assembly member kellner's january 2013 newsletter.doc

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  • 7/28/2019 Assembly Member Kellner's January 2013 Newsletter.doc


    January 2013 - In this issue:

    New York Passes The Toughest Gun Control Law In The Country Kellner To The Next Mayor: Time To Reexamine The East 91st Street Marine Transfer Station "Innovation NY" & The Angel Investor Tax Credit Assembly Member Kellner Introduces Important Election Recount Legislation The Fight Continues Against Hydrofracking in New York Assembly Member Kellner Takes A Stand Against Partisan Politics A Victory For Families Of Gifted And Talented Students Community & City Education Council Selection Begins - Get Involved New York City Parks Is Hiring Lifeguards For The Summer We Are Now The 76th Assembly District Apply For A Community Grant Through Citizens Committee For New York Free Monthly Legal Clinic For Tenants Do You Have An Idea For Legislation?

    Visit my website: Follow me on Twitter: @micahkellner

    New York Passes The Toughest GunControl Law In The Country

    The shootings in Sandy Hook, Connecticut andWebster, New York were terrible tragedies, evokinga national outpouring of sadness, grief, and thedemand to end senseless gun violence.

    Last week, the Legislature passed the NY SAFE Act,a first-in-the-nation law that I co-sponsored, givingNew York the strongest gun controls in America.

    The NY SAFE Act strengthens New York Statesexisting assault weapons ban, increases criminalpenalties for the illegal use of guns, outlaws all high-capacity ammunition magazines and limits thecapacity of clips sold in New York State to no morethan 7 rounds. For the first time, individuals are now

    required to undergo a state background check beforebeing allowed to purchase ammunition to ensurecriminals with illegal guns no longer have easyaccess to bullets.

    The NY SAFE Act establishes a statewide databasefor handgun licenses, enabling the State Police tocrosscheck theNational Instant Criminal BackgroundCheck System to determine if any current licensees

    have been legally disqualified from possessinfirearms under federal law.

    The new law also requires mental-healprofessionals to report to law enforcement when thebelieve a person receiving mental-health services isdanger to themselves or others. Those who possess

    firearm license will have their license revoked suspended and be required to surrender their firearm

    While there is more still that we must do on national level, New York now has the strongest gulaws in the country. The measures in the NY SAFAct will go a long way to securing all New Yorkeand making us a far safer state.

    Kellner To The Next Mayor:Time to Reexamine The East 91st Stree

    Marine Transfer Station

    In the past year, I have sued Mayor Bloomberg anthe Army Corps of Engineers to stop the proposeEast 91st Street Marine Transfer Station (MTS). Bmy actions have not been limited to court battles.

    I sent a letter - signed by all of my East Sidcolleagues - inviting the mayoral candidates to se


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    the MTS site with their own eyes. The next mayorwill be in a position to change the City's Solid WasteManagement Plan and I want the candidates tounderstand why building a garbage dump in aresidential neighborhood is a terrible idea.

    The City's Solid Waste Management Plan - proposedby Mayor Bloomberg and approved by the City

    Council in 2006 - includes building the MTS rightover Asphalt Green, a recreational facility used by11,000 adults and 31,000 children every year. Thecost of building the MTS has grown exponentially.While the City initially said it would cost $55million, it is now estimated at over $200 million. Thenext administration will have to pay for itsconstruction and operation. However, there is anopportunity to stop funding this unnecessary projectbefore it is too late.

    In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, locating theMTS in the middle of Flood Zone A is extremelydangerous and would have significant risks. DuringSandy, water rose well above sea level. AsphaltGreens playground - and the MTS site - wereflooded by East River water, which traveled as farwest as Second Avenue. During a future storm, theMTS would put thousands of tons of garbage on apath flowing through the East Side of Manhattan.

    Asphalt Green is one of our community's most

    valuable resources, providing one of the fewremaining recreational open spaces for children. TheCity's plan to build the MTS threatens the health andsafety of the children and adults who use AsphaltGreen every day.

    Preserving the health of New York's children must bea priority for all elected officials - especially our nextmayor. I urge the candidates to see firsthand theimpact of building the MTS. It is not too late toprotect New York Citys children.

    "Innovation NY" &The Angel Investor Tax Credit

    In his State of the State Address, Governor Cuomoput forward a progressive agenda to make New Yorka model for equality, innovation, education andtechnology. I look forward to working with him andhis administration to enact meaningful campaign

    finance reform, provide equality for women and raithe minimum wage for working New Yorkers.

    Although New York has world-renowned academinstitutions, we do not successfully bring ideas frothese schools to the marketplace. To facilitate thtransfer of ideas, the Governor announced thcreation of an Innovation NY Network, whic

    partners venture capitalists with leaders in higheducation. He proposed creating innovation hspots tax free zones to ensure that netechnologies developed in New York acommercialized here. Also, he announced a $5million venture capital fund to provide grants successful start-ups.

