asme sec xi int vol 45

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code SECTION XI INTERPRETATIONS Volume 45 The Interpretations to the Code will be issued twice a year (July and December) up to the publication of the 2001 Edition of the Code.The Interpretations for each individual Sectionare published separately and are part of the update service to that Section; Interpretations of Section 111, Divisions 1 and 2, are part of the update service to Section Ill, Subsection NCA. Interpretations Volumes 36 through 41 were included with the update service to the 1995 Edition of theCode; Volume 42 is the first Interpretations volume to be included with the update service to the1998Edition. Section Vol. 42 VOl. 43 Vol. 44 VOl. 45 Vol. 46 VOl. 47 I Il-A 11-6 11-c 11-D Ill-NCA 111-3 IV V VI VI1 VIII-1 Vlll-2 Vlll-3 IX X XI 7/98 7/98 ... 7/98 ... 7/98 7/98 ... ... 7/98 7/98 7/98 7/98 ... ... 12/98 ... .. .. ... 12/98 12/98 12/98 ... ... ... 12/98 12/98 12/98 12/98 12/98 ... 7/99 7/99 ... ... ... 7I99 7I99 7199 ... *.. ... 7/99 7/99 7/99 7/99 ... 12 199 12 199 ... 12/99 12/99 ... ... .. ... 12/99 12/99 12/99 12/99 ... ... Copyright 0 1999 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All RightsReserved QOI I19 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services

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Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45


Page 1: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code SECTION XI


The Interpretations to the Code will be issued twice a year (July and December) up to the publication of the 2001 Edition of the Code. The Interpretations for each individual Section are published separately and are part of the update service to that Section; Interpretations of Section 111, Divisions 1 and 2, are part of the update service to Section I l l , Subsection NCA.

Interpretations Volumes 36 through 41 were included with the update service to the 1995 Edition of the Code; Volume 42 is the first Interpretations volume to be included with the update service to the 1998 Edition.

Section Vol. 42 VOl. 43 Vol. 44 VOl. 45 Vol. 46 VOl. 47 I Il-A 11-6 11-c 11-D Ill-NCA 111-3 IV V VI VI1 VIII-1 Vlll-2 Vlll-3 IX X XI

7/98 7/98 . . .

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7/98 7/98



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12/98 . . .

7/99 7/99 . . . . . . . . . 7 I99

7 I99 7 199

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* . . . . .

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12 199 12 199

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All Rights Reserved


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 2: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45


Replies to Technical Inquiries January 1,1999 through June 30,1999


General Information This publication includes all written interpretations issued between the indicated dates by the ASME

Staff on behalf of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in response to inquiries concerning interpretations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. A contents is also included which lists subjects specific to the interpretations covered in the individual volume.

These interpretations are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In some instances, a review of the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised interpretation is presented bearing the original Interpretation Number with the suffix R and the original file number with an asterisk. Following these revised interpretations, new interpretations and revisions to them issued during the indicated dates are assigned Interpretation Numbers in chronological order. Interpretations applying to more than one Code Section appear with the interpretations for each affected Section.

ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. As stated in the Statement of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.

Each interpretation applies to the Edition and Addenda stated in the interpretation, or if none is stated, to the Edition and Addenda in effect on the date of issuance of the interpretation. Subsequent revisions to the Code may supersede the interpretation.

For detailed instructions on preparation of technical inquiries to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, refer to Appendix V in Division 1, Appendix 111 in Division 2, and Appendix VI in Division 3.

Subject and Numerical Indexes Subject and numerical indexes have been prepared to assist the user in locating interpretations by

subject matter or by location in the Code. They cover interpretations issued from Volume 12 up to and including the present volume, and will be updated with each volume.

39 1

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Page 3: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subject - Code Case N-416, Alternative Pressure Test Requirement for Welded Repairs or

Installation of Replacement Items by Welding, Class 1, 2, and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IWA-4540(c), Pressure Testing of Class 1, 2, and 3 Items (1995 Addenda Through

the 1999 Addenda) ........................................................ IWA4700, Heat Exchanger Tubing; IWA-5120, System Pressure Tests for Repair/

Replacement Activities (1992 Edition With the 1992 Addenda) .................. IWA-7OOO (lWA4000 after the 1991 Addenda), RepairAteplacernent Activities; IWB-

2200, Preservice Examination; Table WB-2500-1. Examination Category B- M-2, Item B12.50, Valve Body-Exceeding N P S 4 (1977 Edition With the Summer 1978 Addenda Through the 1998 Edition) ....................................

IWA-7OOO (IWA-4000 after the 1991 Addenda), RepaidReplacement Activities (1977 Edition With the Summer 1978 Addenda Through the 1998 Edition) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IWB/C/DiEP-2420, Successive Inspections (1989 Edition) ......................... IWB/c/D/EIF-2420, Successive Inspections (1989 Edition) ......................... IWB-4232.2(d), Additional Essential Variables; IWB-4232.4, Performance

Qualification (1989 Edition) ................................................ . IWC-2200(b)(l), Preservice Examination (1983 Edition Through the 1998 Edition) .... Nomandatory Appendix J, Article J-3OO0, Preservice Inspection After Disassembly

and Reassembly of Component Supports (Article J-4O00, 1991 Addenda Through the 1995 Edition; Article J-3OO0, 1995 Addenda Through the 1998 Edition) ...........

Table WE-2500-1, Category E-G, Pressure Retaining Bolting, Item E8.10 and Footnote (4) (1989 Edition with the 1991 Addenda Through the 1995 Edition With the 1997 Addenda) ...................................................






XI-1-98-44 XI-1-98-49 XI-1-98-46

XI-1-98-53 XI-1-98-50



File No.





IN98-020 IN98-008 IN98-027

IN99-0 15 IN99-009




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Page 4: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Section XI - Interpretations No. 45 XI-1-98-43, XI-1-98-44, XI-1-98-45

Interpretation: XI-1-98-43

Subject: IWA-7000 (MA-4OOO after the 1991 Addenda), RepairReplacement Activities; IWB- 2200, Reservice Examination; Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-M-2, Item B12.50, Valve Body-Exceeding NPS 4 (1977 Edition With the Summer 1978 Addenda Through the 1998 Edition)

Date Issued: March 5 , 1999

File: IN98-018

Question: In accordance with IWA-4OOO and IWA-7000 (as it applies to the stated applicability), and IWB-2200, is a preservice VT-3 examination per Category B-M-2, Item B12.50, required after replacement of valve-internal pressure boundary items?

Reply: No. Refer to Interpretation XI-1-86-20.

Interpretation: XI-1-98-44

Subject: IWA-7000 (IWA-4OOO after the 1991 Addenda), RepaidReplacement Activities (1977 Edition With the Summer 1978 Addenda Through the 1998 Edition)

Date Issued: March 5 , 1999

File: IN98-020

Question: Does IWA-7000 (IWA-4OOO after the 1991 Addenda) permit the Owner to revise the Design Specification and Design Report for an item?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: XI-1-98-45

Subject: Table IWE-2500-1, Category E-G, Pressure Retaining Bolting, Item E8.10 and Footnote (4) (1989 Edition with the 1991 Addenda Through the 1995 Edition With the 1997 Addenda)

Date Issued March 16, 1999

File: IN98-022

Question: Is it a requirement of Table NE-2500-1, Category E-G, Pressure Retaining Bolting, Item E8.10 that a visual, VT-1 examination be performed on a bolted connection when it is disassembled if a visual, VT-1 examination has already been performed during the inspection interval on the bolted connection with the bolting in place under tension, as permitted by Footnote (4)?

Reply: No.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 5: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

XI-1-98-46, XI-1-98-47 Section XI - Interpretations No. 45

Interpretation: XI-1-98-46

Subject: IWB/C/D/E/F-2420, Successive Inspections (1989 Edition)

Date Issued: March 5, 1999

File: IN98-027

Question: When establishing a successive inspection interval IS1 program, is it a requirement of IWB/C/D/E/F-2420(a) to follow the selection and sequencing of component examinations from the first inspection interval if it is not practical, giving consideration to differences in Section XI Code criteria?

Reply: No. It is the Owner’s responsibility to determine what is practical.

Interpretation: XI-1-98-47

Subject: Nonmandatory Appendix J, Article 5-3000, heservice Inspection After Disassembly and Reassembly of Component Supports (Article 5-4000, 1991 Addenda Through the 1995 Edition; Article J-3000, 1995 Addenda Through the 1998 Edition)

Date Issued: May 24, 1999

File: IN99-003

Question: Does support disassembly and reassembly exclusively to perform maintenance on another component require a new, preservice, VT-3-type visual examination prior to returning the system to service?

Reply: No,


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Page 6: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Section XI - Interpretations No. 45 XI-1-98-48

Interpretation: XI-1-98-48

Subject: Code Case N-416, Alternative Pressure Test Requirement for Welded Repairs or Installation of Replacement Items by Welding, Class 1, 2, and 3

Date Issued May 24, 1999

File: IN99-004

Question (1): Is it a requirement of Section XI that a reconciliation concerning NDE requirements and acceptance criteria between two Codes, (e.g., B31.7-1969 and ASME Section III, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda) be performed by a Level III for the applicable examination method?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): Is it a requirement of Section XI that the reconciliation of an NDE procedure between two Codes (e.g., B31.7-1969 to ASME Section III,1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda) for requirements and acceptance criteria, be performed by a Level 111 for the applicable examination method?

Reply (2): No.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 7: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

XI-1-98-49, XI-1-98-50 Section XI - Interpretations No. 45

Interpretation: Xl-1-98-49

Subject: IWB/C/D/ER-2420, Successive Inspections (1989 Edition)

Date Issued: March 5, 1999

File: IN98-008

Question (1): If a component was examined and: (1) an indication was detected, (2) it was acceptable for continued service based on a flaw evaluation in accordance with IWB-3132.3 (3132.4 in earlier Editions), (3) it has been examined three (3) successive periods in accordance with IWB- 2420(b), and (4) the indication remains essentially unchanged, is the component acceptable for continued service without additional analyses?

Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): If the component described in Question (1) is examined subsequent to the three successive examinations required by IWB-2420(b) and the indication remains essentially unchanged, is the component acceptable for continued service without successive examinations as required by IWB- 2420(b), or without additional analyses?

Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): If a component was examined and: (1) an indication was detected, (2) it was acceptable for continued service based on a flaw evaluation in accordance with IWC-3122.3 (3122.4 in earlier Editions), (3) it has been examined in the next inspection per id in accordance with IWC- 2420(b), and (4) the indication remains essentially unchanged, is the component acceptable for continued service without additional analyses?

Reply (3): Yes.

Question (4): If the component described in Question (3) is examined subsequent to the examination in the next inspection period required by IWC-2420(b) and the indication remains essentially unchanged, is the component acceptable for continued service without successive examinations as required by IWC- 2420(b), or without additional analyses?

Reply (4): Yes.

Interpretation: Xl-1-98-50

Subject: IWC-2200(b)(l), Preservice Examination (1983 Edition Through the 1998 Edition)

Date Issued: May 24, 1999

File: IN99-009

Question: Is it a requirement of IWC-2200(b)(l), in the case of vessels only, that the preservice examination is performed after the hydrostatic test required by ASME Section III has been completed?

Reply: Yes.


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Page 8: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Section XI - Interpretations No. 45 XI-1-98-51, XI-1-98-52

Interpretation: XI-1-98-51

Subject: IWA-4540(c), Pressure Testing of Class 1, 2, and 3 Items (1995 Addenda Through the 1999 Addenda)

Date Issued: May 24, 1999

File: IN99-011

Question: Does IWA-4540(c) require a pressure test when installation of the item@) does not involve any replacement pressure-retaining items?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: XI-1-98-52

Subject: IWA-4700, Heat Exchanger Tubing; IWA-5120, System Pressure Tests for Repair/ Replacement Activities (1992 Edition With the 1992 Addenda)

Date Issued May 24, 1999

File: IN99-013

Question: Is it a requirement of IWA-4700 and IWA-5120 that when the area of a repair/ replacement activity that is required to be pressure tested and is not isolable within a portion of a system, that the entire system be subjected to a VT-2 examination?

Reply: No.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 9: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

XI-1-98-53 Section XI - Interpretations No. 45

Interpretation: XI-1-98-53

Subject: IWB-4232.2(d), Additional Essential Variables; IWB-4232.4, Performance Qualification (1989 Edition)

Date Issued: May 24, 1999

File: IN99-0 15

Question (1): For the performance qualification of welding operators as required by IWB-4232.4, is it permissible to qualify the welding operator for a tube plug using the minimum ligament requirement of IWB-4232.2(d) and use that single performance qualification for both triangular and square pitch tubesheet configurations as long as the minimum ligament criteria and all essential variables of IWB- 4232.4 are met?

Reply (1): No, however this was revised in the 1997 Addenda.

Question (2): For the performance qualification of welding operators as required by IWB-4232.4, is it permissible to qualify the welding operator for a tubesheet plug using the minimum ligament requirement of IWB-4232.2(d) and use that single performance qualification for both tube and tubesheet plug configurations as long as the minimum ligament criteria and all essential variables of IWB-4232.4 are met?

Reply (2): No, however this was revised in the 1997 Addenda.


