asthiefof ready safety i j|g bath love 100 wonderful

L AS THIEF OF ì LOVE Woman, Deserted Here. Seeks f $200,000 Balm for Loss I of Affections. Deserted here last Ju'T and left d-atitute with a bed-r'.dden mother and their little girl, Mrs. Adele G. .»»i-ntns has filed suit in New York * gain«t Miss Willie Maude Ballerger. formerly a nurse in their home, for tmm alienation of her husband's affec : on Miss Ballenger Is the Atlanta nurse ho recently got «-,?.?-?? from tk» .»state of George Currier there, after ? bitter contes, with the heirs. Of »his sum Mrs. Seamans Is seeking '.'"-now for the losa of h*r husband s love The husband. Merritt G. ¡-Seamans. "crrrieriy a wealthy merchant of At¬ lanta, hü., been living In New York «In«» last July. He »ind Miss P.allen- -*·**-. it is alleged, disappeared from tha iiouse Tuesday night. An order for'hla arrest has been issued. The complaint tn the action. It is »\ld. ***_e eerved Un Miss Ballenger ..her .·» and Mr. Seamans were din- H ;-? -estaurant ? ;.·.¦.-·¦»¦» mima sd -»badowed th* couple led Mr«. Sea- traa? ami her attorney, C. Andrade, jr., to a table In »he rear of the place. Ulgaly Dmaiatle Seeae. "Th,» is the woman, and the man » ith her is my husband!" The '.awyer ««_-v-»d the papers on th· wo nan and then handed Seaman.« ? subpoena calling for his appearance ..'.s'erday in the domestic relation» «.»»rrt. He did not appear, and the or¬ der ?? arrest *vhich was issued has iieen returned unsat'-fled. Seamans :-.aa had a posi»ion in a large depart- pea* rea*! -he lawyer told the court. Mr.* Seamans' compta.nt says she ta» r.-arrfed in Allanta on Decemb"- 10, 1010. In March. 19?7. she avers M!as P.allenger -galr.«»*} his a"*ections ,.nd wanad them away " Th" "»mplain·. a«l.1» "Again, on J*t*ly ." ?19. the defend- rnt ;n v. a-ibine-on, D. C. enticed the plaintiff's husban l to desert hT ar.i .»heir infant child. Mr And rade, in discussing the suit, «Aid "Seamans was one» wealthy and n_d ? prosperous uar«lware business '.a Atlanta. In 1915 his wife became vary ¡U and WiHie Maude a graduate nur«e. was engaged to .*»_r»e fer her. The nurse was in the hoase for several months. Fight Over Carrrier Will. "**ï_e next cab· of importance that situs Ballenger took was »hat of 'imurge Currier, an aged mUliaenair». H4 i.ed subs*H»jiten_y Th«?·. M »s B__er.g.»r pr«->dice_ a t*»**1?1 which eUm saiJ Currfer had mad« and aiyaed. It g«*-q'.;eathed s»vera» Lan- dt*»ed thousand doilara to the nurse. Tha Currier heirs fajught this will bit¬ terly. ¦"The contest dragged along for araeaths and was a sensation In the S«t_tth. Finaüy a settlement was marne, whether Judicially or out of cmurt. I am not sure. Last spring Mme Bal'.engT received $C50 000 from XAu Currier estate, "*On .Mar--h 2·». 1917. Seamans dis¬ appeared fri-UTi Atlanta. His wife did not h»ar from h»r unt 1 June, 191»·. Ha wrote her from Washington. He mm» penitent and urged her to bring .»he child and come to Washington and ¡ve with him. **Worr.anlike, she forgave him and *h*»y lived together in Washington uetll last July. Then K'ama-'s dis- *ppeare«l again. He left Mrs. Sea- nans destitute with their little girl e and a bedridden mother." HOLO COURT IN ROADWAY. BCBLIN. Dec 4..The key of the art house having disapoeaied and .»Tïtrv by the windows impossible, the nagistrates at Rochfort, county Wcst- r-eath. helû the monthly petty aes- »lons In the public roadway. TOLD TO CHIDE HIMSELF. GTUM.-*BY. England. Dec. -L.The lerm^ c-uncil directed the town clerk »o »end a strt-uig letter to himself, aa lerk. to the freemen ef the borough, complaining of? the untidy state of the F*raamen's Market. Ol» yaarr L1 H«t*r----»» Road ertnoone and exekaaiare ttaetn for V ». ·>.. ta.rrk· a iati a ? yourself ami year roaattr-r. SNIFFLES, SNEEZES, H0AIvSE_WH__.ZE5 Banish them by using Dr. «Bell'· Pine-Tar-Honey ir. Dr. sn't an hut a couch and cold steadily groan popu- ¦___*J- eRertive. ? HOLLANDS t-rarn-nervJ Bell's G ine-Tar-Honarv exp»»T'. mer.- l«i*i»-*dy that ha» ku* b«**cause it L ». For lingering co'ds or coughs or fresh Sttacks its b»-Lls_mic and healing anti- otrytks are aure to be beneficial. It brings pcetMy reliirf from r> r.l eg **-.< or¬ geat io a, iadammation. tickling bron- t-*hiai tub»--». »3«->od also for h«Mr»»en«--ss, -?-iif-n· due to grippe, and kindred au¬ senta. E»r-ono--mi-_J.-a bottle goes » k»« w»y. 30c, ¿»O»*.. $1.20. r. Bel l s ine-Tar-Honey for Couchs ¿nd Colds A Fin· F_m_y Laxative "".?- l>t»-Lax. N_i_.»t»t»a-o»«-ed a sautant, rira **'* *5_ ?_· **-* *·"-"*-» «*"" '-*-*" >°b »-'-.ka It pr-ainatiy corrtx» «-oe»t;paiioa ia -old. «Wcajl IJru<_Mt«. 1 ,??G. G?G??·&FT.H*rW _ä^_a___5_"3S.Ö_. ^??^?^??^**«*** $1.00 Ever Ready Safety Razor, 75c I J|g These spedar prices for Friday only.and in justice to many patrons.not more than one to each purchaser. Extra.Ever-Ready Safety Razor Blades at 29c package. Teilet n.»t..street ???.. THE SHOPPING ???? 1877 cmrnis .M_A__SK0¥M_ Uth and G Strette $1.75 Bath Towels, $1.59 Extra large and heavy Turkish Towels, pink and blue borders. Some hemstitched. Regular at $1.75. Friday only at $1.69. **<--«¦_ rtoor. Xr*v Turkis.. Towel» mt 90c Good heavy and abeorb«»Tit Bath Towels, all white and «irith stripes and colors. Special for Friday ht 90c. I 100 Wonderful Friday Bargains ????? For Our Big Week-End Bargain Day ^ySff" embroidered. Sizes 1. and ? %_Zw «*T__7%/ ¦"¦¦¦.a JL Itt\mtr»·__-__·*A· year- Regular at 59c. Frida* . *"^ Villi C_ ?VlSCWll«fS Children's Dresses, 37c Wash I-reges, all made up ind stamped in. desierns to be mbroldered. Sines I. and 5 vear- Regular at 59«.·. Friday at .17c. Art \«*«*_lle**.ork I.e-»t..Street Kloor. _^__ R. M C. Crochet Cotton, Friday Special, 8V2c Reculai* at 10c.the well f know ? R. It. C. Mercerized Cro¬ chet Cotton. Noe. 20. no. 40. 50. CO and 70. in white onlv. Fri¬ day only at S1·»·* Art I'«**-*..-«treet Flw. Bureau Scarfs at 39c ) Superior nualitv material it.pad in desi_rnj for eyelet ..mbroiderv work. Slisrhtly ¦¦.oila-J.and nomlnallv nriced at :··*><-· Art Floor. For Our Big Week-End Bargain Day 100 specially selected lots of new and desirable merchandise, taken right from our regular stocks and spe¬ cially reduced for one day only. This includes any number of items suitable for gifts, as well as for daily personal needs and for the home. Many uncommon values are offered here tomorrow.Read these items care¬ fully.and remember, Palais Royal Dependability is behind every item Extraordinary Friday Bargains in Chin & Hoisewares Many Opportunities to Save oa Christmas Gifts. .? Women's Fiber Silk Hose, 79c Pair 2 Paire, $1.25 Reputable black. brown. srrav and white. Perfect duality. Si. 23 Krade Special for Friday at 79c pair.or 2 pairs for .1.25. Strret Flaa.r. Women's 75c Hosiery, 59c 2 Pairs, $1.00 Semi-fashioned Perfect Fit- tint. Onyx and other reputable] makes, in black, brown, fawn , and navy. Fridav at â»c instead ¦ ot 75c pair. Street Fleier. Women's 5____~??·ßG$1 89 ?* Regular $2.25 to $2.75 qual¬ ity.i r r e __bi 1 a r weave.full a*jfa*hioned. pure thread silk rho.e. in black, white, srrav. G mede and brown. Fridav at »SI.