    Encouraging new businesses to thrive is somethinghave long promoted, as the sponsor of an AngInvestor Tax Credit, which provides tax breaks individuals who invest in start-ups, so companies thdevelop in New York remain here. We need to maksure start-ups can get off the ground. One way to dthat is to encourage investment.

    Other states that have angel investor tax credits havseen start-up investments rise by over 500%. Wmust achieve similar successes here in New York, owe are going to see talented people invent the neGoogle orFacebook in other parts of the countrOur economy must diversify and - to do that - wmust attract talented people to live, work and grobusinesses in New York.

    Assembly Member Kellner IntroducesImportant Election Recount Legislation

    Although a winner was officially declared in aupstate Senate race last week, we still do not reallknow who won - because not all of the ballots wercounted.

    Right now, in New York State, each local board oelections has the ability to set its own recoustandards. This inconsistency has led to uncountevotes (like the 250 uncounted ballots in last weekSenate race).

    This has to stop.

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    I recently introduced legislation to finally set astatewide standard for when an automatic handrecount would apply in an election that's too close tocall. In its January 20th editorial, The Daily Newscalled my bill "the way to go". In New York City, ahand recount is required if the margin of victory isless than one-half of 1%. My bill takes it a stepfurther: if a candidate for statewide office wins with

    an initial margin of victory less than one-fourth of1% (or less than 10 votes), an automatic hand recountmust take place. In local races, the margin has to beless than one-half of 1% (or less 10 votes).

    Currently New York State recounts only 3% of allvotes randomly. Election experts agree that one wayto improve our rating is to enact legislation like mine.

    I look forward to passing this legislation and havingit signed into law so that every single vote in NewYork is counted fairly and accurately.

    The Fight Continues AgainstHydrofracking in New York

    For several years, there has been an effort underwayto allow drilling for natural gas in upstate New Yorkthrough a process known as hydraulic fracturing,commonly referred to as hydrofracking.

    Hydrofracking uses a mixture of nearly 600

    chemicals, many of them kept secret from the public,and millions of gallons of water, which are blastedunderground in order to destabilize rock and shale toextract natural gas.

    I have opposed hydrofracking from the verybeginning because it is not yet proven that it can bedone safely and without poisoning our water orcausing other environmental damage. Hydrofrackingposes a real danger to our state and, last year, Isponsored a bill in the Assembly to ban it entirely.

    In September, the State Department of Health (DOH)announced it would conduct a health impactanalysis on the effects of hydrofracking, which, sofar, no one has seen.

    The New York Times recently released a year-oldstate document which asserts that during thehydrofracking process, human chemical exposures

    will be prevented or reduced below levels significant health concern. Thus, significant adverimpacts on human health are not expected froroutine operations.

    This dubious claim, however, is the basis for thStates plan to safeguard New Yorkers from theffects of hydrofracking. The Department

    Environmental Conservation and upstate healdepartments have documented numerous incidents exposure. Saying there are no negative effects donot make it true.

    I joined with many of my Assembly colleagues inletter to Governor Cuomo demanding an immediawritten public notice about the DOH Review, release of the health impact analysis, and for a publhearing to take place.

    I have advocated for a broader health impact study ohydrofracking for over a year because we cannjump into hydrofracking without fully understandinall of its ramifications first.

    Assembly Member Kellner Takes AStand Against Partisan Politics

    For the second year in a row, I voted no on constitutional amendment that would enshrin

    partisan politics into our redistricting process.

    I have always supported a nonpartisan and faredistricting process that would take the power redraw districts out of the hands of the LegislaturUnfortunately, this amendment allows legislators reject their own district lines. New Yorkers want andeserve fair and honest government, which can onstart with fair and honest districts, not backroopolitical deals.

    Continuing a system that allows politicians to pictheir voters fundamentally undermines and endangeour democracy. This amendment will go before thvoters in 2014. I urge you to join me in voting no.

    A Victory For Families OfGifted And Talented Students

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    For years, younger siblings of Gifted & Talentedstudents were given top priority in citywide giftedprograms if they scored in the 97th percentile.

    However, last fall, The Department of Educationproposed changing its policy so that siblings wouldonly have priority over non-siblings as a tiebreaker, ifthey receive an identical score on the entrance exam

    as their older sibling.

    My office received dozens of calls and emails fromthe community demanding action. They told me thatthe parents of students who work hard enough to getinto gifted programs should be able to have anysubsequent child in the program too as long as theypass the test, not if they are just as smart as theirbrother or sister.

    After hearing our concerns, I am proud to say that theDepartment of Education cancelled its proposedchanges and will stick with the plan in place for the2013-14 school year. I applaud the Department ofEducation for listening to our community andcorrecting the issue.

