as blaze consumed sweetness reported and as killed light...ary 7, 1946, on a bombing mis-sion over...

h/*'»i ?a ,''i ;.•' .St' «Sf I If V.'l ,MV.-No. 5Vyj Sweetness AND Light Churl* E. CrefWf in tho papers I 1( ,IT nnothtf , „„\M probation CMtt} in ,„„ robatio roost. 1 rc member that« woek« ago I ,W- In" ,lni w the judge hfcd l,H$750fti»iOPt in the «»«"*« m his own Ww f ( ,rcement in CM* profewiionw flJg; Reported As Killed As Blaze Consumed .iprig , z ,,, H lug8or»o , omp ieto iM p Judge lecture md I n m ,U|i|lilSl' >i Illl tin- could g«i • Hi* photograph abov*, taken »t the o»rk« of the Carteret Board of Heelth, ihvwn Standing, Mr*. EaiWa Wsllea1»r«, Dr. Samuel Mauia- f«r, Dr. Imre T. Kenenr, Michael Yexchctki, Mr*. M M Humphries, E. A. Wll.on, Otto WolUn- Urf, Dr. Maurice CawUsa, MUt G«n«r»!«»« T. PwtUli Sealed, JoMph Tandrrak, John J. Clho, i. f. G«4ef»t«| (pretMMt), John KUKRI. (•««•• fcvy), »"J Lyl-i BolUci. Dr. Jo«pJ> W.ntoch, Henry SoUetki and David L*»n«r of the board by Urban. wtt* a(M««t at tlia titH the pktar* wa» ma«Vi Mr. Yarchaiki U the board'• i»«ll»r r in«pMt«rt Mr.. Hmnparies 1, rafUtrar of vital statistics) Mr*. WolleiiUrf and MIM Penkal iu nor.**, tad Messrs. Wollenfe.ri and WiUoit n e t t b m el it* plumbing iupaction (ward. 11M fhytlelaiu wrv* 1* various capacities. Others neAti»ne4 an •Ban- ker, of the board, wtileli it appolatwl by the Mayor and Council. _ loan? 0/ /far/M Concent 0wr tor© &«<f«itt £ | « Starts Before Birth, Continues Through Life predilection to- Vmf Eeery Pro ipcctive Mother Rega ipp.'rrnt -,i..i.ation. I've •. uii many occasion*, a* ..i::.t recall, the repeated , ,,r (he notoriot* Dundee I ,;.•iiiiig sprung on proba M ime, Zullo'a fantaetfc »ith the law is not eon- complishment alone-1 contact between the borough's tptcttve Mo g larly, Watch Over Child CARTERET -To describe the ,',„ at It I might aug- , Grand Jury that It ii that two and one-half mlictment again* him m K hter by autorooWe ,i happened to tt. Another one. ZuUogot Board of Health and the residents recorded in the board's which Ales. At stated times also, provision is made for immunization and vac- cination of the babies to protect them against smallpox, whooping cough and diphtheria. Older chil- dren who mayhave failed to get this protection earlier in life also ward I. Sul, S8-y*ar-old navigator of a B-17 Plying Fortress of the Eighth Air force, was killed Janfe ary 7, 1946, on a bombing mis- sion over Germany*, the War De- partment has informed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sul, of 103 Lincoln Avenue. His wife, the for- mer Miss Emily Poremhe, lives at 414 East Jersey Street, Bllsa- beth. Lieutenant Sal had been listed as missing inaction. Lieutenant Sal's wife and par- enU had made several fruitless at- tempts to trace the mining flier. They communicated with the fam- ilies of the other members ef th« erew, but none had received additional information. No trace of the plane was found. The lieutenant held the Air Medal with two clusters. He was cited for "meritorious achieve- ment" while participating in bomb, ing attacks on vital German in- dustrial target*, Nazi airfields, supply dumps and gun emplace- ments in support of advances by Allied ground forces. ' He was a member of the Fortress group which led the first American bombing attack on targets In Ber- lin and which was cited by Presi- dent Roosevelt for its outstanding vailing here In that mothers who hombin* a m a h on railroad mar- --- • • shelling yardi at Munster, Ger- I'lioto by Harold Jnnof«lu\ The pMtefrcpli aWei «•*•» »y H>r«M JaM<*ky, thews Are llitee aMl Ireiaen at ««rk Mrtl«««UMD| the 8re hem last latatekv •>•*»{«* *U«« faetrWerf tW M a a l ISOchicken* and tarlwyt •wftW iy Step)** Maker at «4 Pennine Arena*. The iceue also *k<rw* p*r(lM el (fee U r n crowd which fathered q«ieU» atttat th. $600 Damage Canted At fhmet S Penhing Avenue Merkei are attended to before their en trance to echool. r Not O»l r For T h , Poor S. P. Godewtad, president of the board, pointed out recently a very satisfactory condition pre- vailing bring their children to the keep- (ConHmud on Page 6) of the community one must am plify an old saying to make it read, ''From before the cradle, to the grave." This is true of the board's interest in Carteret people, iitcr- ui v..». „-. ally and actually, because nurses imc In* dispute OTer from the board visit every pros- hts anallant feu pettlve mother in Carteret imme- i tiicfl. Why Itthlat The dlately they learn of her impend- i tin- itchy trigger finger ing maternity. They offer helpful ihe drunk meirttoned suggestions as to caring for her- at least went totrial self and providing things neces- sary for the arrival of the baby, for it**ar* after birth. ,. a woman asks the visits discontinued because she pre- 4 From Boro Navy Recruits NEW BRUNSWICK —Eugene Brown and Morris Brown, sons of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brown ©f 77 RiHmevelt Avenue, Cartuet, en- listed in the Navy for two yean March 22. Prior to their enlist- idd Bt- Honor Pupils Are Listed CARTERET The following students of Carteret High School have made the honor roll for the fourth marking period: •r prnhstiott ,i,-,| m the newe i t!,i, WHS the one I tjlk .iimiit—where ' ii.i-. (Hie of out tlk the ringleaders I,, .ui HHunpted deliverj of pfkv ,i the Middlesei County ,. .ittcmpt was thwiH*d . .nipt and coumMHHW Yigl i Warden Alexander, •> nmspirator In -- - i ak, wording to the War- ,i- urn.' James Woedy, of As reported by tig New ,i.k Hume Newt, Woody, .•,i iu a degenerate by Ailimn Lyon when he w u |,r ;<:<':i r, uiiiied to the Annandale i.ih.ry" last Friday, was .il in Annandale originally :•• ihat would be-March, of lewdness. . r .... her desires art respect- led, but unless such a request is the nurse* continue periodic throughout the entire nine ding the birth of baby in Carteret. They also provide helpful literature and its of necessities. Two nurses serve th* hoard. At present they are Mlaa Genevieve ;T. Penkul and Mrs. Barbara Wol- ilenberK, the latter replacing Mrs, Kathryn Redling, who is on leave of absence until May. R»f Utered At Birth Once a baby has been born, this fact must be registered with the board's Registrar of Vital Statis- tic*, Mrs. Mae Humphries, such registration taking place within shelling yards at M , many, in October, 1943. His group also shared a Presidential citation for its part in ty historic England- Africa shuttl/ bombing of an important Messerschrnilt tighter plane plant at Hegenfllmrg, Ger- At 1943 Oil Burner Explosion Bdkttd Cmn; Poul- try Stock Destroyed CARTERET Flames which started suddenly and were quickly fanned into an inferno destroyed some ,3S0 chickens last Saturday morning, the entire poultry stock of Stephen Molnar of 64 Pershing Avenue. Four turkeys also were lost. The poultry consijrfcd of 150 grown chick«ns, th« rest baby chicks, and all were valued at a total of $600. They were housed, in a shed at the rear of Mr, Molnar's property. Mr. Molnar was working nearby in his garden at the time and told police and firemen he thought an dd td CARTIMT-A wfthalongertaMat? sldered by autii leader of a plot i sale delivery of r .^.. Middlesex County JaiL The man, Joseph B M a t . jrahint Amae, raftfitl to, cuss the Miter wWi tataAf dials or with Wl ' Alexander. It wee ever, according to the v, planned the jail break scheme tun afoul the f the Jail adiflinfcrti »lththi men lai r ra*Wr1h"g of All wrist. Accompanied by nor, a guard, Aid the jail's cell block at 1 in search of two Imfj that had b m wHttaf! coops before he could summon aid. Firemen had the fire out within a.--^. half hour but the, dense smoke I two weeks from treated hung over ,the neighbor-1 institution, located hood for several hours. g many, in Aug«st, 1943. Gradaate of CHS | A graduate of Carteret High School, Lieutenant Sul also attend. e( j Kutgeim University and was em , d b the Foster ^ ^ Corporation before entering the g oil heater exploded and started the Are which swept through the Leaders To Attefld Diet In V. S. Service gers UO1...,,,.,. „_ the Carteret High School footeal team and both expeet to become a machinist's mate in the ttavy. wnilam Joseph Poll, son of Mr. and Mm. Joseph Poll, 316 Pershlng Avenue, Carteret, alto enlisted for two years. Prior to hie enlistment, William attended Rutgers for a year. He expects to become a machinist's mate Inthe Miry. Stephen Joseph Ginda, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ginda, 4 Pul- anki Avenue, Carteret. enlisted for the two-year period, He attend, ed St. Mary's High School, Perth 'Jeh'ti _.._ . . . Mary Ann Seibert, Berniee Wizna, Gladys Jacobowitz, John Harrijcan, Gortrude Rabinowitz, Stephen Timko, Peter Kutney, Irene Sidun, Lillian Sohayda, Stewart Brown, Rita Brechka, Doris Colgan, Alice Gluchoski, Mary Hayduk, John Lo- zak, Arnold Riedor, Matilda Sea- man, Howard Wohlgemuth, Ann Stachura, Lorraine O'Brien, Ele- iTior Abaray, Barbara Ulnaan. Juniors; Elizabeth Rotutly, Ee- telle Nagyvathy, Elaine Sabo, Mar- tin Goldstone, Elaine Solomon, Isabel Sloan, Angelina Lauffcn- IM H, i:il5, this degener- MV-;I>C(I and "placed on n ii< i two years by Judge ...s than a year of that •[ imued and the youth I :h(.' court again on the •I offense for which he iilly sentenced and then -HIT serving scarcely . ihice moniths of the i hi* same Woody, who i U>mv on society after iHiinhs, committed the 'Miing crime againand, ••• l is u ring-leader In a •i What next?