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The world’s first electronic food supplement, manufactured in in a remote Welsh valley Presenting…

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Asphalia is a dramatically successful natural food supplement providing restful sleep without side effects.


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The world’s first electronic food supplement, manufactured in in a remote

Welsh valley


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Presented by Presented by

Coghill Research LaboratoriesLower RacePontypool

Torfaen NP4 5UH

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Scope of this presentationScope of this presentation

Asphalia,what it isAnti-oxidantsBenefits: sleep, complexion, anti-ageing,


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Part One: What is ASPHALIA?Part One: What is ASPHALIA?Asphalia derives from organic

meadow grasses with unusually powerful restorative properties.

The name comes from the Greek word for safety ().

We combine it with several other important health-preserving ingredients.

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What is Asphalia?What is Asphalia?Added to your normal diet, it adds a

permitted organic micro-supply of anti-oxidants to help gain restful sleep, improve complexion, assist to control weight, and ward off damaging fields and radiations from modern technology.

It includes other organic substances found in the Gramineae/Poaceae family of plants and other fruits and vegetable powders.

It is sold in vegicaps.

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The ingredients in ASPHALIAThe ingredients in ASPHALIA

There are three main ingredients in the range:

Edible grasses with remarkably high levels of natural anti-oxidants.

Natural berries such as bilberry and blackberry

Leaves, herbs, and vegetable powders.

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A Naturally occurring Anti-oxidantA Naturally occurring Anti-oxidant

An antioxidant hormone synthesised in the brain’s pineal gland is being increasingly recognised, not only as a powerful oncostatic agent, but also as aiding longevity, assisting sleep, and improving immune competence.

No adverse health effects have been reported even at high dosage.

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Anti-oxidants and ageingAnti-oxidants and ageing

Anti-oxidant levels decrease with age. Women, who live longer than men, have 20 percent more, suggesting that they play an adjuvant role in longevity.

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Antioxidants and breast Antioxidants and breast cancercancer

Women with breast cancer have only 10 percent of normal melatonin levels (melatonin is a powerful anti-oxidant).:

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Melatonin and MCF-7 cancer cells: Melatonin and MCF-7 cancer cells: the pioneers.the pioneers.

Two early studies (Tamarkin, 1980; Blask and Hill, 1987) showed that melatonin has a protective effect in induced murine mammary tumours and on human breast cancer cells.

From Blask and Hill, 1987

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Melatonin and Prostate cancerMelatonin and Prostate cancerProstate cancer is

the most common form found in men, second only to lung cancer in mortality. Men with this cancer have only half the levels found in benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate glands).

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Melatonin and sleepMelatonin and sleep

Several studies indicate that melatonin aids good sleep almost as much as the most powerful sleep medication.

It also speeds up the time to reach REM sleep.

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Melatonin is safe

“One of the nice things about melatonin, from a purely toxicological point of view, is that it is extraordinarily safe” –

Steven Paul, Vice-President of Drug Discovery, Eli Lilly.

“There have been no reported cases of acute toxicity from melatonin. The doses that have been ingested have caused blood levels a hundred thousand times higher than naturally occurs” –

Robert Sack, MD, Dept of Psychiatry, Oregon Health Sciences University.

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Melatonin and EMFsMelatonin and EMFs

In 1987 David Blask reported breast cancer In 1987 David Blask reported breast cancer cells were inhibited by melatonin, and in cells were inhibited by melatonin, and in 1988 Dick Stevens at Battelle first proposed 1988 Dick Stevens at Battelle first proposed that breast cancer might originate from ELF that breast cancer might originate from ELF electromagnetic field-induced inhibition of electromagnetic field-induced inhibition of melatonin. melatonin.

Though contraversial, the oncostatic effects Though contraversial, the oncostatic effects of melatonin and its inhibition by light and of melatonin and its inhibition by light and EMF exposure at night has since been EMF exposure at night has since been confirmed in more than six laboratories.confirmed in more than six laboratories.

