assignment three reflection.docx


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Andrew Her ENG 1102-01030 April 2014

Assignment Three ReflectionFor this specific assignment Valery and I did a video on how music has an effect on Crossfit and Planet Fitness. We interviewed the owner of Crossfit Northlake and the general manager of Planet Fitness. During the writing process we had different ideas on what would work and what wouldn't so we agreed on mutual terms. This assignment was rough on the both of us due to fact that it was only the two of us while our last member could not benefit from finishing. As one of the strengths, I allowed myself to see things from her point of view instead of trying to take the lead. She had great ideas while mine seemed mediocre! Throughout the process I had to learn how to use iMovie and in this case of strength, my ability to adapt and learn things quickly proved to be useful, even though we are amateur filmmakers I believe it turned out as we planned. Another part of it was the fact that I had such a great partner who was understanding and easy going. I had also allowed myself to sit and listen rather than argue my way to making it my own. As a weakness during this process, my skills with iMovie in the beginning were rough which made things harder as we went along. My thought on the whole process was that I didn't want any other part of the video besides the film making but as we only had two people, I had to get out of my comfort zone and do something I would have never done. Another form of weakness during the video was my lack of ideas on how to make the video stand out or how we could incorporate music with our topic. But I had a great partner!

During the viewing of our video, we had a chance to see how others viewed our project. We were blessed with such great comments that helped us out reformatting to meet certain needs and expectations. Comments such as adding transitions between slides or balancing the sound so that one does not sound louder then the other, helped meet certain needs and comments such as incorporating a voice over to the slide in the end for the poll questions. Reading through the feedback, I found that all the feedback were useful in its nature, correcting us of missed inputs and sound quality.

Roles for our video. As I stated earlier, Valery and I had a tough time seeing that it was only the two of us but with the help of her friends we were encouraged to do better. Valery took the lead in making a script and having the interview questions made. Only did she take the lead she basically took control of the situation, making sure I did what was needed and making sure equipment was up to par. She handled this obstacle with precision and dedication. So all in all, I could not have asked for a better partner. I took the lead as the recorder and editor. I also took part in one of the interviews, seeing how I was a member at Crossfit Northlake, it would have been easier for me to ask questions.