assorted test questions on sedimentology

SEDIMENTOLOGY 1. Write notes on any four of the following:- 1. fining upward sequence 2. upperflow regime 3. chemogenous sediments 4. tectonic arkose 5. geochemical evironment 6. textural maturity 7. derived properties of sediments (1) Cementation patterns in sand stones. (2) Origin of chert. (3) Heavy minerals groups. (4) Mineral maturity. (5) Classification of lime stones. (6) Evaporates. 1. Evaporates. 2. Mineral and chemical composition of mud rocks. 3. Origin of chert. 4. Primary and secondary dolomites. 5. Fundamentals of fluid flow. 6. Heavy mineral groups. 1. Give a concise account of the biogenic sedimentary structures. 2. Explain the mineral stability. 3. Write notes on the origin of Chert. 4. Enumerate the various sedimentary environments. 5. Describe the textures of the sedimentary rocks. 6. Write notes on the provenance. 1. Describe the importance of the study of shape of fragments to decipher the history of deposit. 2. Explain the term "Mineral maturity". 3. Define lithification and Diagenesis. Briefly analyze their role in sedimentation. 4. Give an account of the fresh water carbonate deposits. 5. Briefly describe the mineralogy and origin of phosphates. 6. Give an account of the cementation patterns in sandstones. 1. What are evaporates ? State how they are formed. 2. What is meant by mineral stability ? Explain the mineral stability series. 3. Describe the biogenic sedimentary structures.

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A large word file with reasonably large number of questions are made available for aspiring candidates to make use of to prepare for tests.


Page 1: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


1. Write notes on any four of the following:-1. fining upward sequence2. upperflow regime3. chemogenous sediments4. tectonic arkose5. geochemical evironment6. textural maturity7. derived properties of sediments

(1) Cementation patterns in sand stones.(2) Origin of chert.(3) Heavy minerals groups.(4) Mineral maturity.(5) Classification of lime stones.(6) Evaporates.

1. Evaporates.2. Mineral and chemical composition of mud rocks.3. Origin of chert.4. Primary and secondary dolomites.5. Fundamentals of fluid flow.6. Heavy mineral groups.

1. Give a concise account of the biogenic sedimentary structures.2. Explain the mineral stability.3. Write notes on the origin of Chert.4. Enumerate the various sedimentary environments.5. Describe the textures of the sedimentary rocks.6. Write notes on the provenance.

1. Describe the importance of the study of shape of fragments to decipher the history of deposit.

2. Explain the term "Mineral maturity".3. Define lithification and Diagenesis. Briefly analyze their role in sedimentation.4. Give an account of the fresh water carbonate deposits.5. Briefly describe the mineralogy and origin of phosphates.6. Give an account of the cementation patterns in sandstones.

1. What are evaporates ? State how they are formed.2. What is meant by mineral stability ? Explain the mineral stability series.3. Describe the biogenic sedimentary structures.4. Give a brief account of the methods of separation of heavy minerals, bringing out their

significance.5. Define Porosity and Permeability. State their importance during sedimentation.6. Give a brief account of the non-classic textures.

1. Define the terms "lithification and diagenesis". Explain briefly the diagenetic process in lime stones.

2. Give an account of sedimentary facies and environment.3. Write a note on the origin of chert.4. Describe the distinguish between Arkose and Graywacke.5. Define the "mineralogical maturity".

Page 2: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

6. Describe the mechanism of dolomitisation. Add a note on the detrital dolomite and dedolomitisation.

a. Sediment movement by fluid flow.b. Biogenic sedimentary structures.c. Heavy mineral groups.d. Cyclic sediments.e. Primary and secondary dolomites.f. Cementation patterns in sandstones.

i) The origin of the Chert.(ii) Shape and roundness.(iii) Distinguish between cross bedding and graded bedding.(iv) Distinguish between suspension load and traction load.(v) Evaporates and their formation.(vi) Primary and secondary dolomite

10. Answer any five of the following

a. Origin and uses of graded bedding b. Formation and Manganese nodules and their importance.c. Walther's law of succession of faciesd. Flow regime concept.e. Bouma sequence.f. Stylolites.

a. Biogenic sedimentary structuresb. Diagenetic processes in limestonesc. Compaction of mud rocks and porosityd. Skewness and kurtosise. Fresh-water carbonates

a. Intrastratl solutionb. Heavy mineral separationc. Walther's law of succession of faciesd. Cross stratification.e. Lebespurenf. Provenance.

a. Pelagic depositsb. Primary dolomitec. Goldich's stability seriesd. ZTR indexe. Intrastratal solutionf. Shape of clastic grains

a. Plaeocurrent analysisb. Biogenic sedimentary structuresc. Permeability analysisd. Sorting coefficiente. Turbidity currentsf. Lr. Flow regime

2. a. Diagenetic mineralsb. Turbidites and Bouma sequence

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c. Grade scaled. Stokes lawe. Mn- nodulesf. Residual depositsg. Flow regime concept.f. Economic sedimentology

a. Fining upward sequenceb. Upper flow regimec. Chemogenous sedimentsd. Tectonic arkosee. Geochemical environmentf. Textural maturityg. Derived properties of sedimentsf. Skewness a. What are evaporites? State how they are formedb. What is mineral stability? Explain the mineral stability seriesc. Describe biogenic sedimentary structuresd. Methods of separation of heavy mineralse. Define Porosity and permeability. State their importance during sedimentation.f. Give an account of non-clastic textures.

a. What are evaporites ? State how they are formed.b. What is meant by mineral stability ? Explain the mineral stability series.c. Describe the biogenic sedimentary structuresd. Give a brief account of the methods of separation of heavy minerals,bringing out their

significance.e. Define porosity and permeability. State their importance during sedimentation.f. Give a brief account of the non-clastic textures.

Write explanatory notes on the following

a. Wentworth Grade Scaleb. Oolitic texture c. Size analysis andd. Intrastratal solution.

a. Dune and antiduneb. Mud rocks.c. Evaporited. Chemical cemente. Environmental parameters.f. Orogenic sediments.g. Carbonaceous sediments.

write notes on:a. Heavy mineral study.b. Size and shape of grains.c. Sedimentary facies.

11. Give an account of the sedimentary structures.

Write an essay on the mechanical analysis of detrital sediments.

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Write an essay on sedimentary structures.

Give the recent classification of limestones and add a note on fresh water carbonate deposits.

Write an essay on the classification of limestones.

Define the terms Lithification and Diagenesis. Analyze their role in sedimentation.

Give an account of the sedimentary structures.

Write an essay on the sedimentary facies and environments.

Describe the textures and impurities found in cherts. Discuss their origin

In the light of recent researches, give the classification of sandstones.

Give the mechanical analysis of detrital sediments and explain how they are graphically represented.

Give critical analysis of sedimentary structures.

Define the terms Porosity and Permeability. How do these properties affect fluid migration in sandstone and limestones?

Give a brief account of the classification of sandstones.

Give an account of the sedimentary facies and environments.

Give the recent classification of Limestones and add a note on fresh - water carbonate deposits.

Give an essential depositional difference between a meandering river set up and a braided river set up.

Enumerate the different directional sedimentary structures and their importance in palaeocurrent studies.

Describe the characteristic of deposits made in a fluvial environment.

Enumerate and describe the structures that throw light on the direction of sediment transport.

Give an account of the classification of either conglomerates or limestones.

Describe the origin and occurrence of phosphatic sediments, with suitable examples from India.

Write an essay on the limestone diagenesis.

Discuss the tectonic classification of sedimentary basins.

Write an essay on the origin of evaporite sediments.

Describe the architecture of the lithological facies of clastic environments.

"The framework mineralogy of clastic rocks have an indelible signature of the provenance like

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relief, climate and source rocks.Write an essay on the Mud rocks

Describe the various diagenetic processes in the making of carbonate rocks from sediments.

Describe the various depositional framework, tectonic evolution and economic potential of continental sedimentary basins.

What are the important evaporite minerals? Discuss their origin.Write an essay on the classification and origin of common clay minerals.

Write an essay on the industrial and economic applications of study of sediments.

Describe the depositional environment of a meandering river deltaic deposit.

Discuss the statistical parameters as applied to the study of sediments.

Give an account of the widely used classification of sandstones.

Discuss the economic potentials of the marine sedimentary basins.

Describe the textures and impurities found in cherts. Discuss their origin.

In the light of recent researches, give the classification of sandstones.

Briefly describe the various sedimentary structures. Discuss their role in determining (a) the top and bottom in sedimentary sequence and (b) Paleo-current direction.

Explain the term "Provenanace" in Sedimentology. State how the maturity of sediments is determined.

Classify and describe various types of limestones. Add a note on their diagenesis.

Describe the mode of formation and characters of turbidites.

Discuss the relation between sedimentary facies and environments.

examine the different views on the origin of phosphate deposits.

Explain the concept of size in detrital rocks. Describe the grain size distribution with respect to grade scales and frequency distribution.

Classify and describe Conglomerates, gravels and breccias. Give the diagenesis of Conglomerates.

Define Provenance. Describe mineral stability, mineralogical maturity and source rocks of the sediments. Add a note on heavy mineral groups.

Give the classification of sandstone. Add a note on cementation pattern in ancient rocks.

Classify and describe various types of limestones. Add a note on their diagenesis.

Give an account of structures in sedimentary rocks.

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Time: 3 hr. Max. marks: 65Section - A (Sedimentology)

1. Define the terms Lithification and Diagenesis. (10)Analyze their role in sedimentation.


Describe the textures and impurities found in cherts. Discuss their origin.

2. Writes notes on any four of the following. (4x5)

a. Dune and antiduneb. Evaporitec. Chemical cementd. Environmental parameters.e. Orogenic sediments.

Section - B (Paleontology)

3. Describe the classification, general history and (10) application of conodonts.

or Describe the evolutionary trends in reptiles.

