assignment 4 - htr4803

Name: Ahmed Eltigani Mahil Ahmed Mohammed Student Number: 48770779 Course Code: HTR4803 Assignment Number: 04 Title of Assignment: Sociological and cultural issues Language Combination: (SL – TL) English – Arabic 1

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Translation studies research


Page 1: Assignment   4 - htr4803

Name: Ahmed Eltigani Mahil Ahmed


Student Number: 48770779

Course Code: HTR4803

Assignment Number: 04

Title of Assignment: Sociological

and cultural issues

Language Combination: (SL –TL)

English – Arabic


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Table of Contents

1.Introduction 3

2.Section A: Practical translation 4

3.The source text 4

4. Arabic Translation of the Source Text 7

5.Translation brief 11

6. Annotated Translation 11

7.Section B: Theory 14

8. Conclusion 18

9.Reference 19


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Sociological and cultural issues

1. Introduction

Cultural studies, as a distinctive problematic, emerges from one such

moment, and for a long time period since 1950s. it was certainly not

the first time that its characteristic questions had been put on the

table to discuss through the research methods.

Translation is usually defined as a process of establishing equivalence

between the source text and the target text while equivalence is often

seen as one of the most problematic and controversial notions in

translation studies. To a great extent, translation theory, the linguistic

approach to translation in particular, has evolved around the notion of

equivalence and various theories have been proposed and elaborated from

different perspectives. Equivalence has been defined in terms of meaning,

function, effect, and even form. On the basis of his semiotic approach to

language, Roman Jakobson introduces "equivalence in difference". From a

communicative point of view, Eugene A. Nida distinguishes between "formal

equivalence" and "dynamic equivalence". J. C. Catford makes a distinction

between "textual equivalence" and "formal correspondence". These types of

equivalence are mainly constructed on the basis of formal linguistics, which is

highly sentence-bound and views meaning within a rather limited scope. As a

result, translation equivalence is generally discussed at word or sentence

level before text-linguistics finds its application to translation studies. In the

recent trends of translation research the views of translation as text and

equivalence as a textual notion have become a general agreement among

translators and translation scholars. The term translation itself has several

meanings; it can refer to the general subject field, the product (the

text that has been translated) or the process (the act of producing the

translation, otherwise known as translating). The process of

translation between two different written languages involves the


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translator changing an original written text (the source text or ST) in

the original verbal language (the source language or SL) into a written

text (the target text or TT) in a different verbal language (the target

language or TL). The practice of translation was discussed by, for

example, Cicero and Horace (first century BCE) and St Jerome (fourth

century CE).

2. Section A: Practical translation:

3. Dubai shows way to diversify economies

In a report, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) suggested that

following the path of those economies by focusing on higher value-

added sectors and reforms could raise GDP in the region by 1 to 1.5

per cent.

The advice to speed up diversification comes as oil revenue for most of

the GCC is expected to fall short of last year's gains as crude prices

have slid. The oil sector accounts for about 30 per cent of GDP in the

GCC on average.

"Since the 1970s, the economies of the GCC have been exposed to

volatility because of swings in oil prices, and we can see that going on

unless diversification is stepped up," said Jean-Michel Saliba, a Middle

East and North Africa economist at BAML global research. "Dubai

started diversifying in the 1980s, and look where it is now."

As the GCC's most open economy, Dubai was heavily rocked by the

global financial crisis that began in 2008, with a property downturn

and soured global investments triggering debt restructuring at several

government-linked companies.


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But the emirate's reliance on non-oil trade including transport and

tourism helped it to rebound, and it is tipped by officials to achieve

growth this of year of 4.5 per cent.

Within the region, Dubai could prove a "long-term winner", benefiting

from continued population growth and its past infrastructure

investment, BAML said.

Norway has already been used as a role model in diversification by

Abu Dhabi within its 2030 Economic Vision. Both economies are

blessed with oil, but Norway's output stems from a wider mix. Abu

Dhabi has taken steps to move in a similar direction in recent years by

expanding infrastructure, expanding its industries and building a

financial centre.

"Norway is the same size [population-wise] as Abu Dhabi and is the

obvious model as they both have oil," said Mr Saliba. "Abu Dhabi has

the muscle, but it's just a question of how it deploys it."

