A. E. Kontorovich, V. R. Livshits: 3D Basin

    Simulation and Hydrocarbon Systems Analysis ofthe West Siberia Basin

    09:50 M. Bjory, P. B. Hall, I. Ferriday,A. Nemchenko-Rovenskaya: Variation in OilComposition in the West Siberian Basin

    10:10 O. Pinous, D. Borisenok, A. V. Bilinchuk: A Roleof Fluvial Processes in Deposition of Jurassic J-1Reservoirs of West Siberia (Implications forExploration and Development)

    Breakthrough in West Africa Deep Water

    Exploration and Gas Development I

    Co-Chairs: A. Adesida and S. Utskot

    10:55 Introductory Remarks11:00 B. Fryklund, A. Hayman, P. Stark: Africas

    Expanded Role as a Resource Base for Tomorrow11:20 D. S. Macgregor, K. Burke: Basin, Swells, Volcanoesand Turbidites: Continental Scale Controls on Deep

    Water Sand Input to African Margins11:40 T. R. Fahrer, R. Beaubouef, M. L. Porter,

    D. K. Sickafoose: Angola Stratigraphic Initiative:Stratigraphic Integration of Oligocene/MioceneReservoirs (Malembo Formation) in the LowerCongo Basin

    12:00 C. D. Connors, B. J. Radovich, A. Danforth,S. Venkatraman: New Insights into the RegionalStructure of the Offshore Niger Delta

    Management Forum Session: Energy Supply and DemandPerspective on Current Dynamics

    Co-Chairs: P. O. Yilmaz and N. Schneidermann

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 Michael Koch: Chevron, General Manager Exploration08:50 Abdulkadir Afifi: Saudi Aramco Exploration,

    Technical Services Manager09:10 Russell G. Bellis: ExxonMobil Exploration

    Company, Europe/North Africa Vice President09:30 Jean-Marie Masset: Total, Senior Vice President

    Geoscience09:50 Menahi S. Al-Anzi: Kuwait Oil Company, Manager

    of Exploration10:10 Philip Stark: IHS, Vice President10:30 Ian M. Smale: BP North Africa, Vice President

    Gas Infra Structure: To Make Deliverable what is Available

    Chair: J. Toth

    11:00 Introductory Remarks11:05 P. J. Evans, E. J. Phinney, S. A. Anderson: Liquid

    Natural Gas Supply from the East Nile Delta, ArabRepublic of Egypt: A Series of Innovations SecureExport Gas for 17 Years

    11:25 R. S. A. Hussain: Investing in the LNG Chain

    Monday Afternoon Oral Sessions

    New and Emerging Plays from the Circum-Mediterranean Region II

    Co-Chairs: J. R. Mascle, F. Bockelie, and F. Wehr

    14:30 Introductory Remarks14:35 A. Tmmers, M. Inthorn, A. E. Lothe,

    N. Bordas-Le Floch, J. Zweigel: Exploration in theRhone-Maritime Licence (French Mediterranean):Part II Hydrocarbon Systems Modeling
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    12 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    14:55 B. Dewever, R. Swennen, F. Roure, P. Di Stefano,I. Berwouts, P. Muchez: Fluid Flow Reconstructionin Cretaceous Panormide Platform Limestones:Implications for Timing of Oil Migration in theSicilian Fold and Thrust Belt

    15:15 M. Toker, Sr, V. Ediger, II, G. Evans, III: Distortion

    of the Salt-cored Fold System and its Effects uponAbyssal Plain Sedimentary Processes in the Cilicia-Adana Evaporitic Basin, the NE- Mediterranean

    15:35 G. F. Roberts, D. Peace: Hydrocarbon Plays andProspectivity of the Levantine Basin offshoreLebanon and Syria from Modern Seismic Data

    15:55 Break16:20 M. A. Gardosh, Y. Druckman, B. Buchbinder: The

    Oligo-Miocene Submarine Channel System, a NewHydrocarbon Play in the Levant Basin, OffshoreIsrael

    16:40 J. R. Mascle: An Integrated Analysis of the the NileContinental Margin

    17:00 S. F. Frage: Production Log Base Model forEffective Carbonate Management Case StudyMiocene Carbonate, the Gulf of Suez, Egypt

    17:20 F. Bockelie: Some Aspects of the Geology OffshoreSyria

    Middle East: Hydrocarbon Systems II

    Co-Chairs: G. Bloch, S. Al-Hajri, and R. Wheeler

    14:30 Introductory Remarks14:35 J. P. Watkins: Geosteering Horizontal Wells to

    Maximize Oil Recovery in the Mid CretaceousShuaiba Fm. Oman

    14:55 S. K. Singh, W. J. Clark, M. Al-Awadi,M. Al-Wadi, G. S. Forrest, Y. Z. Ma, E. Gomez,M. F. Doe, P. R. LaPointe, O. T. Musakti,S. El Shazly:Jurassic Fractured CarbonateReservoir Characterization Overview - NorthernKuwait

    Regional Controls and Future Potential of the

    North African Petroleum Systems

    Co-Chairs: A. El-Barkooky, M. Zizi, and J. Craig

    15:15 G. Tari, M. Kaminski, C. Miller, D. Valasek,G. Walters: Salt Tectonics and Play Types, Offshore

    Atlantic Morocco15:35 L. Gillhespy, J. Exton: Hydrocarbon Potential of an

    Under-Explored Frontier Basin. The Zag Basin ofMorocco

    15:55 Break16:20 H. Inoubli: Petroleum Characterisation of Salambo

    Formation by Organic Petrography and OrganicGeochemistry (Gulf of Gabes-Tunisia)

    16:40 T. Djebbar: The Role of the Basement Control onthe Present Day Structure of the Saharan Atlas,Algeria

    17:00 A. Moscariello, M. Huuse, P. Gibbard: GeneticModels and Analogues to Unravel the Potential ofGlaciogenic Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of NorthAfrica and Middle East

    17:20 D. Massaras: Recent Exploration & ProductionTrends in North Africa

    North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf Challenge Our

    Myths within Exploration and Production II

    Co-Chairs: T. Sullivan and C. Flavell

    14:30 Introductory Remarks14:35 M. Inthorn, U. Mann, J. Zweigel: The Cretaceous

    Source Rock in the Vring Basin off Mid-Norway:Just a Myth or High Potential?

    14:55 W. Fjeldskaar, I. Grunnaleite, J. Zweigel:Numerical Simulation of Temperature History inThe Vring Area, Offshore Mid Norway: TheEffects of Palaeo Water Depth And Lower Crustal

    Body15:15 I. C. Scotchman, A. D. Carr, C. E. Snape,W. Meredith, C. Uguna, T. L. Leith, R. C. Davis:Maturation and Hydrocarbon Generation inGeological Basins: Exploding the Myth ofTemperature and Time Being the DominantControls

    15:35 B. Dahl, G. Butenko, I. Meisingset: Timing andQuantification of Significant Uplift and ErosionResulting from 1D Basin Modeling Optimizations,Possible or Impossible?

    15:55 Break16:20 R. Smith, M. W. Ecclestone*: Multiscale 3D Static

    Modeling In Norwegian Deepwater for Explorationand on Down the Lifecycle Stream16:40 J. R. Underhill: Myth or Fact? Just What Role Did

    Strike-Slip Play in Controlling Trap Formation andGas Prospectivity in the UK Southern North Sea?

