associate of arts oregontransfer degree nf

1 2010-11 Lane Community College Counseling & Advising sh(luff( for when tli.::; within 3 rmns Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree nf For students wh o intend to tra nsf er within Oregon, the AAOT offers a degree accepted statewi de with a balance of low er - divi sion general educ ati on requirements and electives. AAOT graduates admitt ed to Orego n University System instit utions ar e guara nteed to have fulfilled all lo wer di vision general education requirem ents and are ensured junior status for registr ati on purposes. Some OUS i nst itutions may have additional co urse or GPA requirements for adm issi on . Starting Summe r 1997, Or eg on University System 4-year schools require two years of the same high school level foreign language or two terms of the same coll ege-level forei gn la nguage for admission wit h gr ades of C- or high er. IMPORTANT! Students need to meet with a prog ram/ major Aca d emic Adv isor or Counsel or to determine wh ich degree and classes are appro priate to meet major and aca demic goals. I. Foundat ional Skills: Students must complete all req uiremen ts with a minimum grade of C-. Note: All courseS must be at least 3 credits each. Foundational Skills are open to demonstration of pro fi ciency, For information on waiver testing or credit for prior learning, contact a cou n sel or or advisor. English Composition Eig ht credits that meet sta tew ide criteria WR 121 English Compositio n: Exp ositi on and Intr oductio n to Argument; and WR 122 English Compo sitio n: Style; Argu me nt orWR 227 Technical Report Wr itin g. If y our t wo w ritin g courses do not t otal 8 cr edits, you will need a third writi ng class to includeWR 121 andWR 122 plus WR 123 or W R 227. Mathematics on e course - MTH 105 Introducti on to Con tem porary Mathem atics; MTH 111 College Algebra; MTH 21 1, 212, or 2 13 Fundamentals of Elemen tary Mathema tics; or hig her. Health · one or more courses to taling at least 3 credits - HE 125 Work place Safety (taken summer 1997 and after ); HE 152 Drugs, Society and Behavior; HE 209 Human Sex uality; HE 222 Cons umer Health; HE 250 Personal Health; HE 252 First Aid (taken su mmer 1997 and after) ; HE 255 Global Heal th ; HE 275 Lifeti me Health and Fitness OR PE 181C Combination Aerobics; PE 181D Dance Aerobics; PE 181 K Kickb oxing Aerobi cs ; PE 181S Step Aerobics; PE 181 SB Body Scul pt : PE 181SS Step and Scu lpt; PE 181YYogilaties; PE 183A Conditio ning; PE 183B Exercise and Wei ght Control; PE 183C Exerci se Walking:PE 183CG Group Cycling; PE 183E Fitness Circuits; PE 183F Fitness Educati on : Intr oductio n: PE 183G Rt ness Education: Returning ; PE 183J Jogging; PE 183R St abili ty Ba ll Fitness; PE 183S Stren gth Training; PE 183U Strength Training fo r Women; PE 183 WTh erapeutic Exercise and Rehab ilitation; PE 185M Meditation ; PE 185TTai Chi Chuan; PE 185YYoga Beginning; PE 185YG GentleYoga; PE 1852 Yoga Intermediate; PE 1 91 A Cross Country Conditio ning 1; PE 191C Cross Cou nt ry Condition ing 2; PE 1921 Soccer Condi tio ning 1; PE 19 2J Soccer Conditi on ing 2; PE 193A Basketball Condi tioning 1; PE 193C Basketball Cond itioni ng 2; PE 195A Bas ketba ll Wo me n's Condi tioning 1; PE 195C Bas ketball Women's Co ndit ioni ng 2; PE 196A Track & Field Condit ion ing 1; PE 196 DTrack & Field Con d it ion ing 2; 06/10 PG : 315.34 dh PE 197A Baseball Condit i on ing 1; PE 197C Baseball Conditioning 2 Oral CommunicationlRhetoric one course - SP 100 Basic Comm uni cation; SP 111 Fund amentals of Pu blic Speaking; SP 112 Persuasive Speech; SP 130 Business and Professional Speech; SP 218 Interpersonal Communi cations. II. Cultural Literacy Requireme nt one course - See the list of courses approved for the Cultura l Literacy requirement, last page of this wo rksheet. Th is class may be used to meet a distr ibution requireme nt or elective. The cred its for this class are counted once toward the 90 credits required for the degree. 1II.lntroduction to Discip lines: All courses un der Arts/Letters, Social Scien ce, and Scie nce/ Math/ Computer Science class es mu st be at least three credits each. Approved co ur ses that meet these r equireme nts are listed on the fo llowing pag es. Subject areas are separate academic disciplines at Lane; for example Englis h (ENG) , Speech (SP), Psychology (PSY), Sociology (SOC). an d Bi ology (BI) etc. Some courses may be repeatable (refer to cou rse descriptions). Repeatable courses may be u se d once f or this re q uirement and up to two additional tim es as electiv es . (Example: ART 131 ca n be used as 3 credits of Arts & Letters plus 6 credits of Electives) ArtslLetters At least 3 courses fr om approved list, chosen fro m at least two subject areas Social Science At least 4 cour se s rom approved li st, ch osen from at least two subject areas SciencelMath/Computer Science At least 4 courses fro m approved list, incl uding thr ee laboratory courses in Biological/Physical Sciences, chosen from at least two subject areas. IV . El ectives Pre-major/college transfer courses - to bring degr ee t ot al to 90 transfer credit s. Wi th the foll owing limitations: Developmental Courses may not be used. Course num bers 001-099 i dentify these courses (e.g., RD 090 orWR 080). Additi ona lly, the fo llowing courses are considered devel op menta l: ENG 110, 1 16, 11 7; RD 115;WR 110, 115 (taken before su mmer 1999) and WR120. Career/Technical Courses - a m aximum of 12 credits may be used. Cour ses are identified by the foll owing prefixes AB, AM, APR, AS, AUO, AV, AVN, BT. BVDp, CA, CAS, CST. DA, DDA, DH, ORF. OS, ECE, EET. ELT. EMT. ET. EST. FN , FT. GO, GWE, HDFS, HIT. HO, HRTM, HS, IT. LA, LAT. LE, LGL. MA, MDP, MFG, MMT. MS, MUL, NRG, OA, OST. PGS, PST, PT. PTA, * PTV, RE, RH, RM, RT. RTEC, RV S,S UST. TTL, Vp, WLD, WTR,WATR. (For impo rtant additiona l deg ree information, please see page 51

