ash ketchup

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  • 7/21/2019 Ash Ketchup


    Ash enrolled in Professor Oak's Pokmon Summer Camp when he was young. One day, another camper named Serena got lost in the forest and wounded her leg after getting startled by a Poliwag. Ash, who was looking for the Poliwag, came to her rescue and wrapped a handkerchief around the wounded knee to brace it. He then helped her up and guided her out of the forest.Years later, Ash began his Pokmon journey at the age of 10 as a warm-hearted andwell-intentioned but stubborn, rash, and amateur Pokmon Trainer. He was forced toaccept a stubborn Pikachu from Professor Oak as his starter Pokmon because he woke up late on the day he was set to get his first Pokmon. He was determined to achieve his goal, however, and when Pikachu saw that he was willing to compromisehis own safety to keep it safe, the two of them formed an extremely strong bondthat has been noticed and remarked upon by many characters in the anime. This unbreakable friendship would set his course for the future.However, from that point, Ash still had a lot to learn about becoming a Trainer.The first Pokmon he caught was caught by luck, as he knew absolutely nothing about battling, and he was hesitant to admit when he was wrong. What more, his journey was made even more complicated due to the presence of Jessie, James and Meowth of Team Rocket, who after witnessing Pikachu's power, made it their primary objective to steal him for their boss, Giovanni.Thankfully though, Ash did not go on this journey alone, as soon after he left Pallet Town, he met Misty, who followed him on the pretense that he owed her a bike (which Ash 'borrowed' to save Pikachu, and which the Electric Mouse destroyedwhilst protecting Ash). Ash then met Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader, whom he fought and lost to. However in his rematch, Ash nearly defeated Brock, but refused t

    o give the final blow, due to the intervention of Brock's younger siblings. Touched by Ash's kindness to Pokmon, and with the return of his estranged father, Flint, Brock decided to go with Ash and pursue his dream of being the world's bestPokmon Breeder. Shortly afterwards, when Ash reached the Cerulean Gym, he was shocked to learn that Misty was one of its Gym Leaders. After Ash earned his Cascade Badge, he continued his journey with Misty, who dreams to be the worlds greatest Water Pokmon Master.Unfortunately, many of Ash's first Gym Badges were given to him merely out of gratitude for his assistance rather than claiming an actual victory in battle overthe Gym Leaders; of his first five Gym battles, only his victory over Lt. Surgewas an actual victory. Furthermore, every time he thought he was doing well, hewould somehow cross paths with his childhood rival, Gary Oak. Gary always reminded Ash that he was always a step or seven behind; indeed, by the time Ash had c

    aught his seventh Pokmon, Gary had caught more than forty. Ash's troubles were not made any easier when, owing to his inexperience, his Charizard grew too powerful and refused to listen to him until Ash could prove himself to him.Over time, Ash's dedication to his goal paid off. After earning his first eightBadges, Ash went on to compete in the Indigo Plateau Conference, advancing to the fifth round - one further than Gary - and ending up in the Top 16.Following Ash's defeat in the Indigo League, Professor Oak asked him to travel to Valencia Island in the Orange Archipelago to retrieve the GS Ball from a PokmonProfessor named Ivy. While in the Orange Archipelago, Ash learned of the OrangeCrew - an elite group of Trainers not unlike Gym Leaders that provided challenges for Trainers to overcome in the Orange League. After Brock decided to stay with Professor Ivy and help her with her work, Ash and Misty were joined by an enthusiastic Pokmon watcher named Tracey Sketchit. Ash, Misty, and Tracey then trave

    rsed the Orange Islands on the back of a lost Lapras whom Ash captured. He eventually defeated the four members of the Orange Crew and finally won the Orange League by triumphing over the Head Leader, Drake. Upon returning to Pallet Town, Ash discovered that Brock had returned due to some unknown incident that left theaspiring Pokmon Breeder in dread of even hearing Professor Ivy's name. Tracey, meanwhile, stayed at Professor Oak's laboratory as Professor Oak's assistant, andBrock rejoined Ash and Misty. After his victory in the Orange League, Ash encountered Gary again, and after being defeated in a one-on-one battle, he learned that his rival had been training hard in order to participate in the Silver Conference in Johto.

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    Excited at the prospect of meeting new Pokmon and facing Gary again, Ash and friends left for the Johto region to collect eight Badges from the Gym Leaders thereand compete in their Pokmon League. Much like his travels through Kanto, Ash, Misty, and Brock impacted the many people and Pokmon they met along the way. In themiddle of his travels, they visited the Whirl Islands, who, along with Ritchie,helped save Silver, a child Lugia, and its parent, from the evil machinations of Team Rocket. Ash along with Misty then competed in the Whirl Cup, with Ash placing in the top 8, who was defeated by Misty in a 3-on-3, though she also endedup losing in the next round.Ash encountered Gary occasionally in Johto, and while they were still rivals, Gary seemed to view Ash with slightly more respect than before. Indeed, Ash's growth of character was evident throughout this story arc as he continued to think more and more about his Pokmon and less and less about himself. After earning eight Johto Gym Badges, Ash entered the Silver Conference along with Gary. Finally,the two rivals battled in the tournament in a Full Battle. Although it was veryclose indeed, Ash emerged victorious against his rival for the first time in hiscareer as a Pokmon Trainer, marking one of the biggest turning points in said career. After the battle, Gary and Ash departed on good terms with each other, finally overcoming their boyhood animosity and recognizing each other as equals. However, Ash's journey through Kanto and Johto came to an end when he was forced to split up with Brock and Misty when the two of them received messages to returnhome.After hearing about a more distant region called Hoenn from Harrison, the opponent he lost to in the Silver Conference, Ash decided to journey there and take on

    ly Pikachu with him this time. In Hoenn, Ash met a girl named May and her brother, Max, who he later learned were Norman's (the Petalburg City Gym Leader) children, and both of whom decided to join Ash on his travels. Shortly after the three companions left Petalburg City, Brock rejoined the group when he saved them from a flock of angry Taillow and their leader. From that point onward, Ash journeyed through Hoenn with one old friend and two new friends, collecting Gym Badgesin much the same fashion as before. Once May set her sights on becoming a Top Coordinator, Ash supported her whenever he could while maintaining his focus on winning Badges. During these journey's Ash and his friends ended up being entwined in the plots of the regions two rivaling villainous teams, Team Aqua and TeamMagma, with Pikachu actually getting possessed by Groudon in the summit of theirconflict. However, thanks to theirs, as well as Team Rocket's (unintentional) help, they actually helped save the entire Hoenn region.

    While Ash had no major recurring rival in Hoenn, he did encounter certain Trainers multiple times and form friendly rivalries with them. One such friend is Morrison, who is very similar to and just as competitive as Ash and was first introduced close to the end of the group's travels in Hoenn. Just like the Indigo Plateau and Silver Conferences, Ash did not win the Ever Grande Conference, althoughhe came very close before losing to Tyson, who went on to win the tournament. After parting ways with May, Max, and Brock, Ash returned to Pallet . As he passed through Viridian City on his way back home, where he met Scott and Agatha andlearned about the Battle Frontier in Kanto. He decided to take on the Battle Frontier and was surprised but happy to learn that Brock, May, and Max would join him on this adventure as well. Eventually, Ash conquered the seven Frontier Brains and was offered the opportunity to become a Frontier Brain himself, but declined in favor of continuing his Pokmon journey.

