asphalt joints for glazed stoneware (terra-cotta) pipes

I68 Notes and Comments. [J. F. I., IMPROVED ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LIGHT. Nernst, a well.known German electrician, has patented an improvemen in electrical glow lights which consists in the use of a cylinder of magnesia, or similar substance, which possesses the property of being a non-conductor t of electricity when cold, aud of becoming conductive when heated to a high temperature. These cylinders are provided with electrical connections, and means--such as a Bunsen burner--are used to heat them to the conductive temperature, when the current alone will maintain them in incandescence. W. NEW USES FOR GLASS. Experiments have lately been made with glass as a substitute for metals for bearings. The.most suitable kinds were found to be bottle and ordinary Window glass. The bearings were cast in moulds, in two pieces. ' They gave the best results when mounted in elastic supports. It was found to be neces- sary that the revolving parts should be well balanced and the shafts accurately centered. The results are stated to have been that the glass bearings require less lubrication, have less friction, and in many cases are more advantageous than metal bearings, though in some cases they afford less security than others. It is recorded in the French journal, L'Eclairage Electrique, that at Mar- seilles, glass tubes are being used as underground conduits for telegraph wires and for carrying electric-light wires in factories, theatres, etc. W. ASPHALT JOINTS FOR GLAZED STONEWARE (TERRA-COTTA) PIPES. In Germany, it is said, asphalt joints for terra-cotta pipes are now used in all the chief cities. The melted asphalt is poured around the socket end of the pipes when the two ends had been brought together. On testing such joints by hydraulic pressure, the pipes were found to give way before the joints showed any signs of leaking. W. NICKEL-STEEL FOR MARINE BOILERS AND ENGINES. The latest applications of nickel-steel are in connection with marine boilers and engines. This alloy is found to be much superior to other kinds of steel for marine boiler plates on account of its greater resistance to the corrosive action of salt water. It is also found to be excellently adapted on account of its great toughness for parts of marine engines, especially for the hollow shafts used on the latest transatlantic steamers. W. COSMIC DUST IN HAIL. Professor Karpinsky, a well-known Russian savant, recently made an inter- esting communication to the St. Petersburg Academy on a fall of hail observed on April 3 o, 1897, by M. Czeruik, near Ivangorod, in Russian Poland. The following account of the occurrence is taken from London Nature :

Post on 02-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Asphalt joints for glazed stoneware (terra-cotta) pipes

I 6 8 Notes and Comments. [J. F. I.,


Nernst , a wel l .known German electrician, has pa t en t ed an i m p r o v e m e n in electrical glow l ights which consists in the use of a cyl inder of magnesia, or s imilar substance, which possesses the proper ty of be ing a non-conductor t of electricity when cold, aud of becoming conduct ive when hea ted to a h igh temperature. These cyl inders are provided wi th electr ical connect ions , and means - - such as a Bunsen bu r ne r - - a r e used to hea t t h e m to the conductive temperature , when the cur ren t alone will ma in ta in t hem in incandescence.



Exper iments have lately been made wi th glass as a subst i tu te for metals for bearings. The .mos t suitable k inds were found to be bot t le and ordinary Window glass. The bear ings were cast in moulds, in two pieces. ' They gave the best results when m oun t ed in elastic supports. I t was found to be neces- sary t ha t the revolving par ts should be well ba lanced and the shafts accurately centered. The results are stated to have been t ha t the glass bear ings require less lubricat ion, have less friction, and in many cases are more advantageous t h a n meta l bearings, t hough in some cases they afford less securi ty than others.

I t is recorded in the F r e n c h journal , L'Eclairage Electrique, t ha t a t Mar- seilles, glass tubes are be ing used as underg round conduits for t e legraph wires and for carrying electr ic- l ight wires in factories, theatres, etc. W.


In Germany, i t is said, asphal t jo in ts for terra-cotta pipes are now used in all the chief cities. The mel ted asphal t is poured around the socket end of the pipes when the two ends had been b rough t together . On tes t ing such joints by hydraul ic pressure, the pipes were found to give way before the joints showed any signs of leaking. W.

N I C K E L - S T E E L F O R M A R I N E B O I L E R S AND E N G I N E S .

The latest applicat ions of nickel-steel are in connect ion wi th marine boilers and engines. This alloy is found to be much superior to o ther kinds of steel for mar ine boiler plates on account of its greater resistance to the corrosive action of salt water. I t is also found to be excel lent ly adapted on account of its great toughness for parts of mar ine engines, especially for the hollow shafts used on the latest t ransat lant ic steamers. W.


Professor Karpinsky, a wel l -known Russian savant, recent ly made an inter- es t ing communicat ion to the St. Pe tersburg Academy on a fall of ha i l observed on April 3 o, 1897, by M. Czeruik, near Ivangorod, in Russian Poland.

The fol lowing account of the occurrence is t aken from London Nature :