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1 2010-11 Lane Community College Counseling & Advising

$tllJ.:nr~ sh(luff(a)yl~1 for t~~i ,' J'''81''r~ when tli.::; nr~ within 3 rmnsAssociate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree nf ~fI !}'I;:rian .

For students who intend to tra nsfer within Oregon, the AAOT offers a degree accepted statewide with a ba lance of low er­division general educat ion requirements and electives.

AAOT graduates admitted to Oregon University System institutions are guaranteed to have fulfilled all lower division general education requirements and are ensured junior status for registration purposes. Some OUS institutions may have additiona l course or GPA requi rements for admission .

Start ing Summer 1997, Oregon Universi ty System 4-yea r schools require two years of the same high school level foreign language or two terms of the same college-level foreign language for adm ission with grades of C- or higher.

IMPORTANT! Students need to meet with a program/major Academic Advisor or Cou nselor to determine which degree and classes are appropriate to meet major and academic goals.

I. Foundat ional Skills: Students must com plete all requirements with a minimum grade of C-. Note: All courseS must be at least 3 credi ts each. Foundational Skills are open to demonstration of profi ciency, For information on waiver testing or credit fo r prior learning, contact a counselor or advisor.

English Composition Eight credits that meet statewide cri teria WR 121 English Composi tion: Exposition and Introduction to Argument; and WR 122 English Com position: Style; A rgu ment orWR 227 Technica l Report Writing. If your two w riting courses do not total 8 credits, you will need a third writing class to includeWR 121 andWR 122 plus WR 123 or W R 227.

Mathematics one course - MTH 105 Int roduction to Contemporary Mathematics; MTH 111 College A lgebra; MTH 211, 212, or 213 Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics; or higher.