    Ash in the Wallace CupFollowing Ash's victory over the Battle Frontier, May set her sights on Pokmon Contests in the Johto region and traveled there while Max returned home to Petalburg City in Hoenn. After encountering and battling his old rival, Gary (who has now become a Pokmon researcher), and learning of a new region with new Pokmon, Ashdecided to leave for the Sinnoh region to earn the Gym Badges available there. Like before, he took only Pikachu with him at first, but brought his Aipom alongwhen she snuck onto the ship Ash was leaving on. While Brock did not accompany Ash to Sinnoh, he did travel with him through Sinnoh like he had for Kanto, Johto

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    , and Hoenn. This time, they were accompanied by another aspiring Pokmon Coordinator named Dawn. Like he did for May, Ash enthusiastically supported Dawn in herendeavors to become a Top Coordinator, just as she supported him in his Gym battles.While traveling through Sinnoh, Ash formed a heated rivalry with a Trainer namedPaul. Throughout Ash's journey, Paul would constantly put him down and the twooften argued over their nearly opposite training styles. While Paul was harsh, distant, and sometimes plain cruel to his Pokmon, Ash insisted that the best way to raise Pokmon was through patience, caring and friendship. Their rivalry came toa head after they competed in a Tag Battle Tournament together, when Paul released his Chimchar after it failed to meet his expectations. Ash then decided to take in the Chimp Pokmon, and promised to make it strong using his own philosophy.While in Sinnoh, Ash competed in two Pokmon Contests - once in Jubilife City anda second time in the Wallace Cup upon Wallace's recommendation.As Ash and his friends journeyed through Sinnoh, they ended up becoming heavilyinvolved with legends of Sinnoh, with Ash being personally chosen by Azelf of the Lake guardians. Along with Cynthia, Looker and Team Rocket, they faced of against Pokmon Hunter J as well as the evil Team Galactic. Thanks to their efforts, the Sinnoh region was spared from Cyrus's insane scheme.Ash eventually obtained all of the Sinnoh Gym Badges he needed to enter Sinnoh'sPokmon League Conference. During his battles in the Lily of the Valley Conference, he managed to advance to the Top 4. For the second time since meeting Paul (the first being in a PokRinger tournament during which Ash's Staravia evolved intoa Staraptor and defeated Paul's Honchkrow), Ash managed to defeat his bitter ri

    val, using Infernape (who had evolved from the Chimchar Paul abandoned) to dealthe finishing blow. This caused Paul to finally acknowledge Ash as a Trainer ofsome merit, thus ending their arguments. Ash later fought against Tobias, becoming the only known Trainer to defeat his Darkrai. Although Ash ultimately lost the battle, he was not overly upset, as he was closer to his Pokmon than ever before. At the conclusion of the Diamond & Pearl series, Ash, Dawn, and Brock split up and went their separate ways, with Brock confirming that he would not be joining Ash on his travels to Unova as he decided to pursue his new dream of being aPokmon doctor.In the Best Wishes series, Ash traveled with Professor Oak and Delia Ketchum ona trip to the Unova region. After losing in a battle to Trip and seeing the power of the Legendary Pokmon Zekrom, Ash became interested in traveling Unova to meet new Pokmon, as well as new friends. In Unova, he brought along only his Pikachu

    as he did in Hoenn.Soon after he started his journey, Ash met Iris a wild girl who is (as he laterlearns) a possible successor of the Opelucid City Gym and wishes to be a DragonMaster, and Cilan, one of the Striaton Gym Leaders, who aspires to be the world's greatest Pokmon Connoisseur. After Ash earns their interest by telling Iris ofhis encounter with Zekrom, and battling Cilan for the Tri Badge, the three decide to travel together. During his time in Unova, along with his quest for the Badges, the three friends also competed in the local competitions Club Battle, Clubsplosion and Pokmon World Tournament Junior Cup. Despite battling quite well, Ashfailed to win any of the tournaments and managed to be the runner-up of two ofthe three. Despite these mishaps, he was not upset to see his friends win the competitions instead of him.As they journeyed, Ash and friends ended up again being caught up in Team Rocket

    's new plot, which was personally being supervised by Giovanni. This time, TeamRocket planned to take over the world using a Meloetta that Ash befriended to unleash the power of the Forces of Nature. Fortunately, thanks to Cynthia and Ridley, Ash and his friends managed to thwart Team Rocket's evil plot.After managing to obtain eight Unova Gym Badges, Ash was allowed to participatein the Vertress Conference along with his current and some new rivals. In the preliminary round, Ash battled Trip one-on-one, defeating him for the first time and ending their rivalry. Ash also defeated his friend and rival Stephan in the tournament. He then battled one of his newer rivals, Cameron, where he lost in AUnova League Evolution!, ending in the Top 8 of the Vertress Conference.

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    After the Conference, the three friends decided to check out some ruins that Professor Juniper's father, Cedric Juniper discovered, and on the way they met witha strange young man named N. They soon became entwined in the plots of Ghetsis,Colress and Team Plasma as they sought to takeover the world using Reshiram's power. However Ash and his friends, along with Looker, the Team Rocket trio, Professor Cedric, as well as N, Anthea and Concordia, managed to foil Plasma's evilscheme.As their adventures started coming to a close, Ash and his friends decided to take the long way back to Kanto, by sailing on a series of luxury liners through achain of islands called the Decolore Islands. On the way, Ash met Alexa, a Pokmon Journalist, from whom he learnt of the Kalos region. Soon after they reach Kanto, Ash splits up with Iris and Cilan, who wish to go in separate directions tofollow their own dreams.In the XY series, Ash traveled to the Kalos region with Alexa, first visiting Lumiose City in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!, where he parted ways with with the journalist and tried to challenge the Lumiose Gym at Prism Tower. However he was forcibly ejected from the tower when the computerized security system, later revealed to be the Clembot, found out that he didn't have any Kalos Badges. He was rescued by Clemont and Bonnie, who started to travel with him afterhe calmed down a rampaging Garchomp at the top of Prism Tower. In Battling on Thin Ice!, Ash won his first Kalos Badge, the Bug Badge, after defeating the Santalune Gym Leader Viola. The group was then joined by Serena, who still remembered Ash rescuing her in her childhood and decided to start her own journey to reunite with him, although he initially did not remember the two of them meeting. As

    they travelled, the group started to learn the secrets of Mega Evolution, aftermeeting Diantha and Gurkinn, as well as briefly travelling with Korrina.So far Ash has earned five badges.Character

    Young AshAsh is an only child that lived with his mother, Delia Ketchum, until he left for his Pokmon journey at the age of ten. His main goal in life, as described in the first episode, is to be the world's greatest Pokmon Master. One particular characteristic about Ash that has not changed over the course of the series, aside from his determination and his passion for raising and training Pokmon, is that heis incredibly selfless. He will often go to extraordinary lengths to earn a Pokmon's trust and respect, and to better understand a Pokmon that he sees as trouble

    d. He is also very fair-minded and trusting, a true testament to his good-natured character.Ash is shown to have a strong sense of justice, especially when it comes to Pokmon. If a Pokmon is in trouble, he will make every effort to help them, even if hehas no prior connection to them. If they are the cause of trouble, he will stopthem, and then try to understand them, with almost all such occasions being a case of the Pokmon, or their Trainers or friends, having a problem which can't be resolved normally. In those cases, he will selflessly volunteer to help them. Should the problem be caused by a person, such as Team Rocket, Pokmon thieves, hunters or poachers, Ash resolves to do anything in his power to stop them.Despite this, and previous dealings with evil organizations, Ash has retained aremarkably optimistic and naive outlook, a trait his companions seem to share. He is quick to praise and has an unshakable trust in both his Pokmon and his frien

    ds. Also, Ash is determined to see the best in everybody unless he has a very good reason not to. An example would be Team Rocket's frequent 'sudden appearances' that coincidentally coincide with their needs at that time, and Ash never questioning it until it is too late. Another example would be how he always praisesClemont for his 'genius' inventions, no matter their high failure rate, and thenear inevitable explosion, or Cilan for his other varied 'Connoisseur abilities,' even if they are ridiculous. Furthermore, even though almost all of his friends have large dreams, Ash fully supports them and has never doubted their abilityto accomplish them, possibly due to his own highly ambitious goal. He also encourages Pokmon to do the best they can, even if they aren't his own, and has even