4. Write notes on any five of the following:- (5x5)

i . Use of foraminifera in petroleum industry ii . Irregular echinoids iii. Archaeopteryx iv . Evolution of glabella in trilobites v . Dentition in pelecypodes vi . major evolutionary trends in brachiopods


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Time: 3 hr. Max. marks 65

Section - A (Sedimentology)

1. Discuss the statistical parameters as applied to (10) the study of sediments.


Give an account of the widely used classification of sandstones.

2. Write notes on any four of the following (4x5)

a. Fining upward sequenceb. Chemogenous sedimentsc. Tectonic arkosed. Geochemical environmentf. Textural maturity

Section - B (Paleontology)

3. Enumerate, giving examples, the evolutionary trends (10)noticed in trilobites.

OR Describe the evolutionary trends in reptiles.

4. Write notes on any five of the following:- (5x5) i . Morphology of conodonts ii . Suture patterns in ammonoids iii. External morphological features of foraminiferal tests iv . Dentition in pelecypodes v . Modes of preservation of fossils vi . Homoemorphy


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Time: 3 hr. Max. marks. 65Section - A (Sedimentology)

1. Define Provenance. Describe mineral stability, (10) mineralogical maturity and source rocks of the sediments. Add a note on heavy mineral



Discuss the relation between sedimentary facies and environments.

2. Write notes only any four of the following. (4x5)

a. Grade scaleb. Q-F-R diagramc. Mean sized. Climatic arkosee. Role of carbon dioxise in carbonate formation

Section - B (Paleontology)

3. Describe the evolutionary trends noticed in ammonoidea. (10)

OR Trace the evolution of horses with appropriate examples.

4. Write notes on any five of the following:- (5x5)

i . Modes of preservation of fossils ii . Classification of spores and pollens iii. Palaeoecology of foraminifers iv . Lower cambrian trilobites v . Facial suture in trilobites vi . Patterns of evolution



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Time: 3 hr. Max. marks 65. Section - A (Sedimentology)

1. Describe the characters and mode of formation (10) turbidites.


In the light of recent researches, give the classification of sandstones.

2. Write notes on any four of the following (4x5)

a. Aragonite in modern environmentsb. Manganese nodulesc. Diagenetic texture of limestonesd. Heavy mineral analysise. Upper flow regime

Section - B (Paleontology)-------------------

3. Describe the evolutionary trends noticed in brachiopoda. (10)


Give an account of the Paleoecology of foraminifera. Discuss the use of foraminifers in petroleum industry.

4. Write notes on any FIVE of the following:- (5x5)

i . Evolution of horses ii . Middle cambrian trilobites iii. Devonian fishes iv . Morphology of spores and pollens v . Siwalik vertebrates vi . Morphology of conodonts




Time: 3 hr. Max. marks 65

Page 10: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

Section - A (Sedimentology)

1. Classify and describe various types of limestones. (10) Add a note on their diagenesis.


Explain the concept of size in detrital rocks. Describe the grain size distribution with respect to grade scales and frequency distribution.

2. Write notes on any four of the following (4x5)

1. Inrastatal solution2. Mud rocks3. Evaporeites4. Chert5. Protodolomite

Section - B (Paleontology) --------------------

3. What are spores and pollens ? Give an account of the (10) morphology of spores and pollens.


Describe the evolutionary trends noticed in brachiopoda.

4. Write notes on any FIVE of the following:- (5x5)

i . Homeomorphy ii . Adaptive radiation iii. Mesozoic reptiles iv . Devonian fishes v . Distinguish between Nevadia and Paradoxides vi . Palaeoecology of foraminifera




Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60Section A

Answer all questions choosing the most appropriate answer from the list

1. Extensive deposits of polymetallic nodules are found in :a. pacific ocean b. Atlantic oceanc. Indian ocean d. In all the three oceans

2. A guyot is a morphological feature produced by:a. Wave action b. current actionc. Volcanic action d. none of the above

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3. In coral reef development:a. Blue green algae play an important roleb. Diatoms play an important rolec. Algae and diatoms play important rolesd. None of the above

4. Rate of sedimentationa. is higher in the Arabian sea than bay of Bengalb. Is higher in bay of Bengal than in Arabian seac. is equal in Arabian sea and bay of Bengald. changes seasonally in both oceans, but always higher inbay of Bengal

5. Two main groups of pelagic sediments are:a. brown clay and silt b. clays and sandc. clays and oozes d. none of the above.


6. Submarine canyons 7. Tombolo8. Chemogenous sediments 9. Carlsberg ridge10. Sediment trap


11. Offshore oil fields of India12. Continental margin13. Shoreline of west coast of India14. Beach profile15. Origin of sea water16. Bengal fan17. Phosphorites18. Oozes

Section-C19. Give an account of methods of exploring the sea floor.

ORDescribe the ocean floor topography of Arabian sea

20. Write an essay on the classification of marine sedimentsOR

Write an essay on the distribution and genesis of polymetallic nodules. -----------------



Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60Section A

Answer all questions choosing the most appropriate answer from the list


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1. Rate of sedimentation in the ocean basins is

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

2. The Aleutian arc is in the:

a. north Atlantic b. south Atlanticc. norhtern Indian d. northern Pacific

3. The Murray fracture zone lies off the coast of

a. Brazil b. Chilec. New York d. California

4. Iceland is very special for the occurrence of

a. large sheep farms b. hot springsc. Mid atlantic ridge d. all of the above.

5. Mindanao trench and Honshu ridge encloses the

a. Philippine basin b. Japanese basinc. Java basin d. Arabian basin

6. The carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

7. Characteristic sediment of the narrow eastern shelf of the Indian Peninsula is:

a. terrigenous sand with black sand concentrates turning into mud at 30 fathoms

b. Ribbon of mud bordering below 5 fathom depth followed by siliciclastic sediment

c. Cabonate-silici calstic sediments followed by mud in the deeper wtersd. terrigenous mud with black sand concentrates.

8. Transform fault, a special category of fault was identified by:

a. Tulso wilson b. W.D. Westc. K. Naha d. A. Holmes

9. The limit of the continental shelf is marked by the shelf break, which occurs at:

a. a depth of 100 m. b. not at any fixed depthc. a depth of 100 fath. d. a depth of 50 fath.

10. The Glomar explorer is a research ship engaged in:

a. Mapping the Mn nodule fieldsb. recovering the drowned submarinesc. laying underwater pipe lines

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d. detecting underwater nuclear tests.

Section B

Answer any six questions; limit answer to 300 words each

(5x6=30)11. Glacial eustasy 12. Chemogeneous sediments13. Guyots14. Red clays15. 90 east ridge16. Pillow lava17. Mn-nodules18. Mid-oceanic ridge

Section C

Answer any two; limit answer to 1200 words each


19. Write an essay on the methods of exploration of sea bed for the Black mineral sand deposits.

ORWrite an essay on the Bengal deep sea fan.

20. Critically examine the origin and distribution of Phosphatic nodules.

ORReview the causes and implications of sea level changes in the geologic past.




Time : 3 hours Max. marks: 60


(Answer all questions choosing the most appropriate answer)

(10) 1. Rate of sedimentation in the ocean basins is:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

2. Micrite is a term applied to:

a. clastic mud b. carbonate mudc. lunar mud d. altered volcanic ash

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3. Marl is a sedimentary rock:

a. forming below the peritidal limitb. accounts for the oil recovery potential of a producing

formationc. composed of low rank graywacke and lime mudd. made of carbonate and clay minerals

4. Loess is a clastic rock:

a. 60% of which is essentially made of material of 0.063 to 0.003 mm. size.b. that adds strength to the foundations in the filled up lagoons or lakes c. characterized by a high content of K2O (>20%). d. generally sought after by alluvial gold prospectors.

5. Magnesian limestones have an MgO content of:

a. 1.0 - 2.0 % b. 10.0 - 18.0 %c. 3.0 - 5.0 % d. 5.0 - 10.0 %

6. Bioherms have been defined as:

a. a dome like growth of clastic sediment in a strata of dissimilar composition.b. a mound or lens built mainly by sedentary organisms in a rock of dissimilar composition.c. an intrusion like growth of a salt bed into an adjacent strata of dissimilar composition.d. a replacement of a carbonate strata by another carbonate strata

7. Novaculite is a sedimentary rock composed of:

a. very dense, cryptocrystalline silicious, bedded rockb. high Mg-calcite in association with cold water fauna c. monocrystalline quartz, k-feldspar and rock fragments in equal proportionsd. poly crystalline quartz, equal amounts of potash feldspar plagioclase and rock fragments.

8. Most rigorous weathering is characteristic of environment:

a. distinguished by high temperature and high moisture content.b. the hallmark of which is average high temperatures through the yearc. where production of humic acid is very much scarced. which is generally non-existent to day.

9. A sandstone with a signature of high quartz to feldspar and high alumina to soda ratios is the product of:

a. a region of low relief b. a region of low relief and warm humid climatec. a region of warm humid climated. a region of low relief but moderately cooler temperatures.

10. In the direction of transport, the clastic sedimentary particles show:

a. a fall in grain size along with a decrease in sphericityb. a fall in grain size along with an increase in sphericityc. a fall in grain size along with a increase in silt content

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d. a fall in grain size only


Answer any six question. Limit answers to 300 words each


11. Cementation patterns in sand stones.

12. Origin of chert.

13. Heavy minerals.

14. Mineral maturity.

15. Folk's Classification of lime stones.

16. Evaporites.

17. Stokes law

18. Upper flow regime


Answer all questions. Limit answers to 1200 words

19. Critically examine the origin and distribution of Phosphatic nodules.


Explain the concept of size in detrital rocks. Describe the grain size distribution with respect to grade scales and frequency distribution.

20. Give an account of the classification of sandstones.


Describe the various depositional framework, tectonic evolution and economic potential of continental sedimentary basins.


