at taqwã · 2019. 2. 5. · at taqwã 6 july 2018 the real exam by mawlānā yusuf adam one of the...

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Page 1: At Taqwã · 2019. 2. 5. · At Taqwã 6 July 2018 The Real Exam By Mawlānā Yusuf Adam One of the amazing aspects of our Deen is that we can take lessons from everything. Rather

At Taqwã July 2018

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By Mawlānā Emran Ahmed

Cure for Depression

It's just too much? I can't handle the pressure? Why me? When will it end? Unfortunately, these are questions many

people have circulating in their minds today which are constantly harming one’s physical and spiritual health. It has

been reported that depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%) in any given year. And one in six people

(16.6%) will experience depression at some time in their life. Today, more than ever, people around the world in large

numbers are suffering from some sort of depression or anxiety. Rather, rates of depression and anxiety among

teenagers have increased by 70% in the past 25 years.

The fact of the matter is that depression is something which has always existed and always will. Many people have

lost lives and even Imaan to this deadly epidemic. Fortunately, depression is such an illness which has a cure. I would

like to mention a few points which will hopefully be a means to relieve a person from such an illness. Consider the

following 5 points.

TEMPORARY WORLD: Always remember, this world is temporary and will soon come to an end and the life

hereafter is everlasting. Allah Ta’ala mentions in the Qur’an,

“You give preference to this world (over the hereafter) while the hereafter is much better and everlasting.” (87:16)

Unfortunately, we live in this world assuming this world and everything in it, will remain forever. Never does the

thought cross our minds that one day, our families, wealth, properties, health & everything we hold dear to us, will

eventually perish. This is why when the time for us to depart from such things arrives, we find it unbearable and hard

to accept the reality. Keeping this in mind, remember that just the way this world is temporary similarly, whatever

trouble you are going through is also temporary.

ALLAH TA’ALA IS THE BEST OF PLANNERS: We believe Allah Ta’ala is the All-Knowing. Hence,

remember the Most Merciful is watching you in your troubles and will soon relieve you. We also believe Allah Ta’ala

is the Most-Wise. So, we should always place our trust in Allah Ta’ala. At times we may not be able to understand the

wisdom in the decree of Allah Ta’ala due to our limited understanding but we should have firm belief there is

goodness in it.


in the past and the regret of it is constantly causing anxiety then remember that it has passed and there is no way of

retracting time. Accept it as the decree of Allah Ta’ala and concentrate on making your present better by taking

lessons from the past. Sayyidina Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu reports a Hadeeth that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

alaihi wa sallam said,

“A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good. Adhere to that which is

beneficial for you. Keep asking Allah for help and do not refrain from it. If you are afflicted in any way, do not say:

'If I had taken this or that step, it would have resulted into such and such,' but say only: 'Allah so determined and did

as He willed.' The word 'if' opens the gates of satanic thoughts.”


MAKE DUA: The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has taught us duas for all circumstances. Make a practice to read

the following dua, (Continued on page 5)

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By Mawlānā Zayd Gajia

To Forward Or Not To Forward

The great Muhaddith Imam Muslim rahimahullah in the introduction of his masterpiece ‘Saheeh Muslim’, describes an

incident which transpired between the eminent sahaabi, Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Abbaas radhiyallahu anhu and a taabi’i

by the name of Bushayr ibn ka’b al-Adawi rahimahullah.

Bushayr ibn Ka’b rahimahullah once came to ibn Abbaas radhiyallahu anhu and began narrating the ahaadith of the

Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with the following words, ‘The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said such and such’.

Neither did ibn Abbaas radhiyallaahu anhu listen to his narrations, nor did he even look at him! Seeing this attitude,

Bushayr rahimahullah exclaimed ‘O ibn Abbaas radhiyallaahu anhu! Why do I see you not listening to my narrations? I

am narrating to you from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and you do not listen?’ Ibn Abbaas radhiyallaahu anhu

replied, ‘There was a time, when we would hear a person saying ‘the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said’; our eyes

would look towards him and we would listen attentively. However, when people began to take from both the good

and the bad sources, we only took from others those ahaadith whose authenticity we were sure of.’

