aspects of life - the eating god star (intelligence, same)

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  • 8/12/2019 Aspects of Life - The Eating God Star (Intelligence, Same)


    The Eating God Star in Chinese Astrology Signs and Elements

    The Great Strategist and Hedonism of the Eating God Star in BaZi Birth Charts or 4

    Pillars of Destiny

    Mosaic Memorial to John ennon! in Stra"#erry $ieldsat Central Par% &est! '(nd

    St! )e" *or% City

    John Lennons song, +MAG+)E!displays the general characteristics of the Eating God

    Starin Chinese Astrology signs and elements.

    Think Great Strategist, Gourmand, Eccentric, hilosopher, !ay !reamer, !eep Thinker and"edonist. #n Chinese Astrology or $a%i &irth charts, the Eating God Star is the ,-t.-t Star. #t

    is 'hat you gi(e &irth to, create, produce and 'hat earns you income.
  • 8/12/2019 Aspects of Life - The Eating God Star (Intelligence, Same)


    That/s me 0isiting John ennon/s memorial in Central Par%1 $or Photos of a "al% in

    Stra"#erry $ields! clic% HE2E

    The &est )uality Eating God Star of the in(entor, architect, artist or entertainer, is 'hen theirinno(ati(e creations 'in them legendary, iconic stardom status. $e it artistry, acting, singing,

    entertainment, a tool or a &uilding, the good )uality Eating God creations 'ill last intoperpetuity. *e 'ill remem&er the person long after their life has passed.

    #magine the 'orld 'ithout, Thomas Edisonand the light #-l#, ,r0ille &rightand the

    air.lane,Henry $ordand the Model T.Michelangeloand the Sistine Cha.el,-d"ig 0an

    Beetho0enand 3th Sym.hony, Ste0e Jo#sand A..le#nc. And, #+AG#E John ennon/s

    a&ility to touch millions of people across nations, 'ith a song.

    #f you put the )ualities of in(entor, strategist, deep thinker and the meticulous tinkerer, you cansee the great in(entions and creations of our time. Their &iographies 'ill often sho' (arious

    aspects of the Eating God attri&utes.

    The Eating God Star is a#o-t longe0ity as de.icted in Michelangelo/s master.ieces in the

    Sistine Cha.el

    The Eating God Star is the consummate day-dreamer and eccentric. #n &est cases, they &ring

    their dreams to life. ou can see they are highly analytical and o&/ecti(e in the mind. As 'ell ase0tremely meticulous and uni)uely imaginati(e. They can generate 'ealth &ecause they ha(e

    original ideas and can inno(ate &eyond the norm. #n &usiness they are interested in opportunities
  • 8/12/2019 Aspects of Life - The Eating God Star (Intelligence, Same)


    that 'ill last, not /ust the )uick fi0 and immediate gratification. #t is their capacity to e0press

    their thought and ideas in the concrete form that makes them stand out.

    Ste0e Jo#s and A..le! a modern day Eating God +nno0ator "ith Strong 2eso-rce Star

    After all, 'hat makes a person a&le to create a masterpiece that resonates 'ith the soul1 2r,

    mastermind an in(ention that changes society and peoples li(es fore(er1 This is 'hy a strong

    Eating God Star is e0treme in some 'ay and a tad eccentric. *hat they ha(e to offer the 'orld is

    &eyond dreams and the ordinary.

    #t re)uires someone 'ho can go in'ard, someone 'ho can connect to the hearts of masses of

    peoples soul and spirit and then translate that into an o&/ect of creation.

    The Eating God displays a gentle personality, reser(ed, intro(erted and in'ard-looking. They aregenerally non-confrontational, good listeners 'ho are patient and understanding in nature.

    This star gi(es a superior appreciation of aesthetics, a lo(e for &eautiful things and &eautiful

    people. They are classy, cultured, pleasure-centric, and (alue the finer things in life.

    There 'ill &e a flair for the romantic and poetic emotionalism that is in tune 'ith their inner

    sel(es. #t is their capa&ility to e0press those thoughts and feelings in the 'ritten 'ord, the artisticcreation or the scientific &reakthrough that makes them stand out. "ence, you ha(e the Einstein,

    the $eetho(en, the +ichelangelo.

    The )uality or strength of the Eating God Staris greatly determine &y the &alance of elementsin the entire $a%i &irth chart and the persons !ay +aster. Each !ay +aster 'ill e0press adifferent )uality of Eating God Star 3a topic for a future &log4.

    The Eating God Star is the one star that is important for income generation. *hen 'e see this

    Star, 'e 'ant to see a good )uality 2eso-rce Star15esource is the star of kno'ledge and

    thinking. The 5esource Star is 'hat feeds you, makes you comforta&le in your skin, a&le tostudy, retain kno'ledge and use your intelligence. #t gi(es su&stance to the Eating God Star.
  • 8/12/2019 Aspects of Life - The Eating God Star (Intelligence, Same)


    Ste(e Jo&s $a%i chart is an e0ample 'ith good )uality Eating God Star supported &y strong


    Yang fire yang earth (I) wood yin (R -)Dragon tiger goat

    This is a chart of an Eating God Personality

    *ithout kno'ledge the 2utput Star is not good )uality. After all, 'hat can you create if you are

    not making use of your intelligence and 'isdom1 #f the 5esource is there, the 2uput Star 'ill

    sho' its positi(e traits.

    The Eating God Star that reaches the status of the figures listed a&o(e 'ill often sho' e0tremes

    in their personalities. # call this a side effect. *hen a good )uality Eating God star is in the natal

    chart or sho's up in a year or 67 year luck cycle, people 'ill 'ant to e0press themsel(es and

    gi(e &irth to something, like a ne' pro/ect or a ne' /o&. 8or 'omen it may &e gi(ing &irth. TheEating God star inspires one to create.

    Too strong or 'eak and 'ithout control, the Eating God 'ill drain the person and e0hi&it its

    negati(e )ualities. *hen the Eating God star is im&alanced, you 'ill find an aimless

    daydreamer, di(orced from reality. The eccentricity is e0treme, as is o(er-thinking, ultra-orthodo0 &eha(ior. They 'ill o(er-complicate pro&lems, &e dogmatic and cant face reality or

    gro' up, preferring to li(e in a fantasy 'orld. "ence, the classicPeter Pan

    syndrome. #m&alanced, they are impractical perfectionists, mean-spirited, pedantic and hairsplitters.

    A good !estiny Analyst 'ill look for solutions to im&alances as the &irth chart represents only

    69: of a persons life. 8eng Shui and personal decision-making play a large role in the other ;9:s

    of a persons life. A solution lies some'here in this trinity of ones luck factors. 2ften, the firststep is to recogni