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STRATIGRAPHYTime: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60

Section A

1. Answer all questions choosing the most appropriate answer from the list. (1*10)

a. The first International Geological Congress was held in:

a. 1878, Paris b. 1875, Washington DCc. 1925, Beijing d. 1935, New Delhi.

b. A Zone is defined as the basic unit of:

a. Lithostratigraphy b. Biostratigraphyc. Chronostratigraphy b. Pedostratigraphy

c. In stratigraphy, the boundary between Devonian and Carboniferous is placed at:

a. 300 ma. b. 360 ma.c. 350 ma. d. 280 ma.

d. Although over 40 different strata have been identified byWilliam Smith, it was:

a. C.H. Holland b. L.Dolloc. W. Buckland d. H.G.Schenk

who categorised the strata into a hierarchy.

e. The important criterion for system boundaries is:

a. faunal change b. lithological boundariesc. diastrophism d. all of the above.

f. A geologic-climatic unit is used along with:

a. classification of Quaternaryb. categorization of the Pennsylvanianc. grouping of the Proterozoicd. organization of chronostratigraphic units

g. The three principles of stratigraphy were devised by:

a. Nicolaus Steno b. William Smithc. John Playfair c. W. Sedgwick

h. The fundamental rock unit of stratigraphy is:

a. formation b. seriesc. facies d. zone

i. The term Jurassic, describing the strata of Jura mountainswas coined by:

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a. Von Humbolt b. L. Agassizc. C.Lyell d. R.I.Murchison

j. FAD's and LAD's are used in:

a. biostratigraphy b. lithostratigraphyc. correlation of strata c. magnetostratigraphy

Section B

Answer any six; limit in about 300 words each (5*6)2. Thermoluminescence (TL) dating

3. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating

4. Fission track dating

5. Radiocarbon dating

6. Aminoacid dating

7. Geologic history of Kerala

8. Indian shield: a crustal mosaic

9. Indian Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (ICSN)

Section C (10*2)

Limit answers to 1200 words each

10. "The boundary between the Archaean and the Proterozoic is one of the most profound and spectacular breaks in earth's history." Elucidate.

ORWrite an essay on the code of stratigraphic nomenclature adopted and used in India.

11. "The Himalayan saga is a unique event in the history of fold mountains." Elaborate.

ORDating of Deccan Traps calls for evidences of a varied nature. Demonstrate.


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Time : 3 hours Max. marks: 60SECTION - A

(Answer all questions choosing the most appropriate answer)

1. Reynolds number, a dimensionless parameter, is a. used to calculate the rate of diagenesis in limestonesb. the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forcesc. applied in the classification of mud rocksd. the ratio of the inertial and gravitational forces

2. Secchi disc is a device used:a. in the calibration of gravimetersb. to determine the depth of light penetrationc. to estimate the depth of nepheloid layerd. to determine the depth of sediment water interface.

3. Grade scale used by sedimentologists was proposed by:a. Udden b. Wentworth c. Bureau of Indian Standardsd. American Society for Testing Materials

4. Lithification of sediments involves processes like:a. compaction, solution & reprecipitation b. compaction, intrastratal solution & rheomorphismc. overgrowth, outgrowth and solutiond. reprecipitation, neomorphism & stylolitisation

5. As the depth of flow increases:a. straight crested ripples transform to linguoid ripplesb. linguoid ripples transform to straight crested ripplesc. linguoid ripples change to lunate ripplesd. straight crested ripples change to dunes.

6. X-radiography is used by sedimentologists for:a. imaging the dinasour eggs in sex determinationb. imaging the porosity distribution of coresc. screening cores to identify bioturbation d. identification of glauconite content

7. Most rigorous weathering is characteristic of environment:a. distinguished by high temperature and high moisture content.b. the hallmark of which is average high temperatures through the yearc. where production of humic acid is very much scarced. which is generally non-existent to day.

8. Sand ribbons are those sandstone bodies with a length to width ratio of a. 3 or moreb. 2 or less

c. between 2.5 and 2.9d. approximately 1.

9. Novaculite is a sedimentary rock composed of:

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a. very dense, cryptocrystalline silicious, bedded rockb. high Mg-calcite in association with cold water fauna c. monocrystalline quartz, k-feldspar and rock fragments in equal proportionsd. poly crystalline quartz, equal amounts of potash feldspar plagioclase and rock fragments.

10. According to Middleton (1960) the different types of sandstones occur in the following order.

a. quartz arenite, graywacke, lithic arenite and arkoseb. Graywacke, quartz arenite, graywacke and arkosec. lithic arenite, graywacke, arkose and quartz arenited. arkose, quartz arenite and graywacke

SECTION - BAnswer any six questions in about 300 words each. (6x5)

11. Biogenic sedimentary structures.12. Mineral stability.13. Origin of Chert.14. Deltaic environment.15. Mean size.16. Provenance.17. Fundamental properties of sediments18. Stokes law


Answer following questions in about 1200 words each. (20)

19. What is permeability of sediment or rock? List the methods used in its determination. Describe one of the methods used in determination of permeability.


Most of the time the mineralogy of clastic sediments are a "chip of the source rocks". Elaborate.

20. List the most important occurrence of Mn-nodules in the sea- bed. Critically examine the origin as well as their occurrences. Comment on India's place in the matter of this


Describe the Bouma sequence along with the hydrodynamicimplications. Critically assess the important theories of Turbidite formation.


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SECOND TESTTime: 60 min.

1. Define Froude number. Comment on the limiting values characterizing the flow conditions

2. Define Reynolds number. Describe the behavior of flow types under different Reynolds numbers.

3. Define shear stress. Comment on the relation ship between shear stress one the one hand and slope and depth on the other.

4. Flow velocity is not a suitable parameter in the study of sediment motion. Explain?

5. Briefly describe the concept of flow regime in sediment transport. Identify the hierarchy of bedforms associated with the flow regimes.

6. Comment on the relations between the bedforms and current structures.

7. Derive the Stoke's law of settling velocity. How does it differ from the Rubey's equation.

8. Describe hydraulic equivalence and its application to the task of environmental discrimination.

9. Briefly describe the materials and facilities needed for sieve analysis.

10. Define the Chezy equation of river flow. Describe how it differs from the Manning formula.

11. Sketch the Bouma sequence and comment on the energy distribution.

12. Describe the parameters used in characterizing the shape ofclastic grains.


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(This MID-SEMESTER test (60%), preceedes a session of spoting (40%) of minerals and thin sections of clastic rocks under the microscope.)


Time: 60 min.

1. Sketch the triangular classification of sedimentary rocksproposed by Folk.

2. List the important and well understood modern carbonate environments.

3. List the chief aspects of the subtidal environmrnt.

4. What are the important carbonate minerals.

5. The carbonate rock record abounds in shallow water carbonates. Explain.

6. What are the chief roles of Thallasia grass in a modern carbonate environment?

7. Describe the role of alga Chara in a carbonate environment.

8. List the important types of allochemical constituents of a carbonate rock. Explain the mode of formation of each of these.

9. Describe the mode/s formation of micrite or calcium carbonate mud.

10. What is an alagal biscuit? Explain the "moral" of its mode of formation vis-a-vis the carbonate sediment.

11. How would you estimate the depth to the photic zone?

12. Describe the cardinal principles of Folk's classification oflimestones. List the important categories.


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Mid-term test.Time: 60 min. (60 marks)

Answer any ten questions. Brevity will be appreciated 1. List the essential minerals of a rock of granitic composition. Comment on the relative stability of each.

2. Explain the geomorphic controls of lateritisation.

3. Define the grain size parameters in the scheme of Folk. 4. List the various types of detrital quartz. Comment on the special features of each.

5. Silt grade quartz is always angular. Explain?

6. What is geologic cycle? why is it relevant to study of sedimentary rocks.

7. Comment on the roles of climate, relief and source rock on the nature of primary detritus.

8. List the different categories of stream load. Comment on the relative importance of each in a tropical climate.

9. Describe the Folk's classification of limestones.

10. Describe the shape measures of clastic particles.

11. What are the factors that control the grain size. Comment on the modification of grain due to transport.

12. Classify the clastic rocks in the scheme of Dott Jr. ------------------

Page 23: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

Dec.5, 1997 MID-TERM TEST

GOL.534 GeochemistryTime: 90 min Max. Marks 50

Part-A(Answer any six questions)


1. Define aerosols. What are commonest natuaral constituent of aerosols and how is it derived?

2. Define molarity, molality, activity, mole fraction and partial pressure.

3. What are ideal soluitions?

4. Briefly describe the basis of design of Periodic table.

5. What are the major elements of the lithosphere? How do they differ from the minor elements.

6. Why is it that element sulphur is considered very special by the geochemists?

7. Describe the Raleigh fractionation and its implication to geochemistry.

8. Erosion and deposition of carbonate, among others, is dependent on the CO2 content of the solution.


9. Briefly decribe the cycle of carbon. What are the important isotopes of carbon. Mention the isotopic standard of carbo.


What is an isotopic standard? List the standards for the stable isotopes of Oxygen, carbon and sulphur.


11. What are isotopes? Defend the application of isotope studiesof geological materials.


Enumerate the reasons in support of geochemical study ofgeological materials.


Page 24: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


SECOND REPEATTime: 60 min.

1. Define Froude number. Comment on the limiting values characterizing the flow conditions

2. Define Reynolds number. Describe the behavior of flow types under different Reynolds numbers.

3. Define shear stress. Comment on the relation ship between shear stress one the one hand and slope and depth on the other.

4. Flow velocity is not a suitable parameter in the study of sediment motion. Explain?

5. Briefly describe the concept of flow regime in sediment transport. Identify the hierarchy of bedforms associated with the flow regimes.

