atca based compute node as backend daq for sbelle depfet pixel detector

DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 1 ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector Andreas Kopp, Wolfgang Kühn, Johannes Lang, Jens Sören Lange, Ming Liu, David Münchow, Johannes Roskoss, Qiang Wang (Tiago Perez, Daniel Kirschner) II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen Colleagues involved in project, but not (s)Belle members Dapeng Jin, Lu Li, Zhen'An Liu, Yunpeng Lu, Shujun Wei, Hao Xu, Dixin Zhao (IHEP Beijing, Beijing)

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ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector. Andreas Kopp, Wolfgang Kühn, Johannes Lang, Jens Sören Lange, Ming Liu, David Münchow, Johannes Roskoss, Qiang Wang (Tiago Perez, Daniel Kirschner) II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector

DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 1

ATCA based Compute Nodeas Backend DAQ

for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector

Andreas Kopp, Wolfgang Kühn, Johannes Lang, Jens Sören Lange, Ming Liu, David Münchow, Johannes Roskoss, Qiang Wang

(Tiago Perez, Daniel Kirschner)

II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

Colleagues involved in project,but not (s)Belle members

Dapeng Jin, Lu Li, Zhen'An Liu, Yunpeng Lu,

Shujun Wei, Hao Xu, Dixin Zhao (IHEP Beijing, Beijing)

Page 2: ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector

DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 2

Compute Node (CN) Concept• 5 x VIRTEX4 FX-60 FPGAs

– each FPGA has 2 x 300 MHz PowerPC– Linux 2.6.27 (open source version), stored in FLASH memory– algorithm programming in VHDL


• ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture) with full mesh backplane (point-to-point connections on backplane from each CN to each other CN, i.e. no bus arbitration)

• optical links (connected to RocketIO at FPGA)

• Gigabit Ethernet• ATCA management (IPMI)

by add-on card

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 3

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 4

Compute Node (CN)

Page 5: ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector

DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 5

Compute Node Data Transfer

total integrated bandwidth · 32 Gbit/s (all channels summed, theoretical limit)

• All 5 FPGAs are connected pairwise (on the board) by

– one 32-bit general purpose bus (GPIO)

– one full duplex RocketIO link

• 4 of 5 FPGAs have two RocketIO links routed to front panelusing Multi-Gigabit Receivers (MGT)! optical links

• 1 of 5 FPGAs serves as a switch! has 13 RocketIO links to all the other compute nodes in the same ATCA shelf

• All 5 FPGA have a Gigabit Ethernet Link routed to front panelbandwidth tested with a Virtex-4 FX12 test board· 0.3 Gbit/s TCP· 0.4 Gbit/s UDP

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 6

ATCA Shelf

1 kW

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 7

Size of the DAQ System Assuming a requirement of 100 Gbit/s (Estimate H. Moser)

for whole pixel detectorATTENTION! Estimate was changed on Valencia meeting,see remarks later (p. 25,26)

>> 1 ATCA Shelf with 14 Compute Nodes (+2 spares) DATA IN:

per 1 compute node 8 optical links @ 1.6 Gbit/sx 14 compute nodes per 1 ATCA shelf= 180 Gbit/si.e. factor 1.8 safety marginDATA OUT:5 x GB Ethernet per 1 compute node @ 0.4 GBit/s

150k Euro investment in the BMBF application This is identical size to system size for the HADES Upgrade

(test beamtime at GSI, parallel to existing DAQ system, planned for end of 2009)

Note: the compute note is DAQ prototype system for PANDA(>2016)Panda bandwidth requirement is ~10-20% higher than ATLAS<3 x 107 interactions/s

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 8

Status of the DAQ System 1 CN (1st generation)

tested in Giessen since ~1/2 year 2nd iteration (schematics, layout, fabrication)

of CN in spring-summer 2009note: PCB has 14 layers

1 full ATCA Shelf (identical size to sBelle DEPFET system) planned until end of 2009 for HADES experiment at GSI(testbeam maybe spring 2010)

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 9

Compute Node Boot Sequence 5 x VIRTEX-4 FX-60 FPGAs booting by

slave sequential configuration chain(not shown in the block schematics)

@ power up, CPLD powers up bitstream data (1 file, but contains data for all 5 FPGAs)

are copied from FLASH #0 to all 5 FPGAs bitstream contains a small boot loader

for each FPGA, which loads Linux 2.6.27 (open source version), stored in local FLASH memory

then Linux is copied to local DDR2 memory(volatile)

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 10

Test System at GiessenMing Liu, Quiang Wang, Johannes Lang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 11

Current Status of Test System

• The 1st version CN PCB has been tested.– optical links

@ 1.6 Gbps to TRB2 (HADES TPC board,CERN HPTPC and ETRAX 1-chip PC), 0 bit error for 150-hour test

– Gigabit Ethernet– JTAG chain– CPLD+Flash system start-up mechanism

and remote reconfigurability– DDR2 SDRAM– other peripherals

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 12


Intelligent Platform Management Interface I2C

2-line serial interface (clock, data) ATCA Power Management

~180 W / compute node neededbut only 10 W management power provided @ power-up! request to shelf manager

CN piggy-back add-on card 75x35 mmdesign/layout in GiessenMicrocontroller AVR Atmega 12802 x 60 pin connector to CN

Additional tasks:read temperature,read voltages (0.9/1.2/1.8/3.3/5.0 V, ADC via I2C), allows for remote reset/reboot, hot swap (i.e. communicate to shelf manager „I will be disconnected from the backplane now“)

Johannes Lang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 13

IPMI Add-On Board

Johannes Lang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 14

IPMI Add-On Board

Johannes Lang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 15

Algorithms to run on the CN ?1. pixel subevent building

2. data reduction (?)if rate estimate is correct, we must achieve a data reduction of factor ~20 on the CN. Preliminary idea:

1. receive CDC data (from COPPER)2. receive SVD data (from COPPER)3. track finding and track fitting4. extrapolation to pixel detector5. matching to pixel hits6. identify synchrotron radiation hits (i.e. no track match)

and discard

3. data compression (?)