**, pair. Street Floor. $2, $3, and $4 Bead Necklaces, Friday at 98c A Fortunate Purchase Prorides This Wonderful Opportunity to Save Many will buy for Christmas gifts. The assortment includes plain and fancy designs in almost every desirable style and color. Bought From a Leading New York Jobber at a Big Discount One may select from sapphire necklaces with pearls, moonstone and pearle. jet pendant necklaces, lapis blue with oxidized trimming«, preen and black combinations, coral with oxidized, coral and black, topaz and crystal, j-ide and crystaJ. Jade and oxidized «¿fold, amethyst and pearls, dull jet. Ionic amethyst chain with gun methl mountinti, jet and pearl, amethyst quartz, red with oxidized erold. cut sapphire with drop, Venetian with led and -creen combination, loner bright jet chains, and many others. $3.00 to $5.00 value, epeclaj for Friday only it _*__ each. Palàia Royal.Main F_o_r. The Ideal Christmas Gift Pure Silk Hose, Friday $2.95 §¦-.25 and $3.50 Grades All perfe-.t.splendid Fri¬ day bargains at ??ß?. Full fashioned and weiaht all-over silk hose with icarter tops. All sizes in biai-k. white and colors. Boxed.if selected for Xmas ft-fta. Street Fleer. Women's $1.25 to $1.50 Silk Stockings, $1.15 American Fiber Silk stockingrs made with mock seam and superior in fit and wear. Plain and drop stitch effects. All sizes in black. white and colors. Friday only at $1.15 pair. »tr*·. t F_a*r. Ì* Girls' Onyx Hose, 2 Pairs 89c Our well known 50c Onvx. Ribbed Hose.fnr eirls. in f*»r.e·· [?·> to 0·-. Black and white. if pairs for ,**»<¦.instead Ot .1.00. 1 Street Fta«r. § ^07^?<_G^',??·^_»ß?tG I 3 Pairs for $1 00 l> ?*-linen's medium weicht « -teck Bu-son Hose.all perfec* Jf'-.-lav.9 pairs instead of 2 ».airs for $1.00. $1.50 Jersey l_eggins, Friday Only, $1.19 For children to s vears. knee lenjtth white wool leers-ins. A pair should be included an on«, your child's Xmas nifte .for their health's'aake. Sti*e«*t Flottar. Women's $3.25 Richelieu Union Suits at $2.79 Knit to the form.-these ¦rraduatincr ribbed Silk and "Wool l'nlon Suits. made dainty with crochet edere. Low neck, no sleeves, ankle lencrth. All recular sizes. Strrrt Floor. .»tt*r-*t F'!«x>r. Women's Fleeced Underwear, 69c 75c to 95c Value« f'ozlly Fleeced l'nlon Suit-· also separate vest.· with hi**rh neck and lone sleeves. I'utch neck and elbow sleeves, low neck and no »leeves. Also separate pants. ankle lenrrth. I'riday at O-C. Strrrt Floer. Women's Union Suits, Friday Only, $1.39 Richelieu Ribbed Suita-in pink or white. lx»w neck, no sleeves, ankle and knee lensrths Also lJutcli neck, elbow sleeves and ankle iensrth. Recular $1.50 and $1.59 erado.··. $1.G.?. Strrrt Floor. Women's Vests, 59c Ribbed Low Xeck Vest-*, tail¬ ored tops, crochet yoke and bodice. Kay.-:er's and other be*t makes, regular and extra sizes. Friday at 59c or 2 for $100. Strrrt Floor. Women's 50c and 59c r Hoee, 2 Pairs for 89c f\ Kf liable.wear well and fit J'iil :isle and cotton Hose. All "?-i/.os.all black and with whi»- |.'«les. Friday onlv at ' pair· . r .«·._*·. Street floor. House Dresses, ! Special, $1.29 t «.pedal fnr Frida« Only I A special lot of 33 dozen new ij house dresses of percales and | (Tlnsrhams. in checks, stripe« Íand plaids, also some in solid colors. Made with attached belt and round or square collar that can be buttoned hisrh at the neck. Offered at practical¬ ly the cost of the materials alone. Special. $1.-9. Barrai n Baarmrat. Flannelette Kimonos, ¡$2.49 Value at $1.98 Made of excellent qualitv flannelette: loose or elastic a waist lines: with fancy s¡lk jr ribb'n trinuninsr on collar Shown in rose. pink, lavender. .rrav and lisrht blue in prettv flowered desisrns. Sizes to 44. Friday onlv at $1.98. ¦lartraln Raseiaent. Bungalow Aprons, $1 19 Ferralo aprons in loose or elastic waist line models, with square neck, pocket and ba-1» across back. piped wit' material of contrastine* shade Sizes up to 4V Tridav onlv a $1.1». Bft._--.ln Hiirnrnl. Fleeced Union Suits, $2.00 Values at $1.69 Women's reliable ninfei imi '.Princesa May and Subwav Mills' make, hisrh neck and loner sleeves. Dutch neck and elbow sleeve?, low n»ck and no sleeves. All ankle lon_rth. Fri-j day at .**1.«.?. Street Floor. Froat tke D-rraa <.oo«la Srrtlon.A Sprrial Sale of Cut Lengths of All- Wool Fabrics, Yd., $2.19 Adoni Valar« $2.75 and $3.00 nrd A low price, indeed, for fibsailutelv all-wool ma- toriajs; 4S to 54 inches wide. Select from a srood assort¬ ment of colors with the scarce ¡alindo of navy blue nrcdominatinir. I. e n «r t h ¦ averatre from 1 I-*1 to 7 ratea. Special for Friday only at .2.10 > ard. Paiola Ilo·.«. S.rond Floor. EXTRAORDINARY FRIDAY SPECIALS 497 Printzess Coats Worth -H9, $59, J$6B, «$69 And Even Higher $38-75 This is without question the «-rreatest Coat of¬ fering of this year. An event planned months ago. At the time we placed our order for this season's Printzess Coats we contracted for 500 coats.deliveries to be made December 1 as agreed upon months ago, the as¬ sortment of 500 coats to comprise all the styles that the factory had on hand December 1 without regard to former prices. The Coats are here and all are offered at one price, the same one price, the same as we bought them. For our patrons' con-1 The first time this sea· u-_. ..._,««* hon vou have had the remenee we have arrang- ^J^^ of parchasinfÇ ed thepe 497 Coats on 11 mdi hi-h class Coats as rcks according to size, so these at such a little M to make choosing easy, ¡price. Every «rolor of the season. All sizes from 16 to 44. Nearly all beau¬ tifully silk lined. Look at the materials. Many of the fabrics would cost you nearly as much as the sale price, to say nothin«-*· of the making. Duvet de Laine, Kersey, Silvertone, Iridescent, Tinseltone, Baltic Plaid, Polo Cloth, Broadcloth, Straight line models. Smart, youthful Blouse Coats. Plaited back styles. Semi-Dolman half and full belted Coats. Plain and fur trimmed. Remember, all are Printzess Coats, with the maker's as well as our guarantee behind every coat. Friday Only, .{38.75 l'alala Hoyal.Third Floor. Wool Velour, Rayoner, Normandy. One of the 0_itstanding Specials for Friday, $15 to $18 Trimmed Velvet Hats at $10 An Opportunity to Buy a Handsome Winter Hat at a Saving These Hats are fashioned of the finest quality Lyon'» and Panne velvets. They are effectively trimmcv' "ith burnt ostrich, natural o. trich, wings, ribbon*·, etc. Colors are black, brown, navy, taupe, American Beauty and purple. On sale in the French Salon, Fri¬ day Only at $10.00. ralaU Keyal.»eeoaa I*1«>«»r. Wonderful Friday Bargains ia Dinner Set· ...ftO. II 2.. 0 ¦15.S. »IT G,.. l_-.00. ir-î.&o, t -.'·(·. i.f .?0. »17.-0, »!6.«0, US.Ml. »4P.'? »:·:.:.(.. Si-pc. D. mi-pc n M-pc. D. tl-pc. 1) llW-pc Ii. 100-pc. H. 100-pc. 100-r« 10O-PO IOC-·«. 1O0-DC. 10· -pc lWt-tX*. s.. -taj*. s. tm.4v\. S. St__4*_ S. ·1__*_?. 1>. ]l. ;i n. r>. P »5. s.. H., S. (v. S tf_ SrzaJav USAJr*. "..r Wonder Kut Bowl» 47*- »vr.O Mkhnr-nr p*rvlB«f t·_?. $i_ia. »1 Mi Caaaerole*. nlckie frrn>ea, SI.IS. $1.5.0 G?