BAML said the GCC could learn from Norway's example in several

ways: first, Norway's emphasis on an early building of human capital

by investing in education, raising labour force participation and

supporting productivity growth. Human capital now accounts for 82

per cent of Norway's national wealth compared with just 7 per cent for


Second, Norway has also developed its export base away from only oil

and gas. It is also the second-largest exporter of seafood, the sixth-

largest exporter of aluminium and the leading exporter of sub-sea

technology and products.


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In contrast, the GCC's development since starting to amass revenue

from oil exports in the late 1950s has been heavily labour and capital-


The next step for the GCC was to create a self-sustaining non-oil

economy less dependent on fluctuations in oil prices, the report said.

"This will require the attraction and retention of white-collar workers,

steady progress on institution-building, education and business climate

reform to overcome structural rigidities," it said.

The UAE is gradually taking steps to reform its business climate. A new

companies law is in the pipeline, which opens the door to what many

foreigners have been seeking for decades - a potential easing of

ownership rules for international companies in certain industries. A

draft bankruptcy law designed to support struggling companies should

come into effect by the end of the year, say officials




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4. Arabic Translation of the Source Text

دبي تكشف عن توجهها نحو االقتصادات المتنوعة


(BAMLاقترح البنك األم��ريكي ميري��ل لينش )بي أي��ه أم ال :

في تقريره الصادر مؤخرا، عن أن مسار تلك االقتص��ادات من

خالل الترك��يز على القطاع��ات ذات القيم��ة المض��افة األعلى

واإلص��الحات يمكن أن ترف��ع من الن��اتج المحلي اإلجم��الي في

في المائة.1.5 إلى 1المنطقة بنسبة

جاء النصح بتنويع االقتصاد حيث يتوقع انخفاض عائدات النف��ط

لكث��ير من بل��دان الخليج دون مكاس��ب الس��نة الماض��ية بفع��ل

في30انخفاض أسعار النفط ، إذ يسهم قطاع النف��ط بنس��بة

المائ��ة في متوس��ط الن��اتج المحلي ل��دول مجلس التع��اون


وذكر جين ميشيل صليبا، الخبير االقتصادي في مركز البح��وث

العالمية التابع للبن��ك األم��ريكي )بي أي��ه أم ال( والمختص في

شؤون الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقي��ا أن��ه "من��ذ الس��بعينات

ظلت اقتص����ادات دول مجلس التع����اون الخليجي تتع����رض

في أس��عار النف��ط، وق��د ن��رى للتقلبات بسبب حاالت الت��أرجح

kتخ��ذ خط��وات إلس��راع التنوي��ع" ذلك يحدث باس��تمرار م��ا لم ت

مض��يفا: " ب��دأت إم��ارة دبي عملي��ة التنوي��ع في الثمانيني��ات،

ولننظر أين هي اآلن."

إن دبي بوص��فها إم��ارة من دول��ة اإلم��ارات العربي��ة المتح��دة،

كغيره��ا من دول مجلس التع��اون الخليجي ال��تي تتب��ع سياس��ة

r، أصابتها هزة قوية بسبب األزمة المالي��ة اقتصادية أكثر انفتاحا


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، حيث ت��راجعت أس��عار2008العالمية والتي ب��دأت في الع��ام

العقارات وتذبذبت االستثمارات العالمية مما أدى إلعادة هيكلة

الديون على الشركات المرتبطة بالحكومة.

غير أن اعتماد اإلمارة على التجارة غير النفطية بم��ا في ذل��ك

النقل والمواصالت والسياحة قد ساعدها على استرداد عافيتها

، وبتحفيز المسؤولين اس��تطاعت تحقي��ق نم��و بل��غ ه��ذا الع��ام

في المائة.4.5

وق��ال البن��ك األم��ريكي بي أي��ه أم ال، أن دبي يمكن أن تثبت

بأنه��ا "ال��رابح على الم��دى البعي��د" في المنطق��ة من خالل

االستفادة من النمو السكاني المستمر واس��تثماراتها الس��ابقة

في مجال البنية التحية.