Page 16: ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector

DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 16

Example Algorithm #1: HADES Event Selector

1. reads HADES raw data from DDR2 memory(HADES binary data format)

2. uses PLB bus for memory access(LocalLink multiport memory controller only supported with newest core from XILINX)

3. copy data from DDR-2 to Block-RAM (on FPGA)4. then read FIFO / write FIFO

from/to Block-RAM5. event buffer6. small event decoder7. issue event yes/no decision

discard event or write back

Shuo Yang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 17

Example Algorithm #1: HADES Event Selector

Shuo Yang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 18

Event selection rates of 100% & 25%

Different FIFO sizes (DMA sizes)

Processing throughput of <150 & <100 MB/s (expected to be higher if DMA size increased)

Example Algorithm #1: HADES Event Selector

Shuo Yang

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 19

Example Algorithm #2: HADES Track Finder

here max. 12 drift chamber wires fired per 1 track

Nucleus+Nucleus collisions, large track density expected

Ming Liu

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 20

PLB slave interface (PLB IPIF) for system control LocalLink master interface

for data read/write from/to DDR2 memory algorithm processor (track finding)

Example Algorithm #2: HADES Track Finder

Ming Liu

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 21

Results:• FPGA resource utilization of Virtex-4 FX60 (<1/5) – acceptable!• Timing limitation: 125 MHz without optimization

– Clock frequency fixed at 100 MHz, to match the PLB speed• Processing:

– C program running on the Xeon 2.4 GHz computer as software reference

– different wire multiplicities (10, 30, 50, 200, 400 fired wires out of 2110)

– speedup of 10.8 – 24.3 times per module (compared to reference)

– tried integration of multiple cores on 1 FPGA for parallel processing (even higher performance speedup of ~2 orders of magnitude)

Example Algorithm #2: HADES Track Finder

Ming Liu

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 22

A remark on a data compression algorithm

In 2003 for the DAQ Workshop in Nara, we tried MPEG-2 compression on SVD1.5 data (test runs taken by Itoh-san)

DST (not MDST)i.e. incl. SVD raw data panther banks

L4 switched offi.e. incl. some background(but L3 on)

Compression factor ~1.83 achieved MPEG encoding is working on frames (data chunks)

might be easily parallelized on FPGA C source code for MPEG-2 is available free

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 23

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 24

Johannes Roskoss – HADES RICH ring finder match ring to drift chamber track

(straight line, <12 wires per track)

David Münchow – PANDA Track Finder for PANDA Straw Tube Tracker

conformal mapping and Hough transform helix, 30 hits per 1 track, ~10 tracks per event

Andreas Kopp – HADES drift chamber track

incl. momentum kick in dipole field match to TOF (2-sided read out scintillator paddles) match to EM Shower detector

Additional Algorithm Developmentall incl. FPGA implementation(work ongoing)

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 25

Open Questions on Data Reduction Can the compute nodes get the CDC and SVD data

from COPPER?and then run a track finder algorithm?

by GB Ethernet if yes, what is the latency?

data size? rate? protocol?

At the input of the event builder orat the output of the event builder (i.e. input of L3)?

Is it acceptable for DAQ group? etc. etc.

Page 26: ATCA based Compute Node as Backend DAQ for sBelle DEPFET Pixel Detector

DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 26

Plan: Increase of input bandwidth At the Valencia meeting, it was decided to

a.) increase # of pixel rows to increase resolution in z directionb.) increase readout time (accordingly) to 20 s> factor 2 higher data volume

Modification of CN required If we increase # of links from 44 to 88:

no problem (in 1 ATCA shelf there are 112 links) If we keep # of optical links to 44

optical links are tested for 1.6 Gbit/swe need <5 Gbit/s change FPGA

VIRTEX-4 FX60-10 $ 904,-VIRTEX-4 FX60-11 $1131,-

change optical link transceiverFTLF8528P2BCK $140,-FTLF8519P2BNL $ 45,-

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 27

Plan: Increase of input bandwidth Price per 1 compute node

increases by ~20% (from $ 8100,- to $ 9995,-)> must reduce # of CN from 14 to 11 to keep budget

Note: bandwidth >1.6 Gbit/s per 1 linkwas never tested

Plan:for the next CN iteration (expected May/June 2009)1 FPGA on 1 of the new CN plus transceiverswill be replaced (in any case)

Testing will be done soon afterwards.

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DEPFET Backend DAQ, Giessen Group 28

BMBF Application, Details

Manpower (applied for)1 postdoc2 Ph.D. students

Manpower (other funding sources)Wolfgang Kühn 20%Sören Lange 35%1 Ph.D. student (funded by EU FP7) 50%

Travel budget2 trips to KEK per year (2 persons)2 trips inside Germany per year (3 persons)in 2011 6 months at KEK for one personin 2012 3 months at KEK for one person

Our share for the workshops(electronics and fine mechanics)is 1:1:1 for Panda:Hades:Super-Bellebut electronic workshop is not involved in compute node