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Page 10: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45



Subsection I M k IMA-5200 IMA-52 10

Subsection IMB Table IMB-2500-1

IMB-5000 IMB-5100

Subsection IMC IMC-2500

Subsection IMF IMF-1500 IMF-2500

Subsection IWA IWA-1200

IWA-1310 IWA-1320



IWA-2 1 00


IWA-2130 IWA-2200 IWA-2210

IWA-22 12 IWA-22 13 I WA-22 1 4 IWA-2222 IWA-2232


XI-3-89-02 XI-3-89-02

XI-3-89-01 XI-1-98-21 XI-3-89-01 XI-3-86-01


XI-3-83-01 XI-3-83-01

XI-1 -86-07 XI-1 -98-03 XI-1 -83-78 XI-1 -83-44 XI-1-83-77 XI-1-83-78 XI-1 -95-56 XI-1 -89-64 XI-1 -89-648 XI-1 -92-02 XI-1 -98-04 XI-1-83-71 XI-1 -83-71 R XI-1 -86-22 XI-1 -98-25 XI-1 -83-48 XI-1 -86-64 XI-1 -98-05 XI-1-83-79 XI-1 -89-02 XI-1-98-06 XI-1 -98-24 XI-1 -98-06 XI-1 -95-27 XI-1 -83-69 XI-1-83-64 XI-1 -83-29 XI-1 -83-31 XI-1 -83-84 XI-1 -86-71 XI-1 -86-72

' File No. -

IN86-024B IN86-024B

IN86-024C lN97-026 IN86-024C IN86-024A


BC81-330 BC81-330

BC85-481 IN96425 BC84-682 BC83-448 BC84-603 BC84-682 lN96-022 IN89-017B IN89-0178* IN91 -01 2 lN97-029 BC80-583 BC80-583* IN86-010 lN98-003 BC84-177 IN87-028A lN97-027 BC84-684 IN88-001 lN97-034 lN97-032 lN97-034 IN94-006A BC84-616 BC84-562 BC82-050 BC82-630 BC83-654 IN87405A lN87-0058

Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

Page No. -

21 1 21 1

1 69 375 169 153

1 69

11 11

94 3 62

76 50 76 76

346 231 241 242 3 63

71 90

108 377

52 147 363

77 165 364 377 364 314

69 60 32 33 80

156 156


IWA-2240 IWA-2300

IWA-2300(a) IWA-2300(a)(l)


IWA-2300(e) IWA-2300(d)


IWA-2312 IWA-2321

IWA-2324 IWA-2325

IWA-2330 IWA-2400

IWA-2410 IWA-2430(d) IWA-2600

I WA-3 1 00


XI-1 -89-09 XI-1-89-1 3 XI-1 -89-49 XI-1 -86-28 XI-1 -83-1 6 XI-1 -83-1 8 XI-1 -83-23 XI-1 -83-24 XI-1 -83-29 XI-1 -83-40 XI-1-83-40R XI-1 -83-45 XI-1 -83-63 XI-1 -83-82 XI-1 -86-40 XI-1 -86-56 XI-1 -86-66 XI-1 -89-06 XI-1 -89-26 XI-1 -92-39 XI-1 -92-42 XI-1 -92-70 XI-1 -95-38 XI-1 -95-68 XI-1 -95-58 XI-1 -95-67 XI-1 -98-24 XI-1 -86-1 6 XI-1 -86-1 9 XI-1 -86-73 XI-1 -92-28 XI-1 -86-1 9 XI-1 -83-01 XI-1 -83-36 XI-1 -95-61 XI-1 -98-23 XI-1 -95-61 XI-1 -98-07 XI-1 -98-37 XI-1 -92-54 XI-1 -92-54 XI-1 -92-70 XI-1-95-61 XI-1-86-54 XI-1-89-58 XI-1 -83-41 XI-1 -92-57 XI-1 -92-06 XI-1 -95-05 XI-1 -89-1 6

File No. -

lN87-019 IN89405 IN90-013 lN86-008 BC82-775 BC83-060 BC83-056 BC83-178 BC82-050 BC84-043 BC84-043' BC83-535 BC84-3 10 BC83-176 BC85-571 lN86-028 IN87-015 IN88-006 BC80-231* 1N92-032 lN92-030 lN93-022 IN95-019 lN95-024 lN96-027 IN96-013 lN97-032 BC85-142 BC85-071 lN87-029 IN92-019 BC85-071 BC80-582 BC83-585 lN95-022 lN97-030 IN95-022 1N97-031 lN98-029 IN93-015 IN93-015 lN93-022 lN95-022 IN87-001 lN90-025 BC84-064 lN93-002 IN91 -01 9 lN93-035 IN89-001 B

Page NO.

168 176 21 7 111 20 21 29 29 32 42 67 50 60 78

123 137 153 167 194 267 268 293 330 351 347 351 377 105 106 157 257 1 06

5 40

348 376 348 364 388 276 276 2 93 348 136 228

43 282 244 301 178



COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 11: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Location Interpretation

Subsection IWA (Cont'd) XI-1 -89-45

IWA-3200 XI-1-92-38 IWA-3300 XI-1 -98-1 1 IWA-3350 XI-1 -98-1 1 Fig. IWA-3350-1 XI-1 -98-1 1

Fig. IWA-3360-1 XI-1-98-1 1 IWA-3360 XI-1 -98-1 1

IWA-3400 XI-1 -86-52 XI-1 -86-5213

IWA-3410 XI-1 -83-1 7 I WA-4000 XI-1 -83-1 0

XI-1 -83-1 3 XI-1 -83-28 XI-1-83-28R XI-1 -83-50 XI-1 -83-501 XI-1 -83-65 XI-1 -83-66 XI-1-86-13R XI-1-86-36 XI-1 -86-41 XI-1 -86-44 XI-1 -86-47 XI-1 -86-4413 XI-1 -86-59 XI-1 -86-55 XI-1-86-55R XI-1 -89-28 XI-1-89-30 XI-1 -89-40 XI-1 -89-56 XI-1 -89-64 XI-1 -89-64R XI-1-92-21 XI-1 -92-3 1 XI-1 -92-68 XI-1 -95-09 XI-1 -95-1 4 XI-1 -98-20 XI-1 -98-20R XI-1 -98-27 XI-1 -98-43 X I 4 -98-44

I WA-4100 XI-81 -1 1 R XI-1-83-26 XI-1-83-26R XI-1 -98-08 XI-1 -98-29 XI-1 -98-29R

IWA-4120 XI-1 -83-40 XI-1-83-40R XI-1-83-57 XI-1 -86-38 XI-1 -92-32 XI-1 -92-60

IWA-4130 XI-1-83-57 X I 4 -92-06

IWA-4150 XI-1 -95-01 IWA-4170 XI-1-95-29 IWA-4200 XI-1 -83-57

XI-1 -92-35 XI-1-92-35R

File No. -

IN90-006 1N92-03 1 IN97-001 IN97-001 IN97-001 IN97-001 IN97-001 BC85-524 BC85-524* BC82-597 BC82-277 BC82-407 BC83-344 BC83-344* BC84-175 BC84-175* BC84-647 BC84-652 BC85-111* lN86-021 lN86-005 IN86-015 lN86-0258 IN86-015* BC85-550 lN87-002 lN87-002* lN89-021 IN89-011 IN89-017A lN90-022 IN89-0178 IN89-0178' IN92-009B IN91 -01 8 lN94-005 lN94-014 lN93-029 1N97-025 lN97-025* lN97-035 IN98-018 lN98-020 BC81-369* BC83-244 BC83-244* lN97-021 1N97-02 1 A IN97-021A* BC84-043 BC84-043' BC84-392 BC85-141 IN91-031 1N93-024 BC84-392 IN91 -01 9 lN93-003 IN95-001 B BC84-392 lN92-023 lN92-023*

Page No. -

209 266 366 366 366 366 366 135 187 20 17 18 31

185 54 68 61 61

225 121 124 126 127 1 44 145 137 153 195 2 02 207 227 23 1 241 254 2 63 292 302 304 3 75 375 378 395 395 87 30 87

3 65 378 379 42 67 57

122 263 2 83

57 244 299 315 57

265 2 89


IWA-4210 IWA-4220



IWA-43 10 IWA-4330 IWA-4400



IWA-4422 IWA-4500

IWA-454O(c) IWA-4600


IWA-4710 IWA-5000

IWA-5 1 1 0 IWA-5120



XI-1 -89-01 XI-1-95-57 XI-1 -95-57R XI-1-95-57 XI-1 -95-57R XI-1 -83-43 XI-1-83-55 XI-1-83-81 XI-1 -89-01 XI-1 -92-08 XI-1 -92-59 XI-1-95-29 XI-1-83-83 XI-1-89-35 XI-1 -83-05 XI-1-83-28 XI-1 -83-34 XI-1 -83-35 XI-1 -83-37 XI-1 -83-37R2 XI-1-83-54R XI-1 -83-58 XI-1-86-25 XI-1 -86-75 XI-1 -89-1 8 XI-1 -89-1 9 XI-1 -83-35R XI-1 -89-31 XI-1-83-35R XI-1 -83-58 XI-1 -86-35 XI-1 -95-60 XI-1-86-51 XI-1-95-29 XI-1-98-51 XI-1 -83-26 XI-1-83-26R XI-1 -83-54R X I 4 -83-85 XI-1-83-86 XI-1 -83-8613 XI-1 -86-51 XI-1 -92-65 XI-1 -98-42 XI-1-95-50 XI-1 -98-52 XI-1 -95-48 XI-1 -83-05 XI-1 -83-54 XI-1 -86-35 XI-1-89-08 XI-1 -89-1 8 XI-1 -95-37 XI-1 -95-54 XI-1 -95-50 XI-1-95-50 XI-1-98-52 XI-1-83-35 XI-1 -86-1 3

Table IWA-5210-1 XI-1 -83-70 XI-1 -83-7013 XI-1 -92-1 9

IWA-5211 XI-1-83-19

File No. -

lN87-036 lN96-023 lN96-023 lN96-023 lN96-023 BC84-179 BC84-322 BC84-687 lN87-036 IN91 -024 lN93-023 IN95-001 B BC83-179 lN89-006 BC82-425 BC83-344 BC83-587 BC83-588 BC82-425 BC82-425** BC84-321* BC84-422 BC85-528 1N87-032 lN86-031 lN88-009 BC83-588' lN89-023 BC83-588* BC84-422 IN86-019 IN95-018 lN86-027 IN95-001 B IN99-011 BC83-244 BC83-244* BC84-321* BC84-683 BC85-113A BC85-113A* IN86-027 IN94-001 lN98-008 lN96-012 IN99-013 IN95-007A BC82-425 BC84-321 IN86-019 IN87-018 lN86-031 IN95-015 lN96-003 lN96-012 IN96-012 IN99-013 BC83-588 BC85-111 BC84-198 BC84-198* lN92-005 BC82-607

Page No.

165 347 359 347 359 44 56 78

165 245 2 82 31 5

79 2 04

7 31 39 40 41

185 186 57

110 158 188 188 67

203 67 57

120 348 129 31 5 399 30 87

186 81 82

1 02 129 290 390 339 399 338

7 55

120 168 188 329 346 339 339 399 40

1 04 70

201 253 27


Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 12: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

IWA-5212 IWA-52 13 IWA-52 14




IWA-5241 IWA-5242

IWA-5243 IWA-5244



Location Interpretation

Subsection IWA (Cont'd) XI-1 -83-34 XI-1-83-49 XI-1 -83-63 XI-1 -83-70 XI-1 -83-70R XI-1 -86-03 XI-1 -86-03R XI-1 -86-1 3R XI-1 -86-34 XI-1 -86-53 XI-1 -89-1 5 XI-1-89-33 XI-1 -92-04 XI-1 -92-1 8 XI-1-92-23 XI-1 -86-46 XI-1 -86-46 XI-1 -83-63 XI-1 -83-63R XI-1 -83-70 XI-1 -83-70R XI-1-86-1 3R XI-1-86-27 XI-1-86-27R XI-1-86-29 XI-1 -86-29R XI-1 -89-08 XI-1 -89-37 XI-1 -89-42 XI-1 -89-52 XI-1 -92-30 XI-1 -95-48 XI-1 -95-66 XI-1-95-52 XI-1 -98-03 XI-1 -89-45 XI-1 -95-50 XI-1 -83-67 XI-1 -89-54 XI-1 -83-63 XI-1 -92-34 XI-1 -98-06 XI-1 -92-64 XI-1 -89-39 XI-1 -89-39R XI-1-92-64 XI-1 -92-47 XI-1 -92-64 XI-1-95-41 XI-1 -83-1 9 XI-1 -92-52 XI-1 -89-64 XI-1 -89-6412 XI-1 -92-01 XI-1 -92-03 XI-1-92-1 9 XI-1 -92-31 XI-1 -92-48 XI-1 -92-64 XI-1 -98-39 XI-1 -89-74 XI-1 -92-1 0

File No. -

BC83-587 BC82-776 BC84-3 10 BC84-198 BC84-198* BC83-112 BC83-112* BC85-111* IN86-0176 IN86-017A IN88-002A IN88-017 IN91 -009 lN92-003 IN86-017B lN86-023 lN86-023 BC84-3 1 0 BC84-31 O* BC84-198 BC84-198* BC85-111* lN86-007 lN86-007* lN86-009 lN86-009* IN87-018 IN88-002C IN90-001 lN88-0026 IN92-015 IN95-007A IN95-0076 lN95-021 lN96-025 IN90-006 IN96-012 BC82-606 IN90-0186 BC84-310 lN92-020 lN97-034 lN93-038 IN89-013A IN89-013A* lN93-038 lN92-046 lN93-038 IN95-016 BC82-607 lN93-005 IN89-0178 IN89-0178* IN90-023 IN91 -01 7 lN92-005 IN91 -01 8 IN93-001 lN93-038 lN97-033 IN91 -008 IN91 -029

