assessment for operability of chd with pah r. tandon

Assessment for operability of CHD with PAH R. Tandon

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Page 1: Assessment for operability of CHD with PAH R. Tandon

Assessment for operability of CHD with PAH

R. Tandon

Page 2: Assessment for operability of CHD with PAH R. Tandon


8 to 10 / 1000 live births

Uncorrected – 30 % PAH

PPH of new born

Idiop. Ped. PAH

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L > R Shunt with PAH

Acyanotic CHD - PDA- VSD

- AVSD- AP Window- ASD

Cyanotic CHD with ↑ Qp (Transposition physiology)

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Cyanotic CHD with ↑ Qp(Transposition physiology)

Complete TGA DORV, ↑ Qp TA, ↑ Qp PTA SV, ↑ Qp TAPVC Miscellaneous malp. without

obstr. to pulm. blood flow

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Congenital Heart Disease

Pulm. Circ: PAH CHD -↑ QP, ↑ Pr, ↑ O2 sat, ?? Hypoperf, 2° to under development Blood Viscosity Thrombo–embolic obstr. Aorto–pulm. Collat.

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Congenital Heart Disease

Pulm. hypertension :PA Pr. = Pulm flow x

PVRHyperkinetic = flowObstructive = PVR

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Low resistance pulmonary circuit1) Qp2) Vol. overload

High resistance pulmonary circuit1) Curtailment of Qp2) Loss of volume loading

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Hyperkinetic - PVR normal Obstructive - PVR ↑ Due to PVH - PVR normal, ± ↑

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Pulmonary Hypertension : dx

PA (m) ↑ 25

PAW/LAm/LVedp 15 mm or ↓

PVR ↑ 3u


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Factors determining development of PVOD

Type of intracardiac defect Age PA Pressure PV Pressure PBF, PAO2

Hypoxia Acidosis Unexplained - ? Genetic suscept.

? Endoth. dysf.

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Congenital Heart Disease

Pulmonary hypertension : Operability• AgeAge• LesionLesion• Physical findingsPhysical findings• Systemic O2 saturation Systemic O2 saturation • Investigations Investigations

o Non-invasiveNon-invasiveo InvasiveInvasive

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVOD : Age

Unknown 3 m Rare 6 m Uncommon 1 yr

Except in TGA physiology

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Congenital Heart Disease

in PVR : Improving symptoms in CCF Improved exercise capacity Cyanosis : Absent,

intermittent, persistent.

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVOD : Lesion

Very early - 3 mTGA Physio., AP window, Comp. AVC defects

Large PDA earlier than VSD (↓ 1 yr). ASD – rare

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Hyperkinetic Obstructive

Heart size large normal (except in ASD)

Parasternalhyperkinetic forcible or heaving in ASDimpulse mild in VSD & PDA

Click of PAH absent present

Second sound ASD‑wide & fixed ASD - wide and fixed(P2 accent‑ VSD‑wide & variable VSD - single uated in both) PDA‑paradoxically PDA - normal

splitShunt murmur loud short or absent

Flow murmur present absent

Pulmonary hypertension

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVOD : Syst. O2 saturation L R shunt - 93% - PVR

95%, PVR not excluded TGA physiol. - 85% high flow and low PVR

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVOD ECG : Increasing RVH - Not helpful

X-ray : * Heart size * Pulm. Vasculature

Characteristics changes appear too late.

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Congenital Heart Disease

Pulm. hypertension :Echo assessment :PA syst. pr - GoodPA diast. pr - ReasonablePA mean pr - PoorFor assessment of PVR – cath is gold standard and essential.

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Congenital Heart DiseaseInvasive evaluation

Invasive evaluation Hemodynamic study. Pulmonary wedge angiography. Biopsy – Pulmonary histology. Pulmonary vascular compliance.(MRI & intravascular ultrasound)

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PAH Cath study: Pressures – RA,RV,PA, PAW, LA/LVED,SA Saturations – SVc, RA,RV,PA,SA VO2, CI, SVR, PVR HR pO2, pH Effect of intervention.

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Cardiac Catheterisation

Measurement of PAP Measurement of PVR Vascular Reactivity

PVR = PAm - LAm Qp

If PVR & PAH - pO2 and pH essential.

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Congenital Heart Disease

Flow: (Poiseuille)

ΔP. π r4

Q= 8ŋL

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Congenital Heart Disease

PAH: PA (m) – LA (m) . 8Lη

PVR= Qp π r4

Assumes constant steady flow

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Congenital Heart Disease

Assessment for reactivity : Oxygen Isuprel infusion Nifedipine Prostaglandin SNP, NO.

PVR ↓ 6 units – operable.

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Congenital Heart Disease

Flows: VO2

Qp= PVO2 – PAO2

VO2Qs= PVO2 (SA) – MVO2

Qp= Qs

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Congenital Heart Disease

Pulmonary hypertension : VO2

Must be measured Assumed value cannot be used

For PVR calculation to determine operability.

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Congenital Heart Disease

Flows: Qp/Qs ratio




Eliminates need to measure VO2

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Congenital Heart Disease

Flows: Qp/Qs ratio


PV (SA)O2 – PAO2

Echo: SVLV

SV X HR = QsQp from Qp/Qs

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Fixed : PVOD Variable: Vasoconstr - 20% pts.