    For admission in the fall, the Department ofEducation will use the same process and policy usedfor 2012 admission:

    Eligible siblings of students currently enrolled at aschool (in grades K-5 for the following September)will be placed first.

    For Citywide programs, siblings scoring at or abovethe 97th percentile will be placed first, by percentilerank. For district programs, siblings scoring at orabove the 90th percentile will be placed first, bypercentile rank. After all eligible siblings have beenplaced, non-sibling applicants will be placed bypercentile rank.

    In any case where there are multiple students with

    the same sibling priority and score, and not enoughseats for all of them, offers will be made based upona random assignment process.

    Community & City Education CouncilSelection Begins - Get Involved

    Beginning in February, the Department of Educatio(DOE) will begin the 2013 Community and CitywidEducation Council selection process.

    Education Councils play a crucial role in shapinpolicies for our public schools and provide valuabadvice to education officials on community concernThe DOE undertakes Community and Citywid

    Education Council selection once every two yearThis year, however, the DOE is seeking to increathe size of the parent applicant pool by providingmore transparent and informative process.

    I have worked on education issues my entire career.have worked with parents, teachers, principals, anthe DOE on issues that confront schoolchildren evesingle day. I know the impact of these Councils andurge every parent who wants to protect the interesof their kids schools to nominate themselves forseat.

    Parents serve a two-year term on 36 Councithroughout the City, including the CommuniEducation Councils, Citywide Council on HigSchools, Citywide Council on English LanguagLearners, Citywide Council on Special Educatioand the District 75 Citywide Council.

    Applicants will be able to apply either online or by sending in paper ballo(which can be printed from the website).

    Applications for nomination are due betweeFebruary 13th and March 13th.

    Please feel free to call my office if you have anquestions or concerns at (212) 860-4906.

    New York City Parks Is HiringLifeguards for the Summer

    Do you want to spend your summer at the beach andget paid for it? Try out for New York City'sLifeguard Training Program.

    The City Parks Department is expanding itsrecruitment efforts this year to find lifeguards for its55 outdoor pools and eight beaches throughout thefive boroughs. Working as a lifeguard provides


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    young people with the chance to be a part of a largepublic organization committed to public safety.

    The minimum qualifications to enter the trainingcourse are that participants:

    be at least 16 years old at the time of employment

    have eyesight no worse than 20/30 in one eye and20/40 in the other eye

    be able to swim 50 yards in 35 seconds with properform

    Those who qualify will enter the training program,which consists of swimming and rescue techniques,first-aid and CPR. The program is not only free, butcandidates who successfully complete the course willbe paid for their time spent in training once theybegin working as a lifeguard. First year lifeguardswill earn at least $13.57 an hour. Most lifeguardswill work six days a week during the season.

    The City needs excited, energetic young people toprotect the swimmers at our pools and beaches.Apply for training on the Parks Department's websitehere.

    We Are NowThe 76th Assembly District

    The new 76th Assembly District

    Since 2007, I represented the 65 th Assembly Districstretching from 60th Street all the way up to 95 th Streon the East Side.

    After New Yorks redistricting process last year,now represent the 76th Assembly District. The distrishifted a few blocks in some spots, but I will sti

    represent most of the old 65th district, includinRoosevelt Island. My staff remains in place and ohand to help you and your families with ancommunity issues you have.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us at (212) 864906.

    Apply For A Community Grant ThroughCitizens Committee For New York

    Citizens Committee for New York Cityawards micrgrants between $500 - $3,000 to resident-led groupto work on community and school improvemeprojects throughout the city. Groups based in loincome neighborhoods and Title I public schools agiven priority.

    Recent awards have enabled neighbors to comtogether to make healthy food available in thecommunities, transform empty lots into communi

    gardens, organize tenants to advocate for betthousing conditions, and start school recycling drives

    Download the application here.

    The deadline is January 31, 2013.

    Free Monthly Legal Clinic For Tenants

    I continue to work withEviction InterventionServices to offer a free monthly legal clinic for

    tenants. If your landlord is harassing you orthreatening you with eviction, or is refusing to makenecessary repairs, and you can't afford to hire alawyer, come consult one of our volunteer attorneys

    The clinic is held the first Monday of every month a1233 Second Avenue (between East 64th and 65thStreets) with appointments from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m. The next clinic will be on Monday, February 4t

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    The clinic is by appointment only.

    Please call my office at (212) 860-4906 to schedule

    an appointment.

    Do You Have An Idea For Legislation?

    Is there legislation you think I should be working on Albany? I want to hear from you.

    Call my office at (212) 860-4906 or email me [email protected] tell me about any ideasyou have.

    Contact My Office:

    District Office of Assembly Member Micah Z. Kellner1365 First Avenue New York, NY 10065

    T: (212) 860-4906 F: (917) 432-2983Hours: M-F 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

    Email me: [email protected]

    Visit my website:


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://