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    helped train wild Pokmon.In the original series, though Ash actively took part in battles, he was rarelyseen independently training his Pokmon. However, since the Advanced Generation series, Ash is shown to train more noticeably, having mock battles with his friends and focusing on moves, techniques, and strategies with his Pokmon. A noticeabletrait of Ash's is his willingness to learn from both his victories and defeatsin battle. For example, after winning in a Gym battle against Winona in a Sky High Gym Battle! and witnessing her Pokmon's powerful Aerial Ace, Ash was motivatedto have his Swellow learn it, which it did during Pokblock, Stock, and Berry andLessons in Lilycove!. Even after he lost a battle, and witnessing a powerful Ice Punch, as seen in Short and To the Punch!, Ash was inspired to teach his Buizel the move. He even believes in using serious battles as an opportunity to helptrain his Pokmon, even if he loses, like during the Double Battle in What You Seed is What You Get, when he was trying to teach Treecko Bullet Seed.In the beginning, Ash had a bit of an inferiority complex, as well as some formof personal pride, most likely stemming from his rivalry with Gary Oak. As a result, he had some bad habits, such as shamelessly boasting of his own skill if hewere ever on a winning streak, and becoming angered easily if he were personally insulted, as seen in The Path to the Pokmon League. Ash used to complain aboutthings that were perfectly legal, like Giselle's Cubone using a bone in The School of Hard Knocks, or Blaine's use of the lava in Volcanic Panic. He even lockedhimself up in his room and sulked after losing to Ritchie, although he overcamehis disappointment after being scolded by Misty in Friends to the End. Fortunately, during his journey, Ash has gotten over this particular character trait and

    is now more accepting of criticism to his own skill, though he still gets upsetif his Pokmon are insulted or degraded. This was the primary catalyst for Ash'sbitter rivalry with Paul in the Diamond & Pearl series.

    Ash after catching a PokmonIn most episodes of the anime, especially those during the Johto League saga, Ash befriends someone who will influence him and cause him to strive to become a better Trainer. Although he is not a dependent individual, he is still young andhas learned to make his way relying on his friends, particularly the maternal skills of Brock. The honor of "best friend" is usually reserved for Pikachu but Ash has come to see his closest human friends in the same light over time; using the term for Misty and Brock in Gotta Catch Ya Later! as well as May and Max in Battling the Enemy Within.

    Ash has changed a great deal over the course of the series, particularly in regards to his skill at Pokmon training, but his earnestness, rashness, and determination have remained. Never straying from his goal, he has remained loyal to his friends, family, and supporters, but most of all his Pokmon. Ash became a great Trainer by learning to find and use the inner strength of each of his Pokmon by bonding with them. For example, when he received a banner filled with prints from his Pokmon in The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!, he knew which Pokmon placed specific prints, showing his close bond with them. He also learns where their hiddenabilities lie, as well as resorting to unorthodox strategies when fighting particularly challenging opponents. For example, he uses his Pikachu's speed to outmaneuver larger foes and attack. In another instance, his Charizard defeated Gary's Blastoise by causing the field to overheat before mounting a close-quarters attack while Blastoise was blinded by the steam. He also prefers to train a Pokmon

    to be the best it can without forcing it to evolve, as evidenced by his treatment of Gligar in Fighting Fear With Fear!. He is happy when his Pokmon evolve butlets them choose whether or not they want to evolve instead of forcing them.Early on, Ash originally trained not to further himself but instead to catch more Pokmon than Gary, a feat that he never accomplished. Ash later slowed his pace,which allowed him to focus on the individual traits of each Pokmon. At the JohtoLeague Silver Conference, with great humility and maturity, Ash finally won a battle against his old rival, signifying a great milestone in his history as a Trainer. His maturity has also increased in his dealings with Pokmon. This was shown when a Mankey stole his hat in Primeape Goes Bananas, he screamed and yelled a

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    t it, even climbing trees just to get his hat back, but when an Aipom did the same in Slaking Kong, he stated merely that he would feel strange without a hat. When Aipom stole his hat again in Setting the World on its Buneary!, however, while she was under his ownership, he chased after her in the same manner as before.Ash has traversed much of the Pokmon world and has thus far participated in various Pokmon League regional competitions, but he is still learning new things aboutPokmon all the time.Ash has gained a close connection with many Legendary Pokmon, such as the ones who played major roles in the movies. In the English dub second movie, he was revealed to be "The Chosen One" - the one who would bring balance back to the worldwhen it was disrupted.

    Ash using Aura inside the Tree of BeginningAlthough viewed as a normal human, Ash does have some special abilities, as he is said to have the same Aura as Sir Aaron, a legendary hero, and is theoretically able to manipulate it in much the same way. Therefore, he made a connection with Sir Aaron's Lucario. However, he has not received any training in this field,opting to continue his Pokmon journey instead. He has also been likened to an ancient Aura guardian in The Keystone Pops!, who also had a partner Pikachu. Later, in Pokmon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Parts 1 and 2, Ash uses Aura again tolocate a lost Riolu and read Riolu's mind as well. This time, however, he merely senses the Aura, rather than manipulating it.Though his passion remains in battling, Ash is always eager to try new things, e

    specially if he can do them together with his Pokmon, having participated in other events like Contests, PokRinger and even a fashion show and a cosplay competition as well as other various races, sports, shows and tournaments. He has ContestPasses for Sinnoh and Hoenn. Ash carries half of a broken Pok Ball with him everywhere, while Gary has the other half, as a symbol of their ongoing, but now friendly, rivalry; Misty's special lure, which she sent to him as a gift; and halfof a Ribbon he received in an unofficial Contest against May before she left thegroup to compete in Johto.While Ash could never truly be called smart, he is physically in very good shape, especially for a 10 year old boy. He has shown to have a lot of stamina, walking miles upon miles through all kinds of environments, while journeying betweentowns on his journey. He also has huge endurance, as seen when he took powerfulattacks from various Pokmon head on and then recovering quite quickly. Furthermor

    e, Ash has demonstrated himself to be a bit acrobatic, occasionally being able to keep up with Iris, who virtually grew up swinging and jumping through treetops. Ash has occasionally displayed great reflexes, being able to dodge attacks orcatch falling objects out of the blue, and even being able to save himself, or others, in the last second during perilous situations. What's more, Ash has exhibited tremendous will power, as seen when he took attacks for long periods of time and keeps advancing, which also drives his "never give up" attitude when it comes to Pokmon battles.His father has not been introduced. The anime suggests that his father was oncea Pokmon Trainer who began his journey in Pallet Town, and that he is still living. In the original, he is also confirmed to have a grandfather, whose son followed his footsteps. An interview with the series' storyboarder Masamitsu Hidaka confirmed Ash's father is a Trainer on his own journey. According to Hidaka, Ash's

    father may or may not be introduced in the series, depending on its necessity to further Ash's maturity and development as a Trainer. On the other hand, according to Takeshi Shudo's novelization, Ash's father left home to go on a journey right after Ash was born, and never returned since. As he never registered his name in the Pokmon Trainer's list, his whereabouts are unknown.Pokmon

    Ash with all his Pokmon as of The Dream Continues! (except for Squirtle and Primeape) at Professor Oak's labAs a Trainer, Ash has captured and befriended a sizable number of Pokmon over the