Health · one or more courses totaling at least 3 credits - HE 125 Workplace Safety (taken sum mer 1997 and after); HE 152 Drugs, Society and Behavior; HE 209 Human Sexuality; HE 222 Consumer Health; HE 250 Personal Health; HE 252 First A id (taken summer 1997 and after) ; HE 255 Global Health ; HE 275 Lifetime Health and Fitness OR PE 181C Combination Aerobics; PE 181 D Dance Aerobics; PE 181 K Kickboxing Aerobics; PE 181 S Step Aerobics; PE 181 SB Body Sculpt: PE 181SS Step and Scu lpt; PE 181YYogilaties; PE 183A Conditioning; PE 183B Exercise and Weight Control; PE 183C Exercise Walking:PE 183CG Group Cycling; PE 183E Fitness Circuits ; PE 183F Fitness Education : Introduction: PE 183G Rtness Education: Returning; PE 183J Jogging; PE 183R Stability Ball Fitness; PE 183S Strength Training; PE 183U Streng th Trai ning fo r Women; PE 183WTherapeutic Exercise and Rehabil itation; PE 185M Meditation ; PE 185TTai Chi Chuan; PE 185Y Yoga Beginning ; PE 185YG GentleYoga; PE 1852 Yoga Intermediate; PE 191 A Cross Country Conditioning 1; PE 191C Cross Country Condition ing 2; PE 1921 Soccer Conditioning 1; PE 192J Soccer Condition ing 2; PE 193A Basketball Conditioning 1; PE 193C Basketball Conditioning 2; PE 195A Basketba ll Wo men's Conditioning 1; PE 195C Basketball Women's Condit ioni ng 2; PE 196A Track & Field Condit ion ing 1; PE 196DTrack & Field Conditioning 2;

06/10 PG: 315.34 dh

PE 197A Baseball Conditioning 1; PE 197C Baseball Conditioning 2

Oral CommunicationlRhetoric one course - SP 100 Basic Comm unication; SP 111 Fundamentals of Public Speaking; SP 112 Persuasive Speech; SP 130 Business and Professional Speech; SP 218 Interpersonal Communications.

II. Cultural Literacy Requirement one course - See the list of courses approved for the Cultura l Literacy requi rement, last page of this worksheet. Th is class may be used to meet a distribution req uirement or elective. The credits for this class are counted once toward the 90 cred its required fo r the degree.

1II.lntroduction to Disciplines: All courses under Arts/Letters, Socia l Science, and Science/Math/ Computer Science classes must be at least th ree credits each. Approved courses that meet these requirements are listed on th e fo llowing pages.

Subject areas are separate academic discipli nes at Lane; for exam ple English (ENG), Speech (SP), Psychology (PSY), Socio logy (SOC). and Biology (BI) etc.

Some courses may be repeatable (refer to cou rse descriptions). Repeatable courses may be used once for this requirement and up to two additional ti mes as electives. (Example: ART 131 ca n be used as 3 credits of Arts & Letters plus 6 credits of Electi ves)

ArtslLetters At least 3 courses from approved list, chosen from at least two subject areas

Social Science At least 4 courses rom approved list, chosen from at least two subject areas

SciencelMath/Computer Science At least 4 courses from approved list , including three laboratory courses in Biological/Physical Sciences, chosen from at least two subject areas.

IV.Electives Pre-major/college transfer courses - to bring degree total to 90 tra nsfer credits. With the following lim itations:

Developmental Courses may not be used. Course numbers 001-099 identify these courses (e.g., RD 090 orWR 080). Addit iona lly, the following courses are considered developmental: ENG 110, 116, 117; RD 115;WR 110, 115 (taken before summer 1999) and WR120.

Career/Technical Courses - a maximum of 12 credits may be used. Courses are identif ied by the following prefixes AB, AM, APR, AS, AUO, AV, AVN, BT. BVDp, CA, CAS, CST. DA, DDA, DH, ORF. OS, ECE, EET. ELT. EMT. ET. EST. FN , FT. GO, GWE, HDFS, HIT. HO, HRTM, HS, IT. LA, LAT. LE, LGL. MA, MDP, MFG, MMT. MS, MUL, NRG, OA, OST. PGS, PST, PT. PTA, * PTV, RE, RH, RM, RT. RTEC, RVS,SUST. TTL, Vp, WLD, WTR,WATR.

(For important additional degree information, please see page 51

UNOFFICIAL EVALUATION Lane Community College Counseling & Advising FOR PLANNING PURPOSES Date

Counselor/Advisor Signature


Students should apply for their degrec' whell they are Hf;thill 3 Te rms ofcomplerion.

equirements m ust be com pleted within five years of the beginning of the academic year t IS orm represents. For exam p e, students who began their studies in 201 0-11 m ust be done by the end o f Spring Term 2015, to be evaluated under 2010- 11 criteria.