- registration talcing pa five days after the arrival of the Infant. Carteret averages about 150 births a year, although the figure varies with changing social conditions. The next relationship between the board's representatives and residents of Carterct conn* as the child grows unit may be brought to the Kiddie Keep Well Clinic, held weekly. At this clinic moth- ers appear with the infanU, who are weighed, and examined by the nurses and the attending physi- cian, Dr. Maurice Chodosh. He ad- vise* on formulas and other things necessary for the caw of the baby •«•!--- J ..II „» Amljny, for two and one half years andexpects to become a boatswain's mate. Navy enlistment* are flow open for young men between the agea of 17 to 30 inclusive, for two, three, four or six yean. A Navy recriuter will be at the Post Office Building, Perth Amboy, every Monday from 9:00 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. The Navy Recruiting Station, Post Office Building, New Bruns- wick, N. J., is open-dully except Sunday, from 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. _______ ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED CARTERET—The Bunaen Burn- ers of Cartert High School will present a novelty program of sketches, songs and dances In the school auditorium Thursday night, April 11. Theperformance will start at 8:15 o'clock. berger, Margaret Herega, Loretta Romanowski. (urer Sophomores: Helen Nudge, Mary Peter, Josephine Ivangki, Jean Farias, Jeannine Beech, Dolores Soltsyz, Thomas Periska, Helen Pavlinetz, Alfreda Kutlinski, Alice Gotowicka, Jean DoBcher, Robert O'Donnell, Helen Stilvasi, Marga- ret Toth, Rose Fa/ekas, Adrienne Caclle, Julia Chontou, Stephen Toth, Anthony Hudak, Walter Gluchoski, Margaret Moakal, Joan Enot, Catherine Fahey, Dorothy Dumansky, Mildred Chitro, Kath- vrine Sullivan. Freshmen: Michael Polanin, Nor- inan WaU, Eliiabeth Sersun, Ve- ronica Yapcjynaki, Mary Sosnow- aki, Agnt'se Anderson, Lillian Fed- lam, Winifred Hundemann, Helen KomleBki, Ann Nudge, Irene RompS, Anisiu Kolibas, Herbert Chodoah, Anna Beam, Julianna Laski, Dorothy Lukach, Doloreo Marciniak, Ruth Orbilii, Joseph Litua, Ronald Krissak, Lorraine Police Social Aides Chosen CARTERET—With plans going ahead at a fast clip to make this ytiar's Patrolmen's Benevolent As- sociation social an outstanding event, General Chairman Frank Versegi this week completed his slate of committee appointments, The co-chairman is Roy Ooder- gtad, with Andrew Prose as treas- Following are the chairman's appointments: EnterUfnment Committee Chairman, Frank, Versegi; Roy Goderstud, Edward Ciajkowaki. Publicity Committee Chair- man, Stanley Szybn; John Kahora, of Girl Scout troops will attend a sectional conference to be held In Elisabeth next Thurs- day, those planning to attend have.been asked tomake arrange- ments with Mrs. Robert Rkhey or Mrs. J. Gervaite Nevill. The con- ference is to be at the Elks Club, and registration* will be taken from 9:16 until lfl A. M., when the conference starts, lastingun- til 4 P. M. Box luncheons munt be provided for themselves by those going to the conference. Forty-eight leaders and assist- ant leaders met Monday night in the Carteret Public! Library. Mrs. Katherlne Smith, field adviser, presided at the eeaiton. Pkna were made for a training course to be- gin Tuesday. Sessions •will be held Ensign ROM M. Heffner Church Rites For Nurse, 26 CARTERET— A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated at 10 A. M. tomorrow in St. Joseph's Church for Ensign Rose man, Stany y; Edward flsajkowski. Ticket Committee Chairman, Ticket Committee C , Edward Czajkowtiki; JosephHus- co, Michael Bohanek. AdvertiMNnont Committee (low- i the old workhoiiie/L George's Road, Nortfe township. V They found the. fast concealed behind a taUe*,! after they had; had to flits to force their of the cells. Alexander anld the .,__ were to be usetL by two of inmates ina planked Mea$U attendants prior to a break ; the jail. V •. ••% 23 Inmates Tb*at He listed Joseph 36 Perahing AvenQe, Ci James Woody, 18, of D l_ ring leaders in the plot, the latter had given at admitting plans to escape, ander «aid the U other th,., were intimidated by the pftrV* Beresh has refused to give a statement regard incident, said Alexander. r den is receiving treat from Dr. John P, McJ '; j v fraetnre, ' anf lacerated knuckles. Beresh \m a long criminal' I. ord dating back to 1940 anij eluding two charges of prison. He sewed three the Middli nex County for motor vehicle and conduct violations prior to mitment to Annandale refo tory in 11)41 for a burglary Hillside. He escaped from the Ann institution March 6, M ! ' : -jSL er Roosevelt Avenue)—Chairman, John kahora, Edward €zajkowaki, Stanley Szybu. (Middle Washing- tun Avenue)—Chairman, Andrew Toth, , Andrew iProas, Joseph Musco, (Upper Roosevelt Aveaue) —Chairman, Michael Bohanek; Peter Mortaea, John Bango. Reception Cotnmitte* Chair- man, Joseph MUDCO; Edward Czaj- kowski, John Kahora. each Tuesday arid Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock at the library for three weeks. Mr*. Ruth Cowley of National Girl Stout Headquarters will instruct the leaders. Loretta lewit Marks 7th Birthday At Home Party x CARTERET—Ldfltta Lewis of Mercer Street celebrated her sev- enth birthday with a party at her home.. Guests were Oiella and Rosalyn MeClellan, Therort and Edward Carmichael, Sherry, Annette «nd John Swingter, Jr., Richard Wal- ker, Robert and Edward Peters, Joseph's Church for Ensign Rose institution March 6, M ! , Marie Heffner, United"Sttttes Naval was subsequently arrested til, Reserve, Norse Corps, who died (ContitHUd «• P«fr $J'! Monday. The funeral will start a "" » ' half hour earlier from the Bteub Funeral Home, 54 Wheeler Ave- nue, to which the twenty-six-year- old officer's body was brought Tuesdny night from the National Mdil Ct t Btheda Chester Guests Of Local CARTERET The U Sociul c , ub enterUiM f ch ^ ^ Penn8y)vllnkng e ame ktbll •I Judge Lyon'i apolo- K that thle Ii »n k*> r to them will be: la| ill" an laolattd «« they give me «n an-j ins question) *e can| ii' argument. * • e |. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS JRapp, Dorothy Masluck, Elizabeth [Adams, Theresa Cyzeski, Stella Robert Mod- wski, John Kahora. Honorary Committee Chief George Sheridan 1 , Captain Daniel Chl Hk Kash». winski, Santw, ,r column must be b * \ExlJ. S. Metah Official lng rape,4ln* l»e* of guilty .ml* given •'K l.yon who wr-"-"-' '- 1 ]ll> ""i<iiis disgurt! ' Ui'enie case of 'i" you accorded! 111 was beyond 44 n "»mal, who l 1 <nuiient for 80 •"•'itenced by ; 111 "f IBtoM; "><> Hod! He. <i- wliatev«r for '• l-yon* 1 court! MARCH ,,.. I. ol 0, F. Hebrew Social Alliance, P. M. APRIL p Lieutenant Charles Hak- Lieutenant Patrick De- Lieutenant ThomM fiem- Ad S ker, Robert and E Julfc, Shirley and Claretta Page, 'l>emiis and Wilbert H.lU. Jr., Car- rie Shewers, John and Barbara Dl Rll Santw, Lieutenant ThmM sel, Sergeant John Andrei, Ser geant Otto Eiko, Sergeant Thomas Nll Sergeant Andrew Gal- Ann Stewart, Dolores Elizabeth Adams, Richard iParter, Oi Hks Richard Nuvul Medical Center at Bethseda, I Md. Ensign Heffner died there after an illness of several months. Her body was encorted on the trip by a close friend, Ensign Ruth Scmmidt, of the same service. Burial will take place in St. wot "tnei7bMk6tba¥team Mury's Cemetery, Perth Amboy, tflry a t t n e d r t e M High with full naval ceremony. The Chester lads trimmed the! Ensign Heffner, the flvst Car- loi . et u s c ^ 5 g. 3a ;eret woman to die while a mem- ... ,, , i, ,er of the arm«d forces, ms born A *J r th « ba " e a ^..- in C a r p e t and graduated from ^ hered , at * ' % " « High School. She gradu- vil > on - ** BI » * _?-**"*• m from the School of Nurs- «*™ A - Eugene Wa>d)*k ing of. St. Peter's Hospital, New t«»v»tma 8 ter, and short Hnw, * :-,_ « . . . .._„!, w A am * a made by Pre»ld«nt Waaejc Wadiak, welcoming the Coach William Haschok* Potocnig, Captain Jo e Wadiafc i Carteret, Captain Lee L*ga»j' i €he«ter, Michael Kryna and ^ thew Jorka. Entertainment was p»v gan McNally, vanek. Elizabeth Adams, Richard , Glady* and Orie Hawks, Richard |«nd Beverly Billings, •Jacqueline Crewew, Christine an4 Bwnda Jone«, Phyllis and Joyce IenonS MEETS AHTERET- "-.i the meeting' "•II. XtWotic Club, 27 Pi lp Link, Order <rf section reside^ rftttevelt Avenue. ; ( 8o»«en Burner Club, High •OA nr ..... • eelved. here this week of the death I in Elisabeth of Ralph W. Deacon, formerly worju manager of the Untad Btatea Metals Refining Company, Death followed a prc- WngeTm Deacon M whn ShulickEnRoatttoU.S.A. UH0kinam0nl/lmch2 Sandra Gardner and MatUa Wil Ili 6 v*. «... . «... r , Brunswick, then took her degree! of Bachelor of Science in Public Health Nursing at CatholicUni (Continued on Page 6) EMERGENCY SESSION CARTERET—Membas^ of Car- teret Post, American Legion, and its Ladies' Auxiliary, will meet to- Oharles Kr«vl|nk, night at 8 o'clock at the Bizub Th e lle « organization Funeral Home, 64 Wh«eler Ave- - Hue, to pay their respect*"to the Ukrainian 'Pavilion, lute Ensign Rose M. Heffner, coming Sunday, the USNR, NC. will hold its first outdoo* """ practice at the High was born in Mount a. gra%|« of the U .the, **•••< C AR T Kilfi^:"The White Tower," by Jame^ki^aey Ullmaa, a new arrMfij^lie«a>JJ|.raigr, is that rare achleveraaht, the novel (of because ofT) ita dangers— each for a prtoate* reason of his own, Andreas Bepner, the Swiss Hebrew School To Entertain CARTERBT^-the ciai Alliance will lav business g ^ ^ hasTived'all his life In is that rare achl its shadow, hat dreamed from ofactton'tha«)iiiip*eanovelot earll««t boyhood of making the •,;»•• terrible ascent which cost hii fath- Hfe i # Wt oornplj »t. grefatlqn of toylltft .-^j, agogue on Tjuwaday;™ 1 Fill«< Member* of the