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EMFs block the activity of EMFs block the activity of melatoninmelatonin

Cancer cells cultured in a melatonin solution caused a significant reduction in their growth. But when 12 mGauss 60Hz. EMFs were applied this oncostatic action was inhibited. (Liburdy et al., 1992).

Researchers in Seattle found a sixfold increase in breast cancer among males exposed occupationally to EMFs.

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Origins of breast cancer?Origins of breast cancer?Our view is that mammary tumours are

more likely where blood flow, hence oxygen, is diminished, leading to altered metabolism. The breast is poorly vascularised, and this can be exacerbated by even slight bruising.

In such conditions further inhibitory EMF effects are most likely to be seen.

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Edible grasses Edible grasses and organic melatoninand organic melatoninA Japanese study at the

Sta. Marianna University, Japan found that grasses contained the highest melatonin levels yet found in plants (Hattori et al., 1995).

We have followed up this research and developed from these grass the food supplement we call Asphalia.

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The melatonin FactoryThe melatonin Factory

Melatonin from the brain’s tiny pineal gland has the smallest volume compared with any other human hormone.

Most synthetic melatonin supplements offer hundreds of mg per tablet, arguably a massive overdosage (though no adverse effects have ever been reported from ODs).

The pineal gland is marked x.The pineal gland is marked x.


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Melatonin synthesis in humans

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Melatonin and ageingMelatonin and ageing

“… it is suggested that the progression of brain cell ageing occurs when the balance between oxidative stress and anti-oxidative defense tips towards increased free radical production. Neural activity, especially the release of the accumulation of oxidative stress leads to the morphological and physiological destruction of neurons.

A gradual deterioration of neurological tissue occurs represented by functional loss, such as slowed reactions, diminished memory, or tremour. This progressive degeneration is the price the body pays for utilizing oxygen.

Increased free radical generation may also results from the additive exposure to toxins, UV light and stress or from the decrease in the body’s defence systems to reduce oxidative stress, namely free radical scavengers, anti-oxidative enzymes, or metal chelating agents”.

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How Melatonin Protects How Melatonin Protects Melatonin's protecting role in aging lies in its non-receptor

mediated interactions as a potent oxygen radical scavenger. Studies have shown that endogenous levels of melatonin have oxidative protective effects, with a greater reduction in DNA damage at night, reflecting melatonin's phasic secretion pattern.

It scavenges both the superoxide anion and the hydroxyl radical, protecting nuclear DNA, proteins and membrane lipids against free radical damage, as well as stimulating the activity of glutathione peroxidase, putatively the most important antioxidant in the brain.

The indole's lipo and hydrophilicity are properties unique to antioxidants and allow for  rapid diffusion and accessibility to all subcellular components as well as freely crossing the blood-brain barrier. By contrast, other antioxidants are confined to particular cellular compartments such as lipid cell membranes for vitamin E and the cytosol for vitamin C.

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So Asphalia contains microdoses of anti-oxidants to supplement the lowered levels seen in people unable to get a good night’s sleep and in elderly people. Anti-oxidant synthesis is also possibly inhibited through chronic exposure to EMFs.

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Asphalia and petfoodsAsphalia and petfoods

There is reason to believe that domestic animals may also benefit from Asphalia.

Household pets are also likely to suffer chronic exposure to EMFs if they live largely indoors.

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The regulatory positionThe regulatory position

In most countries including the US, synthetic melatonin is freely available over the counter.

In some European countries including the UK it is only available as a POM (prescription only medicine). The MHRA have indicated that the level of melatonin in Asphalia is too low to be classed as a medicine.

Moreover it is of natural organic and not synthetic origin; man has been eating natural melatonin in plants since the dawn of mankind:

“And thou shalt eat the herb of the field” Genesis 3, 18.

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Why take Asphalia?!Why take Asphalia?!

An increasing number of studies show that weak Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) such as we are inevitably exposed to in modern society have adverse effects on health.

Sleep disturbance, loss of short term memory and attention span (“cognitive effects”), have all been indicted.

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Asphalia and better sleepAsphalia and better sleep Sleep impairment can have a devastating

effect on work performance, family relationships, and quality of life generally.