«* T>iahe«. nlckie rem«··«. Si.IS. ·* Carr I Seta. ata« nandlca. SSJSH. $?... Aluminum Coffee Per- Olatora. az.4a. $500 Ostrich Feather | Trimmings, $3.00 Yard Extra fine quality Oetrich feather fimmlnge for millinery and evening frowns. Kepularly .5.CO yard, special for. Friday only at 13.00 yard. «M-con-a Kloor. Women'· and Míase·' $5 00 to $7.50 Trimmed Hats at $2.75 Handaome erect pil<* and mir¬ rored velvet hats, including cloee-flttine· draped turban-, smart tarns, large sailors· and chic shirred velvet turbans. Friday onlv at S2TV Secoad Floor. Boys' aad Girb' Dm* Union Suits at $* 19 "Duo''.the Ideal fleece Huf I'nd· rwear «or buvti and airi» of 2 to 16 years. Suit·.tir*, j enrments in one.made with high neck, long sleevea. ankle ¦ ..ngth. Boya'.with cloae«1 irotcn. Girls'.with drop scat. Friday only at Jl 1». S-rre. Floor. Boys' and Girls' $1-25 Union Suits, $100 Bc>f..-i»<s C tc 1ß.srrav ribbed ileece lined Suits vith high iieck. long siee\es. ankle iength. <;irl_ Kibbed Wal-I Suit.«, sizes 1' to 13. Sises to 16 In drop-etat etvle. Fridav at -1.00. Street f-oor. Chrisin.·· Cut da·· At riitiij rjMii PricM Swrar· *9__^prAM**mWO. »ee t-%000. ¦___¦__.*- «,»··.. Vouai Ttan <y*t F__-H«_* Ov»t Kiln ÔÎT CNted raas*. Spoon Trata a__t Hon a. Mr. Rom Bow la. foot*»<l. Ice Cream Trave. ß?4 Hand sen?*· Vasea $4_*». Mattea-wan Tailored Velours at $2.98 Ideal h»ta for women and misses. A limited number in black and color··. Slightly mussed. Come early for bct-t choice. Friday onlv at l*2.***K S-*«*«-·-»-! Floor. MfllincsT Velvet, $100 Yd . ??? oiialitv black mllürierv velvet. This lou price for Fri¬ day only. «irc-oad Floor. $7.50 Fiber Coet Sweater, $5.95 A strikingly effective model with large collar, pockets and sash. A shapeiy coat sweater that w-ill retain its smart linee. Colors: rose, copen, and flesh. Size for the woman and miss Regular $7.50. Fridav only. -»_-_. Third Floor 59c to 65c Curtain Curtain Scrims, 27c Yd. Material· at 49c Yard ^ Here's an Item of Particular Interest From Our Sill- Section. We Will Place on Sale for Friday Inly Our Entire Stock of Imported Costume Velveteens At Lowered Prices There ia an unusual demand for this article. Al¬ though it ia hard to procure you may have the oppor¬ tunity of buying at a decided saving Friday. Tho regular prices and reductions are as follows: $2.29 Quality, 22 inches wide, yard, $1.89. $2.69 Quality, 26 inches wide, yard, $2.19. $4.69 Quality, 86 inches wide, yard, $3.89. $6.49 Quality, 44 inches wide, yard, $5.69. The color assortment is representative of. the sea¬ son's beet selling shades.tete de negre, walrus, \?· a- cock blue, algerian, cp.-nhagen. tnyrtl·*. spark blue, -.vis¬ tarla, taupe, navy and black. All imported costume velvets, Knglieh make. Kxreptional values for Friday only. Palai« Hoyal.Seeond Floor. *>_ Tliousani!;· Of yard.« of all tho best grade nf curtain ma ta-rials in the wanted shades, nnd novelty style border ef¬ fects. Also a few hundred! bad!., of cretonnes, I'riday nly, at 4f»e. yard. Seri"m Curtains, $1.35 Pr. M.ft.-; curtains with wide hem i fronts, also about 150 pairs of neat lace curtains with val¬ ance to lit betwe'-r: nil heal¬ ed, ready for use. Friday only at $1_M pair. .rrond Floor. Reversible Tapestry Table Covers, $3.35 and $5.85 Made for large size din ng room table. Two specially pricej lots for Friday only at .3.35 and »...SS each Spiond Floor. White, ecru, and colored bor¬ der curtain scrima in drawn- worked border effects. The colored borders are in gold, blue, roe·, and gr>'en. Special for Friday only at -7c yard. Sf-rond Floor. Window Shades at 68c Each About G?? dozen perfect win¬ dow,- shades in yellow, iight. medium or dark greens. All 1 a\ a guarant'-ed rollers. Spe dal for Friday only at Ov- each. Second Floor. Drapery Materials, 95c Yard $1.25 grade Shiki repps and drapery poplins for door and window hangings. All the de¬ sirable shades are in the lot. Special Cor Friday only at !>5c yard. Second Floor. $12.50 to $14 Blankets, Friday at $10 Pair Just 10 paira of these fine Wool Blanlo ts. with slight ad- nixture of cotton to prevent «¡ii inking. Slightly mussed or ¦piled. Best of -12 00 to »HI. Ulankcts at $10 pair. *»<*-eond Floor. Splendid Christmas Gifts Toilet Articles Looking Like Ivory Celluloid and other com¬ positions are tr*eal»-d to io^k lus*, 'like ivory. From a noted maker come "second»' it n.arly half regular price·. .¦G '.0 Mirrors, long handles. sz.aa. .< " Mirrors, Bonnet «hap.. -_t__*.. ."Ij'j 1'owder Boxes. 7A*. TSC Perfume BoUl« and holder. 5ßt. l-.c«.ur_ i'rames. ? a ? a: SOe. _0c Powder Boxes, white. pink, blue, Z&e. Street Floor. $5.00 Comforts at $4.00 Filled w:tl. white laminated cotton, covered with ailkollni in blue bird and apple blossorr design. Friday only at "M"·»··. %+ronA t ¡«.or. Thin Water O'«area. « for a__p. t' ? e ii, r - t* atJOS. Covered Glaaa Butter Jara. t3e_ . 'olnnia! Glas» Vater Sets _Te. Gold Band Cupt and Saucer». S for «l-SS. <*hina Whipo»^ CTeam S«*U. A Great S»l« of Fireless C-X-ken Ao Excellent Christ«·· Gift 1 Hole rular prie«, -L_.»S. for ·11_?. r ir <ular price. »-..P.. for S3l_i__ »? 00 Electrvc Boom Heater· c«.««. I arce Sir.ed Oil Heater*. AAJAA. Copper Front Ga* Hefcters, IQ-»». « i__atga Corruraled Asl, < ^-.t :-». J ,·a.\ sr.izeé Ash .«Ñif'e**s. «R.SI· IMS* Tin W ashboiler». ·!_«_. $13.50 BlankeU, Pair, $11 Wool Blankets with a fine co' ton warp: extra large. Tfix*· inchea. $11.00 instead of $13.*·'· for Friday oi.lj -r«-o»d Floor. A Cariood of Galvanized Ware At Friday Ear gain Prie»** K-<_t Water Pall 24«-. -.?-it. Water Pa -*7». $1.00 Masi. Tu hl· .'.I*«·. W at-1 Tub» KB». kc Garbare ? an» T&r I1.3S Garbar·· ' an·· .u Women's Skirts, Worth $4.50 to $5.50, at $3.69 Odds and ends of better grade.-:. Included are all-wool serico, silk or wool poplin skirt.·· in biadi ar.d navv blue. I'riday only at ·«·.';.60 Barrai ? Riuearst. Women's Kxtra Size House Dresses, Special, $2.77 Sis«··. 4«, IK. __.. __· an<| .**,« Standard rrade <rin?htm sn.l nercale dresses in dark and me- lium shades. There are Din "hecked and narrow strioe-l styles suitable for larre |a> ; ure«; loose or attached belt« perfect fitting garments cut ¡ r-nerouslv full. Six different : styles. Fri ..v onlv at $2.77. I_ Barsraln RuromL r Another Special L.ot Girls' Dresses at 9«Sc : Sizes J to C and 7 to 12 Mr.» . ""f percales an<l rlnrhams In «>rettv two-tone color effects: .-.cited «or eathered waist lln« models with flare or nleated skirts. Fridav onlv st «.«a* _ Bara-aiw Base-meat. Girls' Dresses, Unusual Value*, Friday, at $1.39 New dresses of Badi nercale ¡? larre and small olalds. also solid colors. Tail¬ ored and "mbroidered stvles nni «hed with round or so'iare noveitv pocket« an·' trimme-i .».ith button« Slia-s t.. ß ....,- ; .,, y_ rn-av ,,nlv" 1 "' Barunln Burnrnt. Women's Suits, Special For Friday Ony, $16.98 Were $_¦_·.50 to $27.G>0. Made .f all-wool serge: in smart .»elted models, braid and but¬ ton trimmed, also plain tailor¬ ed style; «oat lined with fancy 'ining. Colors are black, navy ¦ind green. Friday at *?ß.!!?. _Baraja In B«*ea«rnt. Woroen's and Misses' Black Coats, Special, $9.98 Only -'-.' In this lot. Sizes 10 m 4_. Made of black thibet .-xcellent weight. Belted stvlf oats with large convertible ollar and two patch pockets Vo will call's or C. O. D.'s Fri- lay only, $S» 0*. Bargain Basement. $35 Sport Coats, $27.50 For Women nnd Misses Stylish Mpoit models of ''liases beaver fur fabric which ia very rich in appear ance. Also coats of mackinau cloths, lined with Venetian o- flowcred seco sili, llninr. hnvc large shawl collar*, full belted ¡-tyles with noveitv pockets and deep cuff.