Another prominent Sahaabi, Baraa ibn ‘Aazib radhiyallaahu anhu describes the situation in the following words; ‘Every

one of us would not hear the ahaadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We had farms and businesses.

However in those days, people would not lie. Due to this, those who were present (in the gathering of the Prophet

sallallahu alayhi wasallam) would inform those who were absent.

The Imam of Madinah, Imam Malik rahimahullah would say; ‘Verily this Ilm is deen. Therefore be careful from whom

you acquire your deen. Verily, I have seen over 70 people saying ‘Rasoolullaah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said...’ around

these pillars (of Masjidun Nabwi sallallahu alayhi wasallam) but I have not taken a single hadith from them. Whereas if

anyone of those 70 people would be entrusted with looking after the baytul maal (treasury), then he would discharge

his responsibility with full trustworthiness. The reason for this was that they were not the people (experts/ulama) of

Hadith. On the contrary, when ibn Shihaab rahimahullah would come, we would crowd around his door (to hear

Ahaadith from him).

Muhammad ibn Sireen rahimahullah says; ‘The muhaddithoon (initially) would not enquire about the narrators in the

chain. However, when the fitan (trials) began, they started to enquire about the narrators. They would look for the

people of Sunnah and accept their narrations and they would look for the people of bid’ah (innovation) and reject

their narrations.

The above statements from some of the salafus saaliheen outline the lengths to which the Ulama of the Ummah went

to in order to preserve the Ahaadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from a fitnah which began right from the

time of the Sahaabah ridhwaanullaahi taala alayhim ajmaeen; the fitnah of attributing lies to the Prophet sallaallaahu alayhi

wasallam. Many different sects that came into existence resorted to the heinous crime of fabricating lies towards the

Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam to further their own agendas and ideologies. As this trial beset the Ummah from

around the second half of the first century of Islam, Allah Ta’ala the Most Great, the Most Merciful, made provisions

for the Ummah to save itself from such trials. The muhaddithoon, under the guidance and approval of the sahaabah,

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(Continued from page 3)

بسم اهلل الذي ال إله إال هو الرحمن الرحيم ، اللهم أذهب عني الهم والحزن

In the name of Allah, beside whom there is none worthy of worship, the most gracious the most merciful. O’ Allah,

remove from me worry and depression. (Al-Mu’jamul-awsat)

ZIKR: Make Zikr of Allah Ta’ala in abundance. The more a person remembers Allah Ta’ala the more his heart feels

at peace and ease as Allah Ta’ala is the only being who always remembers those who remember Him and Allah Ta’ala

is the only being who will never disappoint anyone in life.

“Only through the remembrance of Allah one’s heart will feel peace and tranquillity.” (13:28)

KEEP YOURSELF BUSY IN GOOD: Spend time in good actions such as worship & charity etc. Hadhrat

Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah mentions, “Making Allah Ta’ala Happy will make you happy as

Allah Ta’ala is the possessor & giver of happiness. How can we expect to be happy when making Allah Ta’ala


Also make an effort of making others happy, as this will make you happy. Seeing a smile on someone else’s face, for

which you was the cause, will definitely bring a smile to your face

formulated such sciences that would ensure the protection of the ahaadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. For

example, the science of ‘asmaaur rijaal’ was formed to record the biographies of all the narrators of the chains of

ahaadith. Not a single narrator can be found whose date of birth, date of death, where he lived, who were his teachers

etc was not recorded. Similarly, the science of al jarh wat ta’deel is a science which scrutinises the narrators and looks

for any weakness’s that may affect in categorizing the hadith. To encompass the whole science of Usoolul Hadith

(principles of hadith) in this one article is not my objective. The reader will have understood the caution and vigilance

the ulama of the past had about any statement that was attributed to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.

Today, with the proliferation of social media in our lives and the abundance of ‘Islamic’ content that can be freely

accessed, we need to slow down and remind ourselves of this vigilance of the salafus saaliheen. Not every tweet

should be re tweeted, not every post should be liked and not every message on whatsapp should be forwarded. A

little bit of caution and verification from the Ulama can make the difference between our entry into heaven or hell.

The famous hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, which according to the muhaddith ibn Mandah

rahimahullah is the only narration narrated by all 10 sahaabah from the asharah mubasharah, highlights this.