    Breakthrough in West Africa Deep Water

    Exploration and Gas Development II

    Co-Chairs: A. Adesida and S. Utskot

    14:30 Introductory Remarks14:35 M. R. Blaizot: First Steps in Deep Offshore

    Exploration: The Angola Case History

    14:55 M. Chaudhri, K. Mabe: Optimizing ourMethodologies for Assessing Probabilistic OOIPand Recovery Analysis for a New Discovery: LianziField, Angola/Republic of Congo

    15:15 K. Mabe, L. Fernandes, M. Chaudhri,Z. Sarsembayeva: Understanding the Effect ofFaulting on Production Forecasting & Reserves,Negage Field, Block 14 Deepwater Angola

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    18-21 November 2007 13

    15:35 P. Elliott, A. Mpanzu, S. Van Dalen, J. Kurri: Useof Electrical Borehole Imaging Aids in EvaluatingLower Miocene Submarine Channel Complex inOffshore Angola, West Africa

    15:55 Break16:20 P. Papazis, J. Glass, A. Ingles: Map-Based

    Volumetric Calculations of Probabilistic OOIP forStacked Reservoirs with Multiple Oil WaterContacts: Examples from the NSano Pinda &Takula Lower Pinda Reservoirs Block 0, Angola

    16:40 Z. Anka, M. Sranne, R. Di Primio,M. Scheck-Wenderoth: Long-term Evolution of theCongo Deep-sea Fan and Investigation on PotentialSource Rocks in the Ultra-deep Offshore of the Gulfof Guinea

    17:00 J. Byers: Facies Delineation through the Use ofCalibrated Classification of Seismic Attributes Siderite Detection at Negage Field, Block 14, Angola

    CO2ManagementChair:A. Stangeland

    14:30 Introductory Remarks14:35 S. Solomon: Review of the Geological Security of

    Carbon Dioxide Storage in the Deep SalineAquifers of Norway

    14:55 H. Hansen, O. Eiken, R. H. Holmboe: CO2Injection and Storage into the Utsira Formation,North Sea Risk Evaluation

    15:15 C. Hermanrud, P. Zweigel, O. Eiken, J. Lippard, T.Andresen: CO2 Flow in the Utsira Formation:Inferences Made from 4D Seismic Analyses of the

    Sleipner Area15:35 K. D. Nguyen: Synthetic Time-Lapse Seismic Studyof CO2 Injected into a Marine Aquifer The NorthSea Sleipner Field

    15:55 Break16:20 C. Bertoni, T. Vallaure, A. Herra, K. Gorocica: Seal

    Characterization by Integrated 3D Seismic andWell Data: CO2 StorageCasablanca Field (OffshoreSpain)

    16:40 H. G. Machel: The Upper Devonian NiskuFormation in Alberta, Canada: From Sour GasProduction to Acid Gas Sequestration

    17:00 K. Piessens: Dealing with Geological Uncertainties

    in Economic-Environmental Predictions on CCS:Approach of the Policy Support System for CarbonCapture and Storage

    Monday Poster Sessions

    Carbonate Reservoirs Unlocking the Potential

    from Established and New Plays

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: J. R. Markello, M. Esteban, and K. Gerdes

    M. R. Che Kob, M. Y. Ali, A. M. Salih, M. F. A. Kadir,R. Rahman: Minimizing Exploration Risks throughIntegrated Reservoir Characterizations of MioceneCarbonate Buildups of Central Luconia Province,Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

    S. Baraka-Lokmane, K. S. Sorbie: The Role of Calciumand Magnesium in the Mechanism of the Scale InhibitorRetention in Carbonate Systems

    D. M. Steinhauff, C. J. Heine, A. E. Gregory: The EoceneRus Anhydrite: Important Arabian Seismic Reflector andRecorder of Cenozoic History

    D. Noeradi, E. A. Subroto, A. Priyono, H. E. Wahono,

    E. Hermanto: Evolution of Carbonate Reservoir in SouthMakassar Basin, Indonesia, and HydrocarbonProspectivity Assessment within the Area

    A. H. Satyana: Tectonic and Depositional History ofSalawati Basin, Papua Indonesia: Implications to theOccurrences of Miocene Kais Carbonate Play Types

    A. C. K. Tjet, K. A. Abd. Ghaffer, R. Wong, Sr,B. J. Boyce: Carbonate Stratigraphy in Central Luconia,Offshore Sawawak, Malaysia

    F. Pomoni-Papaioannou: The Significance of Temperate-Type (Foramol) Carbonate Systems as Indices ofDepositional Dynamics

    J. Gutowski, I. V. Popadyuk, P. Gliniak, P. Krzywiec,

    A. Maksym, A. Urbaniec, Z. Zlonkiewicz: Architectureand Evolution of the Late Jurassic-Early CretaceousCarbonate Platform Developed Upon the SW Margin ofthe East-European Craton (SE Poland, W Ukraine)

    M. Y. Ali, M. R. Che Kob, S. Sukmono, B. Endar:Optimizing the Remaining Potential of CarbonateReservoirs Through an Integrated Rock Physics Study: AnExample from the Miocene Carbonate

    E. Kiefer, C. Loisy, A. Cerepi, B. Caline: Effects ofSubaerial Exposure on the Microporosity of CarbonateReservoirs (Campo - Merli Transect, South Pyrenees,Spain)

    I. Csiki, L. Csontos, K. Lrincz, J. Tth, A. Ali: Major

    Gas Field in Pakistan from Fractured Carbonates andSandstones

    M. Elezi, A. Cerepi, G. Foto, L. Humbert: TheDepositional Systems of Upper Cretaceous CarbonateReservoirs in the South of Albania

    S. D. Griest, W. S. Meddaugh, J. Garrity, W. F. Stewart,R. Schneider: The Cretaceous Ratawi Reservoir at SouthFuwaris Field, Partitioned Neutral Zone of Saudi Arabiaand Kuwait: Acquisition and Interpretation of New High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data and Geological Modeling
  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    14 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    T. Harland, D. Tang, P. Lawrence:Jurassic CarbonateReservoirs, Northern Saudi Arabia: Distribution,Architecture and Characterization

    K. L. Pigott, J. D. Pigott, M. H. Engel, R. P. Philp: HighResolution Chemical Sequence Stratigraphy inCarbonates: Oxfordian Smackover USA Ramp Proxy

    International Hot Spots The Black Sea

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: M. Nemcok, G. C. Tari, and C. Sengor

    Y. G. Ivanovich, A. S. Alexandrovich: Thermal Evolutionof the Lithosphere of the Buried Structures in the Deep-sea Basin of the Black Sea and Assessment of OrganicMatter Maturity

    L. Guo, S. J. Vincent, S. P. Rice, V. Lavrishchev: UpperJurassic Reefs of the Western Caucasus-Crimea;Hydrocarbon Implications for the Eastern Black Sea

    O. N. Dragastan: Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic

    Cretaceous Deposits and Hydrocarbon Perspective inthe Romanian Shelf of the Black Sea P. Constantin, N. Bogdan, M. Daniela: Hydrocarbon

    Accumulation in the Permo-Triassic Reservoirs of theMoesian Platform

    P. Constantin, N. Rodica, C. Octavian: Tectonic Style andOil and Gas Accumulation in the Moldavian Platform

    S. Vakarchuk, P. Chepil, T. Dovzhok: PaleoceneCarbonate Platform Facies Distribution (Northern Part ofthe Black Sea Basin, Ukrainian Offshore)