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    course of the anime. His philosophy on training is that Pokmon are individuals and that a combination of trust, friendship and hard work are needed to overcomeadversity. In fact, several of Ash's Pokmon were captured because they allowed him to, after he befriended them. He seems to battle best with Pokmon that are similar to Pikachu: ones that are speedy and maneuverable, yet able to perform high-powered attacks; however, he is willing to work with any Pokmon that comes into his care.Ash's battle style is generally spontaneous and fairly unorthodox, and his Pokmonoften reflect these traits. He has been shown to use unusual strategies. For instance, during the Diamond & Pearl series, he incorporated a twisting-spinning type maneuver in his Pokmon's offensive and defensive techniques, which eventuallylead to him creating the original technique, Counter Shield. Also, sometimes hewould use someone else's battle strategies as shown with Paul and Tierno, though when using the latter, Ash stated that his own unique strategy is the one he can truly count on, instead of simply mimicking others. The majority of his Pokmonalso share Ash's stubborn nature, persistently attempting to rise and continuethe battle, even after receiving greats amount of damage and being at the end oftheir rope.Ash is very attached to his Pokmon, and prefers to fight and train with them personally. However, if it is by their own wish, or if he believes it is best for them, Ash will (if sometimes reluctantly) trade or release them, and in some cases, leave them with experienced individuals so that they could get stronger.Though Ash normally catches 5 or more Pokmon per region (not including when he travelled through the Orange Islands and challenged the Battle Frontier in his sec

    ond tour of Kanto), he rarely ever switches the Pokmon in his current party withthose in storage at Professor Oak's laboratory. However, during the Best Wishesseries, Ash actively cycled through the nine Pokmon he managed to capture in Unova, although these Pokmon, when not in his party, were instead kept in storage atProfessor Juniper's lab in Nuvema Town. Near the end of his journey in Unova, Professor Juniper transfered all of Ash's Pokmon to Professor Oak's lab. Ash has not yet used this system of training in the following series.Ash currently has ownership of 68 Pokmon, including all 30 of his Tauros. Including pre-evolutions, traded, released and given away Pokmon (and not including theadditional Tauros), in total, Ash has currently officially owned a total of 76 different Pokmon species.On handAsh Pikachu.png

    Pikachu ? Ash Frogadier.pngFroakie? ? Frogadier Ash Fletchinder.pngFletchling ? FletchinderAsh Hawlucha.pngHawlucha Ash Goodra.pngGoomy ? Sliggoo ? GoodraWith Professor OakThis section shows the Pokmon that Ash keeps at Professor Oak's laboratory.Ash Bulbasaur.pngBulbasaur Ash Charizard.pngCharmander ? Charmeleon ? Charizard Ash Kingler.pngKrabby ? Kingler Ash Muk.pngMuk

    Ash Tauros.pngTauros (30) ? Ash Snorlax.pngSnorlax Ash Heracross.pngHeracross Ash Bayleef.pngChikorita ? Bayleef ?Ash Quilava.pngCyndaquil ? Quilava Ash Totodile.pngTotodile Ash Noctowl.pngNoctowl ShinyVIStar.png Ash Donphan.pngEgg ? Phanpy ? Donphan

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    Ash Swellow.pngTaillow ? Swellow Ash Sceptile.pngTreecko ? Grovyle ? Sceptile Ash Corphish.pngCorphish Ash Torkoal.pngTorkoalAsh Glalie.pngSnorunt ? Glalie Ash Staraptor.pngStarly ? Staravia ? Staraptor ? Ash Torterra.pngTurtwig ? Grotle ? Torterra Ash Infernape.pngChimchar ? Monferno ? InfernapeAsh Buizel.pngBuizel ? Ash Gliscor.pngGligar ? Gliscor Ash Gible.pngGible ? Ash Unfezant.pngPidove ? Tranquill ? Unfezant ?Ash Oshawott.pngOshawott ? Ash Pignite.pngTepig ? Pignite ? Ash Snivy.pngSnivy ? Ash Scraggy.pngEgg ? Scraggy ?Ash Leavanny.pngSewaddle ? Swadloon ? Leavanny ? Ash Palpitoad.pngPalpitoad ? Ash Boldore.pngRoggenrola ? Boldore Ash Krookodile.png

    Krokorok ? Krookodile ?In trainingThis section is for the Pokmon that Ash still owns but are in the care of anotherTrainer. Some can be called upon at any time if needed.Ash Squirtle.pngSquirtle Ash Primeape.pngPrimeapeReleasedThis section is for the Pokmon that Ash formally released back into the wild.Ash Butterfree.pngCaterpie ? Metapod ? Butterfree ? Ash Pidgeot released.pngPidgeotto ? Pidgeot Ash Lapras.pngLapras

    Traded awayThis section is for the Pokmon that Ash traded away.Ash Raticate.pngRaticate Ash Aipom.pngAipom ?Given awayThis section is for the Pokmon that Ash gave to another Trainer to keep for themselves.Casey Beedrill.pngBeedrillUnofficialThis section is for the Pokmon that Ash had bonded with over the course of several episodes but never officially caught.

    Sabrina Haunter.pngHaunter Ash Larvitar.pngEgg ? LarvitarTemporaryThis section is for the Pokmon that Ash temporarily used, many of which were rented and belong to another Trainer.A Trainer's PidgeyPidgeyWhen Team Rocket attacked the Viridian City Pokmon Center, Ash, in an attempt todefend the Pokmon from Team Rocket's Ekans and Koffing, utilized a Pidgey, but th

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    eir Ekans managed to intimidate it and force it to flee.Because Pidgey fled before Ash could even attack, none of its moves are known.Debut Pokmon Emergency!A Trainer's RattataRattataWhen Team Rocket attacked the Viridian City Pokmon Center, Ash, in an attempt todefend the Pokmon from Team Rocket's Ekans and Koffing, utilized a Rattata, but their Ekans managed to intimidate it and force it to flee.Because Rattata fled before Ash could even attack, none of its moves are known.Debut Pokmon Emergency!Lara Laramie's Ponyta

    Lara Laramie's RapidashPonyta ? RapidashAsh borrowed Rapidash from Lara Laramie when it was a Ponyta after Lara was injured and could not ride it in the race. It evolved into Rapidash while racing against Dario's Dodrio. Thanks to the speed gained through the evolution, Ash and Rapidash were able to win the race.Rapidash's only known move is Stomp.Debut The Flame Pokmon-athon!Dr. Akihabara's PorygonPorygonPorygon was lent to Ash by Dr. Akihabara to help stop Team Rocket from stealingPokmon from the Pokmon Center's PC system. After they escaped the computer world,

    Porygon was returned to Akihabara.Porygon's known moves are Conversion, Tackle and Sharpen.Debut EP038Voice actorsJapanese Katsuyuki KonishiPokmon League entrance exam instructor's ArbokArbokThe Pokmon League entrance exam instructor gave Ash an Arbok by having him choosehis own set of Pok Balls provided by the instructor. It was used during a PokmonLeague exam by battling the Instructor's Jolteon and lost.Arbok's known moves are Glare and Wrap.Debut The Ultimate TestVoice actors

    Japanese Unsho IshizukaEnglish Unsho IshizukaPokmon League entrance exam instructor's WeezingWeezingThe Pokmon League entrance exam instructor gave Ash a Weezing by having him choose his own set of Pok Balls provided by the instructor. It was used during the Pokmon League exam by battling the Instructor's Flareon and won.Weezing's known moves are Smog, SmokeScreen, Tackle and Explosion.Debut The Ultimate TestVoice actorsJapanese Shin'ichiro MikiEnglish Eric StuartPokmon League entrance exam instructor's Meowth