Page No. -

39 53 60 70

201 92

1 03 225

136 178 203 243 253 255 127 127 60

101 70

201 225 111 187 112 143 168 205 208 219 258 338 350 345 3 62 209 339

62 226

60 264 364 290 206 289 290 274 290 335

27 276 231 241 242 242 253 263 2 74 290 388 235 246

i 20




IWA-5300 IWA-5350 IWA-6000


IWA-6300 IWA-7000

IWA-7120 IWA-7121 IWA-7210


XI-1 -83-49 XI-1 -83-49R XI-1 -86-75 XI-1 -89-54 XI-1 -89-66 XI-1 -95-07 XI-1 -92-51 XI-1 -86-1 4 XI-1 -86-1 4R XI-1 -89-64 XI-1 -89-64R XI-1 -92-02 XI-1 -83-03 XI-1 -83-08 XI-1 -83-1 5 XI-1 -89-48 XI-1 -83-28 XI-1 -83-28R XI-1-83-38 XI-1 -83-42 XI-1-83-46 XI-1 -83-47 XI-1 -83-50 XI-1 -83-50R XI-1 -83-52 XI-1 -83-54 XI-1 -83-65 XI-1 -83-66 XI-1 -86-1 3R XI-1 -86-44 XI-1 -86-44R XI-1 -86-47 XI-1 -86-55 XI-1 -86-55R XI-1 -86-58 XI-1 -86-65 XI-1-89-22 XI-1 -89-40 XI-1 -89-56 XI-1 -89-64 XI-1 -89-648 XI-1 -92-31 XI-1 -95-09 XI-1 -95-1 3 XI-1 -89-34 XI-1-83-83 XI-1 -83-20 XI-1 -83-21 XI-1 -83-21 R XI-1 -83-40 XI-1 -83-40R XI-1 -83-72 XI-1 -86-08 XI-1 -86-1 2 XI-1 -86-59 XI-1 -89-07 XI-1 -89-20 XI-1 -89-24 XI-1 -89-29 XI-1 -89-34 XI-1 -89-46 XI-1 -89-4612 XI-1 -89-68

File No. -

BC82-776 BC82-776* lN87-032 lN90-0188 IN90-018A IN94-011 IN93-011 BC85-112 BC85-112' IN89-0176 IN89-0178* IN91-012 BC82406 BC82-523 BC82-610 IN90-011 8'33-344 BC83-344* 6'34-1 22 BC84-123 BC83-595 BC84-197 BC84-175 BC84-175* BC83-625 BC84-321 BC84-647 BC84-652 BC85-111* IN86-015 IN86-015* lN86-0256 lN87-002 lN87-002* IN87-010 lN87-031 lN89-009 IN89-017A lN90-022 IN89-0178 IN89-0178* IN91 -01 8 lN94-014 IN93-0276 IN89-012 BC83-179 BC82-430 BC82-434 BC82-434* BC84-043 BC84-043* BC81-568A BC81-568B BC85-098 BC85-550 IN88-011 IN88-014 lN89-014 lN89-008 lN89-012 IN90-008 IN90-008* IN90-015

Page No.

53 89

158 226 232 301 275 104 118 231 241 242

6 9

19 21 7 31

1 85 41 43 51 52 54 68 55 55 61 61

225 126 144 127 137 153 138 148 191 207 227 231 241 2 63 302 304 204

79 27 28

117 42 67 72 94

103 145 167 189 193 202 204 210 225 232


Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 13: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Location Interpretation

Subsection IWA (Cont'd) IWA-72 1 O(C)



I WA-73 1 0 IWA-7320 IWA-7330




Subsection IWB IWB-l220(a)



IWB-2200(a) IWB-220O(c)

IWB-2410 IWB-2412

Table IWB-2412-1

IWB-2420(b) IWB-2420


XI-1 -86-1 8 XI-1-86-38 XI-1 -86-3812 XI-1 -86-39 XI-1 -86-39R XI-1 -89-41 XI-1-92-1 5 XI-1-95-02 XI-1 -83-72 XI-1 -86-03 XI-1 -86-03R XI-1 -86-08 XI-1 -83-50R XI-1 -83-72 XI-1-83-02 XI-1-83-46 XI-1 -83-72 XI-1-89-24 XI-1-83-37 XI-1 -83-37FQ XI-1 -83-54R X I4 -89-36 X I 4 -92-27 X I 4 -98-34 XI-1-83-26 XI-1-83-83 XI-1-83-85 XI-1-83-86 XI-1 -83-86R XI-1 -86-65 XI-1 -89-04 XI-1 -92-32 XI-1 -92-44 XI-1 -92-66 XI-1-83-38 XI-1 -86-68 XI-1-83-37 XI-1-86-51 XI-1-89-36

XI-1 -92-40 XI-1 -92-45 XI-1 -86-45 XI-1 -98-09 XI-1 -86-20 XI-1 -86-50 XI-1 -89-63 XI-1 -98-43 XI-1 -86-24 XI-1 -83-71 X I 4 -95-1 1 XI-1 -95-1 0 XI-1 -86-74 XI-1 -95-55 XI-1-92-12 XI-1 -98-46 XI-1 -98-49 XI-1-92-24 X I 4 -95-42 XI-1 -98-41 XI-1 -92-61

File No. -

BC85-254 BC85-141 BC85-141* BC85-525C BC85-525C' lN89-025 IN91-040 lN93-026 BC81-568A BC83-112 BC83-112; BC81-5686 BC84-175* BC81-568A BC81-476 BC83-595 BC81-568A IN89-014 BC82-425 BC82-425** BC84-321* lN89-024 IN92-016 IN98-011 BC83-244 BC83-179 BC84-683 BC85-113A BC85-113A* lN87-031 lN88-004 IN91-031 IN91-0316 lN93-041 BC84-122 lN87-024 BC82-425 lN86-027 lN89-024

IN92-022A lN92-022B lN86-020 IN97-018 lN86-006 IN86-026C IN90-034 lN98-018 BC85-526 BC80-583 lN94-024 lN94-023 IN86-003A IN96-019 IN91 -025 lN98-027 lN99-008 IN91-014 lN96-002 lN98-007 IN93-027A

Page No. -

106 122 143 123 1 44 207 252 299

72 92

1 03 94 68 72 6

51 72

1 93 41

1 85 186 205 257 386 30 79 81 82

1 02 148 166 2 63 2 73 291 41

154 41

129 205

267 273 126 365 107 128 230 395 1 09 71

303 3 03 157 346 251 396 398 255 335 389 2 83


IWB-2500 Fig. IWB-2500-6 Fig. IWB-2500-7 Fig. IWB-2500-8

Fig. IWB-2500-13

Fig. IWB-2500-14 Fig. IWB-2500-15

Table IWB-2412-1 Table IWB-2500-1

Table IWB-2600-1



XI-1 -95-1 3 XI-1-98-10 XI-1 -92-40 XI-1 -95-44 XI-1 -86-71 XI-1 -83-75 XI-1 -89-49 XI-1-83-75 XI-1 -89-2 1 XI-1 -89-27 XI-1-89-21 XI-1 -89-21 XI-1-89-27 XI-1 -98-40 XI-1 -95-1 1 XI-1-83-1 1 XI-1 -83-1 2 XI-1 -83-33 XI-1 -83-39 XI-1 -83-40R XI-1 -83-51 XI-1 -83-56 XI-1 -83-69 XI-1 -83-76 XI-1 -86-04 XI-1 -86-1 0 XI-1 -86-20 XI-1-86-21 R XI-1 -86-24 XI-1 -86-34 XI-1 -86-45 XI-1 -86-62 XI-1 -86-71 XI-1-86-74 XI-1-89-1 1 XI-1 -89-1 4 XI-1 -89-21 XI-1-89-27 XI-1 -89-33 XI-1 -89-43 XI-1 -89-49 XI-1 -89-50 XI-1 -92-05 XI-1 -92-09 XI-1 -92-12 XI-1 -92-1 3 XI-1-92-23 XI-1-92-43 XI-1 -92-46 XI-1 -92-56 XI-1-95-28 XI-1 -95-27 XI-1 -9544 XI-1 -95-65 XI-1 -98-1 6 XI-1-98-1 7 XI-1-98-22 XI-1 -98-43 XI-1-83-51 XI-1 -86-1 0 XI-1 -86-07 XI-1 -86-52R XI-1 -89-67

File - No.

IN93-027B IN93-027C IN92-022A IN96-008 IN87-005A BC83-055 IN90-013 BC83-055 IN89-004A IN89-004C IN89-004A IN89-004A IN89-004C lN98-002 lN94-024 BC82-304 BC82-230 BC83-589 BC83-527 BC84-043; BC83-240 BC84-388 BC84-616 BC84-390 BC83-438 BC84-393 lN86-006 lN86-004* BC85-526 IN86-0178 lN86-020 lN86-032 IN87-005A IN86-003A IN88-016 IN86-0036 IN89-004A IN89-004C IN88-017 IN90-003 IN90-013 IN90-014 IN91 -01 6 lN91-027 lN91-025 lN91-026 IN86-0178 lN92-033 lN92-043 lN93-013 IN94-0066 I N94-006A lN96-008 IN97-01 OA IN97-0106 IN97-017 lN97-028 IN98-01 8 BC83-240 BC84-393 BC85-481 BC85-524* IN89-017C

Page - No.

304 365 267 336 156 75

217 75

190 195 190 190 195 389 303

17 18 39 42 67 54 56 69 75 92 95

107 186 109 120 126 146 156 157 175 176 190 195 2 03 208 217 218 243 245 251 251 255 268 2 74 281 31 5 314 336 350 368 368 376 395 54 95 94

187 232

Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 14: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Location Interpretation

Subsection IWB (Conr'd)

IWB-3112 IWB-3132.3 IWB-3142 IWB-3144 IWB-3200 IWB-3461 Table IWB-3410-1 IWB-3500

Table IWB-3510-1 IWB-3512 IWB-3514.2 Table IWB-3514-2

IWB-3517.1 IWB-3521 IWB-3600 iWB-4000


IWB-4230 IWB-4232.2(d) lWB-4232.4 IWB-4300 IWB-4340




IWB-5210 IWB-5222

Subsection IWC IWC-1200 iwc-1220


IWC-2000 IWC-2 100 iwc-2200

IWC-2200(b)(l) iwc-2410 IWC-2411 IWC-2412 Table IWC-2412-1 IWC-2420

Xi-1 -92-1 9 XI-1 -92-35 XI-1-92-35R XI-1 -86-37 XI-1 -98-49 XI-1 -86-62 Xi-1 -86-62 XI-1 -95-42 XI-1 -95-49 Xi-1 -92-24 Xi-1 -83-29 XI-1 -86-52 XI-1 -86-52R XI-1 -83-06 Xi-1 -83-32 Xi-1-92-58 XI-1 -83-07 XI-1 -98-40 XI-1 -89-45 Xi-1-98-1 1 XI-1 -83-29 XI-1 -86-41 Xi-1 -92-21 Xi-1 -89-70 XI-1 -89-701 XI-1 -95-33 Xi-1 -98-53 Xi-1-98-53 XI-1 -92-32 XI-1 -83-09 Xi-1 -83-09R Xi-1 -83-41 XI-1 -83-41 R XI-1 -89-08 XI-1 -95-54 XI-1 -86-34 Xi-1-92-23 XI-1-83-25 Xi-1 -89-74

XI-1 -83-271 XI-1 -83-27 XI-1 -86-43 XI-1-86-43R XI-1 -89-53 XI-1-89-61 Xi-1 -95-1 7 XI-1 -86-05 XI-1 -86-42 Xi-1 -95-03 XI-1 -86-57 XI-1 -86-22 XI-1 -89-42 XI-1 -95-47 Xi-1-98-42 XI-1 -98-50 XI-1 -95-1 0 XI-1 -83-68 XI-1 -86-74 XI-1 -95-1 1 XI-1 -98-46

File No. -

IN92405 lN92-023 lN92-023* lN86-022 lN99-008 lN86-032 lN86-032 lN96-002 IN96-010 IN91 -01 4 BC82-050 BC85-524 BC85-524* BC82-428 BC82-437 lN93-021 BC82-429 iN98-002 iN90-006 iN97-001 BC82-050 lN86-005 IN92-0096 IN91-005 IN91-005 IN94431 IN99-015 IN99-015 IN91-031 BC82-604 BC82-604* BC84-064 BC84-064* IN87-018 IN96403 iN86-0176 iN86-0176 BC83-2 19 IN91-008

BC83-437* BC83-437 iN86-012 IN86-012* IN90-019 IN90-032 iN95-017 BC84-686 IN86-011 lN93-042 lN87-007 iN86-010 IN90-001 IN96-016 IN98-008 iN99-009 lN94-023 BC83-441 IN86-003A lN94-024 lN98-027

Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

Page No. -

253 2 65 289 121 398 146 146 335 339 255 32

135 187

8 33

282 8

389 209 366 32

124 254 233 351 322 400 400 263

9 10 43 88

168 346 120 255

30 235

88 31

125 125 21 9 229 368

93 124 300 138 108 208 337 390 398 303

62 157 303 396


iWC-Z420(b) iwc-2430


Table IWC-2500-1

Fig. IWC-2500-5 IWC-2520 Table IWC-2520

Table IWC-2600-1


IWC-3 1 12 iwc-3122.3 iwc-3200 IWC-3500 Table IWC-3510-1 IWC-4000 IWC-5000

IWC-52 1 0

IWC-52 1 O(a) iwc-5222


XI-1 -98-49 Xi-1 -83-04 XI-1 -92-24 XI-1 -95-06 Xi-1 -95-42 XI-1 -98-41 XI-1 -92-61 Xi-1 -95-1 3 XI-1 -83-39 XI-1 -83-40R XI-1-83-51 Xi-1 -83-53 Xi-1 -83-69 XI-1 -83-80 XI-1 -83-80R XI-1 -86-57 Xi-1 -86-74 XI-1 -89-2 1 XI-1 -89-30 XI-1 -89-43 XI-1 -89-51 Xi-1 -89-53 XI-1 -89-57 XI-1 -89-58 XI-1 -89-61 XI-1 -89-75 XI-1 -92-05 XI-1 -92-47 Xi-1 -92-62 Xi-1 -98-36 XI-1 -95-63 XI-1 -95-1 3 XI-1-89-38 XI-1 -83-27 Xi-1-83-51 XI-1 -83-68 Xi-1 -83-51 XI-1 -83-68 XI-1 -83-68R XI-1 -89-67 XI-1 -92-1 9 XI-1 -92-24 Xi-1 -92-35 XI-1 -92-35R XI-1 -86-37 XI-1 -98-49 XI-1 -95-42 XI-1-95-35 XI-1 -95-1 1 XI-1 -86-27R Xi-1 -86-32 XI-1 -89-08 Xi-1 -92-34 xi-1 -95-54 XI-1 -83-25 XI-1-92-1 8 XI-1 -92-62 Xi-1 -83-67 XI-1 -86-09 XI-1 -89-30 Xi-1 -89-66 XI-1 -89-74 XI-1 -95-1 3

File No. -

iN99-008 BC82-427 IN91 -01 4 iN94-002A iN96-002 lN98-007 IN93-027A iN93-0276 BC83-527 BC84-043* BC83-240 BC83-656 BC84-616 BC84-685 BC84-685* lN87-007 IN86-003A iN89-004A IN89-011 iN90-003 IN90-017 IN90-019 iN90-024 lN90-025 iN90-032 IN91 -01 0 IN91 -01 6 lN92-046 iN93-030 lN98-025 iN97-012 lN97-007 IN89-007 BC83-437 BC83-240 BC83-441 BC83-240 BC83-441 BC83-441* IN89-017C iN92-005 iN91-014 lN92-023 lN92-023* lN86-022 lN99-008 lN96-002 lN96-007 IN97-001 lN86-007* BC85-5258 IN87-018 lN92-020 lN96-003 BC83-219 lN92-003 lN93-030 BC82-606 BC84-391 IN 89-01 1 IN90-018A IN91 -008 lN97-007

Page No. - 398

7 255 301 335 389 283 304 42 67 54 55 69 77

241 138 157 190 202 208 21 8 219 227 228 229 235 243 2 74 284 387 349 3 67 206

31 54 62 54 62

101 232 253 255 265 2 89 121 398 335 329 366 187 119 168 2 64 346 30

253 284

62 94

2 02 232 235 3 67


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 15: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Location Interpretation

Subsection IWC (Conrd) IWC-5223 IWC-5240 IWC-7000

Subsection IWD IWD-1220 IWD-2000 IWD-1220 IWD-2410 Table IWD-2412-2 IWD-2420

Table IWD-2500-1

IWD-2600 IWD-2620 IWD-3000

IWD-3500 IWD-4000 IWD-5000

IWD-5210 IWD-5223

IWD-5246 IWD-7000

Subsection IWE IWE


Table IWE-2500-1


IWE-3519.3 IWE-5221 IWE-5246

Subsection IWF IWF

XI-1 -83-67 XI-1-95-13 XI-1-86-27R

XI-1 -89-47 XI-1 -86-67 XI-1-95-1 7 XI-1 -95-1 0 XI-1-95-1 1 XI-1 -98-46 XI-1 -98-49 XI-1 -83408 XI-1 -83-69 XI-1 -86-1 5 XI-1 -86-1 5R XI-1-86-69 XI-1 -89-43 XI-1 -89-58 XI-1 -89-75 XI-1 -92-05 XI-1 -95-36 XI-1 -95-1 3 XI-1 -98-32 XI-1-83-27 XI-1 -89-47 XI-1 -89-67 XI-1 -92-1 9 XI-1-92-35 XI-1-92-35R XI-1-95-36 XI-1-95-35 XI-1 -86-2712 XI-1 -86-32 XI-1 -89-08 XI-1 -92-34 XI-1 -92-1 8 XI-1 -83-67 XI-1 -89-66 XI-I -89-74 XI-1 -95-1 3 XI-1-86-27R

XI-1-95-14 XI-1 -98-30 XI-1 -98-49 XI-1 -98-46 XI-1 -86-70 XI-1 -89-43 XI-1-92-33 XI-1 -98-24 XI-1 -98-35 XI-1 -98-45 XI-1 -98-1 4 XI-1-98-27 XI-1-92-33 XI-1-95-34 XI-1 -95-1 5

XI-1 -86-02

File No. -

BC82-606 lN97-007 lN86-007*

IN90-009 lN87-022 IN95-017 lN94-023 lN94-024 lN98-027 lN99-008 BC84-043* BC84-616 BC85-130 BC85-130' lN87-008 IN90-003 lN90-025 IN91 -01 0 IN91 -01 6 IN94-012 lN97-007 IN98-014 BC83-437 IN90-009 IN89-017C lN92-005 IN92-023 lN92-023* IN94-012 lN96-007 IN86-007* BC85-525B IN87-018 lN92-020 lN92-003 BC82-606 IN90-018A IN91 -008 lN97-007 lN86-007*

lN97-022 lN97-036 lN99-008 lN98-027 IN87-011 IN90-003 IN91-043 lN97-032 IN98-015 lN98-022 lN97-022 lN97-035 IN91 -043 lN95-009 IN97-015


Page No. -

62 3 67 187

210 154 3 68 303 3 03 396 398 67 69

105 135 155 208 228 235 243 329 367 3 86 31

210 232 253 2 65 289 329 329 187 119 168 264 253

62 232 235 367 187

367 385 398 396 155 208 264 377 387 395 367 380 2 64 323 367



IWF-1100 IWF-1300

IWF-2000 IWF-2200

IWF-241O(b) IWF-2420(a)

IWF-2430 IWF-2420(b)


Table IWF-2500-1

Table IWF-2500-2 IWF-2510

Table IWF-251O(b) IWF-3000


Subsection IWL IWL-2 100 IWL-2200

Subsection IWP IWP

IWP-3 1 00 IWP-3210 IWP-3500 IWP-4110 Table IWP-4110-1



XI-1 -86-1 1 XI-1-86-1 7 XI-1 -86-50 XI-1 -83-30 XI-1 -89-69 XI-1 -92-20 XI-1-92-22 XI-1 -92-29 XI-1-92-55 XI-1 -86-48 XI-1 -89-44 XI-1 -95-1 0 XI-1 -98-46 XI-1 -86-30R X I 4 -86-30 XI-1 -86-30R XI-1-89-60 XI-1 -95-30 XI-1 -95-32 XI-1 -83-1213 XI-1-83-12R-2 XI-1 -89-59 XI-1-83-12 XI-1 -83-1 2R XI-1-83-12R-2 XI-1 -89-69 XI-1 -86-48 XI-1-83-12 XI-1-83-12R XI-1 -83-1 2R-2 XI-1-86-26 XI-1 -86-49 XI-1 -86-69 XI-1 -89-47 XI-1 -89-61 XI-1-89-72 XI-1 -86-63 XI-1-86-30 XI-1 -86-301 XI-1 -89-60 XI-1 -89-67 XI-1-92-35 XI-1 -92-3513 XI-1 -92-55 XI-1-89-28

XI-1-95-05 XI-1 -95-64 XI-1-98-26 XI-1-98-31

XI-82-06R XI-1 -83-08 XI-1-86-21 R XI-1-92-63 XI-1 -92-63 XI-1 -92-63 XI-1 -89-55 XI-1 -89-55 XI-1 -92-1 4 XI-1-86-33

File No. -

BC85-253A BC85-253B IN86-026C BC82-522 IN90-027 IN92-006B IN92-010 IN92-006A IN93-016 IN86-026A IN90-004 lN94-023 lN98-027 lN86-013* IN86-013 IN86-013* lN90-029 IN95-004A lN95-0048 BC82-230* BC82-230** lN90-026 BC82-230 BC82-230* BC82-230** IN90-027 IN86-026A BC82-230 BC82-230* BC82-230** lN86-002 IN86-026B lN87-008 IN90-009 1N90-032 lN90-035 lN87-004 IN86-013 lN86-013* lN90-029 IN89-017C lN92-023 lN92-023* IN93-016 lN89-021

lN97-027 1N97-014 IN97-013 lN98-004

BC82-340* BC82-523 lN86-004* lN93-036 lN93-036 lN93-036 IN90-021 IN90-021 IN91 -037 BC85-529B

Page No.

96 1 05 128 32

233 254 254 257 281 127 209 303 396 32 1 112 32 1 229 31 6 322 49 49

228 18 49 49

233 127

18 49 49

110 128 155 210 229 234 147 112 32 1 229 232 2 65 2 89 281 195


363 349 377 385

5 9

186 284 2 84 2 84 226 226 251 119

Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 16: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Location Interpretation

Subsection IWP (Cont'd)

Subsection IWV IWV

IWV-1000 IWV-1100


IWV-1300 IWV-2200 IWV-3200

IWV-3300 IWV-3400 IWV-3410


IWV-3413 IWV-3420 IWV-3426 IWV-3427 Table IWV-3510-1 IWV-3511 IWV-35 1 2

IWV-3514 IWV-3520


Subsection IWX IWX-2100 IWX-2500

Table IWX-2500-1 IWX-3 100 IWX-4000

Appendix I I 1-2000

1-2220 1-2300 1-442 1 1-4422 1-4430 1-4450 1-7000

XI-1 -89-55

XI-82-06R XI-1 -83-08 XI-1 -83-59 XI-1 -86-21 R XI-1-89-36 XI-1-89-71 XI-1 -89-71 R XI-1 -83-59 XI-1 -83-59R XI-1 -83-1 7 XI-1 -83-62 XI-1 -83-1 4 XI-1 -86-60 XI-1 -92-1 6 XI-1 -92-50 XI-1 -89-1 0 XI-1 -86-60 XI-1 -83-1 7 XI-1-92-41 XI-1 -92-41 R XI-1 -83-74 XI-1 -89-10 XI-1 -92-50 XI-1 -89-1 0 XI-1 -83-62 XI-1-83-61 XI-1 -83-60 XI-1 -89-25 XI-1 -89-25 XI-1 -89-65 XI-1 -92-37 XI-1 -98-28 XI-1 -89-65 XI-1-92-41 XI-1-92-41 R XI-1 -83-73 XI-1 -86-01

XI-1 -83-75 XI-1-83-75 XI-1 -86-52 XI-1-86-52R XI-1 -86-52R XI-1 -92-59 XI-1 -86-21 XI-1 -95-25

XI-1 -89-62 XI-1-89-12 XI-1 -89-1 3 XI-1 -95-24 XI-1 -95-24 XI-1-83-22 XI-1-83-22 XI-1 -83-22 XI-1 -83-22 XI-1 -83-22

File No. -


BC82-340' BC82-523 BC83-439 lN86-004' lN89-024 lN90-036 lN90-036* BC83-439 BC83-439* BC82-597 BC84-178 BC82-626 IN86-001 IN91 -045 lN92-041 IN88-015 IN86-001 BC82-597 IN92-025A IN92-025A* BC82-752 IN88-015 lN92-041 IN88-015 BC84-178 BC84-176 BC84-095 IN89-019 IN89-019 IN90-002 lN92-027 IN98-017 IN90-002 IN92-025A IN92-025A' BC82-665A BC82-6656

BC83-055 BC83-055 BC85-524 BC85-524* BC85-524* lN93-023 lN86-004 IN95-001

lN90-033 IN89-001A lN89-005 lN94-026 lN94-026 BC80-567 BC80-567 BC80-567 BC80-567 BC80-567

Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

Page No. Location -


5 9

58 186 205 234 281

58 90 20 59 19

145 2 52 275 169 145 20

268 273

74 169 275 1 69 59 59 58

193 193 231 266 378 231 268 273

73 91

75 75

135 187 187 2 82 107 313

230 175 176 313 31 3 28 28 28 28 28

Appendix II Form NIS-2

Appendix 111 111

111-1 100 111-3230

111-331 0 111-3320 111-3330 Ill-3400

Ill-3410 111-3430

111-441 0 111-4420 111-4430


Appendix IV IV-2300 IV-3000 IV-4000

Appendix VI1 Vll-3300


Vll-431 O(a)