“That person who knowingly attributes a lie towards me should save his space in the fire of Jahannam” (Bukhaari)

The seriousness of these words and the thought of the fire of hell should be enough to make us pause and deliberate.

Yahya ibn Saeed al Qattaan rahimahullah was once asked, ‘Do you not fear that all those people whose narrations you

rejected will be complainants against you in the court of Allah on the day of Judgment?’ He very beautfully retorted,

‘I prefer that they be complainants against me on the day of Judgment rather than have the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi

wasallam complain on that day that ‘why did you not repel lies from my ahaadith??’ (Ibn sallaah)

As we draw nearer to the day of judgment, the fitan (trials) will also increase in intensity as can be understood from

the ahaadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. Similarly the fitnah of attributing lies and spreading false

ahaadith will most definitely increase. It is up to us as individuals that we all play our part in warding off any lies that

may be attributed to our beloved Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, so that on the day of judgment we are saved from

having to face His complaint and the punishment of the fire of hell.

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The Real Exam By Mawlānā Yusuf Adam

One of the amazing aspects of our Deen is that we can take lessons from everything. Rather this is something which

is encouraged in our Deen. The sun, the moon, the sky and even our own beings and actions can provide us with a

moment of reflection. Allah Ta'ala says in the Glorious Qu’ran,

‘Surely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are signs for the people of

wisdom’ (Surah Aal-e-Imran:30)

Our existence in this temporary world is made of different stages. From being helpless babies right through to the

vigour of our youth and moving on to the wisdom of our senior years, each stage provides for us signs of Allah

Ta’ala our Creator and our dependence upon Him. Allah Ta’ala describes our condition as babies,

‘Allah has bought you forth from your mothers wombs when you knew nothing,’ (Surah An-Nahl:78)

At an age when we were completely helpless, not even knowing how to speak and express our needs, Allah Ta’ala,

the most Merciful, was the one who provided us with our necessities.

Thereafter, comes the stage of youth. The vitality and intensity consumes us to the extent that we become believers

of our ownselves. Allah, the All Mighty, again reminds us of where and who is the giver of this strength,

‘Allah is the one who created you in a state of weakness, then He created strength after weakness, then created weakness and old

age after strength. He creates what He wills, and He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.’ (Surah Rum:54)

The lesson taught to us by Allah Ta’ala in the above verses is that He has created us and sustained us through our

lives, and that we are and always will be in need of him and ultimately we will return to him.

Similarly, we have just passed that time of the year again where many people will have completed taking their exams.

GCSE’s, A levels, madrassah end of year exams etc. are some of the different exams for which preparations were

made. Long hours of studies, with nose’s buried in books was a common sight. Hours spent aimlessly on social

media were swapped with revision sessions in libraries and at homes. Tensions ran high and nervous breakdowns and

anxiety attacks were not uncommon. This exam season also provides a lesson for us to ponder and reflect upon.

The exams of this world and the efforts we put behind them in order to achieve success guides us on how to prepare

for another extremely important test which all of will be facing one day. Every male, every female, the rich and the

poor, the young and the old, all will be subjected to this exam. The stakes will never be more higher; failure will result

in ever lasting doom, and success will ensure eternal peace and bliss. We will be examined in the hereafter. This exam

is the exam of the grave. However, there is a silver lining. It is the mercy of Allah Ta’ala that He has not only given

us the questions to the exam but he has also provided the answers.

Question Number 1: ‘Who is your lord?’

Question Number 2: ‘What is your religion?’

Question Number 3: ‘Who is this individual that came amongst you?’

The answer to all three of these questions can also be found in the narrations.

Answer Number 1: 'My lord is Allah’

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Answer Number 2: ‘My prophet is Muhammad peace be upon him.’

Answer Number 3: ‘My religion is Islam’

Alhumdulillah! We have the questions and we also have the answers. This exam will be a walk in the park, right?

Wrong! Only those fortunate people who lived their lives according to the answers will be able to utter these words

in the exam. Those who spent their lives pleasing Allah Ta’ala, their Lord, and lived their lives according to the deen

which Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wasallam taught and left behind will be able to utter the correct answers Insha


In short, the exams of this world should be a reminder of the ultimate exam of the grave. The effort, hard work and

sacrifices given for it should be the same, if not more than the exams of this world because the success and failure of

the grave will be showcased before the whole of creation. Both success and failure will be witnessed by all. Allah

Ta’ala describes the joy felt by the one who passes the test.