6. Comment on the relations between the bedforms and current structures.

7. Derive the Stoke's law of settling velocity. How does it differ from the Rubey's equation.

8. Describe hydraulic equivalence and its application to the task of environmental discrimination.

9. Briefly describe the materials and facilities needed for sieve analysis.

10. Define the Chezy equation of river flow. Describe how it differs from the Manning formula.

11. Sketch the Bouma sequence and comment on the energy distribution.


Page 25: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


Time: 3 Hr. Part-A Answer any 8 questions

(Answers not to exceed 600 words) (8x10)

1 Biogenic sedimentary structures. 2. Reflux hypothesis.3. Mean size.4. Provenance.5. Fundamental properties of sediments6. Stoke's law 7. Cementation.8. Chert.9. Heavy minerals.10. Mineral Maturity

Part-B(Answers not to exceed 3000 words) (20x1)

11. Briefly describe the materials and facilities needed for sieve analysis. OR Desribe the weathering process and products of a rock of granitic composition under a tropical climate.


Page 26: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Time: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 600 words) (8x10)

1. Intrastratal solution2. Heavy minerals.3. Mineral maturity.4. Micrite.5. Skewness6. QFR diagram7. Upper flow regime bedforms 8. Protodolomite9. Clay minerals10. Common Evaporite minerals


(Answers not to exceed 3000 words) (20x1)

11. List the different types of Deltas. Discuss the origin of the Mississippi delta.


Describe the Folk's classification of carbonate rocks.


Page 27: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


(S1/1997)Marks:100Time: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 600 words) (8x10)

1. Q-F-R diagram.2. Heavy liquid seperation3. Mean size.4. Provenance.5. Microspar6. Climbing ripples 7. Primary dolomite8. Bioturbation9. Kaolinite.10. Fall velocity

Part-B(Answers not to exceed 3000 words) (20x1)

11. Discuss the processes of conversion of lime sediment into a sediment rock.


Comment on the tropical weathering products of granitic rocks and the origin of arenites.

Page 28: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


(S1/1997)Marks:100Time: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 600 words) (8x10)

1. Heavy separation.2. Geological cycles.3. Textural maturity4. Particle shape5. Trace fossils6. Lower flow regime 7. Intrastratal solution8. Bragg's equation and clays9. Lithofacies10. Aragonite.


(Answers not to exceed 3000 words) (20x1)

11. Write an essay on the Folk's classification of limestones.

ORComment on the tropical weathering products of granitic rocks and the origin of arenites.



Time: 3 Hr. (S1/1977)

Part-A (Answer any 8 questions)

(Answers not to exceed 600 words) (8x10)

1. Q-F-R diagram.2. Gypsum

Page 29: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

3. Mean size.4. Provenance.5. Manning equation6. Stoke's law 7. Primary dolomite8. Chert.9. Heavy minerals.10. Ortho-chemical constituents

Part-B(Answers not to exceed 3000 words) (20x1)

11. Write an essay on the Folk's classification of limestones.

ORComment on the tropical weathering products of granitic rocks and the origin of arenites.

--------------------------GOL.514 GENERAL SEDIMENTOLOGY


Part-A Answer any 8 questions

(Answers not to exceed 600 words) (8x10)

1. Heavy separation.2. Geological cycles.3. Textural maturity4. Particle shape5. Stokes law6. Lower flow regime 7. Intrastratal solution8. Bragg's equation and clays9. Evaporite minerals10. Aragonite.


(Answers not to exceed 3000 words) (20x1)

11. Write an essay on Dunham's classification of limestones and point out the cardinal points of difference with the Folk's scheme of classification.


Flow regimes, bed forms and current structures.


Page 30: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

MID-TERM TESTGOL-513 General Sedimentology

Dec.5, 1997 Duration 120 min. Marks: 50

(Neat sketches demonstrate your knowledgeability)

Part-A(Answer any 8 questions)

5x81. Describe the Geologic cycle2. Examine the roles of relief and climate in the chemical weathering process.3. Describe the mineral stability series.4. What are the fundamental properties of sediments?5. What is the geological significance of average size? Describe the various measures used to estimate the average grain size.6. What are the implications of standard deviation?

Describe the derivation of this measure under Folk and Ward scheme.7. What are heavy minerals? List the common heavy mineral species noticed in the beach placers of Kerala.8. What is a heavy liquid and what is its use? Furnish the important properties you expect in a heavy liquid. 9. Describe the textural maturity. What are its hydrodynamic implications. 10. What is mineralogical maturity? Discuss the geological implications?11. Examine how shape of clastic particles are assessed by the

sedimentologist. Discuss the sedimentological significance of grain shape. 12. What is a hydrograph? Sketch a hydrograph and examine its



13. Sediment load is a very important factor of a fluvial system. Elucidate. Or

Imagine, you took a hike from the city of Trivandrum eastward upto the Ibex Hill in Ponmudi, making notes on the type of soil, sediments and rocks under his feet. Now offer scientific explanation for the variety you came across.

Illustrate the answer with sketches and cross-sections


10. Origin of Chert.11. Deltaic environment.12. Mean size.

Page 31: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

13. Provenance.14. Fundamental properties of sediments8. Stokes law 9. Cementation patterns in sand stones.10. Origin of chert.11. Heavy minerals.112.

Biogenic sedimentary structures. 2. Mineral stability.3. Mean size.4. Provenance.5. Fundamental properties of sediments6. Stoke's law 7. Cementation in sand stones.8. Chert.9. Heavy minerals.10. Mineral Maturity

10. Origin of Chert.11. Deltaic environment.12. Mean size.13. Provenance.14. Fundamental properties of sediments8. Stokes law 9. Cementation patterns in sand stones.10. Origin of chert.11. Heavy minerals.112. Mineral maturity.13. Folk's Classification of lime stones.14. Evaporites.15. Stokes law16. Upper flow regime 1. Inrastatal solution2. Mud rocks3. Evaporeites4. Chert5. Protodolomite

a. Grade scaleb. Q-F-R diagramc. Mean sized. Climatic arkosee. Role of carbon dioxise in carbonate formationa. Aragonite in modern environmentsb. Manganese nodulesc. Diagenetic texture of limestonesd. Heavy mineral analysise. Upper flow regimea. Fining upward sequenceb. Chemogenous sedimentsc. Tectonic arkosed. Geochemical environmentf. Textural maturitya. Intrastratl solution

Page 32: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

b. Heavy mineral separationc. Walther's law of succession of faciesd. Cross stratification.e. Lebespurenf. Provenance.

8. Describe hydraulic equivalence and its application to the task of environmental discrimination.

9. Briefly describe the materials and facilities needed for sieve analysis.

10. Define the Chezy equation of river flow. Describe how it differs from the Manning formula.

11. Sketch the Bouma sequence and comment on the energy distribution.

Write an essay on the mechanical analysis of detrital sediments.

Write an essay on sedimentary stuctures

Give the recent classification of limestones and add a note on fresh water carbonate deposits.

Write an essay on the classification of limestones.

Give the mechanical analysis of detrital sediments and explain how they are graphically represented.

Page 33: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

1. Extensive depositis of poly metallic nodules are found in:a. Pacfic ocean b. Atlantic oceanc. volcanic action d. None of the above

2. A guyot is a morpholocgical feature produced by:a. wave action b. current action c. volcanic action d. none of the above

3. In coral reef development:a. blue green algae play an important partb. Diatoms play an important rolec. Algae and diatoms play major rolesd. None of the above

4. Rate of sedimentation is:a. higher in the arabian sea than the bay of bengalb. higher in the bay bay of bengal than the arabian seac. is equal in the arabian sea and the bay of bengald. changes seasonally in both the seas

5. Two main groups of pelagic sediemnts are:a. brown clay and silt b. clays and sandc. clays and oozes d. none of the above

Page 34: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGYSection A(Answer all questions)(All questions carry equal marks)

(1x10)I Choose the most appropriate answer1. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is


a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr


SECTION B(answer any six questions in about 300 words)

(5x6)II. Heavy mineral analysisIII. Upper flow regimeIV. Fining upward sequenceV. Chemogenous sedimentsVI. Tectonic arkoseVII. Geochemical environmentVIII. Textural maturityIX. Intra-stratal solution

SECTION C(Answer all ques SECTION Btions in about 1200 words each)(All questions carry equal marks) (10x2 = 20)




Section - A(Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer)

5x11. Charles Darwin was on board the research vessel:

a. SV. ALVIN b. H.M.S.Beaglec. USS Roosevelt c. SV Sagar Kanya

2. The first Indian Antartic expedition was led by:

a. H.K.Gupta b. C.Karunakaranb. S.Z.Quasim d. La Fond

3. The Mahadeva canyon is off:

Page 35: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

a. Southern California b. the east coast ofAustralia

c. the Malabar coast d. the east coast of Andhra

4. All actively swimming animals belong to:

a. the Planktons b. the Benthosb. the Nektons d. the oozes

5. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

2. The Chagos Murray fracture zone lies off the coast of

a. Brazil b. Chilec. New York d. California

3. The carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

4. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition in the research ship called:

a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

5. According to Darwin an Atoll originated by the following steps:a. Drowning of a volcanic cone, growth of fringing reefs and growth of barrier reefs b. Growth of barrier reefs, tectonic activity, growth of fringing reefsc. Growth of barrier reefs, volcanic subsidence, growth of barrier reefsd. volcanic cone formation, growth of barrier reefs and formation of atoll.

(Answer all questions in 1 or 2 sentences each)

5x16. Alvin

7. Wave refraction

8. Pelagic sediments

9. Blue green algae

Page 36: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

10. Barrier reefs


Section - B(Answer any six questions. Limit to 300 words each)

6x511. Density current

12. Classification of shorelines

13. Beach cycles

14. Sediment Texture

15. Brown clays

16. Sparker

17. Low tide terrace


Section - C 2x10

19. Discuss the origin of phosphatic nodules

ORDescribe the important topographic aspects of the

Northern Indian Ocean.

20. Review the origin of sea water

ORComment on the different types of marine sediments.