    E&P Challenges: The Paleozoic Carbonates

    of the Arctic of Northern Europe

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00Co-Chairs: D. Van der Wel, P. A. Lapointe, and N. Kosenkova

    A. Nemchenko-Rovenskaya, E. Galimov: Prerequisites forFormation of Large and Unique Oil and Gas Fields at theArctic Shelf of Russia (European Part)

    L. Guo, R. Schekoldin, R. A. Scott, J. P. Howard, J. E. Omma:Mid-Palaeozoic Sedimentary Facies and HydrocarbonOccurrences, North Novaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia

    S. L. Belyakov: Oil and Carbonate Shelves of theCarboniferous and Permian Periods of the Timan-Pechoraand Barents Sea Region

    I. U. Khromova, A. F. Glebov, S. L. Belyakov,

    E. M. Barinova: Middle-Upper-Frasnian Sedimentationwithin Varandey-Adzva Zone (Russia) by New Seismic Data F. T. Lysell, B. Senin, E. Ignatenko, C. Scient, T. Senin:

    Hydrocarbon Potential and Prospectivity of the EastBarents and Kara Seas

    E&P Challenges: The Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the

    Northwest Russian and Norwegian Barents Sea

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: D. Van der Wel, S. Berstad, and E. Malysheva

    O. P. Wennberg, L. Rennan, F. Karlsen, R. Basquet: Open

    Fractures in Jurassic Sandstone Reservoirs in the SW-Barents Sea, Some Implications for Fluid Flow andReservoir Performance

    Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes

    and Future Potential in Algeria

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: A. Oujida and K. E. Chikhi

    Z. Kerboub Azibi, Sr, N. Bireche, A. Ouazar, Jr:Characterization and Modeling of Serie InferieureReservoir of Benkahla East Oil Field South East Basin-Algeria

    K. Mohamed-Kamel, M. Messaoud, S. Mohamed:Application of the Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry andXRD Diffractometer in the High Resolution StratigraphyGenetic Parasequences in the Hassi Messaoud Field. CaseStudy: The Cambrian Reservoir

    T. J. Pearce, T. Batrina, A. Alaminos Martinez: ThePredictive Modeling of Authigenic Mineralogy andReservoir Quality using Geochemical Data from Core andCuttings: A Case Study on Devonian to CarboniferousSequences From the RKF Field (Berkine Basin, EasternAlgeria)

    M. Dalila, III: Trap and Petroleum Models of Gara GaraFields Illizi Basin South East Sahara, Algeria

    F. Z. Malti, M. Benyoucef, L. Mekahli: StratisequentialStudy of the Bechar Basin Visean, Northwestern Sahara,Algeria: Dynamic and Paleogeographic Implications

    N. D. McDougall, H. Abdallah: Late OrdovicianPalaeovalleys in the Sahara: An Outcrop-based Model fora Complex Reservoir

    F. Belhameche, N. Saadallah: Hydrocarbons Potential ofthe Tindouf Basin (Algeria)

    Petroleum Geology and Future Developments in Libya

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: P. Nixon and H. Seddiq

    R. J. Phillips, J. Howard, S. Luning, A. Whitham:Structural Framework, Reservoir and Source RockDistribution of Southern Libya: Insights from RecentField Observations in Eastern Murzuq and Kufra

  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    18-21 November 2007 15

    The Caspian Sea Exploration, Development

    and Challenges in a Major Petroleum Province

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: R. Guliyeva, S. Vincent, and W. G. Zempolich

    C. M. Khalifa-zade: Diagenetic Model of Siliciclastic

    Reservoirs in the Productive Series of the South Caspian S. J. Vincent, A. C. Morton, F. Hyden, C. E. Davies,I. Gmez-Prez, M. B. Allen: Sediment TransportPathways and Provenance; Identification of Reservoir-Quality Sandstones in the Caspian-Black Sea Region

    B. Ibrahimov: Sedimentological Characterization of theSurakhany Suite (Lower Pliocene Productive Series):Integration of Outcrop Subsurface Data

    Unconventional Resources The Modern Theory of Abiotic

    Genesis of Hydrocarbons: Challenge or Myth?

    08:25 - 12:20 and 14:30 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: A. Zolotukhin and V. Kutcherov

    V. A. Trofimov: Deep CMP Seismic Testify to the DeepOrigin of Oil

    Tuesday Morning Oral Sessions

    The Caspian Sea Exploration, Development

    and Challenges in a Major Petroleum Province I

    Co-Chairs: R. Guliyeva, S. J. Vincent, and W. G. Zempolich

    09:05 Introductory Remarks09:10 D. Drysdale, M. De Ruig, F. Heath: Back to

    Basics: Paleozoic Carbonate Exploration in the

    Pricaspian Basin09:30 Y. G. Ivanovich, G. Y. Evgenjevich: Salt-bearingDeposits and Conditions for Oil and GasGeneration by the Rocks Underlying Salt Complex(Northern Margin of the North Caspian Basin)

    09:50 D. Dull, A. Zhumagulova, M. Skalinski,D. Novakovic: Korolev Field, Kazakhstan Reservoir Modeling and the Evaluation of KeyStatic and Dynamic Uncertainties

    10:10 J. Kenter, P. Harris, J. Collins: Facies andReservoir Quality of the Tengiz Isolated Platform,Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan

    10:30 Break11:00 M. Skalinski, S. Jenkins*, B. Caplan, T. Billiter,J. Kenter: Petrophysical Rock Types A BuildingBlock for the Tengiz Field

    11:20 M. Sullivan, D. Belanger, M. Skalinski, S. Jenkins*,P. Dunn: Permeability From Production Logs Method and Application To Tengiz Field

    11:40 T. C. Billiter, S. Jenkins, W. Narr, M. Skalinski:Integrated History Matching Process As Applied tothe Tengiz Field

    12:00 E. Aliyeva, D. Huseynov, H. M. Aliyev*,A. Feyzullayev, I. Guliyev, A. Suleymanov:Mesozoic Clastic Source-Rocks and CarbonateReservoirs of the Middle Caspian Petroleum System

    Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes and

    Future Potential in Algeria

    Co-Chairs: A. Oudjida and K. Chikhi

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 A. Moscariello, W. Kolkman, A. Oudjida,

    A. James, S. Murfitt, M. Mussini, T. Krayenbuhl,F. Mondino, R. Besems: Paleozoic ReservoirGeology of the Zerafa and Djebel Hirane Blocks(Western Desert, Algeria): Advances inUnderstanding a Challenging Play

    08:50 R. Athmane.R, B. Saad.B, A. Lynda.A, Jr: LowerDevonian Combined Traps Ahnet Basin WesternSahara Algeria

    09:10 B. Saad.B, R. Athmane.R, II, G. Abdellah.G,S. Nabil: Hydrocarbon Potential of North EasternPart of Taoudenni Basin Algeria

    09:30 M. Mourad: Structural Evolution and BasinClassification Test of the Tindouf Basin

    09:50 A. F. Chambers, M. Baena, J. M. Jauregui,E. Figari, C. Gomez: The Austrian DeformationEvent in Algeria

    10:10 T. J. Pearce, T. Batrina, A. Alaminos Martinez:High Resolution Chemostratigraphic Correlation ofDevonian-Carboniferous Sequences from BerkineBasin, Eastern Algeria

    10:30 Break

    11:00 T. J. Pearce, T. Batrina, A. Alaminos Martinez:The Predictive Modelling of Lithotypes andLithofacies Using Geochemical Data from Core andCuttings: A Case Study on the Devonian toCarboniferous Sequences of the RKF Field (BerkineBasin, Eastern Algeria)

    11:20 J. Machin, J. M. Jauregui, M. Gonzlez, E. Figari,C. Hellal: Still Opportunities to Add Value in theBerkine Basin?