وقد اتخذت أبوظبي النرويج كأنموذج للتنويع االقتصادي تحتذي

. فاقتص��ادات كال2030به في إطار رؤيته��ا االقتص��ادية للع��ام

البل��دين تنعم بالنف��ط، غ��ير أن مخرج��ات اإلنت��اج في ال��نرويج

متعددة المصادر. أما أبوظبي فقد اتخذت خطوات للتحرك في

نفس االتجاه خالل السنوات األخيرة عن طريق توسيع وزي��ادة

البنية التحية وتوسيع صناعاتها وبناء مركز مالي.

r له��ا نفس الحجم )من حيث قال السيد صليبا "أن ال��نرويج مثال

عدد السكان( مثلها مثل أبوظبي والنم��وذج واض��ح في كليهم��ا

حيث امتالك النف���ط." وأض���اف: "أبوظ���بي له���ا اإلمكاني���ات،

والمسالة مسألة توزيعها".

وذكر البنك األمريكي بأن دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي يمكنها

r أن تتعلم وتستفيد من النموذج ال��نرويجي في ع��دة أوج��ه: أوال


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r على بناء رأس الم��ال البش��ري من خالل النرويج ركزت مبكرا

االستثمار في التعليم وزيادة مشاركة القوة العامل��ة ومس��اندة

%82نمو اإلنتاجية. فرأس المال البشري اآلن يسهم بح��والي

% فقط من النفط.7من الثروة القومية للنرويج مقارنة ب���

r عن النف��ط r بعي��دا r: النرويج طورت قاع��دة ص��ادراتها أيض��ا ثانيا

والغاز لوحدهما. بل هي ثاني أكبر مصدر للم��أكوالت البحري��ة،

وسادس أكبر مصدر لأللمونيوم ، وهي دولة رائ��دة في تص��دير

المنتجات والتقنية المستخدمة تحت سطح البحر.

وفي المقابل ظلت التنمي��ة في دول مجلس التع��اون الخليجي

من��ذ بداي��ة تك��ديس العائ��دات من ص��ادرات النف��ط في أواخ��ر

الخمسينات تعتمد على العمالة وتحفيز رأس المال.

وذك��ر التقري��ر، ب��أن الخط��وة التالي��ة ل��دول مجلس التع��اون

r غ��ير نفطي وأق��ل الخليجي هي إيج��اد اقتص��اد مس��تدام ذاتي��ا

اعتمادا على تقلبات أسعار النفط.

"وهذا" حسب التقرير "سيتطلب ج��ذب الم��وظفين المكتب��يين

والحف���اظ على ص���غار الم���وظفين ، والتق���دم المط���رد في

المؤسسات والتعليم وإصالح بيئة العمل من أج��ل التغلب على

الجمود الهيكلي والبنيوي."

إن دول��ة اإلم��ارات العربي��ة المتح��دة تتخ��ذ خط��وات تدريجي��ة

r على األب��واب إلص��الح بيئته��ا العملي��ة. حيث أن هن��اك تش��ريعا

لقانون الشركات الجديد الذي س�يفتح الب�اب لم�ا ظ�ل العدي�د

من األجانب يسعون إليه منذ عقود ، أال وهو التسهيل المحتمل


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لق��وانين التمل��ك للش��ركات العالمي��ة في ص��ناعات معين��ة.

يه���دف ل���دعم ومس���اندةيفمش���روع ق���انون اإلفالس ال���ذ

الشركات التي تكاب��د يجب أن ي��دخل ح��يز التنفي��ذ بنهاي��ة ه��ذا

العام، حسب المسؤولين.



5. Translation brief

We would like to apply the translation brief on our source which the

information about the economic method which is used in order to

achieve profits and benefits to Dubai Emirate through the way to

diversify economics. the text should be translated into Arabic with

maintain the same layout of the source text.

This information would enable us to extract the following

requirements for the translation (Nord 62:2007):

In order to achieve the intended function the text should

conform to text type and general style conventions and a

rather formal register;


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The text producer should take into account of the prospective

audience's culture - specific knowledge presuppositions;

Spatial and temporal deixis will refer mainly to United Arab

Emirates economic industrial aspect about oil industry,

infrastructure, transport, tourism and non-oil trade.

The text must preserve the source text layout

Based on the differences between the function of the translation

process and that of the target text Nord (2007:47ff) . with the help of

the information the translation brief provided we can decide on the

steps be taken to translate the source text.