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  • h/*'»i


    ,''i ;.•'

    .St' «SfI I f

    V . ' l,MV.-No. 5Vyj


    LightChur l * E. CrefWf

    in tho papersI1(,IT nnothtf ,

    „„\M probation CMtt}in


    1 rcmember that«woek« ago I ,W-


    wthe judge hfcd

    l,H$750fti»iOPtin the «»«"*«

    m his own Wwf(,rcement in CM*



    ReportedAs Killed

    As Blaze Consumed

    . i p r i g,z,,,Hlug8or»o,ompieto iMpJudge

    lecture md

    In m, U | i | l i l S l '

    >i I l l l

    t in-

    could g«i •

    Hi* photograph abov*, taken »t the o»rk« ofthe Carteret Board of Heelth, ihvwn Standing,Mr*. EaiWa Wsllea1»r«, Dr. Samuel Mauia-f«r, Dr. Imre T. Kenenr, Michael Yexchctki,Mr*. M M Humphries, E. A. Wll.on, Otto WolUn-Urf, Dr. Maurice CawUsa, MUt G«n«r»!«»« T.PwtUli Sealed, JoMph Tandrrak, John J. Clho,i. f. G«4ef»t«| (pretMMt), John KUKRI. (•««••fcvy), »"J Lyl-i BolUci. Dr. Jo«pJ> W.ntoch,Henry SoUetki and David L*»n«r of the board

    by Urban.wtt* a(M««t at tlia titH the pktar* wa» ma«ViMr. Yarchaiki U the board'• i»«ll»rr in«pMt«rtMr.. Hmnparies 1, rafUtrar of vital statistics)Mr*. WolleiiUrf and MIM Penkal iu nor.**, tadMessrs. Wollenfe.ri and WiUoit n e t t b m el it*plumbing iupaction (ward. 11M fhytlelaiu wrv*1* various capacities. Others neAti»ne4 a n •Ban-ker, of the board, wtileli it appolatwl by theMayor and Council.

    _ loan? 0 / /far/M Concent 0wr tor© &«""i Hod! H e .< i- wliatev«r for'• l-yon*1 court!

    MARCH,,.. I. ol 0, F.

    Hebrew Social Alliance, H«P. M.


    pLieutenant Charles Hak-Lieutenant Patrick De-

    Lieutenant ThomM fiem-A d S

    ker, Robert and EJulfc, Shirley and Claretta Page,'l>emiis and Wilbert H.lU. Jr., Car-rie Shewers, John and Barbara

    D l R l l

    Santw, Lieutenant ThmMsel, Sergeant John Andrei, Sergeant Otto Eiko, Sergeant Thomas

    N l l Sergeant Andrew Gal-

    Ann Stewart, DoloresElizabeth Adams, Richard iParter,

    O i H k s Richard

    Nuvul Medical Center at Bethseda, IMd. Ensign Heffner died thereafter an illness of several months.Her body was encorted on the tripby a close friend, Ensign RuthScmmidt, of the same service.

    Burial will take place in St. wot "tnei7bMk6tba¥teamMury's Cemetery, Perth Amboy, t f l r y a t t n e d r t e M Highwith full naval ceremony. The Chester lads trimmed the!

    Ensign Heffner, the flvst Car- l o i . e t u s c ^ 5 g . 3 a;eret woman to die while a mem- . . . ,, , i,,er of the arm«d forces, ms born A * J r t h « b a " e a ^ . . -in Carpet and graduated from ^ h e r e d , a t * ' % " «

    High School. She gradu- vil>on- **BI» * _?-**"*•„ m from the School of Nurs- «*™

    A- Eugene Wa>d)*king of. St. Peter's Hospital, New t«»v»tma8ter, and short Hnw,* :-,_ « . . . .._„!, w Aam*a made by Pre»ld«nt Waaejc

    Wadiak, welcoming theCoach William Haschok*Potocnig, Captain Joe Wadiafc iCarteret, Captain Lee L*ga»j'i

    €he«ter, Michael Kryna and ^thew Jorka.

    Entertainment was p»v

    g a nMcNally,vanek.

    Elizabeth Adams, Richard ,Glady* and Orie Hawks, Richard

    |«nd Beverly Billings, •JacquelineCrewew, Christine an4 BwndaJone«, Phyllis and Joyce IenonS


    "-.i the meeting'

    " • I I .

    XtWotic Club, 27 Pilp Link, Order JJ|.raigr,is that rare achleveraaht, the novel

    (of because ofT) ita dangers—each for a prtoate* reason of hisown,

    Andreas Bepner, the Swiss

    Hebrew SchoolTo Entertain

    CARTERBT^-theciai Alliance willlav business

    g ^ ^ hasTived'all his life Inis that rare achl its shadow, hat dreamed fromofactton'tha«)i i i ip*eanovelot earll««t boyhood of making the

    • , ; » • • terrible ascent which cost hii fath-Hfe i # W t oornplj

    »t.grefatlqn of toylltft . - ^ j ,agogue on Tjuwaday;™1

    Fill«<Member* of the

  • THE


    • ; ! * • '


    Opening Today!Offering a Complete Line of Men's Furnishings


    ' ' ' *The biggest surprise package ever wrapped, will be opened to tyoodfcrldge shoppers March 29, 1946 . , • Merchandise, such as

    you have dreamed of and wanted now awaits you at The MODERN MEN'S SHOP! . . . Because you wanted an outstanding Men's

    Shop in Woodbridge — where you can get for your money the maximum in value — we urge you to pay us a visit now! . . .

    There's no longer any need for you to shop out-of-town for your clothing requirements . » . . You'll find the best that's available

    here — an;• f t -

  • chanics HoldWarner Pin


    [bo** tO Btlnstein, tt-from military

    ^Vtc*. tekturad the meeting TUes-afCotrrt' Cwtwet, Order of

    TIM presentation wasJottpR Sanlllo, Chiefid la tn line with theto pay tuch tribute to>,

    of Foresten attendedto Newark Wednesday

    _ . „ , „ . . Jentlattria and yesterdayt)tt ritual «J Ui« lodge was said at

    " the late Alex

    following Tuesday's session ari mwting wa* enjoyed withJanilh) and A Win Guyon as

    Airtciotion Afctmei# Fren'denf—Stanley Mssluck

    ted president of the n«wlySteven Kutcy Association

    ii h l dat t i l organisation meeting b,eldin tke Roosevelt Hotel.

    officers named includedBubnick, vice president;Slopes, secretary; Steve

    Ktttoy, treasurer; John Terebct-_ , , manager of shuffleboardteam, and Richard Donovan, as-shtant manager.

    T%« new group will meet to-nifbt at 8 o'clock at the RooseveltHoUl. Plans for a trip to NewYork wilt be discussed.

    CARTERET — Mr*. Imr* %Kemeny was hosteaa MoMaynight at a Joint meeting of * eCarteret Woman's Ckb and ti lEvening Department. The meet-ing was at Mr* Kemeny's homein Pulaskl Avenue, and Mrs, Alex-ander Btrtway was assisting host-eat. Thirty .personii were present.. A program of games was con-ducted. Mrs. P. 8. Galbraith wontile prise in the guerfslng game andthe dretmng content wat won bythe senior club. Special prixe* wer«won by Mrs. John Abaray, Mrs.Emm* Brody, Mrs. Emanuel Lef-koviU, Mm. A. C. Hundemann,Mm. "Frank Curcy and Mrs. Syd-ney. Barrett.

    Mrs. Joseph Algoiine played thepiano,for the gronp singing andMiss Irene Daroczy, a student atthe New Jersey College for Wom-en, sang a few selections.

    Members of both groups plannedto attend Club Woman's Day in

    CARTEis chairman of arrangement* for•the Kay Dane* to be spoatotedby the American Legion on May11 in St. James' M l . l lufewill U famished by the Al Kallaorchestra.

    Julius Reiss is chairman of thecommittee arranging refrefh«*fttaand the Legion will be a*ai»ted bythe tcdlei' Auiiltary. Tleketi majbe obtained front any member ofthe Legion of may b« purchased atthe door.

    FirstTo Be Held By UkaOn Sunday Aftermw, CARTERET — Manager GeneWadiak announced yesterday that

    Newark viwterHiv I t h e U k ( * * ' " n o ! d t h c i r ftrst 0 U t "Newark yerterday. | d o o r b M e b g l , ^ t h i g S u n ( U y

    afternoon at 1:16 o'clock at thehigh school stadium. All candidatesare requeated to report promptlyat the designated time.

    Wadiak said the Ukes plan toenter a team in the proposed Car-teret Twilight League, in addition

    , , , . . , , ,. . to playing Sunday ball with theceited hu honorable

  • tAGt


    All High School Student* Are Eligi-

    ble. Submit as many prinh i





    N**> tinlib.'



    Up to febru»ry 15,1946

    A&P HAS EMPLOYED14,583

    VETERANSi ; , mtn irtd wom«n

    who proudly w«»r

    lh« Honorable


    from the fiel* rod « « • » " * o*1"" trt^l>

    don't burden the c o r t . . . and Aey'r* b « r t fif«h«.

    With 2101.

    hrk fin 11Phillips BeansRed Kidney BeansDate and Nut BreadDate and Nut RailSultana Red Kidney BeansRed Kidney Beans



    CARROTS2-13Fir* Frtth H i Crisp.fn« Wntin FMIM

    2^23'1- 33c

    TaigertM Juice « -20cApple Juice «»««« .bo 26cMott's Apple Juice « -25cPrune Juice ««»«t-bo. 24cV-8 Cocktail !.Ti 5c r 3 1 «Vegamato : r 1 4 c r 3 8 e

    - l i e

    White Rlce»«««™"» w i l e Hmwl Chili mSiZSunnyfield Leitils «-»̂ -17cTomato Pwee !ST31--23cCampbell's 'SB,11 3-*r25«

    „ 22c



    Flvitl StltiMt

    Kippered Starts « N j r 17cSpagfcettltWK;"Ve'.