Students must complete al l degree requirements w ith a minimum grade of Co. All courses m ust be at least 3 credits each except Health/Wellness requirement.


ENGLISH COMPOSITION: eight credits t hat meet statewide criteria WR 121 English Composition: Exposition and Introduction to Argument; and WR 122 Composition: Style and Argument; or WR 123 Composition: Research or WR 227 Technical Report Writing .

WR 121 plus, W R 122 or 227___---,-________ If your two w r iting cou rses do not tota l 8 credits. you will need a third writing class to include WR 121 and WR 122 plus WR 123 or W R 227.

MATHEMATICS: One cou rse - MTH 105 Intro. to Contemporary Mathematics; MTH 111 College Algebra; MTH 211 Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics; or higher.

MTH 105 OR MTH 111 OR MTH 211 ________ _

HEALTHlWELLNESS/FITNESS: One or more courses totaling at least three (3) credits - HE 152 Drugs, Society and Behavior; HE 209 Human Sexuality; HE 250 Personal Health; HE 255 Global Health; HE 275 Lifetime Health and Fitness. Summer 1997 and after. HE 125 Workplace Safety, HE 252 Fi rst Aid. and HE 222 Consumer Health OR a com bination o f PE activity courses.

HE 152 ___ OR HE 209 ___ OR HE 222 ___ OR HE 250 ___ OR HE 255 __ OR HE 275 ___ OR HE 125 _ _ _ oR_ _ HE 252 or 3 credits, of PE on listing

ORAL COMMUNICATION: One course - SP 100 Basic Communication ; SP 111 Fund. of Public Speaking; SP 112 Persuasive Speech; SP 130 Business and Professional Speech; SP 21 8 Interpersonal Communication.

SP 100 OR SP 111 OR SP 112 OR SP 130 OR SP 21a

II. CULTURAL LITERACY REQUIREMENT: One Course (One class fro m th e list of approved courses for the Ethnic/Gender/Cultura l Diversity requirement (see attached or Lane catalog) .

D Courses used to meet this requirement will also be used as Introduction to Disciplines or Electives. The credits for this class will only be counted once.

III. INTRODUCTION TO DISCIPLINES: You may not use the courses used in Section I to meet the course w ork in Section iiI.

All courses under Arts/Letters, Social Science. and Science/Math/Computer Science must be at least three credits each. See the Lane catalog o r attached list for approved courses that meet these requirements . In each discipline, courses with at least two different subjects must be selected.

ARTSILETTERS: At least three courses from approved list. Course # Title Credits

SOCIAL SCIENCE: At least four courses from approved list.

Course # Title Credits Course # Title Credits

SCIENCEIMATH/COMPUTER SCIENCE: At least four courses from approved list. A minimum of 3 cou rses must be bio logical and/or physical sciences w ith laboratories (see Lane Catalog or attached list). Only one BI 101 plus one BI102 plus one BI103 can be used to meet this requirement.)

Cou rse # Title Credits Course # Title Credits

with Lab with Lab

with Lab (SUB-TOTAL)


IV. ELECTIVES/Pre-major courses (to bring total transfer credits to 90). (See limitations on electives on page one or in lane catalog.)



2 06/'0 PG: 315.34 dh

1 Approved courses for OregonTransfer degree programs

Only the follow ing courses meet the Oregon Transfer Module, Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree, and Associate of Science Oregon Transfer-Business degree requirements. There are additional courses which can be used for the AS, AGS and the AAS degrees and certificates which are not listed as approved for statewide transfer programs. See cou rse descriptions in the l ane catalog and the limitations as listed with each of the individual degrees and certificates. Arts and letters Al l 201,202,203 Second Year Chinuk WaWa ART 11' Introduction to Visua l Arts ART 11 5 Basic Design: Fundamentals ART 116 Basic Design: Color ART 117 Basic Design: 3-Dimensional ART 131 Introduct ion to Draw ing ART 200 Graph ic Design History ART 202 Survey of Western Art ART 203 Survey of American Indian Art ART 204,205,206 History of Western Art ART 207,208,209 History of Asian Art: India, China, Japan ART 210 The Photographic Vision ART 211 Survey of Visual Arts: Early Modern Art ART 21 2 Survey of Visual Arts: Modern Art ART 214 American Art ART 217 Islamic Art ART 230 Survey of American Indian Art ART 231,232 Draw ing: Intermediate; Perspective ART 234 Drawing: Figure ART 250 Ceramics: Hand Build ing ART 251 Ceramics: Wheel Throwing ART 253 Ceramics: Intermediate ART 257, 258 Metals and Jewelry 1,2 1