-- Size- 1. to II. Fridav only. S*__.*Vt«. I'nln!· Ilu>.il ll-ir.nin ment. Misses' and Women's Fur Scarfs, $14.98 Forty scarfs of r<id fox. black fox and a few of wolf. Animal "hape, finished with head and tail; silk lined. Fridav onlv at .li.9S. Bargain Basement. Specials from Curtain and Drapery Departments Kvery item offered in this lot w<* consider an ex- optional value. It w.ll pay you well to choose from those itcme for gifts, or for your own home. Kvery pice·.' of merchandise ¿fuarar.lced perfect. solai) bv p? ? ...»II- . Marqui¬ sette Curtains. oil«* Curtain·« Scotch I-ace Cur- tarn.-·. Filet Net Curtains. L a t a 1-iIro Net Cur¬ tains. Wvcltry Choice __·"__!IAI* **** vnv-i.e ??(·? Tapestry Couch C 0 ? to, Velour Piano Scarfs, Many Kinds Table Scarfs, Fine Sofa ., , , Cushions. Net Pan- *-tnpea el ? urtala.. ___._« I'anel Cur- '3.85 .«"?. smv v««aj ....*,*.._ ^, ? uj ? a us, ? .ai·-· I'anel ? (-urtnins. Stenciled Crash tains, I -ice Jied Spreads Cúrtalas. Christmas Gift Blouses Friday Only $3.98 Regular at $5 and $5.98 The better grade of batiste and organdie blouses.In tailored and effects of the moment. Collar and with Tux¬ edo and with two-iu-onc collar··. Stylish, perfect fitting models. Some prettily trimmed with Venice and other laces. For the college end buíines.« women. The batiste models with rolling collar and cuffs of pique, with Irish crochet edge. Keyular $5 and £0.»*». Frioay on y Sîi-9·* l'nlai» Boyal.Third Floor Printed Effect Georgette Blouses, Friday $6.65 $8.50 and $8.75 ModeU These printed Georgette blouses. w»*i'e dninty and gra<v·. ful, arc in winter colorings not easily soiled. An over- blouse model la relieved with white lace collar and cufTs. Another model has frilled collar i'nd ribbon run CUita. Fridav onlv, SC.'» raíais Ko-al.Third Floor. $4..'i Blssell Carpet ?w.a*-pe»- «-t.6S. $1 kS Cu-tain Siretci trt »IJ». Toilet Paper. roil*. 2»«-. (..rift's Boras ?-'-ß? «t Or i.-v.. Sunbrive Cleanser. } fe· io. Set of :·, Alu* i^aucf- ->ans Si.IS. S-Pie-ce Blue ttlaze-d Slooe Toueì Set», ^.09 Row! and Pitcher, Slop Jar. Chamber s. e»p Dtak, Muc and Water Jug. J... ·' Fond · ri"*:s ·" ????·'. Si.lit. $!.5«> Fnam<!ed Savorv Roast¬ ers. 1B.43. Self-Wringing Floor Mop» ¦»r. Step ladders 4 foot OS*. Set of Oranite Sauce- o%ne XHe. Tissue Toilet P*-j.r. S.t'OO sheets. *»r. $1.00 Can Wixard I'o'.lsh T*r From Our Higher-Priced Line· We Have Selected 293 Handsome Dresses And Marked Them ?t an Unusually Low Price For Friday Only ¿_a * * q All incompleto lines must j_o.and m I ¿\ /\ V this low price will accomplish quick dis- ·a+*\>% «avw posai. One of a kind dresses of satin, all-wool French serge, velveteen ar.d wool jersey. .Straight line models, belted and gathered waist line styles with draped or tunic skirts. Braid trimmed and embroidered styles in black, navy, taupe, bro-vn, burgundy and -»¦*-av. All sizes but not in all styles. Friday only at -514.48. Paini. Hoy;«l 'largala Basement. 75c an_l 89c Brassières, Friday Only, 69c . Snlondid assortment -trim- (I front and back with I lunv lace u.ri'i cmbroiderv. making deslraole ChrlstSBH gift,*). Friday at It«. _lt.irenln Hasrment. Brassieres at 50c Trinimi ? front and hack with lace or cmbroiderv; al.· o nink and white Pamleaux of fan'v material. Heavv mes' witTT rubber gore in b:ick Sizes 32 to «:*. laVma«/ a 'Oc. _ Bargain Hasement. Jersey Blocmers, 4Í.C Women's Flesh Color Kn«"- Ploomers. with elastic band at waist rnd knees. Frida at 4?? all sizes. llaricHln Basemen«. Women's 39c Hose 2 Pairs, 49c Black or balbriggan with ribh°d loos; a'*«> black Hose with white feet. Slzeaa 3 to li. Roaru- lar at ."Jlc p.···*· Fridav .2 fairs for 4i*<·. Bnraraln Basement. Corsets, Friday, at $2.39 ???-?ß Procade and fine Batiste Corsets for slender and ii\cr.ige ligures. some with rut-bcr tops, others with medium bust and Ioni, hips; '"''-'Vi'. ****** back. Fridav íit »J.39. Barteuin Bataement. Women's Union Suits Friday Only, 95c FK co-lined Winter Suits, l'iw necks and nnkle length. Ml sizes.36 to 44 inclusive It 95c. Bargain Basenirnt. C^on-let Gir ves. $1.00 WomOB'a Winter rhamni. ette (????.· .. with wri.«t stra*>. \_.ite. black. eray and 'iiimols. In a broken assort¬ ment of size«', with nlertv of the larger sizes. Friday at «1.00. Bargain Daaemeat. Women's Nightgowns, 94c aluMin. nainsook and bat·.··'.·- gowns with lace ard embroidery yokes; in flesh or white. A's · envelope chemise in flesh «nd white, lace trimmed. Friday only at Mr each. Bargain n.-i»rm nt. Women's New Blouses, $1.89 \ nluea« are I inusual Smart stvles of white 01 Iwo- tone colored voiles. Rea tifullv embroidered and plain tailored ! models are shown: .-.nma· fi-ti..·**- I with bow embroidered col¬ lar of self material or white organdy. Over -2 style» to se¬ lect.all fresh and tsSAW. Fri- Jay only ai ll.W. lt-iri_.-il:i llmrmin. $1 and $1.25 ____M_H_h Special at 69c Each Incompla te Iota of law blouseji, (¡lightlv mussed fro- Ji.-pla\-. Quantitv limited. ?'' sales linai. Fridav onlv nt '·' ¦ ach. Barellili Il-isemeni. 500 Nursery Chairs, 87c Tegular Trie«·. S1.Î5. Fin· Oak Finish. Children's Handkerchiefs, 10c Basket Extra SpecU-l Values Japanese hand-made basket. containing ." fine quality chil¬ dren's handkerchiefs. hem stitched. Basket catch a;.d hinges. Not more than G? baskats to a customer. Friday only rt IO. basket Bargain 11«»<*?_?,? Ranneleite Go**vns. $1 65 Woman's hcavjr flannelette light ».own« in pink and blv tnped patterns. with neat emstitcliing at neck; also dor ?·- yoke, braid trimmed V neck tjrle. Friday only nt ¦__·__ ? art niai IU>iinril. Remnants of Ribbon, Spec:al, 4 yds., $1 Odd 1«mgtha of all silk rib ns In a wide range of colore d color combinations. Reg- irly -45c yard. Friday, 4 ras foi si. Ilur.· H, ll.iararil "omen's Dent's Kid Gloves at 98c OoBHUM «*__i_[ll_a_l OlOTCS -in Ues :, l.·*, 5 n-4 and 6. Rlacl; only. Think of -t-ent'A ??-iarld famous uloves- ?* only flic pair. Harr-In Basement. An Extra ordinary Value! Fur Collar Coats, $17.98 Regularly $25 Each Only a limited number (rbout 55). Made of all-wool winter coatintrr., full bolted or semi-belted style· with ___r*fl collar of penuine kit coney or self material. Half lined with merc_riz*-**d lininj;. F.nishcd with novelty pockets and button trimming. Special for Friday only at $17 98. n-ircnin lli.crarnl. »7..-.0 Fl«>ctrie Toasters S-V»« »:.40 <*.-Qt. Wearever Ket¬ tles. SI.SS. 11.40 AVearerer Sancepaoa. 59c Zinc Wash Boards SSe. Bro«_ ? and White Caaaerolea. ? Î5e. .*roan and Whit· Teapots. .SW. ii Friday Rare-run. in Floor and Table Lamps $r.r *ii> Fl<"*r lamps and shades ·*«.·. «?· Tbi- Umpi and Shades. SO.SS. th OP G-'?-4 '" Lamp· and (de». S-!.***·. »S.00 Broas Desk Lamp.· I a- 1 »nn«. S*..*·». Go-»-» N«îck Desk l-*mpi G.« or Electric Metal « Librarv Lamps »s.»·» TR- ??? rt«*d Liehts 4*r 10c Oas Mani lea. 4 for __Vr. Î.00 Floor Mop and OiV «l.l*. « M B-ctrte tro·» teuta. Fancv Straw Waste BtakeU. Wh'te Stone SI-·. Jars. **e. Bloomers. 4 Pair», $1 .-iien'a sateen blooei·«*· in ui ro»··. tan. and blue. Mad·· waist band and elaatc -.n.r Friday inly, 4 pain- si Bsrrsui B.i>fifBl Petticoats at $1.39 I b.ack sateen an·' · Cotta· taf.'eta pettu-oais ? t ? t- *-ed f'oaince and fitted top. Cxi!*» lull cut. Fr*. .v < n'v m »?..·?**. M..r__lH in.fwril.