Several studies (see Reiter et al., 1994 for review) have shown that the main ingredients in Asphalia, especially its powerful anti-oxidants, have an alleviative effect on sleep disturbance.

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How do I take ASPHALIA?How do I take ASPHALIA?The pack contains 30 or 60 vegicaps, enough for

one or two months respectively.

Store the product in the refrigerator or in a cool dry place.

Take at bedtime. Acts faster if you bite the capsule and leave the powder under the tongue for ten seconds or so before swallowing

(We make no medical claims for Asphalia.)

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Metastasis: Metastasis: the untackled risk.the untackled risk.Modern cancer statistics concentrate on defining

success in treatment by reference to the time lived after diagnosis (“5 year survival”).

Hence the ability to diagnose cancers earlier has led to an artificial “improvement” in survival rates.

But metastasis often strikes after that period: the actual time of death from cancer hasn’t changed.

Neither chemotherapy nor surgery are much good at dealing with metastasis. New 2004 stats show ever increasing cancer rates in Britain, for example.

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The problem with UbiquinoneThe problem with Ubiquinone

The trouble with ubiquinone is that it seems not to be electronegative enough for modern conditions (only -0.12mV redox potential).

So ubiquinone cannot dislodge carcinogens – often toxic amines – binding to cytochrome b-c1 complex , so it cannot deliver its electrons.

A superior dehydrogenator, with a higher redox potential, is needed to dislodge these carcinogens. P-benzoquinone has a redox potential of -0.715 V, much higher than ubiquinone.

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Dealing with metastasisDealing with metastasisCancer patients still living 5 years after

diagnosis are regarded in the official statistics as cured.

But new cancer cells often start growing in the sixth year onwards, and these “secondaries” are often fatal.

Thus cancer mortality figures (as opposed to 5-yr survival) show a relatively discouraging pattern: we are by no means winning the fight against cancer, largely due to our failure to deal with metastasis.

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p-Benzoquinones and metastasisp-Benzoquinones and metastasis The superior dehydrogenating power of para-benzoquinone

and similar molecules appears to have a significant inhibitory effect on metastasis, both in animals and human beings.

This was first discovered in 1919, in Detroit, Michigan developed at Dow Chemicals by a little-known professor of Physiology at Wayne State University, Dr William Frederick Koch. We call our ingredient WFK1 in his honour.

As a result, cancer mortality in Detroit, where it was the principal intervention at the time, actually fell by 23 percent in the following decade 1920-1929.

Elsewhere in the US cancer mortality grew by upto 32 percent.

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Otto Warburg’s contributionOtto Warburg’s contributionWarburg, Nobel Prizewinner

in 1931 and 1944, though unaware of Koch’s work, also suggested that cancer is a metabolic disorder.

Whilst he did not realise the disorder might be reversed, he pointed out that cancer cells rely much more on glycolysis than normal cells do, and uptake less oxygen.

•Warburg’s 1966 Lindau lecture recognised the need for a plentiful O2 supply for maintaining healthy cells.

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Count Albert Szent-GyorgyiCount Albert Szent-Gyorgyi“The living state is the

electronically desaturated state of molecules: substances which interfere with charge transfer have to be carcinogenic” - 1979.

Thus he pointed to faulty metabolism and to molecular electronics as the way forward in treating cancer.

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In Conclusion…Sleep disturbance, cognitive dysfunction, and

malignancy are all on the increase in industrialised countries. Some scientists are blaming increased exposure to EMFs.

Asphalia provides an organic food supplement containing the natural substances for people most likely to have suffered from such exposures, and who have problems sleeping.

It is not a medicine, but taken regularly we believe Asphalia protects people against EMF insult.

In general, most results have pointed towards an inhibitory effect of anti-oxidants on tumorigenesis.

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Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!

More information about Asphalia can be found at your local independent

health food store (a list of registered outlets is on our website), together

with on-line purchasing details:

Coghill Research LaboratoriesLower Race, Pontypool

Torfaen, South Wales NP 5UH,