VII-431 O(b) Vll-4323


Supplement 1, 9

Appendix Vlll VIII-1 lOO(c) Vlll-2100 Vlll-3100


XI-1 -92-07

XI-1 -89-49 XI-1 -92-58 XI-1 -86-61 XI-1 -89-1 1 XI-1 -89-1 7 XI-1 -89-21 XI-1 -89-23 XI-1 -89-05 XI-1 -92-1 7 XI-1 -92-1 7 XI-1 -89-1 1 XI-1 -89-1 1 XI-1 -86-28 XI-1 -95-62 XI-1 -95-1 9 XI-1 -95-1 8 XI-1 -89-23 XI-1 -89-1 1 XI-1 -89-21 XI-1 -89-23 XI-1 -83-84

XI-1 -92-67 XI-1 -92-67 XI-1 -92-67

XI-1 -92-42 XI-1 -92-53 XI-1-95-31 XI-1 -92-1 1 XI-1 -95-40 XI-1 -95-22

XI-1 -95-23 XI-1-92-69 XI-1 -98-23 XI-1 -92-53 XI-1 -98-23 XI-1 -95-08

XI-1 -92-49 XI-1 -92-39 XI-1 -95-04 XI-1 -92-09 XI-1-98-33

Supplement 4, 1.1 XI-1 -92-36 Supplement 6, 1.1 XI-1-92-36 Vlll-4000 XI-1 -95-21

Nonmandatory Appendix J Article 1-3000 XI-1 -98-47

Code Cases N-98 XI-1 -89-09 N-308 XI-1 -83-02

XI-1 -83-47 N-408 XI-1 -89-03

File No. -


IN90-013 lN93-021 lN86-030 lN88-016 IN89-004B IN89-004A IN89-010 lN88-005 IN92-001 IN92-001 IN88-016 IN89-001 A lN86-008 lN97-006 IN97-006A lN97-023 IN89-010 IN89-016 IN89-004A IN89-010 BC83-654

lN94-004 lN94-004 lN94-004

lN92-030 lN93-007 lN95-008 IN91-035 lN96-005 IN94-016 lN94-022 IN94-019 lN94-007 lN97-030 lN93-007 lN97-030 IN94-015

lN93-006 lN92-032 lN94-009 IN91 -027 lN95-025 lN92-026 lN92-026 IN94-013 lN94-025


lN87-019 BC81-476 BC84-197 lN88-003

Page No. -


21 7 2 82 146 175 179 190 192 167 252 252 175 175 111 349 369 369 1 92 175 190 192 80

291 291 291

268 276 321 246 330 312

31 2 292 376 2 76 376 302

275 267 300 245 386 2 65 265 312


168 6

52 166


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 17: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Location Interpretation

Code Cases (Conrd) XI-1 -95-03

N-416 XJ-1-92-25 XI4 -95-1 2 XI-1 -98-48

N-416-1 XI-1 -95-37 XI-1-95-45 XI-1-95-01

N-458 XI-1 -95-1 5 N-460 XI-1 -89-32

File No. -

lN93-042 iN92-012 lN94-028 lN99-004 IN95-015 lN96-009 lN97-008 lN93-019 lN89-026

Page No. -

300 256 304 397 329 336 360 309 2 03


N-481 N-498

N-504-1 N-509 N-517 N-524 N-557


XI-1 -95-43 Xi-1-92-26 XI-1-92-25 XI-1-92-26 XI-1-98-38 XI-1-95-39 XI-1 -95-02 XI-1 -95-46 XI-1 -95-59 XI-1 -95-53

File No. -

lN96-004 lN92-014 IN92-012 IN92-014 lN97-024 IN96-001 lN95-023 IN96-018 lN97-005 IN96-017

Page No.

336 256 256 256 3 88 330 3 62 337 348 345


Cumulative Index - Interpretations Vols. 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 18: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45




lntemretation Acceptance Criteria allowable flaws ................................................... XI-1 -98-1 1 applicable code ................................................... XI-1 -83-75

XI-1 -86-37 XI-1 -89-1 6

Class 1 . reactor vessel ferritic material .............................. XI-1 -83-06 constructed to 631.7. .............................................. XI-1 -83-07 definition of flaw depth ............................................. XI-1 -83-32 fabrication defects - additional examinations .......................... XI-1-83-04 flaw evaluation ................................................... XI-1 -86-52

XI-1 -86-52R XI-1 -95-49 XI-1 -98-20

flaw evaluation - Section XI in lieu of construction code ................ XI-1 -92-35

indications outside examination area .................................. XI-1 -86-52

leakage .......................................................... XI-1-92-1 9 leakage collection ................................................. XI-1-95-41 not specified ..................................................... XI-1 -89-45



Applicability alternative weld repair . removal cavity .............................. XI-1-95-25

XI-1 -95-29 corrective measures . of new bolting ................................ XI-1-92-01 fabrication of replacements ......................................... XI-1 -83-72 flaws detected outside of an inservice examination ...................... XI-1 -89-67 installation requirements ............................................ XI-1-83-85 instrument tubing ................................................. XI-1 -83-52 leakage . not found during a system pressure test ...................... XI-1 -92-03 material removal process . considered as thermal ...................... XI-1-95-60 material removal process . nonwelded ............................... XI-1 -89-70 material removal process . nonwelded ............................... XI-1 -89-70R metal removal to prepare surface for NDE ............................. XI-1 -89-56 owner ..................... , ........................ , ............ XI-1 -83-83 preventive maintenance ............................................ XI-1 -89-1 9 redundant canopy seal ............................................. XI-1 -89-1 9 repair program . installing replacements .............................. XI-1-83-42 repair/replacement activities . off site ................................ XI-1 -95-09

repair subsequent to N-Stamping . prior to N.3 ........................ XI-1 -83-1 0

shot peening ..................................................... XI-1-89-73 small items . replacement of ....................................... XI-1-92-60

through wall leakage .......................... , .................... XI-1-89-64 use of AIA for installing replacements ................................. XI-1 -83-38

XI-1 -98-44

XI-1 -83-46

storage tank . examination ......................................... XI-1-89-51

Brazing .......................................................... XI-1 -86-47 procedures and personnel ........................................... XI-1 -83-85

XI-1 -83-86

File No .

IN97-001 BC83-055 lN86-022 IN89-001 B BC82-428 BC82-429 BC82-437 BC82-427 BC85-524 BC85-524* IN9641 0

lN92-023 lN97-025

lN92-023* BC85-524 BC85-524* lN92-005 IN95-016 IN90-006

IN95-001 IN95-0016 lN90-023 BC81-568A IN89-017C BC84-683 BC83-625 IN91 -01 7 IN-95-01 8 IN91 -005 IN91 -005 lN90-022 BC83-179 lN88-009 IN88-009 BC84-123 IN94-014 lN98-020 BC82-277 BC83-595 IN91-006 lN93-024 IN90-017 IN89-0176 BC84-122

lN86-0258 BC84-683 BC85-113A

Page No . 366

75 121 178

8 8

33 7

135 187 339 375 265 2 89 135 187 253 335 209

313 315 242

72 232

81 55

242 348 233 351 227

79 188 188 43

302 395

17 51

234 283 218 231


127 81 82

Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 19: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subject Interpretation Brazing (Cont'd)

Repair/Replacement Program ........................................ XI-1-86-23

Calibration angle beam ...................................................... XI-1 -89-1 1 confirmation - period of use ....................................... XI-1 -89-05 demonstration of equivalence ....................................... XI-1 -86-28

electronic memory ................................................ XI-1 -92-1 7 interim check ..................................................... XI-1 -89-62 of gages ......................................................... XI-1 -83-49 series of test ...................................................... XI-1 -83-49 standard ......................................................... XI-1 -86-28

Calibration Blocks different specification .............................................. XI-1-86-61 material ......................................................... XI-1 -86-72 notch reflectors ................................................... XI-1 -89-09 reactor vessel ..................................................... XI-1 -86-71 reflectors ........................................................ XI-1 -95-62 reflectors-alternative layout ........................................ XI-1 -98-1 9 side drilled holes .................................................. XI-1-89-1 1 ultrasonic examination ............................................. XI-1 -89-1 2 V path .......................................................... XI-1-89-21

Classification of Systems exclusion of components ........................................... XI-1 -95-56 high pressure safety injection ........................................ XI-1-86-42 instrument tubing ................................................. XI-1-83-78 penetrates the containment .......................................... XI-1-83-44 piping - visual examination ........................................ XI-1-86-67

Component Supports additional examinations ............................................ XI-1 -95-32 associated supports ................................................ XI-1 -86-49

coiled wire rope device ............................................ XI-1-92-55 corrective measures - additional examinations ......................... XI-1 -86-1 7

examination requirements - exemptions .............................. XI-1 -83-27

integral attachments ............................................... XI-1-89-47

Interfaces ........................................................ XI-1-92-29 integrally attached ................................................. XI-1 -86-69

integrity by analyses ............................................... XI-1 -86-30

multiple components ............................................... XI-1-86-26

not constructed to Section 111 ........................................ XI-1 -83-30 preservice examination ............................................. XI-1 -86-48



XI-1 -86-50


X I 4 -92-22

XI-1 -89-59


XI-1 -86-30R

XI-1 -86-63

X I 4 -86-50 XI-1 -89-44

removal of insulation .............................................. XI-1-89-69

Repair/Replacement Program ........................................ XI-1-86-23 repair - requirements ............................................. XI-1-89-28 representative sample .............................................. XI-1 -89-72 scopeexpansion .................................................. XI-1-89-60 selection of supports for examination ................................. XI-1 -83-1 2


XI-1 -83-1 2R XI-1 -83-1 2R-2

File No .

BC85-113AL BC85-525D

IN88-016 lN88-005 lN86-008 lN86-030 IN92-001 lN90-033 BC82-776 BC82-776 IN86-008

lN86-030 IN87-005B IN87-019 lN87-005 lN97-006 IN97-006A IN88-016 IN89-001A IN89-004A

lN96-022 IN86-011 BC84-682 BC83-448 IN87-022

IN95-004B lN86-026B IN86-026C IN93-016 BC85-2538 IN95-004A BC83-437 IN92-010 IN90-009 lN90-026 IN92-006A lN87-008 IN97-026 lN86-013 lN86-013* lN86-002 lN87-004 BC82-522 IN86-026A IN86-026C IN90-004 lN90-027 IN92-006B BC85-525D IN89-021 lN90-035 lN90-029 BC82-230 BC82-230* BC82-230**

Page No .

1 02 108

175 167 111 146 252 230

53 53


146 156 168 156 349 369 175 175 190

346 124 76 50


322 128 128 281 105 31 6 31

254 210 228 257 155 3 75 112 32 1 110 147 32

127 128 209 233 254 108 195 234 229

18 49 49

Cj) Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 20: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subiect Interpretation File No . Page No . Component Supports (Cont'd)

XI-1 -86-48 XI-1 -86-49 XI-1 -86-63 XI-1 -89-61

Construction Code hydrostatic test .................................................... XI-1 -83-83

XI-1 -86-22 XI-1-86-52R

material manufacturers and suppliers ................................. XI-1 -83-50R

reconciliation ..................................................... XI-1-89-41 repair activities - removal cavity .................................... XI-1 -95-25

repairheplacement - design requirements ............................ XI-1 -95-01 replacement of Section 111 components ................................ XI-1-89-68 replacement pressure vessel ......................................... XI-1 -89-46

surface examination - acceptance criteria ............................. XI-1-86-52 use of later editions of ............................................. XI-1-86-12

XI-1 -89-24

XI-1 -95-29

XI-1 -89-46R

XI-1 -86-38R XI-1 -86-3912 XI-1 -86-44R XI-1 -89-20

use of later editions of - stamping ................................... XI-1-83-21 R

welding requirements .............................................. XI-1-86-51 XI-1 -86-44R

Documentation (see Records and Reports)

Hydrostatic Test (see also System Pressure Test) after a repair ..................................................... XI-1-83-66

XI-1 -86-75 XI-1-89-18

after a replacement ................................................ XI-1 -83-54

alternative test .................................................... XI-1 -86-25

core criticality .................................................... XI-1-86-53 elevated temperatures .............................................. XI-1 -86-34 exempt from ..................................................... XI-1-83-34 fabricated spool piece - Construction Code ........................... XI-1 -86-58 impractical ....................................................... XI-1 -86-25 induction stress improvement ........................................ XI-1 -83-71 inspection interval extension ........................................ XI-1 -89-58 nonwelded modification ............................................ XI-1 -86-03R NPS 1 and smaller - component connected to ......................... XI-1-86-35 open ended portions of systems ...................................... XI-1 -89-30 piping, pumps, and valves - preservice ............................... XI-1 -86-22 pressurization pressure factors ....................................... XI-1 -86-32 removal of a seal weld ............................................. XI-1 -83-28R repair to a flange .................................................. XI-1 -89-31 requirements ..................................................... XI-1 -83-37R2

static head considerations ........................................... XI-1 -89-54

system pneumatic test in lieu of ...................................... XI-1-92-04

testpressure ...................................................... XI-1-83-67

test pressure - gage accuracies ...................................... XI-1 -89-74 test temperature ................................................... XI-1 -92-23 through-wall leakage ............................................... XI-1-89-40