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Post on 04-Apr-2022




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Woman, Deserted Here. Seeks

f $200,000 Balm for LossI of Affections.

Deserted here last Ju'T and leftd-atitute with a bed-r'.dden motherand their little girl, Mrs. Adele G..»»i-ntns has filed suit in New York* gain«t Miss Willie Maude Ballerger.formerly a nurse in their home, fortmm alienation of her husband's affec: onMiss Ballenger Is the Atlanta nurseho recently got «-,?.?-?? from tk»

.»state of George Currier there, after? bitter contes, with the heirs. Of»his sum Mrs. Seamans Is seeking'.'"-now for the losa of h*r husband sloveThe husband. Merritt G. ¡-Seamans.

"crrrieriy a wealthy merchant of At¬lanta, hü., been living In New York«In«» last July. He »ind Miss P.allen--*·**-. it is alleged, disappeared fromtha iiouse Tuesday night. An orderfor'hla arrest has been issued.The complaint tn the action. It is

»\ld. ***_e eerved Un Miss Ballenger..her .·» and Mr. Seamans were din-H ;-? -estaurant ? ;.·.¦.-·¦»¦» mimasd -»badowed th* couple led Mr«. Sea-

traa? ami her attorney, C. Andrade, jr.,to a table In »he rear of the place.

Ulgaly Dmaiatle Seeae."Th,» is the woman, and the man

» ith her is my husband!"The '.awyer ««_-v-»d the papers on

th· wo nan and then handed Seaman.«? subpoena calling for his appearance..'.s'erday in the domestic relation»«.»»rrt. He did not appear, and the or¬der ?? arrest *vhich was issued hasiieen returned unsat'-fled. Seamans:-.aa had a posi»ion in a large depart-pea* rea*! -he lawyer told the court.Mr.* Seamans' compta.nt says she

ta» r.-arrfed in Allanta on Decemb"-10, 1010. In March. 19?7. she aversM!as P.allenger -galr.«»*} his a"*ections,.nd wanad them away


Th" "»mplain·. a«l.1»"Again, on J*t*ly ." ?19. the defend-

rnt ;n v. a-ibine-on, D. C. enticed theplaintiff's husban l to desert hT ar.i.»heir infant child.Mr And rade, in discussing the suit,

«Aid"Seamans was one» wealthy and

n_d ? prosperous uar«lware business'.a Atlanta. In 1915 his wife becamevary ¡U and WiHie Maude graduate nur«e. was engaged to.*»_r»e fer her. The nurse was in thehoase for several months.

Fight Over Carrrier Will."**ï_e next cab· of importance that

situs Ballenger took was »hat of'imurge Currier, an aged mUliaenair».H4 i.ed subs*H»jiten_y Th«?·. M »s

B__er.g.»r pr«->dice_ a t*»**1?1 whicheUm saiJ Currfer had mad« andaiyaed. It g«*-q'.;eathed s»vera» Lan-dt*»ed thousand doilara to the nurse.Tha Currier heirs fajught this will bit¬terly.

¦"The contest dragged along foraraeaths and was a sensation In theS«t_tth. Finaüy a settlement wasmarne, whether Judicially or out ofcmurt. I am not sure. Last springMme Bal'.engT received $C50 000 fromXAu Currier estate,

"*On .Mar--h 2·». 1917. Seamans dis¬appeared fri-UTi Atlanta. His wifedid not h»ar from h»r unt 1 June, 191»·.Ha wrote her from Washington. Hemm» penitent and urged her to bring.»he child and come to Washington and¡ve with him.**Worr.anlike, she forgave him and

*h*»y lived together in Washingtonuetll last July. Then K'ama-'s dis-*ppeare«l again. He left Mrs. Sea-nans destitute with their little girl

e and a bedridden mother."

HOLO COURT IN ROADWAY.BCBLIN. Dec 4..The key of theart house having disapoeaied and

.»Tïtrv by the windows impossible, thenagistrates at Rochfort, county Wcst-r-eath. helû the monthly petty aes-»lons In the public roadway.


lerm^ c-uncil directed the town clerk»o »end a strt-uig letter to himself, aalerk. to the freemen ef the borough,

complaining of? the untidy state of theF*raamen's Market.

Ol» yaarr L1 H«t*r----»» Road ertnoone andexekaaiare ttaetn for V ». ·>.. ta.rrk·a iati a? yourself ami year roaattr-r.


Banish them by using Dr.«Bell'· Pine-Tar-Honey

ir.'t an

hut a couch and coldsteadily groan popu-¦___*J- eRertive.

?HOLLANDS t-rarn-nervJBell's G ine-Tar-Honarvexp»»T'. mer.-

l«i*i»-*dy that ha»ku* b«**cause it L ».

For lingering co'ds or coughs or freshSttacks its b»-Lls_mic and healing anti-otrytks are aure to be beneficial. Itbrings pcetMy reliirf from r> r.l eg **-.< or¬

geat ioa, iadammation. tickling bron-t-*hiai tub»--». »3«->od also for h«Mr»»en«--ss,-?-iif-n· due to grippe, and kindred au¬senta. E»r-ono--mi-_J.-a bottle goes »k»« w»y. 30c, ¿»O»*.. $1.20.

r.Bel lsine-Tar-Honey

for Couchs ¿nd ColdsA Fin· F_m_y Laxative

"".?- l>t»-Lax. N_i_.»t»t»a-o»«-ed asautant, rira*· **'* *5_ ?_· **-* *·"-"*-» «*"" '-*-*" >°b »-'-.ka

It pr-ainatiy corrtx» «-oe»t;paiioa ia-old. «Wcajl IJru<_Mt«.

1 ,??G. G?G??·&FT.H*rW _ä^_a___5_"3S.Ö_. ^??^?^??^**«***$1.00 Ever Ready Safety Razor, 75c I J|gThese spedar prices for Friday only.and in justice to many

patrons.not more than one to each purchaser. Extra.Ever-ReadySafety Razor Blades at 29c package. Teilet n.»t..street ???..




.M_A__SK0¥M_Uth and G Strette

$1.75 Bath Towels, $1.59Extra large and heavy Turkish

Towels, pink and blue borders.Some hemstitched. Regular at$1.75. Friday only at $1.69.

**<--«¦_ rtoor.


Turkis.. Towel» mt 90cGood heavy and abeorb«»Tit Bath

Towels, all white and «irith stripesand colors. Special for Friday ht90c.

I100 Wonderful Friday Bargains????? For Our Big Week-End Bargain Day ^ySff"embroidered. Sizes 1. and ? %_Zw «*T__7%/ ¦"¦¦¦.a JL Itt\mtr»·__-__·*A·

year- Regularat59c. Frida*.

*"^VilliC_ ?VlSCWll«fS

Children's Dresses, 37cWash I-reges, all made up

ind stamped in. desierns to bembroldered. Sines I. _¦ and 5

vear- Regular at 59«.·. Fridayat .17c.

Art \«*«*_lle**.ork I.e-»t..StreetKloor.


R. M C. Crochet Cotton,Friday Special, 8V2c

Reculai* at 10c.the wellf know ? R. It. C. Mercerized Cro¬chet Cotton. Noe. 20. no. 40. 50.CO and 70. in white onlv. Fri¬day only at S1·»·*

Art I'«**-*..-«treet Flw.

Bureau Scarfs at 39c) Superior nualitv materialit.pad in desi_rnj for eyelet..mbroiderv work. Slisrhtly¦¦.oila-J.and nomlnallv nriced at:··*><-·

Art Floor.

For Our Big Week-End Bargain Day100 specially selected lots of new and desirable merchandise, taken right from our regular stocks and spe¬cially reduced for one day only. This includes any number of items suitable for gifts, as well as for daily personal

needs and for the home.Many uncommon values are offered here tomorrow.Read these items care¬fully.and remember, Palais Royal Dependability is behind every item

Extraordinary FridayBargains in

Chin & HoisewaresMany Opportunities to Save

oa Christmas Gifts.


Women's Fiber

Silk Hose,79c Pair2 Paire, $1.25

Reputable malves.inblack. brown. srrav andwhite. Perfect duality.Si.23 Krade Special forFriday at 79c pair.or 2pairs for .1.25.

Strret Flaa.r.

Women's 75c Hosiery, 59c2 Pairs, $1.00

Semi-fashioned Perfect Fit-tint. Onyx and other reputable]makes, in black, brown, fawn

, and navy. Fridav at â»c instead¦ ot 75c pair. Street Fleier.

Women's 5____~??·ßG$1 89?* Regular $2.25 to $2.75 qual¬ity.i r r e __bi 1 a r weave.fulla*jfa*hioned. pure thread silkrho.e. in black, white, srrav.G mede and brown. Fridav at»SI.**, pair. Street Floor.

$2, $3, and $4 BeadNecklaces, Friday at 98cA Fortunate Purchase Prorides This Wonderful

Opportunity to SaveMany will buy for Christmas gifts. The

assortment includes plain and fancy designsin almost every desirable style and color.Bought From a Leading New York Jobber at

a Big DiscountOne may select from sapphire necklaces with pearls,

moonstone and pearle. jet pendant necklaces, lapis bluewith oxidized trimming«, preen and black combinations,coral with oxidized, coral and black, topaz and crystal,j-ide and crystaJ. Jade and oxidized «¿fold, amethyst andpearls, dull jet. Ionic amethyst chain with gun methlmountinti, jet and pearl, amethyst quartz, red withoxidized erold. cut sapphire with drop, Venetian with ledand -creen combination, loner bright jet chains, and manyothers. $3.00 to $5.00 value, epeclaj for Friday onlyit _*__ each. Palàia Royal.Main F_o_r.