Page 37: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60


Section - A(Answer all questions by choosing the correct answer)

10 marks1. Charles Darwin was on board the research vessel:

a. SV. ALVIN b. H.M.S.Beaglec. USS Roosevelt c. SV Sagar Kanya

2. The first Indian Antarctic expedition was led by:

a. H.K.Gupta b. C.Karunakaranb. S.Z.Quasim d. La Fond

3. The Mahadeva canyon is off:

a. Southern California b. the east coast ofAustralia

c. the Malabar coast d. the east coast of Andhra

4. All actively swimming animals belong to:

a. the Planktons b. the Benthosb. the Nektons d. the oozes

5. The rate of sedimentation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

6. The Carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

7. In a carbonate forming environment, addition of carbon dioxide to the sea water will lead to:

a. dissolution of already formed carbonateb. acceleration of photosynthesisc. precipitation of carbonate sedimentd. asphyxiation of green alga

8. The salinity of coastal waters is largely controlled by:

a. influx of fresh water input from adjacent land mass

b. fresh water supplies from snow/ice melt from glaciers

Page 38: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

in the adjacent land massc. scarcity of terrestrial clastic sediment supplyd. all of the above

9. Below the carbonate compensation depth in the oceans there is:

a. a sharp increase in the carbonate bio-clasticsb. a marginal decline in the content of carbonate particles different types.c. a sharp rise in the carbonate ooze content d. a sharp fall in all sorts of carbonate particles

10. Transform faults are a type of:a. gravity faults b. reverse faults with large

displacementsc. strike slip faults with displacement but no movement along the fault planed. none of the above.

Section - B(Answer any six questions. Limit to 300 words each)

30 marks

11. Continental rise

12. Deep sea fan

13. Pipette analysis

14. Beach cycles

15. Brown clays

16. Free fall corer

17. Eustatic changes


Section - C 20 marks

19. Write an essay on the distribution and origin of barrier reefs.OR

Describe the important submarine topographic features of the Arabian sea.

20. What are turbidity currents? Comment on their origin and their geological role.OR

Comment on the different types of marine sediments.


Page 39: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60


Section - A(Answer all questions by choosing the correct answer)

10 marks1. The first deep sea bathymetric chart was published by:

a. Charles Darwin b. M.F. Murrayc. Haary Hess c. Sir John Murray

2. The terrigenous sediments are derived from:a). Sea b). Land c). rivers d). estuary

3. Shallow water benthonic microfossils are transported by:a. Turbidity currents b. Debris flowsb. Grain flows d. Fluidized sediment flows

4. Sbmarine topography of central Indian ocean east of 70E is dominated by:a). Bay of Bengal b). 90E ridgec).Laccadeive-Chagos ridged0>Abysal plain

5. The level at which carbonate disappears from surface sediments at depth is known as:a).Snow line b). Benthic zoneb). Hemipelagic level d). critical depth

6. All actively swimming animals belong to:

a).Plankton b). Benthosc). Nektons d). the oozes

7. The aggregate of processes that turn sediments into rock is:a). authigenesis B). Digenesisc). sediment genesis d). lithogenesis

8. The horizontal shifting of enormous masses of water is termed:a. Currents b). tidesc). waves d). convection

9. Salinituy of sea towards the coast near the mouth of the large rivers is:

a. higher than that of midoceanb. No difference at allc. relati9vely lowerd. equal to that of open ocean

Page 40: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

10. Trenches arew areas of of:a. convergence of two oceanic platesb. divergence of two plates

c. transverse fracturesd. sea floor spreading

Section - B

(Answer any six questions. Limit to 300 words each) 30 marks

11. abyssal plain

12. Developments in marine geology in the last two decades

13. salinity of oceans

14. Biological aspects of marine pollution

15. Beach ridges

16. Eustatic changes in sealevel

17. Turbidity currents

18. Marine sampling devices

Section - C 20 marks

19. Write an essay on the origin of attolls, showing the different types schematically. Cite some classic examples.

ORDiscuss the geomorphology of the ocean floor.

20. Describe briefly the main types of marine seiments and their locales of accumulationOR

Comment on the different types of coastal landforms with suitable sketches.


Page 41: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



JANUARY, 1997Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60


Section - A (10 )(Answer all questions by choosing the best answer)

1. The marine manganese nodules were discovered during the

a. Challenger expedition b. Leg 212 of DSDPc. cruise 82/95 of R/V Sagar Kanyad. cruise 25/89 of Gaveshini

2. Extensive deposits of poly metallic nodules are found in:

a. Pacific ocean b. Atlantic oceanc. volcanic action d. None of the above

3. In the down current side of a groin experiences

a. erosion b. depositionc. relatively stable d. none of the above

4. Micrite is a term applied to:

a. clastic mud b. carbonate mudc. lunar mud d. altered volcanic ash

5. Coastal lagoons are commonest along the coastal lands of continents as a result of:

a. Holocene transgression b. early Holocene regressionc. melting of continental ice sheets.d. the little ice age

6. In the oceans CCD is a unique depth below which:

a. carbonate oozes are abundantb. water has high redox potentialc. only diagenetic glauconite occursd. water is undersaturated with respect to carbonate

7. The most continental shelves are covered with:

a. manganese nodules b. relict sedimentsc. coralgal reefs d. barrier islands

8. In the direction of down drift, the beach sediments show:

a. a fall in grain size along with a decrease in sphericity

Page 42: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

b. a fall in grain size along with an increase in sphericityc. a fall in grain size along with a decrease in heaviesd. a fall in grain size only

9. The pelagic sediments generally range in color from:

a. white to dark reddish brownb. white to pale grayish to greenishc. dark brown to pale brownd. pale green to dark brownish green

10. More than 75% of the ocean floor is less than

a. 5000 m. in depth b. 6000 m. in depthc. 1500 m in depth d. between 500-1500 m. in


Section-B (30)

(Answer any six questions, within 300 words each)

11. Classify the waves and comment on the characteristics of each type.

12. Define longshore current. Discuss its role in the transport of sediment. Point out the reasons for the shift of directions.

13. Briefly comment on the sources and types of beach sediments.

14. Origin of glauconite in marine sediments.

15. With the help neat diagrams describe the diurnal tides

16. Draw an appropriately labelled profile of beach and near shore zones. 17. D.W. Johnson's Coastal classification

18. Estimation of rates of marine sedimentation.

Section - C (20)

(Limit answers to 1200 words)

19. List the several causes of beach erosion. Examine the role of each in the erosion of Kerala beaches in order to electe the most important mechanism/s of erosion. Illustrate the erosion-repair cycle of the beach with neatly illustrated profiles.


Examine the response of beaches to various beach protection structures like seawalls, groynes and breakwaters. Asses the efficacy of each to hydrography and wave climate.

20. Review the geologic history of the Bombay High Oil Field.


It has been claimed that before long, the human kind may turn to the marine realm for its food needs. Discuss the scenario regarding the non-living resources of the ocean.

Page 43: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology




Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60


Section - A (10 )(Answer all questions by choosing the best answer)

1. Sediments are transported to the deep sea:

a. by rip currents b. density currentsc. pelagic deposition d. storm waves

2. Most continental shelves are covered by:

a. coralgal reefs b. relict sedimentsc. red clays d. green clays

3. Among the grain size parameters only:

a. mean b. mean and kurtosis c. mean and standard deviationd. mean and skewness

possess a unit.

4. The marine manganese nodules were discovered during the

a. Challenger expedition b. Leg 212 of DSDPc. 82/95 of R/V Sagar Kanyad. 25/89 of Gaveshini

5. More than 75% of the ocean floor is less than

a. 5000 m. in depth b. 6000 m. in depthc. 1500 m in depth d. between 500-1500 m. in

depth. 6. Calcareous oozes cover about:

a. 128 million Km2 b. 12.8 million Km2c. 1280 million Km2 d. 1.28 million Km2of the modern ocean floor

7. The marine maganese nodules form at the rate of:

a. 0.1 mm/1000 yr. b. 1.0 mm/1000 yrc. 1.0 cm/1000 yr. d. 2.8 -3.7 mm/1000yr.

8. Trenches arew areas of:

Page 44: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

a. convergence of oceanic plates b. divergence of plates c. transverse fractures d. sea floor spreading

9. The Carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

10. Micrite is a term applied to:

a. clastic mud b. carbonate mudc. lunar mud d. altered volcanic ash

Section-B (30)

(Answer any six, limit answers to 300 words each)

11. Bucket-ladder dredges12. Legal problems in ocean mining 13. Indian ocean Manganese nodules14. Seawalls15. Wave refraction16. Deep sea wave17. Estimation of Sedimentation rate18. Glauconite

Section - C (20)

(Limit answers to 1200 words)

19. What is beach nourishment? Examine the relative merit of this mechanism vis-a-vis the others in protecting the beaches from wave erosion.


Write a review on the placer mineral deposits of Kerala. Critically examine the role of placer mining in respect of beach erosion.

20. Examine the distribution, chemical composition and origin of marine phosphorite deposits by taking a suitable example.


What are the important locales of sediment accumulation in the near shore region? Briefly describe the sediment characteristics of any two of these.


Page 45: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



AUGUST, 1997

Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60MARINE GEOLOGY

Section - A(Answer all questions by choosing the correct answer)

1x10 marks1. Most continental shelves are covered by:

a. coralgal reefs b. relict sedimentsc. red clays d. green clays

2. The marine manganese nodules were discovered during thea. Challenger expedition b. Leg 212 of DSDPc. 82/95 of S/V Sagar Kanyad. 25/89 of S/V Sagar Sampada

3. More than 75% of the ocean floor is less thana. 5000 m. in depth b. 6000 m. in depthc. 1500 m in depth d. between 500-1500 m. in


4. Calcareous oozes cover about:a. 128 million Km2 b. 12.8 million Km2c. 1280 million Km2 d. 1.28 million Km2of the modern ocean floor

5. The marine maganese nodules form at the rate of:a. 0.1 mm/1000 yr. b. 1.0 mm/1000 yrc. 1.0 cm/1000 yr. d. 2.8 -3.7 mm/1000yr.