XI-1 -83-66

XI-1 -92-30


XI-1 -89-66

XI-1 -92-1 8

XI-1 -92-23

IN86-026A lN86-0268 lN87-004 IN90-032

BC83-179 IN86-010 BC85-524* BC84-175* lN89-014 lN89-025 IN95-001 IN95-001 B lN93-003 I N90-015 IN90-008 IN90-008* BC85-524 BC85-098 BC85-141* BC85-525C* IN86-015* IN88-014 BC82-434' lN86-015* lN86-027

BC84-652 lN87-032 lN86-031 BC84-321 BC84-652 BC85-528 IN92-015 IN86-017A IN86-0178 BC83-587 IN87-010 BC85-528 BC80-583 IN90-025 BC83-112* lN86-019 IN89-011 IN86-010 BC85-5258 BC83-344 1N89-023 BC82-425** BC84-321* IN90-0188 IN90-018A IN91 -009 lN92-003 BC82-606 IN86-0178 I N9 1 -008 IN86-0178 IN89-017A

127 128 147 229

79 108 187 68

193 207 313 31 5 299 232 210 225 135 103 143 144 144 189 117 144 129

61 158 188

55 61

110 258 136 120 39

138 110 71

228 103 120 202 108 119 185 203 185 186 226 232 243 253

62 255 235 255 207

Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 21: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subject Interpretation

Hydrostatic Test (Cont'd) when performed . order ........................................... XI-1 -89-63

Inservice Inspection Summary Report additional examinations . similar components ......................... XI-1 -95-1 3 additional examinations-within system ............................... XI-1-98-10 authorized nuclear inservice inspector ................................ XI-1-98-05

pressure retaining components and their supports ....................... XI-1 -83-03 pumps and valves ................................................. XI-1 -83-08 when performing preservice inspection ................................ XI-1 -83-1 5


Inspection Interval deferral of required examinations ..................................... extended or decreased ............................................. extended or decreased ............................................. extension of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hydrostatic test - interval extension .................................. inspection completion percentages - calculation of ..................... multiple components - NDE ....................................... scheduling requirements - applied by ................................ successive inspections ..............................................

support examinations . percentage requirements ....................... visual examination . multiple stream ................................. volumetric examination - successive .................................

XI-1-95-65 XI-1 -92-57 XI-1 -95-55 XI-1 -86-54 XI-1 -89-58 XI-1 -95-1 1 XI-1 -86-26 XI-1 -86-74 XI-1 -98-46 XI-1 -98-49 XI-1 -95-1 0 XI-1 -83-6812 XI-1 -89-50

Instrument Tubing ................................................. XI-1 -83-52 XI-1-83-77 XI-1 -83-86 XI-1-83-86R

Liquid Metal Cooled Plants inspection of inaccessible welds ..................................... XI-3-83-01 preservice system leakage test ....................................... XI-3-89-02 system leakage monitoring .......................................... XI-3-86-01

Material Manufacturer or Material Supplier qualification of ................................................... XI-1 -83-50

Quality Assurance Program . update ................................. XI-1 -86-44R

Metric Versus Customary ........................................... XI-1 -86-76

X I 4 -86-55R

Nondestructive Examination (see also Ultrasonic. Visual. and Volumetric Examinations) examination of dissimilar metal welds ................................. XI-1 -89-57 induction stress improvement ........................................ XI-1-83-71 items NPS 1 and smaller ............................................ XI-1-83-86

XI-1 -83-8613 XI-1 -86-45

for installation welds ............................................... XI-1-86-51 liquid penetrant comparator blocks ................................... XI-1 -83-64 longitudinal welds ................................................. XI-1 -83-51 magnetic particle - material used for ................................. XI-1-95-23 multiple stream - pressure retaining bolting ........................... XI-1-83-68R multiple stream - pressure retaining nozzle weld ....................... XI-1-83-53 nonferromagnetic steam generator heat exchanger tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1-92-67 of emergency core cooling systems ................................... XI-1 -92-45 of pipe lugs ...................................................... XI-1 -89-38 performance demonstration - thermal fatigue crack ..................... XI-1 -92-49 piping - pressure retaining welds .................................... XI-1-86-57 reactor vessel ..................................................... XI-1-86-71 requirements ..................................................... XI-1-83-85

File No .


lN93-0278 IN97-027C lN97-027 lN98-003 BC82-406 BC82-523 BC82-610

IN96-019 lN93-002 lN96-019 IN87-001 lN90-025 lN94-024 lN86-002 IN86-003A IN98-027 lN99-008 lN94-023 BC83-441* IN90-014

BC83-625 BC84-603 BC85-113A BC85-113A1

BC81-330 lN86-0248 IN86-024A

BC84-175 lN87-002* IN86-015*


lN90-024 BC80-583 BC85-113A BC85-113A* lN86-020 lN86-027 BC84-562 BC83-240 IN94-019 BC83-441* BC83-656 lN94-004 lN92-0228 IN89407 lN93-006 lN87-007 IN87-005A BC84-683

Page No .


304 365 363 377

6 9


346 282 346 136 228 303 110 157 396 398 303 101 218

55 76 82

1 02

11 211 159

54 153 144


227 71 82

102 126 129 60 54

312 101 55

291 273 206 275 138 156 81

( 1 ) Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 22: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subject Interpretation Nondestructive Examination (Cont'd) surface . flaw evaluation .......................................... XI-1 -86-52

XI-1 -86-52R XI-1 -95-42

use of one examination to satisfy two Categories ........................ XI-1 -83-33

Nonpressure Retaining Welds sealwelds ........................................................ XI-1 -83-28R

Nonwelded Work maintenance . requirements ........................................ XI-1-86-21

mechanical tube plugging ........................................... XI-1 -86-41

modification - hydrostatic test ...................................... XI-1 -86-0312 pressure retaining material . requirements ............................ XI-1-86-21

repair program .................................................... XI-1-83-42 replacement . documentation ...................................... XI-1 -86-1 4R sleeving of heat exchanger tubes ..................................... XI-1-92-32 sleeving of steam generator tubes .................................... XI-1 -86-41 use of an AIA ..................................................... XI-1 -83-1 3

XI-1 -86-21 R

XI-1 -92-44

XI-1 -86-2 1 R

XI-1 -83-38

NPS 1 and Smaller connected to a valve . hydrostatic test ............................... XI-1 -83-58

drilling .......................................................... XI-1-98-34 exempted . pressure test .................... , ...................... XI-1-83-85R

heat exchanger tube plugging ....................................... XI-1 -92-44 heat exchanger tube . sleeving ..................................... XI-1 -92-32 items . exempted from ............................................ XI-1 -83-86


XI-1 -83-83

XI-1 -83-86R XI-1 -86-45 XI-1 -92-66

piping, valves. and fittings . exemptions .............................. XI-1-83-26 XI-1 -83-26R XI-1 -89-04 XI-1 -92-68

piping, valves, and fittings . supports for ............................. XI-1 -86-65 valve replacements . exemptions .................................... XI-1-89-36

Piping component connected to NPS 4 and smaller . NDE .................... XI-1-86-43R multiloop system . inspection ...................................... XI-1-86-15R NDE . installation welds ........................................... XI-1-86-51 pressure retaining welds . NDE ..................................... XI-1-86-57

pressure retaining welds-selection criteria ............................ XI-1 -98-1 7 supports . examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -86-49

XI-1 -86-63 supports . exempted .............................................. XI-1 -86-65 supports . multiloop system ........................................ XI-1-86-63 system . visual inspection ......................................... XI-1 -86-67

XI-1 -92-56

Preservice Examination ............................................. XI-1 -86-24 after a hydrostatic test .............................................. XI-1 -98-50 component supports ............................................... XI-1 -86-48

edition of Section V ............................................... XI-1-89-02 exemptions - gasket replacements ................................... XI-1 -89-36

integrally cast steam generator nozzle ................................. XI-1 -86-71



File No . Paee No .

BC85-524 BC85-524' IN96-002 BC83-589


IN86404 IN86-004* lN86-005 IN91 -031 B BC83-112* I N86-004 lN89-004* BC84-123 BC85-112* IN91 -031 lN86-005 BC82-407 BC84-122

BC84-422 IN86-019 IN98-011 BC83-588* BC83-179 IN91 -031 B IN91 -031 BC85-113A BC85-113A* lN86-020 lN93-041 BC83-244 BC83-244* lN88-004 lN94-005 lN87-031 lN89-024

lN86-012* BC85-130* lN86-027 lN87-007 IN93-013 IN97-017 lN86-0268 lN87-004 lN87-031 lN87-004 lN87-022

BC85-526 I N99-009 IN86-026A I N86-02 6C IN88-001 lN89-024 lN97-036 IN87-005A

135 187 335



107 186 124 273 103 107 186 43

118 263 124 18 41

57 120 386 67 79

273 263

82 1 02 126 291

30 87

1 66 292 147 205

125 135 129 138 281 368 128 147 147 147 154

109 398 127 128 165 205 385 156

Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

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Subject interpretation Preservice Examination (Cont'd) limited to ........................................................ XI-1-86-24 of Class 2 vessel .................................................. XI-1 -89-42 of manways - bolting ............................................. XI-1-83-1 1 piping, pumps. and valves - hydrostatic testing ........................ XI-1-86-22 pumps and valves - VT-3 prior to service ............................. XI-1-86-20 replacement ...................................................... XI-1 -95-47 ultrasonic examination - acceptance standards ........................ XI-1-86-37

XI-1 -98-26

Pressure Retaining bolting . documentation ........................................... XI-1 -89-22 bolting - manways ............................................... XI-1 -83-1 1 bolting - removal of insulation ...................................... XI-1-89-39R bolting - visual examination ........................................ XI-1-83-68R

XI-1 -86-45 XI-1 -92-64

bolts and studs - examination ...................................... XI-1-83-76

boundary - alternative test ......................................... XI-1 -86-25 boundary - flaw evaluation ........................................ XI-1-92-35 boundary-machining of sealing surface ................................ XI-1-98-08 component - through-wall leakage .................................. XI-1 -89-64R components and their supports - summary report ...................... XI-1-83-03 components - exempt from visual ................................... XI-1 -89-53 electrical containment penetrations . . . . . . . . . I ......................... XI-1-98-35 material - nonwelded work ........................................ XI-1-86-21

material - sealants ................................................ XI-1 -95-26 parts - hydrostatic test ............................................. XI-1 -83-83 parts - ordered as spares ........................................... XI-1-83-21 R welds - examination schedule requirements ........................... XI-1-89-14 welds in piping - NDE ............................................ XI-1-86-57

welds in vessels - examination ..................................... XI-1 -86-70 welds - preservice examination ..................................... XI-1 -86-24

XI-1 -98-45

XI-1 -86-21 R


Procurement of material ......................................................... XI-1-86-55R material . MM and MS qualification ................................. XI-1-83-50R

parts as material .................................................. XI-1 -83-21 R parts by non-Certificate Holder ...................................... XI-1-89-29 pipings, valves. and fittings - NPS 1 and smaller ....................... XI-1 -89-04 pressure retaining part - Code Data Report ............................ XI-1-83-21R replacements - later edition ........................................ XI-1 -86-1 2 replacements - perform work on it .................................. XI-1-86-59 replacement - stamping ........................................... XI-1-83-20 spares ........................................................... XI-1-83-21R

spares - transfer of custody ......................................... XI-1 -89-07

XI-1 -89-24

XI-1 -86-1 8

Pumps Class 2 and 3-exemption from examination ........................... XI-1-98-12 instrument accuracy ............................................... XI-1-89-55

required weld examinations ......................................... XI-1 -95-63 testing of - inservice .............................................. XI-1 -92-63 visual VT-3 - prior to service ....................................... XI-1 -86-20 vibration measurement instrumentation ................................ XI-1 -86-33

XI-1 -92-1 4

Qualification of NDE Personnel certification date .................................................. XI-1 -86-73 certification examinations ........................................... XI-1-86-56

File No . BC85-526 IN90-001 BC82-304 IN86-010 lN86-006 IN96-016 lN86-022 IN97-013

lN89-009 BC82-304 lN89-013A* BC83-441* lN86-020 lN93-038 BC84-390 IN98-022 BC85-528 lN92-023 lN97-021 IN89-0178' BC82-406 IN90-019 IN98-015 lN86-004 lN86-004* lN95-002 BC83-179 BC82-434* lN86-0038 lN87-007 IN93-013 IN87-011 BC85-526

lN87-002* BC84-175* IN89-014 BC82-434* lN89-008 lN88-004 BC82-434* BC85-098

BC82-430 BC85-550

BC82-434* BC85-254 IN88-011

IN95-017 IN90-02 1 lN91-037 IN9741 2 IN93436 lN86-006 BC85-529B

lN87-029 lN86-028

Page No . 109 208

17 108 107 337 121 377

191 17

289 101 126 290

75 395 110 265 365 241

6 219 387 107 186 314

79 117 176 138 281 155 109

153 68

193 117 202 166 117 103 145 27

117 106 167

366 226 251 349 284 107 119

157 137

(n) Cumulative index . interpretations Vols . 12-45

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Page 24: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subject Interpretation

Qualification of NDE Personnel (Cont'd) XI-1 -86-66 XI-1 -86-73 Xi-1 -89-06

certified to a later edition of SNT-TC-1 A ............................... XI-1 -83-1 8 XI-1 -83-24 XI-1-86-40

certified to an earlier edition of SNT-TC-1A ............................ XI-1-83-24 certified to SNT-TC-1 A .............................................. XI-1 -83-1 8