6. Annotated translation

“ Through most translators and translation critics would agree that

assumptions about the reader’s need often feature prominently in the

process of translation, there is no necessary consensus at what the

reader’s need is. Before one can address such need, one has first to

address the question of who is the prospective reader.” This article

shows us the way of Dubai to diversify economies. During the

translation of this text and as I translator may I have different answers

to the question above mentioned and that achieved translation is

often the result of explaining the text from the sender to be

understood by the reader in the target language.

According the differences in the functions of the two texts we can

use some strategies of translation to tackle the culture-bound

terms and expressions are always problematic especially because

invariably, one struggle to find suitable equivalents or

approximations in the target language, for examples: ( the source

text: “In a report, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) suggested

that following the path of those economies by focusing on higher


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value-added sectors and reforms could raise GDP in the region by 1

to 1.5 per cent,” and “the target text: اقترح البنك األمريكي ميريل

لينش )بي أيه أم ال( في تقريره الصادر م��ؤخرا، عن أن مس��ار تل��ك

االقتصادات من خالل التركيز على القطاع��ات ذات القيم��ة المض��افة

األعلى واإلصالحات يمكن أن ترف��ع من الن��اتج المحلي اإلجم��الي في

from this paragraph we can ” في المائة1.5 إلى 1المنطقة بنسبة

see that the writer used the abbreviation “GDP” which is common

is economic language but, it is better if the writer the full stand and

put this abbreviation between brackets because some audience

can be confused. And (the source text: “The advice to speed up

diversification comes as oil revenue for most of the GCC is

expected to fall short of last year’s as crude prices have slid. The oil

sector accounts about 30 per cent of GDP in the GCC on average”

And “the target text: جاء النصح بتنويع االقتصاد حيث يتوقع انخفاض

عائدات النف��ط في العدي��د من بل��دان مجلس التع��اون الخليجي دون

مكاسب العام الماضي بفعل انخفاض أسعار النفط، إذ يس��هم قط��اع

في المائ��ة من متوس��ط الن��اتج المحلي اإلجم��الي30النف��ط بنس��بة

from ”ل��دول مجلس التع��اون الخليجي this paragraph, the

writer also used two common abbreviations without

full stand and putting them between brackets in

addition to, he used the expression )crude prices(

which is a pure economic terminology that means the

prices of the raw material of oil. During translating the

source text we found some challenges at word-level because the

two languages are completely different in some respects so some

words are clearly untranslatable for example, (“the source text: .

BAML in this case the translator has two options, one is to leave

word as it is (same word spell) and the other is Arabization (to

make the word Arabian) like (BAML= ال أم أيه The writer used .(بي

metonymy, synecdoche and metaphorically expression such as


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(White-collar workers = المكتبيين الموظفين أو الموظفين (صغر

which is means the small ranks staff who are working in the offices.

Due to the difference in the sociocultural background, world

knowledge and cultural expectations of the source text and target text

The translator should do his best to provide the target text reader with

the necessary information which is explicit provided in the original as

due to reader' lack of source culture knowledge they might need more

elaboration on the target text. The translator should preserve the

layout and to overload with explanations and information about the

diversify economies should have priority over other information in

case the need arises to reduce the information load to maintain the

text layout.

7. Section B: Theory

More than twenty-five years ago cultural studies was new again for

the first time. Although Stuart Hall’s 1980 essay ‘Cultural Studies: the

paradigms’ presented itself as an evenhanded assessment of the state

of cultural studies, it was clear that ‘structuralism’ (the paradigm in

town) would be continuing along its path of ascendance as begun in

the late 1960s and early 1970s. meanwhile, ‘culturalism’ as the

founding paradigm of cultural studies – exemplified, for Hall, in the

work of Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams and F.P.Thompson, was

plainly receding. Sharing at best a fairly loose coherence, the so-called

culturalists held to the notion that the realm of culture (as found in

texts, in history, in lived experience) could not always be

determinately fixed to the relations of production ‘society’s economic

base’ (Cultural Studies and Gilles Deleuze: Gerory J.Seigworth).