‘Now, as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say (to his colleagues), ‘come here, read my book’

(Surah Al-Haqqah:19)

On the other hand, the one who fails will lament;

‘As for him who will be given his book in his left hand, he will say, ‘oh would that I had not been given my book’.

(Surah Al-Haqqah:25)

The exam is ready and the questions have also been set. The prize is Jannah and failure is Jahannam. It is up to every

one of us to prioritise and decide where we want to spend all of eternity.

At-Taqwa Academy’s Ramadan 2018

Appeal Update Our target was to raise £30,000.00 lillah this Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, through Allah Ta'ala's tawfeeq you helped us to raise £32,769.81.

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Making The Most Of Your Opportunities

By Shaykh-ul-Hadīth, Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

3 important points for anyone intending to visit the Haramayn or spend time in i‘tikāf, da‘wah or with one’s


The opportunity to do any good deed is a result of Allāh Ta’ala’s Grace and Favour; nobody has the power or ability

to do a single good deed without the Fadhl of Allah Ta’ala. Being showered with special occasions and opportunities

such as hajj, umrah, auspicious days and nights, i‘tikāf, da‘wah and spending time with one’s shaykh are great

bounties which must be valued.

During a recent visit to the Haramayn, I was asked frequently by my friends, well-wishers and other Muslim brothers

for some advice that would help them to make the most of the blessed journey and to avoid spending their time in a

profitless way.

Through the sheer Mercy, Grace and Help of Allah Ta’ala, I was able to share three points with them that if adopted,

would benefit them greatly. Moreover, if they are adopted by those granted the opportunity to be in blessed places,

during i‘tikāf, da‘wah activities or in quest of spiritual reformation, they would greatly benefit them too.

1. Make sure you do not disobey Allah Ta’ala

Your goal should be to abstain from not only all major sins, but also every minor sin. Remember, the filth of sins, be

they major or minor, erodes and destroys all the spirituality the heart acquires through blessed devotions in blessed

places during blessed moments. Be attentive especially towards the use of your eyes, ensuring complete abstinence

from casting lustful glances. In order to preserve the spirituality and blessings acquired through devotions to Allāh S,

you must refrain from every disobedience to Allah Ta’ala, no matter how hard it is to do so.

2. Do not waste a single second

These opportunities do not knock at everybody’s door. Value this favour of Allah Ta’ala and make sure every second

is spent in the correct manner, doing only those things that bring His Pleasure and enlighten the heart. If you have

two choices then choose the one which will be most fruitful. Stay distant from all those things that lead to wasting

time. Ensure time is not spent in futile and wasteful talk or just wandering around here and there. I advise you to

prepare a timetable, according to your personal circumstances, and strictly adhere to it so that you are able to manage

your time in the best manner. Remember, make full use of this opportunity as you may not have it again. (The leaflet

A Practical Way of Valuing Time published by At-Tazkiyah will be helpful in this regard.)

3. Reflect and prepare

Take out some moments daily to reflect upon the past. Reflect upon your past life and plan for the future.

Ask yourself these questions:

• Why did Allah Ta’ala create me?

• What is my objective in life?

• How far have I come in securing this objective?

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• How much of my life has already passed and how much more remains?

• What is the percentage of evil in my life and the percentage of good?

• How can I change and turn over a new leaf in my life?

• What do I need to do and what do I intend to do from now on to make amends for the past?

Meditate over these questions frequently and resolve to live your life according to the wishes of that Merciful Creator

whose extreme love for you has given you this blessed opportunity, despite your being undeserving. Prostrate to Him;

shed tears and repent sincerely. Ask Him to help you mend your ways and live a life of a muttaqī (God-fearing

person), fulfilling the rights of the Creator and His Creation.

May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with the ability to value the opportunities to do good that He gives us, and may He

safeguard us from being ungrateful for His Favours. Āmīn.

