asepsis. related terms normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area,...


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Page 1: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion


Page 2: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Related terms

Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another.

Infection : invasion and proliferation of microorganisms in certain body tissues.

Disease : a detectable alteration in normal tissue function

Page 3: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Related terms

Virulence (Pathogenicity): the ability of microorganism to produce disease.

Opportunistic pathogen

CDC (Centre for Disease Control)

Page 4: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion


The freedom from disease-causing microorganisms

Medical asepsis all practices used to limit the number of microorganisms, growth and transmission.

- Clean objects: absence of almost all microorganisms.

- Dirty (Soiled, Contaminated) : have microorganisms, some of which capable of causing infection.

Surgical asepsis (Sterile Technique): practices that keep area or object free from all microorganisms (sterilization by using autoclave).

Sepsis : the state of infection, may includes septic shock.

Page 5: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Microorganisms causing infections

Bacteria (Staphs, Streptococci)

Viruses (Hepatitis, Herpes..)

Fungi (Candida albicans)

Parasites (Malaria) (mites, flees, ticks).

Page 6: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Types of infections

Colonization : microorganisms become resident flora, they may grow and multiply, but do not cause disease.

Local Infection : infection limited to specific area of the body.

Systemic Infection : spread to different parts of the body.

Bacteremia : Blood culture reveals microorganisms

Septicemia : when bacteremia results in systemic infection.

Acute infection : sudden and in short time.

Chronic infection : slow and in very long period.

Page 7: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Nosocomial Infections

Infections associated with delivery of health care services in a health care facility (during stay or after discharge)

Examples : UTI’S, URTI’S, Surgical site infection, Blood stream infections.

It may originates as Endogenous or Exogenous.

Iatrogenic (IV insertion) (Dx. or Rx.).

Page 8: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Chain of Infection

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Example on Chain of InfectionHepatitis B Virus


Page 10: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Method of transmission

1. Direct transmission : droplet, touch, bite, sexual intercourse.

2. Indirect transmission:

- Vehicle-borne (handkerchiefs, toys, soiled clothes)

- Vector-borne (animals, flies)

3. Airborne transmission (Tuberculosis) (droplet nuclei).

Page 11: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Body Defense against infection(Susceptible Host)

Nonspecific Defenses :

- anatomic & Physiologic Barriers

- inflammatory response : vascular and cellular response, exudates

production, reparative phase

Specific Defenses :

- antibody-mediated (active & passive immunity)

- cell-mediated (HIV)

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Age HeredityStressorsNutritional statusMedical therapy

Page 13: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Nursing Diagnoses

Risk for infection Potential complication of

infection: fever Impaired physical mobility Imbalanced nutrition: less

than body requirementsAcute pain Impaired social interaction

or social isolationSituational low self-esteemAnxiety

Page 14: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

1. Hand washing: - before and after eating - after using toilets, bedpan - contact with body substance (sputum, drainage, wound exudates).• use: antimicrobial foam, hand gel, water (10 min.) with soap, antimicrobial

liquid soap.• When using antimicrobial agent: - multiple resistant bacteria - invasive procedures - SCBU, ICU’S - immune-compromised patients.• Frequent use may induce: dryness, contact dermatitis → lotions, moisturisers

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Page 17: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S. (Hand washing)…..

Nails should be kept short

Remove jewelrySkin breaks

Page 18: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

2. Supporting defense:

- Hygiene (bathing and shampooing)

- Nutrition (well-balanced diet) to maintain healthy tissues.

- Rest and sleep

- Immunization

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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

3. Cleaning objects - use gloves

- rinse with cold water

- wash with hot water and soap

- use brushes in cleaning

- dry up equipments

- clean used utensils by disinfectant.

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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

4. Disinfection - using chemical preparations such

as phenol or iodine compounds. - used on inanimate objects as it is

toxic to tissues. - more concentrated than

antiseptics. - bactericidal (destroy bacteria) and

bacteriostatic (prevent growth and reproduction of some

bacteria) agents. - concentration, duration, temp,

organic materials are important to consider when using


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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

5. Sterilization

- is the process of destroying all microorganisms, including spores and viruses.

- Moist heat: steam+ pressure or free steam (autoclaving: 15-17pound/121-123˚ c/ 20-30 min.

Page 22: Asepsis. Related terms Normal resident flora (bacteria) the collective vegetation in a given area, yet produce infection in another. Infection : invasion

Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S. (sterilization)….

Gas sterilization

Ethylene oxide gas (interferes with metabolism of microorganisms) for sensitive objects and more penetration.

Boiled water

100 ˚ c/ 15 min


using ionizing and non-ionizing radiation (UV rays). It is very expensive.

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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

6. Isolation Precautions: measures designed to prevent spread of infections to health

personnel, clients and visitors.

Standard precautions: - for all clients in hospital. - blood, body fluids and secretions, broken skin, mucous

membranes. - includes: hand washing, wearing clean gloves, wearing

mask, eye protection, face shield, wearing a clean non-sterile gown, correct disposals and prevent injuries

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Nursing interventions in infection control and

prevention of NCI’S. (Isolation Precautions…..

Transmission-based precautions (airborne-precautions):

- private room, negative air pressure, 2-same infected clients.

- respiratory device - NO entry in cases (rubella, measles, chickenpox- varisella) - limited movement of the

patient (surgical mask).

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Nursing interventions in infection control and

prevention of NCI’S. (Isolation Precautions…..

Droplets precautions

- Used in droplet-transmitted D’s (diphtheria-pertussis-mumps)

- private room

- mask

- limit patient’s movement (surgical mask).

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Nursing interventions in infection control and

prevention of NCI’S. (Isolation Precautions…..

Contact precautions

- used in serious illnesses and immune-compromised patients (wound infections, MRSA)

- private room

- wear gloves

- wear gown

- limit movement

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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

7. Personal protective equipments (medical asepsis)

- Gloving

- Gowns

- Eyewear

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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

Disposal of soiled equipment and supplies:

- Bagging

- Linens

- lab. Specimens

- Dishes

- BP equipments

- Thermometers

- Sharps

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Nursing interventions in infection control and prevention of NCI’S.

9. Sterile technique (surgical asepsis)

- can be used in OR, LR, and special Dx. Procedures

- sterile field: a microorganism- free area

- ensure package intact and dry, and check for sterilization expiry.

- double packed objects

- using forceps, drape, sterile solutions.

- wearing sterile gloves by open and closed methods

- wearing sterile gown