    11:40 R. Ghazli: Structural Model Approach of the ChelifBasin, North Algeria

    12:00 S. Gaci, II: Strategy of Exploration of theNonconventional Resources Study Case: Reggane

    Basin (Algeria)

    Regional Structural Geology: Challenges from the North Sea to

    the Middle East/Inversion of Faults and its Influence on Fault

    Seals I

    Co-Chairs: T. Engelder and R. Gabrielsen

    08:25 Introductory Remarks


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    16 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    08:30 G. Bertotti, N. Hardebol, J. Taal-van Koppen,S. M. Luthi, J. Bruining, W. R. Rossen: Variationsin Fracture Characteristics Across the Stratigraphyof Outcropping Reservoirs: New Acquisition andProcessing Techniques and Results

    08:50 A. Braathen, J. Tveranger, H. Fossen, M. Espedal:

    Extensional Faults in Sandstone Analogue InputData to Volumetric Fault Reservoir Grids09:10 J. J. Walsh, C. Childs, A. Van Herk,

    R. Worthington: Geometric Controls on FaultReactivation: Implications for Leakage ofHydrocarbon Reservoirs

    09:30 S. Schueller, A. Braathen, H. Fossen: GeometricalCharacterization of Normal Fault Damage Zones inSiliciclastic Reservoirs

    09:50 H. Nttveit, J. Tveranger, M. Espedal, E. Bastesen,A. Braathen: Structuring Fault Outcrop Data forNumerical Modeling Purposes

    10:10 C. R. Nogueira, F. O. Marques: Normal Fault

    Inversion by Orthogonal Compression10:30 Break11:00 J. Tveranger, A. Braathen, N. Cardozo,

    M. Espedal, N. Fredman, H. Fossen, H. Nttveit,P. Re, A. Skorstad, H. Soleng, A. R. Syversveen:Fault Facies Modeling A Practical Approach toIncorporating 3D Fault Architecture in StandardReservoir Models

    11:20 P. O. Thierer, H. Trappe, H. Endres, T. Lohr,C. M. Krawczyk, O. Oncken, D. C. Tanner,P. A. Kukla: Bridging the Information Gap:Qualitative Fracture Prediction from Seismic Data

    11:40 V. Zygouri, I. Koukouvelas, G. Papadopoulos:

    Drainage Pattern and Fault Growth within theEasternmost End of the Gulf of Corinth; Greece12:00 M. Ford, C. Le Carlier de Veslud, S. Bourlange,

    D. Jousselin, N. Backert, S. Rohais, A. Girard:Geometry and Kinematics of a Normal FaultNetwork, Corinth Rift: Construction of a 3D ModelUsing Limited Data

    Clastic Reservoirs Flow Unit Definition for Optimal Recovery

    Co-Chairs: W. S. Meddaugh and J. Armentrout

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 S. Yudha, A. P. Handoyo, B. Widjanarko,

    E. Suparka, D. Noeradi: Electrofacies Modeling inVolcanic-Naturally Fractured Reservoir : TheJatibarang Field Case Study

    08:50 G. Chen, Sr, J. Yuan, H. Wang: Meandering RiverChannel Sand Identification and Description

    09:10 V. Marlot, L. Den - Boer, C. Menon-Chassan,P. Lendres: Hybrid Reservoir Model A NewApproach for More Geological Production HistoryMatch in Mature Fields

    09:30 S. K. Shepherd, B. Bracken: Solving the PindaPuzzle: Core is the Key! Pinda Formation, Block 0,Offshore Cabinda, Angola

    09:50 H. I. Ismail, A. B. Ibrahim, H. Zahran: AppliedThree Dimensional Stochastic Techniques to RevealReservoir Complex Heterogenity Nature, A Case

    Study for Karama Field, Western Desert Egypt10:10 R. Severson, O. Yepes, R. Cobenas, F. Descant,J. Gilroy: Discovery, Appraisal, and EarlyProduction at Landana North, Block 14, Angola

    10:30 Break11:00 K. Mabe, M. Chaudhri, Z. Sarsembayeva:

    Modeling Methods to Simplify Layering andFaulting while Accurately Forecasting Production& Reserves, Negage Field, Block 14 DeepwaterAngola

    11:20 T. Kuswardhany, Sr, R. Wong, Sr*, M. I. Sadi, Jr,B. J. Boyce, Sr: Exploration Potential in Toe ThrustArea of Block F Sarawak Deep Water Malaysia

    11:40 D. Kim, S. Y. Yang, H. Yi: Deepwater TurbiditeReservoir Characterization and GeologicalModeling of the Shwe and Shwe Phyu GasDiscoveries Offshore Northwestern Myanmar

    12:00 P. Mitchell, H. Hsiao: Compressing the ProcessingTime-Line an Example from Block 14, Angola

    E&P Challenges: The Paleozoic Carbonates of the Arctic of

    Northern Europe

    Co-Chairs: D. Van der Wel, P. Lapointe, and N. Kosenkova

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 A. I. Antoshkina: Paleozoic Biogenic Carbonates

    Evolution in the Timan-northern Ural Region08:50 D. Lavoie: Active Regional Magmatism andHydrocarbon Reservoirs: Linking Foreland BasinProcesses and Hydrothermal Dolomitization

    09:10 R. Zhang: Carbonate Reservoir Characterizationand Simulation: From Facies to Flow Units, CaseStudy from Tarim Basin, China

    E&P Challenges: The Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Northwest

    Russian and Norwegian Barents Sea

    Co-Chairs: D. Van der Wel, S. Berstad, and E. Malysheva

    09:30 E. F. Novoa, T. Dahlgren, G. Elvebakk: Kinematics

    of the Eastern Nordvarg Dome, The Barents Sea,Norway: A Hinge Migration Detachment Fold

    09:50 T. Samuelsberg, Sr, E. M. Blixt, Sr, T. Bjelvin, Sr:Evaluating the Petroleum Potential of theNorwegian Southern Barents Shelf by CombiningGeological Knowledge and New Technology

    10:10 D. van der Wel, T. Throndsen, D. Worsley:Regional Geology and Prospectivity of the CentralBarents Sea

    10:30 Break

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    11:00 T. N. Hansen, P. Hughes: How Far Can We Pushthe Seismic Inversion Concept in an ExplorationSetting? Some Examples from the Barents Sea

    11:20 G. Y. Evgenjevich, Y. G. Ivanovich: ComparativeAnalysis of the Thermal History and Perspective ofOil-Gas Generation in Sedimentary Sections of the

    South Barents Depression and the AdmiralteyskoeRise11:40 H. Dypvik, W. S. Wolbach, V. Shuvalov,

    S. L. W. Weaver: Did the Mjlnir Asteroid ImpactIgnite Barents Sea Hydrocarbon Source Rocks?

    12:00 P. Green, I. Duddy: Exhumation Histories in theBarents Sea: Challenging the Post-Glacial Myth!