The Ideal Christmas Gift

Pure Silk Hose,Friday $2.95§¦-.25 and $3.50 GradesAll perfe-.t.splendid Fri¬

day bargains at ??ß?. Fullfashioned and weiaht

all-over silk hose withicarter tops. All sizes inbiai-k. white and colors.Boxed.if selected for Xmasft-fta. Street Fleer.

Women's $1.25 to $1.50Silk Stockings,

$1.15American Fiber Silk -·

stockingrs made with mockseam and superior in fit andwear. Plain and dropstitch effects. All sizes inblack. white and colors.Friday only at $1.15 pair.

»tr*·. t F_a*r.

Ì* Girls' Onyx Hose,2 Pairs 89c

Our well known 50c Onvx.Ribbed Hose.fnr eirls. in f*»r.e··

[?·> to 0·-. Black and white.if pairs for ,**»<¦.instead Ot .1.00.

1 Street Fta«r.

§^07^?<_G^',??·^_»ß?tGI 3 Pairs for $1 00l> ?*-linen's medium weicht« -teck Bu-son Hose.all perfec*Jf'-.-lav.9 pairs instead of 2».airs for $1.00.

$1.50 Jersey l_eggins,Friday Only, $1.19

For children to s vears.knee lenjtth white wool leers-ins.A pair should be includedan on«, your child's Xmas nifte.for their health's'aake.

Sti*e«*t Flottar.

Women's $3.25 Richelieu

Union Suitsat $2.79

Knit to the form.-these¦rraduatincr ribbed Silk and"Wool l'nlon Suits. madedainty with crochet edere.Low neck, no sleeves, anklelencrth. All recular sizes.

Strrrt Floor.

.»tt*r-*t F'!«x>r.

Women's Fleeced


75c to 95c Value«f'ozlly Fleeced l'nlon Suit-·

also separate vest.· withhi**rh neck and lone sleeves.I'utch neck and elbowsleeves, low neck and no»leeves. Also separatepants. ankle lenrrth. I'ridayat O-C. Strrrt Floer.

Women's Union Suits,Friday Only, $1.39

Richelieu Ribbed Suita-inpink or white. lx»w neck, nosleeves, ankle and knee lensrthsAlso lJutcli neck, elbow sleevesand ankle iensrth. Recular $1.50and $1.59 erado.··. $1.G.?.

Strrrt Floor.

Women's Vests, 59cRibbed Low Xeck Vest-*, tail¬

ored tops, crochet yoke andbodice. Kay.-:er's and otherbe*t makes, regular and extrasizes. Friday at 59c or 2 for$100. Strrrt Floor.

Women's 50c and 59cr Hoee, 2 Pairs for 89cf\ Kf liable.wear well and fitJ'iil :isle and cotton Hose. All"?-i/.os.all black and with whi»-|.'«les. Friday onlv at ' pair·

. r .«·._*·. Street floor.

House Dresses,! Special, $1.29t «.pedal fnr Frida« OnlyI A special lot of 33 dozen new

ij house dresses of percales and| (Tlnsrhams. in checks, stripe«

Íand plaids, also some in solidcolors. Made with attachedbelt and round or square collarthat can be buttoned hisrh atthe neck. Offered at practical¬ly the cost of the materialsalone. Special. $1.-9.

Barrai n Baarmrat.

Flannelette Kimonos,

¡$2.49 Value at $1.98Made of excellent qualitv

flannelette: loose or elastica waist lines: with fancy s¡lkjr ribb'n trinuninsr on collarShown in rose. pink, lavender..rrav and lisrht blue in prettvflowered desisrns. Sizes to 44.Friday onlv at $1.98.

¦lartraln Raseiaent.

Bungalow Aprons, $1 19Ferralo aprons in loose or

elastic waist line models, withsquare neck, pocket and ba-1»across back. piped wit'material of contrastine* shadeSizes up to 4V Tridav onlv a$1.1». Bft._--.ln Hiirnrnl.

Fleeced Union Suits,$2.00 Values at $1.69Women's reliable ninfei imi

'.Princesa May and SubwavMills' make, hisrh neck andloner sleeves. Dutch neck andelbow sleeve?, low n»ck and nosleeves. All ankle lon_rth. Fri-jday at .**1.«.?. Street Floor.

Froat tke D-rraa <.oo«laSrrtlon.A Sprrial Sale ofCut Lengths of All-Wool Fabrics,Yd., $2.19

Adoni Valar« $2.75 and$3.00 nrd

A low price, indeed, forfibsailutelv all-wool ma-toriajs; 4S to 54 inches wide.Select from a srood assort¬ment of colors with thescarce ¡alindo of navy bluenrcdominatinir. I. e n «r t h ¦averatre from 1 I-*1 to 7ratea. Special for Fridayonly at .2.10 > ard.Paiola Ilo·.«. S.rond Floor.


497 PrintzessCoatsWorth -H9, $59, J$6B, «$69

And Even Higher

$38-75This is without question the «-rreatest Coat of¬

fering of this year.An event planned months ago. At the time we

placed our order for this season's Printzess Coatswe contracted for 500 coats.deliveries to be madeDecember 1 as agreed upon months ago, the as¬

sortment of 500 coats to comprise all the stylesthat the factory had on hand December 1 withoutregard to former prices.

The Coats are here and all are offeredat one price, the same one price,

the same as we bought them.For our patrons' con-1 The first time this sea·

u-_. ..._,««* hon vou have had theremenee we have arrang- ^J^^ of parchasinfÇed thepe 497 Coats on 11 mdi hi-h class Coats asrcks according to size, so these at such a littleM to make choosing easy, ¡price.

Every «rolor of the season. All sizesfrom 16 to 44. Nearly all beau¬

tifully silk lined.Look at the materials. Many of the fabrics

would cost you nearly as much as the sale price, tosay nothin«-*· of the making.Duvet de Laine, Kersey,Silvertone, Iridescent,Tinseltone, Baltic Plaid,Polo Cloth, Broadcloth,Straight line models. Smart, youthful Blouse Coats.

Plaited back styles.Semi-Dolman half and full belted Coats.

Plain and fur trimmed.Remember, all are Printzess Coats, with the

maker's as well as our guarantee behind everycoat.

Friday Only, .{38.75l'alala Hoyal.Third Floor.

Wool Velour,Rayoner,Normandy.

One of the 0_itstanding Specials for Friday,

$15 to $18 TrimmedVelvet Hats at $10An Opportunity to Buy a Handsome Winter Hat

at a SavingThese Hats are fashioned of the finest quality Lyon'»

and Panne velvets. They are effectively trimmcv' "ithburnt ostrich, natural o. trich, wings, ribbon*·, etc.

Colors are black, brown, navy, taupe, AmericanBeauty and purple. On sale in the French Salon, Fri¬day Only at $10.00. ralaU Keyal.»eeoaa I*1«>«»r.

Wonderful FridayBargains ia

Dinner Set·...ftO.

II 2.. 0¦15.S.»IT G,î.&o,t -.'·(·.i.f .?0.»17.-0,»!6.«0,US.Ml.»4P.'?»:·:.:.(..

Si-pc. D.mi-pc nM-pc. 1)llW-pc Ii.100-pc. H.100-pc.100-r«10O-POIOC-·«.1O0-DC.10· -pclWt-tX*.

s.. -taj*.s. tm.4v\.S. St__4*_S. ·1__*_?.






"..r Wonder Kut Bowl» 47*-»vr.O Mkhnr-nr p*rvlB«f

t·_?. $i_ia.»1 Mi Caaaerole*. nlckie

frrn>ea, SI.IS.$1.5.0 G?«* T>iahe«. nlckie

rem«··«. Si.IS.I« ·* Carr Ia« Seta. ata«

nandlca. SSJSH.$?... Aluminum Coffee Per-

Olatora. az.4a.

$500 Ostrich Feather |Trimmings, $3.00 YardExtra fine quality Oetrich

feather fimmlnge for millineryand evening frowns. Kepularly.5.CO yard, special for. Fridayonly at 13.00 yard.

«M-con-a Kloor.

Women'· and Míase·' $5 00to $7.50 Trimmed Hats

at $2.75Handaome erect pil<* and mir¬

rored velvet hats, includingcloee-flttine· draped turban-,smart tarns, large sailors· andchic shirred velvet turbans.Friday onlv at S2TV

Secoad Floor.

Boys' aad Girb' Dm*Union Suits at $* 19

"Duo''.the Ideal fleece HufI'nd· rwear «or buvti and airi»of 2 to 16 years. Suit·.tir*, jenrments in one.made withhigh neck, long sleevea. ankle¦ ..ngth. Boya'.with cloae«1irotcn. Girls'.with drop scat.Friday only at Jl 1».

S-rre. Floor.