6. Trenches are areas of:a. convergence of oceanic plates b. divergence of plates

c. transverse fractures d. sea floor spreading

7. The first deep sea bathymetric chart was published by:a. Charles Darwin b. M.F. Murrayc. Haary Hess c. Sir John Murray

8. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition in the research ship called:a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

9. The Mahadeva canyon is off:a. Southern California b. the east coast of

Australiac. the Malabar coast d. the east coast of Andhra

10. Rate of sedimentation in the ocean basins is:

Page 46: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr


Answer any six with in 300 words each. 5x611. Bengal Deep sea fan12. Eustatic changes13. Indian ocean Manganese noduels14. Biogenous sediments of ocean floor15. Piston corer16. Western continental shelf of India 17. Back-arc basins18. Black sand placers


Answer any two within 1200 words each 10x2

19. Write an essay on the Turbidity currents in the sea.


Examine in detail the bottom topography of the Atlantic Ocean. Point out the aspects by which it differs from that of the Pacific ocean.

20. Discuss the sedimentation history and tectonic evolution of the Bobmay high oil field.


Review the mineralogy, occurrence, distribution and origin of the marine Phosphatic nodules.


Page 47: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



AUGUST, 1997

Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 60MARINE GEOLOGY

Section - A(Answer all questions by choosing the correct answer)

1x10 marks1. Most continental shelves are covered by:

a. coralgal reefs b. relict sedimentsc. red clays d. green clays

2. The submarine canyons of have beeen the result of:a. fluvial action b. Turbididty currentsc. Oceanic currents d. contour currents.

3. The concept of spreading sea floors has been attributed to:a. Dietz b. Harry Hessc. T.Wilson c. T.Atwater

4. The marine manganese nodules were discovered during thea. Challenger expedition b. Leg 212 of DSDPc. 82/95 of S/V Sagar Kanyad. 25/89 of S/V Sagar Sampada

5. More than 75% of the ocean floor is less thana. 5000 m. in depth b. 6000 m. in depthc. 1500 m in depth d. between 500-1500 m. in


6. Black smokers are the contributors for the formation of:a. Polymetallic nodules b. Massive sulphide depositsc. Phosphatic nodules d. Glauconite

7. Calcareous oozes cover about:a. 128 million Km2 b. 12.8 million Km2c. 1280 million Km2 d. 1.28 million Km2of the modern ocean floor

8. The marine maganese nodules form at the rate of:a. 0.1 mm/1000 yr. b. 1.0 mm/1000 yrc. 1.0 cm/1000 yr. d. 2.8 -3.7 mm/1000yr.

9. Trenches are areas of:a. convergence of oceanic plates b. divergence of plates

c. transverse fractures d. sea floor spreading

10. The first deep sea bathymetric chart was published by:a. Charles Darwin b. M.F. Murrayc. Haary Hess c. Sir John Murray

Page 48: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


Answer any six with in 300 words each. 5x611. The Indus fan12. Eustatic changes13. Red clays14. Biogenous sediments 15. Phleger corer16. Eastern continental shelf of India 17. Fore arc basin18. Atlantic Bottom water


Answer any two within 1200 words each 10x2

19. Write an essay on the distribution and origin of Marine Manganese nodules.


Examine in detail the bottom topography of the Pacific Ocean. Point out the aspects by which it differs from that of the Northern Indian ocean.

20. Discuss the sedimentation history and tectonic evolution of the Bobmay high oil field.


Review the current status of ocean bed mining technology.


Page 49: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



SEA LEVEL CHANGESTime 3 hr. Max. marks 100

Section A 3*21

1. More often than not, the Geomorphologic features of a terrain is a mirror of its tectonic fabric. Substantiate this statement with reference of to Kerala.


Write an essay on the Inman and Nordstrom (1971) scheme of tectonic and morphologic classification of coasts. Examine the position of the Kerala coast in this scheme.

2. Discuss the principles involved, procedures in collection and preparation of samples and the methodology of TL dating. What are the limitations of this technique? List the Indian centers where the facilities currently exist.


Explain the basis of fission track dating technique, pointing out the steps involved (both in collection and pretreatment of samples as well as step by step procedure in data capture) in obtaining a fission track date of glauconite.

3. Describe the methods of separation and concentration of pollen from sediments and sedimentary rocks. Portray the role of sediment geochemistry vis-a-vis preservation of pollen grains. Cite the contributions of the French Institute at Pondicherry in pollen studies and environmental and climatic changes.


Comment on the relationships between sediment texture and sedimentary environments, as exemplified by the bivariate plots of Passega, Friedman and Folk and Ward.

Section B

Answer any six; limit answers to 300 words. 6*6

4. Dendrochronology5. Radio-isotopes6. C14 clock7. Isochron8. Whole rock dating9. Application of Del O18 to paleo-temperature10. Isostatic and Eustatic sealevel changes11. Karewas12. Evolution of Thar desert and climatic implications


Page 50: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


S1, Feb. 1998Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hr. Part-A

Sketches do support the answers Answer any 8 questions

(Limit answers to 300 words) (8x10)1.Average size2.Textural maturity3.Stoke's law4. Lower flow regime5. Reflux hypothesis.6. Geological cycles 7.Diagenetic processes8.Chert.9.Zingg diagram10. Bouma sequence

Part-B(Limit answers to 1500 words) (20x1)

11. Desribe the process of weathering of a rock of granitic composition under a tropical climate. What are the important products yielded under this weathering scheme

ORBriefly describe the materials and facilities needed for Heavy mineral seperation.


Page 51: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Sketches do support answers Time: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Limit answers to 300 words) (8x10)

1. Intrastratal solution2. Carbonate sand3. Chemical weathering of feldspar.4. Textural maturity.5. Skewness6. QFR diagram7. Upper flow regime bedforms 8. Protodolomite9. Litharenite10. Lagoon barrier Complex


(Answers not to exceed 1500 words) (20x1)

11. List the different types of Deltas. Discuss the origin of the Mississippi delta.


Describe the classification of clastic rocks by Pettijohn.

Page 52: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Sketches do support answersTime: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 300 words) (8x10)

1. Q-F-R diagram.2. Heavy liquid seperation3. Sorting measure4. Provenance.5. Microspar6. Upper flow regime bedforms 7. Missippi delta8. Bioturbation9. Grain roundness10. Fall velocity

Part-B(Answers not to exceed 1500 words) (20x1)

11. Discuss the processes of lithification of lime sediment into a sediment rock.


With suitable examples, examine how tectonics and climate influence weathering process of rocks of granitic composition.

Page 53: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Sketches do support answersTime: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 300 words) (8x10)

1. Heavy separation.2. Geological cycles.3. Textural maturity4. Particle shape5. Trace fossils6. Lower flow regime 7. Intrastratal solution8. Bragg's equation 9. Lithofacies10. Aragonite.


(Answers not to exceed 1500 words) (20x1)

11. Write an essay on the Folk's classification of limestones.

ORComment on the tropical weathering products of granitic rocks and the origin of arenites.


Page 54: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Sketches do support answersTime: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 300 words) (8x10) 1. Q-F-R diagram.2. Gypsum3. Mean size.4. Provenance.5. Manning equation6. Stoke's law 7. Primary dolomite8. Chert.9. Heavy minerals.10. Ortho-chemical constituents

Part-B(Answers not to exceed 1500 words) (20x1)

11. Write an essay on the Dunham's classification of limestones. Point out the salient differences between this scheme and Folks scheme.

ORComment on the tropical weathering products of granitic rocks and the origin of arenites.

- ---------------

Page 55: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology



Sketches do support answersTime: 3 Hr. Part A. Part-A Answer any 8 questions.

(Answers not to exceed 300 words) (8x10)1. Heavy separation.2. Geological cycles.3. Textural maturity4. Particle shape5. Stokes law6. Lower flow regime 7. Intrastratal solution8. Bragg's equation and clays9. Evaporite minerals10. Aragonite.


(Answers not to exceed 1500 words) (20x1)

11. Write an essay on Dunham's classification of limestones and point out its cardinal difference with the Folk's scheme of classification.


Flow regimes, bed forms and current structures.

Page 56: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


(S1/Dec., 97)Marks:100Time: 60 min.

Brevity & Sketches make answers effective Answer any 12 questions

1. Suggest as many reasons as you can in support of the dynamic nature of Planet earth.

2. You have been told about at least three different shells of the earth. Name them, cite their unique aspects.

3. Common sense has it that a cup of unfiltered coffee has a liquid phase and a solid phase in it, viz., the coffee extract in the water and the solid residue. Taking this analogy to river load, list the important types of sediment load carried by river water.

4. Define a mineral. Make a list of important minerals that are noticed in: 1). a sandstone 2). a gneiss and 3) a granite. 5. What is soil? How important is it to the humanity? Briefly comment on the process of formation of soil.

6. What are the fundamental concepts of Environmental geology?

7. Geologic processes and humans operate on different time scales leading to management problems. Explain.

8. These days Humans have assumed a role very much similar to that of geologic agents. Demonstrate.

9. Define cleavage in minerals.

10. You have been told that sinuosity is a measure of the degree of curvature of a river channel. It is assessed from aerial photos and topographic maps. Illustrate the different categories of sinuosity by suitable sketches.

11. Answer the following. a) Approximate age of the Earth, b). Material used for estimating the age of the Earth, c). Isotope dating method used by archaeologist and d). approximate age of the universe.

12. Answer the following.a). Name one hypothesis for the origin of the Earth b). who proposed it? c). the three basic requirements for existence of life on any planet, and d). what is half life?.

13. You may recall that while examining the river processes, there was a discussion on river metamorphosis. Explain it in 4 or 5 sentences.