    Tuesday Afternoon Oral Sessions

    The Caspian Sea Exploration, Development and Challenges

    in a Major Petroleum Province II

    Co-Chairs: R. Guliyeva, S. Vincent, and W. G. Zempolich

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 M. F. Brunet, M. South Caspian Working Group:

    Geodynamics of the South Caspian Basin fromNew Field Studies in North-Central Iran andAzerbaijan

    14:20 T. Green, N. Abdullayev, G. Riley, A. Roberts:Subsidence and Sedimentation in the SouthCaspian Basin

    14:40 K. McCaffrey, R. Jolly: Basement InheritanceControls on Fold Evolution in the South CaspianSea

    15:00 S. Spezzaferri, A. Negri, S. Irina, T. Kangarli,

    J. Mosar, K. Koiava: Towards a BetterUnderstanding of Hydrocarbon Potential at theCross-Road of Europe, Middle-East and Asia (TheEastern Greater Caucasus)

    15:20 Break16:00 K. Choi, M. Jackson, G. Hampson, A. Jones,

    A. Reynolds: Impact of SedimentologicHeterogeneity on Gas-oil and Water-oilDisplacements in the Fluvial-deltaic Pereriv SuiteReservoir of the ACG Oilfield, South Caspian Basin

    16:20 H. Ibrahimov, R. Jolly, I. Pinzon: PererivFormation Heterogeneity and Connectivity:Insights from the Azeri Field During Production

    16:40 Discussion

    Petroleum Geology and Future Developments in Libya

    Co-Chairs: P. Nixon and H. Seddiq

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 H. J. Belotti, M. Sanchez, M. Pereira, J. Soares,

    L. Empinotti, B. Gomes: Regional Tectonic andStratigraphic Evolution in the Pelagian Basin,Offshore Libya

    14:20 G. Juniarto, C. Diaz Merino*, A. Wight, D. Rivas,M. Esteban, N.T. Fernandez: Seismic Expression ofCarbonate Platforms, East Gulf of Sirt Basin, Libya

    14:40 P. Swire, Sr, R. M. Khalil, Sr: CambrianHydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Sirt Basin, Libya

    15:00 P. B. Hall, M. Bjory, I. Ferriday: Murzuq Basin

    Source Rocks15:20 Break16:00 A. Belaid, R. Littke, B. M. Krooss: Thermal

    Maturity History and Source-Rock Characterizationof a Palaeozoic Section in the Awbari Trough,Northern Part of the Murzuq Basin, SW Libya

    16:20 S. M. Kumati: Future Prospects of PetroleumDiscoveries in Libya

    16:40 Discussion

    Regional Structural Geology: Challenges from the North Sea to

    the Middle East/Inversion of Faults and its Influence on Fault

    Seals II

    Co-Chairs: T. Engelder and R. Gabrielsen

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 C. P. Dyt, J. Strand, A. Gartrell, L. Langhi: An

    Automated Approach to Determining RegionalScale Hydrocarbon Loss/Preservation Due To FaultReactivation. An Example from the Timor Sea

    14:20 I. Grunnaleite, Z. Huang: Can Uplift of StructuralHighs Explain Distribution of Inversion andCompression in The Southwestern Barents Sea?

    14:40 A. Gartrell, B. Clennell, Y. Zhang: Changes in TrapIntegrity during the Evolution of Reactivated Faultsin the Timor Sea, North West Shelf, Australia

    15:00 E. Gilbert: Changing Our Own Thinking: theStructural Styles of Conventional andUnconventional Fold-Thrust Belts

    15:20 Break16:00 F. J. Picha: Late Orogenic Faulting an Important

    Component of Hydrocarbon Systems of OrogenicBelts and Their Forelands

    16:20 T. Engelder, V. Dvorakova: Systematic Joints with-in the Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Istria, Croatia:A Reflection of Strike-slip Kinematics near theApulian Plate Boundary

    16:40 Discussion

    Unconventional Heavy Oil Resources Advances, Challengesand Case Studies

    Co-Chairs: D. A. Leckie and J. R. Suter

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 P. Stark, K. Chew, R. Fryklund, A. Hayman:

    Critical Role of Heavy Oil Resources in EnergySupplies

    14:20 TBA14:40 J. W. Buza: An Overview of Heavy and Extra Heavy

    Oil Carbonate Reservoirs in the Middle East
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    18 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    15:00 N. Lopatin, N. A. Malyshev, N. N. Kosenkova,T. Emets: Unconventional Oil Resources in theMature Source Rocks Formation

    15:20 Break16:00 K. Mabe, R. Ambriz, M. Chaudhri: Heavy Oil

    Challenges for Development of Gabela Field,

    Deepwater Block 14 Angola16:20 M. Fustic, B. Bennett, R. Spencer, S. Hubbard,S. Larter: Effects of ReservoirCompartmentalization on HydrocarbonComposition and Bitumen Quality in theAthabasca Oil Sands Deposits, Canada

    16:40 M. Fustic, R. Spencer, S. Hubbard, B. Bennett,S. Larter: Dipmeter Application in Canadian OilSands Development Evolution from PredictingPotential Block Slides to 3D GeologicalInterpretation and Modelling

    Unconventional Resources The Modern Theory of Abiotic

    Genesis of Hydrocarbons: Challenge or Myth?Co-Chairs: V. Kutcherov and A. Zolotukhin

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 V. G. Kutcherov: Modern Theory of Abiotic Deep

    Genesis of Hydrocarbons: Challenge for PetroleumIndustry

    14:20 B. Valyaev: Localized Hydrocarbon Fluid Flows:Origin and Regularities of Oil and GasAccumulation Distribution

    14:40 A. Kitchka:Juvenile Petroleum Comes from DeepFluid Inclusions

    15:00 R. Ibatullin, R. Khisamov, I. Glumov: Some

    Results and Ideas of the Probable Present-Day DeepOil Inflow Analyses15:20 Break16:00 Y. Galant, A. Geptner, Y. Pikovskiy: Evidence of

    Hydrocarbon Migration in Volcanic Piles of RiftSystems

    16:20 K. S. Ivanov, Y. N. Fyodorov, Y. L. Ronkin,Y. V. Yerokhin, O. E. Pogromskaya,I. N. Plotnikova: Inorganic Geochemistry of Oil:First Results of the Study Using the ICP-MSMethod of the East-European and West-SiberianOil Deposits

    16:40 J. F. Kenney: Petroleum Exploration and

    Production in the 21st Century: The Science to beApplied and the Technologies to be Developed

    17:00 S. Tassos: Hydrocarbons in the Context of a Solid,Quantified, Growing and Radiating Earth

    Tuesday Poster Sessions

    New and Emerging Plays from the CircumMediterranean


    08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: J. Mascle, F. Bockelie, and F. Wehr

    K. Akrawi Phd, Sr, A. A. Khouri: Passive Seismic (IPDS)Case Studies in Exploration & Monitoring Areas

    D. Lucic, H. Ayed, Z. Ivkovic, D. Takac, G. Forsek,J. Bubnic: The Carboniferous Sedimentary Succession,Lithofacies and Hydrocarbon Potential in CentralPalmyrides (Syria)

    D. Harrison-Fox: Imaging Below an Extremely ComplexSea-Floor Data Examples from the ErotosthenesStructure, Offshore Cyprus