Boys' and Girls' $1-25Union Suits, $100

Bc>f..-i»<s C tc 1ß.srravribbed ileece lined Suits vithhigh iieck. long siee\es. ankleiength. <;irl_ Kibbed Wal-ISuit.«, sizes 1' to 13. Sises to 16In drop-etat etvle. Fridav at-1.00. Street f-oor.

Chrisin.·· Cut da··At riitiij rjMii PricMSwrar· *9__^prAM**mWO. »ee

t-%000. ¦___¦__.*- «,»··..VouaiTtan <y*tF__-H«_*Ov»tKiln ÔÎT CNted raas*.Spoon Trata a__tHon a. Mr.

Rom Bow la. foot*»<l.Ice Cream Trave. ß?4Hand sen?*· Vasea $4_*».

Mattea-wan TailoredVelours at $2.98

Ideal h»ta for women andmisses. A limited number inblack and color··. Slightlymussed. Come early for bct-tchoice. Friday onlv at l*2.***K

S-*«*«-·-»-! Floor.

MfllincsT Velvet, $100 Yd.??? oiialitv black mllürierv

velvet. This lou price for Fri¬day only. «irc-oad Floor.

$7.50 Fiber Coet Sweater,$5.95

A strikingly effective modelwith large collar, pockets andsash. A shapeiy coat sweaterthat w-ill retain its smart linee.Colors: rose, copen, and flesh.Size for the woman and missRegular $7.50. Fridav only.-»_-_. Third Floor

59c to 65c Curtain Curtain Scrims, 27c Yd.Material· at 49c Yard

^Here's an Item of Particular Interest From Our Sill-

Section. We Will Place on Sale forFriday Inly Our

Entire Stock of ImportedCostume Velveteens

At Lowered PricesThere ia an unusual demand for this article. Al¬

though it ia hard to procure you may have the oppor¬tunity of buying at a decided saving Friday. Thoregular prices and reductions are as follows:

$2.29 Quality, 22 inches wide, yard, $1.89.$2.69 Quality, 26 inches wide, yard, $2.19.$4.69 Quality, 86 inches wide, yard, $3.89.$6.49 Quality, 44 inches wide, yard, $5.69.The color assortment is representative of. the sea¬

son's beet selling shades.tete de negre, walrus, \?· a-cock blue, algerian, cp.-nhagen. tnyrtl·*. spark blue, -.vis¬tarla, taupe, navy and black. All imported costumevelvets, Knglieh make. Kxreptional values for Fridayonly. Palai« Hoyal.Seeond Floor.


Tliousani!;· Of yard.« of alltho best grade nf curtain mata-rials in the wanted shades,nnd novelty style border ef¬fects. Also a few hundred!bad!., of cretonnes, I'ridaynly, at 4f»e. yard.

Seri"m Curtains, $1.35 Pr.M.ft.-; curtains with wide hem i

fronts, also about 150 pairs ofneat lace curtains with val¬ance to lit betwe'-r: nil heal¬ed, ready for use. Friday onlyat $1_M pair. .rrond Floor.

Reversible Tapestry TableCovers, $3.35 and $5.85Made for large size din ng

room table. Two speciallypricej lots for Friday only at.3.35 and »...SS each

Spiond Floor.

White, ecru, and colored bor¬der curtain scrima in drawn-worked border effects. Thecolored borders are in gold,blue, roe·, and gr>'en. Specialfor Friday only at -7c yard.

Sf-rond Floor.

Window Shades at 68cEach

About G?? dozen perfect win¬dow,- shades in yellow, iight.medium or dark greens. All1 a\ a guarant'-ed rollers. Spedal for Friday only at Ov-each. Second Floor.

Drapery Materials, 95cYard

$1.25 grade Shiki repps anddrapery poplins for door andwindow hangings. All the de¬sirable shades are in the lot.Special Cor Friday only at!>5c yard. Second Floor.

$12.50 to $14 Blankets,Friday at $10 Pair

Just 10 paira of these fineWool Blanlo ts. with slight ad-nixture of cotton to prevent«¡ii inking. Slightly mussed or

¦piled. Best of -12 00 to »HI.Ulankcts at $10 pair.

*»<*-eond Floor.

Splendid Christmas Gifts

Toilet ArticlesLooking Like Ivory

Celluloid and other com¬positions are tr*eal»-d to io^klus*, 'like ivory. From anoted maker come "second»'it n.arly half regular price·..¦G '.0 Mirrors, long handles.

sz.aa..< " Mirrors, Bonnet «hap..

-_t__*..."Ij'j 1'owder Boxes. 7A*.TSC Perfume BoUl« and

holder. 5ßt.l-.c«.ur_ i'rames. ? a ? >· a:

SOe._0c Powder Boxes, white.

pink, blue, Z&e.Street Floor.

$5.00 Comforts at $4.00Filled w:tl. white laminated

cotton, covered with ailkollniin blue bird and apple blossorrdesign. Friday only at "M"·»··.

%+ronA t ¡«.or.

Thin Water O'«area. « for a__p.t' ? e ii, -« r - t* atJOS.Covered Glaaa Butter Jara.

t3e_. 'olnnia! Glas» Vater Sets

_Te.Gold Band Cupt and Saucer».

S for «l-SS.<*hina Whipo»^ CTeam S«*U.

A Great S»l« ofFireless C-X-kenAo Excellent Christ«··

Gift1 Hole rular prie«,

-L_.»S. for ·11_?.r ir <ular price.

»-..P.. for S3l_i__

»? 00 Electrvc Boom Heater·c«.««.I

arce Sir.ed Oil Heater*. AAJAA.Copper Front Ga* Hefcters,

IQ-»».«i__atga Corruraled Asl, < ^-.t:-». J

,·a.\ sr.izeé Ash .«Ñif'e**s. «R.SI·IMS* Tin W ashboiler». ·!_«_.

$13.50 BlankeU, Pair, $11Wool Blankets with a fine co'

ton warp: extra large. Tfix*·inchea. $11.00 instead of $13.*·'·for Friday oi.lj

-r«-o»d Floor.

A Cariood ofGalvanized Ware

At Friday Ear gain Prie»**K-<_t Water Pall 24«-.-.?-it. Water Pa -*7».$1.00 Masi. Tu hl· .'.I*«·.

W at-1 Tub» KB».kc Garbare ? an» T&r

I1.3S Garbar·· ' an·· .u

Women's Skirts, Worth$4.50 to $5.50, at $3.69Odds and ends of better

grade.-:. Included are all-woolserico, silk or wool poplinskirt.·· in biadi ar.d navv blue.I'riday only at ·«·.';.60

Barrai ? Riuearst.Women's Kxtra SizeHouse Dresses,Special, $2.77

Sis«··. 4«, IK. __.. __· an<| .**,«Standard rrade <rin?htm sn.l

nercale dresses in dark and me-lium shades. There are Din"hecked and narrow strioe-lstyles suitable for larre |a>

; ure«; loose or attached belt«>· perfect fitting garments cut¡ r-nerouslv full. Six different: styles. Fri ..v onlv at $2.77.I_ Barsraln RuromL

r Another Special L.otGirls' Dresses at 9«Sc

: Sizes J to C and 7 to 12 Mr.». ""f percales an<l rlnrhams In

«>rettv two-tone color effects:.-.cited «or eathered waist lln«models with flare or nleatedskirts. Fridav onlv st «.«a*_

Bara-aiw Base-meat.

Girls' Dresses, UnusualValue*, Friday, at $1.39New dresses of Badinercale ¡? larre and smallolalds. also solid colors. Tail¬ored and "mbroidered stvles

nni «hed with round or so' noveitv pocket« an·'trimme-i .».ith button« Slia-s '·

t.. ß ....,- ; .,, y_ rn-av ,,nlv"1 "' Barunln Burnrnt.

Women's Suits, SpecialFor Friday Ony, $16.98Were $_¦_·.50 to $27.G>0. Made

.f all-wool serge: in smart.»elted models, braid and but¬ton trimmed, also plain tailor¬ed style; «oat lined with fancy'ining. Colors are black, navy¦ind green. Friday at *?ß.!!?.

_Baraja In B«*ea«rnt.

Woroen's and Misses'Black Coats,Special, $9.98

Only -'-.' In this lot. Sizes 10m 4_. Made of black thibet.-xcellent weight. Belted stvlfoats with large convertibleollar and two patch pocketsVo will call's or C. O. D.'s Fri-lay only, $S» 0*.

Bargain Basement.

$35 Sport Coats, $27.50For Women nnd Misses

Stylish Mpoit models of''liases beaver fur fabricwhich ia very rich in appearance. Also coats of mackinaucloths, lined with Venetian o-flowcred seco sili, llninr.hnvc large shawl collar*, fullbelted ¡-tyles with noveitvpockets and deep cuff.-- Size-1. to II. Fridav only. S*__.*Vt«.

I'nln!· Ilu>.il ll-ir.nin Ba.trment.

Misses' and Women'sFur Scarfs, $14.98

Forty scarfs of r<id fox. blackfox and a few of wolf. Animal"hape, finished with head andtail; silk lined. Fridav onlv Bargain Basement.