XI-1 -83-23 XI-1 -83-29 Xi-1 -83-82 XI-1 -89-26

color vision examination - frequency ................................ XI-1 -83-36 duties of Authorized Inspector ....................................... Xi-1 -83-48 examinations scoring ............................................... Xi-1 -92-54

examinations - random selection .................................... XI-1 -95-22 XI-1 -92-70

XI-1-98-22 examinations . use of grading unit .................................. XI-1-95-23

eyeexamination .................................................. XI-1-83-01 experience requirements ............................................ Xi-1-92-28

for pumps and valves .............................................. Xi-82-06R other than to SNT-TC-1 A ........................................... Xi-1 -83-45 outside agency .................................................... Xi-1 -92-53 perform examinations to earlier editions ............................... XI-1 -86-40

performance demonstration ......................................... XI-1 -92-39 practical examination requirements . alternatives to .................... Xi-1-92-69 pressure loss, flow change and test ................................... Xi-1 -92-52 pumps and 3alves ................................................. XI-1 -92-37 qualification . SNT-TC-1 A ......................................... Xi-1 -95-61 recertification . ASNT certification .................................. XI-1 -86-66 recertification . contract employee .................................. XI-1 -95-58 recertification . examinations ....................................... XI-1 -86-1 6 recertification . examination only ................................... Xi-1 -95-68 recertification . Level 111 ........................................... Xi-1 -86-1 9 recertification . SNT-TC-1 A or CP-189 ............................... Xi-1 -95-67 supplemental training . Level 111 .................................... Xi-1-95-08

XI-1 -92-70

XI-1 -95-40 to another code ................................................... XI-1 -83-40R ultrasonic examination technicians ................................... Xi-1-92-39

ultrasonic examination -outside agency ..................... , ........ XI-1-95-31 used to perform repair examinations .................................. XI-1-83-40 visual examination . SNT-TC-1 A .................................... Xi-1 -83-1 6 visual examination . VT1, Vr2, VT3 I ................................ Xi-1 -95-38

ultrasonic examination . annual training .............................. Xi-1-92-1 1

XI-1 -98-24

Quality Assurance Program Owners's final safety analysis report .................................. Xi-1-95-46 qualification of plant and contractor personnel ......................... XI-82-06R review of ........................................................ XI-1 -86-64 updating to a later Construction Code ................................. XI-1 -86-44

XI-1 -86-44R

Records and Reports certificate of compliance and CMTR .................................. Xi-1 -83-21 R Code Data Report ................................................. XI-1 -83-21 R design documents ................................................. XI-1 -89-34 documentation - construction code .................................. XI-1-89-20

XI-1 -89-34 XI-1-89-48

File No . IN87-015 lN87-029 lN88-006 BC83-060 BC83-178 BC85-571 BC83-178 BC83-060 BC83-056 BC82-050 BC83-176 BC80-231* BC83-585 BC84-177 iN93-015 lN93-022 iN94-016 iN94-022 lN97-030 iN94-019 IN92-019 BC80-582 BC82-340' BC83-535 lN93-007 BC85-571 lN93-022 lN92-032 lN94-007 iN93-005 lN92-027 lN95-022 iN87-015 iN96-027 BC85-142 iN95-024 BC85-071 IN96-013 IN94-015 lN96-005 BC84-043* iN92-032 iN91-035 lN95-008 BC84-043 BC82-775 IN95-019 lN97-032

IN96-018 BC82-340* IN87-028A iN86-015 IN86-015*

BC82-434' BC82-434* iN89-012 lN88-014 iN89-012 iN90-011

Page No .

153 157 167 21 29

123 29 21 29 32 78

194 40 52

276 293 312

376 312 257

5 5

50 276 123 293 267 292 276 266 348 153 347 105 351 106 351 302 330

67 267 246 321 42 20

330 377

337 5

147 126 1 44

117 117 204 189 204 21 7

Cumulative index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

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Subject Interpretation Records and Reports (Conrd) documentation . inservice degradation ............................... XI-1 -89-641 documentation . installation of replacement ........................... XI-1-95-02 documentation . test temperature ................................... XI-1 -95-07 for pressure retaining bolting ........................................ XI-1 -89-22 inservice inspection plan . requirements .............................. XI-1 -92-02 manufacturer's data report . NIS-2 .................................. XI-1 -92-07 NIS forms . signature ............................................. XI-1 -83-65

nonwelded replacement ............................................ XI-1-86-14R Owners data form ................................................. XI-1 -83-02 replacements ..................................................... XI-1 -86-68 retention of eddy current data storage units ............................ XI-1-98-04 retention of radiographs ............................................ XI-1 -89-48 use of NIS-1 Form ................................................. XI-1-83-47

XI-1 -83-79

XI-1 -86-1 4R XI-1 -86-31

use of NIS-2 Form ................................................. XI-1 -86-31

weld reference system .............................................. XI-1 -92-06 XI-1 -86-68

Repair/Replacement Program activities . off site ................................................ XI-1 -95-09 applies to ........................................................ XI-1 -86-36

XI-1-86-41 XI-1 -86-62 XI-1-98-29 XI-1 -98-29R

component supports ............................................... XI-1 -86-23 design reconciliation requirements ................................... XI-1-95-57

failure ........................................................... XI-1 -92-1 5 impractical NDE - alternative examination. ........................... XI-1-86-51 initiation of ...................................................... XI-1 -95-1 4 items NPS 1 and smaller ............................................ XI-1-83-86

jurisdiction of rules ................................................ XI-1 -98-03 nonpressure boundary material ...................................... XI-1-86-23 Owner's responsibility ............................................. XI-1 -95-09

paint or coatings .................................................. XI-1 -98-1 4 Preservice Examination ............................................. XI-1 -98-43 Quality Assurance Program - review of ............................... XI-1 -86-64 seals, gaskets, and moisture barriers .................................. XI-1 -98-1 4 structural integrity test .............................................. XI-1-95-64 use of later rules .................................................. XI-1-86-25

XI-1 -95-57R

XI-1 -83-86R

XI-1 -98-44


Sealants use of ........................................................... XI-1 -89-40


Shutdown cold ............................................................ XI-1-83-73

XI-1 -83-74 extended . valve testing ........................................... XI-1-92-41 R valve testing ...................................................... XI-1 -83-74

Spares (see Procurement of)

Stamping installation of replacement parts ..................................... XI-1-83-02 of replacement parts - ordered as spares .............................. XI-1 -83-21 R of replacement parts . valves ....................................... XI-1 -83-20

File No . IN89-0178* lN93-026 IN94-011 1N89-009 IN91 -01 2 IN91 -022 BC84-647 BC84-684 BC85-112* BC81-476 lN87-024 lN97-029 IN90-011 BC84-197 BC85-112* BC85-525A BC85-525A 1N87-024 IN91 -01 9

IN94-014 IN 86-02 1 lN86-005 lN86-032 IN97-021A IN97-021A' BC85-5251) lN96-023 lN96-023* IN91 -040 lN86-027 lN93-029 BC85-113A BC85-113At lN96-025 BC85-525D lN94-014 lN98-020 lN97-022 IN98-018 IN87-028A lN97-022 IN97-014 BC85-528 BC85-525A

IN89-017A lN95-002

BC82-665A BC82-752 IN92-025AI BC82-752

BC81-476 BC82-434* BC82-430

Page No . 241 299 301 191 242 244

61 77

118 6

154 363 217 52

118 118 118 154 244

302 121 124 146 3 78 379 108 347 359 252 129 304 82

1 02 362 108 302 395 367 395 147 367 349 110 118

207 314

73 74

273 74

6 117 27

(P) Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

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Subject Interpretation

Stamping (Cont'd) Section 111 ........................................................ XI-1-83-72

System Pressure Test (also see Hydrostatic Testing) after a repair or replacement ........................................ XI-1 -83-05 after a repair or replacement ........................................ XI-1-95-52 alternate pressure test requirement .................................... XI-1-98-01

exempted from-open-ended portions of Class 2 and 3 .................. XI-1 -98-1 3 replacement ...................................................... XI-1 -95-47 that does not involve replacement items ............................... XI-1 -98-51

applies to ........................................................ XI-1 -83-34

XI-1 -98-48

XI-1 -98-52

XI-1 -83-37R2 XI-1 -86-1 3 XI-1 -86-1 3R XI-1 -86-2 1 XI-1 -86-21 R

corrective measures ................................................ XI-1 -92-1 9

determining test pressure ........................................... XI-1-95-54 exempted from - NPS 1 and smaller ................................. XI-1-83-35R leak test - core criticality .......................................... XI-1-86-53 open ended portions of systems ...................................... XI-1 -89-30 pressurizing medium ............................................... XI-1-83-25

XI-1 -92-51

XI-1 -86-34 XI-1 -92-23

pressure retaining boundary ......................................... XI-1-95-34 reassembled components/breaking pressure boundary ................... XI-1-83-63R

XI-1 -83-70 XI-1 -83-70R XI-1 -86-1 3 XI-1 -86-1 3R XI-1-86-27 XI-1-86-27R XI-1 -86-29R XI-1 -89-1 5 XI-1 -89-33 XI-1 -89-37 XI-1 -89-52

reduction of pressure - visual examination ............................ XI-1 -86-46 replacement of bolts, studs. and nuts .................................. XI-1 -89-08

replacement of bolts. studs. and nuts .................................. XI-1-98-03 required ......................................................... XI-1-95-50 systems not required to operate ...................................... XI-1-92-62 through-wall leakage ............................................... XI-1-89-64

through-wall leakage - corrective action .............................. XI-1 -92-31

XI-1 -92-65

XI-1 -89-64R

Temporary Repair ................................................. XI-1 -83-1 4 XI-1 -83-57

Ultrasonic Examination bolts and studs .................................................. calibration ....................................................... detection specimens - orientation ................................... equalized sensitivity - recording of .................................. evaluation of flaws ................................................ full penetration weld of nozzles ...................................... material attenuation ............................................... nozzle-to-safe end welds - extent of ................................. performance demonstration .........................................

XI-1 -95-24 XI-1-98-22 XI-1 -92-1 7 XI-1 -92-36 XI-1 -83-22 XI-1 -83-29 X I 4 -83-56 XI-1 -89-1 7 XI-1 -89-49 XI-1-92-36

File No . BC81-568A

BC82-425 lN95-021 lN97-008 lN99-004 lN97-007 IN96-016 IN9941 1 IN9941 3 BC83-587 BC82-425** BC85-111 BC85-111* IN86-004 lN86-004* lN92-005 IN9341 1 lN96-003

IN86-017A BC83.588 *

IN89-011 BC83-219 IN8641 78 IN8641 7B* lN95-009 BC84-3 1 O* BC84-198 BC84-198* BC85-111 BC85-111 lN86-007 lN86-007 * lN86-009* IN88-002A IN88-017 IN88-002C I N88-002 B lN86-023 IN87-018 IN94-001 lN96-025 IN96-012 lN93-030 IN89-0178 IN89-017B* IN91-018

BC82-626 BC84-392

IN94426 IN97428 IN92-001 lN92-026 BC80-567 BC82-050 BC84-388 IN89-004B IN90-013 lN92-026

Page No . 72

7 345 360 397 367 337 399 399

39 185 104 225 107 186 253 275 346 67

136 202 30

120 255 323 101

70 201 104 225 111 187 143 178 213 205 219 127 168 290 362 339 284 231 241 263

19 57

313 3 76 252 265

28 32 56

179 217 265

Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

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Subject Interpretation Ultrasonic Examination (Cont'd) piping . outer surface ............................................. XI-1 -92-58 procedure qualification . search unit ................................. XI-1 -95-21

qualification outside agency ......................................... XI-1 -95-31 qualified by performance demonstration ............................... XI-1 -92-09 reflectors ........................................................ XI-1 -83-84 requirements ..................................................... XI-1 -83-84 search unit overlap ................................................ XI-1 -89-1 3 sweep display .................................................... XI-1 -89-23 three-point DAC .................................................. XI-1-83-31 welds > 2 inches in thickness ....................................... XI-1-95-51 welds in piping ................................................... XI-1-95-24 Vpath .......................................................... XI-1-89-23

Use of Code Cases N.98 ............................................................ XI-1-89-09 N-308 ........................................................... XI-1-83-02

XI-1 -83-47 N-408 ........................................................... XI-1-89-03 N-416-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -95-12

XI-1 -95-37 N-416 ........................................................... XI-1-92-25 N-458 ........................................................... XI-1-95-15 N-460 ........................................................... XI-1-89-32 N-481 ........................................................... XI-1-92-26 N.498 ........................................................... XI-1-92-10

XI-1-92-25 XI-1 -92-26 XI-1 -98-38

N-504-1 ......................................................... XI-1-95-39 N.524 ........................................................... XI-1 -95-59 N-557 ........................................................... XI-1-95-53

Valve Class 2 and 3-exemption from examination ........................... XI-1 -98-1 2 classification ..................................................... XI-1-83-59R

XI-1-83-62 XI-1 -92-1 3

disc and seat - hard facing ......................................... XI-1-92-35R examination - bolts and studs ...................................... XI-1 -83-76 exercising test .................................................... XI-1 -89-1 0 full stroke exercising. .............................................. XI-1 -92-50 inservice testing program - corrective action .......................... XI-1 -86-60

inservice testing - scope of ......................................... XI-1-89-71

limiting values of stroke time ........................................ XI-1-83-1 7 measured leakage rate ............................................. XI-1-83-60

mechanical disassembly and reassembly ............................... XI-1 -95-66 packing adjustment - seat leakage testing ............................. XI-1-92-38 replacements - NPS 1 and smaller ................................... XI-1 -89-36

required weld examinations ......................................... XI-1 -95-63 set point adjustments ............................................... XI-1-89-65 stroke time ....................................................... XI-1 -92-1 6 supervisor qualification - set point testing ............................. XI-1-92-37 supports - exempted .............................................. XI-1 -86-65 test scheduling - extended shutdown ................................ XI-1-92-41 R test scheduling - outage ........................................... XI-1 -89-25

visual VT-3 - prior to service ....................................... XI-1 -86-20

XI-1 -98-28

XI-1 -89-71 R

XI-1 -83-61

replacement valve bonnet/body/pressure retaining part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -95-48

XI-1 -92-41

File No . lN93-021 IN94-013 lN94-025 lN95-008 IN91 -027 BC83-654 BC83-654 lN89-005 IN89-010 BC82-630 IN95-011 lN94-026 IN89-010

IN87-019 BC81-476 BC84-197 lN87-003 lN94-028 IN95-015 IN92-012 IN93-019 lN89-026 lN92-014 IN91 -029 IN92-012 IN92-014 lN97-024 IN96-001 lN97-005 IN96-017

IN95-017 BC83-439 BC84-178 lN91-026 lN92-023 BC84-390 IN88-015 lN92-041 IN86-001 IN98-017 lN90-036 lN90-036* BC82-597 BC84-095 BC84-176 IN95-007B lN92-031 lN89-024 IN95-007A lN97-012 IN90-002 lN91-045 lN92-027 lN87-031 IN92-025A* lN89-019 IN92-025A lN86-006

Page No .