    5cyr 13cSpaghetti D i i n e r - ^ ^ 33cSpaghetti SSSk ' - ' t O *Van Camp's Tinderoni *. 7cKraftMacaroiiDiners9c

    25.French KettleMIV.x""J," 23cHabitant Pea Soip 2 Zz 25«Saltesea ^ B - • - 1!NString B e a n s ' ^ " — H eDiced Carrots JSk " - . • • I *Red Cabbage r?,TEE -« -17c

    Sliced Beef ,RftR leiei CUelni ^C i « i * e l « * « e r s I tU i fcy ' f I« IWlM srTMgie Spreii SS& 4.IwSfreai %& '^


    "Make Easter complete

    with a gift of smart jewelry

    to give the final touch to

    her Easter outfit"

    CreamCheese,W.££12cChateau CMese ••*>"> M 75c

    Ched-O-Bit "XV -70cHeliz Temito Seep r i l e

    Sauerkraut >"**" ->23eSweetPititeesifta ^17eBeets t&^V. »*«-H«Diced Beets

    PfantCrwch^?S-35cleardsley'i SfS - 3 1 cPeach J M «***Mamalade

  • 0PFRATORS W A W Pr»rk o n

    .In-w»fl«. Steadyvacation




    ot Novelty52

    Garter»t,244 tf


    ,,,nn * i t h exeeotlwinkp complete

    teach; someone. Apply Chlear-r, f!B2 RoOSfVelt-wet. Telephone

    watchman between thaM

    w,| nil years, Apply:

    f Terminal.Port Rtadlng,

    M; 4-4

    l n , t„ c,,mp»ny,

    . ii i.KH InHorers needed tot,n Avi-nel, N. J. Plant of1

    i.iphin Quart* Oo. UwatedI,,,, smith of S. J, State

    ,.;,i,,, v. 4fi hour* pay '•* **,nk.


    \ wv MOWBRS sharpenid; all,,r ,ftw* filed; washing ma,,.inured. R. H. Albrwht,

    ,.:iU Street,,•• H r ,82i .

    Caitfertt. TelC.P. 3-1 tf


    misabata Rtek«r

    MtatJenarrSpint Messages and HelperMain Si, WoodbH** N.

    WANTED •

    Of lOOPS repaired!if**. tlW tnd flatHMOs

    ^ T k « Lake Islam)Rifle and tistol Club's plirtbi teMn

    JTtTAL W0RR6

    ^•m»« ,Firth Amboy, N. J.

    .A, 4.0448244 tf


    AOfM fariihhwl ot nnfunrfsfced,6rWtl»liu«p eoftdotted a

    tk to! 0fM foranirtrtf•tfo st*d«nt».

    Ttw next meetint t>f tha itcNtent(tamcti wffl ta fceM In


    Daniel I .. , _ the First

    Triabyturian Chttftn, conducted.

    CAWBRET—Rat.torenta, pastor of

    heM In Awlt.M. to»Mr. Harry LuKlm rtfcffltly 4tiK

    charged from the HrM«*. haa re-^t Shool to


    gtnrr,?d to Cart«r#tresume hla duties u a

    Mr. Lubern was h>th««nny 4 tth H ^ i Mh th 17thmonth*. He

    y«Mh the 17th

    Alrborht Division in franc*, B«J-gium. Lu«embourg and Qarnwhy.

    T r yfuneral nsrview tl»ar« for l i n . Floyd B.f 1*4 E S

    CORDK «nd CoTifotte poeketbook*made to order. ?15 and up. Mrs,K. Peterson, 299 Adams At., Rah-way, N. i. Call Rahway 7-M89after 5 P. M. 3-38

    PIANO, in gnod condition. Rea-BonaMe. Call Curteret 8^5587,

    C.P. 3-29

    In the second match, for LakeItland, iKirichner 286, Neumann2fl4 B l i S « H b2fl4, Sfi«, Huber 353, andMcDonnell 219; for the V. F. W.,SUber 258, Chrintkna 251, Deririck 244, Marklew 22S, ami Hockman 207.


    FOUIt, five or RIX room apartment.Liberal reward for information

    leading to rental. Telephone Car-ton 8-B8BH. C.P. 3-29*

    win 6c a pound for cleani ,̂ lnlepfBdeflt-Leader, IB

    ,,..'.:. street, WooAbridge, N. J.


    KKiil'll.T, Hentotked, Rebla«4.k.'puir* to all makM of ahot-

    ^:n-, rifle*, revolnn.' I . H.y.ninj' liunsmith linea 1901.Mnm .Si., Dayton, N. J.

    I.L, 8 4 4 tf

    MORTGAGE MONEY. hi,» fi.h nv»ll»bl« for flrat

    n; ,^.-. mi any type of dwfl-,.t ' Miunrri'lnl hullAInf,.-ii ,. vm\r proptnr"' °"

    i ;, !•,!,!-. nn anwrtlutlon• - .11V Int lTMt ITltW B« 1»W

    l t loan*.nit otrr

    1 »i|inriinent

    MiirtfurettenI:I . .VI. KSTATK

    k Co., Inc.1NBURANCK

    H a U N T

    ii ,i,.irt St.. P e r t h Anrtay, N. J.i nil, Amboy «-0W»


    FREE! If Excem acid cau»e« youpains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi-

    gestion, Heartburn, Belching,Bloating, Naunea, Gad Paint, getfree sample Uriga, at Gruhtn DriuStore. «•"

    '3-29; 5-31*

    For Irene Gavaletz

    Nn. Lofosky Feted;Mrs. Cwente Hostess

    CARTERET - Mrs. Mary Le-honky ws» honored at a shower

    en by Mrs. Theresa Corente ather home in Somerset Street.

    Guests were Mrs. MichaelToth and daughter, Mary, Mrs.Mary Ssigetti, Mm. Rone Stasko,Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Mary Go-lomb, Mrs. Mary Gluhoaki, Mrs.Mary Kolodjeski, Mm. MargaretI.ipthk, Mrs. MichHel Stefura, Mr?.Pauline Murhi, Mrs. Pauline Kokn-lus, Mrs. Anna HOIIOB, Mrs. Mich-tel Lehosky, Mrs. Elizabeth "Poll,Mrs. Joseph Siigetti, Sr., Mm.Eliaabeth Lagayn, Mrs. Mury Mar.tin, Mrs. Anha Bi*olco.

    Mrs. Klisabeth Chnlowxki, Mrs.Josephine Holoob, Mr». SophieRnmp«, Mrs, Anna Shanley, Mrs.KatluM-ine Gutnlck, Mrs. OilyLyre, Mrs. Ellcnbeth Lyre, Mrs,Lydia Havarn, Mr«. Andrew Ihriat,MM. Anna Manglee, Mrs. MaryHaglpski, Mrs. Anna Mellnik, Mrs.Andrew Andrejczyk, Mrs. StephenGregor, Mrs. Samuel Coaciolli,Mrs. Pauline Lukach andAnna Plnrenttina.

    NMini b SehekM

    af 1*4 Kmtnon Street, supwln-tendeat at the church SundaySehotl. |m£ Burnham, who wasthirty-fl*| ftars of age, died Tues-day in Roosevelt Hospital, Ut-(Uchen. After the service MmBurnham'* remains were sent toPotadam, N. Y., where other serv-ices and burial took place. Ritesalso were held in W«odbri men's '

    •A»Y«ST1I H I MC A R m E T ~ C e

    A.Avemc u * t*r |itr, b»


    School teachers spoke to the eighthprade pupils of Columbus SchoolTuesday at 1 o'clock about ar-rangements for courses for nextyear. Mrs. Harriettc Lehrer repre-sented Vocational Guidance, MissE. C. Monahan the Acad«mic andScientific; Thomas Chester, Civic-Social, und F. 3. Bareford, theSecretarial and •General Clericalcourses.

    It Klrrtt'kraYnu'll Ilk, U\

    Amboy Loan& Jewelry Ce.



    JUST ARRIVED!Striped Pique, by the Yard.

    (Limited Quantity to a Customer)

    POSNERS63 Roosavelt Avenue (at Salem Avenue)

    Carteret, N. J.

    Lilian Bmce Htwbr GotttAt forty In BowUr Home

    CARTERET—A surprise partywas given Saturday in the homeof Mrs. James Bowler, RooseveltAvenue, for Miss Lillian Bunce,

    Guests included Misses Nettieand Catherine l'attadlano of Sum-mit, Miaa Louise Ranfe of Allen-hurst, L, I,, Miss Joan Orton ofHyde Park, L. I., Mrs. EmmsBunee, Mr. and Mrs. Letoy Worthand sons, Edward and William,Mrs. M. A. Bowler, Miss MaryPctruaka, Miss B«rn&dtne Czaj>kowski, Nicholas Swulik, Madelynand Tnom'̂ i! Bowtev of this bor-ough.

    £. Rakway Section CivicGroup To Meet Tuesday

    CARTKRET — The home ofArnold Grohman in Roosevelt Ave-nue, East Rahway section, hasbeen designated for th« nextmeeting Tuesday night ,«f resi-dents of the East Rahway section.This will be the second such meet-ing, one having been held also onTuesday night of. this week. Thoseinterested are concerned with in-creasing what they feel are bene-fits due them because af the tax'esthey pay the community, andwhich are not given, according totheir opinions,

    All residents and taxpayers ofthis section of Carteret have beenasked to attend the meeting. It inexpected an organization will beeffected, and officers named.

    Loretta Powers and MaryRoach of the Hi(?h School facultyalso wert present.

    The mxt meeting will bf April6, with the teachers of the OolUm-bus School in charge.

    The last meeting of th< yearwill b« May 4. At this meetingthe High School students will en-tertain the eighth grade pupils ofboth Nathan Hale School and Co-lumbus


    Mn. Handier* h CAairfetn


    CARTERETdluk was chairman ofparty held Wednesday night bySt. Ann's Auxiliary Of St. Demet-rius' Church in the Ukrainian Pa-vilion. Mrs. Joseph Symchik wonthe door priie.

    Winners of • high scores wereMrs. Murrtm Green, Mrs. JohnKindriemi, Mrs. Joseph WadiakMts. Charles Harrow, Mrs. AlexNudge, Mrs. Madeline WilhclmMrs, Albert Maroni, Mre, John AGinda, Mrs. Joseph Enot, Mrs. Michael Muzyka, Miss Julia Dudich,Mra. Vertullo and Mrs. JuliusKertesz.

    BRAND NEW MISTERS!CARTERET—Men reported this

    week' as having bees dischargedfrom the armed forces include Cpl.J. Tryba, Ja., 36 Pitch Street; Cpl,H»rry S. Rudnick, 18 HermannAvenue, at Fort Dix; Joseph C.Feigel, 81/C, 3 Burlington Street,at Lido Beach, N. Y.

    LOAF To Elect Officer,Tonight; Induction Apr. 12

    CARTERET — Carteret Lodgof Odd Fellows will elect officer)tonight at I. O. O. P. Halt, and haplanned to install those selected ala ceremony April 12. The annuaroll call will be featured at thitmeeting, and 25 year jewels awarded. those to whom they are due

    The Lodge also has planned tgive a banquet April 25 at ThPines, Metuchen, to its memberwho served in tht armed forcesJohn Donnelly is chairman.