    S. Rohais, M. Ford, R. Eschard, F. Guillocheau,I. Moretti: Modeling the Stratigraphic Architecture of theSouthern Margin of the Corinth Rift (Greece)

    D. Mitrou, C. Pene: Geological Evolution of the Coal-Bearing Basins in the North-West of Greece M. Kati, P. A. Scholle: The Porosity Evolution of Eocene

    Limestones in the Preapulian Zone, Zakynthos Island,Western Greece

    P. W. Gawenda, H. Dobrova: Recent ExplorationActivities in the Northern Mediterranean Sector

    G. F. Roberts, D. Rowlands, D. Peace: The Nature andProspectivity of the Levantine Basin, East Mediterranean:New Insights from Depth Imaged Seismic Data

    N. Rigakis, K. A. Nicolaou, P. H. Nytoft, J. A. Bojesen-Koefoed, I. Abatzis: Biomarker Classification of SeepageOils from Western Greece

    L. Montadert, Sr, S. Nicolaides, Sr: The GeologicalStructure of the Eratosthenes Continental Block and itsMargins with the Levantine and Herodotus Basins(Eastern Mediterranean) from New Seismic ReflectionData

    T. M. Alves, V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou, S. Alexandri,P. Nomikou: Constraining the Origin and Evolution ofConfined Turbidite Systems: Southern Cretan Margin,Eastern Mediterranean Sea (3430-36N)

    E. Poludetkina, E.Kozlova: Geochemical Preconditions ofOil-gas-bearing Capacity of the Alboran Basin

    Regional Controls and Future Potential of the North African

    Petroleum Systems08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: A. El-Barkooky, M. Zizi, and J. Craig

    A. Finn, D. Macgregor, S. Williams: 3D Visualisation ofStructure at a Plate-Scale: Significance for Understandingthe Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems of North Africa andArabia

    A. Lowrie, D. King, Jr: Roles of Geologic Processes alongPassive Continental Margins Suggest DynamicInterrelationships of Cause and Effect

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    18-21 November 2007 19

    P. W. Gawenda, D. Massaras*: Recent ExplorationActivities in Sudan

    D. Aldjia, M. Brahim: Reservoir Characterisation of theLower Devonian in the Ahnet Timimoun Basin(Algeria)

    Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes and

    Future Potential of Egypt

    08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: A. I. Younes, H. Hamouda, and B. Blanche

    K. Farhoud, S. E. Mousa: Geomagnetic Modeling forZaafarana and Morgan Accommodation Zones in the Gulfof Suez Rift Basin, Egypt

    B. Badawy, K. M.Abd alla*, S. M.Selim: Geological andPetrophysical Modeling for Carbonate ReservoirCharacterization. Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez Egypt

    K. M.Abd Alla, S. M.Selim, B. Badawy: ReservoirCharacterization, Role and Contribution in Improving

    Hayrocarbon Productivity from Miocene and Pre-MioceneRocks, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez E. A. Abd El-Gawad, A. S. Alsharhan*, O. A. Mahrous:

    Geochemical Characterization of Source Rocks and Crudeoils in the Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt

    E. Deville, A. Prinzhofer, J. P. Foucher, J. Mascle,J. C. Caprais: Mud Volcanoes from de Nile Delta (DeepOffshore Egypt): Nature and Origin of the Fluids

    Un-Traditional Theories and Ideas in Global

    and Large Scale Geology

    08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: S. Tassos and K. Storetvedt

    W. J. Sercombe, T. W. Radford: Deep Water Gulf ofMexico High Gamma Ray Shales and their Implicationsfor Flooding Surfaces Source Rocks and Extinctions

    P. Green, I. Duddy, S. Holford: Regional IntraplateExhumation Related to Plate Boundary Deformation:

    M. Stefaniuk, J. Pokorski, T. Czerwinski, M. Wojdyla:The Structure of the Central part of Transeuropean SutureZone and the Basement of Neighbouring Platforms Basedon Regional Magnetotelluric Survey

    E. Hartanto, A. S. Arifin, J. Sinulingga, B. Widjanarko:Added Value of Seismic Engineering: A Collaborative Waybetween Geoscientists and Engineers

    K. P. Wilson: Great Circles, an Expanding Earth, andPreviously Unseen Crustal Shifting R. Sreenivasan: Evidences of Igneous Diapirism in

    Northern Part of Narmada Block, Cambay Basin, India A. Lowrie, J. Lorenzo, N. Dawers: Regional Motions

    along the Northern Gulf of Mexico Passive ContinentalMargin Indicate Lateral Basinward Tectonics

    M. Thibaut, A. Jardin, M. Bche: ISBA: a MethodologicalProject for Petroleum Systems Evaluation in ComplexAreas

    S. Asim: Stratigraphic & Structural Interpretation ofSeismic Profile in the North Eastern Part of SulaimanFold Belt in the Viccinity of Chaudwan, Domanda andTakht-E-Sulaiman Fault (Pakistan)

    T. N. Nemchenko, A. S. Nemchenko-Rovenskaya,E. G. Areshev: Oil in Granites on Example of White Tiger

    Field, Vietnam

    Developing and Exploring Iraqs Petroleum Potential

    08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: A. J. Lomando, J. Al-Luaibi, and M. R. Blaizot

    F. A. Amin: Oil Possiblites in the Upper Cretaceous andPaleogene Foreland Basins of the Western Zagros Belt,Kurdiatan Region (N-Iraq)

    R. Preece, A. Abdul Karim, P. Bassant, M. Hanou,S. Kabir, J. Potter, A. Razoian, B. Yeten, N. Ismail:Multiple Point Statistical Simulation of a Carbonate Field Stratigraphic, Depositional, and Petrophysical

    Considerations A. S. Alsharhan: Hydrocarbon Habitats in theMesopotamian Basin and Zagros Fold Belt of Iraq

    R. P. George, A. F. Abbas, K. W. Schafer, T. J. Frantes,T. Rushdi: Structural Genesis of Hydrocarbon Traps of Iraq

    M. Buoniconti, D. Bones, H. Farhoud, M. Lafta,J. Nealon: Integrated Reprocessing and Interpretation inEnhancing 2D Seismic from West Qurna Field, Iraq

    P. Masse, A. Cournot, C. Javaux, H. Ahmed: FaciesCharacterization of South-East Iraq Asmari CarbonatePlatform

    J. J. Mhuder, R. Abdulsadh: Early Cretaceous ZubairSandstone Formation: Oil and Gas Existence and

    Production from Ibn Umr Field Mesopotamian Basin

    North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf Challenge Our

    Myths within Exploration and Production

    08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 17:00

    Co-Chairs: T. Sullivan and C. Flavell

    K. S. Hoffman, J. W. Neave, E. H. Nilsen: Building aBetter Framework The Fused Fault Block Approach

    P. Green, P. Japsen, E. Rasmussen, L. Nielsen,T. Bidstrup: MesozoicCenozoic Exhumation Events inthe Eastern North Sea Basin:

    D. P. Strogen, A. G. Whitham: Basin Evolution and

    Source Rock Potential in the Mid Jurassic-Early Cretaceousof East Greenland: Implications for Exploration in MidNorway and the Northeast Greenland Shelf

    K. Van den Bril, R. Swennen: Predicting CarbonateCementation Patterns in Shallow Marine Sandstones
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    20 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    Wednesday Morning Oral Sessions