Specials from Curtain andDrapery DepartmentsKvery item offered in this lot w<* consider an ex-optional value. It w.ll pay you well to choose fromthose itcme for gifts, or for your own home. Kverypice·.' of merchandise ¿fuarar.lced perfect.

solai) bv p? ?...»II- . Marqui¬sette Curtains.

oil«* Curtain·«Scotch I-ace Cur-tarn.-·. Filet NetCurtains. L a t a1-iIro Net Cur¬tains. Wvcltry

Choice __·"__!IAI* ****vnv-i.e ??(·? TapestryCouch C 0 ? <¦ to,Velour PianoScarfs, ManyKinds TableScarfs, Fine Sofa

., , , Cushions. Net Pan-*-tnpea el ? urtala.. ___._« I'anel Cur-

'3.85.«"?. smv v««aj ....*,*.._ ^, ? uj ? a us, ? .ai·-· I'anel ?(-urtnins. Stenciled Crash tains, I -ice Jied SpreadsCúrtalas.

Christmas Gift BlousesFriday Only $3.98

Regular at $5 and $5.98The better grade of batiste and organdie blouses.In

tailored and effects of the moment. Collar and with Tux¬edo and with two-iu-onc collar··. Stylish, perfect fittingmodels. Some prettily trimmed with Venice and otherlaces. For the college end buíines.« women. The batistemodels with rolling collar and cuffs of pique, with Irishcrochet edge. Keyular $5 and £0.»*». Frioay on y Sîi-9·*

l'nlai» Boyal.Third Floor

Printed Effect GeorgetteBlouses, Friday $6.65

$8.50 and $8.75 ModeUThese printed Georgette blouses. w»*i'e dninty and gra<v·.

ful, arc in winter colorings not easily soiled. An over-blouse model la relieved with white lace collar and cufTs.Another model has frilled collar i'nd ribbon run CUita.Fridav onlv, SC.'» raíais Ko-al.Third Floor.

$4..'i Blssell Carpet ?w.a*-pe»-«-t.6S.$1 kS Cu-tain Siretci trt »IJ».Toilet Paper. *¦ roil*. 2»«-.(..rift's Boras ?-'-ß? «t Or i.-v..Sunbrive Cleanser. } fe· io.Set of :·, Alu* i^aucf-

->ans Si.IS.

S-Pie-ce Blue ttlaze-d SlooeToueì Set», ^.09Row! and Pitcher, Slop

Jar. Chamber s. e»p Dtak,Muc and Water Jug.

J... ·' Fond · '· ri"*:s ·"

????·'. Si.lit.$!.5«> Fnam<!ed Savorv Roast¬

ers. 1B.43.Self-Wringing Floor Mop»

¦»r.Step ladders 4 foot OS*.Set of Oranite Sauce-

o%ne XHe.Tissue Toilet P*-j.r. S.t'OO

sheets. *»r.$1.00 Can Wixard I'o'.lsh T*r

From Our Higher-Priced Line· We Have Selected

293 Handsome DressesAnd Marked Them ?t an Unusually Low Price

For Friday Only ¿_a * * qAll incompleto lines must j_o.and m I ¿\ /\ Vthis low price will accomplish quick dis- ·a+*\>% «avwposai. One of a kind dresses of satin, all-wool Frenchserge, velveteen ar.d wool jersey.

.Straight line models, belted and gathered waistline styles with draped or tunic skirts.

Braid trimmed and embroidered styles in black,navy, taupe, bro-vn, burgundy and -»¦*-av. All sizes butnot in all styles. Friday only at -514.48.

Paini. Hoy;«l 'largala Basement.

75c an_l 89c Brassières,Friday Only, 69c


Snlondid assortment -trim-m· (I front and back withI lunv lace u.ri'i cmbroiderv.making deslraole ChrlstSBHgift,*). Friday at It«.

_lt.irenln Hasrment.

Brassieres at 50cTrinimi ? front and hack

with lace or cmbroiderv; al.· onink and white Pamleaux offan'v material. Heavv mes'witTT rubber gore in b:ickSizes 32 to «:*. laVma«/ a 'Oc._ Bargain Hasement.

Jersey Blocmers, 4Í.CWomen's Flesh Color Kn«"-

Ploomers. with elastic bandat waist rnd knees. Fridaat 4?? all sizes.

llaricHln Basemen«.

Women's 39c Hose2 Pairs, 49c

Black or balbrigganwith ribh°d loos; a'*«>black Hose with whitefeet. Slzeaa 3 to li. Roaru-lar at ."Jlc p.···*· Fridav.2 fairs for 4i*<·.

Bnraraln Basement.

Corsets, Friday, at $2.39???-?ß Procade and fineBatiste Corsets for slenderand ii\cr.ige ligures. somewith rut-bcr tops, others withmedium bust and Ioni, hips;

'"''-'Vi'. ****** back. Fridavíit »J.39. Barteuin Bataement.

Women's Union SuitsFriday Only, 95c

FK co-lined Winter Suits,l'iw necks and nnkle length.Ml sizes.36 to 44 inclusiveIt 95c. Bargain Basenirnt.

C^on-let Girves. $1.00WomOB'a Winter rhamni.

ette (????.· .. with wri.«t stra*>.\_.ite. black. eray and'iiimols. In a broken assort¬ment of size«', with nlertv ofthe larger sizes. Friday at«1.00. Bargain Daaemeat.

Women's Nightgowns, 94caluMin. nainsook and bat·.··'.·-

gowns with lace ard embroideryyokes; in flesh or white. A's ·

envelope chemise in flesh «ndwhite, lace trimmed. Fridayonly at Mr each.

Bargain n.-i»rm nt.

Women's New Blouses,$1.89

\ nluea« are I inusualSmart stvles of white 01 Iwo-

tone colored voiles. Rea tifullvembroidered and plain tailored

! models are shown: .-.nma· fi-ti..·**-I with bow embroidered col¬

lar of self material or whiteorgandy. Over -2 style» to se¬lect.all fresh and tsSAW. Fri-Jay only ai ll.W.

lt-iri_.-il:i llmrmin.

$1 and $1.25 ____M_H_hSpecial at 69c Each

Incompla te Iota of lawblouseji, (¡lightlv mussed fro-Ji.-pla\-. Quantitv limited. ?''sales linai. Fridav onlv nt '·'¦ ach. Barellili Il-isemeni.

500 Nursery Chairs,87c

Tegular Trie«·. S1.Î5.Fin· Oak Finish.

Children's Handkerchiefs,10c Basket

Extra SpecU-l ValuesJapanese hand-made basket.

containing ." fine quality chil¬dren's handkerchiefs. hemstitched. Basket a· catcha;.d hinges. Not more than G?baskats to a customer.Friday only rt IO. basket

Bargain 11«»<*?_?,?

Ranneleite Go**vns. $1 65Woman's hcavjr flannelette

light ».own« in pink and blvtnped patterns. with neatemstitcliing at neck; also dor?·- yoke, braid trimmed V necktjrle. Friday only nt ¦__·__

? art niai IU>iinril.

Remnants of Ribbon,Spec:al, 4 yds., $1

Odd 1«mgtha of all silk ribns In a wide range of colored color combinations. Reg-irly -45c yard. Friday, 4ras foi si.

Ilur.· H, ll.iararil

"omen's Dent's KidGloves at 98c

OoBHUM «*__i_[ll_a_l OlOTCS-in Ues :, l.·*, 5 n-4 and

6. Rlacl; only. Think of-t-ent'A ??-iarld famousuloves- ?* only flic pair.

Harr-In Basement.

An Extra ordinary Value!

Fur Collar Coats, $17.98Regularly $25 Each

Only a limited number (rbout 55). Made of all-woolwinter coatintrr., full bolted or semi-belted style· with___r*fl collar of penuine kit coney or self material. Halflined with merc_riz*-**d lininj;. F.nishcd with noveltypockets and button trimming. Special for Friday onlyat $17 98. n-ircnin lli.crarnl.

»7..-.0 Fl«>ctrie Toasters S-V»«»:.40 <*.-Qt. Wearever Ket¬

tles. SI.SS.11.40 AVearerer Sancepaoa. Zinc Wash Boards SSe.Bro«_ ? and White Caaaerolea. ?

Î5e..*roan and Whit· Teapots.

.SW. ii

Friday Rare-run. inFloor and Table

Lamps$r.r *ii> Fl<"*r lamps andshades

·*«.·. «?· Tbi- Umpi andShades. SO.SS.

th OP G-'?-4 '" Lamp· and(de». S-!.***·.

»S.00 Broas Desk Lamp.·I a- 1 a« »nn«. S*..*·».

Go-»-» N«îck Desk l-*mpiG.« or Electric Metal «

Librarv Lamps »s.»·»

TR- ??? rt«*d Liehts 4*r10c Oas Mani lea. 4 for __Vr.Î.00 Floor Mop and OiV «l.l*.

« M B-ctrte tro·» teuta.Fancv Straw Waste BtakeU.

Wh'te Stone SI-·. Jars. **e.

Bloomers. 4 Pair», $1.-iien'a sateen blooei·«*· in

ui ro»··. tan. and blue. Mad·· waist band and elaatc-.n.r Friday inly, 4 pain- si

Bsrrsui B.i>fifBl

Petticoats at $ I b.ack sateen an·' ·

Cotta· taf.'eta pettu-oais ? t ?t- I· *-ed f'oaince and fitted top.Cxi!*» lull cut. Fr*. .v < n'v m»?..·?**. M..r__lH in.fwril.