assessment manufacturinig-2 & trading

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  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Assessment Manufacturinig-2

    Subject: n Proposal for sanction of

    n A. Back to Back L/C (Local/Foreign) limit of k!".## million ( aka ninet$ fi%e million)onl$&

    n B. ' port Cas Cre*it Limit of k +#.## million ( aka t,ent$ million) onl$&

    n C. -%er*raft Limit of k #.## million ( aka ten million) onl$&

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    ist of e!istin" machinery is "i#en belo$%

    Sl no ame of mac iner$ -rigin uantit$ 7nstallation status -perational status

    1 Knitting Machine :ith di00erent

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Financial &nformation% As on ;.;+.;;

    (7n ;! ;++2#!#

    +ash in hand +ash at #ank 5 56 1/,66 !!,25

    Ad=ance salar'3 Deposit 661 1,!5- !

    ;9port proceeds to #e realized /65-

    Sundr' De#tors 1@,1!5 ,@ 5

    Ad=ance 0actor' rent 1,! @ 1,@15 @@/

    &ease deposit3 "D -! -11 -11

    Securit' deposit //! //!+losing Stock 2 11 ,11 !/,65/

    4nternal transaction - 1 1 /6, !/ /,-/5

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    'inanciaCurrent Liabilities ++2!!+ +92"+! ;92= =

    Sundr' +reditors 215 !/, 56 5,!/5

    &ia#ilities o0 parties !112 !,-

    ?utstanding salar' 5// !,6!! -, --$ro=ision 0or e9penses !1 112 !!

    7nited &easing +ompan'3 "actor'ent

    1 @ !, -6

    ill $urchase 16-

    ank loan ?D 5@/@ 1,-/ 12,!2

    $aid up +apital 1,222 1,222 1,222Directors loan /-@ ,--2 1 ,6-@

    4nternal transaction 6,/ / 15,!-6

    $ro0it &oss A3+ @/ -1 6, 65 6/,@/

    otal Liabilities 3 et 8ort ;+"2 " ;;+2==! ; 92=!#

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    (ncome )tatement7ncome Statement +#;#

    Sales !52,@2/ !/@, 6- !12,!12


  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Assessment of Financin" 'equirement% (anction of B)B *C limit of )k +,.-- million and CC limit of

    )k/-.-- million%

    *ear y Attainab e +apacity of machinery : 2, &""" d./year 0%""1 uti i.ation3or4ing days :!"" days

    *ear y Present 5ti i.ation: 2! &6"" d./year 0$"1 uti i.ationAverage 'OB pri.e/7. 8 5)96"#"" 5)9%#"" 8 ;4$%#""Projected sa es for next year: 2! &6""

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Assessment for $orkin" ca0ital%Pro1ected (ales for the ne!t year % ;4%%=># > mi ionPro1ected COG( % ;4,$%#=! mi ion 0$=1 of sa esPro1ected 'a$ materials requirement % ;4$66#"= mi ion 0 =1 of tota sa esWorkin" days % !""

    Current Assets Tied up Period Amount in mln. Taka

    Raw Material 90 days 216.51

    Work-in Process (COG ! " days 22.90

    #inis$ed Goods (COG ! 10 days %2."2

    Total working capital requirement 272.13

    Less : [ T !"# $%CC!2&' limit 11#.&&

    (u) total 1#7.13

    *+erdra,t requirement [7#- drawing power' 117. #

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Assessment for ;rading

    (ub1ect% Pro0osal for sanction

    etter of Credit limit 2Cash3 at si"ht4 of )k5,-.-- million6

    oan a"ainst )rust 'ecei0t limit )k55-.-- million6 and

    CC 27y0o4 limit of )k8-.-- million.

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Performance of the e!istin" o0eration% ;he o cia of the company has provided fo o@ing Dnancia Dgures 05n-audited as on !%-%2-2"",& !%-%2-2"%"

    !%#%2#2"%% the summary of @hich is depicted be o@

    As on 59.9/.-+2&n:house4

    As on 59.9/.9-2&n:house4

    As on 59.9/.992&n:house4

    Current Assets 1213734 1282109 1198685

    +ash in hand +ash at ban4 % 2266 %>>>,2 $% %%

    )undry 7ebtors !%2," %",=,! 22 =,

    )toc4 2,=!6$ >!"2%2 >>26%

    Other , ">" !% 62 !>,,=>

    )hort ;erm (nvestment 6% " 2$""=" -

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    'inanciaFixed Assets

    6091 16051 7619

    'ixed Assets +MP 0EO ,$> %%,>6 = ,

    'ixed Assets 0Fo4ia +are >$>! - -

    )ho@ ?oom 'urniture FP7 26> >%"= -

    Other Assets >"

    Total Assets

    1219825 1298160 1206304

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    'inanciaCurrent Liabilities 826798 1021444 1102621

    +ash +redit iabi ity >=$2% $"=26= !> >=>

    oan against ;rust?eceipt

    =% $2


    )undry +reditors %!$$ 262$

    Provision for (ncome ;ax %!,=,! >>2%$ %$ 2>

    Other +urrent iabi ity =>! =6=, ! 6$

    /+ iabi ity %2%626 %6!6 > 2"$ $

    Equit 5+5-/; /;8;98 9-58

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    (ncome )tatement&ncome (tatement 59:9/:-+ 59:9/:9- 59:9/:99)a es =&2""&="> =&%!=&2> !& >>& "Gross ProDt 2% &!% >2 &%>> !"$&,>2Fet ProDt 0After tax 2",&!$, 66&!2 >$&6$2

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    Assessment of Financial 'equirement%T$e %lient& request'(

    ;he c ient vide their etter dated Hune %"& 2"%2 has re uested for sanctionof /+ imit ;4!="#"" mi ion& ;? imit ;4!!"#"" mi ion& +#+#0Eypo imitfrom ;46"#"" mi ion

    Fi" in million

    3or4ing days !""

    )a es !& >># 0As on !%#%2#2"%%

    +OG) !&>!=#$! 0,%# =1 of sa es

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    (anction of *C imit for )k/,-.-- million and )' imit for )k/--.--million %

    +onsidering the above& sanction of the etter of +redit 0)ight imit of

    ;4 /,-.-- mi ion and imit of )k/--.-- million may on y beconsidered#

    Particulars )aka in million

    (mport or /+ imit re uirement0+onsidering ," days tied up


    %&"!"# =

    ess: %"1 cash margin %"!#"$

    ;? imit re uirement ,2 #6

  • 8/18/2019 Assessment Manufacturinig-2 & Trading


    (anction of CC27y0o4 limit of )k8-.-- million%

    +onsidering above&sanction of ++0E

    imit of ;46"#""mi ion in favor of the

    c ient may beconsidered#

    3or4ing days !""

    )a es !& >>#

    +OG) !&>!=#$!

    Workin" Ca0ital Assessment%

    Current Assets

    )ied u00erio


    Amount inmln.)aka

    )toc4 0+OG) ," %"!"# =

    Account receivab e 0)a es %= %$ #2>

    ess: Account Payab e0+OG) %" %%>#=2

    Workin" Ca0ital requirement % 99-5.=;

    ess% )' limit /--

    ++0E re uirement +-5.=;

    Bank >nance ;-? of CC274 85/.=/