    Carbonate Reservoirs Unlocking the Potential from

    Established and New Plays I

    Co-Chairs: J. R. Markello, M. Esteban, and K. Gerdes

    8:25 Introductory Remarks8:30 P. V. Wright: Slaughtering Sacred Cows Perspectives from the SPE Symposium onChanging Paradigms in Carbonates

    8:50 R. A. J. Swennen, L. Breesch, B. Dewever, H. Ferket,F. Roure, B. Vincent, V. Vendeginste, N. Vilasi:Fluid Flow Evolution In Foreland Fold And ThrustBelts and Its Effect On Carbonate Reservoirs

    9:10 J. K. Warren: A New Look at Large-scale EvaporiteDeposits: A Worldscale Exploration Paradigm

    9:30 E. Bastesen, A. Braathen: Architecture andEmpirical Relationships of Extensional Faults inFine Grained Carbonates

    9:50 W. S. Meddaugh, R. A. Garber, S. Griest,D. W. Dull, D. Barge: Maastrichtian Heavy OilReservoirs in the Partitioned Neutral Zone (PNZ),Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

    10:10 S. Singh, Y. Z. Ma*, W. Ahmad, A. Hameed,R. Aziz, M. Al-Awadi, M. Al-Wadi, O. T. Musakti,W. Clark, E. Gomez, O. Gurpinar, J. Moreno:Uncertainty Evaluation of the In-place Oil/Gas inthe North Kuwait Jurassic Sequences

    10:30 Break11:00 F. A. Conradi, T. El-Gezeeri, K. Wells, T. J. Pearce,

    M. C. Dix:Wider Application of ElementalChemostratigraphy in Carbonates: A Case Study

    from the Lower Cretaceous Minagish Formation,Kuwait11:20 T. A. Svn, A. Waldum, A. Eliassen, J. Garland,

    S. N. Ehrenberg, A. Eldy: Transition ZoneDolostones (TZD) and Reservoir Sweet Spots inthe Kangan-/Dalan (Khuff) Formation, Iran

    11:40 R. Finsterwalder, L. Rouis: The Guebiba Field Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

    12:00 N. Vilasi, R. Swennen, F. Roure: CarbonateReservoir Characterization: Examples from theUpper Cretaceous to Eocene Strata of the IonianZone (Albania)

    Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successand Future Potential of Egypt

    Co-Chairs: A. I. Younes, H. Hamouda, and B. Blanche

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 T. M. Maher, D. E. Helgeson, R. E. Roberts,

    A. P. Clare, P. Munday, M. J. Oldani: PetroleumSystem of the Central Western Desert, Egypt: FieldDiscovery and Development of the CretaceousReservoirs

    08:50 R. Buonaguro, K. Farhoud*, L. Feltre, T. Lakew,T. El-Daker: Tectonic Setting and Basin Evolutionof West Wadi El-Rayan Concession (WWER)

    Western Desert, Egypt09:10 F. Wehr, W. Barnes, B. Bullock, H. Ghaffar,

    S. Grant, J. Hightower, P. Jennings, K. Pfau,

    T. Saad, D. Jennette: Reservoir Geology andHydrocarbon Occurrence in the Alam El BuiebFormation, Western Desert, Egypt

    09:30 F. Metawalli, J. Pigott*, A. M. Bakr: TectonicInversion of Kattaniya Basin, North WesternDesert, Egypt

    09:50 J. D. Morse: Re-Interpretation of the North Flankof Qarun A Field (Western Desert, Egypt), Basedon SCAT Analysis and Reprocessing of the A-17Dipmeter

    10:10 J. H. Hightower: The Kahraman Area Fields AnOld Dog Learning New Tricks

    10:30 Break

    11:00 Y. Folkman, Y. Mart: A Newly Recognized EasternExtension of the Nile Deep Sea Fan11:20 P. Lambregts, W. Ottes, A. El Barkooky: The

    Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Nile Delta: ChasingShallow Marine Reservoirs in a Deep-water Basin

    Developing and Exploring Iraqs Petroleum Potential I

    Co-Chairs: T. Lomando, J. Al-Luaibi, and M. R. Blaizot

    11:40 T. J. Frantes, R. P. George, Jr: The StructuralHabitat of Hydrocarbon Accumulations of Iraq

    12:00 F. N. Sadooni: Challenges Associated withExploring the Cretaceous Rudist Basin-Margin

    Buildups of Iraq

    Un-Traditional Theories and Ideas in

    Global and Large Scale Geology I

    Co-Chairs: S. Tassos and K. Storetvedt

    08:15 Introductory Remarks08:30 S. T. Tassos: Five Myths and One Comprehensive

    Proposition in Geology08:50 S. Tassos: The Solid, Quantified, Growing and

    Radiating Earth09:10 W. J. Sercombe, T. W. Radford: Intra-cratonic

    Volcanism in the Colorado Plateau and Association

    with Basin and Range Rifting09:30 Y. B. Galant: Three Myths09:50 K. M. Storetvedt: Global Wrench Tectonics Earth

    History in New Perspective10:30 Break11:00 P. James: On the Origin of Large Horizontal Stress

    Variations in the Earths Crust11:20 M. Hovland, H. Ruesltten, C. Fichler,

    H. K. Johnsen: A Novel Hydrothermal Salt Theoryand its Application to Understanding Deep-WaterSalt Accumulations and Piercement Structures

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    11:40 A. A. Kitchka: How Abiotic Petroleum SystemsWork: Tectonically Driven Deep Fluid Sources

    International Hot Spots The Black Sea I

    Co-Chairs: M. Nemcok, G. C. Tari, and C. Sengor

    9:25 Introductory Remarks9:30 C. Sengor, B. Natalin: The Tectonic Ecology of theBlack Sea

    9:50 A. M. Nikishin, A. P. Afanasenkov: GeologicalHistory and Hydrocarbon Potentian of the EasternBlack Sea Region

    10:10 R. J. Wilson, N. Mountford, P. Maguire,R. Hedley: The Impact of Recent Data on theInterpretation of the Geologic Evolution andPetroleum System of the Eastern Black Sea Basin,Offshore Georgia

    10:30 Break11:00 S. Krastel, M. Wagner-Friedrichs, V. Spiess,

    L. Meisner, G. Borhmann, M. Ivanov: MudVolcanoes and Fluid Migration in the SorokinTrough

    11:20 A. L. Meisner, L. B. Meisner: Geology andPetroleum Potential of the Shatsky Ridge (Black Sea)

    11:40 M. Nemcok, C. J. Stuart, D. Vangelov, E. R. Higgins,C. Welker, D. Meaux: Effects of Tectonics onDeposition in the Balkans of Eastern Bulgaria

    12:00 E. De Boever, R. Swennen, L. Dimitrov:Sedimentology and Timing of Hydrocarbon-seepage(Lower Eocene, Varna, Bulgaria)

    Reserves and Resources Assessment for Global Studies,Resources Management and Financial Reporting

    Co-Chairs: N. Dahl, S. Johnsen, and S. Heiberg

    08:25 Introductory Remarks08:30 C. C. Tallkington, K. Mallon: Progress Toward

    Achieving a Common Global Framework forClassifying Fossil Energy & Mineral Resourcesthrough the Development of the UN FrameworkClassification on Fossil Energy & MineralResources

    08:50 J. R. Etherington, J. E. Ritter, L. Zuccolo*: The2007 SPE/AAPG/WPC/SPEE Reserves and

    Resources Classification, Definitions andGuidelines. Defining the Standard!