282 312

321 245 80 80

176 192 33

345 313

' 192

168 6

52 166 304 329 256 309 203 256 246 256 256 388 330 348 345

366 90 59

251 289

75 169 275 145 378 234 281

20 58 59

350 266 205 338 349 231 252 266 147 273 193 268 107

(r) Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

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Subject Interpretation Visual Examinations components exempt . volumetric and surface . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . XI-1-92-40 core support structure .............................................. XI-1-92-46 exempt from ..................................................... XI-1 -89-53 leakage ..................................................... I . . . . XI-1 -92-1 9

X I 4 -92-48 XI-1 -92-51

liquid-metal containing components .................................. XI-3-89-01 multiple stream - pressure retaining bolting . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -83-68R near-distance acuity ............................................... XI-1 -98-07 piping system - classification ....................................... XI-1-86-67 pressure test - pressure requirements ................................. XI-1-86-46 removal of insulated ............................................... XI-1-89-39

reactor vessel - spaces below the core ............................... XI-1 -95-28 reactor vessel - spaces within ...................................... XI-1-95-27 vessels - pressure retaining welds ................................... XI-1-86-70 VT categories - requirements ....................................... XI-1 -89-26 VT-1 - base metal ................................................ XI-1 -92-33 VT.1, VT-3 - interchangeable ....................................... XI-1 -83-69 VT-1 - pressure retaining bolting .................................... XI-1 -86-45 VT-2-containment ............................................... XI-1 -98-1 5 VT-2 by direct examination ......................................... XI-1-98-06 VT-2 during a functional test ........................................ XI-1-89-75 VT-2 of borated water systems ....................................... XI-1-89-39 VT-2 of buried components ......................................... XI-1-83-19

VT-2 -exemption from open-ended portions of Class 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -98-1 3 VT-2 - personnel ................................................. XI-1 -83-63R VT-2 - removal of insulation ....................................... XI-1 -92-47 VT.2, VT-3 - piping system ........................................ XI-1 -86-67 VT-2-surrounding areas ........................................... XI-1-98-06 VT-2 - system leakage test ......................................... XI-1 -95-45 VT-3 - bolted connection .......................................... XI-1-92-48 VT-3 - bolting ................................................... XI-1-98-39 VT-3 - class 3 components ......................................... XI-1-92-51

disassembly & reassembly .......................................... XI-1 -98-47 VT-3 - pumps and valves prior to service ............................. XI-1 -86-20 VT-3 - reactor vessel ............................... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -95-28


XI-1 -92-34

XI-1 -95-36

XI-1 -95-27 VT-3-s~pp0 rts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1-89-26 VT-3-when leakage of borated water ................................ XI-1-98-16 VT-4 - pumps and valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1-83-69 VTM-2 - Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-3-89-01 welds on multiple components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -86-26

responsible engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -98-31 XI-1 -98-27

Volumetric Examinations and surface . exemptions to .....................................

as an alternative to surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Code Case N-460 ................................................. fabrication defects . additional examinations .......................... or surface ........................................................ piping . outer surface ............................................. prior to hydrostatic test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

XI-1-86-43R XI-1 -92-40 XI-1-92-45 XI-1-95-03 XI-1 -89-21 XI-1 -89-27 XI-1 -89-32 XI-1 -83-04 XI-1 -89-1 1 XI-1 -92-43 XI-1 -92-58 XI-1 -89-63

required volume to be examined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1-89-32 successive inspection intervals ....................................... XI-1 -89-50

File No .

IN92-022A lN92-043 IN90-019 lN92-005 IN93-001 IN9341 1 IN86-024C BC83-441* lN97-031 lN87-022 lN86-023 IN89-013A lN98-014 IN94-006B IN94-006A IN87-011 BC80-231* IN91 -043 BC84-616 lN86-020 IN97-015 lN97-034 IN91-010 IN89-013A BC82-607 lN92-020 lN97-007 BC84-3 10' lN92-046 lN87-022 lN97-034 lN96-009 IN93-001 lN97-033 IN93-011 IN94-012 lN99-003 lN86-006 IN94-006B IN94-006A BC80-231* IN97-0106 BC84-616 IN86-024C lN86-002 lN97-035 lN98-004

lN86-012* IN92-022A 1N92-0228 lN93-042 IN89-004A IN89-004C lN89-026 BC82-427 IN88-016 lN92-033 1N93-021 IN90-034 lN89-026 IN90-014

Page No . 267 274 219 253 2 74 275 169 101 364 154 127 206 386 315 314 155 194 264

69 126 367 364 235 206

27 264 367 101 274 154 364 336 274 388 275 329 396 107 315 314 194 368

69 169 110 378 385

125 267 273 300 190 195 203

7 175 268 282 230 203 218

Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

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Page 29: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Subject Interpretation Weld accessible . preservice examination ................................. Xi-1 -86-24 additional examinations - similar components ......................... Xi-1 -92-61 alternate rules for the selection and examination ........................ Xi-1-98-02 between different P-numbers ........................................ Xi-1 -83-39 connecting NPS 1 and less - hydrostatic test .......................... Xi-1 -86-35 examination-austenitic welds ...................................... XI-1 -98-1 8

examination - dissimilar metal welds ................................ Xi-1-92-13 examination - full penetration ...................................... XI-1-89-43 examination of integrally welded attachments .......................... Xi-1-92-05 examination of pipe ............................................... XI-1-83-80

examination - partial . ............................................ Xi-1-92-12 examination - partial penetration .................................... Xi-1 -89-43 examination schedule requirements ................................... XI-1 -89-14 examination volume - Category B-B ................................. XI-1 -95-44 flow size - acceptance standards .................................... Xi-1-95-35 examination volume - Class 1 and 2 ................................. XI-1-95-43

fusion welding - repair of tube or tubesheet ........................... XI-1-95-33 half bead weld repair - automatic ................................... XI-7-83-09

items NPS 1 and smaller-exemption from examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI-1 -98-09 items NPS 1 and smaller - requirements .............................. XI-1 -83-86

multiple components - NDE ....................................... Xi-1-86-15R

multiple loop piping - inspection ................................... Xi-1-86-1 5R NDE examination requirements ...................................... Xi-1-86-51 nonpressure retaining .............................................. Xi-1 -83-2812 nozzle-to-vessel ................................................... Xi-1 -98-36 overlay cladding to replacement parts ................................. XI-1 -86-36 piping - additional examinations .................................... XI-1 -95-06 piping - examination of (calibration method) .......................... Xi-1-95-04 piping - NDE requirements ........................................ XI-1-86-51

piping supports - examination ...................................... XI-1-86-49 pressure retaining boundary - alternative test .......................... Xi-1 -86-25 procedure qualification record - sharing of ............................ XI-7-92-08 procedures - qualification ......................................... Xi-1 -83-41

Xi-1 -98-33

Xi-1 -83-80R

Xi-1 -92-24

Xi-1 -83-09R

XI-1 -83-86R

XI-1 -86-26


XI-1 -83-55 Xi-1-83-81 XI-1-89-01

reference system - recording of ..................................... Xi-1-92-06 reference system - identification of .................................. XI-1 -95-05 Repair/Replacement Program ........................................ XI-1 -86-23 repair - internal wall thinning ...................................... XI-1-92-59 repair - steam generator tube plug ................................... XI-1-92-21 temper bead method ............................................... XI-1 -89-1 8 tungsten-inert gas process - automatic ............................... Xi-1-83-09

vessels - examination ............................................. Xi-1-86-70

Welder qualification ...................................................... Xi-1-83-55

qualification of - simultaneously .................................... XI-1 -89-35 requalification - change in contractor ................................ Xi-1-83-43 required qualification - Section IX ................................... Xi-1-89-01 supervision ....................................................... XI-1-83-81


Xi-1 -98-53

File No .

BC85-526 iN93-027A lN95-023 BC83-527 IN86-019 iN97-023 iN95-025 iN91-026 IN90-003 IN91 -01 6 BC84-685 BC84-685* iN91-025 iN90-003 iN86-003B lN96-008 iN96-007 iN96-004 IN91-014 lN94-031 BC82-604 BC82-604* iN97-018 BC85-113A BC85-113A* BC85-130' lN86-002 BC85-130* lN86-027 BC83-344* iN98-025 IN86-021 IN94-002A lN94-009 iN86-027 lN87-007 lN86-0268 BC85-528 iN91-024 BC84-064 BC84-322 BC84-687 lN87-036 IN91 -01 9 iN93-035 BC85-525D iN93-023 lN92-0098 lN86-031 BC82-604 BC82-604* iN87-011

BC84-322 iN99-015 lN89-006 BC84-179 lN87-036 BC84-687

Page No .

109 283 362

42 120 369 386 251 208 243

77 241 251 208 176 336 329 336 255 322

9 10

365 82

1 02 135 110 135 129 185 387 121 301 300 129 138 128 110 245

43 56 78

165 244 301 108 282 254 188

9 10


56 400 204

44 165 78

(t) Cumulative Index . Interpretations Vols . 12-45

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services

Page 30: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45

Special Notice to the 1998 Edition of Section XI

The items listed below were inadvertently omitted from the 1998 Edition and 1999 Addenda. These items will appear on the appropriate replacement pages, with the 2000 Addenda to Section XI. The first two items apply to the 1998 Edition. The remaining items apply to the 1999 Addenda.

Page Location Change

37,38 IWA-4150



"Flaw" to be replaced with "defect" in the first and second line of IWA- 4150(c)(3)(a) and in the first and sec- ond line of IWA-4150(c)(3)(b)

Table IWC-3510-1 Note 4 to read: Y = (S / t ) / (a / t ) = S/a. If Y S 0.4, the flaw is classified as a surface flaw. If Y > 1.0, use Y = 1.0.

IWA-4300 IWA-4340 to be added as follows: IWA-4340 MITIGATION OF DEFECTS

BY MODIFICATION Modification of items may be performed

to contain or isolate a defective area without removal of the defect, pro- vided the following requirements are met.

(a) The defect shall be characterized us- ing nondestructive examination and evaluated to determine its cause and projected growth.

(b) The modification shall provide for the structural integrity of the item such that it no longer relies on the defective area, including projected growth. The modification shall meet the Construction Code and Owner's Requirements for the item in accord- ance with IWA-4220.

(c) In lieu of reexamination of the defec- tive area in accordance with IWA- 4530(a), the Owner shall prepare a plan for additional examinations to detect propagation of the flaw be- yond the limits of the modification, and when practicable, to validate the

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Page 31: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45






I WA-445 1

77 IWA-5400 462 G-2 1 1 O(a)

466-467 G-22 1 5

500 Figure J-1000-1


projected growth. The frequency and method of examination shall be deter- mined by the Owner.

IWA-4451 (b) and (c) to be replaced with

(b) Helix-coil threaded inserts shall be purchased in accordance with the Owner's or repairheplacement orga- nization's Quality Assurance Pro- gram meeting the requirements of

(c) Helix-coil threaded inserts shall be supplied with a Certified Material Test Report that provides traceability to the item, material specification, chemical composition, grade or class, mechanical properties, and heat-treated condition prior to final forming.

the following:

I WA-4 1 42.

To be deleted Formula to read: K,c = 33.2 + 20.734 exp[0.02(T-RTNDT)I Last sentence in last paragraph to read

"LTOP systems shall limit the maxi- mum pressure in the vessel to 100% of the pressure determined to satisfy Eq. (I)."

To be replaced with Figure on next page

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Page 32: Asme Sec Xi Int Vol 45















.(ARTICLE J-4000)



























$. NO



















COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services