14. With the brief exposure you had on river processes, now will you vote (give reasons) for or against the use of river bed sand as a construction material. Which ever side you may choose, the reasoning must be scientific.

15. What are glaciers and how do they propel themselves? Where are they seen now a days? Why don't we have them in the Deccan plateau?

Page 57: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

16. List some of the important depositional landforms resulting from glacier action.

Page 58: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

17. Sand dunes characterize only certain areas of the globe. What are the requisite conditions for their formation?

17. An assignment you did for the class, exposed you to the Geologic time table. Now comment on the basis of its design.

18. You were taken on a tour to the museum of the Dept. of Geology, to have a feel of the different tools of geological trade. List them out along with your comments limited to 2 or 3 sentences each.

19. a). If you have a cube of rock of 1.0 m. long edges, what would be the total surface area exposed to chemical weathering agents?

b). In the next step, using a magical crusher, this cube of 1.0 m sides are broken down to smaller cubes of 1.0 cm edges. What then is the total surface area (of all these "baby" cubes) exposed to the weathering agents?

c). If you cushed the entire crop of 1.0 cm. edged cubes to 1.0 mm. edged ones what would be the total surface area exposed to chemical weathering process.

d). And finally, according to you, on which size would the chemical weathering be most effective?

20. You konw that rocks are divided into igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary types. Can you list the logic behind this grouping.




Page 59: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology


Section A(All Questions carry equal marks; Answer all) 1x10

1.Micrite characteristically forms in environmentsa. of high energy b. below wave basec. where salt water wedge occurs d. none of the above

2. River sediments generally show:a. positive skewness b. negative skewnessc. positive skewness and very high sortingd. coarse tail

3. Coarsening upward sequence is characteristic of:a. fluvial sedidments b. Dune sedimentsc. toe of the slip face of dune sedimentsd. sedimentation by sediment avalanching

4. Kaolinite is characterized tetrahedral and one octahedral layer octahedral layer sandwiched between 2 tetrahedral layers.c. with OH layer between two tetrahedral layersd. a random arrangement of octahedral and tetrahedral layers.

5. Brown colour of sediment is a signature of environments:a. rich in oxygen b. devoid of oxygenc. with scarce oxygen only d. with ammonia only

6. Most continental shelves are covered by:a. coralgal reefs b. relict sedimentsc. red clays d. green clays 7. The marine manganese nodules were discovered during thea. Challenger expedition b. Leg 212 of DSDPc. 82/95 of S/V Sagar Kanya d. 25/89 of S/V Sagar Sampada

8.In the oceans CCD is a unique depth below which:a. carbonate oozes are abundant b. water has high redox potentialc. only diagenetic glauconite occursd. water is undersaturated with respect to carbonate

9. Aggregate of processes that turn sediments into rock is:a). authigenesis B). Digenesisc). sediment genesis d). lithogenesis

10. Due to transport ratio of monocrystalline to polycrystalline quartz a. will increase b. will not change at allc. will decrease d. will increase only in fluvial system

Page 60: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

Section –B(Answer any six questions; Answer not to exceed 300 words. All questions carry equal marks)

(5x6)II. Heavy mineral analysis.III. Intrastratal solutionIV. ZTR indexV. Folk & Ward size parametersVI. Settling velocityVII.GlauconiteVIII. XRDA of clay mineralsIX. Lithofacies and biofacies.

Section-C(All questions carry equal marks. Answer not to exceed 1200 words)

(10x2)X. Write an essay on the classification of Arenites

ORDescribe the role climate, source rock and relief on the nature of primary detritus.

XI. Write an essay on the diagenesis of limestones. What is the fate of primary porosity due to diagenesis..

ORDiscriminate between primary dolomite and dolomite. Examine the processes of formation of Dolomites. --------------


SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGYTime: 3hr. Max.Marks:60Section - A(Answer all questions by choosing the correct answer) (1x10marks)I. Choose the best answer from the list1. The term micrite is used to describe

a. carbonate sediment of muddy nature b. relict carbonate sedimentc. red clays having good deal of calcite d. red clays with aragonite

2. The mineral stability series was proposed by:a. N.L.Bowen b. F.J.Pettijohn

Page 61: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

c. M.S. Krishnan d. S.S.Goldich.

3. The concept of spreading sea floors has been attributed to:a. Dietz b. Harry Hessc. T.Wilson c. T.Atwater

4. The marine manganese nodules were discovered during thea. Challenger expedition b. Leg 212 of DSDPc. 82/95 of S/V Sagar Kanyad. 25/89 of S/V Sagar Sampada

5. The Sundarbans delta is a good example ofa. tide dominated delta b. wave dominated delta

c. fluvial dominated delta d. Gilbert’s delta

6. Illite is a clay mineral a. and is expandable b. with a OH layer between tetrahedrac. of detrital nature d. of Glauconite composition

7. CO2 of sea water is very critical in carbonate deposition. With fall in

atmospheric pressurea. CO2 becomes more and more solubleb. CO2 becomes less and less solublec. in fact CO2 content goes unaffectedd. CO2 is absorbed by marine life

8. The marine maganese nodules form at the rate of:

a. 0.1 mm/1000 yr. b. 1.0 mm/1000 yrc. 1.0 cm/1000 yr. d. 2.8 -3.7 mm/1000yr.

9. Mudbanks of Kerala inshore and that too betweena. Marthandan thura and Manjeshwarb. Thirkunnapuzzha and Kozhikodec. Varkala and Ponnanid. Ambalappuzha and Ponnani

10.Quartz is a sedimentary rock characteristic of a provenance ofa. dominant aridity b. tectonic stabilityc. tropicality c. tropicality and stability

SECTION B(Answer any six questions; answers not to exceed 300 words eachall questions carry equal marks) (5x6)II. Evaporites.III. Stokes lawIV. Upper flow regime V. Inrastatal solutionVI. Mud rocks

Page 62: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

VII. EvaporeitesVIII. ChertIX. Protodolomite

SECTION C(Answer all questions; answers not to exceed 1200 words)

X. Desribe the process of weathering of a rock of granitic composition under a tropical climate. What are the important products yielded under this weathering scheme

ORDiscribe the procedures used in heavy mineral separation. Discuss the application of heavy minerals in sedimentological studies.

XI. Discuss the processes of conversion of lime sediment into a sediment rock. OR

What are evaporites ? State how they are formed.--------




Section - A(Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer)

5x11. Charles Darwin was on board the research vessel:

a. SV. ALVIN b. H.M.S.Beaglec. USS Roosevelt c. SV Sagar Kanya

2. The first Indian Antartic expedition was led by:

a. H.K.Gupta b. C.Karunakaranb. S.Z.Quasim d. La Fond

3. The Mahadeva canyon is off:

a. Southern California b. the east coast ofAustralia

c. the Malabar coast d. the east coast of Andhra

4. All actively swimming animals belong to:

a. the Planktons b. the Benthos

Page 63: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

b. the Nektons d. the oozes

5. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

2. The Chagos Murray fracture zone lies off the coast of

a. Brazil b. Chilec. New York d. California

3. The carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

4. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition in the research ship called:

a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

5. According to Darwin an Atoll originated by the following steps:a. Drowning of a volcanic cone, growth of fringing reefs and growth of barrier reefs b. Growth of barrier reefs, tectonic activity, growth of fringing reefsc. Growth of barrier reefs, volcanic subsidence, growth of barrier reefsd. volcanic cone formation, growth of barrier reefs and formation of atoll.

(Answer all questions in 1 or 2 sentences each)

5x16. Alvin

7. Wave refraction

8. Pelagic sediments

9. Blue green algae

10. Barrier reefs


Section - B(Answer any six questions. Limit to 300 words each)


Page 64: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

11. Density current

12. Classification of shorelines

13. Beach cycles

14. Sediment Texture

15. Brown clays

16. Sparker

17. Low tide terrace


Section - C 2x10

19. Discuss the origin of phosphatic nodules

ORDescribe the important topographic aspects of the

Northern Indian Ocean.

20. Review the origin of sea water

ORComment on the different types of marine sediments.


Page 65: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology




Section - A(Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer)

10x11. Littoral currents are:

a. always seasonal and change their direction b. caused only by spilling breakers c. measured by a wave rider bouy contour currents

2. Beach erosion is seasonal and is caused by:a. long traveled swells b. by breakersc. by storm waves with periods in excess of 8 sec. d. a combination of a, b, and c.

3. Black sand placers of Kerala are a handiwork of:

a. breakers in the monsoon season b. wave generated littoral currents c. storm waves of the monsoon season d. all of the above.

4. Wave steepness is ratio of:a. wave length, H and length, L b. Wave length, L and wave period, T c. Wave period, T and Velocity, Cd. the reciprocal of wave length and velocity, C

5. Wave energy is controlled by a. the wave height and the wave lengthb. velocity and periodc. wave height and period.d. Wave steepness and angle of approach

6. The site where waves are generated is in a condition calleda. Sea b. surface currentc. contour current d. none of the above

7. Upwelling is a process controlled by :a. variation in the temperature distribution in the water columnb. storminess where waves are instrumental in pushing the bottom waters to the surface.c. When large volumes of waters are moved relative to each other but both vertically and

horizontallyd. All of the above

8. When waves move out of the area of generation or creation they cease to grow:a. they gradually attenuate with time b. they gradually attenuate with time and distancec. velocity does not vary but height falls d. all of the above

9. Wave energy by definition is:a. partly kinetic b. partly potential c. only kinetic d. only a combination of both.

Page 66: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

10 In the equatorial zone, tractive force of tides are composed of components like:a. diurnal and semi diurnal b. solar c. lunar d. all of the above.

Section – B(Answer any six questions in about 300 words each. All questions carry equal marks)

6x4II. Beach profilingIII. EchosouderIV. Sea level rise due to green house effectV. SCUBAVI. Beach erosionVII. Barrier islandsVIII. Sediment bypassingIX. Shallow water waves

Section – C(Answer all questions, limit answers to 1200 words)

(2x8)Xa. Critically examine the beach erosion with Kerala situation in mind.