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But in 1990s, the object of the study had been redefined; what is

studied is the text embedded in its network of both source and target

cultural signs and in this way translation studies has been able both to

utilize the linguistic approach and to move out beyond it. As per

(Bassnett and Lefevere:1990). So this shift of emphasis is being called

‘the cultural turn’ in translation studies by “Bassnett and Lefevere”

through their suggestion that said that a study of the processes of

translation combined with the praxis of translating could offer a way of

understanding how complex manipulative textual processes take place

and how a text is selected for translation as well as what role

translator plays in that selection and what criteria determine the

strategies that will be employed by the translator with concentrate on

how a text might be received in the target system. For instance, (The

advice to speed up diversification comes as oil revenue for most of the

GCC is expected to fall short of last year’s as crude prices have slid. The

oil sector accounts about 30 per cent of GDP in the GCC on average)

from the source text for translation to show how the translator has to

make decision based on cultural or ideological differences. Translation

always takes place in a continuum, never in a void, and there are all

kinds of textual and extratextual constraints upon the translator.

These constraints, or manipulatory processes involved in the transfer

of texts have become the primary focus of work in translation studies.

And translation studies approach to the medieval lyric would use a

similar comparative methodology to discuss the role played by

translation in the development and dissemination of the lyric to look

at the development of a literary form in terms of changing sociological.

For that there was some criticism of the polysystems approach, most

notably that it had shifted attention too far away from the source and

context onto the target system.


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In short, cultural studies has moved from its very English beginnings

towards increased intermationalisation and discovered the comparative

dimension necessary for what the scholars might call ‘intercultural

analysis’. In terms of methodology, cultural studies has abandoned its

evangelical phase as an oppositional force to traditional literary studies

which is looking to relations in text production. Similarly, translation

studies has moved on from endless debates about ‘equivalence’ to

discussion of the factors involved in text production across linguistic

boundaries, for example ("Since the 1970s, the economies of the GCC

have been exposed to volatility because of swings in oil prices, and we

can see that going on unless diversification is stepped up," said Jean-

Michel Saliba, a Middle East and North Africa economist at BAML

global research. "Dubai started diversifying in the 1980s, and look

where it is now.") in this paragraph the translator should need to

understand culture, politics and ideology to be able to take a sound

decision in translation by selecting the best equivalence that the

receiver to get the production easily. So both translation studies and

cultural studies are concerned primary with power relations and

textual production.

As (Venuti: 1995), every step in the translation process from the

selection of foreign texts to implementation of translation strategies to

the editing, reviewing and reading of translations is mediated by the

diverse cultural values that circulate in the target language, always in

some hierarchical order, for instance, (In contrast, the GCC's

development since starting to amass revenue from oil exports in the

late 1950s has been heavily labour and capital-intensive. The next step

for the GCC was to create a self-sustaining non-oil economy less

dependent on fluctuations in oil prices, the report said.) this paragraph


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shows how the translator is tackling the diverse values that circulate in

the TL.

During focusing particularly on the text of practical translation to

ascertain the examination of very concrete factors that systemically

govern the reception, acceptance or rejection of literary texts; that is

issues such as power, ideology and manipulation the translator should

take liberties in translation in order to improve on original with the

same meaning and intention of the sender. Moreover, the importance

of understanding what the author plans in his vision of text in

particular, translation is increasingly being seen both as actual practice

and as metaphor for example form the practical translation text ("This

will require the attraction and retention of white-collar workers,

steady progress on institution-building, education and business climate

reform to overcome structural rigidities," it said.)

We can say that, “Translation is the most obviously recognized type of

rewriting, and it is potentially the most influential because it is able to

project the image of an author and/or those works beyond the

boundaries of their culture of origin.” (Lefevere: 1992).


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8. Conclusion

This shift of emphasis takes up and re-works the connotation of the

term ‘Culture’ with the domain of ‘ideas’ in translation studies to study

the processes of translation combined with the praxis of translating

could offer a way of understanding how complex manipulative textual

processes take place. As in his study Lefevere describes the literary

system in which translation functions as being controlled by three

main factors, which are (1) professionals within the literary system, (2)

patronage outside the literary system and (3) the dominant poetics.


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9. Reference

Introducing translation studies: Jermy Munday.

Tutorial letter 103/0/2012

Cultural studies: Stuart Hall

Cultural studies and Gilles Deleuze: Gregory J. Seigworth


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