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Congenital Heart Disease

PAH: Operable – PVR ↓ 6u Rest or ac. Inoperable – PVR ↑ 8u testing. Grey zone 7u ±1.

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PAH Vasodilat testing :

Identifies - Prognosis- Responders

(utility of CCB)

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Contraindications : RV failure Unstable


• + Ve resp. : PA (m)→ ↓ by 10 mms absolute level ↓ 40 mms

(no ↓ in Co.) 20% ↓ in PApr & PVR

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Congenital Heart Disease

Pulm. hypertension : Reversibility Qp on the basis of assumed VO2 - not reliable

100% : O2–VO2 not known, hence all calculation will be incorrect.

Dissolved O2 - (modifies calculations)

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVOD : O2 study PA saturation increases abnormally giving

increased calculated QP and low PVR.

Fall in PA pressure more reliable. Fall in PA diast. pr may result in lower mean pressure.

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Problems with vasodilators

Oxygen - fick’s principle NA - Failure to respond in patients

with reactive airway disease Tolazoline,PG, Ca Block

- Fall in SVR- Arterial hypotension- VP mismatch

Isoprenaline - Very high heart rates

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PAH : Nitric oxide: Vasodilator Inhibits - Platelet activation

- SMC proliferation ↓ levels in PAH NO → cGMP

(inactivated by PDE-5, large amounts in lungs)

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- No ↑ in syst. sat.

- No systemic hypotension - No arterial hypoxemiaDisadvantages - Methaemoglobinemia - Pulmonary edema - Lung injury

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NO as Pulmonary vasodilator - Results NO at 40 ppm more effective than 5 ppm

3/15 (20 %) pt with PVR > 8 u fall in PVR < 6 after NO

Response same in those with Down Syndrome

Yasuda T et al,Paediatric Cardiol,2000

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NO vs NO + Oxygen combination

Number of responders with combination significantly > than when NO/Oxygen used alone.

Combination of NO + 02 provides add’nal pulmonary vasodilatation & can rapidly identify patients with pulmonary vasoreactivity.

Good postoperative results

Lock et al , JACC 2000

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NO + Oxygen combination : PVR 10 u

O2 alone PVR 8 u O2 + NO PVR 6 u

Does not guarantee operability

Wilkinson heart 2001 : 85:113

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Lung biopsy Open lung specimen is taken General anaesthesia

Biopsy those with borderline haemodynamics

(Heath. Edwards classification)

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Creating ASD - RVF not relieved R → L shunt - ↓ RA pr. QP ↓, Syst. O2 sat. ↓ CO more stable – syncope relieved. Change in life span - ?

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVOD : Defect occlusion

PDA & some VSDs

Significant fall in PA pressure is helpful in decision making.

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PAH Treatment

Prostanoids - Epoprostenol IV E.R.A. - Bosentan PO PDE-5-I - Sildenafil PO CCB - Diltiazem, Amlodip. PO

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PAH: Breathe – 5 : ASD & VSDBosentan Vs Placebo – 54 pts., class III, 16 weeks Syst. O2 Sat. maintained. PVR, PAm ↓ Ex. Cap.↑, funct. class ↑ Time to deterioration ↓ Placebo – PVR worsened (?)

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PAH : Bosentan : Long FU (12 m – 29 m)

PVR/ SVR ratio ↓ (N- 0.15 to ↓ 0.3) Qp & Qs ↑, R →L shunt ↓ PAp & SAp ↓ (NS) RV after load ↓ more than LV

Initial improvement returns to baseline in 2 years.

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PAH : Bosentan

Hepatotoxicity Potentially teratogenic Testicular atrophy & infertility Hormonal birth control - ↓ effectiveness.

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PAH : Sildenafil

PAp (m) ↓ 3-5 mms Ex. capacity ↑ Side effects – minor Functional class ↑

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PAH : Eisenmenger ASD 40 pts., FU – 4 years, PVR ↑ 7u ASD closed 26, Med. Rx -14

PVR 9-14 - No ↑ in PVR 7-9 - PVR ↓

No vasoreactivity check pre op PVR ↑ in all unopted.

Steele etal Circ. 1987 : 76 : 1037 - 42

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PAH : Eisenmenger Pts : O2 ± No 124 Pts, 1 mt 47 yr. (m 28) 74 op or transplant PVR/ SVR – 0.33 or ↑

O2 → Rp/Rs ↓ 0.42O2 + NO Rp/Rs ↓ 0.27

(indicates operable defect)

Balzer etal Circ. 2002 : 106:1-76-81

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Operability & Reversibility

Not Synonymous Patients with severe intimal proliferation may

not show decrease in PAP post-op PAH can progress after repair

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Congenital Heart Disease

PVR : mistakes in assessment Presence of A.V. valve regurg. Obligatory shunts Pulm. infection, acidosis, anemia, polycythemia,


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SUMMARY Knowledge of determinants of progression of

PVOD is poor

Remember confounding factors affecting PVR in assessing L→R shunts.

Clinical auscultation- fading art.

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SUMMARY Age of patient probably THE most important

determinant* Pre tricuspid shunt except TAPVC- Longer

waiting period* Post tricuspid shunt without cyanosis

6 months to 1 year* Post tricuspid shunt with cyanosis

before 3 months

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Timely surgical intervention is THE KEY

for good immediate & long term results.

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