    MeowthMeowth was the final Pokmon used by Ash during the Pokmon League exam. It was up against the Instructor's Vaporeon in which Vaporeon froze the Meowth causing TeamRocket's Meowth to interfere with the battle by kicking the frozen one free. Itwas accidentally blasted off along with Team Rocket, but the temporary switch was fixed in the next episode.Meowth's only known move is Fury Swipes.Debut The Ultimate TestVoice actorsJapanese Chiyako Shibahara

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    English Adam BlausteinHagatha's HoothootHoothootAsh, Brock and Misty borrowed Hoothoot from Hagatha in order to navigate the haunted forest. It was returned to her sister, Nagatha after they were able to findthe exit.Hoothoot's known moves are Foresight and Peck.Debut Illusion Confusion!Misty's StaryuStaryuMain article: Misty's StaryuAsh borrowed Staryu from Misty for the Fire and Rescue Grand Prix in The Fire-ing Squad!. However, he did not win the contest and returned Staryu to her aroundthe end of the episode.Debut The Fire-ing Squad!Voice actorsJapanese Shin'ichiro MikiEnglish Shin'ichiro MikiMisty's PsyduckPsyduckMain article: Misty's PsyduckAsh borrowed Psyduck from Misty for the Fire and Rescue Grand Prix in The Fire-ing Squad!. However, he did not win the contest and returned Psyduck to her around the end of the episode.

    Debut The Fire-ing Squad!Voice actorsJapanese Rikako AikawaEnglish Eric StuartAsh's SeakingSeakingAsh hooked a Seaking during a Seaking fishing contest. It was released under park rules.Debut Hook, Line, and StinkerVoice actorsJapanese Katsuyuki KonishiEnglish Eric StuartOfficer Jenny's Pidgeot

    PidgeotAsh flew on Officer Jenny's Pidgeot in order to catch up with a boat that was leaving to Littleroot Town.None of Pidgeot's moves are known.Debut Hoenn Alone!Brock's LombreLombreMain article: Brock's LombreAsh commanded Brock's Lombre during the battle with Team Rocket since Brock stayed behind in a stadium to perform with Corphish while Ash and the others went after Team Rocket after they took Lombre instead of Mawile.Debut Once in a MawileVoice actors

    Japanese Miyako ItoEnglish Dan GreenMaster Hamm's HitmonleeHitmonlee ?Ash borrowed Hitmonlee from Master Hamm to battle May with Hitmonchan after Master Hamm injured himself inadvertently.Hitmonlee's known moves are Rolling Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Jump Kick and Focus Punch.Debut Pasta La Vista!Voice actors

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    Japanese Unsho IshizukaEnglish Eric StuartDawn's PiplupPiplup ?Main article: Dawn's PiplupAsh was the first to find Piplup in A Maze-ing Race!, when everyone was separated by Graveler's and Golem's Rollout. Piplup was commanded to use BubbleBeam to take care of various problems that happened in the maze.Piplup went with Ash in Expedition to Onix Island! after getting separated fromhis Trainer on the island of Onix. Ash commanded Piplup to use BubbleBeam to fight a trio of them.Debut A Maze-ing Race!Voice actorsJapanese Etsuko KozakuraEnglish Michele KnotzBrock's SudowoodoSudowoodo ?Main article: Brock's SudowoodoAsh encountered Brock's Sudowoodo when the group was separated by Graveler and Golem. After stopping a fight, Ash went with Sudowoodo to get out of the maze andfind Dawn and Brock. When they were found, Ash had Sudowoodo Mimic Pachirisu'sDischarge to break a hole in the maze wall after finding them from the other side.Debut A Maze-ing Race!

    Voice actorsJapanese Daisuke SakaguchiEnglish Bill RogersDawn's PachirisuPachirisuMain article: Dawn's PachirisuAsh encountered Dawn's Pachirisu along with Piplup, Buizel and Sudowoodo when the group was separated by Graveler and Golem. It mostly worked with Sudowoodo's Mimic when it used Discharge.Debut A Maze-ing Race!Voice actorsJapanese Chinami NishimuraEnglish Chinami Nishimura

    The Pokmon Summer Academy's RaichuRaichuDuring the first day of the summer school academy, Ash was given a Raichu to train. It was called to battle Angie's Monferno and was able to put up a great fight. It had a very timid personality, digging into the ground when Ash first talked to it.Raichu's known moves are Dig, Thunderbolt, Focus Punch and Double Team.Debut Camping It Up!The Pokmon Summer Academy's SpoinkSpoinkAsh was given a Spoink in the first leg of the Pokmon Triathlon. He returned it after he was finished with the first part of the race.Debut One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!

    Voice actorsJapanese Chie SatoEnglish Kayzie RogersThe Pokmon Summer Academy's MantykeMantykeAsh was given a Mantyke for the second leg of the Pokmon Triathlon to ride acrossthe lake. It was returned after the event was finished.Debut One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!A wild CottoneeCottonee ?

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    Ash temporarily commanded a wild Cottonee in order to help him win over a love interest. With Ash's assistance, he was able to learn to dodge attacks and aim his own attacks better.Cottonee's known moves are Cotton Spore, Cotton Guard, Razor Leaf, and Energy Ball.Debut Cottonee in Love!Voice actorsJapanese Naomi ShindoEnglish Michele KnotzA wild Caterpie

    A wild ButterfreeCaterpie ? Metapod ? ButterfreeThis Butterfree was found on Wayfarer Island as a Caterpie, where its lazy tendencies caused it to not evolve and be left behind by its swarm. To help it, Ash temporarily trained the wild Caterpie in order to help it evolve all the way to Butterfree so it wouldn't be left behind. Caterpie evolved into Metapod after itand Pikachu fended off a wild Ursaring. To save Pikachu from Team Rocket, it evolved into a Butterfree and teamed up with Pikachu to blast the trio away. Afterward, it shared a tearful goodbye with Ash as it returned to its swarm.Butterfree's known moves are String Shot, Tackle, Confusion, and Psybeam.Debut Butterfree and Me!Voice actorsJapanese Rikako Aikawa

    English Rikako Aikawa (as Caterpie and Butterfree)A borrowed Rhyhorn from Odyssey VillageRhyhornAsh temporarily commanded a borrowed Rhyhorn, in order to participate at the Rhyhorn race held at Odyssey Village. In the beginning, it was difficult for Ash tohandle Rhyhorn, but the two gradually learned to work together.None of Rhyhorn's moves are known.Debut Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!A wild Scatterbug

    A wild VivillonScatterbug ? Spewpa ? VivillonThis Scatterbug was stolen by Dolan and locked in a cage. The cage fell off the

    truck while Dolan was on the run from Officer Jenny, whereupon Ash and his friends found Scatterbug and prevented it from being recaptured by Dolan. It evolvedinto a Spewpa later on and when it had a battle with Dolan's Diggersby, it evolved into a Vivillon with an Elegant Pattern. Vivillon was then able to defeat Dolan and Diggersby.Vivillon's known moves are Tackle, Protect, String Shot, Safeguard, and Stun Spore.Debut To Catch a Pokmon Smuggler!Voice actorsJapanese Rikako Aikawa (as Spewpa)English Eileen StevensAsh's SkiddoSkiddo

    Ash was riding a Skiddo, when he took part in Grace's racing training. Later, heused it to chase after Team Rocket.None of Skiddo's moves are known.Debut A Race for Home!Achievements

    Ash's Kanto Badges

    Ash's Orange Archipelago Badges

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    Ash's Johto Badges

    Ash's Hoenn Badges

    Ash's Frontier Symbols

    Ash's Sinnoh Badges

    Ash's Unova Badges

    Ash's current Kalos Badges (prior to The Green, Green Grass Types of Home!)