ART 261,262 Photography 1,2 ART 267 Weaving: Introduction ART 268,269 Weaving: Table Loom; Floor Loom ART 270,271,272 Printmaking: Intaglio, Relief, Monotype ART 275 Silkscreen ART 276 Sculptu re: Int roduction ART 277,278 Sculpture: Welding; Wood ART 281,284 Pa inting: Introduction; Intermediate ART 291 Sculptu re: Metal Casting ART 293 Sculpture: Figure ART 294,295 Watercolor: Introduction; Intermediate 0 160 Dance Composition D 251 Looking at Dance D 256 Body Funda mentals/Body as Knowledge 0 260 Group Choreography ENG 100 Children'S Literature ENG 104,105,106 Introduction to Li teratu re: Fiction, Drama, Poetry ENG 107,108,109 Survey of World Literature ENG 121 Detective Fiction ENG 151 Black American Literature ENG 194 literature of Comedy ENG 195,196,197 Introduction to RIm Studies ENG 201,(202),203 Shakespeare ENG 204,205,206 Survey of British Literature ENG 213 Survey of Asian Literature ENG 21 5 Latino/a Li terature ENG 222 Li terature and Gender ENG 231.232 Native American Literatu re ENG 240 Nature Literature ENG 243 Native American Autobiogra phy ENG 244 Asian American Li teratu re ENG 250 Introduction to Folklore and Myth ENG 253,254,(255) 1 Survey of American Literatu re ENG 257 The American Working Class in Fiction and

Non-Fiction ENG 258 Working Class Lives in Fi lm and Literature ENG 259 African-American Journey in Poetry, Plays & Rim1 ENG 260 Introduction to Women Writers ENG 261 Science Fiction (formerly ENG 112) 2 ENG 270 Bob Dylan: American Poet ENG 271-278 Film Genre: Varied Topics FA 255 Understanding Movies: American Cinema FA 259 Nonfiction Film and Television 1

FA 262 Introduction to Screenwriting 1 1 . Not Currentty Offered at Lane 2· Some course numbers have changed. These may

only be used once to meet degree requirements.

Arts and letters, continued FA 263 FA 264 FA 265 FR 201,202,203 HUM 100 HUM 260 J 134 J 215,216 MUS 101 MUS 108 MUS 111,112, 11 3 MUS 117 MUS ' 18,119 MUS 201 ,202,203 MUS 205 MUS 211 ,212,213 MUS 261,262,263 MUS 264,265,266 SP 100 SP 105 SP 111 SP 112 SP '1 5 SP 130 SP 218 SP 219 SP 220 SP 262 SPAN 201,202,203 TA 101,102,103 TA 104 TA 140 TA 141,142,143 TA 206 TA 241,242,243 TA 245 WR 241 WR 242

WR 255

Social Science AIL 100 ANTH 101 ANTH 102 ANTH 103 ANTH 211 ANTH 224 ANTH 225 ANTH 226 ANTH 227,228 ANTH 229 ANTH 231,232,233 ANTH 242 CJA 21 4 ECON 200 ECON 201 ECON 202 ECON 204 ECON 250/ES 250 ECON 260

ES 101

ES 102 ES 211 ,212,213 ES 221,222,223 ES 23 1,232,233 ES 241,242,243 ES 250/ECON 250 GEOG 141 GEOG 142 GEOG 201 GEOG 206 GEOG 214 GEOG 216 GIS 245 GIS 246