    Special Announcement!Tin Cwteret Depirtment Store takes pleasure in announcing thereopening of our newly renovated store on

    Wednesday, April 3rdEitewiv* tftwrttioni have been made for th* shopping coonrfenceof our eoitomtri.

    We welcome • « old customert hack agtiiforwwoneiUwuiaviiit.

    Ow itotb k ^ W f c o n g h t up .to ^'^®$&&* ^



    CAUTION—Uae Only,as Dir«cte

    StaU law r«ouir«a ev«ry dog to b«owner. Tnia applwt to all dogs aawnor »l4«r, and lic*ita«t for 1948 hav»Polls* Dvp*rtti*nt will cheek all honnart Issjajt to **e that Hcenaet are prorhM

    A HeeAM in Carteret costs $1.25 a year. Aftfrjund without licenses are subject to «ei i#f |tKeir ovmws may be fined from |S to $ML "ovmvr buying a license is furnished a tag t#tacbed to the collar or harness of the dog forit is bought.

    License,* and tags may be had MondayFriday from 9 A. M. to 12 noon, and from 1-8 IVSaturdays from 9>12 o'clock, at the office of t$e r

    ough Health Officer in the Borough Hall.KUY YOUR DOG A LICENSt-NOW!


    Milton B, Brown, M. D./ ' . • • ' • '

    announces the opening of hie office for tne

    practice of medicine at

    W Rooaeveh Avenue, Carteret, R. J, %

    • ' o i n t e H o t m : 9:00-10:00 A.M. ••<1:00- 3:00P.M. "j;7:00- 9:00P.M, :%

    by appointment.fcrftet 8-6496


    WITH iXPtWStSHere's Important news for 1men 18 and over {tl w"ent&' consent). UncterBill of Rights, if you enlist)U. S. Army hefore Oot-1946, for 3 years, upon you* jicharge you will be entitled to | |months of college, trade wance-$90 if youried. Get the facts atnearest U. S; ArmyStation.


    "We're making headway on

    •iour No. 1 job!"

    Thete'8 new encouru^eiiu-ut in your Scrrtefc"Kepretientative's voice these days -for the knoirt'we're making headway on our Number One Job,

    That's to provide telqihcmr m-r\ ice ui quickly al,,possible for those on the wuilliiK list.

    • . ' • > . i l

    In moal oas«», lack uf s»ilrliln.nrdrather than in»iruiiicnin tlieiuH«Ka«— i

    the big prublem. Rut »vrro iiuiking program, attde4ch month tlimib«i)«|t« of mlilitional lustonieM,

    are being funiiHhed I lie Hcrvivo Bc»r which f"hav« been wailing.

    Right uow, your Serviw Ke|»re«^nl4tive at \Buainaw Oilice run give you only »n a

    Meaof-when your w-rvice will be ready. Ion*notified, however, wh«ii ahe lianexat't hif

    • In the meantime, you can !ajppUoatioiiH tire la-ing h«

    turn, subject only to the lment required by |

  • "FRIDAY, MAftCH 2», 1W*

    Jail Breakntimud kom Pagt 1)

    N. Y., «« » vdgrant andto Annamlalr. The rame

    he was sentenced ' 'he• y reformatory fnr Ihe e*-

    t t Annandalc and tookk leave frnm Rshway April

    ' the same year.the e»cnpe from H»hw«y

    a Mntenced the same year


    U t t months tn two years in ulatrbut was lain tr«nsferred

    hway frnm where ho trained.__. nn March 21, KM4. liea 90-duy term in the Union

    j jail last year for violationsIhotor vehirle Itwj.Afa i t ted to Hoipitil

    I next tussle with the law(for the theft of an automobile

    fjNlth Amboy, which WHS re-' October 20, nt Wood|t the time nf hi) arrest.

    Wta c«mnii!ted to the rountyI awaiting Grand Jury action

    tbtt thHrge, when his mentalr , , _ . . . resulted in hi* transferI the New Jersey State Hospital, f renton.Mi Wait admitted t« mad*In writing '«fard belBB llvon to terms anrtmanlttr of payment In . '»I

    I S : i l c««


    Tnke further nnilre HintP u l e nr a n y rlRtf tn w l l l i h tt nnty i'fH d j n u r n e d , t h e M n y n r an i l I ' n u n ' l lr e t c r v e i t h e r l x h i in It™ d l w r e t l n nt o r o j e o t a n y n n e nr n i l b i d s u u l "Hell Rairl IntK hi .sunt l>lnrk In sui ' l iiitrlrter an It n u i v KdliM't; d u e 'b e . l n g g i v e n t o t o n n e n « do f p a y m n n t In r m e n i i e nm i n i m u m b i d s HIIHII b e riM e l v e i l .

    U p o n aorpptHTirn nf d i p n i l n i i n u mb i d . Or h i d i i b n v p n i t n l i i i u n i . l iy the.Mayor and Oounell nnd \Uc. pnymentthereof by the purrhaHui' ni'i'iirdliiKto tlie manner K\V JKUMKVIM/4III

    MIIIMA 1,1 < II.I,H |f HIIH IK,


    To tin; delight of youugaters,and some grownups, too, WaltDisney is planing u series of cartoon short subjects for MickeyMouse baaed on Horatio Alger'snoted .Moiieis. Hi; is also Bet onbringing such fabulous figures asJohnny Appl«aeed, Paul Bunyanand John Henry to the screen.Simultaneously, also, work n"Uncle" is progressing.

    00, 6:20, 8:50 P M,

    Sun., Mon., March 31, April 1"THEY WEREEXPENDABLE"

    With Robert Mortfomcry

    Tuetday, Wedneid«y, April 2, !

    "GUEST WIFE"With Cleudett. Colbert

    ri r I M AM£Ot

    TODAY ffiCKEUT^ PERTH AMBOYPi>»« P. A. « -«»



    DOURLE THRILLER!! HORROR 9H0WI1Borit Kar-ofV - Lon CK«ney


    Peter A>le - Lon Chaney






  • PRESSrui.iixhwl by Cirtr»tt ttm

    OFFICE .,^s(,iNf.TON AVE, C M T t U T , H. J.

    i>lophnn« Cartttet B*6«00

    , MMU.BR E. GREGORY Editor

    ILBO P«r fair

    „. wcond dae. *»tfcat J«n« tf,carter*, N. J., P*» (J»e«. «d«r

    M»rch8. 1879.

    Createi EmploymentKdward Martin, of Pennsyl-

    ,Vs that "only enterprise can cre-

    i;ii,>ment is perfectly correct, but!,i 1,0 noted that the Governor did

    Hint "only private enterprise can,.M1|,|oyment."

    (i,lay in production, caused bynul other troubles, has postponed

    u i,K Hpree that economists expected,n full away six months after the end, (,,,'. However, employment has heldn, i (ban forecast, although the pre-„ i; it ill freely heard that several mil-Hill he added to unemployment ro,lls. middle of next summer..,.after, full production is counted',, rivi

    i employment to all those ablework in the United States.

    will be turning out theI mil services that the people o the,,n uuiit. Buying power will be upheldI,, immense savings accumulated dur-,W1, years. Prices, it is hoped, will beI,|.,,,>,•!i by adequate controls, which, if

    Illv.Mvr, will spread the buying era andni in prolong full employment.Ihr i facts should not blind those of us,„ prefer private enterprise to the obli-tmn i hat rests upon American capitalismprovide employment and to produce

    ml, Neither labor nor management, ifley kii»w what is good for them, will long

    tin1 economic machinery of the na-|(,n After all, American capitalism, with

    •ate enterprise, is not for the exclusivei tit of a few capitalists and those em-

    iinyi-d by them.

    dimes more apparent, day by day,•hat an economic waj is In the offing be-tween i apilalism and.communism. The vic-

    n the struggle will not be the systemthe best excuse for non-performance,

    tut t iir one that products more abundantlyi improve the welfare, oi the people whosevit to secure additional food for ship-ment to other countries reflects officiali;i!i/.atioM that a death-dealing famine

    threatens large sections of the world.Hritish have cut the rations of Ger-

    ln their zone of occupation by one-tin (I, wbieh brings it down to an averageIf I,DM calories a day. The British Gov-ernment realizes the clanger that may come

    lumber tempts starving people butMlievo that any extra food should go

    I" India, where actual starvation threatenslions than in Germany.

    the serious nature of the foodiilined, British officials say that the'1 "I Germany Will fare no worsenth to sixty million other Europeans

    Rumania, Spain, Finland,Austria and Bulgaria.

    American Government has accepted'itsibility for securing larger foods for .starving peoples. There is con-

    -e dial once the American people un-ni.i the situation, they will respond

    [|eed and take active steps to make'•;iilal»le to prevent the starvation of

    'f men, women and children.1 • method of providing food will be•i|y if the peace of the world is notK'opardized by the. despair of mil-

    starving European and Asiatic peo-1 i us hope so, but regardless of this•"li-ration, the practical application of'"is principles should make certain

    " ' '•ptance of whatever sacrifice is nec-"* to teed hungry mouths throughout


    Work ftnded In IndiaFrom New Delhi, India, cornea the infor-

    mation that two college students were in-jured when police opened fire to curb adisturbance there.

    At first blush we thought that the hard-hearted British were again persecuting thenoble aspirants for freedom, e4c, but closerreading of the dispatch reveals that the,row was strictly a domestic matter.

    It seems that rival student groups wereshouting slogans for and against Pakistan,the autonomous state which many Moslemsinsist must be created in northwestern In-dia. The Hindus, possessing a considerablenumerical majority, want a united India.The Moslems intimate that they will fightrather than accept this state in which theywould be at the mercy of the Hindus.

    The fighting between Hindu and Mos-lem students is oomething which we canunderstand. What baffles us, however, isthe intimation that all is not sweetness andlight in India, aw so many missionaries andliberals would have us believe. Apparentlythe natives, so anxious for all the world toexhibit love and tolerance toward India,are unable to practive it among them-selves.



    ' M l v

    I"!!!,• I f t

    CkMm" u.s Bureau statistics reveal that par-•'"!> good education and comfortable•* have few children with parents with"Uication and poor homes have many

    n»i« w not what might; be c»U«d news.llll!» been generally oftefVM) throughout11 "ation. The usual »i»ww, M expownoV

    ljy those who try toiolve human prob-K"w' has b«en th* iuggeitloa t b ^ ed«-


    "The Marvel Of The World"If the United States properly mobilizes

    for its opportunity, it could have "a periodof prosperity that would be the marvel ofthe world," declares Bernard Baruch,South Carolina-born financier, who hasbeen an important adviser of our Presl*denta during two World Wars.

    Mr. Baruch points out that there is nocompetition from cheap labor, war-subsi-dized German or Japanese industries andthat, in view of our record during the war,the nation can enter a veritably age ofplenty if everybody gets down to produc-tion.

