assignment 10 group coursework presentation of research part 2.5

Revolutionised how we communicate Without the internet we have… - Fax machines - Telephones - Letters in the post - Telegrams

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Revolutionised how we communicate

• Without the internet we have…

- Fax machines

- Telephones

- Letters in the post

- Telegrams

- Mores code

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Why has it become more popular?

• An estimated 5 to 10 per cent of internet users are thought to be addicted – meaning they are unable to control their use.

• The majority are games players who become so absorbed in the activity they go without food or drink for long periods and their education, work and relationships suffer.

• Perhaps the internet is so popular because it is almost a form of escape from reality for people.

• It opens the door to a different world where people can search and access absolutely anything.

Is It Addictive?

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Why has it become more popular?

• Chris Staniforth, 20, died of a blood clot after spending up to 12 hours at a time playing on his Xbox.

• Despite having no history of ill health, he developed deep vein thrombosis – commonly associated with long-haul flight passengers.

• Mr Staniforth, from Sheffield, had been offered a place to study game design at the University of Leicester.

• But he collapsed while telling a friend he'd been having pains in his chest.

Case Study

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WEB 2.0!

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exploring topics!

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How and why it came about

• An important part of Web 2.0 is the Social web, which is a fundamental shift in the way people communicate.

• The social web consists of a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences.

• Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end user.

• We are no longer satisfied with just watching or listening to media products but actually want to voice our own opinion.

• This not only benefits the consumer, but also the producer as they are able to learn from the comments made by the viewers and therefore improve their products.

What Is It For?

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How and why it came about

• Mainstream media usage of Web 2.0 is increasing.

• Links to popular new web sites and services, is critical to achieving the threshold for mass adoption of those services.

• Web 2.0 offers financial institutions opportunities to engage with customers.

• Networks such as Twitter, Yelp and Facebook are now becoming common elements of multichannel and customer loyalty strategies, and banks are beginning to use these sites proactively to spread their messages.

• In a recent article for Ban Technology News, Shane Kite describes how Citigroup's Global Transaction Services unit monitors social media outlets to address customer issues and improve products.

• Furthermore, the financial services industry uses Twitter to release "breaking news" and upcoming events, and YouTube to disseminate videos that feature executives speaking about market news.

What Is It For?

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How and why it came about

• Small businesses have become more competitive by using Web 2.0 marketing strategies to compete with larger companies.

• As new businesses grow and develop, new technology is used to decrease the gap between businesses and customers. 

• Social networks have become more intuitive and user friendly to provide information that is easily reached by the end user.

• For example, companies use Twitter to offer customers coupons and discounts for products and services.

What Is It For?

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Role of the audience

• The film was produced by Scott Free Productions and YouTube.

• Users sent in videos supposed to be recorded on July 24, 2010, and then Ridley Scott produced the film and edited the videos into a film with director Kevin Macdonald and film editor Joe Walker, consisting of footage from some of the contributors.

• The film is 94 minutes 53 seconds long and includes scenes selected from 4,500 hours of footage in 80,000 submissions from 192 nations.

• The film is a perfect example of and audience becoming part of the product and audience participation.

Case Study – ‘Life In A Day’

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Passive or active

• The end user is not only a user of the application but also a participant by:

- Podcasting

- Blogging

- Tagging

- Curating with RSS

- Social bookmarking

- Social networking

- Web content voting

• We have finally been given a voice as our opinion has become a vital party of the production process of a media product.

• We can share our opinions with others via sites like YouTube, thus making us more active in Media products.

Are We Given A Voice?

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Helpful in education

• Web 2.0 technologies provide teachers with new ways to engage students, and even allow student participation on a global level.

• For example, teacher Laura Rochette implemented the use of blogs in her American History class and noted that in addition to an overall improvement in quality.

• The use of the blogs as an assignment demonstrated synthesis level activity from her students.

• In her experience, asking students to conduct their learning in the digital world meant asking students "to write, upload images, and articulate the relationship between these images and the broader concepts of the course, [in turn] demonstrating that they can be thoughtful about the world around them.”

• ‘Blogger’ is an essential website for Media Studies as it allows students to organise their work better and gain skills in ICT.

Interactive Lessons

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Revolutionised our involvement in media

• For marketers, Web 2.0 offers an opportunity to engage consumers.

• A growing number of marketers are using Web 2.0 tools to collaborate with consumers on product development, service enhancement and promotion.