    Ash's Winner's TrophyKanto BadgesThis listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Kanto region:Boulder Badge (Showdown in Pewter City)Cascade Badge (The Water Flowers of Cerulean City)Thunder Badge (Electric Shock Showdown)Marsh Badge (Haunter versus Kadabra)Rainbow Badge (Pokmon Scent-sation!)Soul Badge (The Ninja Pok-Showdown)Volcano Badge (Volcanic Panic)Earth Badge (The Battle of the Badge)Orange Archipelago Badges

    This listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Orange Archipelago:Coral-Eye Badge (Fit to be Tide)Sea Ruby Badge (Navel Maneuvers)Spike Shell Badge (Misty Meets Her Match)Jade Star Badge (Pokmon Double Trouble)Johto BadgesThis listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Johto region:Zephyr Badge (Fighting Flyer with Fire)Hive Badge (Gettin' The Bugs Out)Plain Badge (A Dairy Tale Ending)Fog Badge (From Ghost to Ghost)Storm Badge (Machoke, Machoke Man!)Mineral Badge (Nerves of Steelix!)

    Glacier Badge (Nice Pryce, Baby!)Rising Badge (Better Eight Than Never)Hoenn BadgesThis listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Hoenn region:Stone Badge (The Winner By a Nosepass!)Knuckle Badge (Just One of the Geysers)Dynamo Badge (Watt's with Wattson?)Heat Badge (Going, Going, Yawn!)Balance Badge (Balance of Power)Feather Badge (Sky High Gym Battle!)Mind Badge (Solid as a Solrock)Rain Badge (Eight Ain't Enough!)Frontier Symbols

    This listing is of the Symbols Ash has obtained in the Battle Frontier:Knowledge Symbol (The Symbol Life)Guts Symbol (Wheel... of Frontier!)Tactics Symbol (Tactics Theatrics!!)Luck Symbol (Queen of the Serpentine!)Spirits Symbol (Ka Boom with a View!)Ability Symbol (Second Time's the Charm!)Brave Symbol (Pace - The Final Frontier!)Sinnoh BadgesThis listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Sinnoh region:

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    Coal Badge (O'er the Rampardos we Watched!)Forest Badge (The Grass Menagerie!)Cobble Badge (A Triple Fighting Chance!)Fen Badge (A Crasher Course in Power!)Relic Badge (Shield with a Twist!)Mine Badge (Dealing With Defensive Types!)Icicle Badge (Sliding Into Seventh!)Beacon Badge (The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!)Unova BadgesThis listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Unova region:Trio Badge (Dreams by the Yard Full!)Basic Badge (Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!)Insect Badge (Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!)Bolt Badge (Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!)Quake Badge (Battling the King of the Mines!)Jet Badge (An Amazing Aerial Battle!)Freeze Badge (Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!)Toxic Badge (Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2)Kalos BadgesThis listing is of the Badges Ash has obtained in the Kalos region:Bug Badge (Battling on Thin Ice!)Cliff Badge (Climbing the Walls!)Rumble Badge (Showdown at the Shalour Gym!)Plant Badge (The Green, Green Grass Types of Home!)

    Voltage Badge (XY067)Pokmon League rankingAsh has competed in the following Pokmon League Conferences:Indigo Plateau Conference - Top 16 (Friend and Foe Alike)Silver Conference - Top 8 (Johto Photo Finish)Ever Grande Conference - Top 8 (At the End of the Fray)Lily of the Valley Conference - Top 4 (The Semi-Final Frontier!)Vertress Conference - Top 8 (A Unova League Evolution!)Championship matchesAsh challenged the following Pokmon championships as well:Orange League - Champion (Enter The Dragonite)Pokmon competitionsAsh has also participated in the following competitions:

    List of competitions (heavy spoiler)P1 Grand Prix - Winner (The Punchy Pokmon)Pokmon Swap Meet Tauros Battling Competition - Winner (Tricks of the Trade)Fire and Rescue Grand Prix - N/A (The Fire-ing Squad!)Bug-Catching Contest - Winner (The Bug Stops Here)Seaking Catching Day - N/A (Hook, Line, and Stinker)Grass Tournament - Runner-up (The Grass Route)Sumo Conference - Winner (Ring Masters)Pokmon Balloon Race - Winner (with Misty and Brock; tied with Skyler and Tenma; The Big Balloon Blow-Up)Whirl Cup - Top 32 (The Perfect Match!)Extreme Pokmon Race - Winner (Extreme Pokmon!)Tour de Alto Mare - DNF (Pokmon Heroes: Latios & Latias)

    PokRingerCrossgate Town - Winner (That's Just Swellow)Squallville - Winner (Pursuing a Lofty Goal!)Rota Tournament - Winner (Lucario and the Mystery of Mew)Pokmon Orienteering - N/A (Off the Unbeaten Path)Pokmon ContestUnofficial Terracotta Contest - Winner (tied with May; Home is Where the Start Is!)Jubilife Contest - Top 8 (Arrival of a Rival!)Wallace Cup - Top 8 (Pruning a Passel of Pals!)

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    Pokmon Dress-Up Contest - Runner-up (All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!)Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition - Winner (with Paul; Smells Like Team Spirit!)Hearthome Collection - Runner-up (Arriving in Style!)Pokmon Summer Academy Triathlon - Winner (One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!)Pokmon Ping Pong Tournament - Top 32 (To Thine Own Pokmon Be True!)Twinleaf Festival Battle Tournament - Winner (Challenging a Towering Figure!)Pokathlon - Runner-up (A Marathon Rivalry!)Club Battle - Runner-up (Club Battle Finale: A Hero's Outcome!)Wishing Bell Festival - Runner-up (Climbing the Tower of Success!)Clubsplosion - Top 4 (Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!)Pokmon World Tournament Junior Cup - Runner-up (Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three!)Marine Cup Tournament - Winner (Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!)Scalchop King Competition - Disqualified (Crowning the Scalchop King!)Grand Harvest Festival Pokmon Sumo Tournament - Winner (The Journalist from Another Region!)Voice actorsLanguage Voice actorJapanese ???? Rica MatsumotoEnglish Veronica Taylor (EP001-AG145, M01-M08)Sarah Natochenny (AG146-present, M09-present, The Mastermind of Mirage Pokmon re-dub)

    Kayzie Rogers (The Mastermind of Mirage Pokmon first dub only)Arabic ????? ??? Buthaina ShiaCatalan Enric PuigMandarin Chinese ??? H Shfang (EP001-EP081, EP117-EP274)??? Li Mngxng (EP082-EP116)??? Wang Shwei (AG001-present)Croatian Saa BunetaMarko TorjanacCzech Radek kvorDanish Mathias KlenskeDutch Christa LipsUnknown voice actor (M05-M07)Filipino Klariz Magboo

    Finnish Sari Moilanen (EP001-EP142) (M01-M04)Jami Kantola (M05-M07)Hanna Leino (EP158-present) (M10-present)French Canada Sbastien RedingEurope Aurlien RingelheimCharles Pestel (M04, M07)German Caroline Combrinck (EP001-EP157, DP105-present)Veronika Neugebauer (EP158-DP104)Greek ????a ??sta Voula KostaHebrew ?????? ???? Yonatan Magon????? ???? Daniel MagonHindi Prasad Barve (Cartoon Network dub)Nachiket Dighe (Hungama dub)

    Hungarian Szvetlov BalzsUngvri Gergely (AG)Szalay Csongor (DP)Indonesian Ahmad Zulkifli Lubis (EP001-AG192, DP004-present)Kamal Nasuti (DP001-DP003)Italian Davide GarbolinoKorean ??? Choi Deok-Hyi??? Lee Seon-Ho??? An Hyeon-SeoNorwegian Nils-Martin Crawfurd