    09:10 T. S. Ahlbrandt: The Awakening Petroleum SystemWorld: Reserve and Resource Implications

    09:30 K. J. Chew: A Resource-based Data Set for GlobalResource Studies

    09:50 P. Blystad, E. Kvadsheim: Petroleum ResourceManagement in Norway National Objectives anda Possible Model for National and Global Studies

    10:10 D. Djumlati, J. Paju*, S. Saputra: ResourcesManagement on Mature Basin in Sumatera Island,Indonesia: Building Partnership BetweenGovernment and Industrial

    10:30 Break11:00 D. K. McDonald: Difficulties in Estimating

    Resources and Reserves in a ProbabilisticFramework11:20 C. Stabell, P. A. Hole: Opportunity Maturation:

    Forecasting Resource and Reserve Additions

    Wednesday Afternoon Oral Sessions

    Carbonate Reservoirs Unlocking the Potential from

    Established and New Plays II

    Co-Chairs: J. R. Markello, M. Esteban, and K. Gerdes

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 J. S. Kovcs, M. A. Piteiu, I. I. Bucur, E. Ssran,

    O. G. Pinca, I. Nagy: Carbonate Reservoirs of the6042Deleni Well (Trnava Basin, Romania):Questions Arising for Future Exploration

    14:20 P. A. Scholle, M. Patsoules: Depositional andDiagenetic Patterns and Petroleum Potential ofCretaceous Carbonate Platforms, Ionian Islands,Greece

    14:40 W. M. Z. Wan Embong, H. Mohamad,N. K. S. Mansor, B. J. Boyce: New Perspective ForMalaysian Carbonate Exploration With a Focuson Central Luconia, Sarawak, East Malaysia

    15:00 M. Levy, W. Milliken, P. Harris*, S. Strebelle:Understanding Flow Behavior in Carbonate

    Reservoirs from Facies-Based Earth Models15:20 A. S. Rabey, D. V. Klyazhnikov, E. O. Malysheva,N. N. Chernoglazova, A. L. Korzun: StochasticInversion as a Tool for the Construction ofCarbonate Reservoir Models

    15:40 G. Bracco Gartner*, R. Weger, J. Hendrson,J. Dunne, W. Asyee: Solving the Inter-WellProblem: Pore Shape and Connectivity fromSeismic Inversion in a Carbonate Reservoir

    16:00 E. B. Culp, C. H. Smith, J. Bray, S. Ramakrishna:Magnetic Resonance Data Identification ofProduction in Difficult Carbonate Reservoirs

    Developing and Exploring Iraqs Petroleum Potential IICo-Chairs: T. Lomando, J. Al-Luaibi, and M. R. Blaizot

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 R. P. Philip, A. Ali: Geochemical Evaluation,

    Thermal Maturation and Petroleum Potential of theUpper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Formations inthe Southern Iraq Basin

    14:20 P. Masse, O. Ridet, A. Roumagnac: DepositionalModels for South-East Iraq Mishrif CarbonatePlatform


  • 8/2/2019 Athens3 Full Program


    22 Energy Conference and Exhibition Presented by AAPG and AAPG European Region

    14:40 L. Lambert, B. Sallier, B. Caline, G. Hamon,E. Davaud, C. Durlet: New Insight intoMicroporous Carbonates and Impact on RecoveryFactor: Example From Mishrif Reservoir in Irak

    15:00 G. Lunn, J. Scott*, A. O. Wilson: PetroleumGeology and Prospectivity of the Upper Jurassic of

    Iraq and Comparison to Adjacent Areas15:20 T. K. Al Ameri, M. Zine: Assessment ofHydrocarbon Generation Potential in SilurianAkkas and Ordovician Khabour Formations, AkkasOil and Gas Field, Western Iraq

    15:40 N. A. Bang, J. Vold, A. O. Harstad: The TawkeDiscovery, Exploration and Development of an OilField in North Iraq

    Un-Traditional Theories and Ideas in Global

    and Large Scale Geology II

    Co-Chairs: S. Tassos and K. Storetvedt

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 D. R. Choi: Hydrocarbons in Deep Oceans: From aNew Global Tectonic Perspective

    14:20 S. Tassos: Anhydride Theory, a New Theory ofPetroleum and Coal Generation

    14:40 J. Maxlow: Challenging Our Global Tectonic Myths15:00 J. G. A. Croll: A New Hypothesis for Earth

    Lithosphere Evolution15:20 D. G. Van der Meer, D. J. J. Van Hinsbergen:

    Permo-Triassic Subducted Slabs Return from theGrave

    15:40 P. Carydis: The Catalytic Importance of the VerticalComponent in Earthquake Engineering

    16:00 G. Mirkin: Radioactive Irradiation Factor ofHydrocarbon Source Rock Evaluation

    International Hot Spots The Black Sea II

    Co-Chairs: M. Nemcok, G. C. Tari, and C. Sengor

    13:55 Introductory Remarks14:00 M. J. Fitzgerald, III, E. Ramirez, W. Moulton,

    A. Garcia: South Akcakoca Gas: A Black SeaDiscovery 30 Years in the Making

    14:20 I. V. Popadyuk: Debunking the Myths of CrimeanGeology

    14:40 R. Dellmour, G. G. Ori: The Tertiary Kamtchia

    Fluvio-Estuary-Fan System of Eastern Bulgaria15:00 G. Tari: The Moesian Platform: a Critical Piece in

    the Tectonic Puzzle of the Black Sea Region15:20 D. Boote: The Geological History of the Istria

    Depression, Offshore Romania: Tectonic Controlson Second Order Sequence Architecture

    15:40 O. Khriachtchevskaia, S. Stovba: Oil and GasProspects of the Ukrainian Part of the WesternBlack Sea

    16:00 S. Stovba, O. Khriachtchevskaia: HydrocarbonBearing Area in the Eastern Part of the UkrainianBlack Sea

    Wednesday Poster Sessions

    Regional Structural Geology: Challenges from the

    North Sea to the Middle East/Inversion of Faults

    and its Influence on Fault Seals

    08:25 - 12:20 and 13:55 - 16:00

    Co-Chairs: T. Engelder and R. Gabrielsen

    R. R. Jones, S. Kokkalas, D. Healy, K. McCaffrey: How isOblique Extension (transtension) Accommodated fromRegional to Local Scales?

    A. Ganas, V. Spina, N. Alexandropoulou, A. Oikonomou,G. Drakatos: Active Faulting in South Viotia region,Central Greece: Segmentation, Stress Analysis andExtensional Strain Patterns

    L. Langhi, A. Gartrell, J. Strand: Faults KinematicAnalysis and 3D Characterisation of Re-migration SeismicFeatures: Two Key Elements to Assess and Predict FaultSeal Integrity within Reactivated Areas

    A. Krueger, E. Gilbert: Rethinking Controls on theMechanics of Deep-Water Thrusting Interaction ofStructure and Sedimentation

    F. Mosca, A. Krueger, E. Gilbert: Influence of StructuralDeformation on Temperature Distribution Through Time

    N. Cardozo: TRISHEAR3D: A Computer Program toModel Fault Related Folding in Three-Dimensions

    M. Wojdyla, R. Florek, C. Ostrowski, J. Siupik,M. Stefaniuk, P. Targosz: Application of Integrated

    Magnetotelluric an