ORb. Examine the theories of origin, mineralogy and nature of the physical system of Mud banks of Kerala. Critically comment of the mechanism of their role in preventing beach erosion.

XI. a. Review the geological history of the Kerala coastal zone in the Pleistocene. OR

Write an essay on the classification of coasts.





Section - A(Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer)

10x11. Littoral currents are:

Page 67: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

a. always seasonal and change their direction b. caused only by spilling breakers c. measured by a wave rider bouy contour currents

2. Beach erosion is seasonal and is caused by:a. long traveled swells b. by breakersc. by storm waves with periods in excess of 8 sec. d. a combination of a, b, and c.

3. Glass sand placers of Kerala are a handiwork of:

a. breakers in the monsoon season b. wave generated littoral currents c. storm waves of the monsoon season d. all of the above.

4. Wave steepness is ratio of:a. wave length, H and length, L b. Wave length, L and wave period, T c. Wave period, T and Velocity, Cd. the reciprocal of wave length and velocity, C

10. Wave energy is controlled by a. the wave height and the wave lengthb. velocity and periodc. wave height and period.d. Wave steepness and angle of approach e.

11. The site where waves are generated is in a condition calleda. Sea b. surface currentc. contour current d. none of the above

12. Upwelling is a process controlled by :a. variation in the temperature distribution in the water columnb. storminess where waves are instrumental in pushing the bottom waters to the surface.c. When large volumes of waters are moved relative to each other but both vertically and

horizontallyd. All of the above

13. When waves move out of the area of generation or creation they cease to grow:a. they gradually attenuate with time b. they gradually attenuate with time and distancec. velocity does not vary but height falls d. all of the above

14. Wave energy by definition is:a. partly kinetic b. partly potential c. only kinetic d. only a combination of both.

Page 68: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

11 In the equatorial zone, tractive force of tides are composed of components like:a. diurnal and semi diurnal b. solar c. lunar d. all of the above.

Section – B(Answer any six questions in about 300 words each. All questions carry equal marks)

6x4II. Beach placer formationIII. EchosouderIV. Neotectonics V. ALVIN VI. Shoreline types of KeralaVII. Barrier islandsVIII. Sediment bypassingIX. Wave orthogonals

Section – C(Answer all questions, limit answers to 1200 words)

(2x8)X.a. Critically examine the beach placer gathering and beach erosion in Kerala.

OR b. Examine the theories of origin, mineralogy and nature of the physical system of Mud banks of Kerala. Critically comment of the mechanism of their role in preventing beach erosion.

XI. a. Review the geological history of the Kerala coastal zone in the Pleistocene. OR

Write an essay on the modern methods of preventing erosion of beaches. Keeping Kerala scene in mind suggest suitable method/s for preventing beach erosion.


Page 69: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

5. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

2. The Chagos Murray fracture zone lies off the coast of

a. Brazil b. Chilec. New York d. California

3. The carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

4. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition in the research ship called:

a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

5. According to Darwin an Atoll originated by the following steps:a. Drowning of a volcanic cone, growth of fringing reefs and growth of barrier reefs b. Growth of barrier reefs, tectonic activity, growth of fringing reefsc. Growth of barrier reefs, volcanic subsidence, growth of barrier reefsd. volcanic cone formation, growth of barrier reefs and formation of atoll.

(Answer all questions in 1 or 2 sentences each)

5x16. Alvin

7. Wave refraction

8. Pelagic sediments

9. Blue green algae

10. Barrier reefs


Page 70: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology




Section - A(Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer)

5x11. Charles Darwin was on board the research vessel:

a. SV. ALVIN b. H.M.S.Beaglec. USS Roosevelt c. SV Sagar Kanya

2. The first Indian Antartic expedition was led by:

a. H.K.Gupta b. C.Karunakaranb. S.Z.Quasim d. La Fond

3. The Mahadeva canyon is off:

a. Southern California b. the east coast ofAustralia

c. the Malabar coast d. the east coast of Andhra

4. All actively swimming animals belong to:

a. the Planktons b. the Benthosb. the Nektons d. the oozes

Page 71: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

5. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

2. The Chagos Murray fracture zone lies off the coast of

a. Brazil b. Chilec. New York d. California

3. The carlsberg ridge continues northward to

a. Owen fracture zone b. Austral seamount chainc. Marutias ridge c. Java trench

4. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition in the research ship called:

a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

5. According to Darwin an Atoll originated by the following steps:a. Drowning of a volcanic cone, growth of fringing reefs and growth of barrier reefs b. Growth of barrier reefs, tectonic activity, growth of fringing reefsc. Growth of barrier reefs, volcanic subsidence, growth of barrier reefsd. volcanic cone formation, growth of barrier reefs and formation of atoll.

(Answer all questions in 1 or 2 sentences each)




JUNE, 2003Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 50


(Answer all questions. Choose the correct answer)

Page 72: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

1X10I.1. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition

in the research ship called:a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

2. Littoral currents are:a. always seasonal and change their direction b. caused only by spilling breakers c. measured by a wave rider bouy contour currents

3. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

4. Upwelling is a process controlled by:a. variation in the temperature distribution in the water columnb. Storminess where waves are instrumental in pushing the bottom waters to the surface.c. When large volumes of waters are moved relative to each other but both vertically and

horizontallyd. All of the above

5. Glass sand placers of Kerala are a handiwork of:a. breakers in the monsoon season b. wave generated littoral currents c. storm waves of the monsoon season d. all of the above.

6. Major cause of beach erosion is seasonal is:a. long traveled swells b. by breakersc. by storm waves with periods in excess of 8 sec. d. a combination of a, b, and c.

7. Mudbanks of Kerala inshore and that too betweene. Marthandan thura and Manjeshwarf. Thirkunnapuzha and Kozhikodeg. Varkala and Ponnanih. Ambalappuzha and Ponnani

8. According to one estimate per capita entitlement of Kerala shoreline to the citizen is:a. 1.8 cm b. 2.8 cmc. 3.8 cm d. 4.8 cm.

9. Coastal aquifers are threatened by salt water intrusion::a. due to over pumping of the fresh waterb. by a steep fall in annual rain fall

c. due to Eustatic sea level rise d. as a result of unscientific dumping of industrial waste in the recharge sites

10. Total length of world shore line is of the order of :a. 440,000 km. b. 340,000 kmc. 240,000 km. d. 540,000 km.

Section - B(Answer any six questions. Limit to 300 words each)

(6x4)II. Rip current

Page 73: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

III. Emerging shorelinesIV. Black sand placersV Brunn’s ruleVI. Barrier systemVII. GroinsVIII. Barrier islands IX. Scope for mining coral reefs X Mud banks.

Section - C(Answer all questions, limit answers to 1200 words each)

(2x 8)

XI A. Critically review the tools and practices in the realm of Coastal Zone Management.OR

B. “Beach sand mining has its deleterious consequences “ Elucidate

XII A. Examine the chief provisions of Coastal Regulation Zone Act and the special problems that are encountered by a state like Kerala.

ORB. Given the geological architecture of Kerala Coastal Zone, examine the impact of Sea Level Rise due to Green House Effect.



JUNE, 2003Time: 3 Hr. Max. Marks: 50


I.1. Charles Darwin participated in a scientific expedition in the research ship called:a. HMS Challenger b. USS Magellanc. INS Virad d. HMS Beagle

2. Littoral currents are:a. always seasonal and change their direction b. caused only by spilling breakers c. measured by a wave rider bouy contour currents

Page 74: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

3. The rate of sedimnetation in the deep ocean is about:

a. 100 cm./Kilo yr b. 10 cm./Kilo yrc. 2-3 cm./Kilo yr d. 5-10 mm./Kilo yr

4. Upwelling is a process controlled by:e. variation in the temperature distribution in the water columnf. Storminess where waves are instrumental in pushing the bottom waters to the surface.g. When large volumes of waters are moved relative to each other but both vertically and

horizontallyh. All of the above

5. Glass sand placers of Kerala are a handiwork of:a. breakers in the monsoon season b. wave generated littoral currents c. storm waves of the monsoon season d. all of the above.

6. Major cause of beach erosion is seasonal is:a. long traveled swells b. by breakersc. by storm waves with periods in excess of 8 sec. d. a combination of a, b, and c.

7. Mudbanks of Kerala inshore and that too betweeni. Marthandan thura and Manjeshwarj. Thirkunnapuzha and Kozhikodek. Varkala and Ponnanil. Ambalappuzha and Ponnani

8. According to one estimate per capita entitlement of Kerala shoreline to the citizen is:a. 1.8 cm b. 2.8 cmc. 3.8 cm d. 4.8 cm.

9. . Beach erosion is seasonal and is caused by:a. long traveled swells b. by breakersc. by storm waves with periods in excess of 8 sec. d. a combination of a, b, and c.

10. Total length of world shore line is of the order of :a. 440,000 km. b. 340,000 kmc. 240,000 km. d. 540,000 km.

Section - B(Answer any six questions. Limit to 300 words each)

(6x4)II. Lonshore current III. Submerged shorelinesIV. Glass sand deposits of ChertalaV Brunn’s ruleVI. Barrier systemVII. Sea walls VIII. Low tide terrace IX. SCUBAX Mud banks

Section – C

(Answer all questions, limit answers to 1200 words each) (2X8)

Page 75: Assorted test questions on Sedimentology

XIA. “Coastal ecosystems are constantly threatened by pollution” Elucidate with Kerala and Indian


B. Taking the example of mining operations by the IRE and KMML, examine the long term and medium term consequences of Beach sand mining.

XIIA. Examine the chief provisions of Coastal Regulation Zone Act and the special problems that are

encountered by a state like Kerala. OR

B. Discuss the geological frame work of the Kerala Coastal zone.