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    Polish Hanna Kinder-Kiss (EP001-AG040, DP053-present, M01-present)Grzegorz Drojewski (DP001-DP052)Portuguese Brazil Fbio LucindoPortugal Maria Joo Lus (EP001-EP031, EP033, M01-M02)Sandra Faleiro (EP032, EP034-EP094)Sandra de Castro (EP095-EP128, EP158-EP209, AG093-AG177, DP001-DP052, Pokmon Live!)Alexandra Sedas (EP129-EP157)Cristina Carvalhal (M03-M04)Brbara Loureno (EP210-AG040, Pokmon Chronicles)Raquel Ferreira (AG041-AG092)Unknown actress (M07)Ana Madureira (AG178-AG192)Raquel Rosmaninho (DP053-present, M10-present)Russian ???? ???????? Anna Levchenko (EP001-EP105)?????? ?????????? Larisa Nekipelova (DP105-present)Spanish Latin America Gabriel Ramos (EP001-DP090, DP105-DP157, M01-M11)Irwin Daayn (DP091-DP104)Rommy Mendoza (young, DP138)Miguel ngel Leal (DP158-present, M13-present)Pablo Gandolfo (M06-M07)Alan Fernando Velzquez (M12)Spain Adolfo MorenoRafael Alonso Naranjo Jr. (M03 and Mewtwo Returns)

    Swedish Dick ErikssonThai ?????? ?????????? Chanthana Tharachan???????? ??????????? Sansanee Tinkeeradit (Best Wishes series and XY series)Turkish Ahmet TasarVietnamese ?ng Hong Khuy?t


    Ash anime.png Ash AG.png AshAG.png Ash DP 1.png Ash DP.pngAsh Ketchum BW.png Ash BW.pngOfficial artwork from theoriginal series Official artwork from theAdvanced Generation series Alternative artwork from the

    Advanced Generation series Official artwork from theDiamond & Pearl series Alternative artwork from theDiamond & Pearl series Official artwork from theBest Wishes series Alternative artwork from theBest Wishes seriesAsh M16.png Ash XY.png Ash XY 2.png Ash XY 3.png Ash XY 4.pngAsh XY 6.png Ash M17.pngOfficial artwork from thesixteenth movie Alternative artwork from theXY series Alternative artwork from theXY series Alternative artwork from theXY series Alternative artwork from theXY series Alternative artwork from the

    XY series Official artwork from theseventeenth movieIn the manga

    In the Ash and Pikachu manga

    Ash in Ash and PikachuAsh is a starring character in Ash and Pikachu, a manga series based on the Johto saga of the Pokmon anime.Pokmon

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    Currently ownedAsh Pikachu AP.pngPikachu ? Ash Cyndaquil AP.pngCyndaquil Ash Totodile AP.pngTotodile Ash Bulbasaur AP.pngBulbasaurAsh Larvitar AP.pngEgg ? Larvitar Silver Conference Scoreboard AP.pngHeracross Silver Conference Scoreboard AP.pngMuk Silver Conference Scoreboard AP.pngBayleef ?Ash Snorlax AP.pngSnorlax Ash Tauros AP.pngTauros ? Ash Grovyle AP.pngTreecko ? Grovyle Ash Corphish AP.pngCorphishAsh Swellow AP.pngTaillow ? Swellow Ash Torkoal AP.pngTorkoal Ash Glalie AP.pngSnorunt ? Glalie Ash Charizard AP.pngCharizard

    TemporaryAsh Psyduck AP.png


    Ash and Brock in Magical Pokmon JourneyIn The Electric Tale of Pikachu mangaMain article: Ash Ketchum (EToP)Ash Ketchum is a starring character in The Electric Tale of Pikachu, a manga series based on the anime. Ash's journey in The Electric Tale of Pikachu follows roughly the same plot as in the anime: first traveling the Kanto region to participate in the Pokmon League, before embarking on a journey around the Orange Archipelago.In the Magical Pokmon Journey mangaAsh, along with Misty and Brock, made cameo appearances in bonus chapters of the

    Magical Pokmon Journey manga. In the bonus chapters, Ash and his friends have mistakenly wandered into the world Magical Pokmon Journey is set in. The bonus chapters chronicle their attempts to return to their own world (of the anime) and their encounters with various aspects of the Magical Pokmon Journey canon which differ from the anime's canon (such as the use of Pok Balls).In the Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl manga

    Ash and Pikachu in Pocket Monsters Diamond & PearlAsh and Pikachu appear as main characters alongside Dawn and her Piplup in the manga series Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl, an adaptation of the anime set in the timeline of the Diamond & Pearl series.PokmonOn hand

    Ash Pikachu PDP.pngPikachu ? Ash Grotle PDP.pngTurtwig ? Grotle Ash Staravia PDP.pngStaravia ?Ash Chimchar PDP.pngChimchar Dawn Buizel PDP.pngBuizel ? Ash Gliscor PDP.pngGliscor

    Traded away

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    Ash Aipom PDP.pngAipom ?

    TemporaryDawn Piplup PDP.pngPiplup ?

    In the movie adaptations

    Ash with his friends in the movie 10 manga adaptationSince Ash and his Pikachu have appeared in every Pokmon movie to date, likewise,Ash is a main character in every Pokmon movie manga adaptation. The same applieswith Ash's team as they made similar appearances.

    In the TCG

    This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Ash or his Pokmon in the Pokmon Trading Card Game.Ash's PokmonCards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.Cards listed with a silver background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.Card Type English

    Expansion Rarity # JapaneseExpansion Rarity #Ash's Torkoal Fighting Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Space Fissure's Deoxys 009/019Ash's Grovyle Grass Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's Lucario 001/020Ash's Phanpy Fighting Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's Lucario 004/020Ash's Swellow Colorless Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's Lucario 007/020Ash's Aipom Colorless Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy 010/019Ash's Treecko Grass ADV-P Promotional cards

    036/ADV-PPikachu Pokmon M Lightning Movie Commemoration Ranom Pack 012/022Staraptor Pokmon M Colorless Movie Commemoration Random Pack 018/022Pikachu Pokmon M LV.X Lightning DPt-P Promotional cards 043/DPt-P

    In Tretta

    Main article: Pikachu (05-01)In Pokmon Tretta, Ash and his Pikachu appear as a Master-class Tretta in the Inva

    sion! Mega Rayquaza expansion. When Pikachu is in play, he appears wearing Ash'shat from the XY series.Trivia

    Ash's drawing of a DewgongAsh has never officially caught a Pokmon of the Steel, Psychic, Ghost, or Fairy types.This excludes both his unofficial Haunter, a Ghost/Poison-type, and in The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga, where he caught a Slowpoke, a Water/Psychic-type.

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    The date of Ash's birth, according to Takeshi Shudo's anime novelizations, is 10years, 10 months, and 10 days exactly prior to the day he began his Pokmon journey. Being that the same novelization declares that Pokmon Trainers obtain their first Pokmon in April of the year following their 10th birthday, and the anime itself began broadcast on the first of that month in 1997 in Japan, Ash's birthday,if April 1 was the first day of his journey, would be May 22.On a related note, Ash is still considered 10 years old in promotional materialsas well as the first episode of Best Wishes despite Best Wishes Until We Meet Again! strongly implying that at least a full year had passed since his time in Johto.When Veronica Taylor was interviewed in the documentary "Adventures in Voice Acting", she stated that during her audition for the role of Ash, he was known as Casey at the time. This name would later be given to a recurring character from Johto.Ash can draw, as shown in Up Close and Personable! when he drew a Dewgong. However, this drawing was insulted by Angie.Ash has been shown to be a good climber, as mentioned in Celebi: Voice of the Forest (when Misty and Brock say "He climbs like a Mankey!") and Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (when Brock calls him a "human Aipom"). Ash's climbing ability hasalso been shown in several episodes throughout the series, such as Enter Iris and Axew!, when he climbs up a tree to try to save Pikachu and Axew, and in Climbing the Walls!, in which he climbed up the rock-climbing wall up to Grant to face him and win the Cliff Badge.Ash has lost a match against every Normal-type Gym Leader he has faced: Whitney

    in A Goldenrod Opportunity, Norman in There's no Place Like Hoenn, Lenora in TheBattle According to Lenora, and Cheren in There's a New Gym Leader in Town!.Ash has lost at least one Gym battle in every region. He lost to Brock and Lt. Surge in Kanto, Whitney in Johto, Norman and Brawly in Hoenn (although his firstbattle with Norman was an unofficial battle), Roark and Fantina in Sinnoh, Lenora in Unova, and Viola in Kalos.As seen in The Path That Leads to Goodbye! and Under the Pledging Tree!, Ash apparently has an interest in catching a Dunsparce, having attempted to do so on both occasions but fails each time something happens.Ever since facing Wattson in Watt's with Wattson?, Ash has not won a Gym Badge in the same episode in which he meets the Gym Leader.Names