    It will be necessary, before the nationgets going on a high-level production basis,that all groups and interests become confi-dent that they are fairly treated And thatno one group or interest is being made tosuffer in order to give unfair advantagesto some other groups. "That mult be thebasis" of our prosperity and world leader-ship, says Mr. Baruch, who adds that wecan "accomplish tremendous things if weuse only half the sense God gave Us."

    Planting Aluminum Hoalt*The Reynolds Metals Company has

    leased a government - owned Aluminumsheet mill and officials declare that hous-ing will be the principal beneficiary of theoperation of the company.

    It is said that the time of building canbe shortened by the use of aluminum andpresent plans include uae of the metal forouter and interior walls, roofing, windowand door frames, and trim,

    Without questioning the good faith olthe officials of the company, or the sincer-ity of their views, it will be interesting tosee how long it will take to persUade thepeople of the nation to use alhtfilnum insuch quantities in the construction ofhomes.

    Battleship To MediterraneanThe dispatch of the 45,00^-toii b*ttle-

    ahip Missouri for the purpojrt of parryinghome the body of the Turkish Ambassadorwho died at bis post in ĥl« country1 lastNovember is being interpreted In som,«quarters as ft deliberate effort to remindthe nationB of the world of American Ml*power. j ,

    ' The experts who see hiddsn tttdtlvea be-hind ev«y unusual occurrenW l i t »****-

    • ofSovi«tftlft»l»theiUHiUM^.ind

    tin 1MM7 ipppftptatfoi* actNtw Jtrwt win hurafmu •

    w t OunrtrMf «ii Junuriy 11 next,• for Uw MKMitful e*nn-* , aad to pay other iaddcnUl exênae*. Beeaoat the war hi over the

    >1d'tlme Inaagaral paride may b«rcrlved next y«ar, which wouldadd to the expense of the Intnj-u-ral show.

    JERSEY JIGSAW—Now Jerley peach tree* are expected tobunt forth Into bloom about »week before Saater. . . . Valuable

    Under The State House Dome• By J . Joseph Grlkblts

    TRENTON—Despite the disas-trous

  • J S-'avJ ' L.BB. •-••••-'> . -a ir - j j £ .


    P N SGf.CT* I * St*« •

    • He*, and A,u

    Firestone Dealer Store

    MI iMMValt AfHMCarieret, N. J.

    Carl. 11341


    — Caa *• Sara of fUQuality it MOOM*T',

    ^ * few, Mooney'i Bafc«7





    Wan Coal A Supply Co.


    T.I. Wood. 1-0714

    Drug tttfM

    t Pnenl llrecttrt •

    Synounecki Fmerd H

    42 HwUov toe*

    Carter*, N. J.

    Telephone Crimt H7IS

    F»*al Mraotan t

    KmMntutmei.lnc.ierrUe • ! Serena Beaalr Bad


    LOW AS U MT.I. P. A. 4-4U*

    Cor. State «ad W»»ki»fto» Stre«uPerth Amboy, N. J.

    US W J«r.«r Si., Elitabelk, N. J.M EllnWtk AT*.. Newark, N. J.

    t Fltmrt •

    5WCatherine RaekrlegeL Prop.


    325 Petthlng A»eaa«C»rt«r*t, N. J.

    Phone Carteret H 4 M


    M Mtb. Street

    Waodbridje, N. J.

    Telephone! B-0W4

    • BepntiMit Stint *


    Y«r4 < * • • * .Ladiei' Sportw««r, Haniehold


    ALLEN'SIS Main 5tr#«t

    W«o4hri4«*, N. 4.

    Ba«q«et(, PW«I Piece.,••Mad Pl«»U «••" Wedding Order*

    'J Flower Sbp, Inc.Route 35, King George Road

    Wwdbridge, N. J.

    Telephone Woodbridge »-l5M

    t W« Telegraph Floweri •

    MH! Up Counter.



    • ElectricStma Electric Ce.

    118 Main StreetN. J.

    For 8*r«k« «n4

    Fiel Oil

    ?MWoodbridg*. N. J.

    5«I SoWfr A 5 M

    Carttret, N. J.CartereJ 8-818«


    r. A- 4-uii

    If it's the, BEST you wantin flower*—Call

    idiu KlouFLORIST

    C*rter«t, N. J.

    • FnlU & VeiataUei •

    ]a$p€t 6 Son

    "Quality U Oar Mollo"

    Deli»ery S*r*ic«

    96 Main Street

    Woodbridge, N. J.


    Main SlT, Woodbriot*, H. J.

    tfc a*4 t***a MH

    Fr«lH, V«f«t«U«





    Gauni ApptumetN lUia fl*Mt

    N. J.



    Plumbing aqd HtathtgRepair Work a Specialty

    H. B. /rtrio*262 Mala Si. v

    W«o4arl4|.,»J.Call tVo. S-05M aflat • P. | | .


    GNAL CORPS« ^ RMU (Ub»UtGaar>a|aa4 194-00

    it f »rt«Rnlae«aieatioG«»Tab#«

    i Nate Oar New I.*ral(aa(W. Pick Up and Deliver)

    Ottmri aad t*prnlr4 »» Vrtrra««

    f435 SMnty ST. (Cor. Graae S|.)

    P M e rrrth Amboj

    TIRES RECAPPED-'ek. «»«r tar eS Ha* qVafaroa.lift now. Wlla uaoodi tiraa «a a|B«k *lro«t a»Ttkin| aaa kaaaaa.Doa't eadancw jroar Uf* «r Ik*Wet of olkart. H»ra your tl»e» re-:epp*d now.

    Quality Tire Rakwar AvenaeWooAridte, N. J.


    t Rwflig & ShHig •

    H1NES ROOFING CO.'ii Leaders • Skylight*

    Slate and Aiphalt RoofiKtthberotd Sblntl«.

    Hihe$ footing to.456 School Street, Wvodkridfe

    M H07T


    • Labor & Mtttwtrt •'


    Wotidhridge, N. J.

    T.L.h.a.: W*»aWidc« S-012S

    H. Wean


    59 Moffett StrMt


    P. A.

    JLW.UoU• Storage Tracking

    Uarkiaul F>nkw» far Sal.

    14 Atl«M*k Street


    A l l . LOADS

    IL J.4-XI1S


    „''••• -]

    TINSMITH AND KRooinf «ad ildittg work

    t4• r 4S«TO wleiman't eommUtlonWhy pay $300.00 for a

    $150.00 jobTNolhiaf to pay extra for

    William MurphyW Wedgewood A » .Woodbridge, N. J.

    Wo. 8-2Z79-M

    iB/IfU K^Hng Co.

    Asphalt Shingles - Slate

    Phone PUiofield C4300

    DUnellen 3-«$48

    He*ry Jonati A Son

    , M«Ul C*lU>f*Fwaao.

    N, 4.


    "a*"**^ • "M^V*̂ ^^^""! T^rTP"V^i

    Iket P-MW

    R«l Estate-lusirawe.



    aa Brathan« Co, O*er tt Y M N

    Tel. WoodktMte

    (Me. Tri. fVth A-boy 4-3IM


    Frank R. Dwnhm, Inc.INSURANCE

    872 Now Brantwiek

    Ford., N. J.


    J. Edwati Hanei Co.


    TELEPHONE 8-0233

    Statlws •


    Woodbridte Tan Service

    D*, .ni Nifhl Serric*

    T,|, W««. KMM

    447 PMWI Sttaet.



    24-HOUR SERVICEPk6ne W0-S-t400"

    131 Wedgewood AvenueWoodbridge

    • WeMiil - irailil •


    Convery Boulevard andRitter Avenue

    Woodbridge, N. J.Woodbrldi* 8-1773

    Lorraine Service StationComplete Lubrication

    Motor Tnao-Up

    Tel. Wood. I4JM0

    Greaa Street tad Raaw*r A»eaue

    Holohm BrothersGARAGE

    Standard Etso ProdncUPhoBO

    WoodMdf. «-0064 and 8-0833Cor. Ambojr Avenae end

    Second Slroet

    „ Fir«|tone Tlret and TabeiVAwdkridge. N. J.



    Ambojr Avanae a,a4 Jamei Street

    WoodbrMca, N. J.

    ' WO-8-1B14

    Clark'tV/eUingWorksWeldinf and BraiingPortable Eqalpment

    369 New Brunswick AvenueFord., N. J.

    Telephone Pertb Awbo, 4-0138Louii Durnji, Prop.-

    Main Hardware Co.104 Main Street

    N*xt to Bank

    Hardware, Took, Paint,CU««. Plumhiag SappjleiHouiakold FHraithingi

    Garden Snppli*»

    Telephoae Woodbridge 8-1254

    Hwrse Repairs

    Specializing inGeneral House Repair*.

    Concrete work and water-'proofing. Work guaranteed.'

    Reasonable prices..


    Eliiabetk 2-0063 - 2-2457

    Victory Stma StationGULP SERVICE

    al Repair! todIgnition Serrtce

    Car WaiWng • Simmhiag

    Tei Wood. 8-2B88

    Amber A*eMie and Green StreetWMdhridg,






    lite CkkkentFretk killed and droned poultry.

    —Fre»h Ef|t—

    Poultry5 Louis Street, Carteret

    Telephone Carteret 8-9964

    t Ftair Sirfadig •

    Old «»d New Floors

    Stephen HegronFloor Surfacing and FinbhiDg

    Ettimate* Choerfully Given


    FQBM, N. ITelephone*:

    P. A- 4-8??2-M ^ P. A. 454234

    '* lot CreamCorner Qi«aa 3 t $ Ra«*ay AT*,

    TtkkmWa 8-144*W««#rM|t, N, J,

    *W u * DiH FUt


    CENTRAUA, lU.—An «utcuaa-b|te «ge««y «dve«ti4«4 it Waald *c,cep^ order* far new nmtl«ls—fir»tcome, first served. Determined tohe flrit, Mrs. Oliver Csrr took upher P«»t outsitfe the a»la» room *t? P. M., bringing her own ch»irand blankete for protectionagainst the near freezing weather.By 5 A- M - ther« * « # ftlw««[WraonB waiting. Mrs. Carr will gether ear sons* tim« l»t« this



    B T W . M i r t,A. J. HSWHW r«ce)v«4 wvwwho couldn'tcoin* tft hk ojbe taMM of the

    p#theUc de»tUt jiiiflped into hitpjsne, flew to her htm, Jtnde*on a nearby ice-cov«red lake andw H d t ^ ff


    m>iwimtf)6mcetM\!T WILLIAM AUMN




    Htrt'i your n«w


    Brtnd new shipment.Smartest jacken fM'vcevtr teen. Well tailoredof iae maieriik.