Film in the 50's Women Make Movies African American Rim Images Second Year French Humanities Through the Arts Go for Baroque ' Photojournalism Newswriting 1,2 Music Fundamentals Music in World Cu ltures (formerly M US 209)2 MusicTheory 1 Introduction to MusicTechnology , MusicTechnology MIDAlAudio 1,2 Introduct ion to Music and Its Literature Introduction to Jazz History MusicTheory 2 Music History History of Rock Music 1,2,3 Basic Com municat ion listening and Critica l Thinking Fundamentals of Public Speaking Persuasive Speech Introduction to Intercu ltu ra l Communication Business and Professional Speech Interpersonal Communication Small Group Discussion Communication, Gender and Cu lture Voice and Articulation Second Year Spanish The Play's theThing 1

Total Performer 1

Acting Shakespeare Acting 1,2,3 Introduction to Theatre Intermediate Acting Act ing Styles 1

Introduction to Imaginative Writing: Fiction Introduction to Imaginative Writing: Poetry (formerly WR243) 2 The Poet in the City (FormerlyWR245\2

Foundation of American Indian Languages' Physical Anthropology Archaeology Cu ltural Anthropology Anthropology of Folk Religions 1 Readings in Physica l Anth ropology 1 Readings in Archaeology 1

ReadIngs in Cultura l Anthropology ' Prehistory of Mexico; Cultures of Mexico Chicano Studies Am erican India n Studies Archeologica l Field Methods ' Introduction to Forensic Science Principles of Economics: Econom ics Principles of Economics: Microeconomics Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics Introduction to International Economics Class, Race, and Gender in the U.S. Economy Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Historical Racial and Ethnic Issues (Formerly SSC199y\ 2 Contemporary Racial and Ethnic Issues Chicano/Latino Experience African American Experience Asian American Experience Native American Experience Class, Race, and Gender in the U.S. Economy The Natural Environment (formerly GEOG 101) 2 Intro to Human Geography (formerly GEOG 103) 2

World Regional Geography Geogra phy of Oregon ' Mexico and Central Amerioa ' Geography of Pacific Asia Maps & Spatial Info Introduction to GIS

06/10 PG: 315.34 dh 3

I Social Science, continued Science/Math/Computer Science GIS 248 Applications in GIS Biological Sciences with laboratories

81 101,1 02,103 General Biology (See note below ) , BI 112 Cell Biology for Health Occupations BI211 Principles of Biology

(formerly BI 201, BOT 201 or Z 201) 2 BI 212 Principles of Biology (formerly BOT 202 or Z202) 2 BI231,232,233 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1,2,3 BI 234 Introductory Microbiology BOT 213 Principles of Botany (formerly BOT 203) 2

Z 213 Principles of Zoology (formerly Z 203) 2

Science/Math/Computer Science Physical Sciences with Laboratories ASTR 107 Astronomy +L (formerly GS 148 or GS 107) 2 CH 104,105,106 Introductory Chemistry 1,2,3 CH 110 Chemistry in Everyday Life CH 112 Chemist ry for Health Occupations CH 114 Introduction to Forensic Chemistry CH 221.222,223 General Chemistry 1,2,3 CH 224,225 Semester General Chemistry 1,2 1 CH 241,242,243 Organic Chemistry CJA 214 In~roduction to Forensic Science ENVS 181 Terrest rial Environment (formerly GS 171 ) 2

ENVS 182 Atmospheric Environment and Population (formerly GS 172) 2

ENVS 183 Aquatic Environment (fo rmerly GS 173) 2 ENVS 184 Global Cl imate Change(formerly ENVS199) 2

G 101 Earth's DynamiC Interior G 102 Earth's Dynamic Surface G 103 Evolving Earth G 146 Rocks and Minetals G 147 National Parks G 201 Earth Materials and PlateTechtonics G 202 Earth's Surface Systems G 203 Evolution of the Earth GIS 245 Maps and Spat ia l Information GIS 246 Introduction to GIS GIS 248 Applications in GIS GS 101 Genera! Science (Nature of the Northwest) GS 104,105,106 Physical Science GS 142 Earth Science: Earth Revealed +L GS 147 Oceanography +L PH 101,102,103 Fundamentals of Physics pH 201 ,202,203 General Physics PH 211 ,212,213 Genera l Physics with Calculus

+L must be taken tor four cred its to include lab

Note; BI 101, 102, 103 (General Biologyl course numbers have suffixes to indicate different topics. BI 101 A. 101B, 101 C, 101 D, etc., are considered equivalent for the purpose of m eeting degree requirements for any degree offered through Lane. Thus, on ly one of the BI 101 's and one of the BI 102's and one of the BI 103's can be used to meet the science requirement .