    Language Name OriginJapanese ??? Satoshi Can be taken to mean ? akira (wisdom; reason); named after Satoshi Tajiri.EnglishGermanItalianSpanishCanadian FrenchDutchHindi Ash Ketchum Ketchum sounds similar to catch 'em. First name can be found in Japanese name, Satoshi. Also, Ash is a default name for Red in Pokmon Redand Blue. Ash trees are suggested as another explanation as well.European French Sacha Ketchum Similar to Ash.

    Korean ??? Han Jiu ? ji is from ? Satoshi. Alternatively, ?? (??) jiu can mean "close friend".Chinese (Mandarin) ?? Xiao Zh Diminutive nickname derived from ???, Satoshi Tajiri.Chinese (Cantonese) ?? Su Ji Same as Mandarin name.Indonesian Ali (Kanto saga)Satoshi (Johto saga - present) Originally from Arabic names that mean "high" or"exalted". Slightly similar to Ash.Same as his Japanese name.Thai ??????

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    Satoshi Same as his Japanese name.VietnameseSatoshiAsh Ketchum (in early promotions)Same as his Japanese name.Same as his English name.

    See also

    AshleyAshachuMirror AshEpisodes focusing on AshExternal links

    Article on WikipediaOn Bulbagarden forumsAsh Club

    Ash's PokmonOn hand:025 Pikachu657 Frogadier662 Fletchinder

    701 Hawlucha706 GoodraAt Oak's:001 Bulbasaur006 Charizard099 Kingler089 Muk128 Tauros (30)143 Snorlax214 Heracross153 Bayleef156 Quilava158 Totodile

    164s Noctowl ShinyVIStar.png232 Donphan277 Swellow254 Sceptile341 Corphish324 Torkoal362 Glalie398 Staraptor389 Torterra392 Infernape418 Buizel472 Gliscor443 Gible

    521F Unfezant501 Oshawott499 Pignite495 Snivy559 Scraggy542 Leavanny536 Palpitoad525 Boldore553 KrookodileIn training:

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    007 Squirtle057 PrimeapeReleased:012 Butterfree018 Pidgeot131 LaprasTraded away:020 Raticate190 AipomGiven away:015 BeedrillNot caught:093 Haunter246 LarvitarTemporary:016 Pidgey019 Rattata078 Rapidash137 Porygon110 Weezing024 Arbok052 Meowth163 Hoothoot120 Staryu

    054 Psyduck119 Seaking018 Pidgeot271 Lombre106 Hitmonlee393 Piplup185 Sudowoodo417 Pachirisu026 Raichu325 Spoink458 Mantyke546 Cottonee012 Butterfree

    111 Rhyhorn666Ele Vivillon672 SkiddoElectric Tale only:022 Fearow043 Oddish056 Mankey079 Slowpoke

    Anime charactersProtagonists Ash Ketchum Pikachu Misty Togetic Brock Tracey Sketchit MayDawn PiplupIris Axew Cilan Serena Clemont Bonnie Dedenne

    Rivals Gary Ritchie Harrison Drew Harley Morrison Tyson Solidad Paul Kenny Conway BarryUrsula Tobias Trip Bianca Burgundy Stephan Georgia Cameron Virgil TieTrevorAntagonists Jessie James Meowth Giovanni Butch Cassidy Dr. Namba Matoce Dr. Zager Shelly ArchieTabitha Maxie Hunter J Saturn Mars Jupiter Cyrus Charon Colress AlditarretProfessors Professor Oak Professor Ivy Professor Elm Professor Birch Profesor Rowan

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    Professor Carolina Professor Juniper Cedric Juniper Dr. Fennel Professor SycamoeRelatives Delia Ketchum Flint Lola Forrest Brock's siblings Daisy Vioily Norman Caroline Johanna Chili CressGrace MeyerSupporting Officer Jenny Nurse Joy Todd Snap Charles Goodshow Casey Lizakura Lance Mr. Sukizo Raoul ContestaVivian Meridian Scott Lilian Meridian Marian Rhonda Cynthia Reggie AngieLyra KhouryDon George Alder Luke Freddy O'Martian Ingo Emmet Montgomery Jervis N Concordia PorterAlexa Clembot Alain Mairin Lysandre Steven Aria Diantha Gurkinn MonsiGym Leaders Elite Four Frontier Brains Many temporary characters

    Trainers in Pokmon LeaguesIndigo Plateau Conference: Mandi Pete Gary Jeanette Melissa Ash RitchiuntaSilver Conference: Salvador Jackson Macy Gary Ash Harrison JonEver Grande Conference: Jump Vivica Gilbert Gavin Dominick ClarkJohnny Katie Morrison Ash TysonLily of the Valley Conference: Jeffrey Nando Barry Conway Paul Ash TobiasVertress Conference: Radley Mikael Ultimo Kendrick Trip Bianca EmmanuelGeraldo Stephan Flora Kenton Manning AshKatharine Antonio Russet Ramone Cameron Dino Virgil

    Pokmon ChampionsGames: Blue Lance Red Steven WallaceCynthia Alder Iris Diantha All player charactersAnime: Captain Drake Ash Ketchum Lance Jon Dickson TysonCynthia Wallace Tobias Alder Virgil Diantha StevenOrigins: Blue RedAdventures: Professor Oak Red StevenWallace Cynthia Alder DianthaEToP: Drake Ash KetchumOther: Ronald* Rald*

    Trainers in PokRinger competitions

    Crossgate Town: Volt May Shane James AshSquallville: Taylor Provo James Steveland Paul Ash

    The Electric Tale of Pikachu charactersMain charactersAsh Ketchum Pikachu Gary Oak Ritchie May Oak Professor Oak Delia Ketchum James MeowthGym LeadersBrock Misty Koga Sabrina Giovanni Rudy DrakeOtherA.J. Aya Bill Damian Dario Duplica Eevee brothers Giselle Jeanette Fishr Jenny Joe Nurse JoyLara Laramie Mahri Melanie Mikey Mimi Professor Orville Potter Florinda S

    Ruby Samurai Tommy

    Ash and Pikachu charactersMain charactersAsh Ketchum Pikachu Misty Togepi Brock May Max Jessie James MeowthRivalsGary Oak Drew MorrisonGym Leaders and Frontier BrainsWhitney Clair Roxanne Norman Noland Greta LucyOther

  • 7/21/2019 Ash Ketchup


    Anna Azusa Professor Birch Calista Caroline Professor Cozmo Drake ErikoEriko's grandmother Mrs. Grimm Hiroto Jack Pollockson Kiyo Lily Professor OOliver Robert Shelly Solana Tabitha Team Rocket Scientist TimmyWhitney's grandmother Winstrate family

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