    Good LookingSLACKS

    Urte tuortment. J h AVell-Qide, DV

    Loej;wcifiQ|. WGood looking. •»


    Bring Spring IndoorsAdd the fresh new note ofa gay living room suite from


    3-Pc. Living Hoom

  • raMin. rem«mo»fiaix^r of • Ugnt

    , ,f,,rt nf larffM pai«., |S to makt •

    ,,.,. whit**, .•,',.,,,; wliitfi, m s k e a

    i,i,i,n(! nnc-fourth tea-! | , ;,ir r and a pinch

    ••",,',.1-K white before

    | n , i , n n e of the m o i tII,,.-I.:I-S known to NHrfW\irl\\,m tor a single P *', n,,,r(i than $2,800 ptf1 contlnu-


    **•&*>& SERVICE

    WITH A

    I ,,lu»n »ure of the Bt-and •ftclent

    [ ,]„, th* fine.1 food Uk a. W .




    In Intplng with a ichooltlrl'ipreference, thit ber«t and bug••t U designed with itreamlined•Implicit? and eoitt little tomaka. Both acenioriet are cro-cheted of knitted wonted intmooih row* of (titchei and arcflnlthad with matchine, dipt. Thebartl U comfortable to wear,the ia f convenient to carry. Di-rection* for crochet inc BERETAND SHOULDER BAG mar beobtained free by tending a(tamped, telf-addreited enrelopeto Needlework D

    Alley Teams ToCompete In A. B. C.

    CARTERET - , TVo Academy•iim« will bowl in the American

    onRrogs champkmahlpacurrently held In Buffalo.

    'he Academy Alleys are scheduled) bnwl on April 22-23, and thenulemy Bar on April 24-25.Roth teams will participate in

    he county tournament April 7 atinland Park.

    The teams will line up an fol-

    Academy Alleys: Hank Cho-mieki, captain; Joe Vernilto, PrankDonnelly, Matt Sloan, Rudy Gal-ranek, ChareU Gregor.

    Academy Bar: Joe fitarkey,•aptain; Matt Udilclak, $& Char-ey, Tony Bubenheimer, Slim X u -

    Ed Czajkowiki.

    thit paper,No. 4002.

    Department ofti| for Deiifn

    8Uk ProdnctlaiiIt require* more than 23,000 co-

    eooni and the comumption of about• ton of mulberry leaves to make apound of ilUc.

    n SpreadThe albatron ha* the longei

    wlngfpread of all birds, often U(act from Up to tip.

    SCREEN AND STORM SASHA TWIST, A tlFT/ A TUT.. . They're Changed/r , i. ,,,Br'All-Weather Window etalltd ftime, weather tiiht wintff

    .' - Iwlr. t combination you've ptneo, ftatherwrijlit screens. . . all

    \,'.\ w«ltt"is 'of Permanently, to- t o n e handsome, All-Aluminum unit.

    • .MI rhn..Rrj made quickly, comfcrUbly from ini idc- in lecondf.

    » .vnirr pi.n« eaiily rtraovtd for wathmi In link.

    • i•,., wlnl Bluminum-twici^he itrenith in lialf the thickntM.

    « i i i i uist, stain, warp, iwell, or rot.I | L n'l need (>eintln^3

    I i,,,i«mnit budjctdlal available.

    See Sample wmaowK^uneM w.ith no obli»atlon. Convenient (laynienti.

    •. 4 .


    ', J. NewmeyerTumber Co.1697 ELIZABETH AVENUE

    3 Records Broken InAcademy Women's

    CARTERBT—"Gen*11 Udiiel*kii taking attar her brother, *hen itcornea to bowling. For the youth-ful girl star who hag been hittingaome pretty good scorei lately,surpriaed everyone, includingherself, by batting out a neat 844the other night against the Mayfalrpinnera. After hitting a low 137In the middle game, ahe wound upwith a "mere" 206. The score of244 was a new record for theAcademy Girls Bowling League.

    Several other records WBTesmashed aa the Terrace Inn clippedthe league leading Mayfair pin-ners for two gamts. The TerraceIn kegl«TB rolled a big 872 In thefinal for a new league record. Theremaining record was a "624" setrolled by Ann Medvett, anchor for

    the Xayfair pinnera. She rolledscores of 191. 284, and 209, which,brother, "ain't hay."

    As a result of thtlrtriumph, the Terrace Inn combinesliced the Mayfair lead d6Wn tothree game*, i

    TMBI Standing

    ' WonMayfair 58Terrace Inn SBKutcy'i 39Price'. 88Grnhin'i 81Aly's 27


    TERRACE INN (2)Blato ..._ 129 129 125Gebhardt .....: 163 127 182Komenda 154 135 202Stojka 127 162 200G. Udiielak 244 137 206

    807 697 872MAYFAIR (1)

    Chamra ,. 1Q8 159 111Migleca 169 168 18&Dologiewiti 178 181 149Kamichoff 175 181 149


    KfJTCY'tmili it hufltline ia yours with Inflation, the originall""1'1'-' »|>i«-r (at flat-cheated women. No parts to slip, no

    '•''•""' '•>'

  • TEN FRIDAY, 'imWtt'2*. 1848

    State House Dome(fo1 intcif

    ln*rn with the New .h-r«ry

    Veterans Bureau to ftn«t»* I fH-rulhiml enterpriw*, . . . Dandi-Hnnr, N»« .Ifrtryx first rontribo-linn ti> the 1W4»; ••apply nf fre»hproduce, hejjan In move into mar-ket channel* from the Vlnekndurea on Marrh 17. . . . New Jer-sey 1I11I17 farmers are ready toprotest nffiilrmf the proposed re-chirtion nf'Sft per hundredweight in milk production paytnents hy the Federal (to«rnm#rton May 1. . . , New frpctlrig lookerplant* are contemplated in Boon-tun nnd Elizabeth. . . . A newplnn fur licencing tr-aeher* in New. k i v y in under consideration hyJohn If. Rncnhart, Slllte Oommls-•iiiniT of Education,

    GIFTSfor lh# Bride,for Birthdayi,

    for Annivrraarie*and the Horn*.Greeting Curds.

    SARAH BARDINHohart Building

    (Oppoiitr Smri Rn^huelt)Prrlh Amboy, N. J.

    CAPITOL CAPEUSi - Poultryexperts of the State Department tidily nnh to flnd room for carsi« causing Stale employes to gttto wiifk curly. . . . The New J«r-sey Tux Payvra Aworiatlon want*to (fet n (food look into th« bt(ttent of eiluention to »ep if a cogtlywhite elephant is bring harboredI hero!

    Pt. Reading SoftballTeam Set For Season

    PORT RFADINfS The PortReading softhnll tc»m has re(tBtilzed for the coming wiiwm, nc-fordinjf to an announenment byJwliiK Knllnr, Fitv Chief.

    The IOCRI club won the cnampionship titje in th* township Aremen's softhnll leaflie last »«»sonand are looking forward to • repeat, performance si it eipecti »stronger tenm iut to tW additionof several returulnn *ertlc#»en

    The fire company team Is Interruled in playing ^ameii with independent club* in this area, andbooking* can be made with ChiefKolUr nt the fire house or callingWoodbrWue 8-1023.

    Prank BarBnto has beflilected ai mRriagrr of the trtm thl*

    Ifaafe Tranto make iur« Ice cubei a n freih

    and ttttelen, wtllt fflk M y t atoap and water each time the re-frigerator li defrosted. Scald anddry befortt rerUHnf.



    CluidkoodA wttmtkal writer once Baid "youth it the mo«t predorjs thing inthe world, it ia too bad it is wasted on children". One can easilydisagree with' that For youth, if one gives it thought, is not wastedon children. Youth is the springtime of life, when seedlings an care-fully nurtured for the harvest years, when the deeper culturalinstincts take root, when character is formed. You ean learn to lovemusic at any time of life. But one can more easily learn to both ap-preciate and make music if the love for music is developed in earlylife. That is why we want to help every parent to obtain a piano for thechild they lore so much while that child is At the most unpresaomble age.




    "The MuUc Center of New Jtiuf



    Plans To Be Drawn

    C ARtERET—Preliminary plannfof the formation of the CarteretTwilight. BaMball tea iue will hi-made tonight at a meeting at 7:30P. M. in the Recreation Center,it i s a announced yeirtefday byDnn Senxtita. Semtnxa alsofttateri that pltint will be drawnfor • Mttior baseball and softbnll

    , featrm intere*ted in enterin*the Twilight League arc urgted tohave a representative -on hand attonHtlitV meeting. Rales «nd re({-litotions will alw be (theuwed.Older sportsmen who are inter-ested in beiflR nnmoil to a Boardof Directors for the TwiltfrhtLeagdc may also attend tonijfht'wmset'lnR. It is rumored thit Ed»tr«lt, chief of poltc* of ths Car-teret Ordnance Center, and sportsenthusiast for ninny yenrs, is in-torc»ted in boinff picked for theBoftnf of Diftctnri for ftp Twl-

    riHMI» CMetM DtoaiiNo dltMM ittarti young Ktekaat

    A to 20 weeki of age with |r«atarrapidity or tawrt* Wgh*r mwtaflt^than coecldlOria.

    L«ck ttoft f« ItThe notion flf the day of M tlotiri

    compri»lng a day and a night ItI* MW* that . mott tangu*ge«latwni«ht andl«gt.

    « *

    7th*» maktti white irtVt t / «

    want to frtat H ArMtr ad* «M *ftwo Unfit anaO*.

    C!»rry onV tfftpiy tun*, tahan,flown or with- *m »otta» u j a ^ intoyour automobile. caou> and home.

    Hot Khn>To etrt tre>n bread ot cake, dip

    your knit* in hot wat«r, dry It andslftn. Kaep H hot. thmigh.

    light LeaRuc. This will he similarto the board which ran the lbfttik in t1hi 1M0 1 *, ,

    I ttt# «f • MM*

    Chopped drltd fniKi, ,.,mitt *IW maOtenM „

    ypIni to* lajN» takas.

    cvtonritn b wt t/uft somii ^

    m , # *ith .tiblMt lot tOapt and

    FlowersFor E A S I E R

    t%4l«rri MUcnnMs.hi Shall1«). Hied. (18-20$, fc. (mf). Smallalte takes 1% xarda 35-lnc)) fabric

    Midi TWEWTT CENT* in coinsfor thin pattfrn to 170 Nnwn-paper 1'atteni Dept., 232 WPnt 18th»n., rtb# Yorh ti, M. t . Printplainly 8IZE, NAME, ADDRE8S,VTYLE NUMBCR.