© At-Tazkiyah

Du’a for when the weather is hot

ال إله إالا اهلل ما أشدا حرا هذا الي وم، اللاهما أجرني من حر جهنامThere is no deity except Allah. How hot is this day! O Allah, protect me from the heat Of Jahannam

Allah Ta'ala says to Jahannam, “Indeed, a servant of mine has sought refuge in me from you, now you bear testimony

that I have granted him salvation from you” عمل اليوم و الليلة

A must for those intending to perform Hajj this year

Participate in person or listen live

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At Taqwa

Kids page

Ahmad was frustrated. The car had broken down because of the ice, again. It was the third time

this month he had been late to school and now he’d be getting a detention! He resisted the urge

to scream. Everything that could possibly go wrong had gone wrong. From the cereal that had

dropped all over the floor to his younger sister doodling all over his homework. And the main

thing that was worrying him; just that morning they had received an anxious call from their

grandfather informing them that his grandmother hadn’t returned home from the pharmacy for

over two hours!

He sighed. To top it all off, he would miss the first half of Maths and wouldn’t get a chance to

take his exam! He’d been revising for months! He clenched his jaw, trying to remind himself of

what his ustaadh had taught him; that Allah’s plan always works out for the best. He glanced at

his watch. 8:14. If he ran to the train station... he would make it for the 8:18 train and reach

school by 8:35. He told his father of his idea and set off.

Faatimah was on her way back from the pharmacy. She was almost hitting 60 now and the cold

was biting into her bones, but she needed the painkillers for her legs. Luckily, she knew of a

shortcut through an almost secretive alleyway close to the chemist. It wouldn’t take more than

10 minutes this way. Walking cautiously and adjusting her walking stick through the cracks of ice

in the road, she started making her way through the narrow lane. “Bismillah,” she whispered to


She knew there was a dua for when it was difficult to travel on ice… there was something about

the earth… and something about the sky? Smiling, she looked up towards the sky for some

inspiration. It had barely been a second when her heel slipped on the ice. She felt her feet fly

from under her and heard a sharp crack as she fell onto the floor. Tears sprung to her eyes as

she winced from the pain. Her ankle hung at an awkward angle; purple, swollen and bruised. There

Allah Ta’ala -

The Best of Planners

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At Taqwa Magazine,

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was no way she could move, and not a soul in sight to help her. Frozen, afraid and alone, she

raised her hands up in dua.

Ahmad’s heart was still beating fast. Two minutes ago, he had slipped into the train just as the

doors were closing. Just a little while more, and he would reach school. He closed his eyes and

leaned his head back to rest on the train door just as the tannoy system overhead cracked into

life, “Apologies passengers. This is your driver speaking. Unfortunately, the weather has

interfered with our signal and as such, this train will terminate here. Rail Replacement Busses

will be available at the nearest…” Ahmad kicked the ground and groaned in defeat. He ran out of

the station and thought of everything that had gone wrong. Months of hard work for his exam!

And his homework ruined! And he was starving! Why did his school have to be so far away?! Why

him!? He worked hard, prayed all his salah, listened to his parents! He tried so hard to be good!

In his misery, Ahmad had been walking so fast that as he finally looked up, he realised he had no

idea where he was. He had walked way past the bus station he was supposed to be at and had

ended up on an unfamiliar road. As he turned around, ready to make his way back to the bus stop,

he heard a heart-wrenching sound. Was that somebody crying? His destination mentally changed

as his inquisitive mind decided to follow this sound. As his feet led him to a dark alleyway, he

cautiously popped his neck forward and saw the edge of a cardigan on the floor. And then again,

he heard that same moan.

Ahmad took a step forward and to his surprise it was an elderly woman! In fact, was that his

grandma’s sweater?! He rushed towards the familiar figure huddled on the floor. “Grandma! Are

you ok?” She looked up with a slight delay, “Ahmad! Allah sent you to me. Allah answered my dua

through you!” Hugging his grandmother and enabling her to sit up at the same time, Ahmad’s mind

began racing! From the events of the morning and how Allah Ta’ala had destined for him to reach

his grandmother. His grandma looked up at him and smiled and began to tell him of how she had

ended up falling helplessly in the alley. Ahmad could only listen with pure astonishment and


MORAL: Everything that happens to us in our lives, surely occurs due to some

wisdom, whether or not we come to know of that wisdom or not!

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