HST 101,102,103 HST 104, lOS, 106 HST 195 HST 201,202,203 HST 207 HST 208 HST 209 HST 246 HST 250 HST 251 HST 252 HST 257 HST261 HST264 HST 266 PHL 201 PHL 202 PHL203 PHL 205 PHL 215 PHL 216 PHL 221 PS 104 PS 105 PS 201,202 PS 203 PS 204 PS 205 PS 207 PS 208 PS 211 PS 212 PS 213 PS 220 PS 222 PS 225 PS 275

PS 297 PSY 201,202,203 PSY 214 PSY 215 PSY 21 6 PSY 218 PSY 235,236 PSY 239 REL 201 REL202 REL 203 REL 230 REL 243 SOC 108 SOC 204 SOC 205 SOC 206 SOC 207 SOC 208 SOC 21 0 SOC 211 SOC 212 SOC 213 SOC 215 SOC 216 SOC 218 SOC 220 SOC 225 SOC 227 WS 101

History of Western Civilizat ion World History History of the Vietnam Wa r History of the United States History of the American West U.S . History Since 1945 American History: The Civ il War 1

Latin American Studies 1 La America Latina Colonial 1

America Latina: Siglo 19 1 Modern Latin American History 1 American Indian History Latin American History African American History: Civil Rights Movement 1

U.S. Women's Histo ry Ethics Theories of Knowledge Theories of Reality Contemporary Moral Issues Philosophy and Fem inism 1 Philosophy and Cultura l Diversity 1 Critical Thinking Problems in U.S. Politics/Film 1 Problems in U.S. PoliticslFilm 2 U.S. Government and Potitics State and Local Government Introduction to Comparative Politics International Relations Introduction to Political Science 1 Introduction to Political Theory Peace and Conflict Studies: Global Peace and Conflict Studies: National Peace and Conflict Studies: Local American Foreign Policy and World Order 1 Introduction to Political Behavior 1 Political Ideology Legal Processes Th rough Civil Rights and Liberties Environmental Politics General Psychology Introduction to Personali ty Lifespa n Development Psychology Social Psychology Multicultu ral Psychology Human Development 1,2 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology Religions of India Religions of China and Japan ReligionS of the Middle East Christian Beginnings Nature, Religion, and Ecology Selected Topics in Women's Studies 1

Introduction to Sociology Socia l Stratification and Social Systems Institutions and Social Change Women and Work Sport and Society Marriage, Family and Intimate Relations Social Dev iance Social Control 1 Race and Ethnicity Social Class Global Social Movements Sociology of Gender Sociology of Work 1

Social Problems Social Psychology 1

Introduction to Women's Studies

1· Not Currently Offered at Lane

2· Some course numbers have changed. These may

only be used once to meet degree requirements.

6/2010 PG: 315.34 dh

Non-Lab Science/Math/Computer Science Courses Social Science (Distribution Area) AIL 100 Foundations of American Indian Languages 1

ANTH 103 Cultu ra l Anthropology ANTH 211 Anthropology of Folk Religions 1 ANTH 227,228 Prehistory of Mexico; Culturas of Mexico ANTH 229 Chicano Culture ANTH 23 1,232,233 American Indian Studies ECON 250/ES 250 Class, Race and Gender in the U.S. Economy ES 101 Historica l Racia l and Eth nic Issues ES102 Contemporary Racial and Ethnic Issues ES 211,212,213 Chicano/Latino Experience ES 221 ,222,223 African American Experience ES 231 ,232,33 Asian American Experience ES 241,242,243 Native American Experience GEOG 142 Into to Human Geography (formerly GEOG 103) 2 GEOG 21 4 Mexico and Central America 1

GEOG 216 Geography of Pacific Asia HST 104,105, 108 World History HST 149 Cultural History : Joseph Campbell ­

Transformation of Myth ThroughTime 1 HST 195 History of the Vietnam War HST 250 La America Latina Colonia l HST 257 American Indian History HST 261 Latin American History HST 264 African American History: The Civil Rights