    Fifteen ci-rttB rtiort Wlrtt* you tb«useful Mmlun Martin Spring Pat-tern Book with a Free pattern forsmart "bug-ona-belt" printed rightInside the book. Brimful of ehte,ensy-to-make fashlona.



    ' Alko jAnd VacuuiH*




    WHISKEY—Fifth, $3.89

    KINSEY WHfSKEY—Fifth, $3.93

    THREE FEATHER?—Fifth, $3.90

    SCHENLEY Fifth, $3.91



    BOTTLED BEERSWe Carry All Tht

    Popular BtanitReady To Serve

    Woodbridge Liquor StoreJOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop.

    S74 Amboy Are., Woodbridge, N. J.

    Flowers breathe th* veiy glories of fiaRter, Onour elegantly arranged bouquets or one of our In ;ug

    I tiful plant* is sure to p4««M mother, wife or ..( place your Ofder n o * !

    i • _ "



    iLello's Flower Shop, JTelephone Woodbridfe 8-1SM

    King George'* Road WMMlbrid;




    HI/A UNTIL 1 COAAE ,pfflm..,rWAMT t o











    S/oHant, taf, M l ^



    M6 A BiG TOY STORE -


    wmbM&oA s LONC as help is needed in an emergency

    or a personal crisis, t k Red Crp« must

    on, but it is only through personal conttibutions

    that, this, great wwfe m, caxty; OB: -,'

    m&tyaiu cqpmbwM 'u ^enerouj Is ̂ u tort , ,

    row rnctm MWI CAMYON

  • •ari>r, Worried

    Family* Himie», , Bna ShooU Wife

    I r : Children Tk«iA" Knd. Own Lift.

    , ( ,, l lv nf four by » I t t t W

    rtMlis wi t reveal**

    „, pnllre said ],»,,orh. 42, •!» Srlirvcd the thootlrm oo-

    i v i , c 1:30 a. m. when, an-• unv of the bulldbm heard

    ....-t-s in the Roach apartment.

    .•,; .is sad that Mrs . Roach,:i rr Raechel Jnmes, was a: -nili'iit at th« Unlvwntty of- M)Iere she was a beauty

    • u inner for two successiveiioth ihildrtn war* MpUs In

    .," Shore hi(h KhoOi.ifti had been a lajajmuty, but

    for several

    Sarah Ann'sCooking Class

    The American people are'tikeii to inrreMe their UW of po-tatoes in order V> nave a lancerquantity of wheat for shipment totho Htarvins peofile sndDake in *n oven$75 uUi n»ti

    brown, Ser\'e at one*,

    T« Acvjm of «ea«o««d, nttaasdpoutoes. itd. ft tup. cream, ptptika and 1 tablespoon melted hattir *ad xaiti Put In a sbftlWw bkking dish dMsprinllle with I taUtspoon of chopped ckWea. Bake in

    I eup»itnrI taaapM« aaH1 ta«ap*«»


    1 cup m»«h*d potato1 cap milkMix and tjft ftt floor, baktnf

    powder, aatt, etnnamoa and nut-t i « . Cream th« b«tt«r, add the««t, wtll beaten, arfd the potato.BHttd well. To this add aitematalythe (tour mixture and tk« milk.

    Po,ur inta we!)-im«Mdtlru and baka In an over 4 * * i

    w* *rga«tiy•*nt I* mat.

    IKIT r i

    wlnniitg ha«J in any |«n« of love, yat «h« pU»« tlwroi« of the iorelw-n Janie B»xt« in NBC'. "TW« OulJinfLl|ht." Dorothy began her career at tk» »t« of 13—£'*••*•dramatic rtadingi. Now ih« ii a vertatiU ictr«>«. .

    Keep Well* CleanD» not und.w any condition drain

    T*v( itvat* qr the overflow of "di-gested" sewage from the MRtfetank lrrto an old well. Undergroundwater must be kept clean at niltime* If the health of the family Isto be protected

    Test Fabric*Sunshine and rain a « created In

    a machine used by a rubSer companyto test the effects of weather on asynthetic rubber-like fabric. Withthe inatrumtnt, th» effects of sunlight, periodic rain >nd temperaturechanju on the materiel can. be de-termined tn advance.

    p ysaid.

    Nfw Havea Maalf''I ! i.y v, .ir money In Kew Ravenriiiyf nutmefs, < T



    CALL P. A. 4-l«l«

    MILTON'SQuality Dry Cleaners


    LADY'S WATCHQuasaatami Accuracy




    SMART EHAMQHODINNER BING it an Easter she'll never

    Gi« her . tmmlr- ™*g™





    Security again offers jobs—TO THOSE ANXIOUS ABOUT THE FUTURE

    A Few Openings Left As:D r s f t a m e n

    P u n c h P r e s s e r s . ,»>ower B r a k e Q p t r ^ t o r t . . . . N i g h t

    ( W i t t S p r a y e r * . . . . . . N i g h t

    A s s e m b l e r s . . . . . . . D a y & N i g h t

    Mat̂ rlat Handler? • • . Day & Night





    . ««-«•

    DBRIDGE 8-1505YMENT OFFICEglrrouRi

    [•JBiP^^^tt '^^^^P" •:::^l*t:'̂ iEW"

  • l|PAGfc TWEI.VBSIHDAY, MARCH 29, 1948

    st Lose Final Home Cageme To Chester, Pa., Five;

    eve Timko Is Trophy WinnerCARTKKK.T Kviytliiim went

    as planncil. except Ihf initr-omethe hall (rnmr There WHS a big

    on hnnd, about 1 r>*>, mostlyr \t enthusiast* wlin mine out totheir dhiirc for HIP Wnr Mrm-il benefit «lmt(1'l '')' 'he ' Rr":t Ukrainian Snrinl Club, la«t

    y at tin' high jrhool audi-

    J$. Steve Tiniku wn.i selected us thei tdnner of th«. First "I'FC. Walter

    Memorial Trophy," itymhnlicthe ouUlanilinif bnskctball p«r-

    fdrm«r on Joe Cnmba's 194B-46fW« team at (mterot High School.Tlit selection was nnnniinrcd byiBptool Commissioner "PaUy" I Vteenig at the benefit double header.$ 1 * selection will made by thetttlletic Ktaff of thi- Hi(fh School,

    by Frank McCarthy. TheWinner will receive the award, lo<

    Mther with prenentxtlon of the'8ft. Eugene (iintla Trophy forlataball" ami the "dipt. John J.

    Utrkowitz Trophy" for footballHt • uportKimins dinner in DPtimber.

    But getting hack ti> the basket-game. The Ukcs "also ran."

    were in it for exactly one_ . when they trailed by 11-8.!ter that they never even threat-

    The final score, If that's im-fifertant, wan 52-:!(5.|; In a prelimimiry gHme a picked

    '1« team from town by Manchyipbell, pinch-hitting for the

    Dobby Sor.kprn, lost towell-known Irvington Amaions,

    tonCARTKRET U. S. C.



    G. F.Janicki, f 4 1Steppke, f 1 0Modrenko, f 3 5liOfton, c 7 2Kosak, g 1 3Peeuleh, % 2 0Melnlck, g 2 1





    20 12 52Score by ptriodi:

    Carteret 8 10 10

    Slick De*l on Crd T MSweeten* Kitty I CenU

    WASHINGTON - A little mity onyour arithmetic?

    Thii thould keep you «harp:Dealing out figure* with a pmc-

    tlced hand, tht tretiurr concludedthat expanded demands of the na-tlon'i card-pliylnf public cauiedmanuftcturen to pay $0,100,471.78 Infederal tixei on their product! InIMS.

    If your pencils are ready you c*nmove Into tht game.

    Figuring 13 cent! * tax a deck,that1 • 83,080.332 dacka of c«r

    1.85Cuto washable cotton dretsseswith smart detail trim, set inwaistband, also tie backs forperfect fit, deep hem andpretty colors. Sizes 3 to 6x.

    DON'S MARKETformerly of Amboy Avenue, Woodbridpe, isnow located at 640 Amboy Avenue, Perth Am-boy, N. J., where he will continue to aerve youin the tame courteous manner at he hat in thepatt.

    Our frienda and customers are cordially invited

    to vitit us 'at our new store.

    We carry a complete selection of Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Shrubbery andTrees. Also Artistic Funeral Designs. ' 'Don's Daffodil Displays have been eye-catchers for years. Look for them a* ourMw address.

    Your Flowers Will Make it

    a "Happy Easter" for Her

    Beautiful flowers conyey best your felicitousgreetings on thi* gay and happy Easier. Andwhen you order from us, you're sure of quality,freshness and original, artutic arrangement!.Call us at P. A. 4-1228 and order your Easterbouquets, corsages and plant*.

    Little Girls'

    Easter Coats

    470Smartly fashioned, attractivedetailing wrap around, pays'coaU or fitted styles; newspring shadea. Siscg 2 to 4.Hat to match, 1.69.

    It's wonderfulnew clothes forall good littleboys and ^firls.^ri n g y o u ryoungsters hereto see our gay,delightful col-lection of dress-es, suits, coatsand hats for allsmall fry!

    A small de-posit will holdyour purchase'til wanted!

    At a M»rvelou»Lowered Price



    9.94T h i n k o f i t !Smart, n e a t l ytailored »pringsuits in sturdy,good l o o k i n gfabrics. Sizes 8to 14.

    What A Buy!



    Here'i| the finest sc-lectiofi thai you'veseen. Pin c h e c k s ,plaids, solid colors,novelty combinations.Half - belt, Cbijster-field.s, shirred back,und fitted types. Siz7 to 16.



    100% WOOL


    only 11.20

    p. EfcQN'S MARKETAmboy Avenue near HftU

    ; N . Jf. ;

    Little Boy.' 10Q% Wool

    ' Easter Coats r

    10.20tailored) fly iront,

    twwd * « U . 01ue, Un anabrown milcturtB. fiiiei 4-8. Httto h 0

    Special Priced

    Boys' Loafer


    5.94The perfect all purpose vport

    jacket to team up with

    slack*. Well tailored in her-

    ringbone combinations. Sizes



    WASH Suits

    1,29SIM* 3 to 6

    4 nicely made button-onNjit in newtst colon. Buyfor spring.

    Boys' New EatterSmart 2-Piece



    Classic or Cardigan Suits

    are BO perfect for spring.

    Kick pleat front and back

    skirt for extra swing.

    Sizes 7 to 14, 11 to 16.

    What a boy! Neatly tailoredfulte in sturdy fabrics. Alli%t popultr coton and pat-tern!. Puy now for Eautur.



    Jin fitted and box atyles in chi-t-1.Uid and «olid colon. Sizes '& i» ''

    •iv ' il-^£i2iil-i}^i"jy-^ I

    Girls' Famou*



    2.98Part JittU «»ful #f mumm, h t j