• Companies can use Web 2.0 tools to improve collaboration with both its business partners and consumers.

• Consumers are now part of the development process of a product, thus handing over a small but significant sense of power.

Role Of The Consumer

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Exploring topics

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Why is it so popular?

• Perhaps social networking sites are simply a way for people to fuel their need for a sense of fame or attention.

• However it is also a way for people to almost keep track of others.

• From photos to statuses, we have a great amount of access to other people’s information.

• People post things for a reason.

• Why is it that we are so interested in other people's lives, and want that same interest in return?

• Its no longer just famous people who are tracked by others.

Desire For Fame?

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Progressed into television

• In the media industry almost everything we watch and listen to is manipulated and altered by someone ells.

• However thanks to networking and social media, viewers are now able to participate in a small yet effective way.

• As networking progresses into television, a sense of power id handed over to the audience.


• People can now vote via social networking sites such as ‘Twitter’ or ‘Facebook’ for the contestant they wish to stay on shows like The X Factor, Big Brother and I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here

Audience Participation!

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The dangers of networking

• Cyber bullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.

• By definition, it occurs among young people.

• When an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyber-stalking, a crime that can have legal consequences and involve jail time.

• A 2006 poll from the national organization Fight Crime: Invest in Kids found that 1 in 3 teens and 1 in 6 preteens have been the victims of cyber bullying.

• As more and more youths have access to computers and cell phones, the incidence of cyber bullying is likely to rise.

Cyber Bullying

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The dangers of networking

• Amanda Todd, was found hanged in her home in Canada, last Wednesday, one month before her 16th birthday.

• When she was 12-years-old, she had been persuaded to expose her breast to a man online. She was then relentlessly harassed by the man, who sent Amanda's video and photos to teachers, parents and classmates.

• She was bullied by her classmates leading to anxiety, depression and drug and alcohol abuse.

• She changed school to escape, but she was pursued by the man.

• Weeks before her suicide, she posted a video on YouTube entitled "My Story: Struggling, bullying, suicide and self harm", expressing her experience using flash cards.

Cyber Bullying – Case Study

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Fuels mass hysteria?

• During the summer of 2011 riots broke out in London.

• These riots consisted of looting, breaking into buildings and even burning them down.

• The riots were publicized not only in the media but also all over social networking sites such as ‘Twitter’ and ‘Facebook’.

• This cause even further mass hysteria as people rapidly spread the word about the riots.

• Many looters even organised with others to go out and start stealing over such sites.

• Those who stole during the riots even posted photos on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ of what they had taken.

• However this also made it easier to catch the culprits.

The London Riots!

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The positives of networking!

• It has never been easier to make friends than it is right now, mainly thanks to social networking sites.

• Just a few decades ago it was pretty tough to connect with people, unless you were the overly outgoing type able to make conversation with anyone at a party.

• The rise of mobile phones helped change this, connecting people in a new way, but then social networks sprang up and the whole idea of friendship changed once more and for ever.

• It’s entirely possible to have hundreds of friends on Facebook.

• They may not be friends you know on a personal level and spend time with in the real world on a weekly basis. But they’re friends nevertheless.

• With that said it is important to maintain a social life outside the world of the internet also.

We Can Extend Our Social Life

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Revolution in communication?

• Many people nowadays spend hours online just going through other people’s profiles and photos.

• On ‘Twitter’ you can actually ‘follow’ people and therefore be notified of every post they make.

• Similarly on ‘Facebook’ you can now be sent and actual notification whenever a friend posts something.

• These notifications can even be sent to your phone.

• It is quite literally keeping track anyone you want.

• Has networking turned into stalking?

• Why are we so interested in others to the point where we get a message alert on our phones of whenever they post something?

Mild Form Of Stalking?

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Resources Used for research

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IAudience Feedback

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Audience Feedback

He Said…I

• Its interesting because social media is quickly increasing and ultimately affecting our society as everyone is somehow linked with social media.

• It appeals to him because his generation‘s engagement with media is ultimately what keeps it so popular and allows it to build further.

• Would want to learn the business within social media and if it one way could be even bigger than real news.

• Within this topic there is a debate over when is too much to much? And if the sites reform our views, so someway it is not really are own opinion.

• I think you would have a lot of people In their 20’s and 30’s watching a documentary on this topic.