Movement 1

HST 266 U.S. Women's History PHL 215 Philosophy and Feminism 1

PHL 216 Philosophy and Cultural Diversity PSY 218 M ulticu ltural Psychology REL 201 Religions o f India REL 202 Religions o f China and Japan REL 203 Religions of the Near East SOC 108 Selected Topics in Women's Studies.' SOC 207 Women at Work SOC 208 Sport and Society SOC 213 Race and Efhnicity SOC 215 Social Class SOC 216 Global Socia l Movements SOC 218 Sociology of Gender WS 101 Introduction to Women's Studies

Science/Math/Computer Science BI 102J General Biology: Ethnobotany BI 103G Genera l Biology: Global Ecology

Electives CG 191 Issues in Cultural Diversity CPSY 195 Introduction to Addictive Behaviors ED 258 Multicultural Issues in Education FL 280 Co-op: International Work Experience 1

FR 280 Co-op Ed; French HE 255 Global Health HS 208 Counseling Diverse Populations' HS 267 Cultural Competence in Community Service SPAN 280 Co-op Ed; Spanish

Additional Degree Information • Complete a minimum of 90 t ransfer credit s, including a

m in im u m o f 24 credits at Lane.

• Co mplete 24 addit ional Lane cred its per d eg ree fo r each additio na l d eg ree, includ ing t he required courses for the deg ree.

• Earn a cumulati ve G.P.A. of not less t han 2.00 at Lane_

• There are no waivers or course subst itutions for this degree.

• The max imu m Cred it-by-Assessm ent (CBA) and the Credi t -by-Exa m (CBE) credi t that may be app lied to any deg ree or certificate is 25 percent _

ANTH 101 ASTR 107 ASTR 121 ASTR 122 ASTR 123 CS 160 CS 161,162 CS 171 CS 233 CS 260 CS 271 GEOG 141 GS 142 GS 147 MTH 105 MTH 111 MTH 112 MTH 211,212,213 MTH 231,232,233 MTH 241 ,242 MTH 243 MTH 251,252,253 MTH 254,255 MTH 256 MTH 261 PSY 212 PSY 213 PSY 217

Physica l Anth ropology Survey of Astronomy (without lab1 Astronomy of the Solar System Stellar Astronomy (formerly PH 122)2 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure of Universe Orlentation to Com puter Science Computer Science 1,2 Computer Organization 1 1

Advanced Programming Dat a Structu res 1 Computer Arch and ASsembly Language The Natural Envi ronment (formerly GEOG 10112

Earth Science: Earth Revea led (w ithout labl Oceanography (without lab) Int roduction to Contemporary Mathematics College Algebra Trigonometry Fundamentals of Elementary M ath 1,2,3 Discrete Mathematics 1,2,3 Elementary Calculus 1,2 Introduction to Probability and Statistics Calculus 1,2,3 Vector Calculus 1,2 Applied Different ial Equations Int roduction to Unear Algebra Theoretical Principles of Learning Introduction to Physio logica l Psychology 1

Introduction to Experimental Psychology

Cultural Literacy The following courses ful fi ll the Eth nic/Gender/Cultural Diversity Requirement for the AAOT degree. A course taken to meet the Ethnic/Gender/Cultural Diversity Requirement w ill also be used to satisfy Distribution or Elective Requirements. The credits fo r such courses will only be cou nted once toward the 90 credils required 0

complete the degree.

Arts and Letters ART 207,208,209 ART 217 ENG 107,1 08,109 ENG 151 ENG 21 3 ENG 215 ENG 222 ENG 231.232 ENG 243 ENG 244 ENG 250 ENG 257

ENG 258 ENG 260 FA 264 FA 285 MUS 108 MUS 205 SP 115 SP 220

History of Asian Art; India; China; Japan Islamic Art Survey of World Uterature Black American Literature Survey of Asian Literature Latino/a Uterature Literature and Gender Native American Literatll re Native American Autobiography Asian American Literature Introduction to Folklore and Mythology The American Working Class in Fiction and Non-Fiction Working Class Lives in Fi lm and Literature Introduction to Women Writers Women Make Movies African-American Film Im ages Music in World Cultures (fonmerly MUS 209) Introduction to JalZ History Introduction to Intercultural Communicat ion Communication, Gender and Culture

1 - Not Currently Offered at Lane

2 - Some course numbers have changed. These may

only be used once to meet degree requirements.

6/2010 PG: 315.34 dh 5