WorkingBusiness, Dance,



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Audience interview

• Name: Zoe Lonergen • Age: 17• Gender: Female• Ethnicity: White - British• Interests: Sociology, Music, Reading, Politics

• She associated social media with different forms of technology. E.g. iPads • She was interested in the topic because Social media is something that

affects her and everyone around her.• She was interested in the pros and cons of social media.• She suggested that we interview people who come up with new ideas for

different gadgets or technology.• She had no concerns about the topic.

Summary Of Feedback

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Audience Research

She said..

• It will be interesting to interview representatives from social media sites or people who use social media in their job.

• Adults would watch this as they have experienced 2 generations; one with technology and one without technology

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Audience Feedback

She Said…I



WorkingFashion, reading

• Social media is helpful and useful as it applies to everyday life

• It appeals to a mass audience

• She feels our present topic needs to be addressed in society

• Interested in find out how keeps us connected through Facebook and Twitter

• And the progression of social media over the years

• Believes it makes society anti-social

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J Purpose and Style

• What's the purpose of the documentary ?

• To bring to the audiences attention the gravity of social media on our lives and society

• Also how web 2.0 has opened the door to our worldwide interaction and how its turned us into producer and not us just being consumers

• It would cover its pitfalls through hacking, to the question if we really have personal identities any more or just part of the system

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J Purpose and Style

• What would people learn about this topic from your documentary?

• How far social media has brought us in terms of communication and our personal lives

• If we should go with the flow of things (rapid growth of social media) or slow it down i.e. Popularity of online dating saves people from going out and socialising

• The door is opens for hackers and how easy it is

• The amazing speed at which we can share news i.e. Japan nuclear reaction were the social world knew before the own country knew of the even

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J Purpose and Style

• What would people learn about this topic from your documentary?

• What the governments opinion on social media and weather they accept it or fear it

• How we have social media on the move and if it feeds our obsession or just harmless time to spend

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J Purpose and Style

• What style of documentary is it?

• There are 6 types of modes to Bill Nichol’s Theory

1. Poetic Mode: More towards subjectivism, leaves things to be interpreted, for an artistic feel.

2. Expository Mode: Unlike poetic moves more for a story telling stance, through informing in order to persuade

3. Observation Mode: Simply just observing in order to allow audiences to shape their own opinion on the issue, people/person

4. Reflexive Mode:5. Per formative Mode: Its participatory though

having a presenter or just having a person going along

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J Purpose and Style

• What style of documentary is it?

• According to Bill Nichols theory our documentary is Expository

• We believe It’s more informative as we are just trying to feed our audience with information

• In the attempt for them to form their own opinions about social media

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K Audience

Target Audience

Secondary Audience

Early 30’s

Late teens and early 20’s

Whole audience is late teens to 40s years

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K Audience

Target Audience -

Secondary Audience -

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K Audience

Our audience is MASS because…

• Social media is ultimately what shapes and influences our society today. Also because there has always been a recurrent of the debate weather media will take over societies future, and the frightening effect it may have.

• Almost everyone in contemporary UK is connected in some form with a part of social media so our documentary would relate to the vast majority of the populations, further because our topic is varied in interests across the media platform, we cater to a lot of interests.

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K Audience

It is important that people learn about this topic because…

• It is becoming such a huge part of contemporary UK, and if not, has already.

• Without knowledge in how everyone's engagement with media is developing industries – the public would be blinded of how it dramatically reshapes norms, values and attitudes throughout their whole life.

• To show the individual the extent of their usage in social media as it could possibly be either negative or positive without realising, which very possibly everyone in Britain does.

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K Audience

Our connect purpose to the audience is…

• The fact that social media is such a broad topic that the interests of so many different people can be compared and contrasted throughout.

• Also because its becoming a huge important part of society as it is being used public sectors such as education emphasising the newly great importance and need to be knowledgeable within our topic.

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K Audience

The style of our documentary is…

• Informative because…We present both sides of the debate in our topic, we don’t necessarily enforce our personal bias views.

• Participatory because…Our presenter will participate in interviews and certain events taken place in our documentary to make the documentary seem more natural and comfortable

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L Planning: Structure

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M Channel and Time

What channel would it be put on and why?

Channel 4 because..• most of their documentaries target 17-34 year old females

• documentaries revolving media and technology

• their documentaries have peaked to up to 8 million viewers eg. Cutting Edge received 7.4 million

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Channel and TimeM

What time would it be on and why?

9pm because..

•audience have finished studying/work, children are sleeping etc, so they are available to watch it

•there’s nothing explicit so the time doesn’t have to be pushed further back